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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 22, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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college as a referendum on their worth of human being. i think the most important thing for parents to give children the room to be themselves. if you make grades the point, then learning suffers. i think the best thing parents can do is provide their children a happy household. that's great advice. i already bought the book. how about you? go to let me know. see you tomorrow. welcome to hannity. we have a jam-packed edition of the show. american, are you ready? time to roll. >> something about this bundy fellow is blinding hannity to all of the things that would normally drive hannity mad with rage. >> tonight on hannity, i respond directly to the late night jon stewart and his deceptive coverage of the bundy stand-off. >> it causes new brain cells to grow. >> part two, shattering the myth.
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>> too many plastic bags. there's all this acid getting poured on people's faces. >> ainsley earhardt. dana perino, bob beckle, and much more starts right here, right now. >> welcome to hannity, last night i had a message for left wing liberals over at nbc news, tonight i'm taking on the ever so funny jon stewart of the daily show. the comedy central host tried to make me to task over the bundy family stand-off with the feds. >> the law isn't on bundy side, even the nevada constitution isn't on bundy side, who the hell is on this guy's side? >> have you thought about whey you think your case has resonated so much with the american people? >> hannity. i still don't get it. >> it's not like they want to build a school or a road or a
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hospital, that land is going to stay vacant whether or not your cattle are on it or not. >> most goods are cheaper when you steal the raw materials to make them. in fact, have you seen the prices that at fell off a truck mart? so apparently sean hannity is laws are served face time. you can pick and choose the ones you like best. if you want to challenge the amount of land that the federal government owns in nevada, make your case to the voters. fine. hannity, it doesn't make you a patriot. >> stealing government grass. then he went into his tape arsenal. remember, he was begging me to stay in new york. he took clips of me from previous shows dating more than eight years to try and discredit what i was saying and i was
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being hypocritical when it comes to following the rule of law. his army of writers, they want to spin the story, they want to joke and laugh any way they can. they are kind of the chief apology gists -- apoll -- for the obama administration. i'm going to do what stewart and his writers clearly are incapable to do that is telling the real story about the bundy family stand-off with the federal government. you didn't see this last night on the daily show. it wasn't there. there's not to be proportiona
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proportionatlity. >> i think this has gotten way out of control. guys, thank you, stay safe. >> the lack of proportionality here by the government and snipers and surrounding ranch and taking the cattle, none of it made any sense. i think there's a more peaceful way. let the government go to court. get an injunction. how do we get to the point where the government sends hundreds of people there, there seems to be a total lack of proportionality in this. what we're talking about here is cowing eating free government grass. can i make my position any more clear for mr. stewart? i stand for proportionality. what you don't stand for is 200 armed agents and snipers pointing guns at their family. i do not support blm pushing and shoving women. i am shocked that jon stewart
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claims that he was such a devout law and order type of guy, that he's okay with this. the question is what is his position? does he disagree with me? does he stand with harry reid, for example? >> these people who hold themselves out to be patriots, they are not. they are nothing more than domestic terrorists. >> domestic terrorists? really, their cows were eating government grass. maybe that's john's position or maybe he agrees with donna brazil. >> remember, this is the 19th anniversary of the oklahoma bombing, so this notion that mr. bundy has no other recourse but violence -- anti government violence is absolutely wrong. he's been waging this battle for two decades. he's lost. everybody else is paying their grazing fees. he should pay his fees as well. >> what are you reluctant to compare bundy to timothy mcveigh? >> are we going to do this every time someone owes the government
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money? we're going to send 200 snipers? there are real domestic terrorist, tim mcveigh is one, and we saw what they looked like in boston one year ago. cliven bundy is not a domestic terrorist. did jon stewart ask president obama about his friendship? you know the more i think about it, i guess i can't expect a comedic hack and his army of writers, i can't take them too seriously. here's a prime example. you may remember that jon stewart had a rally to restore sanity that was back in 2010. he held it on the national mall, he invited all his friends to attend. including this singer, cat stephens. remember cat stephens? he's changed his name to yusef
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isl islam. the same one who endorsed a fatwa, that is to kill. tucker carlson from the national review. kevin williamson. jon is a comedian, i understand that. here is my take on this, because people clearly don't want my position to be really known in this sense. yeah, i think it's gone on 21 years. the guy didn't pay his grazing fees. do you send 200 agents if you owe the federal government
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money? do you send snipers when you owe the federal government money? is that now the new role of the government for people they disagree with or have a conflict with? >> let me understand, i understand the political. i'm embarrassed for the country and myself that we have to sit here and talk about jon stewart. this is what we do now apparently. there are a lot of cities that send out s.w.a.t. teams to collect things like overdue child support payments and to arrest people for bounced checks. actual s.w.a.t. teams. we're a little out of control on the police front. what's really disgusting about this discussion is stewart points out he's breaking the law. of course, he's breaking the law. this is an act of civil disobedience. the people at the boston tea party were breaking the law. challenging government monopoly
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on salt. yeah, he's breaking the law. that doesn't answer the question about the deeper issue here. the argument is really on bundy's side here, the law notwithstanding. >> how do you get to a million dollars they owe in grazing fees? probably it's 200 grand or 250 grand, then there's fines and penalties. a million dollars to eat grass? >> i know someone had a fine related to parking tickets and traffic tickets. it was something on the order of $97,000 i want to say. they will put on interest, they will put on fines and additional fees and things. stuff will stack up pretty quickly. i wouldn't be surprised by the time it's done, he will owe $10 million. >> in the beginning, i thought you and i were on different sides of this. i didn't think we really disagreed as much as i thought. what is your reaction to this? because, you know, i think the usual process would be if you lose a court case, they put a lien on your property, a lien on the cows, they don't kill your
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cows, confiscate your cows, taser people that are peacefully protesting as they did and surround their property with snipers. >> right. exactly. i don't think cliven bundy has to be a hero and i don't think he is in order for a government to be completely out of line and overreaching when it says as you pointed out 200 armed people to his ranch. so he's kind of incidental in all of this. the real question is who poses a bigger threat to the republic, to civil order, cliven bundy the guy who didn't pay his grazing fees or the federal government? >> why are liberal -- >> it's the armed agents who are scarier so how could you look at this and say cliven bundy is the one who threatens america, this is a weird reaction. >> on 2007, 2008, i wanted somebody to ask the bill ayers question. the only person who did was
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jonch stephanopoulos. why are liberals so obsessed with going after cliven bundy? when did they become the big supporters of rule of law here? >> it's not a matter of supporting the rule of law. it's supporting force, you know, colle collectivism by force. this is almost like a rorschach blot. holy smokes, what are all these armed guys and dogs doing against this elderly man? others look at, good, people are not compliant. it divides people by temperament. >> and this could have ended really badly. it seemed to me, kevin, that this was headed for a collision course. and i'm glad the bureau ofland management finally backed out,
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but harry reid is now saying something is going to happen. >> i happen to be a newspaper reporter at waco when that mess happened there. you see how thee things can go wrong in a hurry. in terms of this issue of domestic terrorism. >> how can you be a terrorist in a situation where no one has been hurt? this guy is basically a jaywalker. >> how do you get to a million dollars in grazing fees? this all started supposedly over the desert ttoise. >> a startling new study tonight links marijuana smoking to brain abnormalities. >> in honor of jon stewart, here's a little tribute featuring the song. ♪ reviews you can trust.
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>> welcome back to be hannity, startling new report that was just released that should everyone thi welcome back to "hannity." a startling new report was just released. researchers at northwestern university have discovered those who use marijuana once or twice a week have brain abnormalities. let's take a look. >> i'm not a scientist. i don't know and i didn't read the study. i think it is possible. anything you put in your body that's foreign like that can be a problem. it's america. people are going to do what they want. it's free will to a certain extent. i don't think marijuana is
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anymore dangerous than alcohol. >> i saw that and i think it's similar to alcohol. we're not allowed to drink until we're 21. we're not allowed to smoke until we're 21. if you wait, i don't see the problem. >> i would agree with teenagers, definitely. >> that science is false. it was a skewed study to begin with. i looked into that study. it's not true. it causes new brain cells to grow as opposed to what your study suggests. >> i wouldn't be surprised. there's a lot of developmental changes that happen through adolescence and puberty. as you age, so does your brain. >> all right. here with reaction, the cohost of the five, bob beckel.
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does it cause brain cells to grow? >> it causes brain cells to die. that's why it's called dope. it's a gateway drug. >> cocaine, pills. >> across the board. you're talking about unfortunately the destruction of the fabric of a country. if we get that dependent on this, we're going to end up? a lot of trouble. these kids don't realize they're co compulsive. they have a disease. they are desperate for anxiety relief. they're not getting it. there's a whole effect of emf on the brain. the electronic devices that we're using. everybody is grabbing marijuana as the anxiety solution. prayer, diet, conventional medicines -- >> worked.
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bob, you have lived 15 lives in one. >> yes, i have. >> you talk often about your addictions. do you agree with what he's saying? >> were you producers all stoned when they did those? >> the cameras were shaky. >> i used a lot of cocaine, but i started off with marijuana. people are using it. the thing is that the intensity of marijuana today, the level of thc in it is so much stronger, they breed it five, 15 times more powerful than when i used it. it is a very dangerous drug. >> at the core of marijuana means people are anxious. >> is it they're anxious or they just want to have a good time
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and they get wrapped into the culture? >> they have a reward deficiency in life. meaning they're not getting satisfaction from work, family, prayer, nutrition, exercise, diet, wellness. we're not catching the 20 year olds when their brains are supposed to be getting finished off to be major contributors to society. the complete insulation is done. they are diseased. >> do you agree? >> using marijuana gives you relief from life. >> an escape? >> yeah, an escape. as you grow older, there are other things around you that can do that. i think prescription drugs are terribly dangerous. xanax. it's contributing more to addiction in this country than anything else. to suggest you do marijuana and you just stop, in my experience,
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is not true. coming up next, my interview with mark stein in studio. we expose the truth about global warmer. that's coming up next. later tonight, the panel is here to help you celebrate earth day in a way you'll only see here tonight on "hannity." higher mortgage rates... ...and not getting the home you really want. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report, at america's number one provider of online credit reports and scores. don't take chances. go to
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only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. welcome back to hannity. today is earth day and as we all know too well ♪ welcome back to "hannity." today is earth day. many liberals love to pretend like they're saving the planet with their job killing policies. i addressed the real politics that's driving these issues with author mark steyn. how are you? >> good to see you. >> a lot of people don't want trees cut down. they don't want drilling and fracking. what are the real politics
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behind this? >> i think the real politics is you've got yours -- i think it's a very elite thing. it's anti-consumerist. if you live in a nice neighborhood, it's nice to pull the drawbridge up and say in the interest of the environment, we're not having anymore development. there's been no global warming now for 17 years and none of the climate models predicted that. they all told us -- the most famous one showed the lastñr millennium as the shaft of a hockey stick. you're thinking, oh, my god, the planet is going to burn. in fact, what happened? they have no explanation of where the global warming -- they
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say it might be hidden in the oceans. they don't know where it is. >> how much of this do you think is rooted in anti-capitalism? we're raping the planet. >> it's an appeal to rich people. the prince of wales, he's more accurate than al gore. he said the world will end in six years and seven months or something. he said the problem is all this -- when he lives in a palace, that's fine. if everybody wants to live in a nice three bedroom house on a three acre lot, the planet will go to hell. it appeals to princes and hollywood. it's an elite concern. >> a couple years back, we caught al gore getting off a private jet. the only people on that plane were al gore and his wife.
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we have the videotape we're running right now. off he gets of the plane and into a chauffeur driven limousi limousine. >> it's the equivalent of medieval indulgence. barba barbara streisand chewed over climate change with the president. it's fine if she does it. the rest of us are supposed to be beating our clothes with with the native women on the rocks down the river. >> we couldn't be driving suvs. >> there's a nonsense about this. the obama administration now wants to regulate bovine flatulence because they claim
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that's destroying the planet. it's the biggest excuse for big government ever. hitler and stalin must be sitting around and saying, it's for the future of our children, if only we thought of that. if you went to an 11th century peasant and said, i come from the king. you have to pay a bovine flatulence tax. they would know it's nonsense. we take it seriously. >> we do and we don't. this becomes a political agenda. the republicans, their plan is for dirty air, dirty water. i've got kids. i may shock liberals, but i want clean air and water and i think we can frak and drill and mine for coal and still be good stewards of the planet. >> exactly. a lot of this stuff is the --
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the new ecofriendly things are just as devastating to the planet. the new ethanol is causing as much environmental damage. the wind turbines are causing as much environmental damage. they do terrible things. the sort of condor problem in california. in scotland, they have gathered to watch an appearance of a rare bird. they fly straight into the wind turbine and that's it. these things are just like crony capitalism. the fellow that's bank rolling the anti-keystone thing out in
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california. it's crony capitalism costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for every fictional -- >> because we don't drill and hydrofrak on public lands -- we're doing it on private lands. we're causing americans not to have jobs, work, profitability, a hand up, a handout, and a trajectory towards success. it's sad. the saudis don't care about the environment. we have to run, mark. good to see you. great to have you in new york. >> appreciate it. coming up, we take a trip down memory lane. we dig up some of the worst earth day predictions of all time. liberals, get ready to eat your words. later tonight -- >> we hear about terrorism and
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national security. where does global warming fall? >> there's lots of terrible things going on everywhere. >> we're going to find out what self-proclaimed environmentalists know about the left wing policies they support. set your dvr. we don't want you to ever miss an episode of the "hannity" series. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know bad news doesn't always travel fast?
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to 30 years unless immediate actions are taken. false. the source there, a harvard biologist. as we move on, prediction number two. we've got population will inevitably and completely outstrip small increases in food supplies we make and the death rate will increase until 200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years. false. this one. in a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution. it will reduced the amount of sunlight researching the earth by one-half, life magazine. false. ding. air pollution is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of
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lives in the next few years alone. false. and our final one we have tonight, by the year 2000, if present trends continue, we'll be using crude oil at such a rate there won't be anymore crude oil. you'll drive it up to the pump and they'll say, there isn't in. false. sorry. not happening. not true. there you have it. earth day, they also said back in the 1970s the next ice age is co coming. >> i'm so excited. >> are we going to do our dog thing? >> no, you already won the dog thing. >> there wasn't a poll. >> your staff took a poll and gracie wins. >> oh, boy. i love your dog jasper, though. i lost the poll against my
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assistant bailey on that one. i don't always win. you see these quotes and predictions, and then i hear the predictions about global warming today, they're not true either, but a lot of people believe them. what do we do? >> hiyperbole doesn't always work. there's no question that our air is cleaner, our water is cleaner. we take care of our wetlands, our oceans, our beaches. there's been some benefit to the alarmism that happened early on, but now we know so much more and we cooperate so much better that america has a lot to be proud of. >> civilization hasn't gone away. people are not starving to death. there's always people that are poor. we've had those problems throughout many centuries of
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mankind on this earth. we're not wearing gas masks. pollution is not killing people. we still have more oil and energy than we ever dreamed we'd have, especially with new technology, hydrofracking, horizontal drilling. they're so wrong. are they as wrong today about what they're saying about global warming? >> there have been nay sayers and people predicting catastrophes for centuries. he didn't realize the industrial revolution would bring in more efficient farming. people thrived. one of the things nay sayers don't understand is technological developments in come. next year, we'll be the number one producer of natural gas in the world.
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>> there are only a smidgen of resources. >> all of upstate new york, you can't drill anywhere. a lot of times the developments come in -- >> first it was the next ice age is coming. now it's quote climate change. anything that happens is our fault. there's an anti-capitalist agenda behind all of this. >> the industrial revolution is made possible because the market was allowed to work at the time. sulfur dioxide almost eliminated because of the cap and trade system. there was technology available to be able to strip out the socks from the pollutants.
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>> and the government wantstax . >> exactly. it's not so much solutions they seem to want. it's control. they want to tell us what to do. eps said a few weeks ago, no more wood burning stoves. all of a sudden they're a dire threat to american society. >> a renewable resource. >> even that's too much for the epa. >> is it going to be great? >> i'm really excited. >> are you going to have a one more thing? you have to come with a good one. >> it better be great. i have until thursday. >> pressure is on. >> pressure is on. the number one show i can't tank in. it's only one day, so you're safe all the other days. >> we might have you back. it's a really tough show, though. >> oh, boy.
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coming up next, tonight on "hannity" -- >> all of a sudden in the past 20 years, it was skyrocketing change. >> we'll show you more of ainsley's earth day celebration. another shocking eminent domain story. the couple who fought the government for their own private land, they lost. we'll tell you about it because of quote, open space, they lost. [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good.
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♪ welcome back to hannity. so a group of new yorkers gathered earlier today to celebrate earth day in welcome back to "hannity." a group of new yorkers gathered earlier today to celebrate earth day in union square in new york. the question is, do they really know what they're celebrating? we sent ainsley earhardt to find out. take a look. >> global warmer, what are your opinions? >> we're very concerned. >> you think it does exist? >> yes, definitely exists. >> you laughed at me for even asking that question. >> i'm not really a scientist. i don't know if global warming is really. >> the republicans, why can't
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they understand it and see it? >> i know this is fox news. >> that is my question -- >> the oil and the gas companies and the coke brothers. >> it's so evident with the ice melting and the poor polar bears. >> the graph showed the climate of the world over the course of the whole existence of the world. i don't know how many years it's been, but it's a long time. >> why don't they go up to the north pole and look and see the water. it's all just water and no more ice. >> it was little changes like this. in the past 20 years, it was just like skyrocketing change. >> it's not comfortable. you don't know how to leave the house anymore. >> there's too many plastic bags and there's all this acid getting poured on peoples' faces. >> we hear about terrorism and national security. where does global warming fall?
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>> there's terrible things happening everywhere. this is one of the more terrible things. >> where's the proof there is global warming? >> there is no proof. if you listen to most academics worldwide, they will tell you global warming has been caused by human activity. >> why do you believe it in if you don't believe there's no proof? >> because i'm 27 and i'm used to seasons being exactly as they should be. >> what is the proof? >> i sure hope my apartment doesn't go underwater very soon. >> what's your message for sean hannity? >> think about your children. think about the future generations that don't deserve to live in a wasteland. >> they don't deserve bad. they deserve to live in a country that is free with due
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process. >> they were so nice and willing to talk to us. it was nice to hear their side of the story and their opinions. >> go back to the 27-year-old guy. what proof do you have? none. why do you believe it? >> this graph that just came out this week. forbes magazine is releasing this graph that says there's no global warming. >> we just went over this with mark steyn. we've been in a cooling period. >> what about this winter with the storms we've had? it's about climate change. i said prove it to me. it didn't work. they wanted me to give you this t-shirt. >> by the way, i think my 12-year-old daughter could fit in this. you could fit in that.
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whoa, whoa! give me that back. it smells like pot. >> i don't want it. >> geez. >> i was asking them what was the biggest issue to face america? is it our economy, is it obamacare? is it national security? it was global warming. >> i loved the predictions we aired earlier. the guys in the 1970s, they were wrong. we'll see you tomorrow morning 5:00 a.m. coming up, another shocking eminent domain story. we'll tell you about government's abuse of actions. they're not limited to the bundy ranch in nevada. it could happen to you. straight ahead.
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government overreach is not restricted to just impounding cattle in nevada. the county asked to buy their 100-year-old cabin and land. they didn't want to part with it. the government condemned the property. they filed for eminent domain. the government decided they wanted to property, which is surrounded by national forest, when the couple were to access their property with a utility vehicle. the landowners finally agreed to sell. welcome to the program. >> hi. >> thank you. >> let me just get this right. how long have you guys owned the property? >> we bought in december of 2011. >> right. do you mind me asked how much you paid for it?
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>> we paid 550,000. >> 5$550,000. you love your property, right? >> absolutely. we don't want to sell. we didn't want to sell. >> they came to you and they said they're going to go after it with eminent domain. what is the purpose? do they want to build a school, a road, a hospital? i assume there's nothing there. >> there is nothing there. i understand the purpose of eminent domain. this is a case where i believe they have abused their power of eminent domain. they're saying they want it for open space. >> open -- whoa! open space for what? the whole thing is open space. >> we're surrounded by 2.2 million acres of open space. >> the fact that you actually were going to access your
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property, which you legally own -- they took it for open space. you agreed to sell this. i saw in one of the newspapers that you sold it for $115,000? >> that's right. they originally off30,000. we were able to get 115,000. but we had almost $80,000 in legal bills. >> but you paid $550,000 for the whole thing, right? >> we get to keep part of it, but the ten acre parcel they're taking, we finally felt -- when their price came up to enough to cover our attorney fees, we had to take it. we have two kids in college. we couldn't keep fighting. the mediator told us you'll never win. >> how many other acres do you have? >> two. >> so do you get to build on that land? do you get to move your cabin to
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that land? >> no, we have an old cabin that's on that land that we have already rehabbed. >> i would keep fighting, but i guess you guys made the deal. that's an abuse of government. do you feel that's an abuse? >> it's definitely an abuse of government. one of the councilman is up for reelection in november. dan gibbs. we are focusing on having him not be reelected and getting someone in there who can really stand up for peoples' rights and what's right. and we're also working with a committee man in colorado springs because since this has come up, they have introduced some legislation that will prohibit eminent domain for open space. >> that's pretty outrageous. sorry you lost your property. it's expensive to fight city hall and the government. sorry to hear that.
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i hope people are watching. thank you for joining us and telling your story. >> thank you. >> that's all the time we have left this evening. before we go, we hope you set your dvr. start your day with fox and friends first. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. he is not getting a single penny. now the government is using his story as precedent for more land grabs. but, don't mess with texas. these ranchers are ready to fight. also a college professor going way too far. >> there are a lot of people out there that do not want black people to vote. >> getting caught on tape. >> it's absolutely possible that the republican also take over the senate. >> attacking conservatives. >> we live in a very different kind of country. colleges will start closing. >> a


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