tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 10, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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right now go to and answer this. with hhs s. secretary kathleen sebelius thrown under the bus or not? vote in our poll. up next o'reilly factor. good night from washington. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? >> did eric holder just play the race card? did he imply a congressional committee is racist? that's our lead story tonight. >> we have had three major scandals in the last 40 years. watergate, iran contra and this one. >> george will saying the irs targeting conservative groups on the par with watergate. we'll analyze that contention. >> i do you go up in a secular and. >> and look what happened to you. >> also tonight matt lauer and i discuss jesus in american public schools. don't miss this one. >> it's very difficult, bill, to separate the
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historical side of the story from a religious side of the story. >> did i it. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. is attorney general eric holder playing the race card that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. this evening mr. holder testified in front of the house judiciary committee about the irs scandal and other controversies. as usual, the attorney general said little citing ongoing investigations for years have yielded no public results in fact, mr. holder was cited for contempt it of congress in 2012 for failing to hand over documents about the fast and furious gun scandal. as usual, nothing happened to him. but that contempt action was
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cited at the hearing. >> i realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general but it is important that we have proper oversight. >> you don't want to go there, buddy. you don't want to go there. >> i don't want to go there? >> no. >> about the contempt? >> you should not assume that that is not a big deal to me. i think that it was inappropriate and unjust. never thought it wasn't a big deal to me. don't ever think that. >> now, yesterday, speaking before the national action network, sharpton's advocacy group, the attorney general ramped up the controversy. >> i am pleased to note that the last five years have been defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms. even in the face, even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly,. >> yes. >> and divisive adversity. you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated
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yesterday,. >> yes. >> by a house committee, had nothing to do with me. forget that what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? >> that's right. what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment. >> mr. holder heavily implying the house judiciary committee is giving him a hard time because of his skin color. >> today on "fox & friends," i said this. >> it's another grievance situation now. i'm not going to put words in the attorney general's mouth that he is saying that it's because is he black. but, certainly where the venue is, and he is speaking to primarily african-americans you could take that inference. but it's so hollow. i mean, come on. you didn't find out what happened in benghazi. you didn't find out what happened with fast and furious. you didn't find out what happened with the irs. years go by. he should have been fired a long time ago. i don't know what -- i don't care what color he is. do you think that the house
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committee called him in and say let's get the black guy today? is that what they did? does anybody believe that? let's get the black guy today. >> so, the heavy evidence is that eric holder is using his skin color as a shield to avoid explaining to the american people why he has been so ineffective on a variety of fronts. or am i wrong? it's long past time to stop this kind of nonsense. richard nixon was treated far more harshly by congress than barack obama. and his attorney general, john mitchell was ruined over the watergate investigation. the truth is that eric holder has been treated gently by the national press and has not been subject to much scrutiny by the public in fact, most americans don't even know who he is eric holder's first duty is to the american people. not his party and not the president. but we get nothing from him.
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he doesn't update investigations in specific ways. he holds back documents from congress. he stonewalls time and again. that's the truth and it has nothing to do with skin color. and that's the memo. now, for the top story tonight, reaction joining us from washington is fox news host. and eboni williams and attorney who is also on the radio. where am i going wrong here, ebony? >> well, bill, to say he has done nothing is just not true. eric holder from the beginning of his term as attorney general made it clear that he had a specific agenda concerning civil rights issues and on that issue he has been very effective. he has brought challenges to north carolina and other states who, in my opinion, have enacted illegal voting rights laws. he has done a variety of things with nypd and their disparaging treatment against certain people of color, concerning stop and frisk. he has been effective, bill, has he been perfect? absolutely not. i do agree with the they'd i can't has treated him fairly. >> i guess you could say he
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has been effective in some precincts on the big questions, the big so-called scandals, mr. fowler, he has done nothing, he has gotten to the obama of nothing. he is saying that he is being treated roughly because of his skin color is outrageous in my opinion. >> well, bill, i want to he no know-i don't think a thousand documents turned over to the government oversight committee and judiciary committee is nothing. he has turned over thousands of pages of documents and cooperated with them. >> they asked for specific documents, mr. fowler. specific documents they wanted to see to try to the go get to the obama of the gun thing that's led to deaths. he wouldn't give them to them. and he was cited do you know how how many democrats voted to hold him in contempt, mr. fowler? >> i mean, i'm pretty sure not any. >> are you kidding me? a lot of democrats voted to hold him in contempt. because he is stonewalling fast and furious. >> i don't think that's true, bill. >> for him to say he is
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getting roughed up re tore rickly because of his skin color there is no evidence to support that none. >> i think -- >> -- wait, wait. let mr. fowler answer, ebony. there is no evidence to support his contention. >> the contention that he made at nan this week is that he and the president are treated differently because they happen to be treated african-american. >> and you can't back it up. back it up. president obama in his state of the union address a couple years ago was heckled by a member of congress. first time had ever happened in recent history. >> stop. that's one individual who was inappropriate. >> who happens to be president. >> who got scolded. inappropriate and got scolded. >> a million dollars after heckling the president of the united states. are you kidding me, mr. fowler? are you going to sit there and say one guy who made one remark is symbolic of the whole system? he disrespected the office of the united states of america. >> one guy, one person can why concede that he is
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prejudice. >> i'm not going to concede anything. i'm saying it's ridiculous, if that's all you have got, that's tracy. >> bill, let me offer this to this conversation. >> the attorney general of the united states told an advocacy group, primarily african-american that he is being treated differently and so is the president and implied because of his skin color. and you are telling me, mr. fowler because one guy yelled at him. >> is he not the only one that has made that comment. representative. >> back it up with consistency. >> i'm getting ready to. the representative from colorado called the president a tar baby. another implication where they have disrespected the president of the united states. >> national gee graphic. >> what do you say, ebony. >> i say the causal link between whether or not the president or the attorney general are being targeted specifically because of their race is weak. i think that, yes, there might be some bigots out there absolutely that dislike but there are also people that genuinely disagree on the basis of policy and politics and ideology. that's fine. i think there are much more stronger examples of race
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bait discrimination in this country such as our justice system. something near and dear to my heart. >> that's not what we are talking about. we are talking about the chief law enforcement agent of this country speaking in a public forum that the criticism of him certainly valid when you look at his record for major cases. all right? is because is he black. he has nothing to back it it up. >> as you said on "fox & friends," bill, you cannot put words in his mouth. i think that there was -- he also deals with these issues every day. he is the leading law enforcement agent in our country. he has to be the one who call these officers of the law to the matt on these issues of the way they discriminate. if not by intent certainly by action. stop and frisk. look at albuquerque. >> eboni, these are local issues. i don't mind him using the justice department right the local wrongs. talking about three huge stories. three owe nor must stories,
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benghazi, irs. fast and furious. we get nothing. all right. mr. fowler. i'm giving you the last word. we get nothing go ahead. >> i completely agree with eboni that you can't take his words out of context. pointing to a situation not only what's happenings to him as president. -- what's happening to him and the president. reels spew over to the president. the attorney general as well as the first lady. we have seen racism happen tomorrow. this we have seen prejudice happen to them. i'm happy we are finally having a conversation about it here on the factor. we need to get to the obama of it. >> conversation for years here. the latest poll that you site is 52% of americans think there is real hope of ending racial discrimination. that's not a bad number at all. i really, i think mr. holder is doing the whole country a disservice by pulling that card out. he shouldn't. we appreciate the lively bedate. thanks very much. next on the run down, george will saying scandal. wriewttle beating of a white
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impact segment tonight. george will believes the irs situation is a major scandal. would have had three major scandals in the last 40 years. watergate, iran contra and this one. welcome to tuesday first two were investigated perhaps because they were under republican presidents by the press and also select committees of congress. that's not happening with this one. >> joining us now from new orleans to react democrat james carville. about he would get to mr. will. what about this horltd skin color deal. >> i agree with you, you can't describe it i agree with president obama that some people don't like him because is he black. but then there are some people that -- he said some black folks and some white folks might like him more. iindividually, you know, i don't know. and i don't think that attorney general in my own
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view is that i don't know if the attorney general and the president overall were being targeted because of their race. >> were you as a citizen, didn't that jar you that attorney general would make that assertion? come on. >> no, i think he feels that way and i mean there are a lot of people. >> feels that way? based on what. >> you know, i think what representative gohmert said was pretty offensive. if i was attorney general i would take offense. >> what was offensive about gohmert. he just said you have already been cited for contempt of congress. >> he said you took it lightly. i think the attorney general is saying i'm attorney general. i don't take a contempt charge lightly at all. >> that wasn't a decent answer. if i were in his shoes i probably would have said the same thing, do i take it seriously. however, the next day he goes out and says well gohmert is mean to me because i'm black. come on. >> he didn't not say that. >> yes, he did. you know what he said. >> no, i know what he said. >> treated differently? what is treated differently? wait, wait, wait, what is treated differently mean? >> again, if he wanted to
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say -- he did not say it was race -- what does treated differently mean? >> it means that he thinks treated differently. bush people said he was treated differently guk republicans say they are treated differently every day. >> you don't know and said earlier you don't know. >> i wouldn't put words in his mouth because that would be unfair but the implication -- you would have to be in second grade not to see it? >> i would rather not ascribe anything to racial motives to one person. >> all right. now, george will, come on, you lived through watergate. you saw what was happening there. and now we don't have the press carrying much at all about the things in play. >> well, first of all, i have known george will for long time. i consider him a friend. in fact, he invited me to his house to dinner not long ago. >> bad taste on his part. >> he has everything to support that but evidence. you know. >> all right. it's an opinion, no doubt
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>> it's an opinion. the thing that characterized watergate iran contra is is there was white house involvement there is not a scintilla of evidence. >> smidgen is the word you are looking for. >> smidgen. >> just today, just today lois lerner, okay, is cited for contempt, just like. >> lerner is a career employee. >> okay. >> lerner has -- remember, this turned over a million documents, the irs has spent 100,000 man hours turning over documents. it's not very much of a coverup going on here. >> he will with, you don't know what documents have been turned over and what have been held back. which is why holder was cited for contempt. lerner is taking the fifth. if lerner is taking the fifth, you have got to know she has done something that she thinks she is in trouble for. >> lerner may have or may not have done something. it has nothing to do with the white house. >> how do you know? >> or president obama. >> how do you know you? can't say that. >> well, it's been investigated ad nauseam. >> no, it hasn't. >> asked holder about it and
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holder says i can't comment. come on, carville. >> bill, you are dead wrong on this. >> how can i be dead wrong. >> let me repeat. you want me to be direct, i'm going to be direct. there is no evidence of any involvement by the white house. >> how do you know? >> lois lerner came to work for the federal government in 2001. >> i know there is no evidence. >> how? holder won't say that. holder won't comment. >> i'm saying that there is no evidence of white house involvement. >> you couldn't possibly know that. >> well. no i would know if there was evidence. >> won't give you what the evidence he has is and lerner is taking the fifth. >> again, if there is evidence -- you have evidence that the white house is involved? >> i don't, no. >> well -- >> -- i don't know. >> there is no evidence. this moment. >> carville, listen to yourself. just because we don't know doesn't mean there isn't any. >> okay. listen to yourself. >> at this point in time, there is zero evidence of
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white house involvement. >> i'm just glad you are not in charge of the fbi. all right? that's what i'm glad about. >> all right. >> james carville, everybody, you might want to check out his new book love and war written with his wife mary matlin. directly ahead, a exclusive, former sharyl attkinson will be here. could laura ingraham ever vote for jeb bush? we'll find out in just a few moments. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement,
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personal story segment tonight for more than 20 years sharyl attkinson reported the news for cbs. much of that time was sent on investigations. she recently left the network and joins us now on a fork exclusive. let's start with fast and furious. what did you find out about that? >> i found out that we had to quit pursuing the story
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more or less due to lack of interest well before we found answers to a lot of questions. including what about all the other cases besides the one you know is fast and furious. also using similar strategies to transfer weapons down to mexico. and how did this, if at all, play into a strategy the united states may be using to draw support or give support towards one of the cartels in mexico much like they had done in columbia and other places. >> playing one off against the other. you said something interesting that you had to abandon the story for lack of interest. can you clarify that. >> it came to me i don't think on the viewers' part but on the people that decide what stories go into the broadcast and what there is room for, they felt fairly early on that this story was over when i felt as though we had barely begun to scratch the surface. they didn't ask me what was left to report. they decided on their own the story was done. >> they pulled the rug from you.
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i worked at cbs news. i know how it goes. you can't investigate a story unless you get a budget to do so and approval of the higher ups, okay, you are going to do assignment o'reilly or atkinson. and this story will go to this show. that's how the structure works. they didn't want any part of it over there. okay. how about benghazi, what did you find out about that? >> benghazi i was assigned to look into about three weeks after the attacks happened by management, and pursue that aggressively and as i felt we were beginning to scratch beneath the surface on that scandal as well which i think had many legitimate questions yet to be asked and answered. interest was largely lost in that story as well on the part of the people that are responsible for deciding what goes on the news. >> so did they tell you, look, we don't want you to spend any more time on this? was it that direct? >> no. it's more as though there is no time in the broadcast. they really really liked the story but you start to hear from, you know, other routes that why don't you just
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leave it alone, you know, you are kind of a trouble maker because you are still pursuing it. it kind of goes from hot to cold in one day, sometimes. where they are asking you to pursue something heavily and then it's almost as if a light switch goes off and look at you all of the sudden why are you bringing this story? >> is it possible because cbs news is third in the ratings that they are just doing stories that they think are going to get them audiences? is that possible? >> i suppose there could be differences of opinion as to what the audience wants to see. but i think there are larger things at play in the industry. broadly there are overarching concerns about, i would say urks just fear over original investigative reporting. there is unprecedented, i believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere. by well orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and corporations. i think all of that comes into play. >> okay. so, on fast and furious and benghazi, you started and then you were forced to stop.
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obamacare, you looked into that as well. >> i was asked by cbs to look into obamacare and it had a similar trajectory whereby we broke some interesting stories that i felt we were uncovering some good information and making headway but we and i feel like a lot of the media after several weeks of this kind of fell off the radar on the story to a large degree on the critical looks that we were taking. security issues, the lack of transparency, the lack of providing figures and information that i think belonged in the public domain, belonged to us. being withheld. while being provided in some cases to corporate partners of the government being withheld from us though. >> when you say security, you mean people's health records and things like that and that they're not secure? >> right. just before christmas came word that the top security official, the computer security person who still works there at hhs had refused to sign off and recommended, in fact, that this web site not go live because of all the security issues.
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that was not considered big enough story, i suppose, is the way to put it by those who decide what goes on the air. i thought it was hugely important, this is an insider, someone who works in the obama administration who had made this assessment. if you look at having had something like that occur with a private corporation that proceeded to go online with all of these alleged security risks, i think the government would be very upset by that if the tables were turned. here it was the united states government doing it. >> all right. sheryl. so you got frustrated. if you want to see what cheryl at kiln kiss son is up to go to sheryl >> thank you. >> a kid who stabbed his classmates in pennsylvania and muslim controversy in boston. mad as hell segment smoking tonight. >> shut up! shut up! shut up! we don't want you to shut up. we want it you to say what's on your mind and we hope you
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the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals download the expedia app text expedia to 75309 expedia, find yours mad as hell segment tonight. five letter writers are are outraged and want you to know about it here to help us out is heather nauert here from "fox & friends." first letter from oregon. i'm mad as hell that hillary clinton and other living room women think in order for us to succeed we need to be given things. what an insult. what is position on war on women. >> we haven't heard her say
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war on women. but she effectively, it seems, she thinks that there is one anyway. she talks about the clock is turning back on women's rights. that he there are extremists even hear at home that want to go after women. she really i think is making the case. >> it's all general stuff. she seems to be talking about abortion. >> very namby-pamby. she doesn't directly go after it. >> she is not sandra fluke? >> no. no. >> she is far more diplomatic about it we know it's there. the left is playing to its base. we never talk about the advantages that women have in this country by the way. the advantages that we all play they like to play the victim. >> the factor. you guys all over over the factor. second letter from heidi shay. i'm angry about the proposed rays in congress. cuts for the military. latter weaker the latter stronger. what's the deal on the congress people? what do you want do they want? >> jim moran i talked about -- he want this proposal. 2 a dollars per day per diem
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because members of congress aren't getting their cost of living adjustment and they haven't -- >> -- is that going to happen? >> no. it was just turned down by the house appropriations. >> they are not going to get a race. >> no. >> the military salaries aren't going to be cut. they are cutting back personnel. >> not necessarily. part of the defense budget that was proposed by the secretary of defense could include a limit on military pay raises. so we're not sure exactly what's going to happen with that yet. >> not sure yet. congress aren't going to make that harassment all right, third from michael garrett minneapolis. help me understand why bill o'reilly calls jesus christ of nazarene. i will handle. this sit back. i will handle it. >> jesus wases from nazareth, all right? therefore is he a nazarene, got it? when speaking about killing jesus, my book, it's a history book. i don't use the word christ in the book because that can a notes savior. it's a religious term. so, mike, you should come to terms with the book about the history of jesus, what really happened to the
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nazarene and why it happened. shouldn't make you mad if you want to know the truth. >> name and town. right? >> you said that to jesus. name and town. >> next up-mile-an-hour that, provo, utah mad as hell because every time the subject of unmarried women comes up. fathers rarely mentioned it takes two to make a body. >> we know but a lot of times you don't know who the father is. >> this is obviously a sad situation. 4 o% of the bebs born today are unborn to unwed mothers. 1960, that figure was 5% there are millions and millions of cases, 12 million cases, in fact, of deadbeat dads or deadbeat moms. >> how many deadbeat dad cases. >> deadbeat dad or mom cases tends to be the dad. 12 million. >> all right. you always know when the woman is pregnant but sometimes the father just, you know, takes off. all right, final letter from carol dean, tallahassee, alabama, i didn't even know there was a tallahassee, alabama, but i guess there
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is i'm as hell people are sending private pictures on cell phone. one big thing, carroll, take it away, heather. >> turn off the social media. >> you can delete it? >> turn off the social media we spent a ton of this. 56% of us have cell phones and that's usually where we are on social media spending 23 hours a week doing it americans spend a lot more time on this than people from other countries. >> a lot of it is wasted time. if somebody is intruding and sending you stuff, just delete it. >> tell them you don't care about their life. >> i would go beep, like this. don't want to be rude about it. i feel the pain. >> kind of like a few pictures of people's kids. >> cocker spaniel. >> it's sweet. >> send them to heather, please. >> send them to me. >> you have a cocker spaniel accepted them picture. mad as hell. we want to hear about it please write mad as hell at we come right back, ms. megyn kelly on woman
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disrespected by woman bran dyed in boston. stabbed by more than 2 opeople in a school. we'll be right back. why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years.
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classmates in pennsylvania. vicious attack in detroit now being labeled a hate crime. as we told you on monday steve utash tree trimmer attacked by a group of black men after his truck hit a 10-year-old child. mr. utash stopped to help the boy whose leg was broken and he was jumped by the mob. here to update megyn kelly see her on the factor. mr. utash is still in the hospital, i understand, in the hospital? >> yes. is he clinging to life and has severe wounds and he is expected it survive right now but he is in the medically induced coma. by all accounts, it was in the his fault that he hit the boy. the boy stepped out in front of his truck and did he the right thing. he stopped out to try to help him. gets jumped by 10 to 12 people. five of them have been charged. one of them has been charged with a hate crime, which is the update today. >> state hate crime? >> right. >> which is different than federal hate crime. >> that's right. it's a state matter. >> it carries a more heinous penalty. >> he could go to jail for over 10 years if he is
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convicted of this. that's only if he gets tried as an adult. right now it looks like he is facing juvenile charges and if he is tried as a juvenile then he will be out by the time is he 21. >> now, why are they only charging one with a hate crime and not the other four. >> they haven't released that nor have they released even why they are charging this as a hate crime. normally they will tell you there has to be very strong evidence that the attack was because of racial animus usually that involves a comment like they utter a racial slur. >> there was a nurse there we did this report on monday. it was a nurse that saved utash's life, a black woman who actually put her body over his. i'm sure that's where this is coming from. because she was right there. >> there is obviously some strong evidence because they seemed to be zeroing in on the one guy who is 16 years old. they believe he did it because of race. and as for the rest of these guys, the four additional guys who have been charged and the six who are at large will have to wait to see. >> okay. pennsylvania, this kid, he
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was 16 years old, too right? >> um-huh. >> he is going to be charged as an adult. there he is. >> he has been charged as an adult. >> he has, right. >> now his lawyers are pushing to get it in juvenile court. >> of course. i don't think that's going to happen. now, why did he do it? why did he stab? was it 22 kids and a security guard? >> something is funny about this case. you know, funny odd. his family, his defense attorney is saying oh, it's an ozzy and harriett family. they were like the brady bunch. they had dinner together every night. he wasn't bull idea. he has no prior history of mental health issues. it doesn't add up. i don't buy that. i think there will be some sort of evidence of mental health issues. i mean, it's very rare for a boy of this age to just snap. usually when there is no sigh psychosis that kicks in. 19 or 20 around there. right now they are staying he is depressed and confused by what he did. >> one of his classmates saying he was bull idea. >> his lawyer says he wasn't. >> charged as an adult.
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>> if he continues in the adult court system and is tried and convicted as an adult, he will never see the light of day again. >> all right. now, you had the woman from somalia, the muslim woman outspoken against the muslim religion because of women's rights. >> honorary degree and took back. do you think brandys is wrong for doing that. >> i think it's amazing. we have been covering it on the show for a couple of weeks now. these muslim women are trying to speak out what is done in certain muslim communities to women. honor killings, mutilation, and honor killings. >> not every muslim country does that. >> no, no. >> a lot of them. >> it certain factions of the muslim community. the obviously the extreme ones. so these muslim women are trying to call attention to it this, to help their brethren, to help their fellow women. >> true. >> and turn after turn, groups like council on american islamic relations cair try to shut them down. she produced a film honor
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dryerries shut down across the country. shown at the u.n. in geneva, they don't want it on college campuses. >> hooper, the guy we had on they say look this woman is attacking all of islam. that's why we are doing it. >> this woman has made controversial statements about muslims in general. but she says she has been taken out of cob texas and cair -- context, cair infamous for trying to silence speech. >> we is our go arounds did. they make a mistake in taking back the honorary degree. >> i am not opinion host. controversial. given honoree degrees barbed israel to high heaven. she made controversial comments about islam and the degree has to go and brandys says caught by surprise. google search of this women will bring up prior comments. cair got involved. muslim student association got involved. >> pressure groups. >> people up and before you know it the college said we don't want any part of it.
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this woman's speech, what was she going to talk about? women's rights in the muslim community will not be heard. >> all right. megyn kelly, see you right after us. >> by the way we have part 2 with the cair guy on my show tonight. >> hooper again? >> very interesting. >> slap him around again. >> what? i don't know what you are talking about. >> laura ingraham on deck. would she vote for jeb bush if he runs for president? we will find out. then matt lauer and i discussing jesus in the public school system. is he enrolled. did you know that? you might find this very interesting. we hope you stick around.
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country because they couldn't come legally. they come to our country because their families, you know, a dad who loved their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table. and they, you know, wanted to make sure their family was intact. yes, they broke the law, but, it's not a felony. an act of love. >> laura ingraham joins us now from washington. so, could you support jeb bush after he said that? >> look, i'm not going to tell it you how i'm going to vote. unless you tell me then i will tell you. >> i'm going to vote for the best problem solver, i will tell you this that wouldn't eliminate him from my consideration. >> i'm sure it wouldn't. what i will tell is you that very sloppy legs by jeb bush ohio think is a very nice guy. i like jeb bush personally. that's a sloppy formulation.
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because you could use that they did it out of love argument for a lot of behavior that we probably think is not a good idea for the american is so the and american people. you could say that engage in all sorts of behavior, criminal and otherwise because they claim afterwards, it's out of love. you can say you steal from a convenience store because you needed food for your kids -- >> you can page that argument, absolutely -- >> it has to do whether it's good enough -- what does that have to do with whether or not hundreds of thousands of people crossing our boarder illegally is good for the american worker, good for the public schools, good for our healthcare and infa structure. these organize mtds, i understand why they are making them and not saying -- i think he believes that. i think he really -- >> he absolutely does. >> is it a moral imperative that pretty much anyone who gets a tow across the border, as long
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as they are not a felony, they should be able to stay here -- >> i have to see what his plan is. i put forth my plan on it's a fair plan. i have sympathy for some illegal aliens who said what mr. bush said they are doing. others none, i would deport them immediately. you would have to change the whole structure. it's not a criminal offense to over stay your visa, it's a civil offense. >> is it criminal -- >> that's another good point and i agree with you on that point, that the federal government -- >> bill, bill, i got to say, we're a country right? we do have boarders. they are supposed to mean something. we have elect odd officials whose responsibility is not to the people as nice as they are in other countries and as well intentioned as they might be and desperate as they might be their responsibility is to the american worker, the american citizen and legal immigrants who
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did everything they were asked and now frankly, look like a bunch of fools because they didn't make that emotional argument that as long as i stay and stay here long enough and keep my head down. >> i think there is a little more to it. you can deal with them in a compassion et way but a farm way and my plan does that. they don't get any special treatment. they don't get guaranteed citizen ship. >> do they get to stay here? >> some of them. some of them. not all of them. >> then they get special treatment. >> no -- >> how is that not special treatment -- >> you're basically saying -- >> wants to come here -- >> listen to me for a moment. you're basically saying that the government of the united states was dara elect in enforcing the boarder, they didn't enforce it. >> exactly. >> or punish the employers who did hire illegal aliens for their again. the federal government did that -- >> all of the above. >> because of the federal sin here in america, we'll become
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passionate in how we deal with the situation but firm, but firm. >> i think the problem -- look, jeb bush and hilary clinton, if they end up being ting nomineesy agree with each other on a lot of issues. >> i hope not. >> they agree on common core, nsa, they will agree on trade with china. so they agree on a lot of big on left andi think a lot of the right don't agree with at all. >> in order -- >> between jeb and hilary -- >> in order for the republican to beat hillary clinton, all right, you have to go after him. whoever it is is going to have to go after her, not personal, but just carve her positions -- >> you see jeb bush doing that? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure. i got to see some fire. >> more than they go after the clintons. >> that's a terrible strategy. they have to basically say to the tea party, look, i reflect your values. this is the republican nominee,
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all right? they have to do that. in the other realm, they also have to be fair. so we'll continue. thank you. back with the tip of the day discussing jesus with matt lauer. the tip moments away. introducing the more everything plan. our best ever plan for families. four lines for only $160 a month. including 10 gigabytes of shareable data. 25 gigabytes of cloud storage to connect all the content you love. unlimited talk. and unlimited international messaging. all so your family can do more-- for less. our best plans. on the best network. for best results, use verizon.
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time for the tip of the day, in order to publicize my kids work and this morning matt lauer and i had an interesting conversation about teaching christian philosophy in the public school system. that deprives students about constitutional understanding. if an american child grows up in a secular home and attend as public school, knowledge of jesus and christianity likely to be scant. i grew up in a secular home. >> look what happened to you. >> i went to new york public schools, so i didn't get it there but i found a way to fill the void in other ways in my
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life. >> you shouldn't have to seek it. it's part of our history and heritage. people, kids need to know what judao christian is because that's what our laws are based on and the country's philosophy is based on. >> it's difficult to separate the historical side of the story from the religious side of the story. the public schools these days you sit in a class and you're surrounded by kids of four or five or six different faiths. why should they listen to different faiths? >> if they are american, that is what forged the contusion. >> i appreciate you parents and grandparents picking it up for the urchins. two great t-shirts for the price of one. your choice of colors and
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slogans. you'll be the talk of the neighborhood and premium members get discounts on top of this so we're giving them to you. check it out on thailand, if i take a gun and rob a store to feed my family it's not a felony? is that what jeb bush is saying. comparing an armed robbery to sneaking into the country is invalid, you know that. did you know sneaking in illegally is a civil offense, not a criminal offense? that has to change. you sneak in after the reform bill is signed, that has to be criminal there. billy, love your take on illegal immigration. your plan is simple and fair, let's hope that doesn't disqualify that. appreciate it. factor immigration plan is stated on we're fed up with the factor with all the news going on, you interview rob lowe? good-bye o'reilly.
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your beer view with lowe was magic. for my 60th birthday my husband is giving me a hawaiian cruise and take ets to see you and miller in honolulu on may 10th. what a guy. the show will be a blast in honolulu. lots of military folks coming to see and people from the mainland getting a vacation like you guys. hawaii is one of my favorite places in the world and we'll see people in cincinnati, buffalo, fargo and rapid city. has the info. adam, mr. o'reilly is a retired air force sergeant. i commend you for helping our wounded vets. i made two donations, i had to gave something. thank you for your letter. that's it for us tonight. check out the websitebilloreill. name and town if you wish to apply. word of the day, you probably know this one, do not be
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audacious. thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn is up next. definitely looking out for you. breaking news on kathleen sebelius resigning. i'm megyn kelly in new york and tonight -- >> the constitutional, do you agree -- >> excuse me, sir. how about this? round two of the kelly file exclusive, one of america's most powerful muslim groups shuts down a critic trying to help muslim women, and this is not the first time. we'll show you how they do it and then. the battle on the western front, a stand off between ranchers and the feds with weapons and tensions high tonight.
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