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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  April 21, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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do not be invidious in writing to the fact. thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn up next. i'm bill o'reilly, please, remember, the spin stops
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hours ago, the attorney general announcing to release the nonviolent criminals eligible for clemency. attorney general holder says it comes down to fairness. what is fair about telling the justice system that president obama knows best? that is what it is. there has been a detective and a
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prosecutor decided charges ought to be brought under the law passed by the people and signed into law by a president. there has been a defendant, a defense attorney, a prosecutor, a prosecution and a conviction. now, the president is going to step in, they're saying thousands of cases, hundreds of thousands, and say i know better. >> right. right. just as the president uses prosecu prosecutal procession, he thinks the laws are too severe. it's evidently doesn't matter both that congress has written the laws, that trials have taken place and his core constitutional responsibility is to take care that those laws be faithfully executed. he's going to rewrite them. >> what about the stuff he's a
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constitutional law professionor and won'ting polling the law. however, andy he does have the pardon power. this is clear. he has the pardon power. is this an abuse of it? >> yes. he's got raw power. the pardon power is there for individual cases if injustice has been done and a case warrants a correction, that is why the president has the power but he's not talking about individual cases here. he's talking about a category of federal law that disagrees with. this not about doing individual justice in cases and mitigating mistakes or hardships thchl is about rewriting federal law. >> does it have to do with race? the nonviolent drug offenders most likely to benefit from this
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tend to be people who went to prison for dealing crack. correct? crack as opposed to cocaine? and there has long been an argument laws are racist in terms of the outcome. in other words you go to prison more likely if you're black and dealing cocaine. >> right. it's an impact theory. they can't say that congress is design is racially motivated because white crack defendants get treated like black and hispanic crack defendants what they say is because more people have been harshly sentenced under crack laws and guidelines that they're racially, the racial element of it is in the impact rather than in the design. >> why is that not legitimate? >> racism is about the intent to
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use race in order to achieve -- >> shouldn't something be done to right that wrong? the disparity between prosecutions and prison sentences? >> the disparity is that the problem with the despair city not racism. the problem is that only if race is the reason for the disparity in the first place the problem here is that i think you can make a good argument that that crack shouldn't be weighed like 100 to 1 against powder cocaine but that is what we have congress for. congress has rewritten the laws to make this smaller. you can still make a good argument there is work to be done in this area. in our system the president doesn't get to do this by decree. >> what happens if this stands? as it appears that it will, we'll have a republican president wants to say do you know what? i'm going to move to pardon every pro tester who stood outside of a planted parenthood and shouted down a woman going
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in for an abortion. >> that will depend on whether the media depends to participate in the criticism of the president again. i think that if he thought he was being watched by the media he wouldn't do these sorts of things he does them because he thinks he can get away with them he has gotten away with them. >> that is how they justified lease of illegal immigrants caught on violations of u.s. law. once they got here, and we've been releasing them saying we don't have room for them. now, we're releasing these drug offenders saying we don't have room for them. >> we've had the biggest dip in crime in history. it's been a cultural up heaval. to argue that the dropping is unrelated to the fact we have people that commit crimes in jail that is silly. >> we'll continue to watch it. good to see you.
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>> thanks megan. >> we'll let us know what you think about the push of early release for the felons what do you think? go to and leave a comment on our page. sent me a tweet using hash tag kellyfile. >> we're tracking a campaign with potential to have a major impact on our elections. so far, nearly a dozen states have signed on to a plan to ditch the electoral college they want to award the white house to whoever wins the popular vote. that would have given us a president gore. well, it might seem harmless, critics suggest it's not only a plan ripe for voter fraud. so, chris, i think most people hear electoral college.
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it's like people that wore wig that's came up. why do i care? >> because 270 is the magic number you've got to get 270 electoral votes to win. >> the way you run for president and the way you seek office, the framers and founders empowered states in the the popular vote they said you've got to go get the states on your side which means you run for president, completely different than you if you're just trying to run up a score. >> if a popular vote, candidates would be going to california, to new york, they'd probably go down to florida. but they might be blowing off the smaller states. >> they won't just be smalling off smaller states, smaller communities and larger states so presidential election could be contested in new york, chicago, l.a., houston, miami, philadelphia, and farther down,
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less influence those places have. it tells what candidates, what kind of parties and campaigns you get, focused on maximizing turnout. you never would have had a bill clinton. we would have had more liberal would you have had the center of power this this country in liberal democratic fashion in places like new york city. >> like philly, new york city, l.a., san francisco. those are the places that are going to elect a president >> you got it >> it's not what founders intended there was a long debate about this. they did not think a popular way was the best way. they thought the electoral college worked together. so in that state, but let me ask you this.
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if these states, these 11 states so far signed on to this, what impact does that have? we've had after bush, you know after gore lost there was a push get rid of the electoral college. to do that you have to amend the constitution they seem to be finding secret option two. >> they're going to hack the constitution. their plan is to subvert the will of the founders, framers by banding together saying we have 270 votes they'll say we have enough that we'll give our electoral votes to whoever wins effectively defeating the constitution. it's part of a trend, counselor. i may submit happening the left today as liberals are increasingly frustrated by the fact they're not able to affect changes they want they're simply taking them, simply doing it f people dissent and complain, if stojy old constitution gets in the way and fussy wigs and
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electoral college complain about it, too bad they're going to hack the code >> is this possible? i mean these 11 states have 165 electoral college votes they've got to get to 270. it would require a lot more if you wanted to get super majority of votes and so on are they likely to get to 70 and do this around the constitution? >> as they get closer to their goal, whoever is pushing this movement will find people will realize the deadly gravity and how this will change the way america works, forever change parties and shift the balance of power away from the country of people and to the city people. this this is empowering to urban
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america i think their plan to hack the constitution this way probably evaporates but you never know. it sounds good. saying the winner is a democracy but this isn't a democracy. this is a republic. >> we have new video of a teen apparently survived a five-hour flight across the pacific in the wheel well of a plane. little oxygen, freezing temperatures see what doctors are tonight tonight saying about this medical miracle. is this guy the real reason administration just delayed a pipeline project that would have created tens of thousands of jobs and billions in new spending? up next, a new look at tom stier. what he had to do with a decision being slammed by both republicans and democrats. >> and outrage veterans demanding an apology from the
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"new york times" for publishing that op ed linking them to hate groups. what we've uncovered about the woman who wrote this piece >> i argue the groups used vietnam war scripts to cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden.
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new controversy today over the white house's decision to delay a ruling on the controversial keystone pipeline indefinitely. that came out late on good friday. coincidence, i'm sure. and it's a decision that leaves in limbo more than 40,000 jobs, not to mention billions in new spending. one person celebrating the decision, liberal billionaire tom steyer. he promised $100 million, perhaps more for lawmakers that make environmental issues like keystone, the keystone pop line top issues in the next election. a senior editor of the daily caller, they wanted to have attention called to it. that's why they released it on good friday. the white house is proud and stands by the state department's claim that this has nothing to do with politics. >> and schultz said they need
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time to study this. let's be clear and put this in context as someone noted, we would be able to win world war ii in shorter time. this is probably the most studied pipeline in the history of the world and the reports are clear. this will not hurt the environment and has nothing to do with that. the oil will get out into the market maybe through canada. what is behind this? all signs point, as you mentioned, tom steyer, this liberal democratic donor that wants to spend $100 million and support democrats and one of his closed a visors, someone that he helped fund in a think tank, somebody the new yorker described as an advisor, didn't mention if he was paid but john, who i'm talking about doesn't do things without being paid is in the white house. in december, he was appointed as an inner circle advisor to the president on energy policy. he says he wasn't going to deal with the keystone pipeline
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because he was a vocal opponent but hard to imagine this is anything but naked politics. >> why does he need a role? if you have money dangling it saying my number one issue is getting rid of the keystone pipe ly line. i don't want it build in the united states. and six months ago, they said it will be fine, going forward and it's delayed indefinitely. talk about the push back now because you're seeing democrats and republicans come out and say this was nakedly political and outrageous buecause we're talkig about jobs. >> you wanted unions on the left that wanted it because of jobs and on the right, believing you need to explore more oil. they are both pointing this to be nakedly political. president obama knows he has several democrats from
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oil-friendly states like alaska, louisiana that are vulnerable in the upcoming election. he doesn't want to hurt them but not approving the pipeline. if he did that, he would be in trouble. he's going to kick the ball down the road to after the midterm elections so he can at least not avoid the losses in the senate seats of some very key democrats in a year that the democrats are looking to get hammered in the election. he doesn't want to needlessly throw seats away. this seems like a political decision and the on question is after the election, will tom steyer have enough influence then with the money he can spend in 2016 to get the president to actually not approve the pipeline in total? >> i thought that president obama and many democrats were the ones raising objections about the republicans close ties with men like the coke brothers, billionaire republicans they felt were controlling too much of the republican party agenda and now this guy tom steyer on the left who basically sounds like he's trying to do the same
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thing. >> well, it's actually amazing. tom steyer actually spoke of the democratic national convention. can you imagine what would happen if a coke brother spoke? he spoke on global warming. i don't think there is any equivalent in the way they have been able to highlight donors on their side compared to the gop. the gop, of course the coke brothers donate conservative causes but don't host at the democratic convention. >> their team says there was a decision that delayed the pipeline there by about six months, i think, it was and blaming it on that. the timing is coincident l. >> what is interesting, megyn, in february when the decision came down, the white house said they will not play a role to approve it or not. it's only now they are bringing it up. >> that's tough for them. tough. jamie, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> up next, reports that one
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major news network was so concerned about one of the main anchors it hired a shrink to run tests. we'll tell you who it is. is it me? [ laughter ] >> why they were so concerned. you won't believe this. plus, how did one teen manage to sneak on a plane at a major u.s. airport? security? >> i think one of the real questions is, whose watching that video at 1:00 a.m. in the video at san jose? and i think apparently, nobody. i'm m-a-r-y and i have copd. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine
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>> breaking tonight, obamacare is increasingly looking like a problem for democrats heading into the midterm elections. polls finding 39% of registered voters say they favor the health care law. 56% oppose. when you drill down to the
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crucial independent voters, many decline to oppose the law. many say the only difference between candidates, what would they do? 54% said they would vote for somebody against it, 29% say will fight for it. the rest say it depends. >> we just got some new video of the california teenager tonight being called a medical miracle. the 15-year-old apparently hid in the wheel well of a boeing 767 for a five-plus hour flight and survived. the trek taking place sunday from san jose to maui, half way across the pacific ocean, more than 2300 miles. william is live in the west coast newsroom with the story, william? >> reporter: from run away to stow away because of a family argument, while most 15-year-olds spend the knignigh a friend's house in protest,
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this one goes by the landing gear. about the size of an automobile trunk and lucky to be alive telling the fbi he was passed out from hypothermia and a lack of oxygen. after the landing, airport security found him wondering around the tarmac dazed and confused. >> if you don't have enough oxygen, you can feel tired, headache, nausea, vomiting. he could have had some symptoms but passed out from the lack of oxygen and managed to survive because he's young and might be in good health. >> reporter: medical officials s say he appears fine considering most die at 3800 feet. he cheated death and broke the law doing it. police say security footage, sensitive and will not be released showing him hopping a fence sunday morning. >> no system is 100%, and it is
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possible to scale an airport perimeter fence line, especially undercover of darkness and remain undetected and it appears that's what this teenager did. >> i think one of the real questions is who is watching that video at 1:00 a.m. in the morning at san jose? apparently nobody because that's what tsa and the fbi are in the process of investigating today. >> reporter: the fbi says it will not prosecute this teenager and san jose police will not charge him megyn for violating the airport we don't know how his parents will greet him for running away, open arms or the wood shed. back to you. thank you. secret memos from the clinton administration released revealing who at fox news they really, really disliked. why didn't they produce a secret moni
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moni moni monica memo? demanding an apology for pu publishing this. the woman that wrote the piece, what we uncovered. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was... i just couldn't handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before.
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supremaci supremacist. we did digging into who wrote this piece and why. trace gallagher picks up the story from there from our west coast burro, trace? >> even before he started teaching history at northwestern university, she was activitily writing and speaking about what she calls the relationship between military veterans and ris s racism. her book is called, bring the war home, vietnam veterans ignite the radical right. the right and theaters of war, para military, the racist right from vietnam to oklahoma city. here is some of what she said shs listen.
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>> the heat he's getting from military and others is where she sited a 2009 report that linked military vetting return from combat to a surge in membership to the ku klux klan and other white supremacist groups. the legion and consecutive lawmakers challenged it and it was pulled off the web sign. kathryn argued last week's shooting allegedly by a white supremacist military vet proves that theory brought up in 2009 was real and has military groups up in arms. we tried to reach out to
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kathleen, she did not get back with us. >> thank you. michael grim who is a marine combat veteran and the american director for the american legion. let me start with you representative grim. your reaction to ms. balu as we look at who this woman is. >> i'll start with a question, how can someone that is apparently so well educated be so darn ignore rent? this is the most outrageous ignorant things written. nothing surprises me with them. you shouldn't be able to use this under your bird cage. it's a disgrace. if she has a problem with the veterans, maybe she should live in a country that doesn't provide the security and liberty and freedom that each and every one of our veterans provide. >> looks like she devoted much
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of her career, the link between veterans and hate groups and boy, she's written many, many articles on it. she believes with guys like timothy mcveigh and this guy last week, there is a strong week between vets returning from war. she says war does not end in the battle field. >> you brought up an excellent point. you brought up a concern she's no longer a professor and we wonder what type of education our veterans are looking forward to when they transition back to war. is this what they are looking forward to? >> she site twos examples, how many veterans do we have in this country, least? >> over 23 million veterans and since this -- or since 1923 we had over 42 million set trains, to point out two or three that conducted bad deeds is disingenuous at the very least.
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>> the thing is she points to the 2009 department of homeland security report that trace mentioned, and in that report they talk about how veterans returning home from war are more susceptible to that. she believes red pothe report at offered. >> the research we've looked at, the report was flawed from the beginning. so i think the report itself is flawed. let's look at facts. how many of our graduates are running the biggest companies of the world? how many contributions of the veterans changed the world for the better? the number is so great. is there always one rotten apple in the bunch? of course. when you recruit for vietnam. there was a draft, first of all. is it possible we drafted one or
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two that were hatehating? of course. this shows quite the opposite of what she's charging. if you look, overall, most like myself that served in combat with the united states marine corps, the last thing we want to be is hate. i was trained with everything you can imagine and put our faith and our lives in each other's hands. we developed such a respect for each other, there is no hatred at least in the marine corps i served in. >> there is a question about whether "the new york times" should say something about this, should -- if not apologize and i know the veterans groups are asking for that, then maybe the public editor can at least give voice to the feedback or something to acre knowledge the considerable distress this has caused many, many veterans we've heard from a lot of them and representatives saying they are hearing about it, too. what harm, if any, does this one
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woman's opinion do? >> megyn, that's an excellent question and the truth is it's such a poorly researched paper that it's actually reckless. what will happen to veterans that want to seek treatment for ptsd or get employed, now there will be a bias against them because of reckless articles like this. that's the damage there. >> do you think there would be a greater out cry if she wrote an article saying muslims attacked us on 9/11, therefore muslims, you know, need to be scrutinized. muslims are the ones we need to worry about. we had a lot of people make that claim and boy, they have been publicly excoriated but the outcry outside of the veteran community has perhaps not been as loud when you make that claim about the men and women that defend the country. >> i don't think there is any question, megyn. you're 100% right. if we target muslims as opposed to veterans, the outcry across this country would be
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outrageous. the far left would be putting together marches and out protesting everywhere you can imagine but because it's our men and women in uniform, the new york times can get away from it. >> would the times have published that? >> i don't think there is no way whatsoever if you took out veterans and used muslims and 9/11, there is no way they would have published that. for "the new york times" the veterans are an easy target and there are a lot of veterans suffering from ptsd and articles will do that, dissuade them from seeking the treatment they need. >> have you heard anything? >> we haven't heard a peep from them. it really is a skancandalous, t fact they haven't said anything and veterans are suffering. they are libber ray tors. they spent their entire career liberating people. we don't oppress. we liberate. >> gentlemen, thank you for your
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service. >> thank you. one major news network was so concerned about an anchor, so interested in said anchor it hired a shrink to run some tests. maybe this is secretly being done to all of us and we just don't know. you just find out when the security shows up and escorts you out. we'll fill you in. the memos that explain hillary clinton's famous vast right wing conspiracy theory quote and one of the men named as a threat is here to answer the allegations, next. >> the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspireing against my husband since the day he announced for president. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. why do you have to have imaginary dip? well, everybody else was dipping, i thought...
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can i have some of your dip? please! mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... ok, now i'm going to have to wash this entire -- new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked.
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the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspireing against my husband since the day he announced for president. >> fascinating to watch, right? that of course was hillary clinton back in 1998 claiming there was a vast right-wing conspiracy against bill clinton and now we know in part why she said that. as part of a document dump by the clinton presidential library, 28 pages of memos were released. they outlined what the administration called the
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communication stream of conspiracy commerce and one of those suspected in feeding this stream, david bossy. the former chief investigator for the house committee during the clinton presidency and president of the citizens united which made a negative movie about hillary clinton. david, confirm or deny? >> oh, you got me. oh, got me. >> shock, shock. >> there is gambling going on here. you know, hillary clinton, bill clinton, they haven't changed a bit. they do document dumps on friday nights of holiday weekends. we've been seeing this for 20 years. you know, i'm not surprised my name is in those documents from the early and mid 90s. doesn't surprise me at all. >> they seem to think you're feeling information about them that is negative into the media and information. i'll throw one on the boards so the viewers can see. here is the first one. they say from brown to other main stream media, floyd brown and his associate david bossy
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claim that dozens of members of the mainstream press, times, magazine, used them for information or interviews. they are suggesting that you guys were claiming the main stream publications for you and you were only too happy to provide it. >> they were right because i did, floyd brown and i were the vast right wing conspiracy at the beginning of the clinton administration. there was no one else who was working on this case. i spent months working down in arkansas and covering these issues about the rose law firm and other -- the white water land deal and all the rest. listen, you know, the clintons haven't changed. what these folks stand for, you know, we still need to educate the american people is why i made a film that went to the supreme court called "hilary
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clinton". >> it's clear there is bad blood between you and hilary. when you read the papers, it seems to suggest she was very concerned shs s concerned, she believed very much there was a right-wing conspiracy. those weren't just words, she believed that because she believed how people would put out information to this internet thing and the internet would legitimate stories by sending it out to other publications like the washington times and sited "the new york post" and that would somehow legitize the stories she thinks shouldn't have been legitized. >> i believe she used this as a propaganda technique to gain sympathy, however, what her problem was was the jeff girth with the new york times and chris and jackie jude, lisa myers at abc and nbc, those were the members of the vast right-wing conspiracy, true investigative journalist, the
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men and women who were true investigative journalist back in the '90s, i wish we had them back today to invest in the investigations. they stood tall and won awards for their investigative journalism. >> your point -- part of the vast right wing conspiracy, the sexual acquisitions against president clinton made by flowers and -- >> sure. >> that wasn't all made up. >> l.d. brown and other arkansas state troopers, they have a problem because it's always with reliable sources. it was the police officers, the men and women of the secret service. >> and whenever you run for president, there is a bunch of people that want to tear you down and media circles, that circle around you or against you. listen, were you interested to see how much they disliked don
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imas? >> look, they disliked a lot of people who had microphones. and this internet thing, which clearly, 20 years later is a big problem for a hillary clinton because they didn't have to deal with social media. long before the drudge report existed and long before facebook. >> so mean, in fact, i'm wondering whether it's tongue and cheek and they loved him secretly. we'll see whether that is true tomorrow. great to see you, david. >> thank you so much. just ahead, we'll tell you why nbc was forced to deny hiring a shrink to diagnose one of its lead news anchors. is this what we're doing now? plus, tonight on hannity. >> i can be on the show because i can fill jace's role. >> you on the show? no? [ laughter ] >> you don't have a beard. >> i got to wear a fake one. wait a minute, doesn't one not have a beard.
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now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. the washington post got a lot of attention today that their report hired a psychological consultant. psychological consultant, a person who reportedly interviewed david gregory's friends and family, including his wife to gain more insight into his personality. since that report, there has been some added color including a denial, although "tthe
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washington posts inserts sights. >> you got to be back in the day "meet the press" spent 15 years at number one, david gregory has been the host of the show for six years and the show is now in third place and dropping. bob sheafer and cbs "face the nation" isn first place. "the washington post" reported when nbc hired that psychological consultant, the consultant spoke to gregory's wife to learn what makes him tick. the reporter that wrote the article said he checked with nbc twice yesterday about the term psychological consultant and the network had no objection. when we contacted nbc today they did have an objection saying last year meet the press brought in a brand consultant, not as reported a psychological one to better understand how its anchor connects. this is certainly not unusual for any television program,
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especially one driven so heavily by one person. nbc executives said last month they are committed to improving the show with david gregory as the host. gregory signed a brand-new contract last year and in case you're wondering, bob sheafer is 77 years old and he's been eyeing retirement. he's been eyeing retirement for the past 1 two years but that could shake things up as well. >> do you think there are consultant teams, psychologists analyzing us now? >> they will send a pediatrist to your house to ask your husband why you need 92 pairs of shoes -- >> because i do. some of these shoes i wear to the office and the studio and back up to the office and never get worn again. i can't pull it off in my real life. good too see you. i bet there are analysts
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analyzing us but they were. hi -- weren't hired. they are saying it is all her mother's fault. this is for boston, for the united states and for the world. we are resilient. we never gave up.
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triumph for america, one year after the boston marathon attack for the first time since 198 3, an american won the
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boston marathon's men's race. meb keflezigni had the names of all those whoededededededededed. thanks, i'm megyn kelly see you tomorrow night at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." tonight, a jammed-packed edition of the show. america, are you ready. tonight, ranch rhetoric heats up. comparing cliven bundy to oklahoma city bomber timothy mcveigh and the leader of the u.s. senate says this. >> nothing more than domestic terrorists. >> and tonight, mr. bundy is here to respond and as president obama prepares to grant clemency to thousands of drug offenders, part one of the hannity investigation inside a stoned


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