tv Hannity FOX News April 24, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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nana still has lots of candy to give us when we go to visit her at 98 years young. she listens, love you nan call you soon. see you tomorrow night at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." tonight i'll begin with an open commentary about remarks made by cliven bundy but that's the beginning of a jam-packed show. america, are you ready? let's roll. >> tonight we continue our stoned america series as two colorado fourth graders are caught selling edible weed in school. >> it was the simple fact we had adults that didn't secure the
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marijuana. >> is marijuana that easy to get? we get an exclusive tour inside a colorado pot store. i have never directed staff to do a secret waiting list. >> 40 veterans reportedly die at a phoenix veterans affairs hospital after being put on a secret, quote, waiting list. we have breaking news on the shocking coverup. and is this former star and outspoken conservative being unfairly judged on "dancing with the stars." candace cameron is here to respond. "hannity" starts right here right now. we kick things off tonight with reaction to some disturbing comments that are being attributed to nevada rancher cliven bundy. they appeared in today's new york times and made by bundy. what the paper likened to a town hall meeting with supporters. now audio was posted of the alleged remarks online. take a listen.
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>> i want to tell you one more thing i know about the negro. >> bundy reportedly called driving past a housing project in north las vegas and said this. >> in front of that government house, the door was usually open and the older people and the kids, and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. they didn't have nothing to do. they didn't have nothing for their kids to do. they didn't have nothing for their young girls to do, and because they were basically on government subsidy, and so now what do they do? they abort their young children. they put their young men in jail because they never learned how to pick cotton. and i've often wondered, were they better off as slaves picking cotton and doing family things or better under government subsidy. >> let me allow to make myself abundantly clear. they are racist, and it's beyond disturbing. i find those comments to be deplorable and it's extremely unfortunate that cliven bundy holds those views. now while i supported the bundy
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ranch as they took a stand against the bureau of land management, i was absolutely dismayed and frankly disappointed after reading the article and hearing the commentary. the ranch standoff that took place out in nevada was not about a man named cliven bundy. at the heart of this issue was my belief that our government is simply out of control. to me this is about a federal agency's dangerous response to a situation that could have result in a catastrophe and that's people dying and being shot, comparable to waco, texas. it was about armed federal agents and snipers surrounded a family and not because they posed a threat to anyone else, but because their cattle happened to be grazing on the wrong patch of grass and they were eating government grass. in other words, when i believe government officials, when they over step their line, i think it's my job to call them on it and make no mistake about it, i'll continue to do just that. because long before the main stream media paid any attention
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to cliven bundy and his ranch, we on this program were focusing on similar issues. issues like imminent domain for many, many years. after all these stories served as proof we have a government gone wild today in america. now we reminded you about some of them last night. for example, back in 2006, my friend alan and i introduced you to lu, a world war ii veteran who was being kicked out of his home after living in his home for 46 years. watch his emotional words. >> lived in here since the first time i bought it. i renovated, winterized it, i did everything, and i will bless this house because i'm able to be 89 years old. >> thank god. >> and my wife is 89. now the city decides that this
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is a nice place for someone else, so they are throwing us out. >> extremely sad. now it took awhile, three years to be exact, but i'm happy to report the city because of public pressure dropped their plans to seize lu's land. we met a great grandmother by the name of norma peterson fluke in 2005 going through a similar situation, take a look. >> the family has lived here 65 years. the business has been here 56 years, and now the town is come and deemed us unfit to be in this town and wants to put us somewhere else. but we're centrally located for our business. without this property, we would go out of business. >> because of media attention, she got to keep her home and then there was the heart breaking story of a world war ii vet johnny stevens back in 2005,
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doctors told him he had lung cancer and he was given only two years to live. while he wanted to spend his last days peacefully at home, the government wanted to seize his property. why? they wanted to build luxury condos for tax revenue. take a look at this. >> i don't have too much time left. i had intended to live out the rest of my life in that little house i got, tend my garden and be able to live in peace. as it stands right now, i don't know where i'm going or what i'm going to do. >> now thanks to some public pressure, mr. stevens got his dying wish. he was able to stay in his home. over the years, i haven't just reported on these stories from our headquarters here at fox. i've hit the road to try and help people who are being victimized by the government. for example, in 2005 i traveled to the beach in florida to do a story on 6,000 residents being thrown out of their homes because of imminent domain. you may remember this.
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>> what does that feel like that you may lose your house to government because they want to build a yacht club? >> you're infuriated and hostile. when you guys came down here it made a big difference. we're getting national attention and exactly what we need. >> i've been here 42 years. >> and you may lose your home? >> they took my home for the school to make a parking lot on 17th street. i moved over into this area. now they want a little apartment that i have to build a mall for somebody else. >> a mall. 46 years, take his home, a mall. now fortunately, after years of fighting and public outcry, the rez departmesidents were able t their homes. our focus wasn't just on imminent domain, far from it. after hurricane katrina, when residents were making sure their
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homes weren't bulldozed, we were there as well. >> these are the people that lost their homes in the hurricane and they are concerned the redevelopment plan does not meet their needs. your home got bulldozed already and you weren't allowed to get your possessions and a lot of people say at least let us get our possessions, right? >> basically, we're sharing the same sentiment. just give us an opportunity to go in and do what we got to do. some of us may want to stay, some may want to leave. give us that much respect. we're just as human as anybody else. >> sad again. and then there was the case of the delta smelt in california in the name of that tiny little fish. water was actually shot off to farms and their families. they were going to bed hungry and jobs were being lost. unlike countless environmental liberalists, we decided to stand with the people suffering and
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the valley that hope forgot. >> we're in the central valley of california. this is some of the most fertile farm land and helps sustain the country for food in ground zero in a battle between environmentalists and whether or not the farmers in the central valley have water. ladies and gentlemen, this is a dust bowl and we came here tonight with a message for washington and president barack obama, please for the sake of the farmers where unemployment is near 40%, please turn this water on now. took a long time, which brings me to my next point. this is government gone wild. not limited to cliven bundy or a california valley or imminent domain stories. in recent years, we have seen it play out in vindictive tax
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agency's efforts to intimidate citizens who happen to think this country is headed in the wrong direction. we watched tragically as the top diplomats and commander in chief lied in a terrorist attack that took the lives of four brave americans and endured the universal nightmare that's obamacare. premiums have increased in spite of promises to the contrary. plans cancelled in spite of promises to the contrary and a federal agency is telling you what doctors you can and cannot see when you were promised the opposite. in my opinion, obamacare is the gold standard of government gone wild but you won't read the truth about the stories i mentioned tonight in places of the new york times. why? because that paper actively helped cover up what really happened in the aftermath of benghazi. they don't have the time to stand with americans victimized by imminent domain. he's far too busy with his famous friends and lacks the moral courage even looking him right in the eye. for the man who arrived in washington lecturing the entire world on hope and change, it's
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official. all hope is lost when it comes to president barack obama and his ability to stand for what's right. this is how his government is out of control and that's something we'll never ignore here on this program and that's a promise i make to you. when we return, david web is in studio with reaction, all of this and coming up next, cliven bundy attempted to clarify those racist remarks earlier today. we have audio of that sound as "hannity" continues. oh! the name your price tool! you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget.
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on brand name mattress sets. get three years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." earlier we told you about disgraceful comments made by cliven bundy. he addressed those racist remarks during a press conference today. take a look. >> i don't think they are happy with their government subsidy home. they sort of looked to me like
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they were slaves, and you know, i thought would they be happier if they was home with their family talking about the south, where they come from, come to las vegas for something better. wouldn't they be happier at home with their chickens and their children playing around them and their family having work to do? would they? that was the question. i ask you, would they be happier? >> joining me with reaction in the studio, radio talk show host and you fill in on this show. our good friend david web is here. how are you? remember with todd aiken. >> yeah. >> every election going back to '98, radio add missouri, if you elect republicans, the black
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churches will burn. it infuriates me that they make racist comments. so here those of us agreed on this issue that you didn't need 200 agents, armed snipers drawing in people for a conflict that the government was best to put a lien on the property. now you find out cliven bundy says this. now you got the smear. these people must support -- >> and this becomes the story. this becomes the story. >> i'm really mad about it. >> yeah, and you're absolutely right up front. first, let me say, sean, i've known you a long time and we're good friends. this is one of the best packages i've seen you and the staff put together. this is an amazing track record showing the difference between government overreach. conservatives need to stop getting into the wrong arguments. i covered this story on my show. it was cliven bundy might have
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central point because this was a land issue. the big issue is government gone wild. it's deplorable. i'll go back to what you said. it's racist. he goes back and supports it. proves he's an idiot and i'll call it what it is. that now becomes the narrative instead of the story of government gone wild. government that is now taken land when it can and there is a bigger issue in the west, which i talked to people there about where the blm that has been around long before cliven bundy and this issue since '93, may not have been around since his family but longer than president obama and other presidents. they have been in the business of taking and confiscating land, the states need to have more control of this, and i've asked this issue of state legislators on air and off air, why weren't the states more involved with bundy and others before this? >> we're talking about imminent domain. why are they attacking veterans in their homes for 46 years or a
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guy with lung cancer who has two years to live -- >> or the delta. >> or after katrina to new orleans. it's the same thing. happens all the time. in every case, these people are left alone to fight the government. they don't have the money for the lawyers. they end up making horrible deals like the colorado couple we had on earlier this week. they had to give up their beautiful cabin because the government needed more open space. >> until you go in with the media, until the power of press and the power of the people comes into play, it doesn't become a big story in government, and all those examples you played, government finally backed off. >> you agreed there was government overreach. >> absolutely. >> we didn't need stun gunned and snipers. >> $966,000 to some ranching outfit out of utah to come in and round up a few cows and kill them. this is the problem.
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deal with the issue, which is government over reach. cliven bundy ruined a good argument with the federal government we have to refight and relitigate. >> well-said. david, thanks. when we come back, taking you on an exclusive tour of a recreational pot dispensary, if you're over 21 you can buy it and shocking reports of veterans that have died after being placed on secret waiting list for medical treatment in arizona. this is outrageous. we have breaking news on that investigation at "hannity" continues tonight. ♪ [ dog barks ] ♪
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drug today. you have to be 21 years old. here is an exclusive look with ainsley earharn colorado voters voted to approve marijuana, the rocky mountain state made world headlines. setting in motion what some call the colorado weed boom. >> since it passed, my business went up 20 to 30% during the morning and 10% at night. tourism is up, too. i see new faces every day. >> we're doing phenomenal since the beginning of the year. been able to hire two to three more people that i did not have employed last year. >> reporter: the passing of amendment 64 has spawned a wealth of new pot businesses and one of the fastest growing retail businesses is the marijuana market. more than 160 recreational pot stores called colorado homes. one of the largest of these stores is a smoker's one-stop shop for all things cannabis. >> it's a recreational marijuana
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store in the 16th street mall in denver, colorado after passing amendment 64 we kicked it into high gear to get a place. i have ten employees right now. we'll probably be hiring another three to five next month because we're so busy. >> it's mind-blowing. >> reporter: customers can choose from 20 different varieties of cannabis with names like jack 47 and purple erkle. >> you are given a clipboard. on these four different tables we have five different strains. this is a jack 47. you can take a look at it. you can see what the bud looks like. you can open it up. you can smell it. then you can also go ahead and go through here and read about it and it will tell you the thc levels and anything it might taste like or smell like. any effects positive or negative. >> reporter: if lighting up
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isn't your thing, they offer edibles. >> these are gummys, just like the real things that most of us as adults grew up eating at children just infused with thc. it's ten pieces with ten milligrams in each piece. if you like chocolate, you will like these. they don't have a huge marijuana aftertaste for those people who are new into trying this stuff. >> reporter: customers can browse through the vast selection of smoking paraphernalia. >> knowing this is a tourist industry we are targeting, we didn't want to have a ton of expensive pipes because we know they will use them for a few days and trash them. can i help you with anything? >> reporter: agree or disagree, one thing is for sure, buying cannabis in colorado is as easy as going to the corner market. >> joining us now with more we
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dr. mark with us and brian and ainsley earhardt. are you guys fighting? >> you said she's always unhappy. why are you attacking ainsley? are you high? >> we're on now? i was being sarcastic. this girl has not been in a bad mood since '83. >> i think you're probably right. >> you don't live with me. >> are you smoking pot? >> no. >> we got to put out this is for people 21 years and older. >> and you're supposed to do it in your house. we were talking earlier. you're not even allowed to drink alcohol in public. why are they allowed to smoke pot in the civic center? you're not allowed to. >> are you going to arrest thousands of people? >> that's the point, they have to let them do it. >> in states making marijuana legal, kids can use it. >> there were kids there with
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parents doing it together. >> that drives me crazy, parents let kids. >> whoever pushes back on and watching this at home, i can crack open a beer. my neighbor is out there drinking a beer in his backyard, why can't i smoke pot? what is most astounding by what you're doing here is i never thought about this. pot in cookies and candy and brownies. kids bring it in. kids want these things. i don't know what they are having. >> much more potent, too. >> much more than smoking a joint. >> there was a recent report with northwestern and said heart issues for young people -- >> no, they said the mind. the mind. >> brain damage over a long period of time. the heart issues came out of france this week. >> my question to you is are there really, i bet pot smokers are saying this is reefer madness. you're trying to scare young
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people. is it more long term than one instance of a person smoking pot? >> people test poorly when using marijuana over a long period of time. if you smoke pot you're more likely to be aggressive, anxious, there is much more levels of depression. again, you don't score well and may not do as well in life as a result. you can be paranoid. >> one of the doctors last night said your brain is still developing until the age of 30, so kids doing it in the 20s. >> the studies show brain patterns are literally rerooted if you smoke pot over a long period of time. >> that's what happened to brian. >> i have to plead innocent. for better, for worse, this is me. this is a natural high here. >> unfortunately, i'm on performance enhancers, but no blood tests so i can use hgh. >> i don't think hgh is as bad as steroids. there's a controversy if you
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want one. >> brian and i are big andy pettitte fans. >> andy pettitte used it to heal faster and a limited career window. >> i'll get rid of what i prepared for. let's talk about it. i'll talk about baseball. it's amazing that albert pujols hit 500 home runs. we test for drugs. amazing how small americans got again in major league baseball. >> hgh, helping to heal, anti-aging. i have a doctor friend swears when he gets to be 65, 60 he swears he'll use hgh. >> i want to see more tests on this. >> we know steroids are bad for you, hgh may have an indication and may be good. >> maybe right doses. >> long-term studies. >> i need some of that. what is this stuff? did you bring your prescription
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pad? >> you look like you're 19. so that's okay. silvester stallone says -- >> she takes it and looks amazing. >> she'll be in "rocky". >> if we have to pull full circle and get back to pot, i'm not sure. we got to get discipline. >> can we blow the break and just continue? >> testosterone and people over 50. >> dr. siegel is the guy. i thought we were talking about pot. >> talking about andy pettitte. >> who is on first? good to see you all. a disturbing report out of arizona. dozens have reportedly died waiting for care at a phoenix
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veterans affairs hospital. we have details and a secret waiting list that nobody knew about and the always outspoken ann coulter is here. l we do is . that's it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great... he's using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. huh the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out, with no annual fee. go to life's an adventure and it always has been. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis.
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but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. this is a fox news alert. at least 40 united states veterans have died while waiting for medical appointments at the phoenix veterans affairs hospital in arizona. many of the women wemen were pla secret waiting list. they're calling for an investigation into these allegations. she's standing by with the very latest in washington. >> arizona republican senators want the senate to investigate immediately to try to figure out what's going on in the phoenix, arizona, veterans affairs health
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system. fox has obtained e-mails that say the va director was touting the decreased waiting times. he writes, quote, sure, when their appointment is created, it can be 14 days out. we're making them wait 16 to 20 weeks for their appointment. 40 veterans may have died as a result of a delay in care. she said she never told any staff to create a secret waiting list. one military analyst says this story disgusts him and he hopes the full truth will come out. >> there are plenty of whistle
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blowers that seem to be coming forward because people are feeling guilty about this. the department of veterans affairs here in washington said they sent a team of clinical experts to the facility to view their procedures. >> thanks for being with us. here with reaction is jonathan and peter. i can't believe we actually send men and women off to fight and they come back with injuries and this is how we treat them. we put them on secret lists. they have to wait and 40 are dying. seriously? >> then we follow through by breaking the promise we make to them. this is just the tip of the iceberg. for the folks that follow the va, this is something unfortunately that veterans have been talking about for years.
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phoenix is particularly bad. they would get the appointment, put it in a file, wait until it is 14 days out, then log it into the system so it will make it look like they're making progress. meanwhile veterans are dying. >> your reaction? >> in the private sector, if a hospital does this or a doctor does something like this, they're looking at jail time and malpractice lawsuits. the problem which we discussed earlier is the executive management program that we have in the government is filled with bureaucrats at the top and just down below it, several steps below it, they don't really give these things particular thought because there's no ramifications. >> is it more widespread than these 40 deaths? we have heard horror stories about some of the va hospitals around the country.
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are there other deaths and secret lists we don't know about? >> yes. we know there are have been a thousand preventable deaths since 9/11 at va facilities. these are just more surfacing. no one has been fired for any of this across the government because it's nearly impossible to do so. a group like ours is trying to push legislation forward that would empower these folks to get fired so you can create accountabili accountability. >> anybody within the system should see this. >> if this was the private sector, that doctor would be held liable and he would go to jail with everybody else. >> it's government gone wild. it's an unaccountable government. >> we have the series how bad government is, how destructive
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it is in people's lives. in this case, it is morally repugnant in how we treat our veterans. >> talk about a glimpse of obamacare. >> it's lack of choic backlogs. it's exactly what you would expect from government. >> i said that question need to be spending more money on the welfare of veterans than we do on welfare projects for people who don't earn their citizenship. this is exactly what i'm talking about. i'm not talking about immigration. we still have more money in programs going to them. we care more about developing a medical insurance program for them than people who go out and die for their country. >> unbelievable. coming up tonight, major controversy over a film that
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will be shown at the 9/11 memorial museum. we're going to explain why brian williams is in the middle of this fire storm. we'll check in with ann coulter. then is former full house star candace cameron, is she being unfairly judged on "dancing with the stars," because of her conservative views? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader.
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welcome back to "hannity." the 9/11 museum is about a month away from opening, but it is already facing backlash over a seven-minute educational film called "the rise of al qaeda." it's been slammed by some religious leaders for referring to the september 11th terrorists as islamists who viewed their mission as jihad. officials are standing by the film, which they say was vetted scholars of islam and terrorism.
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here with reaction, the always outspoken, author, columnist ann coulter. how are you? >> fine, thanks. >> i'm sitting here, what is it, i wish the muslim community, instead of getting angry about cartoons, angry about identifying radical islamist hijacking their religion and committing act of terror, i don't hear enough outrage on those issues, but small issues like this are big deals. >> incidentally according to the new york times report on this today, the entire museum has agreed to ban the expression islamic terrorism because that suggests islamists commit terrorism. harry reid just called your pals out in nevada domestic terrorists. does that imply -- >> you can't stop taking a shot. you come on this program. i'm going to start talking about your dating life. >> the point i want to make about this is, you know, the terrorists themselves said they were good muslims. they said they were engaging in jihad, same thing with all of the other terrorists. they said this is part of their religious obligation. who are we to tell them no
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that's not true islam? that's a fight among the muslims. it reminds me of the british imperialists in india, the indians who had a habit of when a man died, they built the funeral pile and throw the widow on it. and i preferred one british official said that's your cultural custom, we have to respect that. our cultural custom as soon as you throw the widow on the pile, we'll hang you. the liberals of the day, they searched through ancient text and say no, no, true hindu says you must not commit. this is just part of arrogant, white male elitism to tell muslims what true islam is. they think it's true islam to fly planes into our buildings. >> i give you, as much as i hate him, bill maher some credit.
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both of you your entire careers shatter this pc, i guess, police staff that's constantly on everybody. there are islamist radicals, islamist terrorists and oppressive to gays and women and others but you can't say it. >> i know. >> you and i say it. >> it's part of the left continuing war on women that they are bringing all of these ma joj -- into the country. you look at the pictures of the guy who just resigned from the commission on the 9/11 museum. why is he here? i mean, it goes right back to the question of immigration. >> did you ever think i would be defending nbc news? >> it's always a conflict if you look at all the regions of the world where you have muslims, but they are arresting and murdering christians, but why
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are we bringing that in to create in our balkan society. it's a lie what liberals say about america. we've always been multicultural. until 1960, we've been biracial. 90% of the country was white, black and 3% other. we have special interest groups and since democrats discovered the joys of racial politics, this is really put republicans at a racial disadvantage. instead of arguing whether we're allowed to describe muslim terrorists as muslim terrorists, why don't we argue if it's a good idea to let in so many immigrants and blow up the boston marathon? >> ann coulter, oh, you had sometimes, you were watching our pot show last night. >> i love -- there was two nights ago. i love the pot show. i love him. he confirms everything i say. i want to stress the point about how young men who smoke pot end up with sunken chests and no girl is ever going to be able to
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date them, and then we'll move onto the killing of ambition and motivation, iq and everything else. he was fantastic. i know from observing pot. >> like some of your friends in la. thanks for being with us. she was one of the stars on "full house" and on "dancing with the stars" candice cameron as she joins me when "hannity" continues. nion in seattle. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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>> it's really hard, especially when you have no dance experience whatsoever. but i've always wanted to be on the show. i love the show and i love dancing. i love learning, but i'm definitely having a severe case of the nerves on monday night when we go live, just fearful of forgetting the choreography. >> because your partners are professionals, don't they kind of bail you out at the right time? >> they can always get you on track, but there's pressure for them too because they want you to do well because they want to win the mirror ball trophy too. they're hard on us, but in a good way. >> the judges are brutal. they're just out of control. you're doing really well. >> i'm doing okay. i'm getting positive comments from the judges, but the scores don't always reflect what the comments are. i'm trying my best. i'm having a blast. >> my wife every once in a while
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will use the term i'm fred flintstone because i would have a hard time watching my wife with this good looking dancer guy groping and fondling and dipping and diving -- it would drive me nuts. you're in a beautiful outfit and you look great. >> i totally understand that. my husband's used to this. i've been an actress my whole life before we met. my husband was on a similar sho. he was working with a beautiful skater for 12 weeks and holding her in positions and hand placements that are the same thing i'm working with my partner. we both get it. we've been married for 18 years. we're committed and love one another. we're together at the end of the day. >> you and your brother are conservati conservative. you're christian. you talk about it. your faith is important to you.
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you got into some controversy recently. what was the term you used? >> submissive. >> that's the word that sent fire to the internet. >> it did. it is used one time in this back all about balance. there is a chapter on marriage. i'm sharing what my definition and blueprint for marriage is, which we take from the bible. liberals have a problem with this word. i love that my husband leads our family, loves our family, loves me and my children. i'm the nurturer. it's a union together with respect. >> there are certain things that my wife does with our kids that i can't do. he she's just great at it. i'm the tough guy. why me? she goes, because it works when
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you do it. it's a compliment. you're on a book tour now. >> the book has been out. we've been doing the book tour. now really my days are just filled with dancing at this point. that's all i'm doing. >> do you hope to make it to the finals? >> i hope so. it's going to be up to the fans. i'm up against two olympic ice dancers. they're amazing. i love watching thiem. it's not just a dance competition. it's also a performance competition because the fans have half the vote, as do the judges. >> i admire your courage and outspokenness. we appreciate you coming by. i'm going to vote for you. >> i appreciate that. >> that's all the time we have left this evening. tune in tomorrow night 10:00 p.m., studio audience edition of "hannity," stoned america.
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