tv The Five FOX News April 11, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york, and this is "the five." yesterday we told you about eye onherscy awely denied an hon honorary degree from bran dice. last night on the kelly file, she explained her struggle. >> for the last 12 years i have systematically been condemned by muslim individuals, muslim organizations, relatives.
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any time that i bring up the treatment of women in islam, or the link between violence and violence justified in the name of islam, it's muslims who commit violence either against women or others. >> bran dice university cowardly rescinded the degree under pressure for the radical council on american islam relations. last night she speculated about the reasoning. >> there's always this fear that if you insult muslims there's going to be some kind of violent repercussion. and that may have been part of the decision to do that. but they're not doing their students any favors, and they're not doing their muslim students any favors because to really be assimilated into american society, to become american, is to accept the idea that you can have a robust debate and there's no other place better to do that
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than on university campuses. >> allay ya is getting no support, none, from the so-called national organization of women which has refused to respond to our request for comment. i'm glad to see that this is getting the type of discussion, the level of discourse and attention that we have seen, especially on this network and on the kelly file, andrea. this is something that should outra o outrage and offend people international internationally, women, men. this should not be something where the speech is spiteful, where she's not allowed to have as she says a robust debate in this country. she's been stigmatized. then of course cowardly they refused to give her the honorary degree at bran dice. it's shameful. >> it shouldn't matter what political affiliation you spouse. this is going after radical islam which republicans and democrats should get behind together. unfortunately many on the left are very slow to comment. national organization of women is not an organization for
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women. it's a far left organization. but this is where they should get involved but aren't going to. this woman is absolutely right. universities are supposed to be laboratories for ideas and forums for debate. i have given speeches before where i've talked about radical islam. universities have said i will never be back. they've had forums to talk about the feelings i hurt. this woman knows better than anybody what it's like to suffer at the hands of radical islam. you know, bran dice university said, well, they just doesn't represent our core will values. i would ask bran dice university, what are your core values? are you in favor of persecuting homosexuals? because that is what islam believes. i'm waiting for another university to step up and give her a different award. if i were her, i would say, take your award and shove it. >> we're waiting for the response. eric, talk to me about the discourse. why is it that in this country people are still afraid to stand up for someone who is a proud champion of women's rights?
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>> i don't think they are. i think this is care coming down hard on brand ice. let's talk about this for a second. this is what this is all about. in 2007 -- that's important -- she said islam neededs to be defeated into something peaceful. we're at war with islam, 2007. brandeis recently offered her this honorary degree but retracted it with pressure from care and said, this is really important, we respect and appreciate her work to defend and protect the rights of women and girls throughout the world. that said, we cannot overlook some of her past statements inconsistent with brandeis university's core values. we regret we were not aware of those earlier statements? really? we're not talking about 20 or 30 years ago when she was in college. we're talking about less it than seven years ago she made the comments. they clearly are backtracking, caved under the pressure of muz imgroups like care, had nothing to do with her statements but they're going to hang it on her
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instead of eating it and saying, look, we caved, sorry. >> greg r greg, you're nodding your head. what should the university have done? >> i don't know. i remember in the height of the hiv crisis, the signs were silence equals death. you didn't say anything, that meant that you were okay with gays dying. feminists aren't saying anything. are they okay with female genital mutilization? the thing about care, they're more concerned about your response to extremism than the extremism itself. if a ball hits you in the face, they would be more concerned about the condition of the ball. that's how they are. the real culprit isn't care because we know care. we know care is more concerned about the bullying than the bombs. the real culprit is brandes. i've seen ikea bookcases made out of stronger stuff. they are wusses. they ran under their beds like frightened toddlers in a
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rainstorm. it's embarrassing. >> let's listen to their cowardly leader. then we'll have bob respond. >> this isn't a first amendment issue. she speaks all the time. she just spoke in canada. she speaks all over the place. and we don't say boo about it. but when a prestigious university like brandeis is about to honor her and in fact endorse her views, that's when we speak out. it's about hijacking a legitimate issue in order to demonize islam and marginalize islams. that's what it's about. >> bob? >> it's amazing to me that guy has the gall to say that. basically what he's saying is, we give her the right to speak whenever she wants to, as if they've got any right to give anybody that right, number one. number two, i haven't seen this guy's face when it comes to the boston marathon bomber or 9/11. why? because typical of radical islamists he's a coward. i'll call him a coward to his face if he wants to show up.
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but he probably doesn't have the guts to do that. brandeis, worse than anything else, there's not a single thing she said that is in any way counter to anybody's values unless your values are that you support radical islam. brandeis wants to go on the record and do that, fine. i still think there's money involved here, if you don't mind me saying so. if you do mind, i said it anyway. brandeis has got to have a better explanation than this. who do they think they are? and they're running against the tide of public opinion. you're talking about defending radical islam. are you kidding me? >> can i make a quick point. what ms. ali is the pointing out, radical islam. she didn't say all muslims. the with cair is they take it an insult to the muslim faith. >> they're two separate things. >> absolutely. we dwin here.
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but the problem with cair is they don't make the distinction. >> they don't want to because they want to demonize. they're a big part of the problem. they're the one that's are not helping the muslim community to come forward, to have a choice. because law abiding muslims are sitting back having chilled speech. they don't want to come forward because they're afraid of reprisals. >> the thing greg said i think is very important. they argue -- if you get hit by a ball, they worry about what happens with the ball. did cair stand up after 9/11? did this guy stand up? >> they're an uninvited co-conspirat co-conspirator. >> there you go. why are we paying any attention to these thugs? >> the question would be, then, to brandeis and to cair , is wht this woman is saying true or untrue? what she's saying is true. she said, i think we're at war with radical islam. i don't think i know and in fact radical islam, whether we declare war on them or not have
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already declared it on us. they've done it for hundreds of years. the problem with brandeis and wussy liberals, they think, the nicer they are, if the president can go to cairo and say nice things about their pottery maybe they'll stop cutting our head off. they're not going to do it. i'm disappointed in brandeis. it's a jewish university, they should be in favor of anyone speaking up and telling their story. it's incredibly disappointing. if i was a donor of brandeis as well, i would pull donations. >> cair is all for encouraging censorship of films that are critical of their point of view. that's part of their culture. their culture is you can't censor. there should not be fre expression. that's not our culture. when people are insulted or parodied for saying they're scared there's an infiltration of certain radical islam into
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our society thshgs is an example. where did they get that idea? we put a guy in jail for an tient-a's lamb ick film. that leads to the question, is the inspirational moderate leader? who is their gandhi? >> real quick, on the point about women and sex, this woman was a victim of genital mutilization. we've talked about this republican war on women and how democrats make it seem like the biggest issue facing women is not getting access to contraception. i want to know where are the hollywood celebs, where is lena dunham talking about, this woman's sex ufl pleasure was taken away. where are these liberal hollywood women trying to advocate for our sex livids ev lives every day advocating for muslim women. >> the muslims, christians and jews all emanate from the same area of the world, three great religions of the world. if we had as christians groups going around bombing people and
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killing people, we would deal with it. we'd speak up about it, say something about it and prosecute them. why it is that -- how many muslims are there in the world? 100 million? >> over a billion. >> over a billion. >> you mean to tell me out of that crowd there's not somebody willing to stand up to these cowardly pufrpg punks? >> he's right. don't tolerate crimes against women. >> or men, too. >> or men. eric holder blasts how lawmakers cheated him on capitol hill as, quote, ugly and divisive. why is the attorney general implying race is the issue? greg breaks down holder's heated remarks, that's next on "the five." stay with us.
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>> you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday by a house committee, what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? >> so what ruffled his delightful mustache? this. >> it is important that we have proper oversight. >> you don't want to go there, okay? >> i don't want to go there? >> no. >> about the contempt? >> you should not assume that that is not a big deal to me. >> we can't get the information to get to the bottom of that so i don't need lectures from you about contempt. >> and i don't need lectures from you either. >> men, men, men. my word, kind of reminds me of this. >> senator, we can have this discussion in any way that you would like, but i really hope that you will refrain from impugning my integrity. thank you very much. >> i'm just quoting what you said. you contradicted the president and you contradicted yourself.
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>> and remember this? >> we knew damn well if he went to canada he wouldn't be tortured. he'd be held. he'd be investigated. and it's beneath the dignity of this country, the country that has always been a fwebeacon of human rights. >> my point is this. is this unprecedented adversity unprecedent? and if holder was white, would it matter? holder seems to think he deserves special treatment. why is that? isn't it racist not to treat him like everybody else? and what if the irs targeted the national action network and not the tea party? after all he did say this stuff to al sharp ton's national action network which owes millions in taxes and is run by a hate-fueled race baiter. by the fact is, holder knows america -- in racial rhetoric. but to me it's holder's behavior that's divisive. it's projection. he sees anger in others that he himself feels. after all, america must pay for its past, an he's the bill collector.
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so everyone's racist, opposition to obama care is racist, the budget, immigration, soap. anything the left hates is racist. as usual, it's up to us to nail this scam because the rest of the media swallows it like an ed less ent with a booger. that's the joke. they call us divisive, yet they've seen the enemy and it's always us, the u.s. so a government agency can now inflict harm with a tacit nod from the media. and if you question that, you've got to be racist. how convenient for those being questioned. sorry about that metaphor, kg. i know that disgusted you. >> made me nauseous. >> sorry. what do you think holder means by unprecedented adversity? is this fair? is he being singled out? >> you know what? i don't have a lot of sympathy, as a fighter for justice and freedom, i did the job. he's spoeszed to be doing. i don't understand why this man cannot answer questions. he's a truth dodger. why can't he sit there,
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represent the country well, answer the questions. why does he have so many of these things that are all part of his legacy, whether it's benghazi, fast and furious, whether it's his refusing to be specific about how the president can act unilaterally on obama care. he doesn't have answers. oh, vast discretion. that's it. he can't answer the questions. he knows what he's doing is wrok. he's oath acting on his own political ideology and then he acts like a cry beaby. he's supposed to be able to handle the tough questions. and this is not unprecedentsed as you saw this on the video. would he like to give us his job back? >> bob? that's pretty strong words coming from kg. >> it's over the top even for kg. >> but i think she's making a fair point. she's done the job. >> what is not a fair point is this guy has been fighting for the laws of this land. he's been a very good attorney general. let me put it this way. let's start with a bigger picture. is there still racism in america? anybody who believes there's not some -- it's much better -- are
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really kidding themselves, number one. number two, if he had been white, i don't think -- he didn't use the word racism there. but i know louie goemer. he's the kind of guy who is going to continue to dig and dig and dig. >> watch it. >> he didn't use the word racist. >> watch it. >> he implied it. >> he did it -- what did he say? >> what other president and attorney general, black and black, have had that scrutiny? >> that's your assumption, the black and black. >> oh, please. there was no race involved? >> do i think there are times when he may believe that because he's black he gets a harder job? probably there is. do i believe there are times when he does? yes. >> bob, bob, bob. >> because he's black? there's no evidence to justify that statement. >> forget if he's black or white. you called him a good attorney general. >> yes. >> fast and furious we handed over guns to drug lords and k l killed border agents. still looking for the perpetrators of benghazi.
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the irs scandal, lois lerner who reports to him, he refuses to find out what's going on. what's good about this guy? >> every one of those things you identify, the congress of united states has held myriad hearings and yet -- >> there were no answers. >> there is something qaa the freedom of information act. they could get it if they wanted it. >> no, no, no. it's as black as this table, everything is redacted. everything is glossed out of the they sit on the subpoenas, refuse to honor the requests. refuse to answer questions. >> if louie goemer had been talking to a republican attorney general, think he would have talked like that? >> you know what? you're making really false allegations against -- they're just -- >> let me ask you this. do you think republicans were hard on janet reno? >> what? >> do you think republicans were hard on janet reno? >> yes. >> because she was a woman? >> i was just checking. >> no. not because she was a woman necessarily. >> both sides argue that the treatment of their attorney
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generals have been harsh. what i find to be nauseating is that he stands in front of al sharpton's organization and get out your violin and tries to say he's the victim. eric holder is the most above the law anti-constitution, race-baiting, racially nostalgic attorney general we've ever had. it's not just that he has specifically made civil rights an issue for him. he doesn't go after cases specifically involving the persecution of whites. >> can we replay that video? you show me what he said. >> black on white violence, he did z not address these issues at the justice department. there's this little fraction you keep talking about of race in america. that's his job to just focus on that little bit. >> i want to see on that tape where he said race. >> no, he didn't. >> then you're making the inference. >> he said the president and the attorney general. he left out the vice president. >> what do you think he meant, tall guys? >> let's replay it, kids.
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>> one more time! >> you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday by a house committee. which attorney general has ever it had to deal with that kind of treatment. what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? >> what is he implying? >> the treatment is that he was treated maliciously by goemer. >> and why? >> why? >> because louie didn't know what he was talking about. >> really? >> that's why. and the other thing is, barack obama has consistently been turned down by every major newspaper, every republican. is that something to be treated badly? i would say so. >> you don't see any race innuendo in that comment whatsoever? >> not at all. >> what about the time eric holder said if it wasn't for fact that he was the attorney general he would be targeted driving his car because he's black in washington, d.c. >> that's probably true. >> he's made comments to that. >> every black will tell you
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they get targeted. >> trayvon martin he made those comments. he's made plenty of comments. >> you guys don't believe that people get targeted because they're black? you don't believe when they go into a store to shop -- >> i get targeted because i'm sho short. >> people have a serious issue with the way he doesn't do his job, not his skin. >> people aren't targeted because they're white? people are targeted. >> no, i don't think so. >> we were getting along so well in the a-block. now it's just falling apart. >> it's over. coming up, what made al sharpton turn into an fbi mob informant? the smoking gun in the stunning new theory revealing what could be the real reason the rev became a rat. details directly ahead.
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in an intent to explain his work as fbi mob informant in the '80s, al sharpton claimed he turned into a rat after, after, his life was threatened by wise guys. >> my life was threatened by people who claimed to be mobsters. a guy who calls himself sal actually flew to new york from l.a. and said that if i didn't stop interfering they would kill me. i contacted the fbi, even though i had recent run-ins in a separate boxing investigation. my call led to my cooperating with the fbi against those mob guys. >> but the smoking gun may have blown his cover. the new report suggests sharpton was afraid he could face criminal charges so he chose the path of self-preservation. the report says sharpton was flipped by the fbi agents after agents confronted him about this
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1983 under cover cocaine sting video. does anybody still believe the reverend's rat story? bob? >> the big crime is the hat. >> that's the only good thing i see. >> look, he tries to say that the wise guys threatened him so he went fbi informant. but the reality, according to smoking gun is he did it because he was caught in the sting. >> i don't know the facts behind this. i do know that in that sting operation that he ran he did not request cocaine. it was given -- he said it. now, would he infer from him he was going to get that and take it some place and sell it? of course you would. but i don't think there's any evidence of that. >> bob, you just contradicted yourself. >> no, i didn't. what i'm saying is, from the standpoint, all the information looks to me like he was telling a story in order to get out from underneath this. that's true. my only point is i haven't seen the whole tape and i don't know all the details behind it.
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so it's a little bit difficult to convict a guy until you see all the evidence. >> he claims there's another video that exonerates him, but again we pointed out yesterday no one can find it. >> it seems to be missing. >> interesting about the paid part. >> that's how he was making a living. i wonder, that's like a resume booster for him? how he gets hired? it's pretty sad because his world is tumbling down around him. but i think most upsetting is he doesn't like these photos now with the track suit. >> it was the '80s can we forgive him for his track suits? >> yes. i looked exactly like that in the '80s. >> i actually like track suits. >> he still has a show on msnbc. i guess because fred phelps is dead. >> they kept letting everybody else go. >> lucky for sharpton -- never mind. lucky for sharpton he has friends in high places and president obama is really high in the white house. this will not affect sharpton
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because his threat of demonstrations always turn ugly so people are scared of him. thanks to the white house, he enjoys privileges that none of us will ever know. he's almost like an american success story. he's failed up more than snooki. if he can do it, anyone can. he he's almost inspirational. >> let me take that one step further. if you watch msnbc, they hold this guy on the pedestal. >> why? >> it's amazing with this background, he goes on and on. >> crown heights? >> all of it. yet they still, hey, the reverend al is coming on, they promo it. >> ever since the twan na brawley fraud that he pulled off, he was so comfortable standing in front of a microphone in front of all those cameras perpetrating a fraud on the entire country, i don't believe a word he says going forward. when he stood in front of the camera and said, i was just trying to help myself out, i didn't believe him then. we said it here on "the five."
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even if he was involved in a drug deal, that's still a crime. >> no question. the twan na brawley was one of the worst, most despicable acts this guy perpetrated. he almost ruined the reputation because he as lying and she was lying. let me ask you a question. if you become a paid informant, if you're made an informant because they catch you in an illegal activity and say, okay, we're not going to prosecute you but you have to inform. >> but he also pay -- >> do they usually pay people they bust like that as well? >> yeah, there's two. you can be a paid informant or be someone engaging in nefarious illicit activity and you get a pass on the crime they caught you with. >> he's both. >> i don't know, so he's a paid informant? at least he's making money. that's ridiculous. >> reverend al has a tendency to turn these things into race. race or not, he'll make this
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about race. i predict that he's going to eventually say he's being villainized because of his color. reverend al has nothing to do with your color, has everything to do with your character. anyone think he'll make this leap? >> of course. that's what he does. >> of course. hasn't he already done that, said, i'm being victimized. he's played the victim card. i think just a couple of days ago. i don't expect more from him. i don't expect more from msnbc. they let martin bashir make those comments before they denounced him. they have a history of not condemning offensive behavior. why would they condemn this? >> the one thing i'll say is he's gotten away with a lot of stuff but not just because you have obama in the white house. when the republicans were in the white house, crown heights -- >> isn't it just the opposite? >> that guy has been in the white house more than the decorator. it's amazing. >> a lot more. >> all i'm saying is that a lot of al sharpton's history has
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gone back through administrations and he continues to get away with it. >> well, he intimidates everyone. there's always a threat of an action, a rally, and his rallies often turn ugly. you've got freddie's fashion mart. the guy that burned that place to the ground was one of the people at the sharpton protest and will killed seven people, including the guy who set the place on fire. nobody wants to deal with that presence in front of their business so they just give him money. >> you've got to ask, what do they see on msnbc management that says, we've got to get more of this guy on tv? up next, mayor de blasio's promise to ban new york's horse-drawn carriages. andrea hopped on board to find out what people in the big apple feel about carriages and their controversy. we'll show you when we come back.
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s. well, one of new york city's most iconic attractions, the horse drawn carriages in central park could soon be a thing of the past if its new mayor gets its way. yes, bill de blasio is promising to ban the rides claiming the horses face inhumane working conditions. but 100 days into his term, no bill has been introduce. i went to central park earlier to see how folks in the big apple feel about it. >> we are going to get rid of the horse carriages period. >> why would anyone want to get rid of this? i'm in the heart of central park trying to get to the bottom of why new york city mayor bill de blasio wants to get rid of this wonderful new york city tradition, which is the horse-drawn carriages. >> they're rescuing them from a life that any horse, if they have the capacity to think about it this way, would gladly take
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on. >> a lot of people are saying on the other side, these horses aren't treated well. any truth to that? >> show me some facts. show me the truth. >> what do you think about mayor de blasio getting rid of the horse drawn carriages in central park? >> i'm all for it. with the potential danger in the city, it's something that's not needed. >> i think it's insane. i think it's a tradition in new york city. i think people love it. >> how are people going to get engaged without tyson? >> it's a good question. our claim to fame is in 27 years i've never had a no. so we feseal a lot of deals. >> king, thanks for the ride today. i hope i can save your job. >> he has a job, kimberly. >> right. >> i did a little digging on this issue, and it turns out raw politics and money, shocking, is at the bottom of this. were these horses reside at night, the stables is very expensive real estate and mayor bill de blasio would love to --
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boot king and his buddies out, the horses, and put low income housing in. raw politics. >> i love the horses. if you look at actually the polling in new york city, the majority of new yorkers are actually in favor of keeping the horse drawn carriages. so unless they have evidence and proof that the horses are being abused, not being taken care of properly or that there are substantial risks to their safety, of course there's always going to be an accident, unfortunately. this is just part of new york city. i can't imagine central park and the areas around it without the horses. they're beautiful. >> bob, the only way to stop this is if the city council votes against it. liam neeson is big on keeping the horses there. a lot of democrats, the members, say, we were lied to by mayor de blasio. the horses are treated well. >> i live near where they take the horses. i have walked past those stables. and it smells better than my apartment i can tell you that, one. and, two, i've used those rides
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myself for purposes of seeing the park. i think they're great. >> for seeing the park. >> lovely at night. the last thing is, the police have horses and go around the city. nobody's complaining about that. >> so you have your own fillies, so to speak. >> so to speak. >> eric, guess what they're replacing the horses with, the mayor says? electric cars. your favorite. >> get out of here. really? >> yes. they don't exist. >> can i take the other side of this? this clearly is the liberal war on the small business. i get it, the outrage. >> get in line! >> i am an animal lover and i have so much pity for these horses. >> why? >> they like their jobs. >> look, take a very close look at them. >> i lived across the street. >> i know. i'm not convinced they're treats as humanely as everyone seems -- i could be wrong. if they are, fine. one other thing, these petty
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cabs, they're a menace to society. >> get rid of those guys. >> but leave the horses? >> those are dudes on bikes. that's not a new york tradition. >> why is that any different than a horse? >> they're criminals. they try to pick you up. they're perverts. >> for the record, they're all animal lovers, a lot of the people who have the horses, and i didn't see any bad behavior. king has five weeks vacation,s these horses get five weeks vacation. greg, what about horse unemployment in this country? it will skyrocket. >> i hate these carriages, but it has nothing to do with the treatment of the horses. >> you can't get up in it? >> very good. it has to do with the treatment of the drivers. the drivers have to spend all day enduring pointlesses conversation with lovebirds, slobbering infatuated newlyweds. i see these people smiling. it's not going to last!
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>> by the way, i'm not a big fan of animal lovers. i think that's against the bible. >> what? horse drawn carriages? >> no. loving animals. >> oh, in love. >> well, we love you, and you're a bit of an animal. >> thank you. coming up, the standoff intensifies in nevada as a rancher threatens a range war against the federal government. this is armed agents are impounding his cattle. you'll hear from the brave american defending his property in just a few moments here on "the five." of
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stand-up over property rights is reaching a boiling point in nevada as gafrn bundy wages a battle against the federal government. the speech started two decades ago when the land was declared a habitat for the desert tortoise. boundy refused to comply and continued letting his cattle graze on the land. last week the government has started to seize the cattle. >> they've seized nevada statehood, nevada law, clark
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county's access to their land and seized access to all of the other rights of clark county people that like to go hunting and fishing. they've closed all those things down. we're here to protest that action. and we're after freedom. we're after some liberty. my statement to the american people, i'll do whatever it takes to gain our liberties and freedom back. >> i think he interrupted me. having at one point as you know i owned a ranch in montana. we used to lease grazing rights to ranchers around for a considerable amount of money per cattle. the federal government has a dirt cheap policy of renting their land out and this guy is getting a break. it's been contentious in congress for years. whether you like it or not he's breaking the law. if he's going to continue to break the law, they'll take your cattle. >> i'm going to agree with you. look, the problem is, the government gets involved in things like this. they under cut what you were dog, you were a businessman, you were earning a living leasing
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out your land. government comes in and undercuts you. government should stay out. they subsidize everything. they subsidize ethanol. they subsidize land. they subsidize this grazing rights. the farm bill is just an insanely huge expense that we shouldn't even be involved in. we pay farmers not to produce corn. >> that's right. >> we pay them, payment inkind. it's insane. get out of the way. >> one of the worst bills in congress. >> how much it cost to graze your cattle. >> i wish they'd pay me not to produce corn. >> or ethanol. >> what do you think? >> bob beckel, cattle rancher, i learn something new about you every day. i feel bad for this guy. the government is trying to make it impossible to make a living. and the way they're seizing his cattle now, it's pretty dramatic in droves. however, i do agree with you, bob. it is the law of the land. it's a dumb law about a tortoise. but it doesn't give him the right to ignore the law. he hasn't paid his grazing fees
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in over 20 years. so dare i say the government is actually been somewhat patient with him. >> that's right. a million dollars he owes. >> you bring up the tortoise. the endangered tortoise. whose fault is that? the tortoise. how do tortoises last that long being that slow? pick it up! that's the problem. >> pick up the pace. >> the people with the tortoises that are making this crazy. the government should just say, lighten up, we don't care about the court us, smaller government makes a bigger person. >> what do you think, for the tortoise or the hare? >> i'm worried about a standoff, some kind of a waco situation. people team very passionately about their rights. he says he's willing to do whatever it takes. i don't know. i think this has the potential bad outcome. >> it certainly does. >> maybe tortoise reform. >> one more thing, up next.
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time for one more thing. we want a wish a very special happy birthday baby to the juan williams, one of our fivers. happy birthday. he's looking fabulous. apparently i can say he's 60 and i think we can say that because he looks so good. juan, i have a very special present for you. you are going to have to come to new york city to collect it. >> what does that mean? >> juan, can i trade presents with you? >> oh, my gosh, please. that picture was from ed henry, a luncheon they had for him in d.c. because juan is big-time. you remember i mentioned yesterday about the republican congressman mcallister from louisiana who had a little bit of trouble with his staffer. in fact, he made out with his staffer and very embarrassing. the republican chairman of the state party in louisiana has
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called for his resignation, and now joining the crowd is governor jindal who said, he says he wants privacy to work out issues with dealing with his family. the best way is to resign from congress. congressman, get your butt out of town. >> has hillary weighed in yet? has hillary asked him to resign? >> i don't know. >> i'd like to see her take on it. >> eric? >> i see where you're going with that. >> the modesty police. stephen colbert was aannounced as a replacement for david letterman. comedy central congratulated stephen colbert. one thing for sure, the attacks on conservatives will likely continue now that stephen has taken over. will he come out of character? he plays that right wing kind of o'reillyish type of comedy
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character, will he come out? i'm guessing he'll have to go straight now, right? >> interesting. katherine heigl you know from "grey's anatomy." she makes headlining for whine. ing. she's whining that dwayne reed used her name as advertising because she was walking with a dwayne reed bag. she's suing dwayne reed for $6 million. this woman is an idiot. katherine heigl, get over yourself. >> they seems like a real pain in the you know what. >> i agree with you. you know what? it's time for -- >> i hate these people! >> i got you. i'm trying to lose a little weight so now it's salad time for greg. i hate going to the salad brar where i see the guy with the tongs and he uses the tongs for the tuna and for the other food. get this straight. seafood should never mix with real food. the sea is the world's toilet. i don't like things that live in
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the world's toilet and i don't want it mixed with my other food. so when i ask for the bacon, you put it in the thing, you don't go to the seafood. that's terrible. don't tell me we have to go. i am not done yet. i am not here tomorrow! i'll be in florida on my book tour. >> now we're learning breaking news, we'll check in with shepherd smith. >> we'll call it my one more thing. the africa section at the zoo in kansas city, the chimpanzees have escaped their enclosure. they're telling reporters and people there to get into their cars. the chimps are taking over. speaking of, greg, back to you.
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>> it is friday april 11th. a fox news alert. highway horror. nearly a dozen people dead after their bus collides with a truck and erupts into flames. the latest on the cause next. >> majority of people calling for me to resign i would say are people who i don't work for. >> kathleen sebelius in charge of the botched obamacare rollout rezining. what p happens next? we will have a rollout. >> terrifying images inside this on-line magazine showi
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