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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 14, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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another word on the last segment, april is national child abuse prevention month. if you know anything about that child or another suffering, call 1-8004 a child. i'm megyn kelly. see you tomorrow at 9:00. and this is a fox news alert. the federal government caveed to public pressure in the battle against nevada rancher cliven bundy. in just a moment, cliven and his two sons will join us for their first exclusive interview. first, the government surrendered after tensions escalated in the week-long stand off between bundy, family supporters and agents. the burro of land management released the 400 cattle seized and removed the heavily-armed agents. our producers were on the scene all weekend long as these tense and sometimes confusing events were unfolding. let's take you through the exclusive hannity video.
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>> we will not give up our land. the government needs to go away! >> the government is taking our freedom, and we have to stand up and fight for it. that's what these good people are doing here. >> my family and the community has run these hills and enjoyed these hills for generations, never once in the history of this nation have those mown tuns ever been restricted from us and yet, this week they were. >> good morning. cliven, my purpose out here this morning is to continue from my standpoint to keep a very emotional issue safe. the blm is going to seize this operation. [ cheers ]
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>> and they will be removing their assets here in clark county. [ cheers ] >> sounds to me like negotiation is going on. we're not ready to negotiate, are we? this is what we the people are asking this morning, disarm the park service. take your county bulldozers and loaders and turn down interest places. until that time, we're going to stand and be ready to fight. [ cheers ]
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>> go home. >> we were actually strike thha strategy to put the women at the front. it was going to be women televised across the world of these women getting shot by these rogue officers. >> i just wanted to come down here and at least let you know, hey, we're working on it. >> the sheriff was here, things got calm and i feel a lot better. they are, by the demands of the people, they will have the
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cattle to us. >> they agreed to pull out. they are going to load the cattle immediately. no shots fired. >> i'm so emotional i don't know if i can talk at this point. we're so happy. this is what we wanted. it was one man standing but now has thousands on his side. >> i can open the gates and let our babies out. the cavs, they get to go home to the river, they get to go down to the ranch down the road. we're so excited. >> the moms will be looking for -- >> the babies. >> oh, it's the most wonderful day in all the world.
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>> and tonight, senator harry reid responded saying it's not over. cliven bundy, his two sons, welcome back. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> thank you, sean. >> cliven, let me first of all, on friday i was very, very concerned that this would end ugly. we heard the sheriff say that the blm, burro of land management seized operations. you've gotten your cows back, is that correct? >> you know, i listened to that four minutes and my hands are sweating and my tears are close to my eyes right now, sean, but yeah, my cows are back. yes, my cows are back. >> well, let me ask you, harry reid just spoke earlier tonight and said well, it's not over. he said quote, we can't have
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american people violate the law and just walk away from it. so it's not over. what is your response to harry reid? >> i don't have a response for harry reid, but i have a response for every sheriff across the united states. every county sheriff across the united states disarm the federal burro cats. take the federal united states burocrats guns away. >> you said that to the sheriff, cliven, disarm the park service, the burro of land management. there were, what, 200 people surrounding your ranch and snipers. it was a situation up until it got resolved, right? if the county sheriff took away the weapons from the blm, they would not
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have to march before these guns. and that was -- that's a terrible thing to put american people in that situation, and they did. we didn't have a county sheriff. we didn't have a state government and we the people marched and the blm backed down. now, they backed down, let me tell you how. they backed down, they run, they got on the freeway and went to mesquite and grabbed their stuff and ran out of the state, towards the state of utah. utah county sheriff finished this job. take the guns away from these federal burrocrats. >> is your stance this is state land and they have no authority to be there? >> they have no authority. >> all right. let me ask you what happened to the county commissioner. you had a county commissioner that literally called after a commissioner in utah said that ranchers were going to go out
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there in support of solidarity to you and called them inbreds and he hopes they made their funeral plans. whatever happened to him? >> well, you know, we had a mandate for the county commissioners. we said tear down those toll stations in these parts. we've already paid for these parts, don't be charging us again and we gave the county commissioners the charge to tear them down with your bulldozers. >> aman, let me ask you, go ahead, sir, finish your point. >> well, i haven't heard from the county commissioners and the media hasn't reported back. i don't know whether they got tore down or not. >> aman, you're one of the people that got hurt in this confrontation and we saw the dogs and tasers being fired and we saw women on the grown. you got hit with a taser, what, three times, aman? >> yes, three times. >> how many other people were
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hurt in this? >> well, there was a few other casualties but sean, i would do it again and after it was all over, i couldn't have felt better. >> what is your response to harry reid saying tonight that this is not over? it seems to me like he's making a threat that they are going to come for your dad. >> well, if he doesn't have enough moral fiber in his bones at all to see what happened, that we the people got together and made something right, then i don't think there is any hope for him and he needs to be kicked out of office, even if he is a senate majority leader. it doesn't matter. >> what is your position, ryan? >> well, i think that's pretty easy. i think we the people have spoken, haven't we? one man's word. doesn't matter what position. people have spoken and said this is no longer going to take place. so we don't hear harry reid. the people are here to say we will have our freedom and that's
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what is going to happen. the geanie is out of the bottle. >> as someone that follows politics closely, i think the politicians were watching this, democrats in particular and they knew if something bad happened here and they were the ones ratcheting this up. we have rapist and murderers and bank robbers and pedophiles and they have 200 agents, you know, surrounding your ranch because your cows are eating grass on land that they don't even want or need and that you're arguing isn't even theirs. so they realize and think at some point politically this was going to backfire on them. i think this was done for political reasons. cliven, do you see that? >> well, it's definitely done for political reasons. they wanted to show the american people in the world that they had unlimited power and they, you know, had taken over state sovereignty, nevada laws, our public lands. you know, listen, do you think
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they really have taken it over? i don't think so. they might have took over our clark county sheriff, but they never took over we the people, the solve earn people of this nation. we're standing and going to stand until we take the guns away from the bureaucracies and we'll start making america great one more time. >> did you lose many cows? i understand some of your cows died? >> i don't know how many, but some did die. we got about 27 cavs that are without mothers, and they are little baby calves and as ranchers we've been trying to nurse them along for three days now, hoping to keep them alive and hoping we can pair them back up with their mother. >> when we come back, guys, we'll have more with the bundy family after the break and explain what will happen next and go back to the beginningcon.
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it began, we're told with the desert tortoise. we'll have that plus, why are liberals actually blaming me for this stand off? one well-known magazine actually attacked me this weekend and i'll respond tonight which exclusively right here on this program tonight. >> to a significant extent, the republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. >> all right. those sick comments as liberals now stoop to a new low in their attacks against consecutives. they are here to weigh in as "hannity" continues. a busy news night straight a busy news night straight ahead. honestly, i'm pouring everything i have into this place. that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this.
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this is a fox news alert. the federal government caved in the battle against the nevada
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rancher cliven bundy and released about 400 of his cattle they seized last week but questions remain whether the standoff is over, what will happen next. still with me nevada rancher cliven bundy and his two sons aman and ryan. this all started, cliven, you were told back in, what, 1993 that this had to do with an endangered species known as the desert tortoise. wasn't that the original argument that was made by the government? >> well, that was sort of the final argument. you know, the burro of land management administratively got us out of business for a long time and then the desert tortoise an endangered specie, as an endangered specie decided they could whip us there. they did whip 52 of my neighbors, 52 ranchers in clark county and a lot of ranchers west of us towards the pacific
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ocean and desert are all gone now. i was the last man standing until a couple days ago. >> yeah, all right, but the point is, is that that was an excuse that they made originally and then it involved interest a big showdown and one has to question why the showdown. you argue this is state land and the governor even said burro of land management went over board. the government is claiming its federal land. what is your reaction to what they say? >> well, that's the argument here. who has sovereignty? the federal government or the state? is the question, if cliven bundy is a trespasser -- let me redo that, sean. >> yeah. >> if cliven bundy is a trespasser, is it the united states trespassing on clark county public land in the state of nevada or cliven bundy
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trespassing on clark county public land in nevada. who is the trespasser here? who is the trespasser with the guns? >> well, i mean, certainly they precipitated and frankly inside of a crisis that could have resulted in people's deaths in my view. they say you owe them $1 million and i for the life of me, your family has been raising catting and grazing there so my question is this, so for these are lands that the government is not using at the present moment, your cows graze there, how did they possibly get to a million dollars that you would have to pay for your cows eating grass they don't care about on land they aren't using? >> well, the only thing i can say is sounded like a government deal to me. >> yeah, yeah.
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that sounds like a government deal. good point. >> if i oh grazing fees, money to government, i would be happy to pay it to the proper government but i'll be darned if i pay grazing fees to the united states government. >> you do pay that money to clark county in nevada, isn't that right? >> i have paid grazing fees to clark county, nevada. >> that doesn't make sense. i'll go back and ask you one more time about harry reid because i suspect the guy ahead of the burro of land management worked for harry reid for a lot of years so when i see harry reid is in the news tonight and makes the statement this isn't over, that he probably has a lot of influence with the blm neil kornze. that tells me this probably isn't over.
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what are you going to do if they come back and want to lock your dad up? >> we'll tell you, sean, the same thing we've been telling everybody for the last 20 years. we will do whatever it takes. >> let me add something there, sean. i want to add something in there, sean. i'm not going to have no fear of the federal government to have no jurisdiction or authority or policing power or arresting power. i'm going to put my faith in the county sheriff who will protect me, life, liberty and property and the state of nevada that's going to do that. i'm betting they better get their self-out from under beneath the desk and come and protect me the next time and that's from a foreign government like the united states. they are not part of this state. they are part of the government. >> we have an nsa which spies on americans which i believe is against the law and
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controversies going on where the ir is being used, we've proven to intimidate, harass and silence americans and the government lying to us on benghazi making promises about health care that isn't true. have you thought about why your think your case resinated so much against the american people? because to me it's like a tipping point that people are fed up to here with the government pushing people around and i think your case just became a rallying point. have you thought about it at all and about why your case just got so much attention? >> you know, sean -- >> go ahead, aman. >> i would like to answer that but let aman take it first. >> it's the same thing going on, sean. it's an over reaching government, federal government. it doesn't matter what industry and if you're a rancher, miner, logger or in the restaurant industry or whatever it is. one guy said it's happening in the guitar industry. so i don't know what that means. >> it is. >> it's these agencies --
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>> gibson guitars. >> okay. it's these agencies making these codes and saying they are laws and then they got law enforcement and judges and prisons and courts and everything to enforce those laws when none of them have been legislative and all unconstitutional. >> let me add to that, i read through the decoloration, of independence the other day and it struck me, and there's some lines here. it says experience has shown that man kind are more disposed to suffer while the evils are sufferable than to right themselves by apologize accompli -- abolishing the forms. that's why people rest significant nate with us. it's not about our cattle. it's not about our family. it's because they are experiencing the same suffering that we are and so they flock to this situation. the suffering has been sufferable.
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it's been baearable but it's no more. when a long train of abuses and separations pursuing inveribly the same object, evidence of design to reduce them under absolute. isn't that happening to us here? we have snipers on the hill ready to shoot. high surveillance camera and sound equipment against us. we had 200 agaienting beating u up and stealing property and tearing down the infrastructure. is that not what the people are feeling around this nation? that is why they come flocking here. >> and the fact that harry reid can't see that, sean, is almost appalling. >> the lack of activity is breathtaking. i'm glad at this point it's not ended in a catastrophe but i fear this is not over. i would take harry reid's warning seriously. i was scheduled to be out there
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tonight if this didn't end. if they come back, i'll be out there with you. >> thank you, sean. coming up, liberals are pointing the finger at me for the standoff but first on "hannity". >> to a significant extent, the republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. >> congressman steve israel is the latest liberal to play the race card. reaction as we have a hannity special shootout debate and also tonight, this. >> you heard it's snowing outside? snow? it's june. i came here to get some cocaine. >> easy. >> have you missed snl's hilarious spoof about al sharpton? that's coming up. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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hey, welcome back to "hannity." it's the left's favorite tactic and yesterday the committee head representative steve israel, congressman shamelessly played the race card against are y republicans. >> they want people to oppose certain policies for the right reason -- >> you think your republican colleagues are racist. >> not all of them, of course not but to a significant extent, the republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. >> reaction, the co-host of the fibe, bob, your father worked in the civil rights movement. you marched where your dad, right? >> yes, i did. >> i was friends with all of these guys in atlanta even though we had a political disagreement. i'm sick and tired of your friends and party playing this bs race card, it is mean. it is evil. it is divisive, and it's
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slanderous. >> if you're asking me with if i agree what israel said, of course i don't. >> tell him tonight to shut up. >> listen, the one thing we don't want to coverup here, is there still racism in america? absolutely. it's not as overt. are there racister whose are democrats, independents, soleme- >> to a significant -- >> i'm not here to defend him. i'll say this, everybody who is racist in america and there is some percentage that are voted against barack obama in 2012. >> because of why? >> because he's black. >> that's ridiculous, bob. >> you think a racist would not vote against a black. >> sean, this is dirty race card politics. the left is desperate and what they are going to do, we heard so much about racism over the past couple days coming from the white house -- >> eric holder. >> eric holder. >> al sharpton's crowd.
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it's red meat for them. listen, what they don't want to do is talk about issues, high unemployment, obama's war on fossil fuels driving up energy prices -- >> did you just say there is not racism in america? >> did not say that. they should talk about the core issuing harming our country. >> are the blacks better off in america since president obama is president? >> no, higher une employment, more and more on food stamps. >> they don't go campaign there. with the exception i'll give ran paul credit he went to howard university. republicans stay away from the inner city. >> your party plays this race card every election, every single election. >> that is not fair to make a general statement -- >> excuse me, 1998, black churches will burn, the naacp, my father being killed all over again. >> it was all victimization,
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race card politics. >> there are some who do that but to suggest an entire party does that is obscene. >> the members of your party do it regularly. >> all the time. >> disgrace. shameful. racism is shameful. >> it is. >> we got to do is call them out on it, sean. >> esquire magazine takes a swipe at me for the nevada stand off and explain that and more on "saturday night live." the hilarious take on al sharpton as a mob rat. we hope you set your dvr 10:00 eastern each week. america's only conservative news show. weekdays at my dad has atrial fibrillation, or afib. he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)...
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welcome back to "hannity." our great american panel, fox news contributor and author,
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friend of didra. >> friend of john amisa. >> you're a rancher, too. >> yes. >> so you're watching the cliven bundy thing. "esquire magazine" think i'm going to get somebody shot. not to put a fine point on it but one day sean hannity or someone like him will help someone get filled. back in 2005 and someones like him ginned up a mob in florida. over the weekend hannity and someones like him were at it again, is this time it concerned the minute man niche crank in nevada named cliven bundy. wait a minute, we don't arrest rapist, drug dealers, pedophiles. they surrounded this guy's ranch for grazing rights, $1 million for grazing rights. they have snipers, free speech
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zones. i thought all of america was free speech zones. >> he hasn't paid and admitted for the last 20 years -- >> but he had a reason not to pay. >> what's the reason -- >> because they are under the guides of a management company and losing him money so he said you're not managing anything. i refuse to pay. if your landlord -- >> also, county state -- >> it's federal land. >> it's state land. we have state land you lease. we have to pay. if you don't pay and use that land what they say. >> how does he build up $1 million in grazing fees? how much can cows eat? they can eat a lot first of all. there has to be something else going on. i don't know if this is true but sources picked up possibly this solar farm. >> i watched and read the blaze on that today.
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they debunked it but harry reid -- >> even though, it seems to me this was a legal battle and if you look at the government's reaction for them to go in there armed, crazy. all of a sudden this was going on for years. why do they need to pick up the cattle and have such an extreme reaction? that's why you have people around the country rallying because they saw the federal government that will take these kinds of steps and said none of us are safe. none of us are safe from federal over reach if that's the case. it was a moment of coming together. >> you explained it perfectly. i wish it did it that well. let's move on, cbs cheryl atkinson said the obama administration hides the truth about many scandals and the press covers it up. >> rather than provide the information they are required to provi provide, the public information and answering questions is
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accusations saying phony scandals, giving false infor mansion is provably true in some cases. >> provably true. we're lied to with regularity, benghazi, you tube video, demonstration, we're lied to about the nsa, irs, agents in cincinnati lied to about health care, keeping our plan, health care and saving money. does that seem business as use well with government? >> this is a classic example of the media and they are unamerican. jefferson said there isn't a truth existing which i fear or would want unknown to the world but this press is more like a mark. that goes back to them blaming you for this bundy case. they don't like information. they want information controlled and the media is implicit and i wasn't surprised when she said this. we've seen this since the election. >> i think the difference is, she, this administration came out and said we'll be the most
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transparent administration. we'll be different and bring in hope and change and they are trying to stifle the media most. i remember you saying in 2008 it feels like journalism is dead. she's telling you why, administration is making it so. they are saying -- >> she said cbs would stop her from doing her job. >> sure. >> spend the time going back to the vaccine autism connection. she was one of the only serious journalist that reported it accurately. >> are you going to talk about broccoli now? >> no. >> which you said you had for lunch, which is good. >> she was one of the only journalist being truthful and telling the whole truth. so, you know, she has her records. she has been out there telling the truth, you know, regardless of where she was at cbs where other journalist are afraid and not telling the truth. >> and that's why she left. al sharpsharpton, they intervie
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someone and said the reason he was spying for the feds is because he was caught in the cocaine sting operation. "saturday night live" spoofed al the spy, take a look. >> agent sharpton, i'm not going to lie. it's dangerous in there. >> let's not do it then. >> this briefcase will record everything. keep it closed. >> you keep it. >> you're looking good, al. >> thank you. the first rule is to keep it low key. that's why i was in a cadillac medallio medallion. >> you hear it's snowing outside? >> snowing? it's june. i came here to get some cocaine. >> easy. >> you have that take, may get a cocaine deal. this guy saying that's the reason he spied for the feds but hanging out with obamacare every day it appears, including today. >> you know what is great about snl. free market comedy.
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they need jokes. if someone is as retarded as al sharp ton. >> you're not allowed to say that word. >> what is the right word. >> someone with down syndrome like al sharpton, i can't -- >> you can't say that, either. you can't say that, either. >> remarkably dumb, mentally ill, i don't know. >> why are you asking me? do i look like the thought police here. >> you have the iq of a teenage, babysitter. >> he doesn't care. >> they have him on. that's a good -- >> we bleep him every single time he's on the program. >> is he not slow? does he have a pipe at night be the fireplace? no -- >> they totally got him summed up there. >> what is interesting, too, about this if you listen to it, i found the audience to be remarkably quiet and i think it's because they are not used to folks like that on the left being picked on, whereas when sarah palin was picked on, it
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was roaring laughter but there was a little discomfort that i sensed in the audience. >> during the election, snl was one of the pfew people to jump n the sarah palin bashing -- >> with tee -- tina fey. >> it was mostly bash. >> they were the only -- >> easier to go after conservative asks republicans because they have a better sense of humor. >> and the rest of the media joins in. >> they never laugh when there is a liberal joke. >> come up with a better word for that. thank you, guys. >> you're going to meet the family and director behind the movie "heaven is real" based on a true story about a little boy who had a near death experience and says he went to heaven. he'll describe it in detail, next. when you sat down to dinner with anticipation, not hesitation. when you didn't dread bedtime because of heartburn.
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there's my bobble head right behind you. alright well let me see you bobble. yeah, i'm just not buying it man. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. my brother john, he works here. john, you know this guy? what's in your wallet?
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welcome back to "hannity" just in time for easter, a blockbuster hit about faith and family. it is called "heaven is for real." it's based on a little boy named colton had a death experience and survived and went to heaven.
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here is a clip. >> the pain that i suffered watching my son that close to death. >> we're in trouble here. he's much worse. >> will you call some friends. >> the hospital staff said that your son was not expected to survive. used the word miracle. >> your son had a near death experience. >> he saw things that i can't really explain. >> i lifted up and i looked down. mom was in one room. you were in another room yelling at god. >> joining me now is the director of "heaven is for real" and directed "brave heart" one of my favorite movies of all time and the real life father and son with us. guys, good to see you. i read the book when it first came out, 40,000 copies -- >> we're getting close to 10 million? >> in all languages. >> probably all languages, you're past 10 million. >> thank you. this happened to you, i guess,
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the main question is and i've read all the life after death books where people come back to life. describe the experience. i don't even want it tainted in any way. i want you to tell us in your word what is happened. >> well, i got really sick, had to go to emergency surgery and during that surgery, i had a trip to heaven, and -- >> i had a trip to heaven, no big deal. i went to colorado, heaven. what was it like? >> heaven is such an amazing place. you want to be there for a long time. i didn't want to come back. >> what's the difference? in other words, what did you see? did you feel? who did you meet? >> well, i saw a lot of stuff. in heaven, there are a bunch of colors, but there is even more than we have down here on earth. also, i got to meet my grant
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grandpa and sister who was missar raged and feels like home. >> she came up to you. are you >> you look the same? >> relatively speaking. if you die an old man or old woman you'll be in heaven in your prime. late 20s early 30s >> you say you met jesus christ and god can you describe god? and jesus christ? >> jesus is like the humanoid version. he loves you so much. he's your size. you can walk with him and talk with him >> you talked to him?
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>> yes. >> he talked to you? >> yes. >> what did he say? >> i can't remember what all we talked about. a lot of it he taught me. god is not allowed me to remember what jesus taught me. >> what about god? >> well, god the father is just huge. there is nothing to compare him to. he's big enough to fit the world in his hand it's hard to describe. >> how can you see that? you saw that? >> honestly, don't know how to describe it. >> animals, plants. relatives. so all of us, he comes back, starts telling you things he couldn't have known including the sister miscarried he met there. and your grandfather. and you're saying wait a minute, how did he know this? >> yes you have a 4-year-old there is no way they have a capacity to take you on long journeys and
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makeup things and you not to be able to know they're making it up. he can talk about a sister, my events, where he played with my grand dad as a little kid. with specificity. he died in a car wreck before you turned seven. >> i think the movie will do great. you're going to see what i saw 11 years ago. god is going use that to work on your heart when you see this. >> i can quote "brave heart" by heart. i drive my family nuts. it's on. i start going through the whole thing line by line. they're like shut up. you're one of my favorite directors of all time >> thank you. >> you took on the owe jekt. you won't have done that with all movies and successes. >> i related to it. it's like christmass ago, i wrote a company commander in
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afghanistan. and asked him to tell his men that if they would send me name and address of the person in the world they most loveed and honored boy send them a signed first edition of the a novel i'd written called "love and honor". over 90% sent me the name of their father. this movie is about a father and son this, guy is not only a minister, he installed garage doors, coached wrestling and did everything he could in his community to be with his people. when his son starts telling him a story that is beyond comprehension, his instinct was to love his son, fight for him and wrestle with, what did it mean? as a father i thought that is a story that every man wants to see. >> it's going to be incredible. anything else you can tell us? do you think everybody goes to heaven? >> no. not everybody does go to heaven.
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>> how do you know? >> well, this thing i saw in heaven was everybody there loved jesus i mean, god really does love you but we're too attached to things on earth. they aren't allowed in heaven. once we love jesus, it's easier to let those things go. we can enter heaven. >> all right. >> movie opens wednesday. >> wednesday. >> this holy week. very nice to meet you. i loved the book. looking forward to seeing the movie. >> appreciate it. >> big fan. >> thank you. >> coming up, more "hannity" coming up right after the break. my guests are always asking me, "nathan, which dish is better?". now i say you can have it all with our new seafood trios! red lobster's new seafood trios is three times delicious! choose one option from the wood-fire grill, one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta like new lobster mac and cheese. three choices all on one plate. just $15.99.
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