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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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a lot of things to check out on our facebook page tonight. taking your comments now. see you tomorrow. and welcome to hannity. tonight we have a jammed pack edition of the show. america, are you ready? we have a big investigation. let's roll. >> we're also instructed to screen for progressive applicants. >> not true, tonight we'll debunk the lie that progressive groups were targeted by the irs. >> what do you want to know from sean hannity? it can be anything. >> you asked, i answered. hitting the streets for another round of ask sean.
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>> where does he get his hair done? >> you don't want to go there. >> i don't want to go there. >> the epic showdown on capitol hill. >> i don't need lectures from you about contempt -- >> and white house reporters take jay carney finally to task. >> you would say there is no pay discrimination here at the white house, right? >> there is equal pay for equal work. >> stay -- stacey dash will respond to the gender pay gap claim. "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity" the scandals targeting conservatives is far from over because tomorrow the house oversight committee will vote to hold louis learner in contempt of congress. they voted to ask the justice department to consider criminal prosecution against lois learner so things are not looking good for the disgraced irs official. in a moment, i'll be joined by senator rand paul, but first i want to go over the timeline of
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deceit. i contend this administration lies to us on a regular basis. we don't have answers about the fast and furious sandal. we have agents that died, other people in mexico died. no answers. then you can go to the lies about benghazi. it wasn't spontaneous and no youtube video responsible for that. we didn't get the truth. you didn't get to keep your doctor, plan and most americans aren't saving $2500 a year. >> it's march of 2010 the targeting begins. we go to june 29th, 2011. that's when lois learner learned her group was targeting tea party groups for additional scrutiny. remember what they were investigating, this is important. any group, briefing determination unit, tea party
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patriots, 9/12 project. that was a group subject possibly to investigation and we got issues if they talked about government spending or referenced for example, government debt or taxes, they were subject to this abuse. lois learner learned this in june of 2011. the education of public advocacy or making america a better place to life, that's what she learned. that was the criteria for your government to begin to intimidate, harass and go after people that had political disagreements with the administration or statements in the case file criticized how the country is being run. if you are any one of those, you were part of the targeting group lois learner learned of. october 2011, representative charles buostany jr. sent a a letter to the irs commissioner requesting info about the policies of tax exempt organizations. november 2011 the irs responds
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inquiry and made no mention they were aware of the targeting of conservative groups. in november they knew about it. they said oh, we know nothing about this. march 22nd, 2012 in a weighs and means subcommittee hearing, douglas shulman said there is absolutely no targeting of tea party groups. in april of 2012 in a letter to the house oversight committee, learners said the irs questioned the tea party groups were in the quote, ordinary course of the application process. that all turned out not to be true and we know again, going back months and a year earlier she knew otherwise. moves to may of 2010, lois learner planted the question to address the targeting scandal before the inspect general report was released, and learner then said she only learned about
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it through the news reports of extra hoops that the irs was retiring applicants to jump through but a draft timeline compiled by the inspect general showed that learner learned in 2011 as we pointed out that her unit was in fact fargting t ita party groups for additional scrutiny. let's go to may of 2013. president obama says he pound out about the targeting methods from the may 10th news reports, three days earlier. we're in 2013 may, may 17th. treasury department confirmed he told treasury officials about the targeting of these groups in june of 2012 a full five months before election day. why is this important? because they wanted to cramp down on opposition voices leading into the election. not unlike the coverup with benghazi because their argument was gm is alive, osama bin laden is dead and what happened in benghazi goes to narrative. that's key in the timeline. so they knew about that five months before. now, we go to may 22nd 2013, lois learner says she did
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nothing wrong. pleads the fifth. that was her first appearance before the house oversight reform committee. then september 24th, learner resigns after an internal review board determined that she should be removed from the agency for neglect of duties. march 5th lois learner is requested to testify before the committee, second time in a year and like the first time, she invokes the fifth. if you remember, this is very key. this is unfolding, democrats keep going out with one talking point. while liberals were targeted, too. we learned this week that that in fact was false. let's go to the videotape and look at liberals saying we were targeted, too. that's proven to be false, lots of video. >> one, the screening list used by the irs included the term progressives. two, progressive groups were among the 298 applications that
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titga reviewed in their audio it and received heightened scrutiny. >> the staff was looking for signals for organizations whether they were liberal or whether they were conservative. >> i also want to ask the inspector general why he was unaware of documents we have obtained showing the irs employees were also instructed to screen for progressive applicants and why his office did not look into the treatment of left leaning organizations such as occupied groups. >> all right. here is the fascinating thing because they are on the same talking point, misleading, lying to the american people. remember, they were looking for tea party, patriots, 9/12 project, government spending or government debt taxing. the daily caller obtained a house oversight staff report. only seven applications in the backlog were approved by the irs while tea party groups received unprecedented review and
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experienced years long delays. some groups were singled out for scrutiny. evidence shows it was due to a non-political reason according to the oversight committee and a full screen of an e-mail, lois lois learner on january 4th 2013 talking about taking a job organizing for action while she had oversight at the irs. a damning e-mail if ever there was one. joining me now with reaction to this and much more, we are going to be joined by senator rand paul of kentucky. >> good evening. good to be with you. >> what do you make of that >> well, i guess i'm disturbed.
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it's appalling, but in someways i'm not surprised. you realize that the union, the treasury union, the irs union give 95% of their money to democrats. i wonder how we can have officials giving money to democrats and going to be objective. it's appalling that we're paying her pension and she's refusing to cooperate with the government investigation. it's alarming and appalling. >> all right. so she knew there were in fact involved in this. there is no mystery here. she invokes the fifth, but i think the damming part of this is what they knew in june of 2011, june 29th and that is that they literally had specific targeting instructions, a briefing said determinations unit looked at this criteria, tea party groups, 9/12 projects, groups that talked about government spending, or making america a better place to live? >> the other thing that this brings up, while you have a right not to incriminate yourself in a court of law, do you have the right as a government employee to continue to be paid and not cooperate? i think we need to change the rules of how we employ people. we're not going to ask you to incriminate yourself for a
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criminal investigation, but if you're not going to cooperate, you should have to give up your pay and pension. >> let's talk about what happens here. explain the contempt foe. >> it's something you can go to jail for. it doesn't happen often. in fact, i'm not sure if we ever had someone go to prison for a contempt order, but it's something that has a significant penalty. so she will have to decide, is she going to risk going to jail or testify in a truthful manner? and -- but i really think that one of the reasons to pursue this is a contempt violation and a conviction would then i think abderogate her pension, and i don't think we should continue to pay her if she doesn't cooperate. >> it seems to be a pattern that is disturbing and runs deep into administration. they blamed those who turned out and testified they were taking instructions from washington and add to that, we haven't gotten the answers on fast and furious and add the benghazi lies about
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youtube video and a spontaneous demonstration. and add the conscious lies about obamacare. what are we to make of all this? it seems like a concerted effort to mislead the american people. >> i think they say absolute power corrupts absolutely. we let too much power gravitate. we let too much power gravitate to one person in charge of a trillion dollar apparatus or bureaucracy and i think what disturbs people most about the irs scandal is that nobody wants to think if you lose an election, if one party wins in the other, that the party that wins will use the bully nature of government to beat up on their political opponents because i don't care if it is republicans or democrats who win. nobody should be able to use that power to beat up on their political opponents. it stifles descent and the first amendment and freedom of speech and expression. it's very dangerous.
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>> this is the stuff of a third world dictatorship or the former soviet union. you're trying to stifle and intimidate them at the very least. last question, you in response to fort hood are planning to advocate what? >> i think that you should be allowed to have weapons on military bases for allowing those who have concealed carry at the very least have weapons on base but i'm concerned about what is the most cost-effective way of preventing another 9/11. i want all pilots to be armed. the president has zeroed this out of his budget. he's advocated for getting rid of the program. when i talk to pilots, i'm at air force all the time. pilots come up to me all the time and say it's too hard to get a permit and keep up with it. five days in new mexico. i have a bill to stream line it and my goal is to have 100% of american pilots armed because i think it's a very cost
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effective conscience -- it's the most cost effective way of deterring another attack on our planes. >> write me down as a supporter. good to see you as always. thanks for being with us. the university of massachusetts buckles from the pressure of the left and withdraw an award for the critic of islam and how it treats women. coming up next, they will react to that and much more on this busy "hannity." it's red lobster's lobsterfest! all promotions! the year's largest selection of lobster entrees, like lobster lover's dream. hurry in and sea food differently.
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go to red for ten dollars off with purchase of two lobsterfest entrees. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there.
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i can't wait to get to mattress discounters good and early for the tempur-pedic bonus event. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters and welcome back to "hannity." after facing major criticism, a
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university in massachusetts has caved to left after concern from alumni. brandeis announced it would not award an honorary degree to ayaan hirsi ali. she was raised in a strict muslim family, but after refusing to marry the man her father chose for her, she left her family. she later wrote the screen play for a film entitled "submission" and she was quoted as saying i think we are at war with islam and there is nothing moderate about islam. that was back in november of 2007. here to explain and react to this, another example of appeasement, juan williams and the co-host of the fiber, good friend andrea. juan, i think this person is a hero. >> i'm with you. i don't get it at all -- >> all right. show is over. [ laughter ] >> look, you know, personally,
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i've been victimized by people including care, this organization that launched this effort to have them withdraw the honorary degree from her for just saying what's on my mind and anybody who says anything about islam, we're talking about here is radical extremist, the people who will kill you and in her case, mutilate you, cut your genitals, start war, arrange marriages, beat women and say oh, no, you can't say that. how ridiculous. >> wait a minute. we're talking about andrea, iran, saudi arabia, women can't drive, be seen with men they aren't related to. this is wide-spread in the muslim world. >> there is lists and lists of oppressions against women. "time magazine" has done a big piece in this. in pakistan they need three witnesses in a court if they have been raped. the list goes on and on. what is really, i think, disgusting is universities are
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supposed to be laboratories of debate and freedom of speech and what it ends up being is tolerance of the intolerant. they tolerate intolerant religions like islam and this is a religion that oppresses homosexuality. do they agree with the oppression of gays? i would love to have them answer that question. >> liberals claim to have a monoply of compassion on women and gay rights. what about these -- i think she is spot on. reaction? where is the liberal -- where is the liberal elite in the university system to speak out? >> what i read today, sean, was 85 members of the faculty sided with withdrawing the honorary degree. they have a petition online,
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thousands of people. the young people at the school say her words, as you quoted, are a war on islam. you know, they say that's a slap in the face to muslim students but guess what? she said in the mist of something as unyielding as oppressive as the way they treat women, you can't have a middle ground. you got to say it's wrong. that's why she made the film and started organizations to protect women against religious and cultural oppression. >> this woman knows she probably put her life at risk by being so out spoken. >> she did. >> what does this say about liberals? how do they feel about women and gays? >> this is an issue that democrats and republicans should be united on instead of going after mike huckabee for the conversation and that's against radical islam and to add this to
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women denied this award, to add to her thoughts, they said i think we're at war with radical islam. no, i know we are. we don't need me to say that. >> it's a fact. >> they said it. they declared war on us. we can have the president of the united states say we're not at war, he can give speeches in cairo, they can praise him. they are going to kill us as the koran states, they are going to kill us, sean, until we're all muslims -- >> 9/11 commission report said they are at war with us. we have not been at war with them. juan, you're losing your liberal card tonight. because you're not defending obama. i guess that's why -- >> telling the audience he's a reasonable person -- >> glimmers of hope -- >> thank you. appreciate that kind word. listen -- >> we got to go. >> i hope everybody left and right agrees. >> call your friends at this university, juan. >> the white house, juan. >> really. ask sean is back and this week, hitting the streets of the
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big apple what they want to know about little old me. that's next and eric holder loses his cool during a house hearing yesterday. you'll see the epic exchange as "hannity "continues straight ahead.
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welcome back to "hannity." changing things up for ask sean, we went to the streets of new york city to get your questions for me. she loves this. back tonight to reveal those questions, fox business network on the morning program megan mcdowell. how are you? >> good, how are you? >> treating you nice? >> hot rod. >> what's this hot rod thing? where did you get that? do you have any surprises tonight? >> no surprises. i was excited to be out in the street talking to everybody and a lot of folks knew who you were. >> oh, boy. >> the people i talked to know you very well.
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check it out. >> oh, no, here we go. >> pick one word to describe sean hannity. >> bull headed with a hyphen. >> dedicated. >> heroic, exclusive. >> i would say intelligent, informed, and sassy. >> smart. >> energetic. >> awesome. >> conservative. >> very good. very good. captain obvious. >> that was pretty good. that wasn't bad. >> i'm telling you people -- >> do you have any baby pictures this week? >> no, i'm not going to embarrass you but clearly that gentleman wasn't confusing you with bill maher. speaking of media personalities, we have this question for you. >> all right. >> how much do you dislike john stewart? >> i don't -- i take stewart for what he is. he's a comedian. he's very, very funny at times. i don't care -- >> the sean of the -- >> that was hilarious. >> you -- >> look, he's liberal.
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i take that for what it's worth but he's funny, entertaining and he has great writers on the show. i think it's well done. i like it. >> it's tight but you're busy -- >> i have a sense of humor. >> you're busy watching "house of cards" on tv. speaking to this man, this man actually walked away and came back -- >> uh-oh. >> and came back with this question. >> can't be good. >> in a time our country is crying out for such unity, why does he promote such deviciveness? >> 50 million americans in poverty, on food stamps. the country is suffering on the international stage. we're suffering and being humiliated but putin and others. liberalism doesn't work. i want people to work, have the
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american dream, lower taxes, greater freedom. and we're not having that right now. they are telling us how much soda we can drink and how much salt we can take and taking every 60 cents in new york. get out of our lives. >> and the question doesn't give you credit for trying to be uplifting and having a positive message -- >> i'm putting so many americans partnered with energy companies, getting them back to work because the government can't do it. >> this, a sports related question for you. >> okay. >> what position he played in hockey. >> i'm the only one of my friends that kept their teeth. >> i know, but people know you. everybody knows you. they don't just know -- >> that is -- >> -- you and your show, but you're -- >> i played center. i wanted to be bobby clark of the flyers.
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he had no teeth, and he was the hardest fighting guy in the rink and i loved him. i idolized bobby clark. >> love him. this always comes up when your name is said. >> where does he get his hair done? [ laughter ] great hair, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> didn't you pull my hair because people asked if it was real. >> i'm not touching your head again. >> why? >> i'm just not. >> were you traumatized the last time? >> yeah, a little bit. who cuts it? >> linda who work -- whose been with me on this show -- we've worked together 18 years. i love her. she's like family. >> i love linda, too. >> she's the best. the nicest person. brings me chicken soup -- >> pull it -- >> i'm not touching your head again. >> pull it. >> i'm not touching your hair again. >> you're afraid to be near me. we got to roll. megan, we love you. >> a little bit. >> no baby pictures, thank god. up next, tonight on "hannity." >> shocking undercover video of reverend al sharp ton surfaces
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as reports surface is that he was a mob rat for the feds. later, one rancher in nevada claims that he's about to wage a quote, range war against the federal government. some say a potential waco is about to unfold because the feds are saying his cattle can't graze on public land. he's here to explain why he's ready and willing to engage in the stand off. set your dvr to "hannity" the series. don't miss an episode. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out, with no annual fee. go to
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and welcome back to "hannity." our great panel. was al sharpton really a mob rat and this so-called tape with a cocaine deal, did this cause him to work with the feds? take a close look at this tape.
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>> reaction tonight on the great american panel. >> how are you? >> good, monica crowley and sandra smith. pure coke, 99% that and more.
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he says he was part of a sting. >> yeah, well, this is nothing new. this is part of the public domain that video. >> most people didn't see that. >> i remember woody from toy story cowboy hat he's sporting there. that's just classic. what the hell kind of look was that? he's been called a fat rat. it's been documented he is, msbc we report you decide not to watch network, they knew all about this and yet, there he is. >> they got the other guy coursing out using the f word calling laura ingram names and you got a tape of al sharpton calling the first new york -- the first new york black mayor the "n" word. >> this tape looks so suspicious.
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looks like the old mary and berry tape. bleep set me up. look, al sharpton is claiming he wasn't a stitch because he knows if it got out he was actually a snitch, that would really -- >> street credit is gone. >> now he has real explaining to do. he is there on tape. let's hear the story. >> he said he's not a rat, a cat that eats rat. >> he was fat, too. >> mayor de blasio -- >> he said that's the only regret he has, the photographs that exist of this. nobody knew i was that fat back that then. he said this doesn't change the relationship i have with al sharpton one bit. i'm proud to be his friend. >> obama is going to the national -- >> this is on top of the crown heights -- >> freddy is at 125th street. >> everything. everybody turns their head and ignores the whole thing. >> he's like a teflon guy, nothing -- >> are people afraid he will protest them? >> that's part of it.
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he does have a reputation for carrying on these boycotts and so on. i think people fear. there is intimidation that he's got going that a lot of the black leaders have. >> outrage. >> let me go to louie literally taking on the attorney general of the united states. this is great stuff. watch this. >> i realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight. >> you don't want to go there, buddy. you don't want to go there. >> i don't want to go there. >> no. >> about the contempt? >> you should not assume that's not a big deal to me. i think it was inappropriate and unjust but never think that was not a big deal to me. don't ever think that. >> well, i'm just looking for evidence, and normally, we're known by our fruits and there are no indications that it's a big deal because your department is still not forthcoming in producing the documents that were the subject of the contempt. >> reaction?
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>> eric holder said leave me alone and he's getting away with it. he's in the position to challenge it. >> louie golmer is a judge and for the u.s. attorney general to be behaving like that is outrageous. he said look, we were doing an investigation on fast and furious on your department, the doj, and you have yet to turn over the documents that congress is asking for. that is contempt. >> i agree with you. >> that was a bust out threat. that was bullying. listen, pal, who are you talking to? you're going to pay for that. >> i agree. i think we're at a tipping point. i agree with jonathan who is a liberal. they are ignoring laws, rewriting laws. >> one of the other things that the attorney general said yesterday was i have wide discretion to basically pick and
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choose -- >> no, you don't. >> that's what he has done. >> they rewrite certain laws and the constitution be dammed and separation of powers goes to the wayside. >> that's right. >> unbelievable. we got to go. good to see you. >> where are you going? >> say good night. >> sean hannity -- >> all right. say no more. coming up, the nevada rancher threatening a range war against the federal government. he's going to join me. you got to see the story to see what is really going on and the government may impound his cattle. exclusive details on what some say may be the next waco, the compound issue and in studio actress stacey dash is here to respond to obama administration's absurd gender
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welcome back to "hannity." my next guest is the nevada rancher raging a battle against the federal government about his cattle grazing on public land over seen by the bureau of land
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management. it started in 1993 when it was declared for the federally protected desert tortoise. bundy pay new grazing fees and continued letting his cattle graze on the land. he said his ancestors worked the land since the 1870s, long before the burro was formed granting him the rights to the property. in 1998 they revoked his grazing permit and issued the cattle off the land. the judge authorized the government to impound the cattle and this weekend that impoundment began and as of monday, authorities seized 134 cattle that belonged to bundy. he is going to have a range war with federal officials ask say
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he's not backing down. joining me now to explain, the nevada rancher clyde bundy. thanks for being with us, sir. >> thank you, sean. i'm happy you called this public land. you know, this is public land that we the people of clark county nevada own and i'm glad you called it public land. >> it is interesting. your cattle. this is public land. it's not being used. in my mind, i'm not a rancher, but i would think the federal government would be thankful because you're cutting the lawn for free and charging huge amounts of money to let your cattle graze there with these fees. >> well, you got to remember they are not letting me graze here. i have no contact with the united states government and i do not buy my grazing or feed from the united states government. i graze on public land long into clark county, nevada. >> explain how the desert tortoise, is there rationalization here. they were protecting the ability of farmers to do their job. explain how the desert toretous got involved? >> well, the desert tortoise is
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an excuse for all the bureaucracies to control. the desert tortoise does use the same habitat and feed as livestock, so they could be encountered, but my cattle ate all the feed. it's impossible to use up all the feed for the desert tortoise. >> we have an 80-mile look here at the "hannity" big board and the issue of the timeline. this started in 1993 as we went through the series of events unfolding there. this has gone on for a long period of time. the money that the federal government claims that he owes them. look at this fee. they are saying you oh $1 million in grazing and trespass fees. tell me if i'm wrong, this land is not being used by them, is it?
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>> no, let me explain the use of the land a little bit. this is the arid south, you know, the southwestern desert. there is a renewable resource out here that can only be harvested by a livestock, and what i do is -- my livestock eats the grass and it uses that to make an edible commodity for we the people of the united states. so when you get a piece of meat on your table, remember where it come from. >> yeah. >> that's what we do. we turn this resource into a renewable -- a usable commodity good for man. >> by the way, when your cattle grazes there, that keeps the price of meat down for every american consumer. let's take a look, american land owned by our government, 28% of u.s. land mass up to 640 million acres the government owns here, which by the way, why do they
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own all that land? let me ask you one more question. you talked about a range war with the federal government. there is a lot of people out there, now that they are taking your cattle, that are fearful this is another waco situation. ruby ridge has come up in some articles. what do you mean by range war? how far are you willing to take this? >> well, you know, my cattle is only one issue that the united states courts ordered that the government can seize my cattle but what they have done is seized nevada state hood, nevada law, clark county public land, access to the land and have seized access to the other rights of clark county people that like to go hunting and fishing and pulls all those things down and we're here to protest that action. and we're after freedom. we're after some liberty.
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>> how far are you willing to go? how far are you willing to take this? >> my statement to the american people, i'll do whatever it takes to gain our liberty and freedom back. >> all right. we'll follow the story closely and watch what the federal government does. thank you for being with us, sir. jay carney got testy yesterday when he was confronted by the president's hypocrite cal gender pay gap claim. stacey dash will debunk the claims as "hannity" continues. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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i just ah woke up today and i said i need something sportier. annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. welcome back to "hannity." yesterday president obama signed two consecutiexecutive orders t sure women are paid the same as
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men. watch this. >> you would say there's no pay discrimination here at the white house, right? >> there is absolutely the case there is equal pay for equal work here. >> but you're using the same metric to argue pay discrimination in the work force at large. >> first of all, if you want to compare metrics, we're doing better than the public. >> how we discriminate is a little bit better than everyone else. here with us is stacey dash. i got to know you for the last campaign. you tweeted out something nice about mitt romney. >> the reaction was big.
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i think that more people like me need to voice our opinions. >> what does that do to you personally? that's a hard thing to be in the middle of a huge controversy. you seemed to handle it with the grace. >> it gives me more power. it makes me want to stand up more because it makes me realize more people are uninformed and ignora ignorant. >> you voted for obama the first time. >> i did. >> why? >> i believe we needed a black president. i believed it was a step in the right direction. then i started to pay attention to how government effects our everyday life and i don't like it.
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>> and things aren't better. >> no. >> 50 million on food stamps. >> i believe socialism breeds laziness. >> i agree with you. in 2012, the white house, there's this big gender gap issue. kind of exploded in their face. they paid women 18% less. now it is 12% less. what's your reaction to that? >> i don't know why he would do that. now he's saying he's going to sign something that's going to change all that when in 1963 john f. kennedy signed the equal pay act. employees shall not discriminate based on sex. there were nine people that opposed it. they were democrats. >> lyndon johnson, he couldn't count on people like al gore's father and robert byrd and a lot of democrats.
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he went to the republicans. and yet the republicans have this perception of being anti-minority. they're the party of the civil rights act. >> this, to me, is obama playing politics with peoples' lives. he's more concerned with democrats getting voted into office in the fall than he is with women getting jobs tomorrow. >> you need to speak out more. i love that you're stepping out. >> thank you. >> it's great to finally see you in person. we love having you. i hope you come on often. >> thank you. >> that's all the time we have left this evening. tomorrow night at 10:00 eastern, a special edition of terror strikes and boston strikes back. you'll be able to watch the series of events from that week
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with no commercial interruption. don't miss an episode. weeknights 10:00 eastern. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night.


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