tv Red Eye FOX News April 19, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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coming up on "red eye." are they thinking of replacing >> and does the president want to force the government to count every single grain of sand on earth? >> it is a win-win for everybody. >> and finally, are cats who drink straight from the tap bad for the country's gdp? if you said yes, are you probably a communist who should leave america. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> i'm tv's andy levy filling in for greg gutfeld who is organizing his annual easter egg hunt.
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now let's welcome our guest. she has gotten off more bad guys than the dc madam, remi spencer. and her heart is as hollow as a white chocolate easter bunny. and look, comedian sam morel. you can check out his pod cast on itunes. and next to me is camille foster, co-host of the independence week nights on fox business network. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. greg has failed me for the last time. you are in command now, andy. >> thank you, lord vader. is there more pain if they complain? the nebraska school principal has apologized for sending fifth graders home with a flier advising those bullied not to tattle tale. the flier says, quote, the
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number one reason they hate their victims is because victims tell on them. telling makes the victim want to retaliate. tell when a real injury or crime, theft of something available, has occurred. will we keep our friends if we tattled on them? it adds snitches get stitches. not really. parents complained and the school clarified its philosophy which is ask the bully to stop and walk away. if the bullying continues, tell a parent or teacher. meanwhile, let's see who will win the great crab race. >> let's see who will win the great crab race. let's see. go crabby, go. go crabby, go. oh no! you. >> i was about to say that video was awful and then it suddenly got great. camille, the number one reason
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bullies hate their victims is because the victims tell on them. how dumb is this? >> pretty dumb. some bullies hate kids because they tattle. the only thing i can think of is see carmelo anthony in these stop snitching dvd's. he was standing on the street corner with this motley crue of baltimore street puffs not saying anything while an idiot drones on about how snitches get stitches and you can't talk to the po-lease. >> here is another good one. treat the person who is being mean as if they are trying to help you. should the principal be fired? ie, should we try to help him? >> he needs help, number one. whether or not he should be fired, i don't know. this is an exercise of really poor judgment.
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i think he was a bully when he was in elementary school and he is trying to get back at those people who now tattle tale. shaming, bully shaming or whatever. what is interesting is you have to get through so much red tape to do anything in a school setting these days. how did this happen without somebody stoping him? he came up with the idea. he printed the fliers and they went home with the students. nobody stopped this. >> they say it went home and how does this happen? >> that is very -- that is like they are numbered. that is very professional. >> it is on like fine parchment. >> there is even an animal graphic. >> it is the school's policy that the first thing you have to do is walk away. that's kind of the same policy. it is like don't tell. >> sam, the flier advises bully victims to make a joke out of it. can we put that part of the flier up?
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say things like if you think i am ugly you should see my sister. if you think i look like a nerd you should see my dad. won't this lead to more bullying mainly because they are awful? >> why does the school seem like it is run by the gambino family. hey, you keep your mouth shut if you know what is good for you. then he is busted and he says i meant no disrespect. there is like the don't rat mentality. i remember i got busted with weed in eighth grade. my mom is leak who sold you this weed? i am not going to rat. i met this guy twice in washington square park and i am taking the heat, but i don't know why. it is a movie toughness mentality. >> as my clients would say, he did the right thing. >> they will take care of you. >> oh yeah. he was a good guy. what annoys me of all of the parents commenting on this who
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are outraged. this is unacceptable. if you sit back and do nothing it is unacceptable. it is the same people who will watch like "top chef" where a chef walks in and says you are all pieces of garbage or" american idol" where they say have you no talent. when it is their kid they say this is outrageous. >> adult bullies are rich and famous. you once -- at least once you stabbed a rival in high school. have you just naturally always been a bully? >> no, i was always the victim. i finally decided to take matters into my own hands. i don't agree with the sit back thing. look where i am now. seriously speaking, this is so dangerous. you are telling a fifth grader that you should not say when someone is being a bully or doing something inappropriate. i worry about children who are being abused by an adult who says i'm your friend or keep it quiet and don't tell. when there are real instances
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of danger and abuse these kids won't tell because they are told it is not cool to at that tattle when they need to in that situation. >> yeah, and what is the whole point of the flier? was it to teach kids not to share with adults and not to say when they are hurt or scared or humiliated? >> obviously the principal was inundated with complaint. my schedule is full of all of these bullies. don't tell me. >> get off my case. >> solve the problem yourself. >> is there an argument to be made that this was a well intentioned idea that went wrong? it was supposed to convey a message of empower meant leak don't let the bully -- empower meant like don't let the bullies get the best of you? >> i will agree. >> will you lose if you focus on boobs? it is time for --
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>> outrage apacalypto. >> so hunter pine, a person and also a gated suburban housing development, is captain flash dictator of an adult co-e did -- co ed kick ball league. they had problems with women showing up for games later in the season until now. hunter sent out an e-mail to his male teammates explaining the problem and the solution saying, quote, you bang some chick and she is ashamed. maybe you sucked it and then she doesn't want to show up again. you are not allowed to bone anyone on the team until after week five. is that clear enough? i can say it again if necessary. i think it was pretty clear. you are not allowed to bone anyone on the team until after week five. the team recently let a camera crew film one of the practices. let's take a look.
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>> there is no way they will follow that rule. >> let's start with the obvious question. is there any reason a guy joins a co ed sports league aside from the chance of getting laid? >> hunter, tyler, skyler, whatever name. >> i see the sports people out in their dodge ball or connection ball uniforms and i am going to try to have 6 with them. team chemistry is not the number one point. if you are playing adult kick ball and banging your teammate is not a priority, you are not an adult. >> this guy is either married or in a serious relationship, and he is jealous that he can't hit on all of the hot
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female kick ballplayers out there. >> that sounds about right. >> or he could be taking advice from mike tyson. the first rule was don't have 6 before a fight. in which case you should not have 6 before a kick ballgame. this was in abundance of caution on hunter's part. he cares about this ridiculous sport. he knows if folks are having sex that diminishes their chances. and women are concerned about whether or not you are a good sexual partner, and if they are bad they will be embarrassed. it is ridiculous. >> remi, you said kick ball is ridiculous. how can anyone take adult co-ed kick ball this seriously. adult co-ed red rover, i get it. >> we have been a part of something, work-related or with friends, but there is that one person who takes it so seriously. they live and breathe -- this guy it is kick ball, but it
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can be in any context. he is so far afield from what everybody else is thinking and doing. i don't think he is in a committed relationship where he is getting some. i think he doesn't have any chance of getting any. >> wasn't that be great if he was in a committed relationship where his wife is like, come back to bed. no, honey, i have to send out this mass e-mail. >> there is always the one person who is super competitive, but there is always somebody who ruins it for everyone. last season there was that one guy who totally ruined it for the team and caused all of this drama with the girl trying to sleep with her. that said, i think this letter should have gone to the women. truthfully, women, i love ya, but we sign up for these sports to meet guys. >> adult connection ball. uh dilt kick ball. >> adult kick ball. we want a guy who is athletic, but not too athletic. we want to change him.
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really then it is the girls who cause the drama. the guys are like, tap that, whatever. >> that is exactly how guys talk. >> i never heard of adult co ed kick ball leagues, tennis, softball, soccer. >> ultimate frisbie is another big one. >> but never -- i haven't heard of this kick ball. it sounds like fun. >> what about adult co ed freeze tag. >> that neither. >> i am on a team and we are called the frozen chosen. >> sign me up, andy. >> all right. what is the toll of a triter troll. of a twitter troll? she says she has post traumatic stress disorder after being harassed on twitter. she was diagnosed after receiving a stream of on-line is activists. she tweeted "i have ptsd due to on-line harassment and cyber stalking."
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and they think years of on-line harassment can't cause ptsd. i am here to say it can and it has. you will not silence me. outrage ramped up. she wrote, my ptsd feels the same as any other person who got ptsd for any reason. if you are in the military and harassing me about my ptsd, expect i will be speaking to your commanding officer. the daily mail reached out to her, but she was, quote, not well enough to answer questions. this little guy was also diagnosed with ptsd. >> those boots were awful.
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here is my take on this. i have a feeling i may be the only one at the table that feels this way. the national institute of mental health says ptsd involves physical harm or the threat of physical harm. being cyber stalked and getting death threats fits easily into that category, so why can't she be suffering from ptsd? >> she could be diagnosed based on the definition you just read. and everything i know about ptsd is having this type of disorder. to liken harassment on twitter while you maintain your account and continue to engage in people who don't like you, to liken yourself under those circumstances to the true physical threat that our military faces is class less and graceless and offensive to those who have actually been in combat and suffered a perhaps more severe form of ptsd.
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>> i know a lot of veterans are pissed she is comparing her symptoms to theirs. what do you think? >> i suspect she has ptsd, but because this is self-inflicted ptsd, she is not -- i am not inclined to give her sympathy. you don't have to log on. you can block the people and they can't harass you anymore. one of her complaints was folks were republishing her tweets. not that they were modifying them, they were giving you a broader audience. if you are attracting ire because the things you write are so stupid that someone else will republish them and people will hate you more, then i don't know. maybe you should stop using twitter. it is probably the rights -- right thing to do. >> should she get off twitter? >> she is victimizing herself.. >> they are looking to see who is commenting back. she is a mass kiss.
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>> i wouldn't be surprised if she trolled herself honestly. truly. >> is this the cost of business for being on-line and outspoken these days? >> of course. i get hurtful said to me all the time. the other day somebody said i look like michael phelps with down syndrome. as if michael phelps was not hurtful enough. they have to throw on down syndrome. i have been the target of blogger outrage. i told jokes that people have misquoted. i got a hate message from a minister. the subject heading was "you disgust me." i hope the e-mail and she said you disgust me like five times. at the bottom she wrote i am disgusted my daughter has to grow up in this world. i wrote back a one-liner and i said how old is your daughter and can i see a picture of her? >> she said absolutely not. i said you disgust me. >> i don't think -- she is not comparing her experiences to veterans.
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what she is saying is if she has ptsd, the symptoms are the same as to why you got it. >> that may be what she is trying to say. >> that is what she says. >> i think when she said i have ptsd like those in the military who suffer from ptsd, i think you can dwesh those two -- distinguish those two. >> she was not very articulate in the way she expressed it. to liken a blogger to somebody in the military is inviting outrage. it is inviting more harassment. that's really the point. it is not just that she stays on twitter, but she seems to tweet in a way that she gets more she is not doing anything to minimize the hatred which is apparently causing the ptsd. it is the exact opposite of what our military does. >> i completely agree with that. i think all she was saying is that ptsd is not strictly a military issue. it is not.
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>> you're right, but she didn't say that. >> she seemed provocative. she called herself a feminist atheist. is that somebody who is like there is no god, but if there is he believes in equal payment for men and women? >> she. >> i looked at some of the tweets that she gets and they are nasty. she is speaking at a conference and there are people who were saying time to troll her in real life. they were planning on showing up and harassing her. that stuff should not be taken lightly. she may not have expressed herself the best way she could have, but i don't think she should booy dismissed. >> when i first started doing tv you know i only do legal issues and a lot of criminal ones from the defense perspective. i was inundated with hate mail and death threats. i was talking about a defense
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perspective and people misunderstood and considered it being in support of whatever horrific act the defendant did. i started respond together awful e-mails that were really horrific. thank you for reaching out. i appreciate your kind words. i got in response a couple of really sincere apology. you can rise above and not suffer these ptsd symptoms. >> leave it at that. coming up, tom cruise loves men -- norras. >> baby at raves? is this a tech no or a tech yes. you are watching "red eye."
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is the future bright or will it bring fright? a new study found 60% of americans surveyed were optimistic about the brave new world ahead of us. but when asked about technological advances that will happen soon the glass suddenly became half empty. 66% think it would be a change for the worse if parents could alter the dna of their kids to provide smarter and healthier off spring-like me. 65% think it would be a change for the worse if life-like robots like me were the primary carry givers. 63% think it would be a change for the worse if personal and commercial drones are given permission to fly through most u.s. airspace. on the bright side, 100% think andy levy is a rad dude and a cool guy. the top three things americans want to happen in the future are flying cars or personal
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spacecraft, time travel and immortality. basically they want dr. who. let's check in with "red eye" future correspondent, future cat. >> a future dominated by girls is not one i want to live in. >> camille, is all of this fear because of hollywood and books? most sci-fi movies you have a distope yen future and bad things happen. >> yeah. maybe a little bit. but i am totally going to genetically modify my kids. given the option i would buy them cool new genes so they had powers and could do x men stuff in which case, no.
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x men are kind of futuristic. that is genetic enhancements. >> x men are feared. >> some people fear them, but when we go to the movies we watch them because they are awesome. >> in the real world, ie, where there are x men, they are -- >> they want to stop them. >> now i am pessimistic about the future. >> are people right to have a fear of unbridled technology, like unchecked -- >> robots are caring for the elderly. we don't even have robots. we have robots in charge of -- that would be an awful way to lose your grandma. they are like, yeah, we couldn't find awe sb port for the night nurse, sorry. it is scary, but then you think about some things and it sounds cool like the driverless cars. they say it is safer and it sounds cool. one time i was in a cab and i was making out with this girl and she started to undo my pants and the driver is like, you know, i'm right here.
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that's why i am for driverless cars. >> according to the survey, 53% of americans think it would be a change for the worse if most people wear implants or other devices that would talk more about the world around them. women are wary of a future like this. why do you think that is? >> i think people are not as -- i think they are a little bit concerned about their own intelligence. i think it is a terrifying concept to be reminded about how much you don't know if it is attached to your person. i think the robots in the nursing home are a good idea. they can't be any worse than what most nursing homes are like these days. we constantly hear something in the news about that. what is interesting about this study as much as these people want driverless cars and all of these great scientific improvements, none of them are willing to by the -- to be the guinea pigs. none are willing to
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participate in the developments of these things. when they work, i am all for it. >> in that whole answer the whole if your mother watches the show all she heard is you want a robot to take care of you. >> i'll pay for it. >> it makes a nursing home more exciting. the kid never wants to visit grandma a and grandpa. he wants to see transformers. >> by the way i think you can as of today, the current science you can genetically modify or pick your children. so that a is not far off in the future. >> is this the future that is coming whether we like it or not? >> i think so. even 20 years ago the idea of everything we can do with a phone now, maybe back then we would say would you want this? i don't know. i like the way things are. i think these advancements are going to happen and we are going to get more comfortable with them. the thing that i thought was funny is only 20% would eat lab grown meat.
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look at that bag of cheat toes you -- cheat toes are eating right now. do you know how many chemicals and processed ingredients are in that a? i am not shaming the cheat toes because i love them. maybe you should consider the processed lab grown meat. why not? >> only 19% of americans expect humans will be able to control the weather in the future. considering as you know the government already uses programs like arp and chem trails what we are. >> this is a sore spot. my mom is one of those people. she totally believes there is a weather machine that is responsible for creating katrina. i cannot convince her otherwise. i am surprised the numbers are so low. perhaps why it is so low. most people think, dude, they can already do that. >> some of the things people were scared of you could argue would change the definition of
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what it means to be human like getting an implant in your brain and be smarter and increase your memory. that's a reasonable fear i guess. >> americans are scared to get smarter. that's not a surprise. we don't read. anything to make it -- we could easily obtain knowledge and that would be awesome. >> if they could make me smarter than a fifth grader i would be all about it. >> people are like i will totally get implants in my breasts, but not my brain. >> that's different. >> that's a good point. >> all right, coming up, i honestly have no idea how i even get home most nights. not a story, just a group text that joanne sent us this morning. so courtney love said something stupid. not sure why this is news, to be honest.
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>> the shirt put them on alert. a new jersey community college has suspended a professor who posted this photo of his daughter wearing the "game of thrones" t-shirt saying i will take what it mine with fire and blood. it was surprisingly seen by other people including several colleagues. one of them viewed it as a threat given a recent dispute between the faculty and the school administration. schmidt filed a complaint after being denied a sabbatical.
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he said the words are just from the show, but fire could be a metaphor for ak47's. he said he would have to pass a a psych evaluation before he could return. where does this rank on the list of dumbest things you have ever heard? >> it is dumb. when parents are forcing their stupid show, a parent had their kid wear a velvet underground t-shirt. what is your favorite velvet under ground song, heroin? i guess you can't play it too safe with the mass -- i don't agree with it, but that's what they are doing. they are like, this guy likes game of throwns. people who are mass shooters all look like they watch game -- "game of thrones." it is always men. you never see a female mass shooters. 99% are men. women will murder their baby or husband, but not kill a
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stranger. i think men and women kill the way they love. men are like, i will kill anything. women are like, i have to get to know you first. >> i'm going to bleep out the part where you called "game of thrones" a stupid little show. >> thank you, andy. >> the professor said i will take what is mine with fire and blood and that makes perfect sense. >> i never would have thought that. >> really? it is so obvious. >> i don't know if it is a great person or a dumb person. >> probably both. >> like you said, today you can't take anything too cautiously. you have to be over aware of everything that is happening and with everyone in your school. what ever happened to like inviting that person into a meeting where you have other professors. what happened to talking to the person about it first? >> it is a threat that they
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deprive. >> this is the net effect of what every politician says zero tolerance policies in school. >> but it has a personal edge. and i think this one is going to be reversed. i represented families where kids made allegations in school or they brought a kitchen knife to school. and the zero tolerance policy means you go home and you don't come back to school unless you have had psych eval and it is safe to come back to school. that's appropriate in most instances. that's not what this is though. this is a personal google profile like facebook for those who don't know. i have never been on google plus. >> most people haven't. >> he puts it on a personal social networking site. it is a relatively in:00 you us with t-shirts. they don't have ak47's. they have descrag -- they have dragons. this dean gets it wrong
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factually and procedurally. this is about a personal and professional conflict about money and power within that school. >> i think you are right about that. camille, the only person who seems dumber than the dean is the college president who backed up the dean. should this entire college administration be put on ice and fired? >> that sounds like a good idea. >> did you see what i did? >> i did see what you did. that is very good. i'm afraid to say much more. i keep getting crap every time i talk of "game of thrones." i have been refrained from doing that. >> i am not going to ask that. let's move on to the next topic. a creepy dude in shanghai is using google glass to take covert pictures of women on the subway. like any decent woman would she has been sharing those with # through glass. after they discovered his pervy ways he deleted the photos and apologized
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tweeting, quote, i am so sorry i will mott be taking pictures in public places. please trust me and forgive me, thanks. sam is this our future? >> yeah, i guess he is at least an innava tiff pervert. it is the first person to secretly videotape a woman in hd. we are disgusted by you, but look at that fiber optic clarity. >> you never see it on the subway. it is always creepy dudes. it is leak a creepy dude. it is like a creepy dude. >> just wait. >> i will be there. >> it is always -- i never encountered a woman -- if i did i feel like i would handle it differently as a man. that's disgusting. i did put myself together and i did notice. >> camille, is this a self-correcting situation some this guy acts like a jerk and is called out for it on twitter by a guy named john
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hendron, aka at fart. the kid apologizes and learns his lesson. >> sure. >> is it self-correcting? >> generally speaking. i don't know if this is a big deal or if this is glass specific, but you could do this kind of crap with your cell phone and people did. at least with glass you have to stair the person down which is walk ward and -- which is awkward and weird. >> but what if you notice that and you are like, stop, don't. all of the pictures are like -- really unattractive. >> you won't want to post that then. >> is this any different -- you fly to scotland and you take creepy up kilt photos of dudes. and you use your iphone. is this any different? >> no. i am always on alert on the subway. i know who has cameras and
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what man has a wedding ring on. it is a great place to meet guys. >> i specially those ones that dance. this is kind of the way things go, but i don't know this google glass will catch on. i am not sure. it needs to be something that everyone wants. and until celebrities start wearing them, i don't see that everyone will wear them. >> i just don't want to pay $1500. >> it looks too stupid. they look like they are on star trek. >> it is the google contact lenses that will be the problem because everyone will wear those. >> and you won't be able to tell. >> remi, what this kid was doing was pervy and gross and disgusting. it wouldn't be illegal in america, would it? >> not necessarily. if they are out in public, and it is not any kind of lewd picture, they are not literally going under their skirt or something -- >> you think this will be the new paparazzi?
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>> probably. as you said it is not any different than the technology that is already out there. people might be a little surprised because they are not used to being recorded by someone's glasses, but it happens all the time. >> all right. it is time to take a break. when we come back, oh a musical performance from carl douglas. that will be fun.
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>> should a family rave be what you crave? their pacifiers pacifiers are not out of place? london clubber turned parties didn't want to give up their party pass so they made it a family affair. they offered kids temporary tattoo and crafts while the parents hit the bar and dance floor. said one dad, a genius idea, beer, raving children, what more do you want? pick up your parent of the
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year trophy on the way out. they are hosting dance parties for pre teens. no alcohol and the kids have to go outside to smoke their candy cigarettes. is this one of those sound stupid ideas that is probably harmless? >> probably. parents have parties at home and kids might be there. there is maybe music and maybe drinking. it doesn't sound like there is lsd, but i suspect there is when you have smoke machines and flashing lights. just kidding. i don't do lsd. that would be weird. on the other hand if you were a parent of young children is it time to give up clubbing? >> i am not sure if anybody on this panel has children, but we will all judge parenting -- >> it is called tv. >> i don't think you need to grow up and give up your partying ways if you are party -- if your partying is not out of control or illegal. have any of you ever been to a
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bar where someone has brought their child? it is an uncomfortable, awkward situation. especially when the people at the bar are drinking. you don't want to have -- i don't want to sit at a bar with my friends sitting and talking on a friday night or a saturday afternoon and have a bunch of toddlers in that bar. this may be brilliant business. they are merging chuck e cheese and your neighborhood bar, but i don't think it is a good idea. >> it sounds like this is something more for the parents than for the kids. >> it is perfect for the parents who still want to do ecstasy, but they can't find a babysitter. you are turning your kids into [bleep] bags. if you ask me what can make a toddler less adorable i would say house music and bottle service. >> you think a lot of these kids are named molly? >> they don't tip well.
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>> joanne you only listened to john tesh and yani. do you even know what this is about? >> no. i was too busy listening to my jam. all you need is for one kid to go missing or a pedophile to sneak their way in. you these kids to be violated in some terrible way. i just don't see how this is a good idea. you have the parents in an altered state and the kids are just running around. it is asking to be a "law and order" film. >> sounds like chuck e cheese. >> the parents are drinking and they are not completely there with their children. that said, i have been to one of these dance clubs in jersey when i was in like seventh grade. it was a birthday party. there was maybe one pearnt there somewhere, but i got into a fight with a girl because i said she wasn't dancing very well.
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it was gross. we kind of got into a fight and i had to talk to a cop which my mom now knows about. these things can get crazy. >> the kids go missing. you don't want to have a search party looking for a kid with glow sticks as flashlights. >> on the other hand it would be easier to find the kid. >> you would lose them in the dark. >> i just hate they are making it seem like it is for the kids. kids like candy land and chutes and ladders. >> and who goes to raves? it sounds like people talking about woodstock. >> yeah. i don't know what kind of music they are playing. i heard the kidz bop stuff. the kids like it and the adults like it it because it is adult songs sung by kids. >> all right. got a comment on the show? e-mail us. do you have a video of your
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next week it includes sonny burns and john bolton and bernard mcgirk and booker -- boomer. should the sass be axed? that's the subject of tonight's dash. >> "red eye" debate, 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate. i am andy levy, host of tonight's "red eye" debate. please, no tweeting during the debate. for courtney love it is bruce springsteen. the singer/train wreck questions the recent indecks into the rock and roll hall of fame. she says she once went to a bruce concert but, quote, i could only last an hour and a half of a three and a half hour show. it is all because of a jazzy wood wind. she saxaphones just don't belong in rock and roll. she proceeded to bash brass
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bands and do a line of blow off a high hat. good for her. camille, it is bad enough courtney love killed kurt cobain and no i she is bassing the boss? >> i hope she didn't do the first thing because that would be a crime. >> of course she didn't. >> she didn't do that. >> i suppose you can bash the boss for whatever you feel is appropriate. but who really cares what courtney love thinks about everything? >> every rock and roll song has a brass section. >> jungle land. >> remy, are you a jersey girl. >> how badly do you want to hurt courtney love right now? >> you don't talk about the boss that way. >> and by the way, i thought she packed. i don't mean that as a joke. i literally thought that i had to just double check the story wasn't a joke. i mean she has been so irrelevant. so uni'm important she should
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just go back to where she came from. >> i feel a little bad for her. she was in the past week or so at the rock and roll hall of fame induction because of mir vaw gnaw -- nirvana, her husband's band and that's as close as she will get. >> i don't think bruce springsteen needs her input on music. if he is looking for help on how to make his wife's death look like an accident then maybe -- >> oh jeez! >> those are horrible rumors that could possibly be true. >> they are absolutely 100% not true. joanne you refuse to take musical advice, but you will take advice on health and fashion? >> she is like my idol. i am thinking about it now. i did play a clairn --
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claronette growing up. i started a petition to get saxaphones removed from school. good forbid one of them turned into a rocker. >> there should be no sax ed? >> that was good. >> is a saxaphone a rock and roll instrument? i will admit i am a huge springsteen fan and even if you don't like his music you have to appreciate what he has done for rock and roll. he belongs in the hall of fame for that. clarence was my least favorite part of the e street band. does the saxaphone belong in rock and roll? anyone? >> why do we have to make a rule? isn't it art a? isn't it music? is anyone going to arguably say -- does anyone agree with courtney love's point? have you ever been to a show? it is rock and roll.
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deefenning. happy easter, wherever you are, general. >> i'm bob beckle, along with andrea tantaros, eric boling, and it's 5:00 in new york city, this is the "the five." >> today over 2 billion christians around the world are marking good friday. the pope he will he commemorates the cruise i -- cruise --
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