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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 25, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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star to help grip the ball on a windy night. that's tonight's speed read. see you you tomorrow night at 7 p.m. eastern. good nht tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye," are our nation's teens spending too much time solving rubik's cubes? it could be a gateway hobby that leads to murder. and what is the most amount of money the vice president has ever spent on a haircut? >> $1200. as if that is something weird. >> and finally, why didn't the vice president try to negotiate with his barber on a $1200 haircut? >> the truth is, there is no negotiating power or was no negotiating power. i% none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> all right, let's welcome our guests. she is hotter than the locked car my parents left me in as a
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child. i am here with sonny johnson. she is always sunny. >> always. >> and ambassador to king's landing, tv's andy levy. i have no idea what that means because i am not a geeky loser. when he is not superman he is a super man. it is dean cain and she in a new vh1 show "hit the floor" which i would like to do with him premiering may 26th. it is with that beard. and we tried to book only his mustache, but the stache said they were a package c deal. it is john bolten, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n and fox news contributor. he is also the president of "red eye." >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. when you go to the movies do they give you senior and children discounts, greg? >> well, all right. are we going to be that way all show?
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talking smack about barak drove clooney looney. it is not a good idea to have steve wynn on the left and george clooney from "facts of life" at the same party. i learned that when we were all hot tubing, but apparently they had forgotten. the two were together in a vegas restaurant. they have them there. clooney suddenly stormed out. the movie star explained "i said the president was my long-time friend. and he said your friend is a [bleep] and i told steve he was a [bleep] and i wasn't going to sit at his table while he was being a jackass. but he tells a different story saying when clooney is drinking he considers himself a close personal buddy of the president. the only person who was excited at the table was george and he ran off to another bar. clooney is fun to be with when he is sober. ouch. tmz has acquired video from the night in question, and it
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is quite revealing. take a look. >> it was ugly. ambassador, interestingly enough, i mean, you are the -- are you skilled at the art of diplomacy. you have a little background insight into mr. clooney. what is this? >> i went to a white house correspondence dinner coming up in a week or so in washington and i sat at the table of my host. sitting next to me was george clooney. i thought, well this will be an interesting conversation. it is a big event. 3,000, 4,000 people. 2,000 are women. they all came to have their picture taken with george clooney. i sat there like this most of the night. it was good for my humility. >> i find that so strange. i find you more arousing than
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george clooney. >> must not have been at the dinner. >> i was at the mustache farm or the bar downtown. i don't know what that means. >> neither do i. >> i think we all know that george clooney loves men-tioning his friend owe obama. you probably know george going way back. he is not as successful as you, of course. what is your insight into this? >> first of all i am go together white house press correspondence dinner this week, next weekend. >> i was invited, but i am not going. it is one thing to go and another to be invited and not go. go ahead. >> i am hoping i get that same number of women to take pictures with me. if not i will be sorely disappointed. i know george. he is is a very good guy. i had a couple of drinks with him in the past. i have never seen that side. i had a couple of drinks with
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mr. wynne. i would have liked to have been a fly on the wall. the problem is mr. wynne has trouble seeing so it would have been an unfair fight. >> if i got in trouble every time a friend called me a [bleep] i would fight all the time. >> did you take home a lot of men-tos? a lot of times when you drink your breath smells of alcohol so there is nothing like a good men-to in your mouth. no? >> well, i didn't, but i didn't see what the end of the night ended up like for him. i wouldn't be surprised. >> that's good. >> anyway, you don't know george clooney. isn't it funny? my theory is you are so used to hearing people say things that you agree with that your skin is thin. he is not used to people criticizing his lord and savior. >> i am still laughing at the mentos.
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you know who you are. this is one of my pet peeves. do not talk politics with me while i am drinking. you are setting yourself up. and who ever you bring around me for a very horrible time, if you thought clooney was bad , catch me about five patrone shots in and ask me about the inner city. i will run the entire bar off. do not do it. i think anyone that does that is because they are not comfortable with their position while they are sober so they feel strong when they are drunk. don't do that. i'll hurt you. don't do that. >> five shots of patrone so what time is this? 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon? >> 6:30? >> i am not saying. have i to keep some -- have i to keep some mystery about me. >> a little bit. go ahead and defend your hero, george clooney. >> he is a close, personal
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friend of the president. he called him an a-hole. he didn't like that so he left. what is the problem? >> he has a thin skin. >> but this was a no win situation or at least it was when he left and went someplace else. this is why i walk away from political discussions at parties or -- well i would if i were ever at any parties. which by the way i would go to if anyone ever invited me. but i agree. keep politics out of drinking. drinking yes in politics. >> have you ever been to a political con veption? convention? what do you think would happen? >> the only one i have been to was ron paul's shadow convention. >> i have gone to a conservative convention. he is the democrat, 12:00 at night. i literally cuss this man out. then the next morning i am rushing to find him like i have to apologize before i leave. i can remember in my -- >> you probably turned him
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on. >> that's what he said. >> he is a strapping bird. -- he is a strange bird. andy, so basically what i learned from tonight is clooney is gay-ning a lot of respect for you. >> i don't even follow whraw saying. we make jokes with other people who are probably, you noy, leaning that way. george clooney is as straight as an arrow. i am not going anywhere with that. i don't know why you are fascinated with this theory that george clooney is gay. it says much more about you. >> are you trying to say wishful thinking like maybe one day we will be trapped in an elevator and he is doing a promotion for a movie and i am rushing to work? i just got back from the gym and i worked out and have nothing on, but maybe my dolphin shorts? >> why do i feel like taking a shower?
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>> have i to save him because he has a panic attack so i crawl through the little thing. i use his pants as something to snake down and then i fall on him. does he fear a robot peer? barack obama met a bot in japan and later declared that androids are, quote, a little scary. it makes us ask -- >> is this roboist? >> i will hold it like this. on thursday president obama visited a science museum in japan. they have them there. they encountered our friendly friend. >> welcome to -- mr. president a humanoid robot. it is a pleasure to meet you. >> it is nice to meet you too.
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>> the robot then insisted on playing something the humans call soccer. >> i can kick a soccer ball too. >> that's going to be pretty hard. if it hits me in the nose it i'm ready. right here? >> good job. >> later the president regailed a group of students with his story of his face-to-face with metal men. >> we saw some truly amazing robots. although have i to say the robots were a little scary. they were too lifelike. >> perhaps because they were white robots, mr. president?
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anyway, we asked a representative from the robot community to comment on the insult. here is what the spokes robot said. >> he is no carney. dean, were you alarmed at how dismissive the president was of robots? he called them scary. that's narrow minded. >> a little bit. but i am japanese. i am a quarter japanese and my brother calls me the tallest japanese person ever. >> i didn't know that. >> the truth is that was not a robot. it was a full grown japanese man inside the suit jie. are you half japanese? >> a quarter japanese. >> tanaka is my given name. >> i bet you were a blast. >> not laughing doesn't mean we didn't get it. >> people don't remember
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tanaka. forget it. >> i thought you were talking about nuclear weapons. >> no. the bough -- the binaca blast. it was a terrible joke. in the not too distant future we will create these robots that are so almost like human beings that they will have feelings and emotions. won't obama when we look back at this tape look like a bigot? >> no, obama was scared of the robot because the robot keeps score when playing soccer. that's what it is. you can't actually have people who keep score to see who wins and loses. obama is totally against that. this is funny to me. the japanese kids get a class in robotics. our kids get class warfare. >> nice point. >> i am sitting there and putting all of this and you go and cheer their kids and then you come back and lower our kids ' standards with common
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core. you are setting us up for failure while you go around the world and praise all of these other on people. don't we freaking matter? that is [bleep]. see i blame this all on andy and bundy. he did all of this. >> thanks for lumping us together. >> because andy was supporting bundy? >> no because he brought it up before the show. >> clive owen. i thought we were talking about the bundies from "married with children." ambassador obama doesn't have time to meet with republicans, but he visits a damn robot. what is going on? >> i thought here is a short guy with no shirt and he about to kick him. it is vladimir putin. >> wow. >> i do the best i can. >> i thought that was pretty good.
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andy, they are learning to play soccer which will put soccer players out of business. you like that. >> it it wouldn't be a true soccer player until it learns to drop to the ground and scream like a 5-year-old. >> without getting touched. >> exactly. i'm guessing with this as with all issues concerning the safety and security of america, president obama will talk the talk, but he won't walk the walk. he will say robots are scary, but will they act when they invade another country? no. will they get closer and closer to having nuclear weapons? no. excuse me, sir, he will talk about pressing the robot's reset button, but he won't do it. >> have you ever seen a president get talked to that way? andy is so disrlful. disrespectful. this is a guy who was co swree with big drone. >> wow. you are still bitter about the whole clive what's his face? >> owen? i couldn't believe what
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jeremy piven said. he said blacks are better off as slaves. is that what jeremy piven said? >> the sad part a is all of the conservatives out there are agreeing with him. that's the sad freaking part. >> the old ronald is gone-ald. there is a new clown in town. yes, mcdonald's mascot got a makeover and is getting with twitter which makes us wonder -- >> is this evil? >> i already have it set up. on wednesday mcdonald's posted pictures of the new look ronald and announced he will be getting more involved in social media, finally. the mascot has been benched in recent years after the accident. it was amid criticism that mcdonalds was using him to market kids. now they hope the clown can turn sales around. said ronald mcdonald, he said this and i talked to him personally, selfies here i
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come. it is a big world and now wherever i go and whatever i do i am ready to show how fun can make great things happen. that's creepy. i always prefer the old ronald mcdonald. >> mcdonalds does a lot of interesting things abroad. are you ready for a hipper ronald mcdonald?
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>> i never knew ronald mcdonald was retired so i am reeling from the notion he is coming back. and what is attractive to me is that ronald mcdonald was criticized by these nannies who said he is marketing to children. my wife doesn't like mcdonalds. it was only when my daughter was growing up i could go to mcdonalds. >> i hate the whole thing marketing to children. nobody cares about children. >> i love that you said marketing to children. earlier you said mark a cetting children. marketing children. >> if they asked you to play the new ronald mcdonald would you do it? >> yes. was that too fast? i will take any job. as i have proven. you know what? i will go back to the market cking to children thing. i don't care if they want to market to my son. you can't go. that's my job to say yes or no. >> thank you. it is leak i am sick about the
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what about the children thing for everything. it is like i don't care it is your kid. if you are worried about somebody selling drugs to your kid, do something with your kid. i don't care. layoff my pharmaceutical enjoyment. >> it is a parent's right. it is up to the parent. >> ronald mcdonald is considered a classic icon like the hula hoop and tuberculosis. should we be messing with a good thing? >> when i was 7 years old we went to a mcdonalds and my brother jumped on ronald and started fighting him and we were kicked out of mcdonalds and we could never return. have i issues are ronald already. >> and he has issues with you. >> that's the p oi nt i was gonna make. if ronald is doing selfies i would like to see his hood selfi es. if you can do hood selfies you have more minority out reach than the gop. >> your "red eye" uses extreme
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ambassador in your face levey. will this new ronald appeal to a younger generation? >> not as long as he is wearing cargo pants. i love the cargo pants. i keep a few pairs lying around for when the apocalypse comes. you can put spare magazines in there and throwing stars and maybe twinkies, but they are not hip. nobody is wearing cargo pants. hopefully they will. i have them in a drawer. he is still creepy. there was a time when clowns were not viewed as creepy. that time is gone. clowns are creepy now. >> it is when we got television and you didn't need a clown to come to a birthday party. you didn't need a clown to entertain you because it came in a magical box. you get a tv and there is a clown going look at me. no you are disgusting and weird. >> i thought it was when -- >> he put the whole clown movement in. >> and there is only one thing
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about ronald mcdonald. the shoe size. >> we know what she likes. nothing better than a clown [bleep]. that will be bleeped out. >> tail. >> dean cain takes off his shirt to show me his third nipple. i would have said no, but i love my third nipples. a man sues a colonoscpoy doctor for making fun of him. is it cold water or a bunch 6crap?
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should you mate within your race? it is time for -- >> is this racist? >> there we go. the dating site, okay cupid
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allows users to search for mates in response to questions like would you date someone shorter than you? one question caught the eye of course of a writer. would you strongly prefer to go out with someone of your own skin color and racial background? salom was shocked that many responded yes and many were self-righteous liberals he knew in real life. love is blind, but apparently not color-blind. the preference to date your own race is not new, but he was surprised that in our pc world so many people would be open about it. at least not everyone is so closed minded sexually. >> it is adorable, but we both
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know it is not going to work out. how is that going to happen? somebody is gonna die. i have seen videos. >> we are always told to follow our heart. what happens if your heart is a racist bigot? is that your heart's fault or your head's? >> nobody's. preferences is preferences, get over it. if it is racism, it is racist. i am attracted to black men, so freaking what? but i am sitting next to superman. >> i am wearing black. >> that's enough. i could be convinced in this case. i could definitely beacon vinceed right? >> and we will see you later. >> he is not really superman. >> don't tell me that. you stop. 5:00 a.m. that was my superman. >> i apologize. dean, good segue. you played superman and you were an alien from the planet
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kripton and you dated a human. did you deal with hate letters of people telling you to date within your species? >> no, because i could kill them all. you like what you like. that's a it. if you want to answer it openly, great. i will date anybody. i have a man crush on ambassador bolden. andy and i, well we broke up. i tell it like it is. that camera over there. >> it is a big head saying i will do this. >> what about people who don't like mustaches? is that bigoted against the hairy? >> can we start over again? >> what a is a dating site? 4*. >> that is a truman. true man.
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that's where a lonely man goes to find companionship or goes to get laid i suppose. i don't know anymore. >> it is fine. it seems to me that this is foe outrage. the assumption is it is white people who say i only want to talk to white people. but the fact is it is just -- it is basic that that's the first option is that like attracts to like. but it is not the last option. that's the point. people's opinions can change. it is not fixed. relax. take it easy. >> i used to be into tall brunettes and now i am into furniture. what about people who strongly prefer a specific race? a man who only dates asian women? is that racist? >> absolutely. that's all i have to say. >> happening on. i -- hang on.
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salom is a conservative. i think it is a shot at liberals. what he is basically saying, he concludes by saying i don't think it is too much to ask that those who express racial preferences so reflect on them and how there may be more to fighting racism than voting the right way. those are his quotes. i think it is all a shot at liberals. and there is some stuff he links to a columbia study. check this out. women of all races exhibit strong same race preferences. men of no race have a significant men don't care. this is all women. >> men don't care. >> i always say the most hard core racist will sleep with halle berry. >> stop, stop. >> just one more.
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more physically attractive people care less about the race of the partner. hot people don't care about race. it is ugly women are racist. that's what the study shows. >> i have five brothers. my oldest brother is married to a white woman. my next two brothers only date white women and the two youngest only date black women. it is because of where we grew up. the older brothers grew up in a white neighborhood and date white women. the youngest brothers grew up in a black neighborhood and only date black women. it has a lot to do with how you are brought up and who you are brought up around. >> i think you summed it up nicely. >> except for the e-mails andy will get. >> i am citing statistics. >> statistics are mean. they hurt my feelings. >> ugly women are racist. >> no they are not. >> by the way, no. anyway, i had to edit myself. there is a beer festival where nudity is mandatory. who should i take?
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he is you ever cked with freckle -- he is covered with freckles and he is gross.
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they made jokes while he got poked. a virginia colon nose ask you pea patient is doing -- is suing a pair of doctors. the unidentified guy had his phone recording so he wouldn't forget the post opt
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instructions. he claims doctor tiffany made cracks about shooting a gun up his rectum and called him a big wimp and discussed an irritation on his penit. he even caught one of them saying to his unconscious self, quote, after five minutes of talking to you in pre-op, i want to punch you in the face and man you up a little bit. the patient is seeking a million dollars in damages. ambassador, i think he has a case. >> well, he probably does in this age. he has all of the evidence on the phone. i think the whole thing is outrageous, both with respect to the patient who obviously needs an income more than anything else, but also with respect to the doctors. if that's the way they treat their patients, i lived near yale medical school and walked behind doctors. you know how they talk about people? like an automobile. well i did this to the tire and that to the -- that's the way they look at it.
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it is disturbing. >> it is like a car. it is leak eavesdropping on a mechanic. >> he said this about my radiator. that's my car voice. dean, i should have been an actor. you are a lawyer. is $1 million a fair amount here. >> absolutely. he hurt my feelings and i want $1 million. i have had six surgery, football-related injuries, and i'm sure they said bad things about me and i wish i could have recorded them. however, when i went for my colonoscopy i brought my doctor a rose. i avoided this whole problem. that's all you have to do. >> they were football surgery? >> football related. >> i had a football-related injury that involved a colonoscopy. >> it must have been quite a game. >> it was in a hotel room. >> i was just watching.
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>> i think he planned to record the doctors the whole time. don't you think this was a scam? >> the only way he gets his million dollars is if he gives his name. if you want the million dollars let everyone see you and see who you are. then when we decide we like to shoot a gun up your rectum too we will realize you deserve the million dollars. the reason you don't want us to know who you are we will meet you and we will no longer like you and cheering for the doctors. >> they should take it to jury trial and see what they can do. >> it must be ironic to be in a colonoscopy. >> this is the exact opposite of making fun of someone to their face. this is ridiculous. you can't make fun of somebody when they are unconscious? only in obama's america. my guess is doctors do this a
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lot. to be honest, i feel you have to have a sick sense of humor to do a lot of colonoscopys if that's your job. were some of the things crude? get over it. >> when you knicks about it as for -- when you think about it as for the patient, the anus is on him. i meant owe -- onus, i'm sorry. you say tomato, i say anus. sometimes at the same time. the salad bar is disgusting. >> next time get a virtual colonoscopy. they will never have those. i like mi colonoscopys. i love that fading feeling and then you wake up. >> it is not all okay. >> it is a little weird. that's not important. this week the student gust at the university of -- student at the university of utah want to change the words to the fight song.
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the title utah man and the line the co-eds are the fairest. according to one student, it didn't represent me when i identified as a woman and a gender year individual. queer individual. others say using fairest refers to dark skinned minorities and want to change it to our students are the brightest. another fix could be switching in i reference to -- any reference from out -- utah man to utah fan. what do you think? it is applying progressive beliefs to a song. >> the next thing is there won't be university fight songs. it is fighting and aggressive. it just doesn't fit in with the new obama's america. let's cut to the chase and eliminate college sports and eliminate all of that stuff. >> we need a new n-a --
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n-o-a. it it didn't come out the way i wanted it. dean, come olighten up, people. i didn't mean to say lighten up. >> microaggression. >> prin stone university fight -- prin stone university fight song. we changed it to something with man. >> football injuries and prin stone? >> did i throw that in there. >> you ain't getting it back. >> sorry for making that sound. i don't know what that was. >> we changed our fight song from boy or man. we changed that to all. it is not unprecedented,. >> i remember reading about when they changinged the princeton song.
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it went from i hate minorities to go team. >> that is almost literally the exact translation. sonny, are you offended by this song? >> no, i just think it sucks. the whole song sucks. >> and did you know there were gangs at tdis school? all through the fight song. i think that has to be taken out right away. this is the difference between liberals and conservatives. liberals see something wrong with the song. i want to protest and write an angry letter. change the damn song. rewrite the song and take it to your fellow students and let them say yay and now you have a new fight song. >> that's what they are doing. >> no, they wrote a resolution that means nothing. let us cry and mown about not like. it but in the end you have to get the faculty people to agree to change it and it would be nice to have the student say it is okay to
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change a it. who are you as a minority to come in and say let's just do all of this because i wrote this stupid resolution. change the song and get the student body happy about it and go out and fight who ever it is this college team fights. >> that was complicated. >> one of yale's fight songs is to cheer abouty lay's men -- about eli's men. >> now there are still only males on males on the football team. the next logical step since that is offensive is you have to have women play football. that would ease the injury problem. >> the name of the song is utah man and the song is now co-ed. maybe that is a red flag that it is time to update your song. >> they want to change our co-eds are the fairest.
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they want to change it to our students are the brightest. really? if you look at the night sky, what parts are bright. the parts that look white. shame on you, utah social justice warriors. >> what does gender queer mean? >> i will show you later back at my place. what am i? ambi sexual. >> he is ambi levey. that was a great joke. time for a break. more joke when's we come back. "not cool" order it on and look at this. these are my hoodies. they are so inexpensive. look at the hat. she is picking my nose. it never gets old.
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this is a fox news alert
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from los angeles. i'm robert gray. the associated press reporting this morning that an air force spokesman says a plane from australia is believed to be hijacked at bali airport in indonesia. the plane was headed from brisbane. it is not known if the virgin blue jet was forced to land by people on the plane or escorted in by fighter jets. according to an indonesian official, a passenger tried to enter the cockpit and the pilot sent out a high jack alert call. virgin blue airlines is also known as virgin australia. it is that nation's second largest airline. it serves 29 cities in australia and destinations in new zealand, bali and new zealand and abu dhabi and los angeles. stay with fox newschannel for more on th story. right now we take you back to "red eye" which is already in progress. >> top it, okay?
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it he could round up everybody in israel it would not be a good day. he funds the majority of your party. stop it, really. this is what i would really love , all of you reporters out there and you white lily -- liberals, you like going to black conservatives that won't fight you back. bring it to me. come ask me those questions. come and call me that and see what kind of response you get. like every other reporter who has done it in my lifetime, i guarantee you will turn the recorder off. >> i wrote this earlier. the writer of the piece should be paid a visit by a black conservative and a black republican. we should fly you there so that person should explain the point to you. >> i will explain. i ain't gotta worry about you explaining. >> ambassador? >> this is as racist as clive and bundy. if blacks say you can only think one thing or jews say
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you can only thing -- think one thing that to me is racist. it betrays something about the democratic party. their belief systems are collapsing if they don't have identity politics they don't have anything else. >> the republican governor said he would be gone. he tweeted this. i don't even care. i happen to know and i had dinner with him the other night. six kids and married to a democrat and he is getting support from everywhere else in illinois. he is a fantastic candidate. it is somebody i truly like as a candidate for a plethora of reasons. >> big word. >> he knows a lot of people. he has had injuries. >> played football. >> i will date any race. just putting it out there.
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>> andy, you said you agreed with the chicago sun times. i was surprised. >> the funny thing is i wrote that question as a joke. and then i actually read the original column. he didn't say black republicans are like jewish collaborators. he said individuals will set out the benefits of their groups for personal gain. he is talking about the polish or african-american weekly who took money for gop of -- for governor and wrote a nice piece. that's what he was talking about. >> that's exactly what he said. he compared them to jews, right? >> that part was stupid. >> he was basically saying they should be bought. >> do you all agree with them some. >> i am tired of this topic. it makes me so angry i have to go to break. coming up, mandatory nudity and beer, two of my favorite things.
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coming up tomorrow, lauren sivan and terry sapper. >> e block. last story. that's the last story.
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>> a naturalist resort in pennsylvania, naturalist, i like that, will beholding the third annual beer bash or the be quad in june. according to a flier nudity is required. and in the pools and the hot tub. the event is expected to bring 300 guests and each bringing an unwrapped present to the party, their jenna tale yaw. you are never nude. >> i am rarely shorts. don't like wearing shorts. >> i love that it shows three hot women. it will be the first nudist event in history with hot women. >> they may import them from sweden. sweden has lots of priet -- pretty nudists. >> they said have you beaut your membership yet? >> do you think nudists are
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attracted to people of their own race? >> thraz -- that's a good question. if it is women? no. if it is men, whatever. sand and nudity, it is not a good mix. >> naked men with beer bellies. i actually went -- my friend convinced me to go to one of these nudist beaches in l.a. i have three words, old, shriveled and small. those are the three words. >> don't show me in the camera when she says that. >> that should be a single and not a two-shot. >> we bring racist together. >> just so you know, there are no nudist beaches in l.a. you. >> i was in california. i was in california somewhere. they took me somewhere. i left quickly. >> you were in larry king's
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backyard. >> i left very, very fast. >> dean, wrap it up. this won't be as good as it sounds. people will think they look like you, but they will look like me. >> just for the chance it is possible, what is your number? i also live in spain. i have a home there and there is a lot of naked people there. >> this whole show is you making up your okay cupid. >> as a matter of fact it is. there are a lot of naked people who shouldn't be naked. >> is that one of your homes? >> yes, sir. >> that's his february home. >> only in the summer months. >> i would hate to see you get cold. superman is delicate. i'm sure you fly on a private jet. >> absolutely not. >> interesting. i learned something i didn't know. that does it for me. sonny, dean, ambassador, andy,
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that was a fun show tonight. i think we learned absolutely nothing. except it is good not to learn anything. just spending time waiting until the end of the show. i will keep talking and they will keep filming. p.m. on the
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business network and that would be tonight. 8:00 p.m. sharp. "the five" is next. >> hello, everyone, i'm greg gutfeld, with bob beckel, and kimberly guilfoyle. this is "the five." so a new film that will run in the national september 11 memorial is tipping off the advisers, uses the words islamic and jihad when referring to


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