tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 15, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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on. tonight: >> the particular proposal having to do with social security cards is not one that is workable. >> with two big time democrats andrew young and president clinton voter ids using social security cards with pictures. the voter suppression movement finds itself in a difficult spot. we have a special report tonight. >> i don't want our federal government using arms against americans that are following the constitution who has the better arguement? >> i want you to look at me and listen very carefully to what i'm saying. >> yes.
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>> this is not a dream. >> also tonight as easter approaches, life after death comes to the forefront is there any proof of an after life? we will examine that question. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm boiler. thanks for watching us tonight. and pardon the allergies voter suppression. the grievance industry believes requiring to vote is a right wing plot to deny some americans their voting rights. called voter suppression. been hearing about it for years. 33 states currently have voting i.d. laws with more states considering it. that's because of voter fraud and the fact that there are about 12 million illegal aliens in the u.s.a., who could vote without proper identification in place.
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the left denies any voter fraud, which is absurd. just this month north carolina launched a huge investigation into alleged voter fraud, one of the accusations that some folks voted in two states. also at least 81 north koreans voted in 2013, after they died. but the truth is, most precincts do have control over the voting process. however, there is no downside to having one system for the whole country. enter, former u.n. ambassador andrew young and former president bill clinton. they propose that all social security cards have a photo i.d. attached to them and that would serve as a voter i.d. this makes sense because all americans are required to have the social security card and get one through the mail. you don't have to show up anywhere. also, it's free. takes two weeks for delivery. voter ids would make fraud more difficult, everybody knows that. but, still, the far left objects. >> the particular proposal having to do with social
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security cards, i'm afraid, is not one that is workable. and there are real sensitive privacy and security issues around social security cards that make that a little bit troubling as a source of a photo i.d. >> again, ridiculous. privacy issues? what privacy issues? everybody has a social security card. you put a picture on it, that violates your privacy? does a driver's license violate your privacy? i guess so, lady. again, this is a reuse. because the grievance industry wants the republican party -- if you take that issue away. they have one less thing to whine about. andrew and bill clinton thought about it, mr. young deeply involved with civil rights. so, come on, enough is enough. get the pictures on the social security card, stop the nonsense and be a
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responsible country. now monica crowley and alan colmes. both fox news analyst. what say you, colmes. >> the reason young and clinton want to do this is to stop the right from whining about the fact that people don't have the right identification. which the voter i.d. fraud does not take place in the voting booth it happens when you register to vote. the brennan center, which that woman spoke is where they have done the work on that. >> i have got -- i knew you were going to say that dopey thing. >> it's not dopey. >> in ohio 135 cases have been referred for prosecution for the november 2012 election. can i give you this in every single state. so you sit there and say it doesn't happen. >> can i tell you what the breneman center report. >> i don't care ideological bunch of crazy people. >> no, they are not. >> that's who they are. >> they have done the study on this. >> three initials. nyu. do you get that? >> ohio would you automatically have a knee jerk reaction. >> just take a walk down there. know who they are and what they are doing. you say? >> 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud just since 2012.
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so voter fraud is widespread and it's very real. >> i don't know if it's widespread. >> a million people who are dead still on register rolls across the country. >> let's keep it sane here. we know voter fraud exists. >> correct. >> you can prove it. so, this is a good way to stop it? >> i am all for combating voter fraud by using voter i.d. my issue with the social security card in particular is that that is is the federal government doing it i think -- >> -- so what? >> it would be better left to the states. the states run their voting roles, they issue driver's licenses and >> does jessica's law mean anything to you that we couldn't get five states to protect the kids? look, national elections, national elections are very very important. social security cards, and it's estimated it would cost 10 cents to do. this 10 cents. all right. provide a uniform for everybody in the united states in order to vote. it's not a state's rights issue. >> i have a federal government issuing or
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requiring a mandatory photo i.d. >> i know you do. >> show me your papers, o'reilly. >> i'm usually giving him jazz on this. that's right wing paranoia. >> no it's not. it's freedom and privacy issue. look. >> you are agreeing with that nut. >> we are already well done the road. >> wait a minute. i don't want to hear this theory. privacy, what about privacy? privacy for what? >> giving you an answer. we are already well down the road the federal government knowing everything about you. why would you give them another way to consolidate data but and track your every move which he we're already. >> track your every move because you have a social security card? >> state issue. states control their voting rolls. >> there is no g.p.s. on the cards. >> really, monica, you are way out there on this one. number one, everybody has already got the card. you are just putting your picture on it. noting so boggy map going to come in the night and track your movement at the 7/11. not going to happen. >> you are saying using it
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as a voter i.d. identification thing. >> that's correct. >> i'm saying that states control their own voting rolls and that's the way it should be. the federal government should not be riding this. a mandatory voter i.d. >> a way to solve a problem here. >> the issue is. this i don't think it's a terribled idea but the fact you say it's going to cost money. >> federal government pays can social security afford to pay for this and if appears a photo how many years each time should we he have it done. >> i think the individual voter pay 10 cents. >> charge the voters for it? >> yes. 10 cents. >> that's a bad idea. >> that's a bad idea because the poor can't afford 10 cents, right? >> you should not be charging. >> charging people to vote. terrible idea. >> unbelievable. when you go to the polls, you put gas in your car to drive there. >> that's not the government telling you, you know, you could walk -- i walk to my poll. your government can't be charging people to vote. >> i think i'm in the twilight zone between the two of you. i mean, this just shows how ideological driven you both
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are. this is common sense. >> it's not about ideology. we agree we need to combat voter fraud. >> no, we don't agree on that. >> some big federal -- going to get you. >> every state should require a voter i.d. the states not federal government. i'm for the photo i.d. and not have the feds running it? >> easier and much more efficient because when there is voter fraud in the presidential election, remember, we had florida, okay. you had all that crazy stuff down there. all right. it's much easier to track it doing it this way. all right. i mean, you guys -- i'm going to give you both 20 seconds to repeat yourself. start. go ahead. >> voter fraud, when it happens, happens when people register to vote. >> i got it. 20 seconds. >> really. this is a solution in search of a problem is what it is. >> every state should require a photo i.d.
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eric holder is busy suing states who are trying to do. this you are telling me the federal government is going to do it under barack obama, i don't think so. >> that would embarrass barack obama, would it not? if he went against bill clinton and andrew young. >> and clinton changed his mind on this. clinton is opposed to putting it on social security guards. >> if barack obama goes up against andrew young and former president bill clinton, may not. >> i don't think so. >> but you, somebody who doesn't like the president. should want to see that kind of of a confrontation. >> it's not personal '. i just want voter fraud tamped down and i think the states should be running the program. >> colmes and crowley. we will talk to senator john mccain in latvia trying to stem -- controversy over land in nevada. rancher out there owes the feds a million bucks says he will not pay. factor is coming right back. [ male announcer ] ortho crime files. reckless seeding...
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remove pro-russian agitators from eastern ukraine. after annexing crimea. russian president putin seems to want to do the same thing with this territory. yesterday president obama and president putin talking on the phone russia denying it has anything to do with thage -- agitation. if you were president, what would you do right now to stop putin from invading ukraine? >> well, first of all, i would rush them with defensive weapons and armor, body armor, night vision, intelligence capabilities. ' jet fuel. give them the means to defend themselves. their country has just been partially dismembered, despite a solemn treaty that
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was entered into by russia. and they are about to do the same thing in eastern crew crane. and they may do the same thing in southern ukraine. land locking ukraine and going all over to moldova, which is vladimir putin's next target. and. >> how do you know that? i know you are on your way to moldova after you get through with the baltic states. >> yep. >> how do you know that putin has science on yet another country? because he has on many occasions stated the worst thing breakup of the soviet union. he has made no bones about his attempts to restore the quote near abroad. he has 14 hundred russian troops stationed there in violation of previous agreements. and it's it everything what he is about. and i have been here in the baltic countries, and i can tell you they are very very nervous. even though they are members of nato, which, according to
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article 5, means an attack on all -- on one is an attack on all. i would get them the weapons. i would restart our missile defense systems. i would get them economic assistance. i would make sure that we take -- have military exercises, including some semi permanent military forces stationed in the baltic countries. there is a number of steps most powerful nation in the world. i would have tough enforceable sanctions. and that means the europeans will not join us but they must follow us and i would have a president of the united states that tells the american people what's at stake here. this is a blatant takeover of a country by vladimir putin and the old rugs style and he lies through his teeth as you know. >> yeah. when you say you would station troops, western troops in some of the countries that border
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russia, where would those troops come from? >> i think they would do joint exercises. when i say station, i don't mean station. a permanent base. i mean joint operations. >> nato force are or would they be american forces. >> nato and u.s. nato and u.s. >> what if nato wouldn't go along with it though. that's the problem here that america is facing that we don't have, even great britain doesn't really back us up here. and so we're almost going it alone. >> we may have to but other nations will follow if we lead. this president of the united states won't even give them defensive weapons to which -- with which to defend themselves. what do you expect the europeans to do? this is another total failure and lack of leadership and a fundamental misreading of vladimir putin. colonel putin is the guy that said, he said we need a reset button. colonel putin was the guy that was going to be. remember when obama talked to medvedev and tell
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vladimir i will be more flexible. vladimir putin does not respect america. the example of that airplane buzzing a united states ship in the sea. >> he is going to push it as far as he can. >> right. >> and do you see the parallel between the 30's in europe and chamberlain and this? >> absolutely. look at the speech that hitler gave from a hotel balcony in vienna after they had taken austria. you will find the words that he used that are very parallel to those that vladimir putin used after taking crimea. and there is no doubt about what he wants to do. he wants to restore the old russian empire. and right now he is getting no blow back. right now what he has done after crimea is getting a handful of people sanctioned and one bank. now how do you think that vladimir putin interprets that? >> i think he sees it as weakness. but, you know, he knows.
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he knows the state of the country and i think he knows that president obama is not a confrontational man. listen, senator, we really appreciate you taking the time. weave know you are really busy. thank you. directly ahead, it is tax day and our tax system remains a mess. stossel will prove it. and, later, life after death. is there any proof of that? those reports after these messages. when he agreed to cosign for his daughter's credit card... he thought it was the end of the conversation. she didn't tell him that her college expenses were going up. or that she maxed out her card during spring break. when the satellite provider checked his credit, he found out his daughter didn't pay her bills. but he's not worried. now he checks his credit report and score at, allowing him to keep track of his credit and take a break of his own. experian. live credit confident. drivers, tgo!our marks. it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot...
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thit's not the "limit yoursh hard earned cash back" card . it's not the "confused by rotating categories" card. it's the no-category-gaming, no-look-passing, clear-the-lane-i'm- going-up-strong, backboard-breaking, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every single day. i'll ask again... what's in your wallet? stossel matter segment tonight. today is tax day, and if you don't file by midnight you may have problems with the irs. our pal john had a special on the fox business channel pointing out what a mess the american tax system is. >> it's that time again. they want your money. >> americans who can can afford it, should pay their fair share. >> but what is fair? these people say we should
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all pay more. ♪ shouting] >> plus, we could all pay less if politicians didn't give special breaks to certain people. finally, you would be surprised at the size of a sneaky tax uncle sam imposes. >> the sin taxed as about a nickel to each pack of cigarettes and 2 cents to each bottle of beer. >> some taxes. i need a drink. >> all right. here is stossel. now, you had the tax code right there in front of you, right? >> this is just the code. 75,000 more pages are the explanation. >> wow. >> so nobody can understand this stuff. >> okay. why has this evolved in to such a chaotic thing, why? >> social engineering. politicians say we don't want you to smoke. we want to encourage home ownership. and then you can to go and kiss their ring and give them money to get a special break for yourself plus the subsidies. it's all in here even the lawyers don't understand it. >> when you say subsidies,
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all right? they're subsidizing? >> solar power, wind power, all that stuff. >> that doesn't seem to warrant 7 a thousand pages if they want you to take tax return whatever. what disturbs me is the hidden taxes. there is hidden taxes on almost every single thing we do, right? >> yeah. for some people it's half your taxes. when i get up in the morning and turn on the clock radio is going, there is electricity gross reseats tax. brush your teeth. public you title tax on the water. walk the dog, dog license fee. property and fuel taxes, my apartment building does. i take the subway, you know, it's a thing underneath this building you don't know about that where people ride to work. >> i know what the subway is. >> metropolitan commuter mobility tax make a phone call excise tax. >> if people look at their
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bills for no matter what it is, there is a tax attached to that all right? and just moving around here in the new york area, we have to pay tolls to come in and out of city. we're not only paying 40% to the federal government in income tax and then more to the state then everything we do is taxed. >> what if you smoke. >> if you smoke you deserve it. >> 58 bucks. >> i would make 150 bucks if it were me. >> you would. >> i would drive everyone out. and then i'm paying for the guys' elm if emphysema for 30 years. i don't want to do that i understand that kind of thing. i don't understand water and i don't understand all of this other stuff. now, there have been various reforms like the flat tax or othe fair tax, it gets nowhere. it gets nowhere. nothing ever happens, why? >> because each special break has a constituency that says well, you are going to get rid of the deduction for home ownership of a million dollars? it's going to kill the
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housing industry and they all lobby together. they win. >> all right. so the construction industry would be affected. the real estate industry would be affected. the attorneys would be affected. so that all of these tax things are feeding into the economy. i mean, but maybe that's good for the economy. no? >> no. it's pair pair parasiteic work. energy spent in trying to figure this stuff out it's horrible and destructive. >> you know accountant. parasite. you must know them then. we are paying lawyers. because there are tax lawyers all over the place. >> i'm afraid to do my taxes and most americans now pay somebody else to do it. >> they do. they can't possibly figure it out and all the loopholes there are. >> russia, of all places has a flat tax. >> right if you don't pay it you get shot. it's different. putin will throw a hand grenade in your window. i have to be very very pessimistic here that this
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is never going to be reformed. we are going to die, you and i, stossel, and never is ever going to get better in the tax realm. >> i hope not but i fear you are right not going to be able to break it down. some people i make my money from this, they are going it fight. >> you bet. john stossel, everybody, plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. with easter coming up, is there any proof ha life after death exists? is there a heaven-hell situation? we'll have a special report is it legal on a group of ranchers in nevada defying the u.s. government. and guns are in play. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ♪ i know a thing about an ira ♪ and i got the tools ♪ to do it my way ♪ i got a lock on equities ♪ that's why i'm type e ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ i can do it all from my mobile phone ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ if i need some help i'm not alone ♪ ♪ we're all tyyyyype eeeee, ♪
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personal story segment tonight, over in france they have a much different situation there. the government mandates a 35 hour workweek, employers cannot go over that without providing compensation. and now there is a new french labor agreement that says some businesses cannot even contact their workers after 6:00 p.m. >> get things right over there. would it change your lives? it would be impossible in our business. in a lot of the businesses wouldn't it be life changing if you didn't have to deal with work? >> excited to go back to work the next day. >> yeah. >> i had a break. >> i know my kids would appreciate that if we can put the phone down every once in a while. >> joining us now from washington, genevieve wood.
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in france, obviously leisure time is very important to the french. >> um-huh. >> they want to have some cafe and smoke a little cigarette and all of that. where here in america we're more indust intus ininstruments. >> there is something being said for time off and hard work i don't think anybody in france think the folks in france are working too hard. the reason we are talking about this a court over there said even though we have a 35 hour workweek. even though most folks in france get at least six weeks of what they call holiday paid vacation, we're worried that some folks might be working too hard. maybe their boss is calling them after 6:00 p.m. or emailing them after 6:00 p.m. and i think what's interesting about that, bill, is very group they are talking about aren't people who work monday through friday from 9:00 to 5:00.
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folks in the consulting class. well, the reason most people or a lot of folks go into consulting is so they don't have to work 9 to a or 9 to 6 every day. they can work when they want to and get the job done. apparently there that might even be up for discussion. look, we have a difference in this country maybe americans work too hard. the average private employer, somebody working for private industry works 40 to 41 hours. i don't think most people think that's too much. >> all right. now, why do the french government -- i mean, they seem to be very intrusive. and we, you know, almost the theme of this country program tonight is this big government, you know, tell people what to do and all of that. but the french, they want this kind of government protection, i mean, they have a socialist president over there now. >> yeah. >> they want that, right? >> well, maybe some of them do. but, i mean, i don't think there is any place more than france that is entirely a nanny state. bill, it's not just their job, it's their healthcare, their pension, everything
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about french society. >> they like that though. that's the way they want it. >> maybe they document i don't know if everybody in france loves that or not. >> they know what they are getting there. they -- all right. let me put it this way if you go to france people live pretty good over there. we are not talking about the third world. >> listen, bill, let's not forget two years ago this network and others were covering the riots in france, people turning over cars and putting things on fire a lot of the immigrants saying they can't get jobs and young people can't get jobs. what companies are opening up in france? if you want a hard working labor force you want to go to people aren't worried about clocking in and clocking out. they are worried about the product people produce. the great thing about this country is, even though the obama administration doesn't always like it is that people -- look, most employers just want you to get the job done if you get
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it done in 20 or 40. people work from home and work the hours when they want to work them. that's what we ought to be pursuing. france is totally out of step with the modern economy is going. >> here is what we are going to hear next in the u.s.a. vacation equality. we have income equality now. we have vacation equality. you know, we want -- you know the same as they have. but, you know, there is something about me because i come from a working class background. i have worked hard all my life in a variety of different situations and i respect hard work. i don't want to be -- i think there has to be the government has to protect workers to some extent. i mean, the unions have sold out. you can't really count on them to do it anymore. i don't like what's happening in the united states the intrusion but i do think that there is some common sense stuff. i will will give you the last word. well, bill, you are right there. is a reason we have protection for workers because there was a time in this country and other times where workers weren't protected. as with many things, people
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go too far. labor unions have done that here and i would allergy the french government and even the obama administration isn'ting to do that when it comes to regulating the workforce. >> ms. wood, thanks as always. when we come right back, is it legal? a very tense land controversy in nevada. and a teenager in trouble for trying to document the fact he is being bullied. legal is next. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... te. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. is it legal segment tonight. very intense land controversy in nevada that hopefully will not turn violent. after the united states defeated mexico in 1848, almost all the land in the territory of nevada was given to the feds. over the years, some of that land has been sold off, but, federal government still controls nearly 59 million acres enter 67-year-old cliven bundy who has been involved with the feds since 1988. he wants the land to be given back to the state. the feds have ruled against him over and over and over o. on april 5th they began seizing some of bundy's cattle saying he was allowing them to graze illegally and not paying fees. that led to armed men showing up and a confrontation ensued. with us now attorneys and
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fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. the feds shown show up. >> right. >> they have guns. >> they have guns. >> bundy's guys have guns. >> right. militia has guns. >> now we have shades of ruby ridge -- >> -- right, exactly. the federal officials, some of them carrying guns some of them said for their own safety were met by hundreds of protesters. some have guns and some not. peaceful protest in favor of bundy. basically standoff with trying to seize these cattle. getting all these cattle together, 389 they got. wait a second we're not going to it do this now, it's a public safety issue. it's a p.r. issue. completely pulled back. >> bundy's cattle they let them go. >> let's let the cattle go. gave them back to him. he is still on the hook the government says, i believe they are right about, this the government is right about this, for $1 million in late fees and taxes. >> the grazing fees? >> grazing fees. >> because you can use the federal land but you have to pay a fee for it? >> you have to pay a fee, right. >> supporters of bundy say
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the federal government is violating the constitution we hear that all the time. >> right. >> do they have a strong argument? >> the basis of that claim their assertion is that it isn't federal land it actually belongs to the respective states of nevada and then the border there between utah and arizona. so he said, listen, we have been grazing on this land for years and years. my ancestors preceding me. however, the important point is, it's in the constitution even in the state of nevada that this land is federal, belongs to the federal government. so they have a very strong standing here. >> that land was ceded from the state to the federal government before bundy had this ranch and he had had this ranch 1870. >> there is a lot of federal land. mountain, there is a whole bunch of stuff and other states there is federal land as well. >> even the governor says they are probably right. they, being the federal government. bundy doesn't have the constitutional issue. >> so, on the law, just on the law. >> on the law he loses. >> bundy has lost since
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1996. >> radio petadly,. >> he is not likely to get this overturned. the secretary of defense overwhelming. >> they seized the cattle based on a federal order. however, you can be sympathetic this family has used this he has to pay up. i think they should settle this for something less than a million. >> i don't think this guy is going to pay a dime. >> is he not going to be able to put this cattle back on the land. think of the other ranches is this fair to them because they are paying these taxes and fee grazing taxes. >> he is digging in because these guys out there, some of them, they don't respect the federal government. they don't. >> understood. but on the law he loses. >> one point he does have he is probably right his ancestors were probably doing this -- >> -- so he making short of an adverse possession saying he -- kind of squatter's rights. >> doing this forever and now you come in and want your money. >> that ends in 1998 when the decisions came down and then again in 2012 with another court decision. there has been plenty of notice here. >> they have got to try to settle the case. this is about like a ruby
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ridge situation. >> i don't think this guy will be settled. i will be surprised if this bundy guy settles. pittsburgh suburb 15-year-old being bull idea. he videotapes the bullying. now, he, himself, guilfoyle is in major trouble. explain that. >> yeah. this is south phi yet high fayette high school. he was prosecuted and convicted of disorderly conduct because he wiretapped these individuals. that's what they are saying. look, we didn't go ahead and do a federal violation on them. we were being nice. but they prosecuted and convicted him and he had to pay fines because he was trying to preserve his claim of bullying. >> i don't understand the wiretap thing. how was that? >> he used his ipad for a seven minute video recording. >> where was the ipad hidden? >> in the classroom, taking the tape -- or taking the ipad recording why? because he wanted to have evidence in the court. >> to show he is being bullied. >> to prosecute the crime. >> the ipad is hidden. >> um-huh.
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>> other kids are bullying this kid. is he 15. he records it? >> right. >> he turns it over to the school authorities. >> teacher sees this and says you have got to delete this from the ipad. >> why? >> this is illegal surreptitious recording. >> is it illegal in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> technically it is. >> do you not have a right to preserve your rights and be able to say. >> you you should be able to defend yourself. >> like guys in 7/11 not being able to have a videotape of what happened. >> in pennsylvania it's a two party state. you have to both consent to record. >> keep in mind is the problem is the audio recording of the voices not the photographic evidence. >> all right. so this kid gets in trouble. >> right. >> it's a $25 fine and his mother says she is going to sue. >> and convicted of disorderly conduct. >> i don't think the mother is going to win. >> i do. >> do you? >> hearing april 29th. >> if they had charged him with illegal taping, they probably -- that probably could be upheld because it's a two party state. >> they didn't. disorderly conduct. what disorderly conduct about taking a tape of
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bullies who are actually bullying him in the classroom. >> they were telling pull pants down. >> i hate this bullying stuff. >> what do you mean? we are trying to scare him. >> pull the boy's pants down terrible. >> obviously the kid is going to go to this length somebody is hassling him all right ladies, thanks. >> thank you. >> up next, life after death. is there any hard proof it exists? i hope. so we're coming right back. my daughter thinks i'm out of touch. so i asked her how i saved fifteen percent
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experienced life after death to tell about it big movie coming up called "heaven is for real" with us is robert jeffers who runs one of the largest evangelical church in the nation first baptist of dallas. what is the most compelling evidence that you, yourself, have seen that there is an after life? >> well, lit's assume first all we can't prove. this it's based on clues and circumstantial evidence. but i think, for example, bill, human desires. c.s. louis said for every human desire there is a corresponding reality in nature. we get thirsty because there is such a thing as water. we crave physical intimacy there is sex. the reason we may desire immoral tattle is because it really exists. you look at that and near death experiences that 8 million americans claim to have had. now, i am somewhat skeptical of those. i'm not sure what nearly dead means. it seems that's like being nearly pregnant either you are or you aren't. nevertheless they suggest that perhaps there is a consciousness that transcends the end of brain
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waves, but i think the most compelling evidence for life after death is something you refer to in the last chapter of killing jesus and that is the body of jesus hasn't been found in 2000 years. that's not theology, that's historicaljesus," the body of jesus has not been found in 2,000 years. i connect that with other fact, the thousands of jews who changed their religious belief overnight, all of this adds something big happening in jerusalem and i think it's the recur recognize ti-- resurrecti. >> the bible is clear if you believe in god, he puts more emphasis on those who believe in not seeing. that's the doubting thomas story. i always believed that there is a battle between good and evil. >> yes.
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>> on earth. if there is a heaven you have to earn your way in. if god just gave you a sneak preview and said hey look, then everybody would be good, almost everybody. all right. so, it makes sense to me that there hadn't been evidence provided, because you have to earn your way in and through a belief system and a system of actions that you do on earth. that's the way i prosits. when i read some of these books i'm skeptical of the people what said i went through a coma, i went through a light and everybody was happy. that can be fabricated. >> there are sincere christians. i believe they believe what happened happened. let me say something about faith and reason. yes it's a faith reason ultimately but faith built on the best available evidence. i'm get be on an airplane tomorrow to go back to dallas. it's built on faith but built on pretty good evidence i'll make it.
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believing in the here after takes faith but based on faith that's something historical. it doesn't matter whether you're a catholic, baptist, jew, atheist, anybody who trusts in christ for forgiveness can be assured of resurrection. >> you do have to follow a certain good of behavior. >> my belief, bill, historic christianity is those good works you're talking about are important but they come after faith. >> that may be true. >> it's faith that secures our place but if there are no good works your faith -- >> i'm coming at it from another point of view. a lot of people in history have been religious and have done horrible things. i don't think i'll be seeing them. you can't be killing people -- look at these muslim crazy people doing it in the name of
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allah. come in. i think it's a healthy thing to believe in a judgment day. i think there has to be -- this is why i do believe in the after life, you have to be held accountable in some way and christians believe in a just god. >> yes. >> all right. compassionate, of course. but a just god. if there isn't i'll be so disappointed. i'll be so disappointed. last word. >> god is just. the good news is when we trust in christ we are forgiven, he takes our sin and separates us from it. as you said, bill, if that faith won't go around killing people we'll act justly because of the forgiveness. >> all right. happy easter, pastor. thanks for coming in. tip of the day, finding you some money part five. money that you're entitled to. tip moments away. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse.
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interview he was talking about incivility in washington not race. you owe him an apology. michael, jackson, florida, senator mccain is a fool and putin is not a villain. he's doing what is best for russia. charlie and richard, st. louis, o'reilly correct our allies without support ukraine and neither would the american people. how about tough sanctions. dr. george arnold, i choose your tip of the day toughing it out. was sick yesterday but went to the dentist, worked out and made a batch of brownies. good for you, doc. kate, i'm 9 and watch the factor nearly every night. am i too young for the bolder-fresher show. >> we keep it clean and clear. in ten days we'll see everybody
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in cincinnati. and then buffalo. on to honolulu. denise, bill can't decide who looks sharper you with your easter yellow tie or brit hume in hot pink. the fact tip of the day. americans will be entitled to tax refunds and here's where you can calculate yours. go to calculators.html. if you can remember that, i'll keep it up there for a couple of
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tonight. miss megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops right off so we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york and tonight -- >> new questions over the showdown at the bundy ranch and why senator harry reid is joining the attack on the ranchers. we investigate. and then, on the same day the attorney general plugs the effort to legalize marijuana a major new study finds the drug causes brain-damage. brit hume on the dangerous misstep by team obama. breaking news tonight on a controversial decision to pull the plug on a program that tracks possible terror plots in new york city's muslim community. a big night on "the kelly file" starts now.
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