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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  April 12, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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h. tensions heating up as folks rally to fight a nevada rancher. it's a range showdown that rippinging across the west. individual and states rights versus the feds. is the government going too far? a live report coming up. >> across the country, republicans have let up to pass laws making ilt harder, not easier, for people to vote. >> president obama said he doesn't believe there's much evidence to charges of voter fraud in some states. instead, he says the gop is the real problem. we'll tell you why and the republican response to that claim coming up and sign from
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the heavens. the first in a rare series of four so-called blood moons. get ready to graze the night sky soon, but is it more? john hagee says it's a biblical sign. he joins us live. we'll tell you more about that. live from the nation's capitol starts right now. we begin with a story about a confrontation creating real concerns about a modern day range war as one rancher refuses to heed an order over cattle gra grazing rights. now, armed militias are joining in the fight along with other ranchers who are refusing to back down to armed federal agents on the ground. all this heating up a debate over whether the government is going too far. we have the latest on this controversy.
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william? >> we're expecting about 1,000 people here today to support and defend the interests. others are coming to protest what they see as federal overreach and abuse of authority and environmental regulations they see as a threat to their livelihood. also give you a look back here, this is the group we're expegting, this begin in probably about a half hour. some speakers, the bundies, will come here as well. some are maybe coming to provoke an incident with a blm. to critics, bundy is a free loader and outlaw who's been grazing without paying a dime and deserves to lose his cattle to pay a debt. to others, he is a hero. the last rancher standing. they claim is not in danger and a man who offered to pay his fees to the state, but it refused.
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>> he's just down here trying to eke out a living and do it honestly. leave the man alone. leave us alone. >> he lost his lease in 1994 and has refused two court orders to remove them from the land. over 1200 square miles. over the last seven days, the feds have rounded up about 400. this is going to be costly. well over a million dollars. the question is for many, why now? >> we are engaged because a single individual refuses to abide by the law of the land. his actions are disturbing thois who legally graze their cattle on public land and pay their grazing fees. right now, this is a peaceful protest. the question is, is it these
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people go to where the incident command center is for one of these check points and there's or 400 people. what happens then? that's the question. >> thank you for that live update. keeping a watch on the tensions that are continuing to heat up there. now, we want to hear from you. should ranchers stand firm against the feds and refuse to pay for cattle grazing rights? tweet me your answers. i'm definitely going to read some of your responses later in the show. turning now to another heated debate, this time between the president and gop. harsh words from president obama to republicans. he's accusing gop lawmakers of using voter i.d. laws to make it difficult for some folkses to catch a ballot. molly is joining us more now with more on this and what republicans have to say. >> president obama says he's not against quote reasonable
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attempts to secure the ballot, but he slandered republicans, saying they're trying to undo the 1995 voting rights act an make it more difficult for folkses to vote. republicans fired back, but they're just trying to reduce fraud in elections, reduce the number of people voting fraudulently. t a hot topic in a midterm election year where control of the senate is up for grabs. president obama says it's not fair to require a photo i.d. such as a passport and many americans may not have. the president says that should not prevent americans from exercising their right to vote. >> but 50 years ago, we put laws in place because of norman struthers. to vindicate that idea. to make our democracy truly mean something. and that makes it wrong to pass laws to make it eligible for any
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sit sepulveda to vote. >> 16 states have some version of the law that requires a photo i.d. to minimize fraud and make sure each person only votes once. it doesn't just have to be a passport. they say this makes sense for officials to be able to verify that the people who show up to vote are who they say they are. >> we've had cases where more people voted in the county than were registered to vote in the county. when the president says there is no voter fraud, you just wonder what planet does he come from and this whole idea of asking people to show an i.d., let me go to the white house and prove who i am. nobody can even go to the event he spoke out without a photo i.d. >> at least three more states are in the process of implementing voter i.d. laws to take effect in the next three years. >> thank you very much and joining us now with more
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reaction to the story and this week's dust up between the attorney general and members of congre congress what's your reaction to president obama's allegations that the gop is to blame for this? >> texas is on the forefront of voter i.d. we've just enacted a voter i.d. law here in texas and it's very easy and inexpensive. in some cases, free, to be able to get an i.d. to vote in texas. plus, if there's a problem, you can cast a provisional ballot. we're just trying to make sure that the people who vote only vote once and are eligible to vote. >> the president used the word that these are bogus charges when it comes to concerns about voter fraud. what do you have to say about
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that? >> i represent south texas, which is historically had some problems with voter fraud and we see, it goes back to when lbj was running, turned out some folks voted in alphabetical order. >> i would say so. let's turn to the dust up between eric holder and members of the house judiciary committee let's listen in. >>. >> i realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight. so -- >> you don't want to go there, okay? >> i don't want to go there about the kocontempt? >> you should not assume that that is not a big deal to me. i think it was inappropriate, unjust, never think that was not a big deal to me. don't ever think that. >> now, eric holder was
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unusually candid this week in his reaction to this, saying that when he called ugly culture that existed in washington today. as i understand, you actually refused to interview eric holder. why? >> he has been held in contempt of congress twice. the attorney general is the people's attorney. he needs to be answering to the people and complying with the subpoenas we have that date back to fast and furious. we should have brought in one of his underlings or something. we shouldn't be going on like there's nothing wrong and with respect to louis, he said, hey, buddy. that's what you say to somebody who bumps into you in a shop pi center. >> this standoff isn't making things easy between congress and members of the gop and eric holder. where do you go from here? >> well, listen, we've got to work with the administration, but they're stone walling on
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every investigation we are doing. and this isn't new. we've had controversies between the attorney general and congress before. look at janet reno, alberto gonzales. happens on the both sides of the aisle. congress has a responsibility to make sure the justice department is doing their job in overseeing and now, they're not. i doubt we're going to see anything with the referral of lerner. you've got holder just stone walling and covering for the white house. >> when you're referring to janet reno and gonzalez, you're talking about the fact that other attorney generals have been drilled by congress. this in response to eric holder, who was saying to an audience that he felt that he was being unfairly treated and has been going through something like this that no other attorney general has gone through. >> yeah, i wish you guys would dig up some tape of reno gonzalez and play it to -- i'd
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love to see some of that videotape. >> right now, where things stand with your committee, where are you going to go from now? particularly, the late e dealing with lerner? >> we voted in the government oversight committee to hold her in contempt. that would go to the whole floor of the house and get referred to the justice department. now, with holder's contempt that was done last year, it's still tied up in the d.c. courts and we're hoping to have that resolved soon. we really do need cooperation from the people whose salary is paid with the taxpayers' money. i actually introduced legislation last week that says if you're in contempt of congress, you shouldn't get paid. hopefully, that will pass, too. >> thanks for joining us. >> thank you, my pleasure. iran is refusing to back down after the white house refuses to grant a visa to
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iran's nominee for ambassador. the dispute is tied to the involvement of the embassy in the seizure of iran. this is adding more distance in the already strained relationship. elizabeth? >> the u.s. is saying no official will not issue a visa. he's the islamic republic's choice for ambassador to the united nations. jay carney made the announcement. the u.s. is rejecting because of his ties to the american student group during the 1979 takeover of the u.s. embassy in tehran. he's also accused of helping organize an assassination of an iranian dissident in rome, but was never charged. >> communicated with the iranian
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at a number of levels and made clear our position on this. that includes the position that the selection was not available and our position that we will not be issuing him a visa. >> the white house needs to make one more decision on a bill passed in congress, prohibiting the ambassador from entering the united states. senator cruz is encouraging president obama to send a strong message of intolerance towards terrorism. >> this nomination, an acknowledged terrorist, was intended to be a slap in the face to america. a slap in the face to the 52 hostages who spent 444 days being tortured, being brutalized. >> officials have reacted to the news, writing in part it is a regrettable decision by the administration, the obligation of the host country and inherit right of sovereign member states to designate their representatives to the united states united nations. making it clear that country refuses to back down while the
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white house has not come out to say if they will or will not sign off on the bill. back to you. >> thank you so much for that yaup date. appreciate it. >> turning now to a story that has folks in kansas city on edge with news that kansas city policemen are now saying that they have linked 12 highway shootings to a possible serial shooter. we have the latest on this developing story. >> police are reviewing at least 20 case of roadside shootings in kansas city, missouri since about early march and now, they have been able to positively link 12 to the same shooter or shooters, but there's still no known suspect and no details on the possible vehicle the shooter is using. these shootings have left three injured. most of the shootings are reported in the southern part of kansas city known as the grand view triangle or three trails crossing. it's where three interstate highways and u.s. 50 intercept. police believe the shots are coming from inside a car in all
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12 cases, someone fired shots just before reaching a highway exit ramp or road split, the suspect then veering off in a different vehicle. wearing a ski mask and hood, jenny bauer said she had just picked up her daughter's friend last friday night when she heard a noise. >> just barely starting to get dark and we were on 71 south. and heard a big noise. we both assumed it was a rock because that was the only frame of reference that i have. most of the shootings occur at night from 5:30 p.m. on. the gun shots usually located on the passengers side. police say the shooter could be hiding along in some cases along interstate 435 and 470. police said they do not believe
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a sniper is targeting the area like the 2002 sniper shootings in washington, d.c. that killed ten people. now, if you have any information that could lead to an arrest, call. there is a $10,000 reward for any information that could lead to suspect or arrest, but terrifying situation right now. people are afraid and rightly so. >> absolutely. thank you very much. tensions in the middle east are intensify iing after the oba administration is landing israel for the breakdown of peace talks and now, benjamin netanyahu is is ordering -- to stop meeting with their palestinian counterparts and also impose in tax sanctions on the palestinians as well. next, we'll hear from someone who once served as an adviser to netanyahu about the latest ta talks. and is the 2016 primary season already underway? it looks that way in new hampshire. carl cameron is now joining us from the freedom summit in new
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hampshire with more. hi, carl. >> republican presidential kabd candidates are shattering records for early campaigning and already contrasting their positions against one another. we'll have the inside details on some republican sniping at the freedom summit in new hampshire coming up next. i just tried to book a flight using credit card miles, but they blacked me out. these miles are useless! that's turrible. and all the other dates are triple the miles! triple the miles? that's as useless as chuck at a golf tournament. or you at the three point line. or you in a spelling bee. you gotta switch to the venture card from capital one. you can fly any airline. no blackouts. that's what i did. i don't say this often -- but listen to the ref. i can't believe i said that. don't get blacked out, get the capital one venture card. earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. good on any airline or hotel. what's in your wallet?
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given that the signal from the black box is fighting, we are trying to get as many detections as we can. >> well, that's australia's prime minister saying that the search for flight 370 will likely continue for quote, a long time. he says he still believes those pings will continue, but he's acknowledging finding them will be difficult. the search zone is about a 500 mile patch of seabed roughly the size of los angeles. some of america's leading conservatives gathering in a primary state today. that's got lots of people talking about 2016. lots of possibly presidential
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contenders like rand paul, ted cruz and governor huckabee. carl cameron is in the midst of it all and he's joining us from manchest manchester, new hampshire. >> there has never been a presidential campaign cattle call ever held in new hampshire before the midterms in the proceeding two years and yet, here we are today at one sponsored by americans for prosperity and citizens united, the organization that ended up having our campaign finance laws changed a couple of years ago. and while we're seven months away from the upcoming midterm campaigns, there are presidential want to bes. one is rand paul. he was here last night and the front page of the state's newspaper says rand paul, libertarian twist on conservatives. trying to court women and younger voters, trying to set hymn apart from those on conservative issues. last night, rand paul once again
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said it's time for republicans to agree to disagree and de-emphasize some of the more devicive social issues. >> i think that in some ways, we need to agree to disagree on some of these issues. the party needs to be bigger. the people have somewhat of a regional attitudes towards the social issues. the south is more much socially conservative than the north is and i think we need a bigger party with more people in it. so i guess i usually think of my job as trying to bring people together to make the party bigger, not smaller. >> and mr. paul also said he would vote against the ryan budget. paul rayan put out his budget last week. paul says he will not support it because it does not balance the budget. two others are going to be here, the former arkansas governor, mike huckabee, a conservative who does not agree that the
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republican party should down play issues and ted cruz, also a tea party favorite, who came out and disagreed with paul earlier in the week. as for paul ryan and that difference on the budget, paul ryan was in iowa, the first of the nation kcaucus state last night and was sounding a lot like paul, urging republicans to stop the end fighting even though he has that agreement with the kentucky senator. >> you have to give up something during lent. here's what i suggest we give up. let's try to give up the end fighting. the tunnel vision. pick the person you like the best. fight really hard for that candidate chltd. >> he went on to say it's time to unite the plans. number of candidates here, mike
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huckabee was also in iowa last week and we've been told by insiders in the hawk eye state that he was telling caucusgoers they should quote, keep their powder dry. he won the iowa caucuses in 2008. >> thank you, carl. it's always great to see you. it's never too early in new hampshire to talk about presidential politics. thank you. >> this is the earliest they've ever come to an event pfr before the proceeding midterm two and a half years ago. >> thank you very much. well, you won't believe this next story. you know, many 9-month-old babies are busy crawling an learning to walk, but in pakistan, a 9-year-old boy has been cleared of attempted murder. details on this bizarre and shocking case just ahead and is god using the motion of the planets to send us a sign of things to come? many christians believe an upcoming series of lunar ecli e
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eclipses may be a message from god. john hagee will be joining us to talk more about the four blood moons that are on the way. i think the biggest value of truecar...
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here's a look at top stories making news right now. battle heating up out west between the rancher and the federal government. the rancher owes more than a $1 million in fees. he says the land is where his family settled in the 19th century and that he doesn't recognize federal authority over state land. the ntsb says it will be two weeks before we know what caused a tractor trailer to kill ten people in california. investigators are trying to determine if there should have been a barrier down the middle of the freeway to prevent a head-on collision. and it's a case that highlights
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how dysfunctional pakistan's legal system might be. a judge throwing out an attempted murder charge against a 9-month-old baby. that baby and his family are accused of trying to kill police officers during a neighborhood fight. the judge is demanding answers from police and a new survey is suggesting that christianity is more popular than communism on china's version of twitter. researchers found that 18 million mentions of jesus versus 4 million for the chinese. and that's a quick look at some of the top stories making news. well, ever since the recent breakdown in the talks between israel and palestinians, both sides have been taking steps to keep that deep freeze in place. the latest move has israel holding sanctions against the palestinian authority while the palestinians continue to take unilateral steps toward state hood. political observers are raising concerns that any kind of
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lasting deal may be months or years away. joel rosenberg, who has written a new book, says john kerry's charges blaming israel for that breakout is going too far. >> i'm not so sure it's 100%. there's a lot of motivation. we'll see for the palestinians whether to keep, to try as much as it would be nice to throw up your hands and say these guys are going to play ball, so i suspect we're going to see more efforts to try to make it work, but in terms of secretary kerr are, this is ridiculous bordering on infuriating. the palestinian leadership walked away from the table. they began to find 15 agreements declaring them a state in total aggregation of the framework of the agreement.
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further more, israel has put actual concrete steps forward to show its will. they've released hundreds of palestinian prisoners including terrorists. what exactly has past -- abbas given? there's been talks, but they haven't done anything concrete, so i think for secretary kerry to turn on his allies and say israel is -- breakdown and talk, it's not helpful and i don't think it's true. >> saying both sides have shortcomings, but clearly, he made it clear that israel was responsible by virtue of not implementing the prisoner release. >> the palestinians are signalling with activity of sign ing the international
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agreements, that they're leaving, so we would just be giving away prisoners for nothing, israel fell. what's the palestinians doing? they're doing nothing but saying they're going to build international status. >> the palestinians have filed for that with the united nations and have agreed to sign with the geneva condition. >> why should they give actually terrorists put them on the street for nothing? and i think that's a that's a compelling question. one of the big problems here is the lack of trust at a fundamental core level between the obama administration and the government of israel. there is something deeply broken there and it goes back, it seems personal and yet, you'd like to think, it's not that the administration's doing nothing
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helpful to israel. they're helping with missile defenses and so forth, but you have to build trust. >> how can you do that knowing both sides aren't talking? >> that's why they make the big bucks. you don't tell your best friend and ally you're at fault when when there's a case that both are are making certain decisions that you know, at least the white house and state department are unhelpful, but i don't feel by blaming one side, you can build trust. the president went out initially and said settlements are the whole problem. well, the most recent issue of settlement is a jewish neighborhood in jerusalem, so the administration needs to focus on areas that i think they're making a mistake. they've got the attention in the
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wrong area. where we're headed with iran in this situation, trying really hard not to move forward with with its nuclear capabilities. how serious is the threat at this time? >> iran is the most important issue in the middle east. getting weaponing, attaching them to high speed ballistic weapons and firing them in israel. they could do in six minutes what hitler took six years to do. that is kill six million jews, if they get the bomb. we took a poll recently upon release of my new book and found out that 80% of americans believe that iran will bring about a second holocaust. that's what americans say. 80% say second holocaust if iran gets the bomb. if the world lets it. so, the question is, will the united states and the allied
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powers let them. israelis are worried, scared, and they might take preemptive action if no one else will. >> and one more note about joel's new book, it's a powerful look at four hen he calls heroes and you can see more of that interview on our website. all right, breaking news now. in nevada, with developing in that scandal between a rancher and the federal government. >> we have just received word from the director of the federal bureau of land management that this operation is over. the operation to seize the cattle and enforce a court order against the rancher is over. the blm is pulling out and i am quoting, based on information on the ground, we have made that decision to conclude this operation out of concern for the safety of the employees and the
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public. that means it's over. and they'll be pulling out over the next day or two. >> so, the tensions can be diffused quickly. thank you very much for that update. and still to come, an up coming series of lunar eclipses a sign from the bible? john hagee tells us more, next. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz.
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nasa calls it a rare celestial event and for many christians, the blood moon signals a supernatural connection to biblical prophesy. over the next year beginning on tuesday, there will be four successive blood moons, total lunar eeclipses. in his new book, best-selling author, john hagee, writes this unusual lunar event is foretold in the bible and signals big changes are in store for mankind. he joins us now on the phone and i would like to add he would be live were it not for his recent knee surgery. thank you so much for joining us, sir. >> thank you. it's my pleasure to be with you. >> for folks who may not understand what this represents, explain if you will, why you believe the blood moon offers up a spiritual connection to biblical prophesy.
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>> i do because the bible so clearly says that. joel, the second chapter, versus 30 through 31 states and i will show wonders in the heavens, is sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, that's a lunar eclipse, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the lord. from the beginning of the bible in genesis 1-14, let there be lights in the heavens. the he brew word for sign is signal. if god is sending a signal, he obviously is sending it to us. this clear lly imemploplies thas using the sun, moon and stars to send signals to us. the heavens declared the glory of the lord. the word declare means to speak. day unto day, they utter speech
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and night unto night, it utters knowledge. king david says that the heavens are god's billboard. >> pastor, i know nasa calls this lunar tet rad, four successive blood moon events that will happen between april of 2014 and continue through september of 2015. now, is it true each one will occur during an important jewish holiday like passover? >> yes, it is very true. april 15th, 2014, which is just three days away, is going to be the first blood moon and it will be on passover. the next will be october 8th, 2014, the feast of tabernacles and then the third will be april 4th, 2015, which will be passover and then the fourth will be september 28th, 2015, which will be the feast of tabernacles. >> i know we're short on time though, i want to point out that
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these celestial happenings have taken place only a handful of times over the past 2,000 years, but the last three events coincided with historic events that began in 1493 and ended in 1967 with the israeli war. why do you feel we can expect something big to happen to mankind over the next year then? >> i think that we're going to see something change and change forever because god operates in the pattern that when ever he begins to do something, he continues because he's the god who does not change. every time that these four blood moons have appeared with the jewish feast, something happens that changed the course of history. in 1492, the jewish people were expelled from spain. this was the evict of explosion by king ferdinand and queen
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isabella. while they were being kicked out of spain, christopher columbus was leaving to find for them, what became the refuge of all people on the earth, which was america. then, you have 1948, in which state hood became a reality. >> for israel. then the arab israeli war. with all due respect, pastor, i know back in 2012, you predicted it may be the end of the world as we know it, but that didn't happen. so, what happens if there's no significant global change that takes place. will you be disappointed? >> absolutely not. this is a signal that it is going to happen and that we on planet earth have been dually notified by heaven that a change is about to happen and we ought to get ready for it. it happened in 1492, 1948 and 1967 and now, we have a four
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blood moon series that will run from april of this year until september of next year in which something super is going to occur. >> let's wait and see, pastor, it is always great to hear from you. thank you so much for joining us today with your reflections. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me on. >> up next, the story of a dream come true for one little 6-year-old. stay with us. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪
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welcome back, everybody. well, our next story shows us dreams do really come true. one little six-year-old, mason rudder, has already endured ten surgeries for a rare genetic disorder that effects his range of motion. this hasn't stopped his dream of becoming part of a navy s.e.a.l. team. while most youngsters use their imagination, mason received a birthday surprise that allowed him to be a navy s.e.a.l. for a day. mason and his mom, suzanne rudder, along with former navy s.e.a.l. jerryd ogden, are joining us. thank you for joining us. >> hi. how are you doing, uma? >> we're doing great here in our
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studio. mason, i know it's great to see you. tell me why it's been so important for you to be a navy s.e.a.l. >> tell uma why you want to be a navy s.e.a.l. >> i want to save the country and because i want to save people. >> well, that's wonderful. i know you're very patriotic. jerryd, talk to me for a moment about the special relationship you have with this little boy. >> well, the company that i work for, a symmetric solutions, we have a strong commitment of giving back to the community, so when mason's parents reached out to us via e-mail, it was too easy to accommodate this task and make mason's dream of becoming a navy s.e.a.l. true. it's something that u know, we do that type of stuff every day. and, you know, knowing the lasting impact that was going to have on mason, we really want
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wanted to support that and make him a s.e.a.l. for a day. we had a great time doing it. >> you took him through a bunch of maneuvers and routines that a lot of navy s.e.a.l.s experience. and you showed him firsthand what it means to be a navy s.e.a.l. that must have been very rewarding for you. >> absolutely. we went through navy s.e.a.l. cqb training and democrat mission training and sniper training. and everything culminated during our lunch break in a mission that mason led us on. and i think mason's favorite part of that mission was what? >> rolling out the door. >> wow. that's terrific. mom, i know that this obviously had a special impact on your little boy. what does this mean for you as a family that he was able to see his dream come true like this, particularly after having to endure so many challenging circumstances in his young life? >> oh, it was great to watch him get out there and experience in
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real life what he practices and plays almost every day in the backyard. and i think it was just a great confidence booster for him, getting out there and, you know, watching jared with him and take that time with him. you know, something that he'll nephew never forget. and i hope he looks back on that and gives back in the future, does for others what was done for him. >> well, that's great. i'm really happy that mason had the chance to live out his dream, and i thank all of you today for joining us. and we wish all of you the best of luck. and mason, keep it up out there. and know that we're rooting for you. >> high five, bud. >> all right, great. thank you all for joining us today. >> thank you, uma. >> thank you. god bless. all right. when we come back, the breaking news update on the fact that the standoff between a nevada rancher and the feds is now over. the bureau of land management is saying it has called off the roundup of cattle due to safety
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concerns. we have been asking you to chime in on this story. your response is coming up next. but as of you now, this standoff is now over. (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited.
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so we've been asking you what you think about the staubd offbetween that nevada rancher and the feds. it's now over, but we received an avalanche of responses. here's just a few. nick writes that the feds collecting fees for state land is wrong, but so is not paying fees the current law mandates. both sides are wrong. fight it out in court. john says the rancher broke the law, end of story. should homeless people be allowed to build houses on federal land? no different. randy says it makes no sense unless they are protecting more than some tortoises. it's peak time for the famed
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cherry blossoms. they're absolutely fabulous, folks. take a look at the tidal basin there. just beautiful. have a great day. . . hello, i'm kelly wright. whelm to a brand-new hour of "america's news headquarters." >> i'm jamie colby. fear on the roads. police in kansas city waging an intense manhunt for a serial shooter taking aim at drivers. >> how obamacare could have a dramatic impact on the midterm elections. and a race against time. new developments in the massive search for that missing malaysian airlines flight 370.


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