tv The Five FOX News April 3, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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figure noah. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. the talking points memo will be in the second segment this evening a stunning hearing in washington today former deputy cia director grilled by republicans treated softly by daems over benghazi, libya. the headline is that there is evidence mr. morrell injected politics into the session. mr. morell tamped down the organized terror angle and pumped up the spon tan yir theory which turned out bogus
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>> i believed there was a protest. and i believed it to be a terrorist attack we never saw the two things as mutually exclusive. and owe, i believe both of those at the same time. >> i don't know here. morell told the committee it's speculation armed terrorists were in benghazi before the attack. that was not speculative. the cia knew that for a fact. it's worth noting now mike morell works for an outfit called beacon global strategies. a partner there is a close friend of hillary clinton. and mr. morell was very chairitable to the state department after the attack. what is the headline for you on the hear something >> is that former deputy director of the cia defended his
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conduct and said politics were never injected into the analysis of what happened at benghazi but he was forced to admit he was told by the cia station chief on the ground in triopoli there had been no protests and he, morell decided to disregard that and to with the judgment of the intelligence community saying no, there was a protest he took their word. this is in essence akin to pleading over crook. there is certain thing that's morell said that be open to question. his assertions the white house made no substantive changes to the famous benghazi talking points we've shown in our reporting how jn brennan struck a reference to broad sectors of the libyan
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society. this is 11 of many changes made by the white house. >> all right. now, morell came off as a wishy washy kind of guy. because he said well, i believe it was terror. nochlt blah blah, but i believe there was a demonstration he's trying to tell the american public he was a consensus person. inclusive of all opinions to the white house but that is not what the cia does. is it rosen? >> he came off as what he is. there is a lot of cya going on both on the part of the cia and the state department. to make sure no one heard in
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essence we gave you certainly warnings. >> the warnings were stricken. why did morel strike them? >> he had sign off power on a memo? >> right. there is an important point. he was reminded of his previous appearance when seated alongside nation's top intelligence official. general clapper the director of national intelligence when being asked about benghazi and who changed talking points and in essence, clapper said i don't know. morel stayed silent. today asked why did you stay silent? in essence he said i should have spoken up. >> does it bother you morel is working for a think tank with ties to hillary clinton? does it bother you? >> everybody has got to eechlt idea mike morel should find his next place of employment in a
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consulting firm i think is more than just passing strange. the guy wants to be the next director of central intelligence under the hillary clinton presidency. >> he did them a big favor by tampering down the link. it's just a classic democrat thing saying thank you for your service then a republican trying to skin him alive. >> democrats are fed up with the whole benghazi investigation. and republicans are infuriated but what they think is a stone wall. if there is a headline, he said waits a coordinate add tack not a spontaneous demonstration. so by admitting that he die anied it's a deliberate
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political exception but morel said the white house wanted riots added to talking points and said state wanted references dealeeded to an al yeaheda linked group that led the attack. that is what made talking points most misleading and they were repeated for days republicans are angry can they think the cia is guilty of playing politics to help the obama administration down play terrorism morel said it wasn't deliberate. he's not out of hot water at all. republicans thought he misled that session and they're not through with it. and again, again, they're not going give witnesses to continue to drill down and grill them but unless the justice department or state department and we told you
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what happened. maybe it's a mistake. the senate now there is rumblings of a senate investigation. >> it's a lot more difficult than the senate bill. its run by democrats they're not going to do anything. they've been sense yensed this as a republican witch hunt. they've dismissed it without looking at the facts. >> thank you, gentlemen. michelle bachmann will join us later on. first, obamacare. why americans have no chew what it's all about. and miller on noah. why some americans are
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>> >> i mean, take a look at the policy have you read it? i haven't read mine i know my deductible. that is about it. so asking regular folks to clarify obamacare sun fair. people are dependant upon politicians to tell us what the law is. democrats love it. republicans hate it. where heed, president obama celebrated the law. >> why are folks working hard for people not to have health insurance? why are they so mad about folks having health insurance? many of the tall tales told about this law have been debunked.
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there are still no panels >> that is true there is still confusion. mass confusion. about affordable health care law. something the president does not mention. latest polling is grim but could it be accurate? 55% of registered voters oppose the law. 41% in favor. fox news, 56% against, 40% offer. only abc news has a close 50%. now, something that is supposed to help all americans is the president pointed out should be very popular. correct? obamacare is not popular. and entertainers know it. >> that is right white house surpassed it's goal for people enrolled. it's amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory and fine them if they don't do it and keep extending the deadline for months >> today was the last day to sign up for obamacare.
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yesterday, californians trying to sign up were redirected to a phone sex hot line. and when hot line asked what fantasy was, callers responded "i'd like to keep my current coverage." >> charles krauthammer blasted obamacare. he's a doctor and an honest guy. if he is against it very to take notice we will not know if it helps americans for another few months at least. that is when insurance companies will tell us whether they're happy or taking a financial bat. charles says many doctors are fleeing the medical arena. i know that that is true. that will be the deciding factor on how sit evaluated if american physicians don't cooperate the law is going to fail. it's that simple. reaction, joining us from san francisco chris cafinas.
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where am i going wrong here? >> a couple places. you it's, i think we have to step back and look at the problem. tens of millions of americans didn't have health insurance. we can argue about what the best strategy was people on the left wanted to go further. people on right wanted a different approach. the president solidifies roles of insurance companies. as far as roll out you had a rough beginning. now you have 7 million people that signed up 3 million people on their parents' plan. another four plus million on medicaid millions now have health insurance over coming months these people goring to have a positive experience or not but here is what i can tell you. it's a positive when you didn't have it, and you do now. >> well, it's a positive. for people that didn't have it. >> and anyone to say there is
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problems and solutions to repeel it i don't see how that is politically a strong strategy. >> let me put things into a perspective for people that don't agree with you. it's positive if you don't have health insurance if someone gives it to you and pays for it. you and i, we're paying for probably about 80% of the people who signed up. that is my estimate. it doesn't matter how many people sign up. it's how many people goring to pay into the pool most of the people who sign up are probably people that don't have it. and so their contribution is going to be nothing. is it good to bankrupt the nation, by handing people another entitlement? we'll pick up your health insurance because you're incapable of earning enough to buy it. okay. that is one. two you have a situation where the president has not really explained the unintended
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consequences of this. less employment because employers don't want to take on stuff they don't understand we don't owe know how many people, how high premiums are going to go. nobody knows. insurance companies don't know they have to balance out sign ups to pays so it's so complicated you can understand why polls are the way they are. most say in theory mr. cofinas is a good guy. in prak thinks is this ain't working out you say? >> well, receipt me break it point by point. first point in terms of the folks that are, if you will, dependent on health care and will end up paying for it. reality is that we have many that didn't have health care coverage. emergency room was their coverage we ended up paying for it anyway. >> it still will be. >> no. >> they will go. >> i, the difference here is that now you motivate people to
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take care of themselves. and, at the end of the day, it ends up making it easier for people who are now worried about whether to get sick. can't take the day off. and that i willne -- illness ge worse. >> i'm not one of those that doesn't look, it has good things preexisting condition thing is good. it could have been done in a simpler way. i got to go thchl is a good conversation we'll continue it. good to see you. thank you. directly ahead are women getting a bad deal in america? and michelle bachmann will be here to d
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>> school says yoga pants intrude upon a quote, positive and respectful learning environment. just another gender controversy. joining us now from washington kirsten powers powers wrote a piece entitled yoga pants isn't a civil right. please explain. >> so at this school there is a big controversy a bunch of girls protested because they said they've been told they weren't allowed to wear yoga tolds because they
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said they were told it was distracting to boys it turns out is that you can wear the yoga pants and leggings but have to wear a short over them that is finger tip length. this is something that feminists are shaming girls over and endorsing a rape culture. >> rape culture? >> they say they're blaming girls for boys looking at them. >> this clothing is tight, i assume yoga pants are tight and they're in school, and they have very tight cloenls, and boys are going to look because boys being boys. that is kind of a normal thing. so you want a less distraction. this seems to be a fairly benign way to get kids to focus on
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their studies >> seems like parents and students ought to be happy about basic standards of decency. other thing these feminists are freaking out about is that the boys are subject to a dress code as well they can't wear pants around their knees so are the girls object yi fiing the boys? it's stupid. the parents are surprising me, too. they're throwing a fit over this. their daughters will be required to show decoreum. >> we understand there are loopy parents all over the place. and whatever they say, you know, you just have to smile but kate raised an interesting point. when you talk about gender in any way, shape, or form, kirsten
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bells and whistles go off you know? you can't pick on the ladies because they're wearing capri pants. i'm seeing this as political issue bleeding into culture. >> i think what happens is that yes. if you tell girls to do anything you're somehow discrime nating against them or mistreating them. the boys are sort of tapped as these 13-year-old boys tapped as sexual harassers for noticing girls wearing tight pants. >> doing what normal 13-year-old boys could do. >> rather than saying all children have a dress code that, is fine, it turns into this victim feminism which is girls are just victims though they haven't been victimized this is just a dress code there is no reason they shouldn't have to be adapt to it. >> what is behind this, kate? what is kind crescendo of
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indignation every time there is a limitation put on girls and women? >> kirsten pointed out reaction from feminists around the country. i think what is behind this is a flailing de-funct feminist movement perpetuating $0.77 smith. it's the war on women to do whatever we can to create this idea women are persecuted and >> do you feel women are equal? >> of course they aring equal. >> do you feel they're equal, kirsen? >> i think there is a lot of
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misogeny. >> i means hatred toward women. looking at a man getting more hatred than any lady i know. >> it's specific to being a woman. you doubt you're called things we're called bill. >> woah, powers i'm going to send you my mail. >> please do. >> okay? >> i think what can't be said on air. >> all of us in the arena on television can see you going to come after you anyway they can >> they go after women m a different way the e mails women get are very different. and yet premise of the attacks on me are because of my ideology they might throw expletives and
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nastiness but... i can get a job that is equal to main's job. i can earn the same paycheck. i have equality in this country. if perverted minds want it, fine. i'm going to blow past it. >> out ranlis situation in michigan. teacher convicted of raping a student wants money from the school. the union backs him up. >> then, miller on noah and sp
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severance package to the school and the unions supported him. >> you had a teacher who repeatedly raped one of his students and you're trying to get him $10,000? . >> i don't have a comment. you know you're hurting thestud. don't you care? >> no comment. >> no comment? you have a teacher that raped a student? you want to pay him? you know that is wrong you know it. i know it. >> no comment. >> that is a union chief. with us to03hr update the stor martha mccal yum. what happened? >> they withdrew their grievance they made no comment on it and did not return our phone calls today. they want this to go away. >> so waters is frightening them? >> yes. if they had a shred of decency
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which they don't, which this teacher and it pains me to call him a teacher assaulted a boy 12-14 years old for three years, and convicted of that. they should have been the first ones out there saying there is no way you're getting your severance, sir, you've violated every code in our ethics and considerate nal code but they fought for him. >> michigan attorney general said there is no way this is going to happen the union withdrew it's petition. >> right. >> the idiot in prison. any reaction from him? >> no. he is, the fact he was allowed to resign after charges were brought against him, he should have been fired by the school system. so he won't have a case to fight for this money. >> good angle. and everybody knows big election year. on senate and house action. and in iowa, there is an interesting political ad.
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>> i'm joanie ernst. i grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. when i go to washington i'll know how to cut pork. >> my parents taught us to live within our means it's time to force washington to do the same. cut wasteful spending, and balance the budget. i approve this message because washington is full of big spenders let's make them squeal. >> did i hear -- >> there is a squeal at the end. >> did i hear the word castration? >> such a lovely lady the minute she says that, you're thinking what did she say? then, you see the pigs and think run beings run for your lives. >> why do they castrate them? >> they can get aggressive. hogs don't need every hog to have reproductive capabilities
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it makes them, the meat better according to reports. >> bacon tastes better? >> apparently it did. >> thank you, joni for good bacon. >> is she head? >> she's not. she's behind her closest contender by quite a bit. both of them are, you know in a tough race against bruce bailey. >> running to represent the republican party in the senate race but it's a tough seat. >> yes. six rinz are running she's number two. mccallum. >> we have to leave it. >> she has -- >> run for your life. >> she has a knife. >> and we'd like to you vote in
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in the miller time segment tonight the problem of sports fans committing violence the latest in greater los angeles. >> witnesses say it started with an argument between three women, one angels fan. two dodgers fan >> girls got out of control and started hitting each other. >> hundreds on the street after the bars let out. police say at this .3 marines on
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leave from camp pendelton jumped in to help the fan being beaten by two women. soon a group of men believed to be the two women's friends got involved take a look. police say officers tried to break up the fight the men in the gray shirt stabbed one marine with a beer bottle. >> jagged edge of a beer bottle. both hospitalized and will require surgery. >> joining us now is dennis miller we talk bit all the time on the road. why do you think craziness? guy at dodger stadium in the coma. brain damage now. attacked by two giants fans there. this crazy stuff what. do you think is going on? >> when you have circuses there is human attrition attached to it. now, you can chronicle it with a small thing in your hand. man's inhumanity to man is going
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to be more obvious in 50,000 there are 50,000 now who have ability to tape it, or photograph it. it's what is coming down the pipes i go by myself. if i had a small kid i won't take them. they say htv is real, it's better real you don't get stabbed by it. >> i believe taping is desense yi people. >> and i think it's a national security issue to get away from fossil fuels as much as we can helping folks and make their lives better. i want to get your opinion. >> a agree with bowling. i don't like funding things from the government i don't care if they pay it back or nochlt i see i hope you don't
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get lapsed into that thing saying tesla is not for me that you go to do you not want putin? i think putin is a bad guy. next thing do you not want clean air? i'm just saying it's not for me. because i think that when have you to burn coal, to get electricity, to me, it's just my judgment. i prefer we drill. i'm not a 30 year fan. i'm not that guy. >> the federal government, it's that thing about me and you. and i have to agree on this one. >> the government funded national security stuff.
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i believe that is what this is for hundreds of years atom bomb. that is funded by the government. it's in place. >> i'm sure there is an offer brought into this. >> i think the prototype is that they're going to make the plans. >> oh, oh. >> you're kidding me. >> no. no. don't have one. i'd like to get one. >> so bad i'll probably plug it in. it will blow up. >> why don't you have one? >> it's not markable here in new york there no way to plug it in. >> you want me to get one? i thought we're friends? >> so look.
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what about noah? >> i had to me noah is on tie tan wrik with flatulent animals. here is my take on noah. sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful ship. my favorite on the ship is tina marie. >> she was on that ship. >> tickets remain in cincinnati, and rapid city, south dakota details on michelle bachmann grilled a
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[ male announcer ] it's here -- xfinity watchathon week, your chance to watch full seasons of tv's hottest shows for free with xfinity on demand. there's romance, face slaps, whatever that is, pirates, helicopters, pirate-copters... argh! hmm. it's so huge, it's being broadcast on mars. heroes...bad guys... asteroids. available only on mars. there's watching. then there's watchathoning. ♪
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we know you made those changes. >> do you look at the record what you will see is the changes i made were who'lly consistent with what our analysts believed at the time. period. >> joining us now perfect washington is michelle bachmann do you think morel telling the truth today? >> the way they do this is that they tell segmented truth. he just said he paid attention to what analysts said. that means what bureaucrats looked at but that doesn't include what eye witnesses on the ground said happened. their conclusion is 180 degrees different than bureaucrats in washington reading press accounts written by islamist press of course you're going to come up with a certain conclusion. if you only look at the press account. eyewitnesss were different. >> he said i said it's a
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terrorist attack and elements of the videotape demonstration because i was getting that is story and as they say in every high school in america, he's sticking to it. we have to just, let me frame the question. morel not going deviate from that story. that is his story until he goes into the grave. all right? i heard a buvenlg of things, a whole bunch of people i incorporate that into the talking points i gave to the white house. okay? so how can we advance the story? pass that? >> well, what we know today is that various committees completed their work ask have done a good job they've done their investigation now we need to take all of the component parts from intel, from oversight and these committees and put it together because american people need the
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broad, over arching narrative story of what happened you try to pin leon panetta down we don't have answers from secretary of state clinton or frankly from the president of the united states. >> i went to the president of the united states and i asked him. >> i do. >> if panetta told him on the day of the attacks, september 11th did he it was a terrorist attack? he would not answer the question. panetta won't answer it however, i understand in florida i did say that he did tell the president that. but if that comes to light, if panetta tells president obama-o
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hillary clinton this, is a narrative, if hillary clinton decides to run this, will be the narrative. they'll blame it on bureaucrats at langly here in america. who came up with the conclusion it's protestor. they'll cables said they knew it's terrorism z it could be be an al qaeda affiliated group. so they knew. and so who is taking the fall?
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>> first something that will help american children, my brand new children's book, the last days of jesus, came out yesterday. doing extremely well. we encourage all parents and grandparents to give this book to the kids. because they should know the history surrounding the most famous man who every lived. believe me, if they go to public
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school, they're not going to hear that. any mention of jesus is fraught with danger as someone will complain to school authorities. you can get any one of my books absolutely free, your choice, this is a very good deal. also premium membership, a great gift to give with mother's and father's days coming up fast. didn't matter what mike morel testifies. the obama administration will continue to say there was conflicting evidence on benghazi and that's what the compliant media will report. >> leon panetta spoke here and said he was surprised and shocked by the cia memo mentioning a spontaneous. secretary of state panetta will not say that here. raul. bill, eric bolling was trying to tell you that markets should decide what technology gets
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advanced, not you or the government. round to bowling. not if you're interested in national security. the u.s. government funds research on many things in the interest of the public good. how about weapons that protect us? the atom bomb? getting away from opec and high energy prices is a top priority for america, thus the government in funding. robert bland. don't want to be rude, but boling did not make sense. he must have an ulterior motive. >> stossel doesn't gamble. he bets. gambling is when you cannot afford to lose. james carole. bill, having worked in public school for seven years, i can tell you that students ilg nor cell phone rules and create privacy issues for teachers and other students. please keep on the issue.
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i will. >> there once of a mystery confounding that had all the newscasts expounding, but bill stuck to the facts unlike some of the hacks and remains ratings astounding. >> very creative. signed copy of the last days of jesus on the way. good poem. tonight's tip of the day, april is national child abuse prevention month. and in this country, there's a report of child abuse made every ten seconds. shameful. child abuse national hotline. is 1-800--4-a-child. we'd like to thank the child help organization in phoenix, arizona, for alerting us to child abuse prevengds month. they do great work out there and you might want to help them out if you can. factor tip of the day. protect the kids. always. help them out. on that note, mwe're doing a
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benefit tomorrow night on long island to help children get a better education. going to be a great show at 7:00 p.m. hope you can make it. that's it for us tonight. please check out the website. want to talk about tonight, o'riley @fox if you wish to apply word of the day, do not be impertinent. first time i was called that was in the sixth grade, i was called that by ms. boil. william, you are impertinent. and i didn't learn what t >> a fox news alert new details about the deadly shooting at fort hood including the identity of the gunman. and the latest on the condition
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of the gunman. >> i am ainsley answer in for a earhardt who is live on the scene that left 4 people dead. it brought back painful memories when nadal hassan opened fire on the same base killing 13 people. ainsley joins us live at fort hood. what's the latest on the condition of the victim. >> it is erie to be here once again. many lives have chafrnged overnight. many people waking up without their loved ones all because a 34-year-old came on the post, pulled out a gun and shot and killed three people. investigators are not releasing their names yet. they want the family members to be able to grieve for a 24-hour period. 16 others were injured. 9 were transported to an area hospital. a level 1 trauma center
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transfered by land and by air. i spoke to hospital officials they still have the nine patients three critical, six are now stable all in the icu still. men and women. some of them even arriving yesterday evening with their fatigues still in uniform. injuries with gun shots to the extremities chest and neck. one of those doctors is treating those individuals last night and this morning also worked on the victims of fort hood five years ago when 13 people died and 30 plus more were wounded. this is what he had to say about treating mill tear mreems. >> we all feel endindebted to t men and women who serve our country. it is heartbreaking to be so close to the tragic event it is a true
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