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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 7, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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dead at 93 and john pinette dead at 50. >> hi, hello, everyone i'm gg, greg gutfeld, dana perino, bob beckle and eric boling. this is "the five." >> so the i -- eco of mozilla resigned. outrage spreads like spanish moss obscuring national debate. the pleasure one derives from exercising your right.
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if it were actually possible, sadly these days it's not about getting hitched but staying hitched due to a culture that champion champions -- the rise ofco sers receive culture is just bullying disdiesed as butter flies. and where's obama, didn't he hold the same beliefs as ike? he should have called him. it's odd to see rage against ike but none for obama. i guess zhont is fine as long it's politically expedient. it's not fair to expect everyone to agree at once. we're talking about the biggest biological change since indoor soccer. so forgive those nice people who are sincerely grappling with
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this issue. leds me to my final point, what happens when you finally get what you want? you act gracious. you don't gloat. be happy. not just gay. >> i tried to look down. please don't call on me. >> that doesn't work with me. >> should this guy have resigned or put to death? >> well, the former death penalty prosecutor, i usually favor death. i think that's excessive in this case. >> he did no different than president obama did at the time. however, he's vilified. >> i don't like he's stigmatized. i don't think it helps serve the purpose of dialogue and being free thinking or people having a open mind or the freedom tiebl to express themselves without
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losing their job. this is america, first amendment, let people say and think what they like. i think it makes us stronger as a country. >> bob, here's something i know you'll agree with. does tolerance for opinion disappear if the opinion is viewed as intolerant? we don't see that with islam, but we see it here with religious folks. >> can i get bad back to one thing, getting married unpigs men. >> i got married and my wife was scrubbing the bathroom floor and i said what are you moving? look, i am -- i think if you go ba back -- >> where were you going with that? >> i'm not quite sure. i was just trying to follow gregory said. the reality is if you go back and look at who contributes to what, and you use that then
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several years later to say that's a reason that you should be ousted. he gave his own personal money. it is a little bit of a witch-hunt. >> what do you think, eric? >> one. most interesting parts of his story. it was years ago. you pointed out a while ago, it was years ago, but yet he's been held with his feet to the fire regarding his personal beliefs. now, why is it now and why is it such an outrage with it now. if you've delved into it, you know you've made his contribution to prop 8. i'm a practicing catholic, i believe personally that marriage is between a man and a woman. on the libertarian side i'm trying to ascribe to, it doesn't matter. it shouldn't be gay groups
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telling other people's what's right and what's wrong, where to put your money. it shouldn't be the federal government telling people what marriage is. it should be the reject -- relij i don't know that you ascribe to. it shouldn't be at the federal level. it should be done at the state level if anywhere. >> people who applaud the resignation are saying the market at work. this company doesn't want to lose a profit and this is what they have to do. >> it doesn't make any sense. basically, what happened is they went after this guy out of passion, okay, they are not thinking about the business at all. decided they wanted to make an example of him for something that president obama and hillary clinton both at the same exact time said was their position. so years later, by all accounts, he had never talked about this at the office. he's a very good choice for ceo. not like that company is any
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great shape, so they could actually use somebody really good. the larger principle of attacking people for their speech. we've seen this. it's a pattern. what happened at the irs, people who were trying to express their opinion, their beliefs through these 501 c 4s were targed by the irs. just today, there was report from testimony at the irs said no liberal groups were targeted. it's this acceptance in some quarters of allowing people to be attacked for their beliefs regardless of what they are able to do in business, or what their talents are. >> but the interesting thing here, these were not gay groups that went after -- it was people. it was people, which makes me think that it's easy to galvanize opposition because of social networks. >> wasn't there a gay group -- >> i don't think it was that.
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i think it was mainly just people. >> i could completely wrong. i did understand there was some pushback. once the word got out that mr. eich had made this contribution years ago, there was some push to have the mozilla board push him or allow him to step down. >> what he didn't do is do anything that affected his employees directly. you all sat here and defended bobby lobby. >> hobby lobby. >> whatever. they ordered things and refused to do thing because the husband and wife did not think that it was not their religion for bad it. >> i think the groups that are against hobby lobbies position in this case walk themself into
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a corner. they don't have a right as a corporation to have a particular view. it's now backwards you as a corporation, even if you have nothing to do with it, they are hold you to account for the personal views. >> but hoby -- woby -- they say they have their personal views and you all have to live by them. that's not what this guy is saying. >> no, that's not true. hobby lobby, they covered 16 types of contraception but not three. it's not -- i want to roll something by charles krauthammer or what i like to call him the hammer about the culture of the left. >> this is the culture of the left not being satisfied with making an argument or even prevailing in an argument but in destroying personally and mar n
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marginizi marginizing, people who aoes them. it shows a level of intolerance, it should be unacceptable and people ought to get what they are giving out and feel they counterboycott. >> kimberly were you listening? >> i was listening and how soothing his voice it. he presents something in such a way that it's not hostile. he's talking about the double standard for liberals and the left here. this is something that -- if you look at the juxtaposition, this is inappropriate, this isn't fair. it's not showing tolerance and what is supposed to be what the left is about. >> in my admiration of charles krauthamm krauthammer, apparently our producer can't find anybody else -- >> can i make a point about this
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topic? >> i am making a point about this topic. >> okay. let's hear it. >> he says the whole left is that way and it's absolutely wrong. i'm on the left and i don't think it's a good idea. >> the white house gets involved in every issue. in this case, imagine how powerful it would have been if president obama would have said whoa whoa whoa, let's have some tolerance people. >> he should have said i was just like him. i've had a change of heart too. >> look what happens. i don't want to be -- i don't want people to feel like they cannot contribute to something they care about today because they -- it might be held against them later on in their career. >> that's a good point. >> you don't know what that's going to be. >> you are worried about that david duke contribute shouldn't, aren't you? >> this is interesting.
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this is from bill marr. >> so this guy apparently does not want gay people to get married and he had to step down. what do you think of that, the question is? >> i guess i gave -- he gave a thousand dollars eight years ago and it came back to haunt him. >> he gave him when president obama was against gay marriage. i don't think it's very fair. >> also, i think there a gay mafia. i think if you cross them, you do get whacked. >> there's a guy from the left who says it's a bad idea. >> that's a fair point. >> krauthammer does quote sullivan who is from the left and says the same thing. >> says gay mafia, is that an accurate -- activist group, that's what it's really all about. that unites other people and
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says listen we need to go after this company. when you are selling a product, and you get the bad branding, then you push away and start making some changes, a lot of time you cave to the ak at this viv groups and that's exactly what mozilla did. it was okay cupid stopped allowing their users to use fire fox. mozilla, will be you please step down? >> because that's the impact of social media and people organizing to try to do with boycotts who don't act with -- >> i would love to hear from the ceo that resigned. in some ways, i can see saying fine, people, i'll resign. >> can you email him and ask him
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to do an interview with you? >> that's a lot of work. >> these are people responding to the fact that the guy resigned. so mozilla is under fire. by the way, i'm not a big fan of fire fox. >> what is it? >> it's a browser. i wonder what that means, browsing through what? >> in your case, disgusting things. the one thing you need to know how to clear your history. >> i never should have brought it up. >> jeb bush stirs the pot on some surprising remarks on illegal i am i investigation. calling it an act of love. not a felony. that debate after the break. (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure.
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from the florida governor, jeb bush appears to be stepping closer to the political spot light once held business his father and brother. bush opened up about his approach to illegal immigration which is raising some eyebrows within the gop. >> the way i look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally and they crossed the border because they didn't have any other means to work and be able to provide for their family, yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's kind of -- it's a -- as an act of love. it's an act of commitment to your family. >> so how will jeb's immigration remarks sit with the republican party? that has been the subject of discussion for quite some time. dana how do you know it's going to play? >> it's hard to tell. i think initial reaction from some places is pretty negative. what i like is that he's
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speaking on principle and from his heart. he knows it's unpopular, but it's what he believes and he will say what he believes. what he will have do is persu e persuade, if he decides to run, on that issue, immigration and on education, i think he has a lot of persuading to do to try to get people to coalesce around him. there were republicans around the country who said i think i can agree with that. >> again, he's not making any announcement thus far about running how is that going to play with the party at this point in time? >> he jumped out in front with an act of love immigration and look there are others on the right, you hear rand paul, marco rubio also talking about similar ideas. not necessarily an amnesty but maybe some sort of punishment but keeping the 11 or 12 million
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illegals who are here to stay with some caveats. i don't think that's not the defining issue for jeb bush if he decides to run. i think the education will be. he's a brilliant man. he's workup of the smartest people in this in this. he's for common core. that's the one thing that could be his achilles if he's going to get through a republican primary and go on and take on hillary clinton or whoever. >> the more conservative party, greg, would have some problems with this. they would like stricter immigration laws. how do you think this is going to play for him? >> one initial reaction i'm bushed from all the bushes. can't we have another names? can we work down the alphabet?
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why don't we get an actual bush? at least he wouldn't raise taxes. i know he's qualified, and i understand what he means by the act of love. that makes sense, but you know what else is an act of love for your country is a respect for an actual border. that's love for your country. you know, i want these people here that take risks. you know, what made america great is people took risks. they came from their country to get here and risk their lives and those people are great people and i like them. we should form a line. our borders are like that bookstore, they don't exist anymore. >> bob, what do you think? >> i think that quote would be the single most advantagious quote he could take into a general election. it scares me to death. i think the republicans will figure out a way to deny this guy the nomination because of things like that because they
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are such kreet ins. i think the republicans are finally getting to realize that they cannot win national elections without hispanic votes. this guy one line alone will ameal yat -- >> people who said they are illegal a lee ens. >> somebody else that i will not name but i cannot look this person in the eye because of hateful things that were said that were tagged on to the republican party undeservedly. that makes me sick. >> tell me who it is. >> on substance, they still to refuse to do an immigration bill. i don't care rand paul, rubio, rubio who was hispanic himself, but no, those tea partiers in
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the house, no -- >> 2016, we're talking about who is running for president, by then, most of the gop candidates will be on board with some sort of immigration reform. comprehensive reform. >> i think bob if you feel this strongly about amnesty. you have a large apartment. you live in new york, not arizo arizona. why don't you offer your apartment for -- >> in fact, i have a couple of-on -- honduranss. >> i don't doubt that. he'sive. >> he's running, he can't make the decision -- >> we've got bush and clinton again. >> by the end of year. >> that would be about the right. i thought you end the 2015. >> we're going to have a bush and clinton. >> i have my little bumper
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sticker. >> if jeb wins and spends two terms in office, it will be four decades. >> my frustration is where are the new people? >> you keep saying that every time. the answer is republican party doesn't have any. >> and neither do the democrats. hillary clinton is not exactly new. >> i think qou -- cuomo -- >> i don't want to see a grown man to cry. now a dramatic day as the blade runner murder trial as oscar pistorius stakes the stand. ♪
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>> they are the five with their bodies. welcome back to the fastest 60 minutes in news. first up, rob lowe played sam s seeburn made news this weekend sounding pretty darn libertarian. my thing is personal freedoms, freedoms for the individual to do what they want, to do what they want, in fact i want the government out of almost everything. okay, rob lowe. >> this is what you are saying earlier, a position evolving, to say listen have the government out of it. it's consistent they shouldn't be in your personal business. and government should not be interfering overly in business
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because we've seen what happens when they do that. overregulate, over tax and it kills entrepreneurial spirit and the free market. >> i think that they are going to regulate sex tapes. >> is that an old joke? >> it's bad for kids. >> what are you talking about, bob? >> the guy had a sex tape. >> we're all libertarians now because there are some very appealing things. that once you start to have a trend and the cycle like the one we're in now, why is the government involved in everything that i do and they don't like it. i do think that rigid ie deyoling for any party is actually not helpful to getting things done and some things just can't hold up. there are some things about
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libertarians that i really like and other things i can't stomach. such as foreign policy. i think rob lowe is a good leader. >> is he going to get black listed in hollywood? >> he's wait till you made it suffering. if he waited 20 years ago, he would be selling stuff on qvv. >> breaking bad is exactly what he did when asked about obamacare. >> i personally believe that health care program is fantastic. yes, there are problems. anything worthwhile is going to go through a growing pains period. but this is his legacy and i think it's a great one because i
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don't think that basic health care should be a privilege of the rich. it should be a right to all. >> i love you when the rich guys say basic health care shouldn't be a privilege. >> he's an articulate guy. he just prop pa began diesed for president obama. >> the other thing is we agree. basic health care for people who can't afford insurance has been available in our country. it's called medicaid. my problem with medicaid it's not good enough. the study done in oregon they were worse off health wise after they have been on medicaid than they were before. >> let me guess, he's not going to give up his massive cadillac health care plan and sign up for
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obamacare, is he? >> no. everybody who happens to be for obamacare, do they have to be a puppet for obama. the fact of the matter is working. by the time we get to november, you are going to have egg on your face. come november, you are going to have tens of millions of people who are living under obamacare and you all are going to lose. . if i have egg on my face, i won't go to the hospital to get it removed. >> young people are going to watch this guy. people like "breaking bad," maybe if he likes it, i should like it. >> maybe we should have called on him to do it for obamacare info mercials. >> are you kidding me out of the 3.8% investment tax, you have no idea the taxes you are about to get hit with because of obamacare. >> you'll complain about it in the green room.
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>> pistorius testifies today in his own murder trial. it's the first time people heard his words. let me quote my wife, get out o. listen to the very traumatic tear filled testimony today. >> i would like to apologize and say there hasn't been a moment since this tragedy happen that i haven't thought about your family. i wake up every morning and you are the first people i think of, the first people i pray for. i was simply trying to protect reeva. i can promise that when she went to bed that night, she felt loved. >> they didn't in the morning. >> quick thoughts around the. >> i think it's disturbing. if you look at the forensic evidence, i don't buy his story. he's putting on a great performance, maybe after he gets out of jail, he can go into
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acting cht. >> do you see the judge? she was going to make the decision. >> this is the south african version of o.j. simpson. let's hope the outcome is not the same. i think you are exactly right, the forensic evidence points toward guilty and nobody who is not guilty is going to go through that kind of emotional plea. >> again, i have a hard time getting interested in this. i'm much more concerned about high crime rates in south africa that affect a lot of other people. >> i tried to put a pen to paper ever since that night but i haven't been able to do it. but today he did. >> i hate it when perpetrators play the victim. we know now he suffers from depression and nightmares. the poor thing. no wonder. >> we're going to leave it right there. >> some angry students storm the office at dartmouth.
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they stage a sitdown. details after the break. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room
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here's an out rajs example of identity politics in the ivy league. last week a group of students at dartmouth staged a 72-hour sit in at the office of the president. they have been driven to this as
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institutional violence. >> the fundamental basis of this entire gathering is that some people on this campus have more power than other people on this campus. the president has more power than me. not just as an authority. but also a male, as a white person, an adult. it's polite not to cut people off, to have discourse. it doesn't always change things. >> i want you to respond. >> she is a privileged brat. students have replaced grades with grievances and the irony these are the people with the least amount of substance in their sculs that think they know it all. here's my solution, why don't we expand quotas, include every kind of person. red heads, short people, the color blind. nra members, southerners, fishermen and elbow the rest of
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them. they can't -- i feel -- so they can't go to school because clearly they are not using their minds. what a bunch of morons. >> bob, back in your day, when you were protesting, you were protesting for something of substance. one of things they are asking is gender neutral bathrooms. who would want that? >> i would. but listen i sat in a president's office for a week back when i was in college. >> you were in trouble? >> for something that mattered? >> against the war in vietnam. i think every student has a right to air their grievances. if -- some of this stuff is a little bit off the wall. it's nonetheless what students do. i don't know what the big deal is. >> these are attention-seeking students who will never get jobs in real life. >> i bet they get accepted at
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occupy wall street. >> they will never get a real job. they will teach agenda -- they will take gender studies in order to teach gender studies >> who are these students? where are their parents? are you imagine writing the check for $65,000 and seeing your kid protesting wanting gender neutral bathrooms? >> this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of. >> do you know the moss could the -- mascot for dartmouth, kefy the keg. and an indian before that. >> how about the kids and who want some order in school who are actually there to have an education and have a life and have a job and not be big whining people?
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thank you for your protest. bye-bye, calling campus security. >> my dad went to dartmouth. as a legacy, i applied. they didn't respond to say no. >> is that strew? >> that's true. >> maybe it got lost in the mail. >> the thing about gender neutral bathrooms they will be cleaner. >> not necessarily true. no. don't believe that. because we don't want you in our bathroom. okay. we don't. how about ever? >> sit-ins are extremely lazy. if you really care, stand. >> or run-in. >> i can't take you seriously. sit outside. >> they are trying to get out of class. that's all it is. >> they argue against fossil fuels, in the wintertime, that's what they use to heat their dorms. >> sleep-in. sleep-in. better. keep your mouth shut. sleep-in. >> i got to go. is the internet to blame for the
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decline of religious affiliations in the united states. some surprising new research reveals why we might be losing our faith. details next on "the five."
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you probably the noticed the weather in new york just absolutely stinks. all right. surfing the web destroy your faith? the answer is yes. a study in massachusetts says there's been a dramatic drop in religious affiliation in the u.s. since 1990. some 25 million people and the correlation the increase of the internet use. now, let me say as a form statistician. -- >> you still are. >> okay. correlate means it is not subject as a result of. it correlates. yes, you can think anything. you can see a decline.
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it doesn't find anything that's different. they picked out the internet. i'm not so sure i buy this although there is a lot of evidence that is not correlation. it's actually truth, that you follow your parents' religious affiliation generally and baby boomers have been less religious than generations before them. you think the internet interrupts this? >> i think you are right. sometimes they call it a false fact. internet use over the last 25 years, up by 25 million and also the religiously unaffiliated goes up. you can say the same thing about global warming. if you believe the globe is warming over the 25 years, and internet use is up, you can therefore conclude that internet causes global warming. >> it has a little to do with fellowship. churches was a place where you gathered and have a lot of your social connections. the internet allows you to be in fake social.
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you have friends you can talk to on facebook all day long. you don't necessarily seek out the fellowship that you used to find at church. >> the internet makes you feel like you are exploring, but it's actually digestion, things are going in, not going out and what happens is -- no matter how you feel about spirituality or rling, you are -- religion, you are spending more time on your own and less time out talking to people, positive the internet though it does cure loneliness for people who don't have community. the problem it's taken away from people who had community before. >> that's right, because you don't have to go outside the home or your job whatever to go to try have fellowship. >> you don't have to go to a bar, kimberly. >> there you go. i'm not even going there.
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the. >> the idea of community and faith is an important thing. there have probably been more relationships between friends as a result of being church together. what the internet crowd considers a chat room. a chat room is nothing more than a name. it's not interaction with anybody. >> i think there are -- >> why -- >> my chat room's are fine. >> i think -- i do think that there is a way -- >> but i go to >> i think there people of faith can actually find more information and a community on line as well if the churches find a way to coordinate the two. >> one more thing is up next.
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i was in the bus tour. started off in grand rapids, michigan. met some awesome people. they are fantastic. constantly giving me stuff. that's a terrible picture and i was in grand rapids and ended up in nashville, tennessee. people gave a lot of gifts to "the five." a lot of shirts and a lot of stuff for bob and eric and -- >> did i get any anything for jasper? >> nothing for jasper.
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this is any favorite thing. this is a drawing "the five." it's dana. it's a t rex. bob is a steg asawrs. kg is a brack yo sawrs. >> i'm like an iguana. >> i like it that i am bigger than you. >> and i'm a vegetable taran. and you are also a rhino. that's the funny thing. tushe. -- touche. >> one of things we don't have enough things to talk about. something happening in another place in the world that's in the middle east. it's not iraq, and afghanistan, and russia. it's in venezuela. so far, 37 people have lost their lives.
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more than 550 have been injured. there are reports of torture by the government. the government controls all of the television and radio stations and three individuals from globo vision resigned on air. one executive from globo vision was kidnapped today. so we should be paying attention to what's going on in venezuela. >> thank you for that. >> take a look. happy 5th birthday to fox nation here. take a look, five years, congratulations continue to be the defenders of the constitution and the home for hot debate, hot videos. and powerful opinions. by the way, you can send a birthday wish on twitter by #fax nation with the number 5 and send them your congratulations. five years, good stuff. >> bob. >> ever wonder how close kids
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feel to their cell phones. take a look at this, this girl in dover, england. her name is ella, lost her phone down a drain. so what did she do? she jumped through the drain to get the phone. it was -- the drain was active. there was a lot of water pouring in there. people had to come and rescue this woman. still insisted chef going to get her blackberry which went away with the water so they never got it. can you imagine? >> she's not going to fit. her waist. it's not going to work out. >> you can't love something that much. >> what a way to fix a pothole. kimberly. >> greg wanted me to do some more coverage of the royals. this is a beautiful picture. three-week pacific tour and you have prince george there looking absolutely adorable. they are in new zealand, traveling around and everyone is excited to see such a cute baby.
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>> why is it wearing shorts in new zealand. >> it's what babies wear. >> all right. that's it. thank you, bob for not saying anything awful. >> don't forget to set your dvrs so you never miss an epd "the five." >> president obama again advocates equal pay for women. that does not include his own white house, apparently. this is "special report." >> good evening. i'm bret baier. democrats desperate for a winning campaign issue are throwing out several options these days. one of them, equal pay for women. is one focus of president obama's attention this week. chief white house correspondent with more. >> as president obama moved today to officially shift the focus of the


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