tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News April 4, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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the iron was sent to the dust bin. >> i like the cannon. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for sharing that, john. have a great weekend. america's news headquarters starts right now. >> thank you guys. details from the fort hood shooting massacre and an argument may have sparked all of this. welcome to hq. i am bill hemmer. >> and did he have words with the federal soldier before the shooting. three dead and 16 wounded e. rick is live in fort hood. >> reporter: the america so manies certain that special evan lopez had a verb will altercation before the shooting started on wednesday afternoon. army investigators are focusing
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on lopez's mental state. he was troubled and on medication and had sewn a psychiatrist and according to friends in puerto rico dopely affected by the death of his mother last november and the army was slow to give him time off to takened her funeral. they are looking into the claims and digging deeper in the shooter's history. >> we have strong evidence that he had a medical history that indicates unstable conditions and gone through all of the records to insure that that is correct. we believe that to be a fundmental line. >> we have learned that lopez bought the smith & wesson handgun at the same store in i can lean where nadal hasan bought his powerful handgun. lopez bought his gun on
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march 1st. and posted chilling facebook message and including wordsthin take me. we hear tales was heroism. fergus onwas holding a dorclosed that would not lock and behind the dorwas many more soldiers and fergus onheld it closed so lopez couldn't get through the door but he lost his life in the process. >> we'll come back to you. the new job numbers are out and raising more questions about the strength of the u.s. economy. the employers add one nothousand jobs and that is below the expectations and not enough to
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reduce americans out of work. there is the new norm. and charlie is here to break it down for us. charlie, 197,000 jobs and 6.7 percent unemployment is this the now norm? >> it is the now norm in the obama economy. we have never a chiefed the job growth promised to us by the president after he got elected and did the stim tim package. these are weak numbers. there is good news. more jobs have been created and some of the problems with job creation in february and january were weather related and this is what we have here. this is the slowest recovery ever. yes, we are getting some recovery. and job creation, but it is slow
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and clearly not enough to keep this country working like it needs to. looking at the under. unemployment rate. there is private sector jobs but they are temporary. those temporary jobs rose by 28,000. 7.4 million americans working part- time and that is a great concern. but the silver lining is the job participation rate. people in jobs or looking for jobs rising to 62.5 percent. the recovery is recovering. we are no longer in a recession. we are supposed to have job creation. the question is why is the recovery so slow? we have had expansion and
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monetary. and the federal reserve is printing money. but we have had fiscal policy and that is president obama's role. you tell businesses we are going to tax and heap man dates on you. businesses look for ways to cut close and not hire and pay them. >> how about weather was a concerned. we had a frid gid weather. could we so a recovery. >> i made the point, underlying numbers showed that the weather played a part. i hope it is all weather related and maybe you have a president that is telling people we have to go through obama care and that is a drag on business. when you have stuff like that and the government man dating so much on business.
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expect this time of an economy. if it gets great that is better but i doubt it. >> and people who are unemployed six months or longer. what does that moan? they dropped out of the work force. and many, many americans have dropped out and begin up looking for jobs. that is the hallmark of this economy. people dropped out in droves. we have had recessions and the country and economy bounces back stronger, why is this different the president said it is the financial crisis and others say mr. president it is because you heaped on man dates on business. you tell business coming out of a financial crisis we'll tax and
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put man dates on you, those are reasons not to hire people. >> they expect most job growth in the business services and then health care and construction. charlie, thank you for joining us. >> any time. >> and we have an extreme weather alert. a dangerous spring storm putting many in the cross hairs. in the south, five people were injured trying to escape the severe weather and the danger is not over. the radar loop looks threaten g threatening. >> and garrett is live. >> this is working through ohio and mississippi valleys and this is after spawning eight tornados. four of those in dallas, texas where officials are talleying the number of homes and businesses that were damaged. only five people suffered minor
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injuries in the storms, but it was hailstorms the size of baseballs and there in that area and in missouri where an ef 1tornado 100 yards wide went through the city. and then in theonch, a second storm system brought strong woipdz and hail and heavy raup that caused flash flooding in several areas and illinois and kentucky and indiana under the flash float warnings. the flooding was so sudden, they couldn't get out of their homes and they had to be evacuated from their homes and cars were flooded and covered as well. and up around the great lakes, this is the winter that will not end. minnesota and upper wisconsin will be seeing a foot of snow.
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and so spring cannot come son enough for them there. >> i already put away the clothes. >> all right. i hope it stays that way. garrett, thanks. i am watching that radar. this is a big system. >> it is not just, that run into buzz saw of problems. the state's exchanges, costing hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. >> plus, this amazing story. ♪ he may have acted just in time. the man did not think twice. jumped on the one coming train to save a woman trapped in the tracks.
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a man jumps in front of an oncoming train to save a woman who fell on the on coming track. a tsa worker was wait nothing the subway station on the way to work when he heard screams for help. the young lady fell and we wanted to try to stop the train. >> he was able to wave at the train operator to stop the train in time. the woman slipped before an ambulance took her to the hospital. >> most of the problems with the obama care website built by the different states and exchanges raises questions. how is it possible after spending millions of taxpayer funds that so many exchanges had a difficult time with the
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website. >> law makers wanted to know about the glitches in the states and this comes on the heels of the white house touting the exchange. does the claims from the state take away the success. welcome back, stove, to hq. what did they accomplish in this hearing did they get answers they were looking for. >> no, they didn't. the state pointed the finger at technology contractors and the contractors ponentinted the fin to the state. and we were where we were. here we are six months later, they are broken and maryland
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will have to spend 30 or 40 million for the exchange. oregon hasn't signed up a person on lean yet. and so yes, there are problems out there. and you are one of those people going through it. it is a real problem. >> and maryland had 73,000 lose insurance and only 60,000 sign up. you are at a loss of 13,000? >> that is right. and that assumes you don't get the people who didn't have insurance initially. they are way down in maryland. there are other states that are reporting. hawaii was in the high single or low double-digits able to sewn up. not even talking about 20,000 people enrolling on the
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exchange. and now on the other hand. states were talking about. they were obama care boosters because they are blue states. the republicans are not competing for senate or house races. but the stories are going to hurt. >> in hawaii, i have numbers for you. that state received 205 million in federal grants all right. and they enrolled 7600 people. and that comes to an average of 27,000 to the person who soaped up. what do you get for that assessment of money >> what you get is questions from congress saying you may have to reimburse us for the federal contribution we gave you. those are the blue states and they wanted to make it work. and turns out the federal
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government did better than the states and they would have been better off. >> you mentioned maryland, minnesota and hawaii and oregon. they admit the roll out was rocky, but can they make up for lost time? >> you know, in short, no, they can't. if you had to or supposed to get insurance bee the man date deadline. and up thou march 30th. you are now subject to the man date penalty. it will be interesting to so if they check the exemption that the obama administration created. and that is next thing to be sewn. and the politics and place it will hurt is maryland where the governor has presidential aspireration. that will come pack to haunt
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him. >> and that's the politics. but you have the politics and so long as this is the case, is there a way for the states to find a smoother rod? >> they have extended their deadlines but the next enrollment is november and maryland as i said. they have scrapped their process is starting from scratch. we have places that have done it properly. you might be better off to do what they did. >> but the danger don. >> it is murderers row with them all honed up. >> we'll talk to you later. >> a a big controversy in mange log baseball. after the player took time off
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for the first birth of the child. >> and two sports talk show host going after the player for taking paternity love. and now everyone is talking about. that time for a vacation or maybe not. and the number one reason that american it is don't take the haveication days, you just keep working on. >> and got to take your vacation. [ male announcer ] when fixed income experts...
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♪ with equity experts... who work with regional experts... that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief!
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>> we hear it every day at work and you say it yourself. you need a vacation, guess what, americans take half of the vacation time according to a new survey. number one reason. is that no other person can do the job and a last, a handful were afraid of losing their job. >> hard- working group of folks they are. we were wondering earlier today. do you need a vacation? i do. >> do you now? and send us a tweet at bill hemmer and sandra smith. >> i don't know why you need throw days off. what are you doing the first couple of days?
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>> that is mike francesa and long with boomer, and ignighting a four storm of controversy and going after a mets player. daniel murphy was with his wife during the birth of their child. he apology used and we hear from the player the first time. he's down in dallas over the woke woke. jim, take a guy, who played so many years in the nfl, and why that he would have a feeling that if you are's player you are costing your time if you are not there. then we'll get to the apology. ni guess he was thinking as a football's player, you only have 16 games and you don't want to let down the time mates.
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in baseball it is one schoand it is a different. and boomer apology otherwised and said he was out of touch. >> he's done a lot of charity work can through his son's foundation. this is what he said this morning on the program. if i in any way shape or form insulted anybody that was not my intention. my reporter report was insensitive. and i feel terrible for the murphy family turned out to be some what of a fire storm that i put them permanently in to. >> and he talked approximate the march of doims. mike fran authority cesa has not backed down. and some people are saying he had legitimate points, do you
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agree? when you want to defend the defenseless. you yuchl out there and if you want to jump off a bridge now people can stop you. it is hopelessly out of touch and mean spirited and wrong. and this is the way he feels and you can't change the way he feels. i don't believe he should be expressing them. i mean, really. your family is so very important and i believe he has a family. and he stated he went to work the day his child were born. i can't redoming in the comments. didn't baseball change the policy. >> the union got involved and have three days for paternity. jimmy rollins of the philadelphia phillies.
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he took the night off. we are wo approximate tawning being about the guys and starters and big drear and they a ton of a the game. >> and the biering of the child is once in a lifetime. and seaing that you shpt have stayed this. and she would not be able to lead a norm will life, nment he is figure to be playing baseball. and so to estate it otherwise. and put him in the position. i am glad the problem and sander came to his defense and great that the management and union sees it that way. and the talk show host. they are on theaur and getting
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attention. >> fufried said the awesome preponderate of placed. we stusz what was pest are if the the. thank you, jim, preshth is it can ca l save them from doom in the winter. and there is also this. that is a drug tuppet and where they lead and who the feteds say are behind them. >> and revefrnl by rat? dispout leads to rodent infest taugzitation. ?
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it was fouled by strong winds. >> two ships with listening equipment are searching underwater. flight throe cent vanished with 239 on board. >> wholly wrapped batman. four legged revenge. they are looking for a group of suspects who dumped live rats after a dispout on soeshl media. my gosh what didn't they do. dump the rats in the neighbors house for revenge. police are looking for you. >> and democrats searching for political cover in today's job numbers and:ers add 1,192,000 jobs.
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the report may not be enough to help the embattled dems up for reelection. guy benson for edoat lesly is here. and you heard them taught the job reports as good. i would ask you first, is this enough? and i don't think any number would be enough. the american don't gauge the on the number. what does the bank account look like? and there are positives in the report. job growth and the end of the day we saw initial 37,000. but how do the american feel in
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november? >> guy, look at the latest fox news poling on how americaning feel on the job situation. 48 percent of them feel worse about the job situation than back in july of 2013. 48 percent of them. and 39 percent said they so the situation getting better. guy? >> i think that that is the issue here people are persoefing a sluggish job's situation. it is disa pointing economic nows is the rowel rather than the exception we are in the fifth year and it is the worse. and they have their own pocket bocks. average house incomes have gone
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down. income enquality is up. and there is a sense in the american people things are not getting better. and as long as we continue to stagnant democrats are waiting for a life preserver. >> and how do they channel their message in november? it is interesting the area of income inquality. and with all of the polls that is a problem and disparity in the wages. and that's not going to be just it. minimum wage and equal pay for women, that speaks to the democratic base. and frankly, the democrats have to reach out to the independents as do the republicans. they are going to vote democratic and right red, vote republicans. i don't think it will change
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that. >> guy, leslie is making the case that the numbers don't matter with the other issues. but you have 6.7 percent unemployment and a job participation rate highest as in decades. isn't this an opportunity for republicans. >> of course it is. it is true if politics and both parties, presidents get to which credit when it is well and too much blame when it doesn't. but policy is important. if you look at the policies of not building the co stone pipeline and championing obama care. and that is slowing hoiring and reducing the work force. min numb wage. the same group cbo said if we
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raise the minimum wage that they are asking for it will cost 500,000 jobs. this is what the president's solutions would bring about. >> final word? >> it in the four years with obama carry, eight prospect 8 million jobs are created. that is good being no matter who as the control of the. and more people have resuperdome looking for work and that will continue to grow every monthment >> do you so the kestone pipe line a problem. based on that being a job creator and a pores to be very
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woke. it is not the dig issue of the and more toe so this the those when want to are gp recan kragz and no i uponing the me own party with the issue of the co stone poip line. >> thank you for joining us. nthank you. >> thank you. the tawny wills connecting m william what did they find? she is a 73-year-old grapped mawho drives a white cadillac to a ware house to store and move
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truck loads of cocon and marijuana in the united states according to the agents. this is east of san diego. and right on the border. the tunnel painted to make the floor. and the tunnel is the length of two football folds and in the end a half ton wench to hoist the drugs up and down. she hid the enrespects with tvs. with they found a rail system. and's it stretched sen hundred which dollars the.
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to -- what they are doing now. in response to law enforcement activity is much smaller shipments through the tunnel and they are taking out of the warehouse and they are transporting and soling the expert points and waiting a period of days before they resume the activities. rodriguez was arrested for running a drug house and agents can't say how much contraband made it over the border. >> could be a lot. thank you, william. >> and the latest on the fort hood shooting victims. a live report on their condition. and al-qaeda a threat. top respect accuses the administration of being to kind. >> focus on the ones who kaeshd out terrorist attack.
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al-qaeda is on the run. osama bin laden is on the run. today osama bin laden is no mort. today al-qaeda is on the rupand osama bin laden is dead. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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coming up on the real story the president wanted to take it to prime time tv and the network excutive said no. and plus, the cia report on terrorism and terrorist tactics will be class for identification for all of us to so. >> and time is almost out on the black boxes of the missing airplane. what happens when the pingers do i. all in the real story. >> and thank you, gretchen. is america going soft for al-qaeda. mike rogers led the grilling.
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and mike morel in the benghazi talking points. we have numerous people participated in the benghazi attacks and affiliated with al-qaeda and still on the battle fold. we have a capacity to get them. and we have threats that we take off of the battle fold and because of this administration's kinder and gentler approach we have not done that. it is aid in the concept of a global war on terror. he doesn't think that we were attack of war by the terrorist and thinks that the way to
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handle it is through the law enforcement paradigm and no victory to be achieved. i think that explains how the administration handled terror since it took office and how they handled benghazi. >> the reason why rogers is speaking this way. he thinks that al-qaeda learns from our own response and he cited in the article magazine. in the cole attack nothing was done. and that empowered al-qaeda to carry out 9/11 in new york. what do you think of that? >> it was not only the cole. but the attacks on the embassies in kenya. and the truck bomb on the world war ii in the early 1990s and
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all greeted by a law enforcement response. here we have an american war ship bombed and the clenton's response was to send the fbi in. and al-qaeda concluded that the attack that became 9/11 is doable. and we'll take benghazi as example. a year and half has passed and no retailiation and no revenge. and that is what they understand honestly and not forensic investigations bow law enforcement officials. >> rogers said the old slogan is dead and general motors is alive. if you tell people who work for you that al-qaeda is no longer a threat. do you think that happens in the administration? >> i think in the bureaucracy
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and state department and much lower priority and both in terms of analysis and clandestine operations it is a lower proprietary in the defense department and that is what the administration is conveying. the only place where it is a higher priority is the justice department because it is a law enforcement matter. it is not enough and has the opposite affect of deminnishing terrorism and increase the pace and scope of their attacks. >> it is interesting. and something to think about. time magazine gave the interview with mike rogers. thank7swyou. it could be a dangerous world. thank you, bill. >> a big rig hanging off of an overpass. you have to so the pictures and look at the truck that is
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for two hours. they had to use a ladder truck to reach the guy behind the wheel. no word how the semi got there. but the driver said to be okay. >> amazing. check it out, americans have always had an obsession with ufos. now one company is building flying saucers and putting them in the skies. in the newsroom to explain. >> this is a company in florida that has come up with a cool invention. it's all inspired from that national sensation from the mid 20th century. >> traffic south to the north. we were traveling west. >> two american pilots reported seeing an unidentified flying object over tennessee. >> i was amazed to first see it. >> the incident fueled an american obsession with darting disks over the u.s. >> we do want the public to know
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we definitely did see this flying saucer. >> in 2014, a flying saucer is once again seen in the skies. this time its origin is clear. >> you believe saucer design is the future of aviation. >> 2014 will be the year we get saucer aircraft flying in our skies. >> travis shannon is the ceo of aerobat aviation. he says his company has the first commercially viable disk shaped aircraft. he says the saucer can perform any plane with the traditional shape of tup and wing. saucers nor some reason can take greater pay loads and oftentimes perform better in higher winds. >> we have the maneuverability of a porsche and stability of a cadillac.
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highly stable aircraft in the sky. >> right now all of the prototypes including the original are unmanned. he is however building a two-man version which he says will retail at under the price of an expensive car. >> what's your vision here? >> my vision was a super highway of saucer aircraft flying around the united states. >> a super highway of flying saucers, which he says will be safer and cheaper than anything flying today. that's it from here. back to you. >> sounds like it's just around the corner, douglas. >> that's cool. we might be able to take one of those for our next vacation. >> that's traveling in style. >> apparently you're not taking all your hard earned vacation, america. you tell us. why do you need one? do you nee? >> do you need one. >> i was thinking maybe get that flying saucer and we're out of here. >> we'll have the best tweet next. before larry instantly transferred money from his
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bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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why do you need a vacation? >> jane says going crazy from boredom. haven't been anywhere. >> i don't need a vacation, i need everyone around me to take a vacation. >> i need a vacation from my vacation. >> yeah you do. we've got to run. it's friday. here is gretchen. >> thanks, guys. we start today with a fox news alert. new developments this hour in the deadly shooting at ft. hood. hi, everyone, i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story" for friday. texas governor rick perry and ted cruz meeting with some of the victims of the shooting. they just wrapped up a news conference praising everyone for their response and victims for resolve but admit healing is going to take some time. investigators looking into any reason why specialist ivan lopez would open fire on his fellow soldiers. three died, 16 more were hurt before lopez turned the gun on himself. officials say this may have
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