tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 21, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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we went out to colorado and have a lot of tape to show you about what is going on with marijuana a stoned america. start your day with fox and friends weekday mornings 5:00 to 9:00. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. our get wire cot come and vote in the poll. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we will never forget the courage, strength and resilience we have seen this past year. [starting gun] >> an american will win the boston marathon. >> boston triumphant one year after americans were assaulted by a terrorist. perfect day. meanwhile the jihad tries to launch a come back. we will launch a special report. remember those scenes in oakland, california 2012? very few liberal democrats spoke out against occupy wall street. but now they are hammering the nevada rancher cliven bundy. >> they are nothing more
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than domestic terrorists. >> we will compare nevada to occupy tonight. >> should we go down the list and start targeting all these people? i asked this facetiously and people are like let's do it. >> punishing those who oppose gay marriage. it's now acceptable in some circles. we will tell you what's going on with that. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. another victory over terrorism. that is the subject of this even's talking points memo. today in boston, 36,000 people ran the marathon without incident. the winner, 38-year-old american who crossed the finish line with 11 seconds to spare. more than 1 million people watched the marathon in person it there were no incidents that we know of.
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this is clearly a victory over terrorism. the two men who attacked the marathon last year the tsarnaev brothers disgraced their religion, islam and their country. the oldest tamerlan on the left is dead. his brother dzhokhar car awaiting trial in the fall could be executed. again, we applaud the people of boston who showed their true character by refusing to give in to terrorism at all. and generally speaking, that's the attitude of most americans. however, however, there is some trouble on the horizon. here in new york city, the very liberal new mayor bill de blasio has cancelled undercover police operations targeting militant muslims. write not guilty "new york post" today, former deputy police commissioner paul broun says that's foolish. mr. brown cites a number of terrorists captured before they could kill because of targeted nypd operations. for example, this man. 21-year-old causey, arrested
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in november 2012 by federal officers based on information provided by the nypd who located and followed this man. after surveying him with other militant muslims. mr. causey now awaiting trial on terrorism mr. brown cites a number of other self operations. mayor de blasio playing to his far left base doesn't want muslims underwatch in his city. probable cause. so once again political correctness puts all new yorkers in danger. under the previous nypd policy, information was gathered, no one was intruded upon. it was simply a watch game. over the easter weekend, dozens of suspected al qaeda, who were watched by our intelligence agencies,
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were killed by drones in yemen. and last week the world saw pictures of al qaeda fighters braisingly operating in the open. so here is a bulletin to mayor de blasio and others who are blaze about terrorism. if thee jihadists could kill us, they would. if you are elected to office, your primary responsibility is to protect people, not to pander to them. talking points predicts there will come a time when america will be attacked again. all we can hope for is that the damage will be limited and that the foolish, foolish mistake of mayor de blasio is not involved in any way. that's the memo. now for top story tonight, reaction. joining us from detroit. the publish everywhere of the arab american news. in detroit, in your area, in michigan, you know there are militant muslims, jihadists,
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correct? >> absolutely not. >> okay. absolutely not? >> i don't even know. >> are you saying. >> there are no militant -- i am saying to you that i don't know if there is a militant jihadist in detroit. >> i'm stunned. >> there are militant jihadists in new york. i think i praise the mayor for his action. this is the american way. >> wait, wait, wait. no speeches tonight mr. siblani you are elected to protect the rights of the people not harass them. >> i just want to get back to you. and you are saying to me that you don't know one militant mosque in michigan you? are not aware of one? is that what you are saying? >> absolutely not. it's a figment of your imagination, bill. >> all right. >> there are no militant mosque. >> any militant mosques operating in michigan. we know there are militant mosques operating in the new york city area because they have been observed. >> i think you should call
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the fbi. >> i have called the fbi. we know there are a number of militant mosques not only in new york but in michigan and around the country. >> if i i know of someone -- if i know of someone who is trying to hurt our country. and our people, i would be the first one to called fbi and tell about them. >> i don't doubt that i think you are terribly naive because there are militant jihadists in this country. and they use mosques sometimes to spread their word. now, when the authorities find out -- this is provable stuff this is mooivelg stuff. >> there is ivan -- jihaddest. is ivan lopez jihadist? >> who? >> ivan lopez the u.s. specialist soldier who killed people in fort hood on april 2nd? >> i have no idea. and that's not what we are talking about. >> a a jihadist?
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is he a muslim. >> the mayor of new york. >> who went against his intelligence in nypd who pinpointed earn people and places, where islamic jihad is accepted. they followed people to and from these areas, thereby diffusing at least a half dozen potential terror attacks. one that is being adjudicated in federal court right now. you are a guy who is saying he doesn't believe the facts. >> if you allow me to speak, i think you would be very pleased. i do not believe that all muslims aration. but i do not believe also all muslims are villains. and i do not think that elected official should be harassing his own people. he should be protecting their rights. and that's what the mayor has done. muslims are american citizens. there are 7 million will muslims. >> if anybody's rights are violated they should file suit in a heart beat. >> i did not read anywhere -- i did not read anywhere in the constitution that there are an exception.
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so they have rights. >> mr. siblani, the police have a right to surveil people who they believe may be a threat. whether they are drug dealers, child molesters or jihaddists. you are basically siding with de blasio who says, you know what? we don't really care. we'll let them attack first, then we'll do something about it. that's insane. >> i am siding with the constitution. >> oh o, yes. everybody hides behind the constitution, mr. seblani. >> on the face of this earth. >> i'm siding with the constitution of the best constitution on the fails of this earth. the u.s. constitution. >> the police were not violating anybody's constitutional rights by surveying people. >> of course you are when you are surveying an entire muslim population, you are violating their rice. >> mr. seblani there were 11 guys in the.
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>> tomorrow is the blacks, tomorrow the jews, you and me next. we cannot allow this to happen. if one person loses their freedom. >> no one lost their freedom. 121 guys in this unit. no mass watch was underway. it was based on. exist in your state which is just mind boggling. >> i'm saying i go not know of any militant. >> because you don't want to know. that's why, mr. seblani because everybody else knows what they are and what they're doing. >> if you know someone. >> you are supposed to be a newspaper guy you are supposed to go get it? >> we i am a newspaper guy. >> let's wrap it it up. nevada action. occupy wall street movement. chicago erupts in street chicago erupts in street violence
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hume zone segment tonight. very interesting situation as you may remember. the occupy wall street crew destroyed auto bunchful private and public property in the name of protest egg against the federal government. in nevada, rancher cliven bundy is also protesting against the feds and armed supporters of him have rallied out there in the high plains. while the left was largely silent about occupy, it is not silent about mr. bundy. >> this notion that mr. bundy has no other recourse but violence is absolute -- antigovernment violence is absolutely wrong. he has been waging this battle for two decades. he has lost. >> nothing more than domestic terrorists. and i think that we are a country that people should follow the law. i repeat what went out there is domestic terrorism. >> the factor research
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senator reid and we can find not one example not one that he publicly criticized the occupy wall street movement. same thing with ms. brazil, they were silent. joining us now from washington fox news senior political analyst brit hume. all right. let's deal with reid first. i understand its his home state. i understand he has a perfect right to get involved with this situation. but occupy wall street pretty intense movement. one of those guys attacked me when i was in washington, d.c. where reid lives. and he didn't say a word about it. isn't that strange? isn't that strange? >> well, you know, clearly he has, as you suggest, bill, he has a right to an opinion about something that's happening in his own home state. and he is nott the -- we can call them domestic terrorists. i think that's over-the-top. but clearly the law is not on the side of cliven bundy and the others who are resisting on his behalf since he is, what, 20 years in arrears on his grazing fees and refuses to recognize the authority of the federal government.
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so, you know, bundy doesn't have much of a case. reid is probably generally correct about him. you are right. occupy wall street, occupied a square here in washington where you are not supposed to stay overnight. they were there for weeks on end. not terribly far from where harry reid himself lives. and not a peep. so clearly there is a bias there that is visible in his comments or lack of them where occupy wall street is concerned. >> okay. so that's what really rankles me. and to correct ms. brazil there has been no violence in nevada. i mean, mr. bundy has not been violent there have been people out there armed, but they are legally have a right to do that. we don't -- we being the -- me, we the editorial he we, i'm not -- i see the foley on folly on both sides. if mr. bundy wants to be a protester and take the punishment that comes with his protests, we have had
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millions of patriots do that in our history. and, you know, conscientious objector, there he is he doesn't believe that federal government has a right to tell him where he can graze his cattle. >> i know that bill. which is a country which recognizes property rights that property that he has been grazing his cattle on is not his property. >> i got it he has to take what comes. he has a right to make the objection. >> he does have the right to make the objection. that's what courts of law is for. he has visited courts of law several times and has lost several times. now he and armed people in support of him one of whom said if there was any trouble they were going to put the women and children out front so that the witness could witness the spectacle of federal agents shooting on women and children. you may think that's just a nice form of protest. that seems to me that's getting out there pretty far. >> but bundy didn't say that that was somebody who obviously is disturbed. but the wall street people. >> it's one of the people there with guns. >> okay. but, again, that is not bundy. he didn't do it. it was somebody who got
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hopped up and went up there and made that foolish statement. but all -- the occupy wall street movement and bundy are very similar. very very similar. they don't like the federal government, they don't like the system that you rightfully pointed out is lawful. they don't like it. so on one hand the occupy people try to tear it down set it on fire, detroit it. on the other hand bundy people say blank you we are not going to cooperate and do what we want. the similarity if you are going to condemn one you have to condemn the other in my opinion '. last word? >> i would just say that occupy wall street seemed to be less in protest of the federal government than it was a protest of the private enterprise system and the investment community that is beings simply find by wall street it's not a huge difference but a difference. >> run under the direction of the federal government allowed through, various agencies to do what they do.
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>> well, true enough, but, you know, it's just a slight difference there, bill. i don't disagree with you about your basic premise which is that these politicians, nancy pelosi, chief among them, she went far beyond not saying anything about occupy wall street. she was praising occupy wall street as a great movement. >> right. >> and, of course, you know, ultimately after a while, it's kind of disappeared without a trace. and, you don't hear much about it anymore. >> as we predicted it it would. >> brit hume, everybody. directly ahead. if you oppose gay marriage some people want to hurt you. juan and mary katharine on that. then watters world going to the epicenter of pot in the u.s.a. denver, colorado. those reports after these messages. [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. smoke? nah, i'm good.
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impact segment tonight, one of the reasons why gay marriage has come on stronged in the u.s.a. is intimidation. if you oppose, you may become a target. recently ceo of mozilla branded oich forced to resign because he donated $1,000 to support traditional marriage in 2008. speaking about that the editor of a very liberal web site said this. >> i did ask some of my friends, look, here is a list 5600 people gave the same amount he did or more in california. should we go counsel the list and start targeting all these people and i asked facetiously. let's do it. let's find out where these people live. joining us from washington mary katharine ham and juan williams. mr. kim was being hun nist. you oppose gay marriage you can get hurt, juan. that's one of the reasons that a lot of people don't say a word. is it not? >> that's incontrovertible. you are exactly right. history here has a very clear pattern, bill. you look at what happened
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with phil robertson on duck dines, the people at chick fillet. you know, initially conservatives went to eat at chick-fil-a to support them. now with their new business strategy they say they are staying out of politics. i think duck "duck dynasty's" numbers have gone down. folks at mozilla thought it wasn't only internal resistance to mr. eich. >> it's different than the one you are defining. here is the issue: all american consumers have a right to go where they want to go. so if a gay american doesn't like the posture of mozilla or chick-fil-a or the robertsons, they don't have to go there. big difference, mary katharine, in saying if you donate money to traditional marriage cause, okay, we're
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going to hurt you. find out where you live. we are going it try to take your job maybe do vandalism to your home, big big difference, is there not? >> big difference. that is problematic. what you are hearing from that editor of the nation and from some of the other folks on that panel all liberals who i'm happy to agree with on that part is a little bit of regret. looking at this situation should he have actually been hounded from his job? there was no evidence that it was going to change the way that they treated employees at mozilla. no evidence that it had been a problem in the past that he believed something different than he did. this is the question: do you want those people to be targeted and when you hear activists saying yes, we do that's problematic and i think problematic for debate in society. here is the other thing, bill. here is where i slightly differ from you, i think a lot of the strategy of gay activists in the past has really actually won over hearts and minds. there is always a faction that is in to the bullying and calling bigot. i think this move was more
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of of that. >> quantify that? i'm not going to say, look -- >> -- i'm saying this is a turn in that direction and not maybe good for them. >> i have always called for robust debate on the issue. all right? there are two sides that are legitimate in the gay marriage. there are two sides that are legitimate. but there is no more robust debate, juan. now there are threats and demonization. and that unfortunately, has put gay marriage over the top. that is the technique that turned the tide, intimidation and harm. that's what won it. go ahead, juan. >> you think -- wait a second. first of all, the only people i have heard going to somebody's house and attacking -- i just heard that in the comment from that editor at the nation. >> no, it's been on web sites. web sites have people people's names on there and a lot of that stuff. >> they have outed people, too. i mean, you know, that goes both ways. >> you don't justify bad
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behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. >> okay. i agree. >> this is tilted, tilted away from traditional marriage after the threats and intimidation flooded in. and were accepted by the mainstream media. >> you believe that. >> absolutely. no doubt about it. >> i'm not sure i believe that i believe people have evolved in change. >> some people have, no doubt: i the big shift was because of the threats. last word, mary katharine. >> this kind of thing is going to make people go whoa, wait. the pitch was live and let live. something we were receptive to. it's not gay activists all sorts of things where there is a huge outrage about anything that anyone says, any tiny little bit wrong you have to have a freaking postgraduate degree in gender studies to talk about any of this stuff anymore without loading your job. >> i didn't believe there is going to be a backlash because i believe that most people are just going to say you know what? the hell with it. >> these guys talking about it represents even the left going whoa, what did we do
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here? that's a good sign, i hope they embrace that. >> i think the liberals would be dumb not to say that it's wrong to punish people for having a different point of view. it's a healthy debate and important. >> mary katharine and juan, thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. going to denver over the easter weekend. competing with easter celebrations was a drug celebration. yeah, watters will support. chicago embarrassing itself in front of the world. 45 people shot over the easter weekend there. easter weekend there. we hope you stay tuned to [ woman ] i've always tried to see things from the best angle i could. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem.
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factor follow up segment tonight. death and destruction in chicago after the brutal winter there, the spring season as entered in more violent death. this past weekend 82 people shot in the streets. 13 of them killed. a greater toll than in afghanistan. joining us now from chicago, pastor cory brooks, founder of the new beginnings church in the windy city. according to police, the killings are predominantly young black males involved in drug gangs. this has been going on for years now. it's embarrassing. shouldn't be happening in america. do you see any solution on the hoards, pastor? >> well, i do, bill. you know, i think if we continue to collaborate and work together, continue to make sure that all of us are focused on the problems and we gang up on the problem and not each other, i have no doubt we can solve the issues that we are faced with today. >> so you are on at this mist even though every weekend you are seeing your
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people being brutalized in the street by these drug gangs. now, i want to play you the police chief of chicago. here is what he blames the violence on. roll the tape. >> we need help with the -- the national average for gun violence, we are way above it as far as murder by gunshot goes. >> now, the gun laws in illinois in chicago as you may know are some of the most strict in the country. if you you go to texas, for example, it's much easier to get and carry a weapon than it is in chicago. yet, you are not seeing anything close to the i have a lens in texas that you are in your city. why? >> well, when you ever dealing with young black men who are dropping out of school at an alarming rate. one out of 10 have an eighth grade reading levy. you have dysfunctional breakups of the family. you have economic system where young black males are unemployed at an alarming rate and you continue to have all of this in one
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environment, but you are going to have a time bomb that's ready to explode at any time. >> you have a that in a lot of cities, you have that in houston, have you that in dallas not quite to the extent. you have it in los angeles. you have it in a lot of cities, washington, d.c., same kind of situation. solution dissolution of the family, poor education. yet, chicago, leads the league in this kind of gang violence and death. i think it has to do with the -- i don't think the police are doing their job. i have got to say i don't think the chicago police are doing the job. >> you know, i think they are doing the best they can under the situation and circumstance. >> i put officers on every block in those precincts. you would have two or three officers walking the beat 24 hours a day. do you have it now? >> i live in the area where the police are walking the beat every single day. i invite you to come to 6620 south king drive in chicago. >> we have been there. >> you will see on a daily basis the police are there what you are dealing with are young black men who are
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hopeless. you are dealing with a situation where the educational system is awry. you are dealing with a situation where you have an influx of drugs and hopelessness. and, when you have that, no amount of policing can stop it. >> i don't agree with you. i think if the police, local police can't stop it, the governor of illinois should put the national guard in there i think the good people of chicago, the poor people who live in your precincts, you deserve to be protected. if you have to have armed soldiers there, then you should have them. >> i think what would be better is a better educational system for young black boys. i think what would be better. >> you can't force kids to learn. >> resources. better resources. >> you can't -- >> -- what would be better is more utilization of summer programs and things that these young people can do to enhance their lives. i think for anyone to consistently believe that the police are here to solve all of our problems, that is not a good method. what is a better method is when collaborate and work together. all of us, police, pastors, politicians, parents, all of
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us collaborating and working together to make chicago a better place, that's the only thing that's going to work. >> you have a very liberal mayor, rahm immanuel, a powerful man. very liberal, you know, legislature in springfield that have pumped tense of millions of dollars into your educational system. what you don't have is personal responsibility and you don't have enough power on the street to break these gangs. i would break these gangs, then you start from there you have got to break them. >> absolutely we have got to break them. >> all right, pastor. when we come right back, president obama delays the keystone pipeline and continues to have problems with putin. watters world goes to it a pot celebration in colorado over the easter weekend. how appropriate. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the unresolved problem segment tonight, president obama facing a myriad of difficulties. he has once again delayed the keystone pipeline, he doesn't know how to imagined putin. the president has announced that he will be granting some drug dealers clemency, so they can get out of prison. joining us from austin, texas, fox news analyst karl rove. first of all with the chicago carnage we just talked about, mostly drug-gang related, i don't know if this is a good time for president obama to try to sell clemenciy on the drug front. what say you? >> i understand what he is
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trying to do, that is to say there is a law passed in 2010 which lowers penalties for some first-time offenders and what he is attempting to do is to examine the drug cases of those who were convicted under the old law and sentenced under the old law and bring their terms of sentence into conformity with the now law that was passed in 2000 10. it's a laudable goal. the problem is this: a lot of those people who are convicted under the old law and given a prison term, basically pled down from a tougher charge. they were caught with a lot of drugs and pled to a more modest amount of drugs in order to get the case done and over with quickly the government, state and local governments accepted those pleas. thought clemenciy department at the department of justice is going to sort out the small fish, the small actor who actually bought a small amount of drugs for the first time from the bug drug dealer who pled down to a lesser offense in order to make the system work, i just don't know how that's going to happen. >> enormous amount of manpower to go through all of this business.
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>> and they are going to ask for 12 additional attorneys they said. >> 12 to do all of this stuff inside? >> right. >> all right. let's do the more important things now. biden in the ukraine. vice president goes over there, as he should. i'm glad that they end sent the vice president over to ukraine, sent a message to the world that we're concerned. i think we have done enough president obama bashing here, mr. rove. i mean, okay. i agree, you agree that the president didn't do enough after crimea was seized to put restraints on putin. i think everybody has made that point on this network. going forward, do you have any confidence at all that mr. obama is going to say enough is enough and really put a hurt on putin? >> well, is he going to have to if he wants to restrain putin's behavior. i'm worried less about the problems in recent weeks
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than i am about the problems of five and six years ago. putin made a judgment that he was weak and feckless. looked at sir i can't understand handling of libya. he made a decision this guy is weak. if i can get a moment i can roll him. that's why he lied to the president. he told the president in a telephone conversation russia has no territorial goals in crimea. we are not going to annex it and a week later is presiding over a massive ceremony celebrating the annexation of crimea by russia. so, he is has made a decision he can roll obama. so obama going to need to surprise him by being tougher than putin expects and taking a very firm stand that causes the real hurt to be put on russia and that means economic sanctions, in my opinion, as well as stepping up and supporting nato and strengthening nato particularly on its frontiers in the baltics in poland. >> real quick because i want to get to keystone. do you think that's going to happen? do you think president obama
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will now take the offense against putin because that's what you are saying. >> inhope he does. >> what are the odds of that? >> i don't know. i would say 60/40 against. but i'm hoping i'm wrong. this is a moment that he wool look back for the next five and ten years and say putin got aggressive. it finished the west. it created enormous problems for it we could have stopped it and didn't. >> keystone pipeline from canada down to the gulf of mexico would mean many jobs. i have talked to the president about this on super bowl sunday. he doesn't want to do it. even though studies say there would be not much environmental negativeivety there. >> if this oil is not sold in the united states, where we are going going to deal with it efficiently. put on a boat, sent to china and used in a far less efficient fashion. that's why environmental studies have shown there is no net carbon impact by building this pipeline. >> yeah. it's better if it stays here where we put it through all kinds of environmental thing
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where in china they don't. they just spit in the air. so the president you have to understand would know that all right. he would know that still doesn't want to do it because the far left doesn't like it so it's a political play, right? simple as that? >> yeah. well, yeah. it's two aspects of it one is votes and enthusiasm. is he looking at democrats. recent pew poll had 67% in favor. 27 opposed. republicans and independence supported building the pipeline. democrats opposed it. he doesn't want to drain that energy away. then there is the california billionaire thomas stare who has said i will put $100 million into democratic campaigns if they oppose keystone i will spend some of that money to defeat democrats who support it what obama wants to do is keep that $100 million in play for the democrats. cynical and completely political. >> mr. rove, thank you. watters world on deck. while many were attending church services over the easter weekend. some others were getting very high in the mile high city. usic)
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back of the book segment tonight, watters world, the annual 420 celebration in denver coinciding with easter this year. denver police had issued 47 citations for public marijuana consumption and made 16 other arrests. denver health medical center mayor medics treated 14 people, including three taken to detox. we sent watters to denver to alert the pot people about a new study that says marijuana damages the human brain. >> ♪ >> what's the meaning of easter? >> i don't really know. >> i love chocolate bunnies. >> candy bars. >> easter is tomorrow.
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>> really? >> that kind of sneaked up on me. >> what's your daily routine like? you guys wake and bake? >> i wake up, smoke a bowl, go to sleep, wake up smoke a bowl and go to work. >> how often do you smoke. >> daily, it's a daily thing for me. >>' if it's that good tell me. >> every day. >> i don't know where i'm at right now sometimes. >> hi, i'm earth. have we met? >> what do you do for a job? what do you do? >> i'm a trust fund kid. i don't do anything. >> what are you doing right now? >> i'm going to smoke this gas mask. >> i can't breathe in this thing. >> what did you do last weekend? >> i don't remember. so it must have been good. >> i slept all weekend. >> from friday to sunday? >> yes. >> i just won a booty shaking contest.
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>> you are holding like you are are going to hit me with this. >> pickle. >> i understand is he a good judge of pickles. >> i sincerely hope so. >> just a little bit of weed smoking can kind of . >> wait, what? >> reporter: how old is she? >> 14. >> i'm 17. >> 16. >> 14. she's at the pot rally. is that a good idea?
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>> as long as you keep it in the realms of -- >> reporter: so when you said mom, dad, i'm going to the 4/20? >> you better not be smoking pot. >> did you listen to them? >> of course. >> reporter: does this festival page you want to experiment with marijuana? >> maybe. >> reporter: do you smoke and do homework? >> yeah. >> reporter: what's your grade point average? >> c. >> reporter: meditating? just meditating, right? are you meditating? ever watch the o'reilly factor. >> i stay as disconnected as possible. >> reporter: my dad is a fan. he used to buy me a lot of books. i'm watters and this is my world here. >> that's why you have a whale on your shirt? >> that's the dumbest thing i ever heard in my life.
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>> reporter: anything you want to tell o'reilly now? >> hi, bill. >> what, bill? >> reporter: let he ask you this. [ laughter ] >> okay. i'm high. >> man is a pot head, hannible. >> this isn't going to be on fox news, is it? >> reporter: unfortunately, it is. >> i'd knock that off, if i was you. >> here is watters. i'm going to get mail from the propot people saying that you went out and got the dopeyest people you could find. >> come on, it was not hard to find. >> no. >> some of them are basically middling intellect. >> they are not road scholars, let's be honest. some of them had real jobs, bartenders, worked with their hands but they don't really aspire to much. when you say are you motivated? do you have any motivation? where do you want to be in five years?
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they say i don't really plan for tomorrow. >> they just want to get high. that's what the drug and intoxication world is. >> they didn't take it too seriously. when you look at memory, what did you do last weekend and they say i don't even remember, there you go. >> they don't try to remember. >> right, it's difficult. >> tomorrow is earth day. >> right. >> we have a special assignment for you on earth day. now, did you get a contact high from -- >> would you think i would get high, bill? >> the shirt color goes up by itself or you go like that? once in awhile, watters we don't know about him. >> factor tip of the day, was i too mean to stephen colbert? the tip moments away. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult.
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other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. eating healthier,tion by visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. factor tip of the day in a moment, being mean to colbert. great gifts for mom, dad, your
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friends, whoever, mother and father's day coming up. we hope you check it out and all money i get from the website goes to charity and premium members, special nose spin for you. please enjoy it. chris with holding his last name, more people care about a brian the dog than a florida state student saying she is raped by jameis winston. all you have is your big, fat mouth and falling ratings, ocho rely. you need some help, chris, quick. greg, you finally showed your true colors when you said you wouldn't hesitate to rob cliven bundy's family after he died. you're a coward and -- many patriots in history have done and paid the price. in this case the price is restitution to the federal
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government for what he owed them. my analysis is precise, fair, and respect to the law. if that's cowardly, so be it. joel from orange county, california. ed henry makes excuses for president obama. that's not his job. he should ask questions, not defend the president. his job on "the factor" is to provide details he may not know about. he's one of the best, joe. joe ferena, o'reilly, why don't you have the president in for another softball interview. feel good about your increased ratings? is it about the joes today? feel good about winning the old fashion way, joe, working hard and providing honest analysis. the fact that you thought the super bowl interview was soft, puts you in a very extreme place, just so you know. alan, china, bill, killing jesus is available in the public
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library here. wow. excellent. cheryl doyle north port, florida, "killing jesus" is a masterpiece. i finished it during holey week. bought both "killing jesus" and first the adult book. the big picture is in "killing jesus." patrick marr, you'll notice while watching o'reilly, he interviews people quite slyly. if the guests starts to spin, he starts to grin. factor tip of the day being mean to colbert. every day i get a packet of press clippings from around the country and put in a folder and given to me and they deal with what we say and do on "the factor." most it's about stephen colbert that will replace david
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letterman. because i labeled colbert a left wing mouth piece, they are upset i don't understand why. she's a common sympathizer. sure he is, favorite color is read. colbert made a living satirizing the right. that won't be enough to beat fallon and kimmel. colbert will have to be better than them to compete in the ratings. he's alienated 40% of the country that define themself conservative. my analysis is to the point and that that drives both sides completely crazy. factor tip of the day. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website and spout off about the factor, o'reilly at, o'reilly at and name and town if you want to apply, do not be invidious in writing
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