tv The Kelly File FOX News April 24, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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thanks for watching tonight. ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york and tonight. we got the news conference from the rancher in nevada and have you seen the latest attack on the bundy ranch? why is he so focused on this? we'll investigate. our veterans are literally dying because administration at a va hospital kept a deadly secret until now. why are atheist demanding that the army walk away from a national prayer event. they think they know and they are live for a big night in the
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kelly file. breaking tonight, we just received video from a press conference in a new fire storm involving cliven bundy. welcome to the kelly file, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. few did much with the story with this nevada rancher and the fight with the burro of land management until he was quoted making remarks that are clearly racist including quote, i want to tell you one more thing i know about the negro, when i go to north las vegas and see the government houses, there was always at least a half dozen people sitting on the porch. they didn't have nothing to do and because they were basically on government subsidy he says, so now what do they do? he goes on to say they abort their young children, they put their young men in jail because they never learned how to pick cotton and i often wondered where they better off as slaves picking cotton than having a family life and doing things or better under a government
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subsidy. no, they didn't get more freedom, they got less freedom. with that, supporters and critics alike rushed to condemn mr. bundy and his comments. in a news conference late today, cliven bundy doubled down, watch. >> i was wondering, cliven bundy is a wondering about these people. now i'm talking about the black community. i'm wondering are they better off with their young women aborting their children? are they better off with their young men in prison? and are they better off with the older people on the sidewalks in front of her government-issued homes with a few children on them, are they better off? are they happier than they was when they were in the south with their homes and chickens and gardens and children around them and their men having something
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to do? are they better off? i'm a wondering. that's a question i put before the world. are they better? are they better then? i'm not saying i thought they should be slaves. i never said they were better off. i'm a wondering if they are better off. >> "the kelly file" dug into this a few times reporting how mr. bundy has no legal leg to stand off. the feds showed up on his property and this ugly confrontation was documented on wednesday, april 9th. mr. bundy's son was tasered before it was done. dogs were parking and reportedly biting some of the protesters. within days, hundreds flocked to the scene to support the bundys, many viewed this not as a battle over cattle or grazing fees but a fight against a growing government, which created a first amendment zone in the middle of the range further outraging many who were watching
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this debate. an armed showdown was threatened before cooler heads prevailed and the feds eventually left despite having the law on their side. mr. bundy's confiscated scat l were released back to him. then, after it was over harry reid decided to jump in on this vowing that the fight was not over and labeling mr. bundy supporters as domestic terrorists. >> they hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they are nothing more than domestic terrorists, and i think that we are a country that people should follow the law, and what went up in mesquite is not very good. i repeat what went on up there is domestic terrorism. >> joining me is dana lash, hosts the dana show on the blaze television network. dana, good to see you. tonight, harry reid comes out and says today mr. bundy revealed himself to be a hateful racist and talked about how to
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advance his extreme hateful views, he's endangered the lives of innocent women and children. he says national republican leaders could help show a united front against this, this is not the statement, this is not the one i'm reading. he goes on to say national republican leaders can help show a united front against this hateful and dangerous extremism but publicly condemning bundy. i want to get your take, first of all, on cliven bundy and his statements today. >> megyn, i have no idea why this man is still even giving press conferences. i mean, the situation was thought to have been over. it was a remark. there is no way to have this make sense. harry reid's response, it strikes me as he doesn't like the fact someone else said something he said previously. he's made similar remarks about the president and had to apologize for it. >> let me stop you there because i don't want the viewers to walk
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away with the wrong impression. what he said about barack obama is he said he'll be a successful politician because he's light skinned african american with no negro dialect and apologized for that and that apology was accepted. it was not the same as what cliven bundy said. >> cliven bundy's remarks, i don't know how he got on that line of thinking but megyn, as i said to you before and as you said on your show and you're one of the few to get this right, this is more than cliven bundy. it's never been about one rancher in nevada. it's about the burro of land management, their repeated abuse of authority and persecuting individuals. cliven bundy had the weakest claim of everyone. you had ranchers in north texas that are fighting with burro of land management. what cliven bundy has done with this remark, people are taking this and saying you can't disagree with the burro of land management because he said this
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remark. so now now one -- >> talk about tommy henderson. when i read harry reid's comment because he chose to wait until it was over before he piled on and called supporters domestic terrorists, many of them were kids and wives upset because this first amendment zone was created on their range and many had guns and were threatened federal agents. now in the wake of the remarks, he seems to try to be painting the entire event as about racism and hate and sort of trying to dismiss what we've been watching over the past couple of weeks as about racism and hate. your thoughts? >> that's harry reid's mo. you know, he's done the exact same thing the last time he tried this, it was with the coke brothers. he was worried about a wave of attack adds affecting purple state democrats so he goes on the senate floor and attacks the
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coke brothers. he did this before with grass roots individuals and called them lawless fanatics andtheyrw >> i'm going to give you the floor. today a couple things happened to harry reid. first of all, there was a headline that showed that he is now sort of the first target for republicans. we can put it on the board from the washington times. fire harry reid becomes gop rallying cry heading into the 2014 elections and a well-respected site on both sides of the isle comes out with a five-page piece on harry reid, and his questionable ethical past, his questionable past when it comes to ethics and it's the first of two parts talking about problems that he's had and a pattern, and you can see it there. this is kind of a pattern, one of their witnesses talked about,
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how he'll do something, and it's not like somebody made a mistake and can learn from it. does he have something to distract from? >> absolutely, megyn. i think he does. it's getting to the point where he can't hide it. how does someone become one of the wealthiest members of the senate on a public servant's salary. harry reid made questionable investment decisions. there is the 2005 six-figure investment into the energy sector fund and sold shares and just a couple years later ended up supporting regulations that leveed excessive fees and taxes on oil and energy companies that plummeted shares. >> couple months later. >> couple months later, excuse me. so this is -- there are a number of examples and this is a real clear politics story highlights this. there are a number of examples where he acted and used authority as the senate majority leader and act in ways that seems to have benefitted his
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personal investments. i can imagine he's eager for a distraction, something like to get attention what he's doing in the senate to affect his bottom line. >> interesting. cliven bundy is a rancher and found himself at the center of the national story. harry reid is the senate majority leader and the most powerful senator in the united states and come under fire of his own today, but he seems much more focused on this rancher than on defending the claims against him. dana, thank you. >> thank you, megyn. one of hollywood's top actors and the best-known businessmen got in an argument so fierce it's gotten national coverage. how they took the gloves off over president obama and plus, why is america's most powerful atheist group demanding the u.s. army walk away from an event for the national day of prayer. they are here. >> plus a whistle blower says the veterans are literally dying because administrators at a va
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hospital have kept a deadly secret until now. that whistle blower goes on the record with us right after this break. >> it's unforgivable and it's unforgettable. unforgivable for the va to ever decline someone and throw them to the curb like i could have got better care if i took him to got better care if i took him to a veterinary hospital get all your favorites all day, everyday.
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developing tonight, u.s. senators are demanding a congressional investigation into stunning claims that a phoenix va is covering up some ugly details in dozens of veterans deaths. and the shocking allegations don't end there. trace gallagher has the latest and then we'll speak to the former va hospital doctor who is blowing the whistle in this case, trace? >> we have the letter tonight from arizona's two u.s. senators demanding the senate investigate this and here is what john mccain said. play this. >> never before have i seen an allegation of the coverup of 40 people dying. this raises it to a level that is unprecedented, and that's why we have to use every instrument of government to get to the bottom of this and if it's true, hold those accountable. >> the alleged coverup mccain refers to is at the phoenix va
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hospital keeping two lists for ancien ancien patients, an official list sent to washington and seen in the 13 to 40 daytime period and a secret list where patients could wait a year or more to see their primary care physician. the only way to get off the secret list and an to the official list is if your appoint came up in that 30-day window. 71-year-old thomas came in with blood in his urine and sent home. he died two months later and never seen by a doctor. he was never diagnosed and never treated. here is his daughter-in-law. listen. >> because he said i'm dying, and it's too late. the va didn't help me. and i cried and i said please, pop, you have to fight. we can do this. we'll do it together. >> documents indicate high level employees may have known about the list. the phoenix va medical direct tomorrow sharon held man knows about it. >> i have never directed staff
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to do a secret waiting list. >> yet, helman responded to a chain where an employee complained about a later that bragged about timely patient care. the employee says i think it's unfair to call this success. when the appointment is created, it can be 14 days out but they are waiting six to 20 weeks to create the appointment. the inspector general is investigating and the attorney general. the heat on this matter is rising further, megyn. >> unbelievable, trace, thank you. the next guest is the whistle blower behind the allegations. dr. sam foot is a retired va doctor who recently retired after spending 24 years in the phoenix federal affairs veterans system. i want to tell the viewers your allegations are backed up reportedly but other top officials at the veteran's hospital. you're not the on one now. you're the most vocal and bravest apparently because you went on the record first.
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but you say, literally, that veterans are dying and have died as a result of this shotty system at the phoenix va where they are literally just ignoring veterans until they die. explain. >> well, megyn, what happened was in february of 2013, they started a secret waiting list, it was a paper list. so when you would come in for an appointment. they would tap your information into the computer and rather than hit save, they would print it and there was actually no record you had been there in the computer. they would take that piece of paper up to has, up to the administration services and then they would enter that on a secret paper list at that time and shred the other document. >> and they never put you in the official computer and made a formal record until they actually could get you in within two weeks and that's how they doctored their numbers and sent them back to washington, correct? >> that's essentially correct, yes. >> so why would this administrator ms. helman and
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those underneath her do this? >> well, we felt it was part of the scheme to try to get ourself a bonus by having the waiting times look better than they were and we're still waiting confirmation to find out if she really did get a bonus on that. >> this is beyond trying to get a bonus. you are causing the death effectively of our veterans. i mean, she would have to be evil. i mean, this isn't just about bonuses. this is somebody that's an evil person if this is true. >> we don't actually know what the people on the list died of because we never got a chance to see them or examine them. >> right, but when you put them in purge tory forever, you know what will happen. >> that would be long. five to seven months would be accurate. we don't know what they died of. they could have been hit by a bus or from a preventable heart
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attack. we don't know because we never got the chance to see them. >> now she comes out and weekly, i have to say weekly denies the charges and says if -- hold on. i want to find them because it was interesting how she put it. basically says, i have never directed staff to do the secret waiting list and if the inspector general finds anything, then we'll take appropriate and swept action. i mean, is this person, sharon helman who directs the phoenix va at the heart of all this, doctor? >> the senior management that includes the direct tomorrow associate director, assistant direct director, chief of nursing and chief of staff have knowledge of this as does the chief of health administration services. whose plan it was originally or how it was implemented, we don't know but they are fully aware of it and as the moment me states, that ms. helman knew that in advance of when mr. miller -- sorry, representative miller
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announced it in congress. >> you know thomas who trace reported on died on november 30th after having come in on an emergency basis. they didn't call his family until december 6th to come back, they said he's dead. it's too late. he died screaming and crying saying why won't anyone help me? don't let me die. these actions have real consequences and now you're being helpful in a criminal investigation. is that the case? >> yes, but the case, the e.r. care was excellent and the e.r. doctor went out of her way to take care of him and they gave him six consummits. the problem is the two he got that needed the most, the one to you a urology, those weren't answered. >> my mom worked at the va as a nurse for decades and most of the staff cares deeply about veterans. this is not happening at every
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va or up and down the latter but certainly a problem. doctor, thank you. new details about a big meeting between some of the biggest democratic donors, some of the most liberal politicians and what is being described as a plan to take america further left. plus, just weeks before it opens, the 9/11 museum is coming under fierce fire for how they described al qaeda and islam. we told you about that last night. the museum joins us to respond to the allegations against it, really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close.
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but hurry, sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ we are learning new details about a big meeting next week of the largest democratic donors in the country, and what one publication is calling a quote secret plan to take america
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further to the left. chris is our fox news digital politics editor. they report on how this will involve union big whigs in chicago, bill de blasio, the mayor of new york and including white house representatives like their political director getting together to decide whether we're going to go as far left as hillary clinton or super left over to elizabeth warren or mayor mayor de blasio land. >> what is secret is the fact democrats have as much as they would like to talk about the coke brothers, about charles and david coke and oh my goodness. they have a little coke envy. >> koch. >> of their own. somebody would make a foolish choice like mr. stier who by the way makes his money and rely --
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>> he's a big democratic donor that will be there and he has $100 million to give them. >> he will give them $100 million if they do what he wants them to do. what he wants them to do is block the keystone pipeline that takes oil from the pipeline to the refineries. global w his cause celeb but his cause celeb apparently also is having his business interest served by, i'm sure he believes that his business interests are good for the planet, too, but those two interests seem too collide for him. so what the democrats are trying to do here is say, we've got our kochs too and we'll spend a lot of money and not lose the senate. >> harry reid was calling the koch brothers unamerican trying to buy the country and they will get together with the left version of the koch brothers and have a big wine party featuring
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selections from wineries owned by democratic donors and a private curator tour and a performance from somebody at the "daily show" and on and on it goes. >> when you talked about the young billionaires visited the white house to be nuzzled by administration. >> rockefellers. >> exactly. >> it's cool if you're a democrat. it's okay if you're a democrat, and you're interest in wine and you're interest in art is okay and being a young billionaire is cool if you are promoting liberal causes and doing those things. you do it the other way, it's a sinister meeting. >> you're unamerican. you're unamerican. >> exactly. in this case it comes with baggage and this is not all wine and cheese parties. there is consequence and the consequence is they want their issues dealt with, unfortunately for the candidates may not be popular with voters. >> and keynoted by bill de blasio that took office with 70% of the vote and approval ratings
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are down to 30 here in new york. it's hard to go further left than old bill. good to see you, chris. >> you bet. >> see how the camera moved with me when we went left. that's how good kim is. well done. don't be shy. shout it out. >> great job. >> an epic showdown between actor george clooney and hotel steve win over president obama. we'll explain. a powerful atheist group demanding our nation not take part. >> lord thank you for blessing our military, please send my son throwing in the $1,000 fuel reward card is really what makes it like two deals in one. salesperson #2: actually, getting a great car with 42 highway miles per gallon makes it like two deals in one. salesperson #1: point is there's never been a better time to buy a jetta tdi clean diesel. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel
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our military. please send my son home safely from deployment. >> dear god, please keep our schools safe and free from attack and let us honor to you. >> well, one week from today americans across this country will take part in the national day of prayer. but one annual event on capitol hill closely associated with the christian organization has come under attack. an atheist group is demanding that no uniformed military personnel be allowed to take part in this event, claiming it violates defense department regulations. my next guests are both involved in this event and here to explain. dr. james dobson is founder and president of family talk, his wife shirley dobson is chair of the national day of prayer task force. welcome to you both. dr. dobson, let me start with
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you. this is mikey winestein, he says you can have your christian event on the national day of prayer but you can't have any military personnel in uniform participating because that would be endorsement by the government. what do you say? >> well, megyn, i don't know if you can call it a complaint or movement when there is one loud voice out there. mikey winestein and he's sort of a professional atheist and has an organization that pays him a very big salary to do this but the truth of the matter is national days of prayer are an american tradition in the history. there have been 44 presidents in the united states and 34 of them have called for national days of prayer including george washington and abraham lincoln
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and ronald reagan and all but ten in 200 years, and it is something that people appreciate. there were over 40,000 prayer gatherings for the national day of prayer last year, and it's going to be successful. >> yeah, this isn't something new. congress, congress -- >> an act of congress. >> created this, the national day of prayer and president trueman sanctioned it in 1952. shirley, his objections, mikey and his atheist group objections seems to focus on your event happens nationwide and different groups celebrate it but he thinks your event excludes non-christians and therefore you cannot have the participation of the military because that would in fact be like the government excludeing non-christians. >> megyn, to back up a little bit, the military sometime ago was giving out bibles to the
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soldiers, and now that they -- now mikey winestein does not want them to participate. we have men and women fighting for religious freedom and for freedoms to have a national day of prayer and block them from being able to participate is just unheard of. but this country was founded on the christian system of values and our national prayer day task force is an expression of that. we don't bar anyone from attending our event. we have rabbi that read scriptures and makes remarks on them. any faith is welcome to attend. but we are the judao christian expression of the national day of prayer. >> that's an important point. legally that is an important point because what he alleges is that you will bar any non-christians from participation and that you are
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forcing volunteers to provide on their applications their testimony of their personal relationship with jesus christ. is that true? >> that's really not true. the -- anybody is welcome to participate in the national day of prayers. they want to come, it's open to them, and it is not discriminatory in that regard. as a matter of fact, it's a fortunate thing that mikey has a habit of losing, and he just lost his complaint against the pentagon, even though he appealed to the secretary of defense and he got nowhere. he usually does get nowhere but he gets so much press. >> yeah. >> and there is so much talk in the media about him, it sounds like, you know, it's 100,000 people out there campaigning. >> sharery, you only have a few
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military participating. it's not like the whole military, there is a few wearing uniforms. has that been the case in the past national day of prayer. is this the first time you've done that? >> i'm going on my 23rd year and we had military presence at our events all those 23 years and actually, this is hosted by the congress. we have two congressmen that are sponsoring this event, and they are the ones that make the call to the military for the military honor guard for any participation. it comes from the congressmen's office, which is not any violation of the department of defense. >> they say in the military says they are not backing down, and this particular instance, the military told mikey he can pound sand. for lack of a better term. i got to run. >> i think the viewers out there ought to write the pentagon and commend them for holding the line here. >> sharery great to see you,
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doctor, you as well. >> thank you, megyn. we have new details on the what happened when one of hollywood's top actors and a businessman got in a fierce argument over president obama, an argument so dramatic, it's now getting national attention. grace gallagher has the story, of course, from our west coast newsroom because that's where we report on those things from. having dinner to promote their new tequila, apparently steve win thought he was drunk on tequila shots and sat down and started talking about the affordable care act and i spoke up. i think my discussion about the affordable care act is the straw that broke the camel's back. when he is drinking he considers himself a close personal buddy of the president. he got up and said i don't have to listen to this blank stuff. he said there were nine people at the table so you can ask them.
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steve likes to go on rants. he called the president a blank, that is a fact. i said the president was my long-time friend and he said you're friend is a blank. at that point i told steve that he was a blank and that i wasn't going to sit at his table while he was being such a jackass and i walked out. steve said quote, clooney is fun to be with if he's sober. if you have a chance to drink with him, you want to get there early and not stay late. there you have it, both sides. megy megyn. >> thank you, trace. the memorial of 9/11 is coming under fierce fire for how it is describing islam in a seven-minute video narrated by brian williams.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. a kelly file followup, the september 11th memorial museum is facing controversy. how terrorists are described in a video that's about seven minutes long. critics demand that the film be reedited now to protect the name of islam and distinguish the religion from extremism.
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joining me now from the 9/11 memorial museum is clifford shannon, vice president for education and public programs. clifford, thank you for being here. so we had a critic on last night that was part of this group that the museum helped create for feedback and, he walked out of the group, so outraged at the portrayal of al qaeda. he thinks it should be more clear al qaeda does not speak for islam and the critic on last night part of the group gave similar voice to that. they don't think you've made it clear enough that al qaeda does. your response? >> well, megyn, thank you very much for giving us the time to speak about this. we have actually worked with the inner faith group for seven of eight years. we had discussions about a range of issues. on 9/11 many things are quite explosive and this is something there are all kinds of
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sensitivities about. we put an exhaustive amount of work with a group of scholars going back and forth about the best and fairest way to portray the very complicated story of where al qaeda came from and what motivated them. we believe we came up with language that defines who al qaeda is and what their thinking was and this is the language we use in the film. >> one of the things they don't like is the use of the term islamist. they want it to be radical islamist or al qaeda inspired terrorism they want in place of jihad. your thoughts on that? >> we used the term islamist as it's used across the universities, among scholars and government officials. this is a standard term that describes people motivated by a believe all muslims should be ruled under their vision the that specifically applies to al qaeda as a very radical version and we have that very clearly in the film. >> what about jihad?
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we had reverend briar on the program and she said jihad is the struggle for self-improvement and to use it to describe what happened on 9/11 is an understanding it is only about holey war. >> there is of course, there are of course, i should say, multiple meanings to jihad and she's right about the one she uses. in the context of al qaeda and what happened on september 11th, there is a clear and specific highly politicized, extremely violent definition that guided the actions and thoughts of bin laden and his associates. this is the film's purpose to explore their actions and thoughts and this is indeed, why we use the term. >> they want you to change the film. at a minimum they want a disclaimer before you air it. are you going to do either? >> the film will be shown in the museum as we developed it. >> thank you for being here. all the best to you, sir. >> thank you. the senior editor of
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commentary magazine. you say in it you believe that this is really about a december sire to absolve islam with any connection to al qaeda. explain that. >> yeah, this whole controversy which harkens back to the one we had a few years ago about the plans, which never came to fruition to build a mosque in the shadow of the footprint of ground zero is altering the narrative of 9/11, not merely to on solve innocent muslim whose had nothing to do with it, but to edit islam out of the entire 9/11 narrative. to take the meaning of the event exchange it to the real meaning of 9/11 is that after a few extremists did something terrible, americans went on a wave of discrimination against american muslims --
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>> that is one of their contentions. let me tell the audience, one of the contentions is that if they don't alter this film, this seven-minute documentary film to point out more clearly that al qaeda is not the same as islam, there will be backlash, bigotry and perhaps violence against muslims. >> we've been hearing since 9/11, america is in the midst of a backlash. there is no study, no credible study that showed that there was any wave of discrimination or increased in religion based attacks against muslims. fbi statistics for every year since 2001 have shown that attacks against muslims deplorable as they are are quite few and are in fact a fraction of those against jews, which is
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the largest number of hate crimes in this country. it's a myth and reenforced by the main stream media that buys into the effort to change the narrative of 9/11 and so many americans want to go back to september 10th of 2001 when they don't have to think about the war on the west and the part of islamist militants and terrorism. they want to go back to that. but we can't. in doing so, not only doesn't help us understand 9/11, help us defend ourselves against an on going threat, you know, where we just commemorated the one-year anniversary of the boston marathon bombing, home grown islamist terrorism and doesn't help enter faith relations because good relations between different faiths can't be based on a lie. it doesn't help us strengthen moderate muslims by trying to pretend islam was not part of 9/11. >> as i pointed out earlier on
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o'reilly, the museum does, next to the film in the screening room point out what actual, you know, islam is about and they talk about how some muslims were also killed and victims of 9/11. this is not an attempted bash muslims and yet, they are still getting pressed. jonathan, good to see you. thanks for being hing on. >> thank you. when colorado legalized marijuana, critics warned there marijuana, critics warned there could be chico's effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. playground g playground pot business. i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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marijuana at their elementary school. wait until you hear where these colorado kids say they got it from. alicia live in denver with more on this story, hi. >> reporter: the school district in greeley, colorado doesn't plan to suspend these four kids, three boys and a girl, there will be serious discipline. this all happened over the course of a couple of days when school officials say on monday a student bought smokeable pot to the playground and sold it to three other kids. one of those customers, who remember is 10 years old, bought a marijuana laced candy bar to give to the kid who sold him the smokeable pot. where did they get it? from the adults wat home. >> it was the simple fact that
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we have adults that didn't secure the marijuana and that sure, is concerning because that would have never happened, had the marijuana been no so accessible for two ten-year-old boys. >> reporter: one of the kids ate some edible marijuana and had to be examined by a doctor. the child is fine. the classmate's parents however, very concerned. >> ten years old? that is really scary. that's really scary, and it upsets me immensely. >> never thought i would even have to talk to him about it now. >> reporter: the edibles market here in colorado is huge. 40% of sales of legal marijuana are of the pot infused candy, soda and baked goods. the principal sent a letter reminding them marijuana is potentially lethal saying in part, we urge all parents, grandparents and anyone who cares for children to treat marijuana as you would prescription drugs, alcohol or firearms. now megyn, when colorado legalized retail marijuana, it gave cities the option to opt out of pot shops which greeley, colorado did but all adults can still possess it. these kids got it from their grandparents. >> wow. thank you. >> sure. >> when i went to visit my nanna i got the andes mints in the green wrappers.
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10:00 pm
nana still has lots of candy to give us when we go to visit her at 98 years young. she listens, love you nan call you soon. see you tomorrow night at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." tonight i'll begin with an open commentary about remarks made by cliven bundy but that's the beginning of a jam-packed show. america, are you ready? let's roll. >> tonight we continue our stoned america series as two colorado fourth graders are caught selling edible weed in school. >> it was the simple fact we had adults that didn't
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