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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 7, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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his wife said he knows the value of colleges, not just because he works at one. >> i think she's right. the same one, the same -- the same one. >> thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. see you tomorrow. welcome to hannity. we have a jam backed show. america, are you ready? let's roll. last week on hannity we exposed what is really going on on spring break. tonight we'll show you the latest shocking video of another spring break party out of control. oscar pistorius takes the stand. >> i wake up every morning and you're the first people i think of. >> our panel reacts to the tearful apology to the parents of his slain girlfriend. >> i can't imagine the pain and
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the sorrow and the emptiness that i've caused you and your family. >> and bob beckel is furious about an objection to easter eggs. that and jed bush and the 2016 presidential election. will he or won't he? >> can one do it joyfully without the convention of the politics. hannity starts right here right now. >> last week we shed light on what happens when your kids jet off to spring break and we have disturbing stories to share. college students gathered for the annual spring break party. this is in santa barbara, california. things got quickly out of control. partiers through rocks and bricks and lights at cop cars. 44 taken to the hospital. joining us for reaction, the
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co-host of fox and friends first and ainsley is here with us. i lived in santa barbara. they like -- it's a 60 retro you see santa barbara. they celebrate the burning of the bank that took place in the '60s. a big holiday. this doesn't surprise me. >> this is what the sheriff in panama city said. this is the reason they don't patrol because they are scared this will happen. it takes a few seconds for these kids to have this riot and beginning up. you have kids that slap and punch the officers and run away and they don't know where the kids went. >> one cop was hurt severely? >> there were five deputies injured. one was hit in the face with a brick. the most severe was a university police officer. he was hit in the head with a backpack full of large bottles of alcohol. face gash. very dangerous. flying bricks, street signs being knocked down, small firs
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and officers go to try and break it up and there is a riot. 15,000 kids, sean. >> descending on santa barbara. >> one of the things that kept coming up last week when we were doing this story was why do parents allow their kids to go? they not only let them go but facilitate, pay the money to go to cancun, florida, in this case, california? why would parents do that? >> they are raising brats, spoiled brats and you've been doing great coverage. i watched this last week. it's amazing, you're right -- i'm not going to pay for my kid to go down to spring break to drink and do drugs. i mean, i don't even drink. >> you won't even let your kid eat a cheese burger. >> no, i also don't drink. a lot of it comes from parents. if your parents are sitting at home drinking and a lot of mothers now party with kids now. you see it in high school. if you look at the parents,
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that's where they come from. >> they drink with their kids, smoke pot with their kids. >> it's a huge problem because they want to be the friend, rather than be the parent. >> i agree with you. >> let's not pretend we can control kids. these are adults. if they want to sneak off to what is essentially a drunken r orgy and you work at a gas station ten shifts, you got enough to go down. i got in a lot of trouble for saying hypothetical scenario, son and daughter on their own accord snuck down to a drunken orgy? you are obviously more worried about your daughter but this is a secoxist thing to say. >> i have those comments. you created a fire storm. let's go back to the video. this is our audience edition show on friday and this is what gaven said. >> my daughter, there is no way she's going there but with my sons, i hope they have a great time -- >> oh, boy. >> boys can get alcohol
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poisoning. >> oh, yeah, one a year. that happens everywhere. that's youth. >> getting pregnant is much more harmful than having some sex and -- the women there are human garbage whose parents don't love them. >> nice jacket, gaven. where did you get that? >> gaven that's going to backfire on you because those same guys learning how to do that will date your daughters. you don't want them to have this reputation. >> this is the problem with the big picture talk. we're controlling the universal. spring break is going on sex is going on. when a woman had ten beers shotgunned down they are throat. >> you think it's okay, it's not rape or sexual assault. >> and you think it's okay to send your sons down there? >> the males are sexual assaulting the females. >> yes -- >> wait a minute -- >> if a woman chooses to drink
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all of that, assuming she's making the choice to funnel that beer and she goes back to this guy's hotel room and they hook up, you're calling -- >> everyone goes what about the sons, your sons are out there raping -- first of all, if it's easier, focus on the 100-milers who come in from out of town. you sent your daughter into an area where the dregs of society are coming in from 100 miles away and praying on waisted girls. yes, sons are having sex with women that is a gray area of consensual. that's not great. i'm not bananas about that. the son doing that is a gross, sad pathetic thing. a daughter doing that, that's the end of the universal. she can get pregnant. >> the male -- >> it's called different genital. >> the male has to inpregnant the women. >> those are the guys when i was single avoided when i was dating
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because -- >> try it after 14 beers. >> well i wouldn't put myself in that situation because i had a father and a mother that taught me not to do that. >> we all have fathers and mothers. do you know the crazy stupid stuff -- >> it's different now. it's so different now. >> that's also my point. these kids grow up with porn. if any of us saw what third base was today, we would have to wash our eyes for fortnight. >> say you wouldn't do that -- >> i went to spring break but didn't see what i saw in panama city and the stories i heard. >> i never seen footage like that. >> right, it's happening. >> the kids don't seem to care. >> am i the only sane person on earth. >> let me go to the oscar pistorius trial. he took the stand today. i want to get your reaction on this. >> there hasn't been a moment since, since this tragedy happen that i haven't thought about
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your family. i wake up every morning and you're the first people i think of, the first people i pray for. i can't imagine the pain and the sorrow and the emptiness that i caused you and your family. i was simply trying to protect viva. i can promise that when she went to bed that night she felt loved. >> we got perception and then we got legality. do you think he made a good case for himself? >> there is so many questions here. it's a totally different court somewhere he gets to stand up and make an apology to the parents, first of all. he said he didn't do it. autopsy reports show she had eaten and food was in her system at 11:00. >> i think the perception is they think he murdered her. >> he took joe biden's advice, shoot a shotgun through a door,
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who shoots through the door. >> i don't think if you look without a reasonable doubt, i don't think they have that. >> are you heartless? he was crying. he must be innocent, he was crying. end of debate. >> are you saying to the oprah culture you go on tv -- >> i want to taste the tears. i want to feel salt. if it's not salty, he's lying. >> don't you think -- >> we'll send gavin down as the tear taster. >> they got to be real on many levels. he's guilty that he killed her no matter what and he knew the family, obviously, he did love her, they had this relationship. >> did he kill her? >> i don't know. >> he shot her by accident. it's crystal clear. >> do you think the door was locked, he shot the door. >> you don't say hey, who is in the bathroom? if it's a criminal you don't -- unless you owe the mob money. >> that's joe biden's advice to women. >> they had testimony of him throwing up in rough circumstances, his mother having a gun under her pillow --
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>> you lucked out. you think he may have done it by accident. >> i have doubt. that's all i'm saying. i don't -- >> i don't. i think he did it on purpose. i really do. >> where is the proof? >> this is my instant here. nobody reasonable fires a gun through a door you don't know what is behind it. you don't do that. >> i agree. i think he has a temper and this is the result. >> i agree. >> just because someone has a temper doesn't mean -- >> you were talking about done because we know don as a temper. >> on this edition of hannity, a muslim father in michigan is outraged he received a flier promoting an easter egg hunt. jedd bush and his decision to run. that and [ male announr ] how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand,
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welcome back to "hannity." the flyers that you can see there on your screen detail a day of activity like an egg hunt, relay races, egg toss being held at a local presbyterian church. the father says passing out these flyers in school is a violation of the u.s. constitution, specifically separation of church and state. the pastor of the church and school district said this is not a religious event, just a day of activity for the community. joining me now is the parent and attorney with us and the co-host of the five, bob beckel. what is your complaint here?
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>> i love how main stream media put as twist on the story. first of all, you probably got the wrong fish in your audience. if you're trying to sit here and try to get a muslim to come up in front of you and tell you how radical we are, you picked the wrong muslim. >> why are you so hostile? why are you so angry? >> the muslim in front of you -- well, let me tell you -- the media put a nice spin on the story. >> stop whining and tell us why you're complaining. >> i'm not complaining -- i'm going to tell you now -- >> good, finally. >> i'm a parent. you have a church that's decided to pass out flyers to seven and nine-year-old elementary school kids and invite them to a church event. i have a problem -- >> it is not a church event. it's an easie' ester egg hunt, . >> if that church wants to invite my kids, knock on the door and say we want to invite your kids.
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they don't have to stick a flier inside my kids' backpack. >> you're outraged about an easter egg hunt. >> you pick the the wrong fish. you know why i'm outraged? >> why? >> because every time an american stands up for rights, you guys hide the story and don't want to show it. >> who is you guys? >> the entire media. >> the entire media? >> when i stood up for four christians falsely arrested, what did you guys do? cover the story? no, i held a protest and paid money out of my pocket -- >> they have relay races and egg tosses -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> they werwere falsely arreste and you guys didn't cover the story. >> you're flipping out. you're out of your mind. bob beckel. >> against terrorism -- >> if i could interrupt for a second, i'm delighted to hear that you stood up for the christians because it has been appalling to me that the muslim community both in the united states and certainly overseas,
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the presence of every muslim nation, the radicals certainly but the main stream muslims supposedly moderate have said nothing when children get bombed at boston marathon, when the cole gets blown up, world trade center nothing is said and the only thing you can conclude is most muslims are agreeing or cowards because not a single clergy stood up and said i'm sorry for what happened and you're the first one, i congratlaid you. >> i stood up in front of the world media and said i'm an american. if you want to kill americans, when the terrorist and wanted to blow up a bomb er i stood up in front of the world and said if you want to kill americans, kill me first.
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if you want to bomb americans, bomb me. >> why do you think they aren't standing up? >> the only reason you want to have me on this show is to make me look like a fool. i'm an educated attorney, that's what this country needs, educated muslims. >> mr. -- >> i pay $300,000 in taxes this year. >> you came on here attacking -- >> because you guys -- >> what do you mean? i'm giving you a voice if you stop attacking. >> thank you mr. hannity -- >> you're very welcome. the media is not giving the truth. the truth is i love this country. i love christians, i stood for christians -- >> appreciate that. i appreciate that. >> and i thank -- >> i appreciate that. >> and i thank you for finally once giving a muslim -- >> mike is on my program all the time radio and tv. i invite people on from all different points of view. bob, i want to ask you this, is
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this reaction over the top. it's not a religious event, egg roll. to me it's silty. >> i think the kind of passion this gentleman has that he directs to anti christian movement is exactly the right place, not an easter egg hunt. i wish there were more. i looked for them and i've been on this case for a year. i've yet to see as i've said again a clergy or moderate muslim leader stand up for christians who are being killed in the middle east and that makes them cowards. >> we'll end it there. i hope you don't end it. i hope you let me finish. i really do. >> i'll give you one last sentence, go ahead. >> when i stood up in front of the world media and said you want to kill americans, kill me first. i got a phone call from another muslim from island who said he would put a bullet in my head -- >> exactly. >> that's the point. i've gotten the same threats and bob has, too. >> i'm not surprised you got
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that. >> i got to go. we're on a hard break. i'm just out of time. i'm not cutting anybody short. coming up, former governor jed bush sets a deadline for making a decision whether he's going to run in 2016. dick morris is here with reaction and ann coulter, because of a stance on gay marriage and jz
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my feet felt se end of thday. they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes,
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my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like lking on a wave. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer! . hello, back with hannity jed bush deciding whether he'll run for president in 2016. he told shannon that although his decision won't come until the end of the year, he's currently weighing, well, these two considerations. >> for me two simple things. it relates to our conversation about can a candidate run with a hopeful optimistic message hopefully, you know, with enough
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detail to give people a sense that it's not just idle words and not get thrown at, not get back into the vortex of the mud flight. can you do it, in my case that means can one do it joyfully? without tide to all of the convention of the politics of the here and now and is it okay for my family? is it something that isn't a huge sacrifice for our family? >> he also made these remarks that have gotten quite a bit of reaction on the issue of immigration. here is what he said. >> someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their families, you know, a dad who loved their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table, and they, you know, wanted to make sure their family was in tact and so they crossed the boarder because they had no other means to work for their family. they broke the law but it's not
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a felony. it's an act of love. it's an act of commitment to your family. >> and joining me now with reaction to the remarks and much more, former clinton advisor and the radio host on my affiliate in file lee, dick morris, sir, how are you? >> doing great and i'll go easier on you than the muslim guest did last segment. >> thank you. jeb versus hilary, is that a possibility? >> i think less and less likely. when you read his comments about running and then his comments about the act of love, i think this is a guy who deeply believes in immigration reform, deeply believes in inclusivity, which is good given his wife and family but who is not about to go through the process where every sound byte would be used against him in negative ads and that. i get a sense of a guy who doesn't have the stomach for the
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process. i don't think he'll go. >> taking his comments and knowing how passionate people are on immigration, does that hurt him on the republican primary? >> sure, it will. an act of love. what about love for the taxpayers who have to pay for folks? who about love for our laws and our heritage. what about love for the people there putting out of work? i don't think that that's an accurate summation of what republican primary voters think and i have to think if bush did it, it's not that he's misjudging the mood, it's that he doesn't care and is more interested in saying what his family and his close associates might want him to say. >> what do you think the latest poll numbers have come out, republicans lead in seven senate races now that would include michigan, north carolina, alaska, montana. even up in louisiana, mary landrieu's seat 46-42 and tied
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in arkansas. what are your thoughts? >> and close in three other states. gardener is right on udol's hills and in colorado al franken is only ahead 44-41 and even in iowa, braylee ahead 31-47. >> is mitch mcconnell in trouble -- >> yeah, mcconnell might be a take away. we'll have to wait until the primary is over. you know, sean, i was incredibly affected this week by the data that came out from north carolina. it's most important data i've read in a year. >> real quick -- >> elections commissioner there, kim straight did a study of those who voted in north carolina who also voted in another state in 2012 and she found 35,500 people voted in
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north carolina and voted in some other state. and only 27 states pull that data, texas, california, new york and florida did not pull their data. so you're talking about probably over a million people that voted twice in the selection. the first concrete evidence we've ever had of massive voter fraud. we talked about it at nausea. this proves it. >> dick morris, we'll get more into that. thanks for being us with. was the mozilla ceo ousted? president obama's huge rapper is causing controversy by wearing wearing a necklace by a group that's anti white. record your dvr and set it for hannity that way we'll be together every night at 10:00 eastern.
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welcome back to "hannity. silicon valley has shown if you don't tow the liberal line, you're not wanted which is what mozilla ceo found out after he was pressured to resign after a six-year-old $1,000 donation to ban gay marriage. prior to ike's resignation, the online dating website okay cupid encouraged followers to stop using mozilla fire fox due to ike's contribution. so is this the new reality in america or anybody that hospitals views that are
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intimidated and forced into silence? with reaction and the latest wave of the less intolerance, ann coulter. this is your favorite top pick. even your buddy bill maher called it gay mafia, which probably means he's going to be in trouble. >> right. >> and newt said this weekend, a new fashion. there is a level of intolerance you must not say certain things. >> right, i don't think it is anything new which is way, as described in my book about mobs. mobs are always on the left and the reason it occurred was reading books like juan williams, eyes on the prize about the civil rights, the non-violence, integrating, the little rock high school for example, just the vicious horrible hateful behavior. that confused me because the way it's told the women spitting until the face, it's as if you
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or me. a confusing story. i realized why am i acting like this is a strange thing? i see that hatred directly in my face every time i go to a college campus. >> you really experience that? every time you go somebody will get in your face -- >> not just me but conservatives do have to go with body guards to a college campus. this level of hatred described in thomas' concurrence and take no point. it's an original important point. clearance thomas for campaign finance laws and sited the examples from proposition eight. whenever i'm in l.a. i go to el coyote, the family owned
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restaurant. the woman was a mormon and gave $100 donation to the proposition eight supported overwhelmingly by black americans in california. that's where civil rights has come. now not only has nothing to do with blacks, to promote colleges actively proposed but the mobs going after this woman and her restaurant and i was tweeting it out this weekend. just the death threats, the actual violence, the vandalism. it has always been from the left and of course, it wasn't from the left at the little rock high school. >> throughout my career, which is 30 years on radio, almost 30 years, i can tell you things changed dramatically. you have well-funded groups of people and people whose job it is to listen to three hours after radio, watch one hour in tv in the hope i might say something stupid that then they can go out there and attack my advertisers.
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they are experiencing this and an environment that didn't exist become when i started. >> that's right. they just picked different victims. it used to be african americans. as described, it is a lie that these racist democrats suddenly just flipped to the republican party. these were liberal democrats. bill clinton's mentors and supported abortion and the u.n. and every left wing cause. that was liberal democrats. once you realize that it makes sense. i'll also point out in the case of this mozilla ceo the hate is directed for him for in 2008 having the exact same position as barack obama. >> and hillary clinton. >> well, everyone, actually at that time and one other thing is how are they winning? they aren't winning by changing minds of americans. they are winning for one thing by having the courts hand them everything they want just like they did with abortion and also as with global warming, just
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harassing you if you disagree with them so most people -- >> put this together with the hobby lobby case. how much of this, if you go to the next level where this is headed because it's gotten so hyper sensitive does that mean that people of a christian faith now they are going to be under attack? it is going to be an open assault of people on faith that are practicing and they better have the right positions or they will lose the tax exempt status? is next? >> we'll keep seeing it until we replace democrats in washington. they are the ones, the president in the senate who put crazy judges on the courts and that's how gay marriage is winning. keep in mind democrats have not changed anybody's mind. what they have gotten is liberal judges to hand them everything they want on a platter. they got people to shut up because they are afraid of being harassed and chased. by the way, when i go to el coyote in los angeles, i go with
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gays who love el coyote. >> or click fill la. >> and by the way, you know the sweet kids we meet from notre dame, they are bringing me out to speak next thursday. >> that's the one college i want to go to. >> good to have you. >> coming up next, president obama's friend jay-z, the guy married to beyonce say is stirring up major controversy after sporting this necklace made by an anti-white group. and is the malaysia airlines put it on my capital one venture card. i earn unlimited double miles. hey, you're not the charles barkley? yes i am. nah charles barkley is way taller. there's my picture on the wall. yeah that could be anyone. what about my jersey over there? oh yeah, that's your jersey. there's my bobble head right behind you. alright well let me see you bobble.
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only a small percentage of people understand the world. the post reported jay-z was asked it held any meaning to him and he said, yeah, a little bit. joining me is mike myers and david webb. i did a little more research on this, that medallion, he sings about it in a song, as well. it says the rational is that the black man is god, created the universal, is physically stronger, more righteous according to michael mohammed night, whiteness is weak, wicked and inferior, a wild that needs to be corrected. the definition of racism is the belief in one race superior over another. sounds to me like a classic definition, does he believe that by wearing that and saying it means something to him? >> i don't know what jay-z believes or doesn't, if you look
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at the 5%, this is disaffected blacks during the civil rights, no different than quanza. i've been around music my whole life -- >> he know what is that symbol means. >> you're right, whether he does or doesn't, talk about street cred. you need street cred. if jay-z believes in this then i guess he doesn't believe in obama that's half white and obama isn't pure. by the way, women are sabordinte. it's about selling product. >> the president of the united states of america -- >> let me make points. jay-z has not owned up to it. he has not said he's a member of the 5%. the people that represent 5% do not -- >> let me make my point. let me make my point.
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>> does he -- do you think he knows what that ma daeans? >> they are artist. they rap. they talk trash. they a word represent. so, of course he knows what he's doing. >> what if it were a clan symbol? >> so what? so what? >> that's a racist group that believes in superiority in one race over another. >> i have to make my point. people who are an artist have the privilege to talk trash, they do. but as david said, this is an affect, a 1%er trying to represent himself as a 5%er. he is talking about a religion that's completely made up, that's hateful, racist but guess what? that religion was founded by somebody who was an offshoot and a --
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>> the so-called white man. the white man is the devil. it's absurd. you don't take these people seriously. >> sean, all they want you to do and by the way, the 1 percenter which you stole from me. >> i gave him permission to use it. what they want you to do, the 99% is buy their products. it's about the benjamins to go to them and own what you know. if you're black or anything in america and you know rap music and an industry, own it, grow it -- >> wait a minute. we got to interpret -- >> don't be a hypocrite. >> we got to interpret this differently here because if he thinks that he's going to make bi benjamins, i'll quote you by at least putting out the perception that he's buying into a ratest idea, what does that say about culture. they want him to be that? >> this is a gang problem in connecticut and states where
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they classified the 5 percenters, they can celebrate the group in jail for the way they were acting. this is a problem. that's really the dangerous end of this. whether you do or don't agree with jay-z wearing this, not you but just in general see it for what it is. he simply wants to play the game. >> but he thinks that being a part of a group that's racist will make him money. >> a hypocrisy -- >> i think it's my turn. look, what do we know about rap? they appeal to a section of the ghetto -- >> white or black or otherwise -- >> it's my turn. they think it comes from representing the people that are the minority themselves believe they are pressed. they are victims. who are they victimized by. the same people that the professor jeffrey said. black people are front people, white people are ice people. this is the same made up
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stuff -- >> i interviewed that guy. >> you make something of jay-z saying something we made it which is a reference to the black scientist who created this. but my interpretation of that is yeah, we made it. we made it up. >> is it -- is it possible that the president's close friend is really a racist deep down? >> i don't know. >> the president of what? >> the united states. >> the president -- in other words, does he really believe this -- >> al sharpton? president? >> let's deal with hypocrisy -- >> no, answer my question. is it possible he's a racist? >> i don't think so. i think he's using it. i think jay-z is using it -- >> he's using a racist belief to make money? >> sean -- >> you're -- >> he's using racist belief to make money. by the way, in the early days of gangster rap you were shot, shot at or stabbed to get your street
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cred. if he can wear a medallion -- >> he's playing to racism and playing to information and marginalized small -- we've got to go. appreciate it, thanks. how close are officials we have new developments in the search for missing malaysia flight 370. they think they're getting closer to the ping where the black box may be. when we come back. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child
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welcome back to "hannity". australian officials said today a australian ship detected signals consis stwent a flight recorder data system about 1,000
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miles northwest of perth, australia. this comes after a chinese vessel also detected a ping signal about 300 miles away. officials say it could take a couple days to determine where they're from flight 370. back at the hannity forum is fox news commonedent former f-18 navy pilot. good to see you again. >> good to see you, sean. >> this is interesting we went out here 1500 miles. now, here take us where we are. >> okay. this is an area further north of the original search area. what the agency coordinating search is saying is that they've had experts looking at that so called satellite handshake that apparently took place between the plane with the plane several hours after the last known location as well as radar data looking at speed and aircraft performance so now, here is where the search is kind of
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focused. >> here >> right. >> but over here is where this spot is. >> this is where a chinese ship picked up something that may have been a ping from a black box over the weekend. their technology is from what officials are saying less sophisticated >> so they picked it up here. and then, they moved it here. so signal is received. we only have 30 days the bat very expected to last which is a black box. which is really orange, right? >> that is right. it's an orange black. it's like remote control for televisions. >> sometimes, they last longer. >> right. >> it's possible they're getting it. >> let's move to the second screen here. you can explain to everybody, i
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just want to remind people we're going here originally. >> right. >> this is a big difference tell us what we've got there. >> well, when what i'll say is that if they find the plane here, it's incredible stroke of luck or stroke of genius from these calculations because again we're going off of a possible pick up of the plane by malaysia radar and thai radar. it wasn't sparking a trend trend. >> they're trying to put pings they picked up together with the possible signal sound they might be getting from a black box or not? >> absolutely. >> a long shot. >> right. now, they're looking in this location. and you know this locator they've been towing behind an australian ship, it's not intended to just dip into the ocean to find a black box.
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this thing is intended to find black boxes. that is why i'd say it's extreme stroke of luck or genius to be able to find the black boxes now they're trying to continue searching the location. they've seen, they've had two hits, australian ship has from u.s. locator one picked up two hours, then they lost that signal. they turned and picked up one.# miles away another what sounded like a ping. now, also they've said is that it was trance -- the signal isn't what a black box, it's a man made signal. but according to the navy, the manufacturer of that -- >> it's within the range sf >> it can drift when it gets to the end of shelf life it could drift. >> lee, great report and great to see you again. >> thank you very much.
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>> i want to get your story of the f-18 flights. don't for yet set "hannity" the series so we don't miss you ploof paragraph this is a fox news alert. we may be close to finding that black box. two distinct and long lasting pings this the latest discovery in the search for malaysian airlines flight 370. u.s. equipment on board australian ship picking up those pings yesterday. right now navy specialists are desperately trying to relocate the crucial signals. >> two separate signal detections have occurred within the northern part of the defined search area. the first detection was held for approximately two hours and 20 minutes. the ship then lost contact before conducting a turn in attempting to reacquire the


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