tv Hannity FOX News April 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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we'r we're taking your thoughts on the show tonight, go to the kelly file on facebook and twitter. let me know what you think and thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is the "kelly file". see you tomorrow at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." it appears cliven bundy's fight with the government is not done. his son is doubling down climbing that cliven bundy is not a victim and should be prosecuted. in a few minutes the bundy family, including cliven bundy, will be here to respond, but first, reaction to this and much, much more. donald trump, how are you? >> hi. >> i am on this season's apprentice. >> that's right. i understand you're helping a good friend of yours.
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>> gerardo -- >> he's doing well. you would be proud of him. >> if you say he's fired, it's not because of money because he's working it hard. >> he is working it hard. >> you know, over the years, we've been friends, i have followed cases you've been involved in, land disputes, government bureaucracies, you got to deal with bald eagles. you got to deal with, in this case a desert tortoise. >> right. >> i don't like heavy-handed government. 200 agents, snipers surrounding a ranch. seems a little over the top to me. >> it's over the top, very strong. i like him but you also have to say and i watched you last night with the little debate you had going and she did a very good job. >> tamera. >> because you do have certain law. i mean, you have it all throughout the united states and they pay their fees and all sorts of grazing fees and things i'm not accustomed to. if i were cliven and i like him, i like his spirit, his spunk and i like the people -- >> i do, too. >> i do like him, i respect him. he ought to go and cut a good deal right now. that's the best for everybody.
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it's really vicious. i'm not involved very much in it. i see a little bit by watching you. he ought to go out and cut a great deal. >> yeah, actually, i think that's good advice. >> what is he going to do? are they going to shoot over grazing fees? >> my brother-in-law was there all weekend and he thought it was coming to that. >> a lot of people thought that. he ought to go out. he's in a great position to cut a great deal and that's what he should do. >> i thought judge napolitano hit the nail on the head, go to court, get an injunction, he can't tell the property, and move forward. why are we using these government resources and spending the money? >> i agree with that but you have laws and you do have laws in the country and if everybody did what he's doing, where does it all go? this is a great time for him to go in and make a deal. >> all right. let me -- you -- by the way, i got a front cover. not the best cutout here but you were in the new hampshire sunday news, a lot of gop front runners for the election. you got on the cover. you were at the gop summit and
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you had a lot to stay about the state of the country. how bad is it? >> it's bad, it's really bad. it's never been -- i think we never had this lack of respect for the country. our president is not respected. you look at no matter what is happening, it's a mess. secretary of state-wise, is there ever a worse time for what we're getting and what we're talking about and doing with other countries? putin is having a great time toying with the president. >> i wouldn't be surprised if he had ukraine by monday. >> he probably will and who is going to fight for it but we can do a lot of things. we're in a strong negotiating position, believe it or not. now it's his backyard. it's not our backyard, but we're in a very strong negotiating position. we don't seem to do anything. you look at what is going on with israel. israel is in big trouble because of iran. now, they were talking so much about iran with the nukes and everything else, and then they gave up all the things that we had with respect to iran.
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they just dropped it. they dropped it. and it sounded like a deal was made. no deal was made. they are making nuclear weapons. i don't think you can allow that to happen. it's devastating for israel if you do allow it to happen. >> the iranians basically stuck the middle finger in obama's face again. who do they appoint to the un but one of the hostage takers from 1979? >> no respect for the country, no respect for the president and you know that very well. >> so you were there. one of the things -- all the time i've gotten to know you, you're a straight-shooter. you have a problem, i'm sure many problems are brought to you on a daily basis. you come up with an answer, solution. i don't like where we are as a country. i don't like 50 million americans on food stamps, 50 million in poverty, 92 million americans can't get work -- >> by the way, in 36 years. >> never been this bad. >> the worst we've had in 36 years. >> i want americans to work. i want to be energy independent so we don't have to buy oil from saudi arabia. i came up with what i call
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conservative solutions. i want to get your reaction. on the economy, i say the penny plan. you stop baseline budgeting and cut one penny out of every dollar for six years and get to a balanced budget and follow up the amendment and put a tax so you can incentivize people to get into the u.s. and energy independence and health care savings accounts. people make choices, term limits, school choice, secure the borders. those five things, i think, turns america around. >> and i will tell you this, not even a thing i can say, who can argue with that? they are all good. we have to balance the budget at some point. we have tremendous deficits. we owe $17 trillion. never happened before. the 17 trillion will be at quickly 21 trillion.
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that's going up quickly. >> fast. >> and if you think of it, we have low interest rates because we set them artificially low. we have to start paying normal interest -- even normal, you're you've never seen before. >> the fed is pumping 65 billion a month. they were up to 85. >> more than that. >> that's a lot -- so the rates are going to keep rising artificially. >> we're in a mess. never had a mess like this and had poor leadership. >> i agree and more angry at republicans than i am at democrats. i expect the democrats to push for more spending, deficit spending. republicans think they will ride this anti obama care wave right into victory in 2014 and i'm saying, they better come up with positive solutions and be innovative and create a vision that people can support or else what are they going to do to fix this? >> i agree with you except that obamacare is the one thing that resonates with the voters.
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obamacare residents -- and i can see if people pay the heavy obamacare -- and i don't want to say card, but that's what it is -- you're going to have a lot of republican victories. in my opinion -- >> just doing that. >> doing that is number one and going into what you're saying. a lot of what you're saying as important as it is is not going with the voters. it's on fox, it's on a couple others, a lot of people don't talk about it and networks don't talk about it. but benghazi resonates and people know how bad it is -- >> obamacare. >> obamacare. >> if donald trump, if you did a
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business deal and it was predicated on three big promises, one, keep your doctor if you like your doctor, keep your plan if you like your plan and save $2500 per family per year and millions losing doctors, plans and their premiums are tripling and doubling. what would happen in the private sector? >> here is what i don't understand. it was a lie and they know it was a lie and said many times. even the democrats were lied to and they would have never voted that i had -- had they known because a lot of them are going to lose positions now. i don't understand. why isn't there litigation saying there was fraud and false pretension? >> i don't understand, either. it wouldn't work in your world, either, right? >> perhaps there are cases. obamacare has been a big fat lie and somebody should do something about it.
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it is really. you talk about the economy. obamacare is really -- >> job killer. yeah. are you going to run for president? >> i'm looking. i'm going to see. we're going to see. right now i'm really interested to see what happens in november. then i think the republicans are going to have success if they are smart and do it right and we'll see what happens after that. >> are you buying the buffalo bills? >> they want me to and we're looking at it. >> price? >> you don't know. somebody maybe steps up and pays a crazy price. i love the people of buffalo. i get along great with them. jim kelly was and is a great friend of mine. >> i've been up there during games and they tailgate all the way to the stadium. >> they love it. we'll take a serious look at it. >> all right. good to see you. >> thank you. >> by the way, this is a trump tie. i wear trump ties every night and cologne you sent me. you sent me your ties but i love them. the best i've had. >> thank you very much. >> and you get them at macy's. >> get them at macy's. >> senator harry reid's opinion about cliven bundy was not clear enough, we know what his son thinks, take a look. >> i think that clearly, if state and federal prosecutors look at this more closely, they are going to find that he broke the law and he should be prosecuted. >> when we come back, cliven and his family will join me to talk exclusively and respond to the
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his son is doubling down on his father's statement. watch this. >> he is not a victim, and he's not a hero. the facts aren't in dispute. he's been using land that he doesn't own for over 20 years, and he didn't pay. he broke the law. we believe in a country in which we're subject to laws, and we can't just ignore the laws that we don't like, and i think that clearly, if state and federal prosecutors look at this more closely, they are going to find that he broke the law and should be prosecuted. >> and back with us tonight to respond in a "hannity" exclusive is rancher cliven bundy and his son aman and his daughter. welcome back to the program. first, harry reid says this, cliven and then his son and then the sheriff that i told you about last night, him saying that the feds say this is not over, and that, in fact, there
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might be plans to come back once thi things have calmed down completely. are you hearing any of those things? and what's your reaction to it? >> well, you know, i can tell harry and harry's son that almost every law, almost every day, don't matter i walk out of my door, do something with my farm or water my cattle or drive up on my ranch, some federal law i'm breaking. i break laws almost every time i turn around, every step i take. so harry, you're right. your son, you're right. i do break federal laws evidently if they are really laws. but i do try to abide by all of the state of nevada laws, the sovereign state of nevada laws i respect very much. the county laws and sheriff, i love them. >> cliven, i've gotten to know you over the controversy. you and your family seem like really nice people. i am concerned that the federal government from their
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perspective think that they look bad and as a result they may want to make an example out of you. i would hate to see that happen if in fact they tried to stage an elian gonzalez style raid early morning, late at night. what is going to happen? >> well, how can they be more blunt than they have already been? they have been hassling me in the courts for 20 years. they sent their army after me. whatever they want to throw at me, i'm ready to take. i'm not shared of them, that's for sure. when you're ready, get your job done and get with it. >> aman, when you really break this down, this is what it seems to be about to me. that your dad took his cattle, he thinks it's state land. they are claiming it's federal land and basically, these cattle ate federal grass and you didn't pay for it and they might have pooped on federal property. is that worth hundreds of
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agents, snipers, and the senate majority leader and his son saying that you ought to be arrested and put you away for however long they want to put you away? >> well, if you look at them trying to do this over and over and over again, all over the nation, and then getting away with doing this for many, many years, and then one family or one community stops it, then you think that -- it kind of puts it in perspective. you say well, yeah, they do have to end this to continue to do what they are doing. >> how did they get to a million dollars in the amount of money they claim you owe? i would imagine the cattle would have to eat a lot of grass for a long period of time and the grazing fees. is that most of that money?
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because, i guess, extra taxes and some of the court costs associated with all this. >> you know, i really don't know. it went from $300,000 to a million real quick, but what i do know, if you saw the amount of force and men on the ground over there, you would start to see what kind of payroll bill they have and rental bill and everything else, and the waste is tremendous. so you can start to see how the government can spend a million dollars really quick. >> breanna, i want to ask how much they spent on this operation with the snipers and all these federal officials out there. are you worried breanna about cliven, about his sons, about your husband? are you worried about what the federal government is capable of doing from this point forward? >> no, i'm not. i know my family, and we're a family of faith and god and we know that what we're doing is right for the american people and we believe that the lord will protect us, and we saw that on saturday and so did the rest of america. >> clive last question. if they do come in the middle of the night, will you willingly go with them? >> that's a pretty good question. you know, if the county sheriff
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comes to arrest me, yes, i would go with him. these feds i don't recognize their jurisdiction or authority, so no, i wouldn't go with them. >> we'll watch the story very closely. i suspect there is political pressure now mounting to go further and i hope that's not the case. guys, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you, sean. >> thank you, sean. >> this issue is in fact cutting across party lines. my next guest i usually agree with has a different opinion about the bundy's battle with the feds. joining me now is tucker carlson. tucker, does it come down to one simple thing? the court order was against him. nobody is not acknowledging that. >> right. >> but it really comes down to the federal government sending hundreds of troops, if you will
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or hundred dollars of bureaucrats with guns because his cattle pooped on property they weren't going to use. >> that's the headline as far as i'm concerned. he disobeyed and they mounted a completely disproportion response to this elderly rancher sending snarling dogs and rifles. it's police departments across the country look like delta force and a scary trend. i'm with them. i'm with the family completely on this, and i'm in full agreement with you. my only point that i made the other day was, if you use a public resource for profit, you ought to pay something. that's a pretty conservative principal i would say. >> how much grass can cattle eat that you get a million dollar fee? >> i'm sure -- your point that the federal government wastes a million dollars going to the mens room and they wasted more than a million dollars hassling the bundy family. that's a correct point.
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it's also try to say again, here is the principle. it's a conservative principle. if you use public property to make a profit, you ought to pay. i mean, look, the real problem here, as you know, that the federal government owns a massively disproportion of the state of nevada and throughout the west and that's wrong and by the way, harry reid ought to be speaking up on behalf of his own state. why don't the feds control the land, return to the state -- >> we don't disagree much at all. i went back and harry reid, remember judge susan weber saying about bill clinton that he gave false, misleading, evasive answers designed to obstruct the judicial process, intentionally false statements were given. i was looking at that as he was disbarred and i thinking oh, really? so he voted to get clinton off the hook, but he's all for going after this poor rancher. seems very political to me and it seems like selective moral outrage once again. >> well, and the principle is the same, which is when the
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individual stands up disobediently against the state, he's likely to get crushed. that's scary. i think the bundys ought to pay -- >> something. >> for the lands they are using. >> donald trump is right. maybe now they can negotiate a settlement and not risk a mid morning raid. >> and go buy their own ranch. private property is always the answer. buy something that no one else can control. you want to control the land, buy it. i believe in private property. >> tucker, we didn't disagree as much as i thought. good to see you. >> thanks. when we return for this week's edition of ask sean and next tonight, the nypd right now on the one-year anniversary of the boston bombing is disbanding their controversial muslim spy unit. so is that a dumb thing to do or is it putting new yorkers at risk? a heated hannity debate coming up straight ahead. scottrade.
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welcome back to "hannity." you've been posting your questions to twitter and instagram using the hashtag ask sean. now it's time for answers. the woman who loves embarrass me, ms. mcdowell. let's get the surprise out of the way, whatever it is. >> i don't have to do anything embarrassing but you're so on edge that i -- >> you think i'm on edge? >> that enough just -- >> you really think i'm on edge? i think i am calm, cool, and collected. >> you're always like, what are you going to do? >> because you always hit me with a video or a picture when i'm five, had a unnibrow. >> what do you mean when you had a unibrow?
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one question details with that, but we're overwhelmed with questions about cliven bundy. this comes from jason. regardless whether cliven bundy is legally in the wrong, it's a great story of the people standing up to the government. do you agree? >> i agree and i'll tell you why. this is so lacking in proportion to what the crime is. we're talking about a cattle rancher. a guy that feeds like a farmer. farmers feed us. cattle ranchers give us food to sustain us and granted probably lost the court decision. what the crime we're talking about here is his cattle are eating government grass for free and going to the bathroom on government grass that they don't need. they are not building a hospital, road or school and we have 200 agents armed and we're precipitating a showdown and a government that lies about benghazi and taxes us too much. we are tired of it. >> you will admit, because you -- trump said bundy needs to
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cut a deal and ewe agree with that. >> i want him to cut a deal because i think they will go in the dark of night and comes in guns a blazing and end ugly. >> you think at this point with the bad press the government got they would do something stupid. >> i think the reason this stopped is because of press coverage and he wasn't going away. they saw -- look, i was predicting this had the potential to turn into a waco. because of the comments of harry reid, rory reid and the sheriff, i've got to believe them. >> next question, how and why did your family choose mountain dogs? >> my dog duffy and gracie. the first -- that's my young one two years old, just turned two and i make her sit, stand, shake, i make her do all sorts of stuff. >> my dog is cuter, ramon. >> no, it's not.
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>> look at ramon. come on, we have a photo of ramon. ramon smiles. >> that looks like a new york rat. >> he's a rescue. he's a puerto rican rescue. >> looks like a rat. >> moving on. norma wants to know my four-year-old granddaughter and i would like to know if you hit a guest or assistant with a football. >> no. everyone asks who i throw the football to. that's my assistant over there, mckayla. there has been a guest or two. she has a good arm. >> she's this close to doing a marsha brady, my nose. >> i'll throw hard and she'll catch it. want to throw it? >> no, i don't because i have a horrible arm. the next question is how do you stay so young looking? did you do something to
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yourself? >> like did i get a facelift? is she asking me here? >> i guess -- >> no, i would never do that. women shouldn't do that. i lost 25 pounds. >> but you're working out doing what? >> i've got what's called street martial arts, cardio -- it's a very, very physical -- my buddy glen, he's a black belt in multiple disciplines. and i punch and i kick and i fight and i get fit like no other. >> so you're basically trying to be john claude van dam. >> i do punches like this. >> i got you a gift. it's a head band. it is john -- it is john 1980 so you can wear it when you play tennis -- i'm not going to put it on because i'll get makeup on it. you can wear it when you play tennis and will keep your fluffy hair out of your face when you do your martial arts. >> do you may any sports? >> i run. >> how many miles?
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>> this is not about me, you, you're trying to be -- >> why did you bring your rat picture in if that's the case? >> i love my dog, everything else about my life -- >> it looks like a rat. >> that's the cutest dog on the planet. >> we got to go. good to see you. >> good-bye. >> i didn't make you put it on. it's now disbanding a unit that spies on the muslim community. is this a mistake? plus he's no longer the mayor of new york city, but bloomberg is still trying to impose his nanny state ideas. don't forget. set your dvr. we want you here every monday night 10:00 eastern so you never miss a show. @e@8ñúñ÷@@@0@
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the daily lives of some muslims as part of an effort to detect terror threats. it disbanded the surveillance program that sent plain clothes police officers into muslim neighborhoods to gather information on terrorist plots. de blasio is taking a victory lap over this move, but does it put the people of new york and the country at risk? all right. we know there are radical islamists, right? >> right. >> we can see on the television what is going on. the top leaders are jumping up and down and they want to attack europe and america. now we're disbanding it, right?
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we all know what happened in '93. i was here in '93 and 2001. you had the clergy there preaching this stuff in new york and recruiting people and that's exactly what happened. look, i'm not against muslims. i'm against muslim radicals that want to kill people in america. >> we should be infiltrating groups that are -- >> absolutely. >> -- kkk. >> right wing nuts, everybody. >> everybody. everybody that wants to kill people. >> there is an element in the muslim community that has been radicalized and seeking to recruit. that's just a -- >> fact of life. >> -- undenialabble truth. your reaction? >> it just doesn't make sense, sean, why now? i mean you had a judge give a decision in february that
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basically said that he said there is nothing discriminatory, no civil rights broken and basically doing what was right and it wasn't targeting religion but targeting population, communities that could be a threat and have had hatching terror conspiracies. as a muslim, sean, the biggest target of muslim radicalists are other muslims. they should reach out but instead tipping their hat -- >> they are not doing anything illegal or bugging people. >> they are going into caves and having coffee and have ears up. let's face it, what happened at the world trade center, we're a target and always will be. when has the majority of the muslim religion stood up and said hey, we're against radical islam and against killing people because there is good muslim people? where are the good people? i don't see it, man. i want my muslim friends who are good family people to step up and say radical muslims, we
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don't like and need them in our religion. >> i think the answer is obvious and that is they're intimidated by the radicals and they feel that fear speaking out. isn't that true? >> absolutely. and this marriage between the left that's about appeasing minority groups that actually are dominated by foreign groups like qatar and other governments that are dumping money into us not paying attention into the radical islamist threat, they're creating a sustained power prevent moderate reformists. in egypt they threw out the muslim brotherhood and in the united states you have the national security being done by pr -- >> wait a minute. we gave the muslim brotherhood f-16s, tanks and $5 billion to the same guy that referred to the israelis of the descendants of apes and pigs. >> 10 million muslims went to the streets and threw them out and said we don't want them and
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america is going to the brotherhood to use them for advice saying, oh, we don't want to be a victim. you're victimizing the entire community when in fact we need a strategy. sean, the nypd had a paper talking about the threat and radicalization in 2007. are we to believe they disbanded that program? i don't think so. >> we have a city like new york with mayor big bird and stop and frisk and dismantles this intelligence organization. we were safe for awhile. we're not going to be safe. i don't want to scare people because it's going to come, they are going to go, which way did it go? >> we're letting our guard down and in a pre 9/11 mentality. >> and the one year anniversary of the boston marathon bombing. >> i heard president obama is going to sign al sharpton as the new terrorist czar. >> we have no strategy --
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>> we got to go. tracy morgan is opening up about political correctness. he believes comedy is not what it used to be and why people have to watch what they say. we'll check in with our great american panel coming up straight ahead. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental
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welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." tracy morgan sounded a little know stal jik for the days of old when he spoke out about race rhetoric and comedy. he said a standup's job is to hold the mirror up to society and look at what we're afraid of. we made fun of ourselves, but nowadays people take themselves way too seriously. look at some clips from those shows that morgan mentioned that would probably be attacked. >> what do you want? >> well, this ain't going to work. i'm cleaning. i ain't used to serving. >> we know that but now you're moving up in the world. >> not only the greatest entertainer in the world, but a man who proves there is good and bad in all races.
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>> right, right, i'll drink to that. >> and to friendship. >> you hear that? >> to friendship, drink it up myself. [ laughter ] >> all right. here to discuss our great, great american panel. how are you? >> oh, geez, little girl, get me a beer. >> we're doing our best here. democratic strategist rick, fox news contributor -- >> that was great. >> oh, geez, little girl, get me a beer. [ laughter ] >> that's the segment. >> that's the segment. come back tomorrow. all right. think about it. would "all in the family" fly today? i don't think so. >> there is reason those shows are considered classics. they were ahead of their time
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because they were willing to talk about social issues. entertainment -- >> everybody watches the shows. >> entertainment used to be on the leading edge of having these conversations and being unafraid and what tracy morgan was saying, look, everybody is so afraid of the word police or of being marginalized for having to apologize that nobody is willing to push the envelope. >> imagine jackie gleason saying that is a war on women, domestic violence. >> there is some truth -- >> not some truth, a lot of truth. there is a story coming out about a gay couple married with children. i'll tell you tracy's problem, he is right, hold up a mirror to society. he crafted that joke so badly. the way you know if it's working is check out the audience. if the audience is laughing but he gets flak for it later, the point is made. the audience -- >> it remains that even tracy
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morgan for saying what he said did not miss one show or paycheck from the liberal show. he got away with it like all in the family. it was liberal. back then, you had to be a liberal to do that stuff. today you have steven ding dong, ching chong colbert. he gets the david letterman show two weeks later. >> i think rush was right. this is a slap in the face to middle america and not going to work. that's my prediction. i don't think it's going to work. you watch -- he's like conan o'bri o'brien. he's an acquired taste. i don't think he'll appeal to the masses. >> he may not work but the slap in the face to middle america, a slap in the face to anybody -- >> you hang out with people in washington, new york and la. that's why you're a liberal. you need to fly and stop over
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middle america. >> i go to l.a. >> you lost your sensibility. >> let me go to her. she says she feels like the feminine is undervalued. we have to get our own jobs, making money, staying at home nurturing, being the mother cooking, it's a valuable thing. you need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman and that's why relationships work. >> amen. >> amen. >> as the only woman on the set right now -- >> you are? >> as far as i can see. >> you're the only person, be correct. >> political correctness. >> go ahead, babe. >> i'll take it. i'll take it. keep going. what she said is right. she wasn't saying you have to stay at home. what she was saying it should be a woman's choice as to what she should do with her life and that original mission of feminism in
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the beginning. >> keep in mind her boyfriend, spiderman. >> why do i think bernard is the man in the house? >> her comments would be appropriate if it was 1914. i am outraged. >> you are not outraged. >> in 2014, if you want a job in in hollywood or on liberal cable news, a man needs to be a woman and a woman needs to be a man these days. it's satire alert. >> nice to see you. thanks for being with us. country music super star sarah evans is back to talk about the number one cd as "hannity" continues. evans is back to talk about the number one cd as "hannity" continues. and first ever
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10:54 pm
they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children lauing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where th almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other,
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which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "hannity."
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one of my favorite country music superstars of all-time. her brand new cd is called "slow me down." welcome. >> good to see you. >> you married -- >> jay barker. he won the national championship in 1992. >> my wife alma mater. >> he's on the radio every morning. he's very busy. all of our kids play sports and then they travel with me on the radio as well like on the weekends. >> you were always a good friend to the show and you did our freedom concerts early. i've always been a fan of your music. i got the new cd and i think
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this is one of the best pieces of work you've ever done. >> thank you. >> tell us how this came together. >> i'm super proud of this. >> i want to punch that loser you're fighting with in the video. i wanted to stick up for you. >> i told him to be mean in his defense. this album i've been working on for two years. i agree with you. truly, i think it is my favorite of all that i've done. they're all like children to me. they're all special. this one, everything about it just came together perfectly. >> explain the song "slow me down." it really captures it in the video. many of your songs, you go for deep meaning -- >> yes. >> you like to get people to think. >> i love relationship songs. i love being the one that's
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being hurt in a relationship because i love drama. >> do you in real life? >> no, no. >> seven kids, no? >> i don't like to be hurt in real life. >> yeah. >> i think that's what country music is, especially when you go back to like loretta lynn and reba mcintyre. >> it's not just about drinking and trucks. >> my interpretation of the song, which is what we did in the video, is she's in a bad relationship, but she's madly in love with him. this relationship isn't great, but i love you. i want it to work out. >> step up. >> if there's something you need to say, say it now and hurry up
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and slow it down. >> i want to hear that every day. it does capture the reality of everyday life. there's ups and downs and everything. it debuted number one, didn't it? >> yeah. everything is going great. the single is top 20. >> that's exciting. >> starting our tour this summer. >> how many dates? >> probably 30-something in the first few months. >> you do the web -- what do you call it? >> we have web episodes called "simply sarah." it stars my makeup artist. she's my sister-in-law. >> i love her. >> she razzes you. she loves you though. >> just go to it was great having you on the show. i love the new single and cd.
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it's great. that's all the time we have left this evening. before you go, set your dvr. start your day with "fox and friends" 5:00 to 9:00. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. hundreds of passengers capsizes and sinks fast, really fast. it happened in the frigid waters off the coast of south korea. the passengers mostly high school students. first hearing a loud mysterious bang and then facing life or death choice. obey the crew's orders and stay on the tilting ship or put on life vests and jump into the freezing water. rescue crews racing to the scene and plucking more than 100 from the water. right six people confirmed dead but almost 300 are still missing of the rescue efforts are ongoing. a live report from seoul in just minutes. also straight ahead, chilling video, a burglar breaks into a home
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