tv The Kelly File FOX News April 8, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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conniption. thanks for watching us. miss megyn up next. please remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york with new details on al sharpton's life as an fbi informant. plus -- how did it go so wrong? >> i would expect something more precise. that's just not true. >> the white house blasted for gross hypocrisy after the administration gets called out for paying women less than men. >> we're doing better than the public at large. >> brett hume reacts. >> and to silence this film. >> the honor society is the basis of a lot of harm. >> see what we learned about one
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of its biggest critics and her ties to the white house. >> then -- >> do you feel more or less free today than you did ten years ago? not one of you who feels less free. >> are americans losing their freedom? wait until you see what we learned from this eye-opening focus group on the kelly file right now. breaking tonight lots of fall out after the white house is accused of a stunning display of hypocrisy as the administration admits that it is failing to meet its own demands when it comes to who gets paid what. welcome to the kelly file, everyone. hours ago the president signing an executive order to encourage federal government contractors to pay men and women the same money for the same work. in the last 48 hours the administration had its hands full explaining the pay gap right inside of 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> why is the median salary in the white house is 88% of men.
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>> we've addressed this challenge but better than the national average. what i'm saying, we're -- first of all, again, if you want to compare metrics we're doing ber. >> we're doing better than the public at large. brett hume is our senior political analyst. we're not as bad as everybody else. we're bad. not stop them from throwing rocks inside of glass houses but wow jay carney was on the ropes today. >> megyn, the best part when he endeavored to explain the reason why many women in the white house make less money than many of the men, he actually did a pretty good job of explaining why this whole idea that women make 77 cents on the dollar compared to men is snake oil because women make different choices about what kind of jobs they seek. they make different choices in reaction to marriage and child
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birth. they are oftentimes compared with men who are in very different jobs and the rest of it. so when those things, those factors are taken into consideration studies indicated the pay fwap all but evaporates. >> it's about five or six cents a pay gap which can be addressed through law. we have equal pay on the books, anti-discrimination on the books and women have been taking advantage of those for years. here's what the viewers need to know. this is being put out there right now despite there's laws on the books because they are trying to create a political wedge issue. >> i think so. it's not clear to me this is going to work as a political wedge issue. i think it's an issue that's likely to be a reminder to women who voted for president obama that he and his party are on their side. and they need to come out this fall and vote democratic. i think it will do a much better job of rallying the base if it
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does anything at all than convincing women who are republicans or independents to vote for a democrat this fall. >> is there any risk to the democrats in doing this because, you know, their own labor department is basically saying the pay fwgap is more like five cents. coming out and reporting over and over again saying it's 23 cents which it's not and the white house is even admitting that it's not. its numbers are wrong. do they run the risk of a, losing more credibility when it comes to numbers and b, the risk of infantilizing women, it may be wrong, you need me uncle sam to come in argue for you. you can't argue on your own, you can sue on your own you need the feds. >> that's a conservative argument but i think it will -- that view will be -- a lot of women will react that way.
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how many of them are people who are ever going to be exercised by this whole issue to begin with is unclear and i would also say that one thing i did notice in this particular case it wasn't just fox news calling the president out for this bogus statistic, a lot of other media did too. >> the former fox news guy major garrett. >> he was all over it. jonathan carl of abc news asking those questions. >> even slate. >> even slate which is decidedly a liberal online magazine was on this as well. and so i think this is probably not going to work very well. but, you know, they are going to try it anyway. look if you're in the situation this president and his white house and administration are in now with foreign policy and the state of near total collapse with all that's happening in the world and obamacare having turned out the way it did and the economy never really reaching the kind of robust recovery we hoped for you have
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to talk about something other than those things. >> right in their own white house the numbers are off. they are busy lecturing the country how the numbers are off. right in the white house. it's the same thing. >> i didn't say it would work, i said it probably wouldn't work. >> normal people don't understand life inside the beltway, brit. >> i don't understand i want either. >> good to see you. >> thanks, megyn. we're also awaiting reaction from iran tonight on the efforts to stop an iranian hostage taker to come to america as an ambassador to the united nations. hours ago the white house informing teheran that he is not a quote vital option for this job. he was one of the students who grabbed our embassy back in teheran in 1979. the administration, the obama administration's decision comes just a day after a bill passed
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in the u.s. senate barring this man from entering the united states. an extraordinary move. normally we let these folks in. developing tonight new details on taelgs that the reverend al sharpton was once a mob snitch for the fbi. according to the website the smoking gun the msnbc host, civil rights activist, remember these days, started working with the feds back in the '80s after he got caught up in a cocaine deal. today reverend al had some colorful words about the report. >> rats are usually people that would rat out the other rats. i was not a rat because i wasn't with the rat. i'm a cat. [ laughter ] i was never told i was an informant with a number. so in my own mind i was not an informant. i was cooperating with
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investigations. but the question is, what would have been wrong if i had? i mean i don't understand it. if i had talked about a corrupt assemblyman in east harlem that's good government. but if i'm talking about mobsters i'm reverend rat. give me a break. >> editor of town and a fox news contributor. he didn't do it but if he did do it there's nothing wrongdoing it even though he done like being called a rat because instead he's a cat. do i have it about right? >> believing reverend al, all of his rhyming aside and his moments of trying to justify what de, i do think that people will be surprised when i say this but i think a lot of what he said was correct. although he got into being an informant for the fbi in a less than maybe honest way, he was caught on tape negotiating a big cocaine deal with would be
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kingpin, i think it's important to realize that we shouldn't be calling people who bring down crime mobs and bring down bad people as informants, we shouldn't be classifying them as snitches or rats because he's the one -- >> he's the one who is calling that role a rat. he's the one who came out and said i'm not a rat. why didn't he just come out and say i did it and you should be thanking me for doing it. >> he should be saying that. but i think that comes from his base a little bit because he wants to make sure he tells his leftist base which is very anti-fbi that look, i'm not one of those really bad rats that works with the fbi, but on the other hand i didn't do anything wrong. i think he does make a point when he says look if i was outing some corrupt councilman i would have been celebrated. what's the difference with fbi. we have to look at the record and the information al sharpton
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gave to the fbi as a result of him getting in trouble previously, did bring down a lot of bad people inside multiple crime families in new york city, making new york city and the country a better place. regardless -- we can criticize how he got into this informant role that's not a good thing but we have to give credit to fbi informants in general when they bring us information about bad people. >> he was confidential informant number 7. ci-7. maybe the c stands for cat. good to see you. >> good to see you too. >> who knew. coming up the steefr suspeory o suspected terrorist caught laughing. we're learning more about one of the critics that aims to expose violence against muslim women and the ties this critic of the film has with the white house. and in light of all the
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executive actions we want to know if america is as free as it used to be. eye-openi eye-opening. >> do you feel more free today than you did ten years ago? not one of you who feels less free. tell me why. go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and
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detained for dressing unislamically, like this woman screaming as she's pushed into a police car. the honor system in muslim majority societies is really the basis of a lot of harm that is perpetuated against women. >> that was a clip from "honor diaries" a film that aims to expose honor violence experienced by some muslim women and the film has come under attack for its exposure from a number of pe one comes from a political organizer. her connections go beyond the big apple. she's well-known in washington with even named quote champion of change by the white house back in 2011. in fact, last two weeks ago she
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couldn't come on the show she was meeting with nancy pelosi. andrew mccarthy is a national review contributing editor. so this woman is tied to the administration to some extent. she's been recognized by them, working with nancy pelosi on some items and yet she can't stand this film apparently that needs to call attention to the plight of muslim women. what's the deal? >> the deal is she's in league with other islamic supremacist thinkers that think anything that shines a light on this is something we shouldn't see and she's been, from what i can detect she's been really rabidly attacking anyone connected with the film. >> don't they look at somebody's bio like this before they give them the champion of courage award. her website is still up there even after she came out to rip on this film which is meant to protect women who are muslim. it's still up there.
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they are praising her. not only that last moshe sent out a tweet objecting to the people who are behind this film and her tweet reads as follows. how many times we have to tell white women that we do not need to be saved by them. is there code language i need to get through. >> white women i guess like the executive producer of the film, somalia black woman from africa not a white woman but someone who is a champion of change if what we're talking about is reform and democracy, real democracy not sharia like democracy. >> brooke goldstein argued against a woman from chicago. brooke suggested c.a.r.e. the one pushing to get this film shut down is up front for muslim brotherhood folks. the woman from c.a.r.e. said
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that's not true. they have basically some reits organizations for muslims. they have objection to the film because the film makers are islamic phobic. >> it grew out of a meeting in 1993 in philadelphia among hamas activist who were confronted the problem how to we support hamas without anybody recognizing we're supporting hamas. how do we move the agenda without getting ourselves in trouble with the united states. this was in the context of clinton trying to strike a peace deal between israel and the palestinians. that's the origin of c.a.r.e. what the muslim brotherhood, they go to school on us a lot more than we go to school on them. what they decided they needed was an organization that had media savvy and some legal background that could style itself as a civil rights organization because in america if you call anything civil rights you get an audience. they were actually fabulously
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successful for a long time doing that. i think until they were identified as an unindicted co-c co-conconspira co-consp co-c co-consp ira tor. >> there's a group that gives known c.a.r.e. that group i.a. t. believes in some of the things outlined in this movie. >> that's the international institute of islamic thought and another muslim brotherhood spinoff. it's actually a muslim brotherhood think tank in the united states. and they are really academics who are strongly behind this particular interpretation of sharia. and i would argue this interpretation of sharia licenses all of the practices it
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covers. if you watch the film. not everyone agrees with it. some say there's a sharia basis for it. others say it's a cultural thing. female genital mutilation was going open. it was a practice adopted rather than developed. you can argue those thing. but i think it's important for people to see the film and see these issues spotlighted because until you shine a light on this sort of stuff you can stop it from happening. >> she couldn't tell me what about the film she didn't like. she kept going after the makers suggesting they were islamic phobic. they were successful in getting this film shut down. it's not a white woman film. it's progressive activists behind i want but people should watch it. make up their own mine. a developing story about a man now suspected of planning a
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terror attack in the u.s. and how easily he ducked deportation. and oscar pistorius takes the stand describing the very moment he shot and killed his model girlfriend. up next judge alex shares his verdict on what he saw today. >> i flung the door open and i threw it open. and i sat over reeva. and i sat over reeva. i don't know woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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connecticut federal building. >> reporter: megyn he's not facing terrorism charges but the fbi says it has recorded phone conversations where he says he has the tools to build bombs and plan to use model planes to fly them into targets saying whatever he needs for the plan he can get in southern california. the astonishing part of this story is why he's still in this country. he came from morocco on a student visa. his application stated he had never been to college, never been arrested. in 20 oat he enrolled in virginia university. failed his classes and drond out. later when he was arrested for theft and trespassing authorities found his visa was no good. they threatened to deport him but then he claimed asylum. he said he protested against the government and if returned to morocco he would be jailed.
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his asylum was granted because the immigration courts never connected his asylum statements with his original visa application where he said he had never been to college, never arrested. the fbi affidavit even says quoting here, he's clearly heard stating the more he thinks about the case he laughed because key not believe the judge believed him. we contacted immigration authorities, they said all they do is enforcement we should contact the court and the d.o. j. >> that's comforting. thanks. michael lynch is an investigative filmmaker who has been covering illegal immigration and border control. you were just raising this issue a week ago. he's laughing at us because how weak the enforcement system is. >> sure. imagine having to do 20 million background checks on illegal aliens because he is an illegal alien. visa overstay is an illegal
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alien. 50% of them are visa overstays. people coming over the border because of act of love according to jeb bush and visa overstays. you can't do these background checks. we're basically just going to give legal documents to guys like this and they can go around the country and do whatever they want at will. this guy if you look at his statement what he said is he was going to get the materials to bomb the school from the border of mexico and southern california. i've been down to that border more than any filmmaker or politician you know and i can tell you that the things that are coming through the border are very scary. you got drugs. you got terror. there's a congressional report in 2012 that says hezbollah and other terrorist networks are working with the drug cartels to bring things into this country and they can do it at will. at will. and these politicians, i listen to them. an act of love? an act of love? you know what an act of love is
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when a veteran goes over fights for this country and then can't get his benefits. these politicians, once you say president to them, automatically it becomes what can i do for tilg alien. you want to be president of the united states look in the camera and say you know what i'm going to take care of your job and your life before i take care of any illegal alien. that's not happening. >> this guy -- obviously some people slip through the cracks. that's what the administration defenders say, people who want to see some accommodation of these illegal immigrants. some will slip through the cracks. obviously this is a bad case. but in defense of that argument they say a lot of these folks are loving law-abiding citizens who aren't defined by these terrorists. >> we have a legal program for those people who are loving and want to enjoy america. we want you. we want you hear legally. megyn if one of your kids was in the school that the guy wanted
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to bomb you want to tell me about one guy slipped through the crack. i watch what 19 people did. 3,000 people did on 9/11 right as i watched them. i don't want to hear jeb bush, i don't want to hear john boehner or anybody else in washington, d.c. talk about what they are going to do for the illegal alien population. they need to get back to focusing on america. that it is. i'm never going to come off this stand. >> always interesting. >> going to be rocking on this. >> thank you for being here. coming up a hot hearing on capitol hill over executive actions and what critics are calling an out of control government. up next our focus group on americans and freedom. >> how much is the role of the president and how he exercises his power how does that impact you personally in terms of the perception of ♪
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we're back now to our top story. president obama getting another work out as he signs two more executive order while on capitol hill there was a fiery hearing about government overreach. eric holder describes interpreting the laws. and raises more questions about our declining freedoms. >> megyn one of the greatest challenges is not partisan politics and not health care it's the question of freedom. and i raise that as a challenge because i got to ask you, the 20 of you, a lot of you weren't born in this city, a lot of you come from different parts of the country. do you feel more or less free . who feels more free?
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not one of you. who feels less free? tell me why. >> they are taping our phones and reading our emails. and i just think that -- i feel some insecurity with the financial markets as well. >> why do you feel less free? >> you got the obama administration making decisions and not putting it to public vote or public opinion. >> do you feel that's free? >> less free. i believe it's overall government power grab to get in everyone's life. >> how do you feel personally impacted by this? >> i feel that it's not okay to just believe what you believe. i believe now we're all either -- we have to agree with the democrats or republican, no one has their own thought. >> is someone watching you. >> yeah. >> someone watching you other than those at home. >> i feel less free because i
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feel every where we go we leave a digital footprint. >> you're on google. >> yeah. i'm every where. >> that concerns you >> it does. yes. >> your careful? are you not going over to ever i site? >> i'm as vague as i usually am. i feel powerless from corporate greed. >> so you blame the corporations. >> oh, yes. >> i do want to bring this to barack obama in terms of how he uses his power. >> i think health care is also a good example. i don't remember the constitution guaranteeing that everybody should be entitled to health care and if you don't get health care you're in. >> how does that relate to freedom. >> if you want health care you should get it. >> to me it's about control. they are trying to control every aspect of our life. they want to put you in a certain direction cradle to grave is what the government wants to do. whether it's monetarily or however they want to control you. >> you agree? >> comes down to grassroots. i just got two letters from my
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two doctors that they are not taking medicare patients any more. my closes are limited therefore my freedom is limited. >> how much is the role of the president and how he exercises his power how does that impact you personally in terms of your perception of the future and how free you feel you are. >> i think it's overusing his executive power and by executive order and i think that takes all of our freedoms away. >> can i add something. for people who voted for barack obama, and dislike the executive power that george bush was using, is there anybody here who is a liberal, a democrat and says i don't like what barack obama is doing either like the expansion of presidential powers. who is a liberal, who is a democrat. >> there's more obama people here. >> i voted for him. i think he's inept on his use of power. every president tries to
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overreach. i just wish he would do it in other ways. >> i'm wonder if you worry about precedent setting, slippery slope. once we as an electorate give that power to one president then we're stuck with it no matter who is in office. >> congress, due to congress's inaction it's top gateways even more for barack obama to do what he wants. >> so, you were reaction. >> i don't think president obama is overstepping his power. actually he's signed less executive orders than any other president. >> it's not the number it's the scope. designee hasn't set any new precedents that the bush administration i or ii has. >> go ahead. >> i think obama, when he promised change hope and change he said i'll do a brand new politics. a lot of the same. here's a guy who had the house, senate and presidency and all he had was health care and a few minor, you know, gay marriage,
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putting all these issues through. the real issues are jobs and creating jobs and foreign policy which people do not respect us any more and that's the kind of change we have. >> which political party is more likely to defend your freedom, the republicans or the democrats? who says the republicans? who voted for obama and says the republicans? you guys got to tell me why. >> well, because, you know, the republicans, they really haven't moved away from their belief or values. they have always been consistent. that's one thing i can respect about republicans. >> the republicans absolutely because military and the forefront was always on their agenda. they never varied from it. >> i thank you. it's fascinating that you got people voted for the president who are willing to admit on national television that they made a mistake, or that they are sorry that the president did not deliver, and that they are willing to concede that the american people just aren't as free today as they were ten
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years ago. it's an interesting challenge, and we'll hear more from our americans in the days and months ahead. back to you. president and ceo of freedom work and author of new book "don't hurt people and don't take their stuff." sounds like good advice. you know a lot about freedom and thinking as well that it's been eroded in this country. do you think that this is garnering enough support the belief that freedoms have been eroded it will become an election issue? >> i think it's a defining issue in this election. it is not just health care in the way that barack obama is rewriting the laws, it's the abuses at the nsa, the arbitrary persecution of some people based on their political beliefs by the irs, all of that is a perfect storm and people are starting to feel like we do work for the government instead of the government working for us and there's too much discretionary authority and it's dangerous. >> yet how does that play out in
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an election? because if you anecdotally take the temperature of the american people they are not saying i want to get rid of the democrats, we love republicans. they are sick and tired of government get them all off our backs. >> that's actually true. it's the problem for both republican and democratic incumbents but the difference is the way the math is laid out and what the republican candidates look like. you just saw rand paul give almost the identical speech to cpac and berkeley and get the same response in both places. i think there's a golden opportune here for republicans that are willing to stand up on civil liberties, willing to call out the abuse of executive power, willing to offer positive alternatives based on the simple principles that you shouldn't hurt people or take their stuff. that's the opportunity. but somebody needs to take advantage of it. >> how do you think the religious freedom cases play, the supreme court refusing to
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review the ruling that this photographer could decline to participate in a gay wedding, the pushing out of the mozilla ceo because he once made a donation against gay marriage. >> i think you're exposing radical progressives for being insanely authoritarian and intolerant. the rules of liberty say treat everybody like everybody else. by the way mine your own business. if you want to decide who you bake a cake for i think you have the right to do that. i think this is part of that new civil libertarian trend. the tables are turned on the democrats because they are the man. >> it's all out lined in the book "don't hurt people don't take their stuff." rush limbaugh thinks jeb bush was up to something. rush limbaugh thinks he was up to something. we'll hear what rush's theory
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is. judge alex is ready to rule on the blade runner's dramatic disruption of the night he killed his girlfriend. did you hear this? >> i don't think i've ever >> i don't think i've ever screamed like i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling,
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down sobbing and describes off camera you can hear him but not see him the night he shot his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. >> before i knew it i had fired into the door. my ears were ringing. so i shouted. i kept on shouting for reeva. >> judge alex is here. good to see you. what did you think was the big takeaway from what we were seeing today and yesterday. >> for me there was no big takeaway because i heard the story so many times i knew what he was going to say. however, there was one thing that he pointed out that we had never heard before. i always had difficulty with pistorius's claim he opened the patio door, heard a noise in the middle of the night. afraid for his life. grabbed his gun. didn't wake reeva. he clearly thinks there's going
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to be a gunfight. today we find out that she was actually awake and one his version if you believe it he has a conversation with her when he opens the door which is stranger to me you have a conversation with your girlfriend. know she's awake. hear a noise and not say to her did you hear that. you better hide i'm going to get a gun. >> how does that make sense because we know she was in the bathroom. how could he possibly have had a conversation with her? she wasn't in the bed. >> his claim is that, his theory i guess that he wants the judge to belief is we were awake. she said she was having trouble sleeping. i went to get the fans out of the patio and i pulled them in, closed the door, closed the blinds and during this time reeva goes to use the bathroom. that's what he's trying to sell here. >> in fact they had an argument and this is a guy who flew off the handle. there was a piece of testimony today that supported the
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prosecution's version more than oscar pistorius's version when he talked about the key in the bathroom door. let me play it for the audience. >> all i wanted to do was just get in the door. i unlocked the door. >> what's the significance of that? >> well you're right on the ball because that was the second point. all along it bothered me he says he's knocking the door open when he realizes he shot through the door and reeva may be in there. he breaks it open with a bat and opens it with a key. the key is in the bathroom. a woman who gets up and goes to the bathroom in 3:00 in the morning. most women wouldn't close the door. even if they close it they wouldn't lock it. if that doesn't scream i'm trying to get away from my boyfriend i don't know what
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does. i think the evidence today if anything helped the prosecution. >> how about this emotional testimony that he's been crying, been throw incorporate up. you and i both know they are always sorry once they are caught. however if he's innocent there would be tears as well. >> well, yes. and is he being sincere in his pain and anguish and his sobbing? maybe. i wouldn't have a problem with believing that he really, really regrets that he killed his girlfriend. i think he loved her. but that doesn't really affect the case at all. if this was a jury trial it might affect it. jurors might believe a guy who loves his fwoifr so much that he's sobbing like that he couldn't have possibly killed her. that's the same viewpoint when the defense attorney dresses the defendant so nice and the jury goes no way. this is a judge. if i'm sitting up there my attitude is this is pretty tragic she's dead and his life is ruined. i can see where ice sad.
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that's not the issue. the issue is did you shoot her accidentally or were you in a fit of rage. there was an argument. a fit of rage. he shoots through the door and immediately regrets what he did and wishes he can take it back. he can't. it's support by the evidence. neighbors hear screaming, a woman screaming at the top of her lungs in a panic. he's going to claim it's him. he said he screamed for the guy to come out of the bathroom and screamed for reeva to call 911. neighbors never heard him screaming for the guy come out of the bathroom or her to call 911. >> she never screamed hey don't shoot it's me using the bathroom. judge, good to see you. jeb bush making some controversial remarks on illegal immigration. just ahead rush limbaugh's theory on what jeb was really up to. >> i really think when he says hey people coming here is an act of love is designed to tick us all off or the tea party people
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someone who comes t someone who comes to our country, yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's an act of love. it's an act of commitment to family. i honestly think that's a different kind of crime. >> that was former florida governor jeb bush urging his party toward a gentler policy on illegal immigration.
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>> i think jeb is trying to disqualify himself to say something he knows is not going to be accepted. if you don't want to run, just say so. >> so is this a deal breaker for a jeb bush presidential run? hey, chris, is it? >> nothing is a deal breaker. this policy stance would be unpalpable to the republican base. republicans won't accept any deals on immigration. >> why is jeb bush going this route? >> number one, he believes it. people actually saw it this time. it created more of an effect and
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people heard it more. >> he's not a stupid man. he knew that was going to happen. he said, i'm just going to say it. >> he says it's going to be on video. you can tell it was the kind oaf spontaneity worked out with your advisers days in advance. i doubt what he's trying to do is disqualify himself or get this out of the way. this is not gotten out of the wayable. he wrote a book. i suspect what's going on at the house of bush right now is maybe jeb bush will run for president. what they're trying to do and what moderate republicans are trying to do is hold the door open whether it's chris christie or scott walker who is going to be the established choice later
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on. jeb bush, he can act as the dog in the manager now and keep the money away and keep candidates out, hold that space, and later he'll say, i don't want to run, but i think chris christie or whomever is a tremendous choice for president. >> really? >> yes. >> thank you, sir. >> you bet. >> we'll be right back. with equity experts... ♪ ...who work with regional experts... ♪ ...who work with portfolio management experts, that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ]
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he went from ci 7 to msnbc host. i would take that trade too. tha thanks for watching, everybody. welcome to hannity. tonight we have a jam packed edition of the show. america, are you ready? it's time to roll. uconn students riot in the streets after last night's win. why do big sporting events spark acts of mayhem? i was not and am not a rat because i
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