tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 9, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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york city and tomorrow night, i will see from you washington, d.c. our usual spot. good night. o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> yes. they broke the law, but it's not a felony, it's an act of love. >> the illegal alien controversy in the headlines again because jeb bush has staked out his turf. what does karl rove think? he many be here. >> i think that's an old male familiar back position. senator dianne feinstein says her driven by emotion. we will debate the issue with kirsten and kate. also ahead tonight, miller on john kerry and the late micky rooney and rob lowe says he has suffered because he is so good looking.
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>> you know what it is? it's saint he will -- elmos fire. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. more controversy over illegal aliens. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you may know, former florida governor jeb bush thinking about running for president. if he does, he says he will run as an all inclusive guy on the republican side. over the weekend, the governor made that quite clear when he spoke about illegal immigration. >> i'm going to say this and it will be on tape and so be it. the way i look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their families, you know a dad who loved their children was worried that their children didn't have food on
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the table, and they, you know, want'ed to make sure their family was intact, yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's kind -- it's an act of love. >> now, that point of view has angered some hardliners who believe that foreign nationals breaking the law should be punished, not granted amnesty. >> i understand what jeb was saying, but we're also a nation of laws. those who are here without documents, they are going to have to face the law at some point. >> and that's true. anyone who crosses our border illegally or overstays a visa should pay a price lead me repeat anyone who does that should be punished to some extent. but as talking points has said time and again, the ill illegal alien problem is partially the fault of the u.s. government itself. for decades it didn't stop people illegally it let them come over.
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for for decades it didn't track down visa violators, it didn't care. america itself has some culpability here. also what jeb bush says is true. many illegal aliens came here out of desperation for their families. if we are a compassionate nation must be in play. illegals bad people should be felony out of here illegally. each case is different. republican party must compromise or it will lose presidency again in 2016. mitt romney 30%: if that happens again say hello to hillary clinton. understand that hispanic americans must be courted to some extent. showing compassion towards other hispanics is a good way to do that it's not all political. the u.s.a. should be a nation that understands oppression if have you ever been to mexico, central america, south america, you know most people down there
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live and die poverty. it's awful. this country has always welcomed good people from other country. it must be done in a lawful way. talking points has put forth a sane immigration plan to deal with perhaps as many as 12 million human beings. all of them must register with the federal government within six months. if you do not, it's a felony. you will be detained. borders in the united states must be upgrade sod illegal entry becomes exextremely difficult. that must be verified by congress. undocumented aliens themselves must pay a fine and apply for citizenship. but they wouldn't be given personal status. it will take a while. along the way, they would have to learn english, pay taxes, no welfare. they would, however, be given the right to work as many foreign nationals are doing right now. but once this immigration reform is put into place. no other illegal alien would ever, ever be put on a
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citizenship track. no more illegal intrusion. if you are caught, you are detained and deported, period. that's got to be in any new law. now, that is a fair plan. if the republican party gets behind that, and can somehow come up with a good economic message it, will be able to compete in 2016. if it does not, mrs. clinton will be very happy. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight reaction. joining from austin texas, is karl rove. and you say? >> i like your plan. i would have a couple of additional things to it. on the penalty, the people who are here illegally, paying a fine. we ought to allow their employer to pay the fine as well as the individual. we also ought to put in place so that they pay a fee that allows to us monitor them while they are here in the country. they pay the tab for it so we make sure they are paying their taxes, don't run afoul
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of the law, working. if they don't work, they have a reasonable period of time to get a new job. if they can't get a new job it's time to leave the country. >> all of those things, absolutely. i want to make it clear. i'm not quibbling with any of that if you can enhance what i have said and i also think there should be more stringent employers who continue to defy the law that we should go after them. we have to have a system in place too, where people can can check easily the identity of anybody who wants to apply work. that's going to be difficult for americans to accept. there has got to be also a guest worker program that allows people to come here and work, for example, agriculture for a brief period of time and return home. we have guest worker programs today. most of the camps in the upper midwest and the northeast are the seasonal camps are staffed by a lot of foreign workers who come here on a work visa. we ought to have a guest
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worker program that allows people to come here as the market dictates to do things that we need have-to-have done in our society. >> the bottom line is it is doable. good smart people can get together and do it. now, jeb bush, so i puts himself on the line, sends a message look, i'm not going to pander. i believe it's a compassionate situation and it has to be dealt with as such. so, you karl rove, as a republican stall worth, can you vote for jeb bush because he said that i like the approach like yours. he started off strong, he said things that people even if they don't agree with him on the policy solution agree are right. it's a readily acknowledged by a the lo of people that most of the people who come to the united states illegally do so in order to take care of the economic needs of their family. they come because they want to find work in order to send money home to keep their families together. but, where it got into
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difficulty was when he talked about felony and when he said it's an act of love. it is an act of desperation on the part of a lot of people who see the united states as a chance to come and work hard and achieve a certain amount of success that they can share with their family and use for their family. but his language was a little bit of a, you know, he got himself into a little bit of difficulty. >> see, i disagree with that. listen, whether you agree or disagree with jeb bush, i like the straight talk. i like it. all right? so that everybody knows now who he is and what he wants so i will pose the question to you again, can you vote for a guy like jeb bush, you, karl rove? can you vote for him? >> sure. and, look that's my point, i don't know how there is. >> you can vote for him. you know the tea party and the hard right. not everybody in the tea party there are some moderate factions of that. >> no, no; this is not a question of conservative or moderate. >> they're going to come
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after. i already got mail that prove it? >> i understand. look, jeb bush is a strong conservative and there are a lot of strong conservatives in the tea party movement who agree with him. we have a lot of them here in texas. >> there are people who will not vote for him. >> comprehensive reform. >> there are people who will not vote for him because of what he just said. >> sure. >> so how badly is that going to hurt him. >> we will see how many. look, we had a candidate who, in 2012, said self-deportation was the answer. he got the republican nomination. but he lost a general election and he lost the general election, in part, because latino voters turned out at an enormous rate for barack obama. that was mitt romney, of course. one interesting thing about that bill, you mentioned it earlier. 27% nationwide. in the seven battleground states with exit polling, you have got 33. and in the battleground of batting ground states, ohio, where if you go if you are a presidential candidate, you are going everywhere multiple times and your message ultimately gets through. he got 42%. which says to me if we can put this message, this issue behind us, republican,
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conservative principles can be well received in the the latino community. i have seen it here in texas all the time. >> i think unlike african-americans who for the foreseeable future will vote block democrat. i think hispanic americans can be persuaded. but you have got to get on the right side of this immigration issue and the hispanic american lobby can't think that you are trying to punish them. and that's what i'm not worried about the lobby. i'm woshed about latino and hispanic dissent. >> they're persuadable. >> yeah. >> you have got to get some immigration reform. >> got to get immigration behind them. >> next on the rundown, former cia chief senator feinstein gets emotional over torture allegations. kirsten and kate on that. later, miller and lowe not together it, that would be chaos. they will be here separately. the factor is coming right back. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him,
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he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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female politicians, california senator dianne feinstein to co-chair the powerful senate intelligence committee which recently completed a report about the cia using torture, alleged torture, torture, whatever, after 9/11. former cia director michael hayden believes the report is biased and referenced a "the washington post" column by david ignatius. >> he said that senator feinstein wanted a report so scathing that it would ensure that an an unamerican brutal program of detention and interrogation would never again be considered or permitted. now, that sentence, that motivation for the record, chris, may show deep emotional feeling on the part of the senator. but, i don't think it leads you to an objective report. >> i think that's an old male fallback position. and there is no question that there are a lot of people out there, i somebody one of them is former cia director hayden, that does
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not want the report to come out. >> all right. joining us now from washington, republican kate obenshain, from tucson, arizona, kirsten powers, the democrat and fox news analyst. so, i understand what hayden is saying about getting emotional over alleged torture, kirsten. i don't think it applies just to women. i think a lot of men get emotional, too. and if you do get emotional about it, you can't really file an accurate, unbiased report, can you? >> well, where is the evidence that she is emotional? she has an opinion on it. that doesn't mean it's emotional. he is ascribing, you know, her intentions or whatever is coming from behind her view as to being emotional. i'm sorry, bill, i don't see him. i would not see him saying that about a male in her exact same position. i just don't think that he would say that. >> all right. well, i don't know mr. hayden so i don't know whether he would or would not. this is a david ignatius column, kate, who basically
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says this is how senator feinstein feels. we assume ignatius is telling the truth that she is very very behind up about the issue. but the emotional component can be gender neutral in p.c. circles. what say you. >> it's definitely on the list of politically incorrect words that you are not allowed to use along with bossy. you are not allowed to call women emotional. >> why? why? tell the evidence why you are not allowed to do that. >> livable. i didn't devise these rules. i think they are ridiculous. i think it's clear that dianne feinstein is -- has deep strong emotions which, by the way, is what he said. he did not say she is emotional. he said there are deep emotions behind, when you call something brutal and unamerican, you have strong feelings about it. >> absolutely. >> a lot of people have strong emotions. >> tell me why -- i want both of to you weigh in on this, why you can't apply an
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emotion to a woman? what is going on. >> radical feminists are looking for any excuse to call republicans a bunch of sexist pigs. that's the obama -- bottom line. harry reid jumped on the floor of the united states senate and said is this a man or party who respects women? how ridiculous to take this one thing that hayden said, "said and to say he hates women? thctly what the democrats have been doing pulling out the ridiculous war on women. >> why can't i say emotional? >> you could say it if a person was actually showing an emotion. i don't think someone having a strong opinion is in itself emotional. i don't think we say that when men have very strong opinions. when john mccain comes on and says something very harsh, nobody says there goes john mccain going so emotional again. >> i know people who have said i have been over emotional about things. >> sometimes you are. the point is it's not
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inherently emotional to have a strong viewpoint. >> i don't think this was an inherent situation. it was a very specific situation. this is a very specific situation. >> she has behaved in an emotional way. an emotional way would be how she is being irrational because she. >> i mean, they said that she was making decisions based -- her view was based on emotion which i. >> clouded by her passion for it it implies you haven't thought it out. >> he didn't say that she is an idiot. he said her positions are backed up by emotion. i know plenty of men who are emotional about this issue of enhanced interrogation techniques by the way. i don't call it torture. i debated chris math to you thats oon that unwatched network. i thought he was going to come unglued when i said something in support of enhanced interrogation techniques. don't tell me men don't get emotional over this issue. >> nobody is having a strong opinion is not being
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emotional it was ridiculous by feminists and by democrats. >> i have got to wrap it up. i think kate made a strong point when she said if i as a male or any other male in the country say to any woman on national television you're getting emotional, we're going to be attacked. and i think that's flat out wrong. >> only if she is not being emotional the point is. >> emotional lie detector on them. >> i want calm down. being really emotional about this. >> you guys continue while we are in the break. >> directly ahead, john mccain and john kerry two emotional guys, right? they don't see eye to eye on foreign policy. who is right? later miller will analyze the secretary of state and have some thoughts on the late micky rooney up ahead.
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washington pete segment tonight. satisfies john kerry under fire. incompetent on foreign policy. >> my hero, teddy roosevelt used to say talk softly but carry a big stick. what you are doing is talking strongly and carry a very small stick, in fact, a twig. here we are with ukraine being destabilized. part of it dismembered and we won't give them defensive weapons. >> now, during that back and forth, john kerry answered mccain on the question of middle east peace talks. >> your friend, teddy roosevelt also said that the credited belongs to the people who are in the arena who are trying to get things done. and we're trying to get something done. that's a teddy roosevelt
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maxism. >> all right. joining us from washington, ace reporters carl cameron and james rosen. so how much fire is kerry under anyway and how is is he handling it, rosen? >> well, he came under fire at that hearing, not just from republicans but even from some of his democratic allies, bill. secretary kerry obviously would not ascribe to the notion that he is presently engaged in the business of failing. even if that were undeniably true. we should not ordained to failure. sometimes ball games are won in the late innings. with that said there is no doubt that some of john kerry's key initiatives are either dead or close to death. in syria, which is the site of this millennium's bloodiest catastrophe. u.s. policy is so nebraska blues as to be unrecognizable. in ukraine, both the threat and the imposition of sanctions have proved an inadequate deterrent of vladimir putin and european diplomats will tell you it is putin who is controlling events there even kerry's aides acknowledge his efforts to broker the two state solution between the israelis and the palestinians has fall noon quote, crisis.
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then there is north korea, for example, who has marched through a nuclear weapons capability progresses unchecked. now, in fairness to the secretary of state, the disposal of syria's criminal records arsenal is halfway complete. however that has had a contradictory effect of keeping bashar assad where he is. lastly, whether the iran nuclear negotiation also reach a final status accord by july sun certain. tehran has by all accounts at least thus far lived up to its end of the deal. so the world is complex and increasingly. >> i have to give it to you, rosen. that was a good summation. does kerry know though that he is he getting his butt kicked as far as perception? maybe not in reality, maybe he will but it out of the fire as you said. right now. does he know? again, the prop silings as you so eloquently in foreign policy john kerry is quote unquote getting his butt kicked not one that he would likely subscribe to. >> he is aware that it's not
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a great time to be an american secretary of state because the old order that prevailed after world war ii during the cold war is gone. >> he doesn't have a lot of steel behind him. and everyone know it. all right. i have got to get real fast on this jetliner thing. just real quick what's the united states doing to try to find this jetliner that is under the ocean. whether a are they doing? >> the u.s. navy has brought the most sophisticated hardware out in the indian ocean. two p 8 poseidon search planes searching from the sky. also on board the australian vessel lead ship. a piece of equipment bluefin 21. underwater drone which hasn't yet been deployed but also being towed from the back of it that australian vessel is what is described as a sophisticated pinger locater. known as a hydro phone. this week the pinger locater detected signals that are consistent with sounds that could come from a black box, bill. >> i hope they find it, you know. people and families deserve
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to know what happened there. all right. now, we will go over to you, cammeron. lois lerner is your assignment tonight. we have got two committees going to do what to her? what are they going to do in this woman if anything? i need some straight talk, cammeron. >> 23-14 party line vote sent a letter to eric holder urging him to pursue very specific charges against lois lerner, the former irs commissioner. making misleading statements to law enforcement and congress and disclosing taxpayer return information to the public, potentially it was very detailed. 14 page long letter of allegations among claim that lerner's claims that groups are are targeted equally was false. lerner targeted crossroads g.p.s. run by karl rove in no ever scrutinized including audit. 260 right leaning conservative groups that were targeted and this heir tax exempt applications delayed in some cases for
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months and months compared to a total of seven on the left, which all got their exemptions pretty easily. >> holder is not going to do anything about it everyone knows that. >> well, he -- tomorrow this letter goes to him and say investigate it the other thing that's going to happen tomorrow is that the house government and reform oversight committee will actually pass a measure, a bill, that will hold lois lerner in contempt. now, that's probably not going to go very far. hopefully it will get on the house floor and be passed there. it's certainly not going to go beyond that eric holder himself has been held in contempt by that congress. and the idea that he is going to investigate a fellow administration official probably isn't going anywhere. >> you have got to have teeth not only in foreign policy but domestic. no teeth. gentlemen, thanks as always. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. actor rob lowe promoting a new book says his looks may have hurt him. he doesn't like government intrusion. we will talk with mr. lowe. miller wants to talk about john kerry, mr. rooney and some wickens.
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personal story segment tonight, actor rob lowe a new book out called love life. second nonfiction tone, first story as i always tell my friends was a big hit. promoting the book mr. lowe said there is a hollywood bias against good looking people since i wouldn't know. i have to ask mr. lowe himself. so here he is. come on, lowe. the reason you got the pictures in the first place is you were decent looking.
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you were just some guy in ohio shoplifting. come on. >> it takes a journalist of your stature to bring it out of the shadows. should studies show worldwide at least 10 to 20 people a year are afflicted with good-looking bias. >> you are telling me because you are a pretty boy you don't get the real gravitas parts that somebody like daniel day-lewis would get. is that what you are saying here? >> i am merely saying this that when they tell you you can't play the lead role of a pta father because you don't look right, when you are pta father you go, hmmmm you know what you would be great for? the rich jerk. >> but you would be great for that. >> because i am a rich jerk. >> i watch these old movies on turner classic movies. you know, gable and grant all those guys are very good-looking guys.
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they got all the plumb parts. >> right. >> it's changed now. you have to have angst. >> i love those guys, guys who are my heros like continue anywhere row and dustin hoffman and pa chin know. >> all ugly guys. >> they are charismatic. >> all right, now, you also have said n your mow meeting this book that you want less government intrusion. is that correct? >> i do. yeah. your pinhead friends in hollywood they don't want, they want equality for everyone, which take as massive government. >> i want equality for everybody is great. that would be amazing. i just think that individuals usually do a better job than collective big government. >> so you don't want the government to be telling you thousand live and how not. that's kind of a libertarian position. >> that's funny, does that make me a libertarian? i'm a hollywood pinhead, bill, i don't know about political labels. >> libertarians want less
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government and more personal freedom which i think is what you are saying. >> that is what i am saying. all this time shedding the dogma of political labels. and you are telling me now i have to go back to living. >> it's not bad. you have to hang out with stossel which is very very difficult. >> i take it back. >> you know, i think, look, i'm not a libertarian but i don't think that the government can solve the problems that the government purports to be able to solve. >> just for the record we do need government for a lot of big ticket items. not total. >> we need the government to keep the transportation system running and to defend us against people like putin.uva job on that. >> is he unbelievable. >> you should play putin. >> i have the pecks. >> you wouldn't mind going topless. >> i wouldn't mind shaving a little bit of my head. >> killing putin. that might be coming up. the book "love life" as i
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said your first book was very successful. say they buy 20 bucks on "love life" here what are we going to learn that we didn't learn in the first book. >> honestly there were so many stories that i didn't want to put in the first book because, frankly, i thought they were a little too provocative. if i put them in the first book i thought it would be all anyone talked about. so, once i got my confidence up as a writer really, i felt like i could tell some of the more. >> all right, so this goes a bit further than the first book. >> it absolutely does. but, also, i wanted it to on one hand be provocative and didn't have the guts to say in the first one. also be personal about raising two teenage boys. >> i read the book. it's a good book. lowe puts together a fast read. >> wait, wait, wait. this is amazing. >> i'm not blurbing you. it's a fast read. it's good. i got one more question and then i will let you go.
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i want to do the beard stubble thing. should i do that? is that hard to do. >> i want you to know the day i woke up and ready to shave honestly. >> o'reilly i'm not shaving. >> i said i'm on o'reilly and i know how much he hates it, i'm keeping it. >> you know, i'm not putting it down. i got the stubble going on. >> i knew. >> you took a shower though, didn't you? >> did i do that and wore a vest. >> and you wore a vest. >> that's because you are a pretty boy. that's what pretty boys do. >> that's what we do. >> rob lowe, everybody, get his book "love life." when we come back miller time. another pretty boy. john kerry, rooney and wickens.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. from the sage of california joins us from santa barbara dennis miller. >> what type of job do you think he is doing. >> i have to say billy, i have no idea because i'm a comedian. i will say this i'm glad netanyahu is the point on the sphere. i don't think he pays attention to us in that regard anymore. he realizes we are not going to be there for them. it's one less phone call for him to make when it's go time. i don't have a beef with secretary of state kerry because i don't know enough
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about the inincident caseys about the intricacies about the job. we look weak in the world so i assume it's not great. mix where he is imperialist and back story of the guy who obviously assumes he is he brilliant. who has married, quite frankly, wealthy women twice. i think it makes him overcompensate looking like a serious man. evidence thinks the people are thinking oh my god he is always marrying rich women mispronouncing gangus. seems like one compensatory gesture. i will say shuttle his diplomacy is good for our side. i don't think he has a good poker tell. he looked tired when he is rested. i don't think anybody could tell if he is tired in these negotiations. i wish one of those steward stewardess would put pukes on his eyeballs when he is mugs were. he looks like bugs were.
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>> look worn-out like kissinger. he always looked like he had just punched four guys and he comes. in you know, i'm mad. i haven't slept for three days. you do what i want or i'm crushing you like a grape. >> kerry has got that obviously. he looks like an easter island statue. >> he does look like easter island. got the long down here. l.a.p.d., they got some wickens working for them. and now they are going to sue for discrimination against the wicken religion, miller. how did this happen? >> you know, i looked up the religion because i didn't know much about it. i looked it up on wickenpedia people don't know what this religion is about. if people are going to start suing. when i was driving over here today i heard sinatra sing "witchcraft" where is my check i was brutalized by the song. grievance industry is robust. glad to say any industry is robust now.
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i realize eventually the chinese will take over grievance industry and we will become second-place. at this point i would say the most fertile place kids for studying in colleges study how to be a whiner because there is a lot of cash to be made out there. >> asomuia is a wine expert. >> what do you think your audience has been hit in the head with a wrecking ball? >> i can't each say the word. >> do you know why you are asomumbulent right now. >> i'm trying. mickey rooney passed away did you ever know him or meet him. >> i was his 50 wife. [ laughter ] >> that must have been quite an experience. >> i tell you what i admire about him. any time billy barty with a head full of brill cream can walk up to avenue gartner at a party and end up closing her god bless her. give him award.
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>> micky rooney married to ava gartner. one of the greatest looking women of all time. >> like gulliver's travels was porn. i like him over the bridge where he was wearing a leprechaun hat. rest in peace we woo we should all get 911 years. >> i think he had a rough life particularly at the end. >> whose isn't? anybody who lives here nine decades, who isn't going to get it caught right in the choppers with a ball bat once in a while? >> the old philosopher dennis miller, everyone. if you would like to see miller and me in person, opportunities are dwindling now. only 50 tickets left at the tap theater in cincinnati on friday april 25th. 200 left at the shae center in buffalo the next night. april 26th. also tickets for honolulu, minneapolis, rapid city and fargo going very fast. get them while we have them bill o' martha maccallum up next. more school violence. today 19 students, one security guard stabbed by a
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switch to comcast business internet. then add voice and tv for just $34.90 more per month. and you'll be ready for tomorrow today. comcast business. built for business. back of the book segment tent, did you see that? today in murray'sville pennsylvania. 15 miles east of pittsburgh, a 16-year-old male student stabbed and slashed 19 students, including four who suffered serious wounds. here now with the latest fox news anchor martha maccallum. now everybody wants it know motive. why did the kid do it? >> we he don't know yet. here we go again. another scene this morning with parents running to a school, children running out of the school. in this case, two knives he was wielding as he went through the hallways here. he also injured a school security officer. we have been trying to find out whether or not he was armed. it doesn't appear that he was. that will raise a question as to blornted he might have been able to stop this southeastern, perhaps.
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but horrific -- all we know about him is that is he a shy boy according to some of the reports from friends. his name is being released by some venues. he appeared before the judge today and maybe tried as an adult. >> of course he will. i think a 16-year-old has to be tried as an adult. the vice principal of the school tackled him, stopped him, right? >> as always in this case heros as we see in the situation. sam king the assistant principal. >> sam king, good for him. >> another girl, staunch bleeding on one of her classmates and the doctor said when she got to the hospital that she may have saved his life. so, you know, as always there are heros among these stories but we don't want to see them. >> the minority who are bad are causing more and more damage. that brings to us santa monica, california. a wrestling coach, a teacher, sees a drug deal going down in his classroom. confronts the student, here is what happens. >> moore's mother defending her son as she left court surrounded by family and
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friends. he is the high school senior 18 years old. seen in this viral cell phone video scuffling with long-time teacher mark black. black has been placed on leave despite an outpouring of support from the school community. moore pleaded not guilty a misdemeanor charges including use of force or violence against a school employee, possession of a box cutter and of marijuana. >> all right. so, the teacher initially was in some trouble but it looks like is he going to be cleared, right? >> yeah. the teacher was initially put on leave. the superintendent then said she jumped the gun by putting all the blame on him. he is the wrestling coach, you can say he got very physical in situation. but the boy has denied these charges. he pled not guilty on all at charges and you saw at the beginning of that tape the parents saying they don't think he did it. >> he had a box cutter and pot on him in the classroom, okay? so they can say whatever they want. all right. enough of that. now, very dangerous situation with the texting, psychologically dangerous to children. physically dangerous to
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every american because this stuff is happening. roll the tape. >> how many letters? >> five letters. >> just think about what am i doing right now? >> smile. >> smile? >> um-huh. nobody likes to be stopped by the police but if i had seen her texting while driving and given her a ticket, it just might have saved her life. >> so who put out that spot? >> it's very powerful. it's a psa that was put out and the whole goal of it, obviously is to bring more attention to this. they want it to be like mad. mothers against drunk driving or even the seat belt initiative that proved to be so effective in this country. i mean, there is over 3,000 lives a year lost to these kinds of incidents. 9,000 alcohol-related car accidents in this country that take lives. this is a huge issue, and
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until they continue to really put the message out there and really powerful way. >> has to be done. >> reilly huge fines and make it very punishable it's not going to change. >> okay. because when i drive around, i see lots of people in new york you can't even talk on a cell phone. it's illegal to talk and drive at the same time. i see people texting all the time. it's frightening. >> absolutely. >> the younger the person bowers they think they are invincible, all right? and then they can't stop. it's like an addiction. they cannot stop the thumbs. they will can't stop it all right. martha maccallum, everybody, as always. thank you for coming. in. >> thanks, bill. >> factor tip of the day about the missing jet liner and pings. the tip, moments away. when the satellite provider checked his credit,
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at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. the tip of the day, the missing malaysian jetliner but first, we would like you parents and grandparents to check out "the lord jesus."
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holey week coming up, your children should know the historical facts and "killing jesus" still on the top ten. make time to read that, as well. if you buy one factor, a great deal that will end shortly. some people work hard and hustle to gain equality, the factor people. others want it handed to them through entitlements, the colbert people. mr. o'reilly, what's worse, the grievance industry or your republican propaganda that tries to sell that market cap lil 'tis m works? how do you think the u.s. is the -- john o'connor, i'm a high
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school drop out who learned to trade and now own as company. this is a great company. richard, fox news is a grievance center. telling viewers they are victims of income redistribution, fraud, the war on religion so on. nobody is better at grievance. jeff bender, stossel needs to be sentenced to a year in municipal court to see the intax can'ts in this country. your emotions are blinding you to the truth e raleigh. you repeat the falsehood that pot is stronger than it used to be. not that the truth will matter to you but the university of mississip mississippi project says cannabis changed dramatically since the '70s. the thc levels are much higher according to the factual research. got it out there?
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do we have it out there? donna louisville, kentucky, boston marathon bombing casualty, inspiration to the united states. i ordered his book right after the interview. good for you, donna. it's called "stronger" and well worth checking out. nate, i am ten years old and reading the last days of jesus. i think it's horrible the way the romans treated the jews so badly. thank you, nate. happy easter a bit early. finally tonight, obsessed. it's not a good thing whether it's a person, food, news story, doesn't matter. obsession is pact. "the factor" has not been reporting speculation about the missing malaysian jetliner. it's important but doing an hour of unidentified pings is beyond
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my ability. i'm marvelled that others can do an hour on unidentified pinger. it takes a talent to do that. if there is something solid, you'll know about it on this program but i cannot panlder to people's on sbsessions. that would be wrong. that's it for us tonight. check out the website that's different from o'reil o'reilly. name and town, name and town if you wish to apply. wrd of the day no prolix. just before air time i came on and selected the five mad as hell letters for tomorrow. i'm not going to use the butter people. the butter people are mad at me because i said that butter has to be refrigerated. i must have gotten a thousand letters from the butter people saying you don't have to
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refrigerate butter. okay. again, thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn is next. we're definitely looking out. i'm megyn kelly. what a show we have tonight. >> ugly palout after the university pulls an honorary degree, rejecting a woman trying to shine the light on abuse to women and some muslims. >> it's difficult to explain western society. >> a kelly exclusive, the most powerful muslim group in america and the woman they successfully targeted. plus, the president today made time for a memorial service at fort hood, but what he did after is causing some critics to attack. and then, forbes named her the sixth most
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