tv The Five FOX News April 9, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ hello, i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckle, eric boling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> earlier today, the house ways and means committee took the unprecedented step to referring lois learner to the justice department for criminal probation. holder is likely to dismiss it. she could face up to 11 years if convicted on the commission lying -- on lying to the commission. >> the committee thinks things
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indicate that laws may have been broken. we've referred this this to eric holder. if we don't stand up for people's constitutional rights on behalf of the american people, who else will? >> but did she act alone? >> i am not convinced that she is the sole leader involved in this. i don't think she came up with this scheme all by herself. i think there were others involved, including lawyers i used to work at, chief counsel's office. these letters show there's chief counsel's engagement. i would get the testimony and see where it leads. >> unfairly targeting groups and misleading investigators and illegally releasing taxpayer
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information. >> referring it to the headquarters of the current coverup which is holder's justice department. we've had three major scandals in the last 40 years, watergate, iran contra, and this one. the first two were investigated vigorously by the press and select committees of congress. that's not what happened with this one. >> greg, let's start with you, there's a committee action and all the things that are happening there, kind of like benghazi, everybody knows what's heap, it's just an inconvenient truth for them to actually come forward and let her testify. >> my favorite part of this whole thing was steny hoyer who called this hearing into the irs a witch-hunt. questioning an actual substantiated act of witch-hunting is called a witch-hunting, that logic, when
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a cop catches a mugger, that would be assault. it shows you ho how the rigged the game is. it's rigged, the media is your guy. it's the same team. you don't have to show up for practice. president obama is the eternal teacher's pet. it's the media that's giving him all the apples. >> let me ask you, legally, for lois learn, the attorney or even lois learner herself, she might not be exactly be worried about this, but it will cause a few sleepless nights, right? >> yeah. because i think there's been private assurances made to her she's not going to go down for this. it is well within the rights to say look this is the violations and ask for this criminal contempt to proceed forward. they have strong grounds to do so. do i think it's going to come to
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anything? no, i don't. unless the republicans are willing to make this a campaign issue, whether it's benghazi, fast and furious, this irs scandal, it's going to go nowhere with the mainstream media like greg said. that's the problem. there won't be the coverage. most certainly, eric holder is not going to proceed forward. >> eric, let me ask you, six months ago or maybe even a year ago, within the first six months of the scandal, president obama initially said he was outraged. he wanted to find out what had happened, but then i don't know what happened this convinced him that there's not a smimg -- smidgen of corruption, if they want to put this to bed, could they at least let us know what convinced the president that there's not a problem? >> these congressional committees, both sides on the house, they do the same thing,
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they bring people to the stand to testify, and they likely like or take the fifth, then it goes nowhere. if you find out they are lying, then you can refer it to the department of justice. what's in it for the department of justice, says there's really not much in it for me to find out how high this goes up, it goes up to eric holder himself and maybe too close to the president. there's nothing in it for them to continue. unless these congressional committees start referring to independent outside counsel, further looking into what's going on, then they can offer her immunity and there's someone needs to offer her immunity so she can testify as to who exactly told her to do exactly what she did. she didn't come up with this scheme on her own. >> let's look at an email. it says this is the most
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informantive article i've red about osa, learner said to sharon lying, maybe i can get the d.c. office jobs and is that retirement talk? some people might say, obviously she was joking, why can't we get the context from her directly? i mean, why is it out of the realm of possibility to suggest that she wasn't a foot soldier in obama's army? >> well, george gra to a i to usually said the congress did not investigate iran contra, or the committees of congress didn't investigate that much. the fact there's been more investigation of the irs scandal than anything that happened with iran contra. what did they come up? they came up with lois learner. they had absolutely nothing after two years of investigating this. >> that's not true.
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>> they are dry well and you think she's -- if she's going to go to prison, she's not going to tell somebody -- i think she did it on her own. >> how do you know? how do you know? >> how close does it get to the attorney general and president? that's fear amongering. >> what's in it for her to do it? more likely that's policies behind it. let's single out the tea party, the right, because they are not promoting what we believe in. that light likely sounds more political. >> you just said it. we want to see how close this gets to the attorney general and poets. that is -- president of the united states. that is smut mungering? >> what is that? >> smungering.
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earlier today, the inspector general of the irs released a report that says there was hatch act violations that were wearing obama buttons and leaning on people. the irs is the most potent form of intimidation. >> basically, this is operating in a culture of obama love and how do you know that the left are truly in control? it's when lawmakers are laughing off a weapon of political coercion, when they don't think it's a big deal. when the government and the media are the same, retribution becomes a gleeful blood sport. i ask each reporter go into a report room. if irs was targeting a planned parenthood, how hard would you
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work this story? >> they wouldn't sleep at night. >> why are you suggesting they aren't working the story? >> we're the only ones that are doing it, bob. >> they don't think it's a big deal. >> there's nothing there. >> how do you know that? >> why did lois lerner come up with this idea to go after the right? >> if i were sitting in that seat and i had a shot at it, i would too. >> the irs cannot target somebody for political views. when this first happened, you said for weeks that this was the biggest problem -- bigger than benghazi, so what is it that convinced you that they have nothing? how do you know? >> what convinced me after issa who i took on a little hard yesterday, i understand that, they investigated for a year and a half, they have said,
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investigated out all across the country, and they have come up with nothing. that's why i don't think this is a big -- >> you know what, i don't believe you. >> what do you mean i don't believe? >> you don't have any evidence. >> they have the evidence. they are presenting their stuff -- >> let me ask you this, bob. a couple of months ago, you said chris christie probably knew about the bridge scandal, right? >> i said i thought he might. >> why isn't this any different? why wouldn't president obama know or somebody else high up in the administration? >> when it's republican, oh, he clearly knew. >> christie hasn't had nearly the investigations the irs has. apparently, they have come with no evidence. >> when you have somebody not cooperating and not telling the truth about what happened. >> it was president romney -- >> what you talking about in. >> they admitted it? >> admitted what? >> they admitted in the
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beginning. they planted a question. they admitted that they were targeting. >> lois lerner, she did the clumsy leak. >> after all these investigations, why dont they name other names? >> because they have been stonewalled completely. you know what i showed you yesterday was the irs testimony from two unnamed people that basically said there were no liberal groups targeted. they have information, bob. i think that you should be -- the democrats should be careful to say there is nothing there because clearly there is not. >> we know it's real. it's not speculation. it's not conjecture. >> i'm getting yelled at. >> directly ahead, brandeis university withdraws its honorary degree for a woman in
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well, last week, we told you about honor diaries, a documentary profiling nine muslim women who are victimized in an archaic society. ayaan hirsi ali has been denied an honorary degree at this year's brandeis university commencement. now, in a letter of complaint to brandeis, the counsel on american islamic council wrote, while she is free to spew anti muslim hate including her call for violence against the entire muslim world. she does not have a right to be honored for that hate by a
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prestigious university. >> i actually don't think that there's much emotion to be had by the people that care. i think all of the emotion and outrage would be on the people that would have supported ali from getting this honorary degree. she was a victim herself of female genital mutilation. she survived. she went to holland. she made a huge success of herself. she's come to america. she has continued to fight for women and the position is that don't say anything bad about the muslim world or we will shut you down. we'll make sure you don't get an honorary degree. they have bp able to get the university of michigan to not show the film. on what planet does that people with a brain cannot watch a film and make a decision what they
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think? >> you know the thing that is absolutely staggering me, first of all, the brandeis caved as far as they caved. first f first. she woman has done something has done something important. about your archaic rules regarding women. brandeis is a coward here. i will be willing to bet you brandeis, have received arab monies in support of of their universities. >> so care, these unindicted 9/11 co-couldn't spiriters.
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they don't care. they were concerned and they got the university of michigan to do a screening of that movie and they got them to stop based on what they aligned they are accusing ms. ali of doing. also one of the producers of that film were jewish, they were concerned that a jew couldn't have an opinion on the muslim faith. now they are going after ms. ali. there snin anyone less tolerant than muslims in the world? anyone? >> greg, go ahead. >> so wait, they go after honorary degrees but not honor killings, that seems a bit weird about their priorities. this woman was mutilated, her friends have killed. the director was killed in the street. they left a note on his chest to say you are next. she's been a target.
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if anybody is going to be critical of islam, it is this woman. where are the feminists? do they expect her to lie down and take it? this is what killed me. how would brandeis have reacted going after baptists? this woman has been brutalized since she could walk. if she can't criticize islam, i don't know who can. >> the huffington post has had a field day with me in my feelings about muslims. the fact of the matter is if you are anti islam, you are not anti muslim. let's get this straight here. it's radical islamists we're talking about here and care is a front for radical islamists. >> i'm degree with you brandeis
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folding out of fear. >> islamaphobic. >> they had no problem giving an honorary degree to somebody who thought the state of israel should not exist which is completely strange for a brandeis -- >> we talk about a war on women. here it is right here and the liberal universities are tolerating and it's really shameful because they are doing the students a disservice by behaving in such a cowardly fashion. it's awful. people should be outraged about this and you have the care president who you have gone back and forth with, he's one of the worst of the worst of the islam haters in america, not only in america but world wide. this is a woman who has fearless in the face of adversity. every time she opens her moug, writes a book, steps out to speak, sher her life is on the line. >> exactly. let's say for the sake of the argument she is hypercritical,
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she sometimes maybe goes over board in her dislike for the -- for radical islam. maybe she's earned it. when you are mutilated and you are treated as a target of death, i think you can be a little critical. and why not -- >> and why not care jumping on her side? here's a good opportunity for you to side with someone who greg pointed out should be the one that you are defending. not trashing. >> for anybody who says we should be tolerant of islam. let me make my position clear, i've got no tolerance for you. none. i can do anything you want to do. fatwa this. >> you can here both sides of this story on the kely file
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tonight with megan's exclusive interfere with ayaan hirsi ali. you don't want to miss it. directly ahead what do baseball haul of -- hall of famer, hank aaron and michael vic have in common. next on "the five." ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.
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(agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. welcome back, everybody. we're taking the fastest seven to the bawl field -- ball field. on the anniversary of that 715th dinger, hank said this about
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president obama, republican party and race. sure this president has a black president, but when you look at blak president president obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all the respects with the way he's treated. the bigger difference is that they they had back then hoods, now they have starch shirts. >> first of all, there's no excuse for the last sentence at all. i will say this is the guy who went through the worst racism around the looeg league. things were thrown at him. the n word was thrown at him all the time. he and willie mays. he's also right, republicans have done absolutely zero to help obama so far. >> i kind of agree with bob,
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similar with our b block story, ayaan hirsi ali was a victim discrimination. hers was more brutal. she was mutilated. he seems everything through a prism of discrimination and anger. he's got to remember the kkk were democrats. they were not republicans. you see the three ks, it always looks to weird to me. >> it's a swinging strikes. >> obviously, greg, you didn't know that? >> no, i didn't. >> dana, your thoughts on athletes in politics? >> i'm a little tired of being lectured about being tolerant and watching rhetoric on the republican side when open the democrat side it happens just as much and, you know, i think that the republican party didn't deserve that swipe. >> we're going to leave it here. >> i would like to adopt her own statement. >> moving right along, yesterday
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two rowdy fans ran on to the field during the yankees game. that prompted the baltimore center fielder to try his or her luck with fame. >> i think it's idiotic letting people to run on the field. they should let us kick them with our metal spikes on them. i get, it you are drunk and you want to be on sports center and anybody who does it, i wish the cops it's aed the living [ bleep ] out of them. >> i was at uc davis: it's more recreational. it's stun gun. you tase all your boyfriends, that's what you do? >> why do they come back, bob?
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>> i've been playing a long time. my highest on base percentage and most bases on the league. >> greg, what's your thoughts with the fans? >> baseball can be slow. i think we can admit that, and each team i believe should be allowed two fans that are allowed to run on the field. if the fan makes it across the feel without being brutally beaten, your team gets an out a race. this is why i'm running for baseball commissioner. i think it would be a lot of fun. >> i would like to be the outfielder. >> this has gone on much too long. >> i think it's financial. i think you have to hit them in the pocket book and make the fine so ex-or i bant they won't do it. >> you do that along with the tasing.
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>> if they can't handle it, they shouldn't sell it. >> correct. remember this. >> when police raided a farm he owned in rural virginia in 2007, they uncovered a dog operation. they also found dog fighting parafer nail i can't. >> the new york jets are in desperate need of a winning season. the jets recently signed vick and it doesn't take long forpathiey petitions to begin circulating. let's start with the anti vick. bobby. >> i think he should have been allowed back into football as a result of what he did and i think that the jets are picking themselves up a guy way over the hill. if the jets ever want to get back in the winning season, recruit a good young
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quarterback. not some old dog killer. >> this is what i say j-e-t-s. i know he's paid his dues. this is not a guy that admire whatsoever. he did do the time. he has gone to do community service and educate people. if he's educated even one person about animal abuse, i'm happy about that. i find his crimes abhorrent. >> give them a second chance. >> i believe that someone that pays their dues is deserving of some grace and redemption and by all accounts people that are working with him, coaches and people also in the animal rights community, think that he has really changed in his heart and i think if the jets made this decision, they are going to have to stand by him, so those
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petitions are going to have to be ready for all of that and defend him. >> the head of the humane society is a big supporter for his education and outreach. >> what's wrong with dog fighting? >> i hate petitions anyways. i think sometimes think more about the organizers than the cause. i think the guy has done his punishment. what else? he went to jail. >> it's a tough crime in new york. >> he is going to have a tough time. >> his new punishment is living in new york. >> ooh, ladies and gentlemen. >> the triumphant return of jasper back ob"the five." actress kirsten dunst who
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okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. you can stop texing now, kimberly. >> being a hollywood actress is pretty cool until you say something uncool. take kirsten dunst who upset some fem nifts which is easy to do. she said the feminine has been a little undervalued. we have to get our own jobs and make our own money, but staying home nurturing, being the mother, cooking it's a valuable
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thing my multiple created, and sometimes you need your knight in shining armor. >> a top feminist blog dismissed her an actress and blond who looks good if clothes. kirsten dunst is not paid to write gender theory. so it shouldn't surprise anyone that she's kind of dumb about it. love is really about power and ie deology that forbids traditional roles. gender theory season a theory so much as it is a therapy, replacing lonliness with rage. their brainwashed conclusion, if you don't get gender theory, you are a dumb chick. when they graduate, all they can do is teach you that stuff or get you a tall latte. >> i'm so graduated from college
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just a few years ago, that i don't have to take gender theory. is this like a new thing for the economy to create a new job sector? >> why can't chef her personal opinion? so what. >> dana, you are a woman? >> really. >> yes. i love how this feminist dismissed this actress as just a blonde actress. >> she's embracing femininity in "har per's bazaar." she says sometimes you need your knight in shining armor. the thing that bothers me is you don't need to say i'm sorry in front of your opinions. she knew she was going to get
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blow back from gender theory. >> eric, what do you make of this? >> feminists are pro choice, unless you are a female and you choose to be traditional, then you are politically incorrect and you are wrong. >> you can be a feminist and pro life. >> yeah, you can. >> but you can't be pro choice about being traditional, if you are, then you are not part of the fem -- if you are not, then you are wrong. >> let's go to bob on this. >> bob. she's an outspoken woman. >> the thing that always amazes me the assumption that somehow staying home and raising kids and taking care of a house is not a job. it's a big job, and in fact they put some quantitative numbers to it and it turns out to be a pretty expensive -- if they were out working someplace else, somebody has got to do that. what are you going to do, have
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latch key kids? you made that decision and god made the decision that women were going to have babies and men are -- some of them are good with babies, a lot of them ain't, and i think the idea that attacking her because she thinks she wants to stay home or people ought to be able to stay home is absolutely ridiculous. >> you just made a really good point about the gender pay gap. >> go ahead and thank god that he chose women to have babies. it's the toughest job in the world. >> directly ahead, this new yorker magazine image has dr. obama giving republicans a taste of bad medicine. bob sounds off on the cover next on "the five."
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issue, the latest new yorker magazine cover shows president obama spoon feeding the gop. my take, republicans need to grow up and take their medicine on this and learn that there are people who need health care in this country and they are not just their constituents. >> nobody says that you cannot -- medicaid and medicare exist for everybody regardless of where you live in america. there is a right to health care and it is funded by the taxpayers. >> you can't get medicaid at a certain level? >> remember that company that you mentioned last week, what is it called, the rand corporation? look at what they came out with today, bob? they find that there are only 1.4 million previously uninsured individuals who signed up for obama. $750 million they spent to do to ensure $1.4 million people. >> you still got your 40 million uninsured.
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>> the headline didn't talk about it yesterday, it was a story that a number of uninsureds has plummeted in the united states venttle according. >> according to pe loss si. the illustrator is barry blit. raises the question, if government can do health care better, why can't they do magazines too. new yorker is awful. their cartoons are incomprehensible. in a weird way, the new yorker is inaccessible to other americans. put president obama in charge. make the new yorker free to people who can't afford it. >> it's almost going to be nonexistent. they just cut their --
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>> get used to it. it's here to stay. >> it is the law of the land, bob. what law of the lands do you remember were wrong? do you remember them? jim crow? wasn't that a law that you often talk about? >> i want to know the back story here. do you have some kind of personal situation with the editor of the new yorker? >> no, i'm just saying that they are okay with government getting involved in other businesses well let's get involved in their business. >> i think you have a situation with them. you can gloat all you want, bob. because they are soon coming to an end, as soon as that employer mandate kicks in, you wait and see about the poll numbers for obamacare and what's going to be happen? it's going to be the reckoning with 2016 and 2014. mark my words. >> reaching critical mass. i'm always maes amazed people
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have insurance. >> if it was going to change america for the better, why are democrats in trouble for the senate in 2014. >> i think you are overestimating how much they are in trouble. >> i love you brother, but i know a couple of days ago -- >> republicans campaign on their idea for health care. >> that's why they delayed the mandate. >> you can't have that people up for re-election and not being in trouble. >> the best thing for republicans in 2014 is more liberal laps from people like you. >> i never said it them votes. it's not going to beat them outright is the only issue. >> bob, one more thing is up next. america's favorite dog -- jasper, will be here for his special surprise you can't miss. soent do anywhere. we'll be right back.
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happy birthday. please don't drop it. this is for you jasper. is it a dog cake? >> don't worry about it. >> can i just say one thing? jasper, you have one more year under your belt, now you can hassle me and the rest of "the five." when they cut through the fog, you are still only a dog. >> oh, it rhymes. it rhymes. thank for letting me having him on. he's a great asset for "the five." >> he really wants the cake. it's yellow cake. we got to go. >> oh, my god. he wants the cake so badly.
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greg is next. i'm holding him. >> all right. so anyway, i was on a tour, i got a lot of gifts. i would like to thank the young lady who gave me my first unit i corn pillow. what you do is open it up open my flith so people stay away from me. >> can i have that? >> no. you can have my slowloris. >> bob, you got the disbars -- ciga r's. i wasn't given the ask the unicorn button. >> isn't that wonderful?
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>> i love that. >> people get giving me stuff. the cigars people gave me for bob. >> the boxing gloves were given to me to fight with bob, but they are for little kids. >> they don't fit you. >> and kimberly you are next. >> i'm trying to horde all the stuff. i have a really cute workup more thing. it's prince george in the cutest ever most-watched play date. take a look at this. this is his first little interaction. he's so cute. bob, he's indoors. it's okay if he's in short. this is day three of their little outing and this is their pacific tour that they have been doing that i've been talking about and i think he's fantastic. >> okay.
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that was really boring. >> well, last night was a great treat for me. i got to meet the star of my favorite show, was justified. it was nick searcy. it was kind enough. he was doing red eye last night and i had a chance to see and talk to him. despite the fact that he's a right winger, he's a good guy and great actor. if you have not seen justified, get it. it's one of the great shows of all time. >> watching you and nick have a great conversation, i could have listened to the two of you all night. >> an emotional story, michigan star forward a great human being, struck up a conversation with a young lady who had neuroblast tomorrow ma. unfortunately, lacey lost her life last night but what a man. this guy made her feel great
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right to the last minute. if there are more people like adri adrian payne. >> don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss an episode "the five." "special report" up next. another horrific outbreak of violence at an american school but this time, it's with knives. not a gun. this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier. we begin once again with violence directed at our most precious resource, children. a student went on a stabbing spree today at a suburban pittsburgh high school, about two dozen were hurt. the suspect was captured, but this attack happened not with guns, but with knives. national correspondent steve san taken is in m
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