tv The Kelly File FOX News April 4, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
9:00 pm we had breaking news yesterday, but on thursday is when it happens. thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly, please remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. i'm meghan kelly live in new york, and tonight -- up until yesterday, he was one of the most important people in the internet business. but tonight, a political donation has cost him his job. new developments next with the man they're calling a martyr for free speech. plus -- >> our lord, our god, most mighty and merciful father. >> meet the elected official so determined to keep prayer in her county meetings, she's now risking jail time to protect her convictions. and then -- sisterhood be damned. watch what happens when a young female reporter at a feminist
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conference tells people she's a conservative. >> sorry. they're a conservative news outlet. >> on the "kelly file" right now. >> breaking tonight, growing backlash. 20 hours after one of the most important people in the television industry being forced out of his job becoming what they're calling america's latest martyr for free speech. welcome to "the kelly file," i'm megyn kelly. the driving force behind most of the web's innovative technologies. ten days ago, he was appointed ceo of internet software giant mazilla which developed firefox. but tonight, he is out of a job after being forced to resign. and it had little to do with his ability and everything to do with his beliefs. the story starts in 2008 when he was an employee at mazilla, one
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of tens of thousands to donate to pass an initiative to ban same-sex marriage. he wrote a check for $1,000. that passed, the majority of californians were on his seem at the time. now flash forward to march 2014. ike's appointed ceo. and some employees complain about his support for the gay marriage ban, which had been outed. so ike responds writing on his personal blog, quote, i am committed to ensuring that mazilla is and remains a place that includes everyone regardless of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status or religion. but that pledge in his demonstrated history of fairness toward his colleagues. keep in mind, no one was alleging he was being discriminatory toward gays in his role, ever at mazilla. but that was not enough for some. the popular online dating site o.k. cupid protested his elevation to ceo by re-directing all firefox users to a web page
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denouncing ike. that page read, quote, those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame and frustration are our enemies. and we wish them nothing but failure. the outrage against ike persi persisted. and lacking support from his own company, he was forced to resign yesterday. now, supporters of free speech are fighting back. ben shapiro is editor in chief of truth revolt, senior editor at large and he's leading an effort to now boycott mazilla over this man's forced resignation. ben, good to see you. this is incredible. it's basically nothing he did -- he made a donation against same-sex marriage but no one is alleging that he did anything in his position as ceo or at mazilla in any way professionally to discriminate against gays and yet what was in
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his head has caused him to get fired. >> it's a frightening country to live in when a boycott can be led against you specifically based on your beliefs. and that's why we're striking against. we're getting criticized by the same people who supported the okcupid boycott. we've now shut down traffic from firefox to our website. we encourage other websites to do the same to protest the decision to force out the ceo based simply on the thoughts inside his head. it is frightening. is it legally a violation of free speech? it can do whatever it wants. but a frightening precedent if you engage in politics and the mob does not like you, then they will come after your job in whatever way possible. >> i mean, they're upset that in 2008, he had the exact same position that barack obama had, and many of these people voted for barack obama. and yet, for them, it's not a deal-breaker to reelect barack obama, but with this ban, he needs to go because he opposed
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same-sex marriage back in 2008, the same as our president did. >> they see it as a symbol of evil. this is the same issue as when a&e decided to suspend phil robertson, except this guy has never done anything mildly offensive. >> let me stop you there. >> let me stop you there. if you're this okcupid website that had an objection to the ceo and his position, it would be the same as if they said, okay, and also you may no longer use our service if you watch "duck dynasty," and may no longer use our service if you eat at chick-fil-a or if you're a devout christian or catholic who believes in the teachings of those churches. you may no longer use our service unless you see as we do the world exactly. if we start going down that road, nobody can patronize any business unless we're all like minded. where does this take us? >> it takes us exactly where we're being taken, which is eventually there'll be an
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attempt to make government enforce these politically correct rules. that's why you're seeing the hobby lobby case and the cases you've seen in new mexico and oregon where businesses are being forced to comply with the dictates of government that are being forced upon them by the left. if you believe this is all going to stop private boycotts from companies, you've got another thing coming. this is going to come to government and very quickly. we need to stop this in its tracks. and the way to do that is for more and more americans to fight back by exercising their own market power. if folks are going to exercise market power on behalf of outing people and destroying their lives based on private political beliefs, then it's our obligation to go after the companies that participate in that. >> okcupid said to us, look, we never called for anyone's resignation. they only said keeping in place would enforce misery, shame, and frustration. they say it's a great feeling now to know that okcupid that its principle business stand is making a difference. you know, your thoughts on whether we should be boycotting
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them, we the american people should be boycotting them for their beliefs. >> at this point, absolutely yes. all tactics are on the table. what i'm trying to establish is the fact they get to destroy people's lives and businesses because of their own political beliefs, they need to be held accountable. if we say we're not going to engage in market-based participation to punish people for doing exactly this sort of stuff we allow them to get away with it. the moment they stopped using the tactics, i'm happy to shut this all done. but until then, there are a lot more of us than there are of them, and we're going to have to fight back in the ways available to us, especially since they have legitimatized tactics i find despicable. >> ben shapiro, good to see you, thank you for being here. >> thanks so much. >> ben talked about the possibility of this coming to government. that's where we pick it up with chris our editor. if you have the government stepping in and saying, you know, these guys need to go
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because they don't believe as we, the government, believe, or this guy needs to get fired or people shouldn't frequent this business because it doesn't believe as we believe, that takes it to another level. >> well, this has been moving at a pretty breakneck pace, counselor. if you think about as you guys were talking about earlier, you have a position that was the publicly stated position of the president of the united states until 2012, right? so this is -- this was his position that marriage is between one man and one woman. and it was a -- the position of hillary clinton. it was the position of everybody in 2008 that was running major party office. by the way, states, lots of states have these bans. now, they're being fought out in the court we had in ohio today, the federal judge indicate that he was going to toss ohio's ban. that was 2004 when that came into place. that was a big movement, and it passed by wide margins. so these kinds of bans, these kinds of restrictions on the
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definition of marriage are all across the country. how many thousands of donors? how many thousands of businessmen and businesswomen across the country gave money to these things that are sitting at home today saying, uh-oh, uh-oh, i wonder if i'm next. >> i'm going to be outed. >> i'm going to be outed as having held the same view as barack obama and hillary clinton. i wonder if i will be exposed. >> is that the next wave? because the people who were in support of prop 8 in california, their identities got made public a couple of years ago. and if we're now at the point where, you know, your donations and your stances on any particular issue are now getting outed by newspapers and there's sort of a lynch mob mentality, it's a dangerous place to be. presumably you standby your principles, and yet, i don't know whether -- i don't know where this could go. especially when you have such a powerful government. no matter who is at the helm,
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it's a powerful government. >> when the senate majority leader takes to the senate floor and says some really, really rough stuff about a couple of businessmen who are sort of libertarian conservatives, the koch brothers, they're out there spending their money, being transparent about it. they write op-eds in the "wall street journal." come and get me, they say. what about all the guys that aren't already billionaires who are trying to get ahead and all that. i tend to believe that the lesson that will be taken out of, boycott, counterboycott, all options on the table, total scorched earth will be for people to silence their own convictions out of an understandable desire to protect their families and livelihoods. >> fear. >> absolutely fear. and the consequence will be this, whatever the predominant political wisdom of the day is will carry the day and dissent will be silenced. >> chris, good to see you. >> you bet. >> 7.1 million americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through these marketplaces.
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7.1 -- >> president obama on tuesday marking the end of the obamacare open enrollment period sort of. well, it was an afternoon, rose garden event. reports say this was not the white house's very first choice. it seems this administration really wanted a prime time presidential speech on all of the networks. but tonight, we're learning that at least some of the networks said no. tucker carlson is the editor of the "daily caller." how about that? so some of the networks and the word is it was more than one. >> yes. >> when he came to say, i want to announce we reached 7 million and prime time said, uh, no. is the slobbering love affair over? >> well, part of this is greed and shallowness. the networks aren't about news cables about news. they're about prime time programming, don't want to give up the ad revenue. that's part of it. part of it is, they know that numbers aren't real. 7 million, come on, we don't
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know what percentage of those people have paid, what percentage had health insurance before. >> you think they care about that? because they haven't exactly been reporting that. >> no, but it's kind of -- if you're weighing the news against losing all this revenue, you're saying it's about 2% of the american population and we don't even know if there really are 7 million. but the other factor here -- and this has not been noticed by many people, this is going around the press, the mainstream media. if you look within interviews they've done within the three big networks versus the number they've done with oprah, ellen degeneres, "us weekly," they've done a run around in favor of the sort of gauzy, soft focused stuff. it's easier. ellen degeneres is not going to ask you a tough question if you're barack obama. >> do you think it shows by the white house, and the president has used it to announce the death of osama bin laden. george bush came out on
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september 11th, talked about the in-depth look at our debt. but obamacare update? >> we sort of forget how sealed off from reality the president is. he's surrounded by people who are sucking up to him for a living. in his case, i think a lot of them do believe it. he's living where his only real advisers are his wife and valerie jarrett. it's easy to lose perspective, i think. and believe this number is somehow, you know, some world historic event when, in fact, it's not. >> good to see you. see you tomorrow morning. >> can't wait. >> bright and early. big news from the mideast. charles is here. plus, a new effort tonight to push back after a couple of universities silenced a film about violence against muslim women. and wait until you see what they did allow. >> when you do defend with what is a mainstream belief, you are ostracized. there are threats of murder, low prices,
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institutionaliz institutionalized -- >> that was a clip from the honor diaries. a documentary highlighting violence against women in the muslim world. tonight, the producers are issuing new calls for two universities to reinstate screenings of the film after the events were abruptly canceled. ironically, this comes as one of the schools, the university of michigan in dearborn hosts a controversial art display. would you look at this? "abortion is a gift from god." that's fine on this campus. but this film that calls attention to abuse of muslim women, that can't be aired. joining me now to discuss it, director of "2016: obama's america" and creator of the soon to be released film "america." good to see you. it's incredible that a film highlighting violence against women and asking what can be done about it. that cannot be shown. but a film describing abortion as god's gift and as life
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sustaining abortion as a life-sustaining act. no problem. your thoughts? >> well, i think that on the face of it, you seem to have a scandalous double standard. they are for free speech, and they want to be able to talk about controversial topics like abortion. but when it comes to talking about some of the honor killings that go on in islamic cultures, you can't do that. now, the reason for this, i think, is that in the church of modern liberalism, particularly on the campus, abortion has become almost a sacrament. and that is you can't say a bad thing about it. and they don't think it's a big deal. they don't think that's controversial. but on the other hand, when you talk about honor killings, now you think that there's a feminist commitment on the campus and that would drive this, but nevertheless, the idea of offending another culture and in this case, islam which has become sort of a protected minority culture amazingly on the campus, that trumps even the
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idea of feminism or women's rights when it comes to honor killing. >> the idea of offending, perhaps, the religious right, that doesn't really think abortion is a gift from god. that's no problem. and it's a similar theme to the one we opened the show with. somebody who as the president of the united states believed that gay marriage was not all right with him. that view is so bigoted in the view of some that he needs to be silenced. he can't even have his job. whereas if you feel the other way, that's fine and acceptable. >> well, now we get to the key of it, which is that the pro-life movement on campus is like the university of michigan. it's truly powerless. they can't do very much to fight this kind of discrimination against them. muslims, although they're presented as a minority, the key to them is they are a really powerful minority. not only are they well organized in michigan, but they also make threats against people who offend them. so ironically, this is the case where in a sense, if you are a
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minority and you have power, you get to be a protected minority, whereas if you really don't have power, it's too bad for you. >> and if you get to the point where it goes beyond private industry or even, you know, colleges, you're talking about some of these state-run schools, it has a whole different effect and, obviously, denesh has been in the middle of a government prosecution that many have questioned whether it relates to his beliefs and film making. thanks for being here. >> it's a pleasure. big news out of the middle east today. and charles krauthammer is here. what it means for america. and up next, meet the elected officials so determined to keep prayer in her county meetings, she's now risking jail, jail time to standby her convictions. >> we could pray, but we just can't use certain words like jesus, lord and savior. and i think that is an
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infringement on my first amendment right for free speech amendment right for free speech and free religion. why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at
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well, county commissioner in maryland is vowing she will go to jail if she's not allowed to open up a board meeting with a prayer. and thanks to a new federal court ruling, she may well be headed to the pokey. an anchor and attorney has more on the story. you know, this is actually a classic collision between two precious first amendment rights, freedom of religion versus freedom of speech. >> the theme of our show tonight. >> absolutely. it is consistent. there she is the commissioner invoked jesus christ in prayer to open up a board meeting.
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some residents complained and sued arguing that the reference to christ favored christianity and violating the ban on government establishment of religion. federal judge agreed ordering the board to stop it. frazier says he will not stop it because her first amendment right to free speech is being abridged. >> if we cease to believe that our rights come from god, we cease to be america. >> frazier claims she was simply repeating the words of george washington. not so, says a presidential scholar. the first president never uttered christ in a prayer. but the point is an important one and that rendition shows it. prayers are deeply embedded in the history and tradition of the country. opening the continental congress, 1774. and you know, that's the very argument made recently before the supreme court, which is considering a very similar case involving government prayers. >> didn't the supreme court issue a ruling on this about 30
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years ago? >> they did and made a mess of it. they basically, it was a different court back then. they basically said government prayers, even sectarian prayers are constitutional as long as they're not favoring one religion over another. think about that. sectarian is almost by definition promoting one religion over another as a consequence. all the lower courts were befuddled and they issued conflicting and contradictory decisions over the last three decades. i think this court probably said, you know what, establishing clause is now just a shambles, and we've got to fix it. i've got to tell you, megyn, based on the oral arguments in november, i don't think these justices are any closer to figuring this thing out than 31 years ago. >> it's going to take some courage by those on the bench to actually come out with a clear juris prudence on this issue. >> who knows which way it'll be. and anthony kennedy is probably
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just -- judging by what happened during oral arguments -- he's going to be the swing vote here. >> tony. >> yeah. >> thanks, greg. coming up, actor jason patrick is used to fighting bad guys on the big screen. but now he's in the battle of his life. in an effort to see his son, every father needs to watch this segment when he joins us later. and sisterhood be damned, watch what happens when a young female reporter has the nerve to tell people she's with a conservative news outlet. >> conservative. so what we are fighting for -- >> all right. >> just assuming that based on where i work. >> yeah. ♪ [ male announcer ] when fixed income experts... ♪ with equity experts... ♪ ...who work with regional experts...
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there are limits to the amount of time and effort that the united states can spend if the parties themselves are unwilling to take constructive steps to be able to move forward. >> that was an attempt at tough talk by secretary of state john kerry who got a lot of attention for his remarks that sounded like he's throwing up his hands over the progress of mideast peace negotiations. it came after mr. kerry met with both palestinian and israeli leaders this week in an attempt to broker a deal with just weeks left on a nine-month negotiating table that is almost at its conclusion and not looking good. charles krauthammer is a syndicated columnist, fox news contributor and author of "things that matter," number one for 23 weeks now. charles, you are not a fan of how the secretary of state has handled all of this. let me start with this, could anyone have done better with these two sides given how diametrically opposed they are?
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>> of course not. nobody else could've done better. but just about every other observer of the middle east would have understood that before secretary kerry began his crusade would've known nine months ago when this was self-initiated by him that there was no way this would ever succeed. and the worst thing for an american secretary of state to do is to make a fool of himself in front of the world, enga engaging -- in what everybody understood was impossible. there's an old saying in the middle east, he whom the gods would destroy puts in his head that he will solve the arab/israeli dispute. and this was a point in time when kerry kicked this off. when there was zero indication from either of the parties that there was any desire or any conditions, any ripeness to these negotiations where they
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might even lead to a conclusion. >> why did he do it? >> that's the problem. why did he do it? you know, what do you think i am? a psychiatrist? look for john kerry, i mean i would give you what seems to be the surface explanation. either, he thought, well, i can't solve egypt, i can't solve syria, i can't solve lebanon, jordan is inundated with refugees, iraq isn't met, iran is going nuclear and let me try to stop them. the one area that is not right now in crisis and does not requi require us. he thought this is the last job i'm going to have in my career, the thing if i get it will give me a nobel prize and i'll go for it. but it doesn't make sense at any level. that's the problem, not that he failed. that was utterly predictable from the very beginning. >> he comes out -- >> that he initiated. >> he comes out now and expresses exasperation. we have better things to do here
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in the united states. and there's only so much i can do when the two sides won't come together. >> well, look, the two sides actually talk to themselves all the time. they have to live on the ground together and they do. and they have this relatively accommodating status quo which is not a satisfactory one. but the problem is this, the palestinians since 1947 have never accepted the reality of a jewish state in their midst. mahmoud abbas, leader of the palestinians says openly he never accept the jewish state. and he will never conclude a final agreement that ends the conflict once and for all, meaning, and this has been true of every palestinian leader since 1947. they're willing to sign interim agreements, but never one that accepts israel as a reality in their midst. and that ends the conflict. and now once you have those conditions and you've heard that from abbas and he's said it
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publicly, then you do not launch negotiations that will end the war between them because it makes no sense. >> so far, so bad. charles, good to see you. >> it's a pleasure, megyn. >> coming up next on the "kelly file," a young reporter attempts to speak to attendees of a feminist conference. but find out what happens when they find out she's a conservative. >> sorry, they're conservative news outlet. we don't i dunno, i just ah woke up today and i said i need something sportier. annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car.
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just a tap away on the geico app. why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. you'll get a warm welcome in the new new york. see if your business qualifies at
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some eye-opening video of attendees at a feminist event who had no problem giving interviews until they learned the reporter asking questions was from a conservative news outlet called campus reform. watch. >> everybody can be a feminist, really. >> more inclusive. >> feminism is for everyone. >> everyone from every different background. >> making sure -- >> yeah, oh. oh. >> we know. >> what did you say? >> you guys aren't wanted here. >> i thought this was an inclusive event.
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>> so what we are fighting for -- >> you're just assuming that based on where i work. >> yeah. we are. >> you should know if you're doing this interview, they're a conservative organization. >> we're trying to ask people, trying to explain what feminism means to you. >> this is a conservative media site. i want to warn you. >> sorry, they're a conservative news outlet. >> why do you need to warn people about? >> so you don't -- >> wow. ebony williams, a political analyst and trial attorney and dana lash. so, they needed to warn. they needed to warn the participants that woman was a conservative from a, quote, conservative news outlet. dani, your thoughts. >> because such strong, empowered women need warnings and told what to say. i'm not sure what this
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conference was about exactly other than to raise -- >> inclusiveness. it said inclusiveness. >> yeah. that's -- if you're going to claim inclusivity, then be really inclusive. it was like watching "mean girls" with less attractive women. and i felt so bad for katherine because campus reform, they're not a gotcha media organization. you don't have to get progressive, they get themselves. and she went to ask questions. what does feminism mean to you? and she was run out on a rail simply for asking a question because they were stereotyping her. >> you know, ebony, feminists have taken some incoming in the past couple of years because some like gloria steinem have been exclusionary. you can be a feminist, strong woman as long as you see the world as i do, otherwise you can't. >> look, i'm shaking my head
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with the two of you guys at the notion of anybody labeling and stereotyping who can and cannot be a part of a very -- i think we'll all agree -- important movement concerned with the equality of rights of women. but this cuts both ways and unfortunately we see this all too often on both sides of the aisle. many people progressive or liberals, they're not concerned with constitutional rights or civil liberties and it's really, really sad. and i think any woman that wants to stand up for equal rights of women in this country should absolutely obviously be welcome to sit at the table and have that conversation. >> this does not cut both ways. let's get that clear. i say this as a former registered democrat who left that party and left that ideology simply because of how they treated women. they don't celebrate women unless you're a democrat. if you're a progressive, democrat comes before your sex. if you're a democrat, if you're progressive, that is honored, that is treasured above your sex. look no further what happened
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with bob filner in california where you have women in that state who came forward to warn other party members about their behavior and they were told to go back into the kitchen because he was too important to do anything about it. that's a fact. >> ebony, what about it? because the women on the left who would like to recruit, presumably, women on the right to see the world as they do, how on earth are they going to start doing that by shutting down debate, not hearing from them, never mind sharing their own ideas. she was there to hear their ideas. >> i don't even think that should be the goal, megyn to get them to see the world as they do on the issues. i think when we get beyond this superficial labeling, the issues, i think we want equal pay for equal work for women. we want policy things very much more so the same than they are different. i don't think that's true at all. i don't see the relevance. >> all right. >> yeah. the equal pay for equal -- can we talk about reality and not
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something based upon a bunked study. >> if you were on that campus and offered that view, which is a contrarian view to presumably how these feminists felt, feel at that conference, you would be shut down. they don't want to hear that. >> yeah. >> now they think you're antiwoman if you question that about equal pay. >> yeah. >> by not acknowledging something -- >> sure. >> well, no, i was going to say exactly. that's -- when i was watching katherine's interview, she wasn't aiming her questions to be offensive, she was actually trying to spur discourse, which i think is important. if we're going to talk about inclusivity and feminism and how it's changed us in the past ten years, she was actually looking to get ideas and discussion about it and they shut her down. they shut down her intellectual curiosity. >> the woman in the back, eboni. i want to warn you, she's a conservative. you would think she came on and
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was -- with the skin head. >> no, the language is absolutely ridiculous. again, we don't need warnings just because somebody happens to have a different political ideology. again, the principal discussion of talking about what feminism means to you, we should be here to hear that. i disagree with the point that's just a false trumped up thing. there are women in this country, myself included who have had to go to the table with bosses and talk about being equally compensated to my male counterparts. it's not a figment of our imagination. that is a real issue for some women in this country. >> well, unfortunately, the statistics don't support it, but i appreciate you sharing your experience. >> ladies, thank you. >> that's my personal experience. >> everybody's welcome. and by the way, speaking of everybody being welcome, we extend an invitation to that okcupid group, the one so happy that, you know, the guy had to step down, they declined to join us. they're welcome to come back any time. come on and defend your position. up next, actor jason patrick is known for his role in films
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like "lost boys." but what he really wants is to see his son. every father needs to see what is going on in a state of california. and jason patrick is here to tell you about it. and coming up on "hannity" at the top of the hour. >> extra staff on hand. we go to extended shifts and something we're prepared for. the crowds are large, anywhere between 200,000 and 300,000 kids. the area, two of the largest nightclubs in the world and some of that environment is -- you -- that happens. the actions i saw in your video, that's not something we taught low prices, we can afford to take more trips this year. -hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle.
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well, a new twist in a bitter custody battle involving a very well-known hollywood actor. jason patrick has not seen his son gus in over a year. his ex-wife is so upset with him that she is not letting him see him. this is the last picture of him with his son, the day the court denied him any visitation or parental rights. i recently talked to jason about his fight to be a father. this is unbelievable. it's all because you can see the child through ivf, and the judge says, i don't see any clear intention of parenting on your
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part, and because of the law of california, you have zero rights to your own child. >> to the child i spent years to have and then raised him for three years. i have no rights to that child because we were unmarried and went through an ivf process. >> and now this ex-girlfriend has said, because of this law and court ruling, you're done. you never get to see him again. is that the deal? >> the last time i saw him, i dropped him off during litigation custody, and he said, i'll miss you, dad. i said, it's all right, i'll see you tomorrow. i've never seen him again. she and her lawyers are writing all kinds of legal letters and everything else and they're ali alienating him, having him call other people dada. >> how does that make you feel? >> i feel for my child. this is not about a father's rights, a mother's rights, it's about the child's rights.
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when you have parental alienation, and this is all it is. it's a very extreme example because my ex comes from a very wealthy family and she's very spoiled and daddy is making up for past transgressions and paying for this horrible thing through the child. >> so the way to prevent this is prevent anonymous sperm donors coming back and saying, i want rights to the child. but you're not a random sperm donor, you are the father of this child. here's what others say. the vast majority of sperm donors have no intention of parenting, and if the law were to change that as the default position, it would endanger the relationships these parents have. >> completely untrue. usual, knows nothing about the subject which basically has been their history. the fact is unless a woman invites a man that has been deemed that into the child's life and creates a relationship,
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that man then has to go to court and prove they have a relationship. >> they speak to that, too. they say these families need to be able to use known donors without the fear that every time that person enters the room they're in fear of a custody battle. >> that's not what i did. you didn't say i have no intended plans to be involved with this child. >> i signed papers to the point that if i died, they have use of the embryos. >> these are the papers right here. >> with our signatures. >> and so the judge has ruled against you. you've filed an appeal and you're pursuing an effort to change the law that's now been s s stimied in the state of california. what happens from here? >> i'm going to win and i'm going to get my son back. children have the right to love both their parents.
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if the law changes, and i hope it changes, because there will be so many men and same-sex marriages caught in this loophole, but for me i'm fighting for my son and all the other children that has a parent and an angry parent that has ripped them away from another able human being. >> do they consider you have rights to the child at all? >> my judge literally came in and said during a statement of decision, this is not a good decision for gus. >> wow. jason patric, we'll continue to follow it. >> thank you. >> all my best. >> can you imagine, that is a biological father who wants to parent his child. the child, by all reports, wants his father in his life. yet the mother is able to say no absent allegations of abuse. that's the law right now in california. up next, why is our arizona-based company relocating manufacturing to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business.
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shifts. i'll be with brian kilmead. what? and you know what it was that he wanted to have me on about? it was the anna nicole smith case going up to the supreme court. so i go out there -- he gets in my ear before i go on and he says, okay, kelley, don't get nervous. this is "the factor." don't worry. i think i can handle myself. you sure? i think so. he wind s up accusing her of being a golddigger, a point i conceded, and yet i argued the husband knew what he was getting. he signed the deal. it wasn't like he thought she was married for love. we have this robust back and forth, let's put it that way, and i was later told that he went back to his staff and said, she's a star. and that was the beginning. >> and to bill's credit, he
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welcomes the robust back and forths on his show. did i tell you what he says to me at the beginning of the show when i sit there sometimes? he says, watch, kelly. watch and learn. a thanks to st. mary's and all the good people who showed up and thanks to you for watching. i'm megan kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to the special audience edition of hannity. every year thousands of students head to the beach for the most k coveted week of the year. that's spring break. there's also lots of drinking and partying, sometimes with deadly consequences. we sent ainsley ehrhardt to panama city to see what's going on at spring break with
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