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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX News  April 19, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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the weather. >> and does it give you a hot stone massage -- >> well, not quite the situation. >> we will be back tomorrow. tomorrow is easter. have a wonderful easter if we don't see you. >> log on to the after show, "fox & friends." when it comes to our economy, and for democrats running for re-election, top democratic strategist james carville and stanburg putting out the word, stay away from the word "recovery" because people are still hurting. what does it say about the real state of our economy. this is bulls and bears. and we have our guests. welcome to everybody. what is the message?
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>> sounds like the left is finally getting the message and they are being honest that this recovery is horrible. it's the anti-recovery. i think the economy rests on three pillers, one is the employment, and median income and housing prices. if we look at the total unemployment number, that's up since obama took office from 9% to 12%, and if we look at the median income, that is down since the end of the recession, and if we look at housing prices they are down since obama took office. we have the three pillars, all of which are negative. >> do you agree, jonas? >> no, we have recovered. it's not going to get a lot more
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job creation more available jobs than we have right now, and i don't want to say it's as good as it's going to get because -- whoever is feeling bad is -- the companies that are starting up don't need as many employees and they are outsourcing so politicians have to blame each other for why the people are in this state, but the bottom line that's the result of the modern economy and it's not going to get a lot better, and every day tau point is better than six years ago. >> tracy is shaking her head? >> to gary's point, how many pea people are receiving welfare checks since the obama administration. they are probably worse off than when we started. i will agree, jonas, i think there are a fair amount of people that are on their way out and feeling better, but retail sales have not rebounded by any
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stretch, and at this point some are not getting out anytime soon. >> why do you think democrats are being advised not to use the word "recovery "? >> it has been at the top and for businesses. people are not feeling it on main street or in their household budget. they don't want to hear elected officials or people running for office, they don't want people to tell them they should be feeling it and that's why democrats are moving towards the mess edge a message and policies that will help the minimum wage. it's a stronger message and policy for working people. >> we had a democrat in the white house for eight years now. >> well, i think we have not gotten quite to eight years there, but, look, there has been a lot of uncertainty. there has been a lot of disagreement, mostly because the republicans that are controlling the house do not want to bring a
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jo bill to the floor and do not want to bring up infrastructure that puts people to work during recoveries and recessions, and these could be creating jobs and none of these are coming to the floor. >> i have to get john in here. >> with all due respect that's preposterous. the fact they are telling you how to spin this tells you they have no ideas. they say give us a trillion dollars and we will never go over 8% unemployment, and gm went bankrupt and all that money went to the unions and gm still went to bankruptcy and it's still having problems. they are arguing about messages and not talking about methods to create jobs. you are not doing anything for america, and all you are trying to do is get re-elected and the republicans on the other side, they are doing the same thing, we are going to get nothing done going up to the mid-term elect
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shup electtions. >> we were supposed to come out of the recession and into the recovery, and it's tepid at best and democrats can't say it's a recovery. >> emily is starting to show what the message is going to be, it's going to be blame this on the rich, i guess, is one part of it, and two, we have not done enough for the poor which is raising minimum wage, and somehow republicans in the house have blocked this jobs bill, which by the way i thought the recovery act was going to be the jobs bill and stimulus, and those trillions have gone, i don't know, elsewhere, and if some jobs bill miraculously came about, what is that going to do? the government doesn't create jobs, they move assets from one group to another. i think emily is foreshadowing what the message is going to be and it's going to be a pretty weak message. >> it's class politics, too,
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right, tracy? >> yeah. >> it's all happening at the top. >> shame on them for keeping all their hard earned money. what are they thinking. we heard on friday they are pushing off the vote for the keystone pipeline, so throw those jobs out the window because everybody wants to get back in office so they can get free lunches in downtown d.c. i think if it all comes down to the way our political system is run nothing is going to be done and everything that the obama administration tries to do for the middle class has done nothing but hurt it. >> emily? >> there is a fair amount of frustration out there but i think there is a big difference between blaming the rich and people feeling frustration. people feel like the system is rigged against them. this is a lot of if people are holding their politicians accountable for their vote, and they don't show up any more because there is no point in it, but if they see policies that
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bring money into their pockets and local economies, and then people can see things that help them and affect their lives. >> jonas, haven't the democrats had a chance to do that? >> they did, but the certain group that is basically pushed out of the economy, and you are not going to get jobs at google because of the lower taxes or higher minimum page, and the solutions will not employ people, and both parties will blame each other on the other policies, but i don't see how either policy is going to fix the problems that are structural right now. >> do you agree? >> look, yes, i do for once with jonas. i think he makes good points in this case. but i want to go back to something emily said. she whipped through the system is rigged for the rich. i would like to know how the system is rigged for these rich fat cats that are on the
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monopoly board cover walking around with a top hat? that's always the phrase, it's rigged. how is it rigged? >> that's on "r" word you can use, rich and not recovery. emily, answer it. >> people feel it -- >> yeah, i know they feel it but how is it rigged. >> yeah, look no further to the supreme court of last week with the mccutchen case, and people can contribute with free speech and strong dollars, they can contribute to all over the country if they want to. >> you mean like unions contribute now, and they are the biggest contributors? >> if you are a politician and you are going to make policy, are you going to look to gather everybody by one small dollar or a vote at a time, or are you going to look to a shelton
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adelson -- >> why is everybody online for the welfare checks then? who is rigged towards? why do we do all this then? >> politics, you put it to minimum wage. don't create jobs, don't do anything to actually help the economy, let's just have corporations with large amounts of money hire people they don't need. that was your last jobs plan. >> you out there can jump into the debate, #bullsandbears. why are they sounding the alarm sounding? while you were paying your tax bill this week, the tax man developing out bonuses to boost morale, not for you but for them. the irs. what?
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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live from america's news headquarters, an update on the south korea ferry, it was one of the crew making its first voyage behind the wheel. srers gators also want to know if they took a hard turn. at least 32 people are now confirmed dead and more than 250 are still missing. recovery teams retrieving a 13th pwaud krbody from a climbi. an avalanche was triggered yesterday. one of the four survivors said it happened as the teams were dig out new passes in fresh snow before the climbing season begins next month. it's the deadliest disaster ever recorded there. we take you now back to "bulls
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and bears." are you feeling down? well, how about a bonus to boost you up? all you need to do is work at the irs, the same agency you probably just wrote a check to will be doling out over $60 million to boost morale for its employees. bonus are just plain bogus? >> it's every "b" word you can get away with saying on a saturday morning on tv, and we are working our butts off and we have to pay uncle sam, and there is this thing going on and we are so sorry, and by the way, there is budget issues and people are getting laid off, so where is the money coming from? the timing could not be worse. >> we're paying for it. but they say this is important to retain and attract employees.
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do you agree? >> it's not mythical figures that work at the irs and these are real people and we want real competent, and good people working at all federal agencies. around tax time, it feels offensive and nobody is happy around april 15th. but we want to be retaining good people and we need to do that with incentive. >> if you mail in your check, the irs workers are getting checks paid for by you know who? >> yeah, exactly, you and i. why is there such a big morale problem there? maybe this whole evil doings went further. i can see the irs guy sitting there and giving a check for $1,000, and a revenue agent gets 72k a year, and an irs attorney
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gets 100k a year, and a specialist gets 88k a year, and didn't they sign up for this stressful time to be, or was it like i never realized april 15th was going to be so stressful! i need more money or i will go work elsewhere! it seems like fair compensation, but all the other stuff they need, and i don't think they need $62 million. >> the workers are not really the problem, are they? >> no, not at all. i agree with emily about this. look, these guys didn't promise themselves these bonuses. somebody promised it to them. it's like the union, the pension problem we have in the united states. these guys are just going to work every single day and somebody is making them promises that the government can't keep or they shouldn't make at all. the problem is they are not just
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employees, and the problem is the irs. emily talks about a rig system, that's what the irs code system is. >> jonas, what do you say about the bonuses? >> the people that clean the cappuccino at facebook make $80,000. we complain the government is run terrible, but what do you get in the private sector, they can pay out bonuses. enron paid out this much bonuses before they went bankrupt. the point is if you can't get a bonus at the irs because they are having trouble there and we will get low quality workers. to solve the efficiency problem, we need higher salaries. that's how you run it like the private sector, and that's how it's efficient and it works. >> but don't do it on april
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15th, joe. i am just saying. >> jonas is never going to get oug audited by the irs. teachers warning of a tech wreck on our kids. the tablets could be hurting their future, so why does somebody here disagree. ♪ [ male announcer ] when fixed income experts... ♪ with equity experts... ♪ ...who work with regional experts... ♪ ...who work with portfolio management experts, that's when expertise happens. mfs.
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because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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coming up, a new study saying the study on tablets could be tapping out a kids' ability. so w
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more kids are picking up the tablet or smartphone instead of building blocks.
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now, a uk-based teachers association warning the tech addiction is hurting motor skills, and you say it's a good thing? >> yeah, that's ridiculous. they can't build blocks, oh, my god. i spent my high school and college days learning how to soup up a four barrel carburetor, and now they are fuel injected. talk about a wasted hobby. >> so you didn't become a karma c -- car mechanic, but you are accomplished, all right. >> i have never seen you with a pen and paper? >> these teachers know they are one good app from them being away and out of society. for every study like this, there is a study that video games are
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good for your skills. these kids are probably using less television and ewiya using apps more. this beats "the brady bunch." >> you can say the same thing about a book. >> i am sorry. tracy, there is concern that kids can't pay attention in class. >> nor could adults. find me an adult that doesn't check their phone after you say three things. who gave these little kids ipads? it would be the parents. i don't think we blame children for not being able to make a little lego man. we are creating the workforce of the future. >> i am sorry, i was not paying attention. emily, what do you think? >> i will say that i see this
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personally. i am at the life point where all of my friends have little babies and there is babies all around and my friends are taking different perspectives on them. on one hand, even starting from a year old, they can use an ipad and navigate through it and they can use it better than i can, and they are really attentive when they use it. another friend told me she heard she is not supposed to give the kid at 2, and starting at 1 he is grabbing her phone right and left. >> yeah, they can say ipad but not mama or papa? >> maybe in that case, that's a good thing. but you know, every time, brenda, we go through the te technological shifts, there is a cry from the horse and buggy crowd that it's going to explode. i remember moving to the slide rule to the calculator, and it's
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like they are going to for get all these skills. our libraries are up in arms that the dewey decimal system is going away. this is evolution. silly. >> john, you get the last word, mr. mechanic. >> talk about a first world problem, we are worried about kids with ipads. that's a first world problem right now. these counselors need to jump in the lake and do something with kids out there instead of something like this. >> thanks, guys. >> and thank you to emily for joining us. >> thank you. remember this -- >> we refuse to throw in the towel and do nothing and we refuse to let detroit go bankrupt. >> the white house refused to let detroit go bankrupt. then, is it about to do the same now? pay attention taxpayers. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] you're watching one of the biggest financial services cpanies in the country at work. hey. thanks for coming over. hey. [ male annouer ] how did it come to be? yours? ah. not anymore. it's a very short story. come on in. [ male announcer ] by meeting you more than halfway. it's how edward jones makesense of investing.
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predictions. gary b. take it away. >> candy means hershey. i love it and i own some of it. >> people should be nervous about this, it could start a bad thing. >> not that i am bragging, but this week verizon i think will be up 20%. >> gary, what do you think about that? >> i would wait until it closes to $49 and then buy it. >> beef prices are going to the moon. i think carbo, the taco bell, and kfc, up 50% on the year. >> john, i know you will agree with me on this. i am never giving up beef. ever.
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what do you say? >> absolutely not. we love a good old-fashioned cow. i think you can buy it cheaper. thanks for joining us. the cost freedom continues wi with neil cavuto right now. are you feeling sick? take a number, because the doctor won't be seeing you now. while the president is telling the 8 million people signing up for obamacare, it does not mean those 8 million people will be getting good health care or much of any health care. we don't know how many have paid in the deal and how many doctors will be included in the deal. for get about keeping your doctor, you might have trouble finding a doctor. glad to see this gentleman back, mr. stein, and charles payne, wh


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