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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  April 25, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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always remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york and tonight, breaking tonight, hints from the white house about what could be the biggest executive action to date. will president obama rewrite our immigration laws? and then. >> as a woman, you're stripped of all of your freedom. for women, it becomes almost a matter of daily life. >> new revelations about brandeis university and exactly who pressured the school to yank an award from the woman you just heard. plus. >> i'm trying to help him knuckle down and buckle down for college. >> new e-mails raising ugly questions about a national news
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network one of the president's closest allies and what was supposed to be an unbias documentary. a big night on "the kelly file" starts right now. breaking tonight, nearly 1/4th of the united states senate rising up concerned over what could be the biggest executive order yet as the white house reportedly plans to by pass congress yet again. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly. the news broke late last night and not seen much coverage since. the white house may change the rules on deportations all by itself. the president first announced a review of the nation's immigration policies back in march, and just yesterday, 22 republican senators sent a letter to president obama expressing concerns over that review. the letter even accuses the obama administration of displaying quote an astonishing disregard for the constitution. we reached out to the white house for comment, so far no response. joining us now to talk about the
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plan, dennis michael lynch, a documentary film maker that covered the immigration issue extensively including the film, "coming to america." mark, thank you for being here. the reports suggest that the president is getting ready to ease the threat of deportation, that will be phase one but bigger changes will come later in the year that he's going to shorten the time period that an immigrant is considered new in this country and under increased scrutiny for deportation. deeper background checked of detaini detaining, protecting, that's phase one. phase two again, reportedly, the white house not confirming may say more major changes will come then all by executive action. you're thoughts? >> yeah, this is even more than rewriting immigration law. this is basically throwing out immigration law because the most
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consequential things that this sort of first step that they are likely to do is that illeg leeg immigrants in this country that were deported once and came back illegally, they are felons standing on the street corner. it's a felony to come back after being deported. they are talking about taking them off the list of people being deported. so you would basically be home free. the other group, they are talking about basically exempting from deportation is people who had a court date, immigration court but didn't show up. they ignored their deportation order. there are more than 800,000 illegal immigrants wondering around basically, on the land and this policy if it goes through would tell you we're not looking for you, either and if we find you, we're not going to deport you. >> the white house will expect to defend these actions by saying within the president's enforcement powers, they have
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been arguing about the deportations now for sometime saying he gets to prioritize who he is going after first when it comes to limited federal resources and enforcing the law. do you buy it? >> every law enforcement agency has to make choices. you have to prioritize. the irs goes after big money launlders, terrorists, they also have a certain amount of rand comeness to make sure that even an ordinary person who is trying to get out from paying his taxes knows that there is some chance he's going to get caught. what they are doing is the equivalent of the irs saying if you're a regular guy and you just choose not to pay your taxes, we're not going to look for you. that's outrageous. >> this is an end around congress?
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obviously, this is one critical agenda item the president has not been able to get through congress. we just saw john boehner coming out and ripping on his republican caucus for not doing it, but the point is they are not doing it and so the president seems determined to find another way, certain things he can do that on. is this one of them? >> well, the question is can he get away with it? >> can he do it legitimately, that's the question? >> he can't. there are already all kinds of things he can't legitimately do. the second stage, there is a two-step thing. the next step the ad va kasay groups are pushing him to do is basically, actually legalize all the illegal aliens by giving them work cards, social security numbers, all the rest, supposedly just for a couple years at a time, temporarily but it would be a real amnesty and that's the big thing on the horizon that would, i think, would be an impeachable action, quite frankly, and i think the white house fears it.
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>> we had john boehner saying if the president does this by executive action, it's only going to hurt the deal in congress because the republicans aren't going to trust him to abide by the deal they strike. mark, thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> for more, we're joined by dennis michael lynch. your thoughts on this talking about how those who have broken the law will come into the country illegally, they will get deported, a judge will say, you are now deported, sir, they have to leave. then they sneak back into the country again and basically, administration is going to tell them that entire process was meaningless and they can stay and ignore everything the judge said. >> yeah, there is a few things to discuss. first of all, the last two weeks, we heard harry reid and democrats talk about how important this country operates based -- how important it is for the rule of law. >> and judge's orders. >> you got to follow the rule of law? this is breaking the law at every end. we're letting illegal immigrants runaround the country disregarding borders.
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there is no rule of law. this is chaotic. a couple things we have to point out. the beloved ronald reagan says amnesty was the biggest mistake he made. he thought he would give it to one million people. it turned out to be four million people. the government keeps talking about 11 million people running around. if history repeats itself and we know it does, we're looking at 40 -- >> you brought props. >> i bring props all the time. 44 million people. >> where did you get that number from? >> if you take the same thing. they got 11 million people, they have been claiming 11 million for two, three years, yet, everybody from ice and boarder patrol tells you more people are coming over than before. >> because they expect amnesty? >> of course. every time, guarantee you in the next two days, i'll get the e-mails saying 70% because he's talking about he's not going to do deportations. regan thought he was giving amnesty to 11 million people. it turned out to be four. >> what about administration said his deportations, barack
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obama's deportations reached record levels. he's deporting more illegal immigrants than george bush did. >> b.s. he redefined in his obama little way what deportation is. if joe comes over from mexico and he said hey, you got to go back, that's a deportation. and when joe comes back two weeks again, they count him twice, not once. >> it was never that way -- >> never that way before. this guy has redefined everything, and i've said to you how many times have i said this to you on this show? if this happens, it redefines this country in a way that is irreversible. american worker is going to get crushed. >> well, but when you look at this, dennis, and what they are talking about now, protecting immigrants serving in the u.s. military from deportation. you don't expect the american people to rise up over that, do you? >> i expect the american people to rise over the fact they are out of work. there is only one way to solve
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the problem. if i were president lynch, i could solve it in a day. you turn off the work magnet, those people will go home, and if you enforce the rule of law, the hard work is already done years and years ago. you enforce the rule of law, everything will start to go normal again. the impact that this has on schools, hospitals, crime, you -- work, joblessness, the unemployment rate in this country would drop. back in the bush days, let me finish with this, in the bush days when he did raids and swipe 100 people out of a place, the next day americans would be around the block applying for those jobs. >> understood. dennis, we'll continue to follow it and see, again, what the white house confirmed any of this. it is being reported tonight. also breaking, new reaction to a horrific murder in milford, connecticut in a high school this morning. this 16-year-old student, marian sanchez was stabbed and killed
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by another 16-year-old student. the boy stabbed her after she refused to go to the junior prom with him scheduled for tonight. lauren victory is in connecticut with the story tonight, lauren? >> reporter: megyn, tonight was supposed to be the victim's junior prom, a night filled with fun, dancing and music but instead, we're just back from a very solum, somber vigil where hundreds of students and community members gathered to remember marian sanchez killed in the hallways behind me. it started around 7:15 this morning. police say that's when a 16-year-old student approached her in a hallway or stair way and stabbed her repeatedly. she had wounds, police say, to her face, neck, and chest, and she was pronounced dead less than a half hour later after she was attacked. now, staff members detained the 16-year-old boy, they say that did that attacking. he was charged tonight with murder as a juvenile. we did hear that students were
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sent home shortly after this attack while police processed the scene. they didn't clear it until about 5:00 today. police told us late tonight that they found a knife on the scene and did search the suspect's house. again, he's charged with murder, but as a juvenile. >> thank you. we're going to have dr. keith ablow join us later with his take and plus, new revelations about brandeis university and exactly who was pressuring the school to yank that award we told you about, the honorary degree from an activist campaigning for the rights of muslim women. wait until you see what ben shapiro and truth revolt uncovered next. a whistle blower detailed claims about a va hospital boss conspireing to hide the truth behind the deaths of dozens of our veterans. one of america's biggest vet groups joins us with a powerful response tonight. >> well, we don't actually know
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what the people on the list died of because we never got a chance to see them my daughter thinks i'm out of touch. so i asked her how i saved fifteen percent on car insurance in just fifteen minutes. (laughter)
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nothing about solutions but what we're doing is just looking away. >> she was born muslim, raised muslim but was a victim of a radical form of islam and
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mutilated as a result. she's been critical of islam p general. and critic reaction to her movie was fierce they wound up pressuring certain schools to cancel screenings and now, the one that revoked her degree, it's president is explaining his decision to take away that intended honor. he wrote a select group, quote, outside groups played no role in the ultimate decision. that claim, however, is now being challenged as we have reported the council on american islamic relations played a big role in stoking opposition against mrs. ali. and confirmed fact seems to stretch credibility. care is bifing credit to that imam for joining in it's effort.
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ben shapiro's group came up with some of the information. fred laur wrens saying my focus in revoking this was on listen together voices of students, faculty and other members of the community outside groups played no role in the ultimate decision. really? >> i mean that is untrue. musts shim student association was involved in pressing this. that is true for students on campus they were coordinating with folks off campus. and as you mentioned folks like iman with a history of his own in regard to anti-semitic comments. and the governor of massachusetts uninvited him from an interfaith event because he thought the society of boston was connected with the boston bombers. so, the radicalism of the
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outside groups pushing for revocation of this particular degree is unquestioned. it's unquestioned it had impact on the brandeis university to do this. >> and this guy is a convert to islam. as is ibriham hooper. he was on the program condemning fake muslims she was raised muslim but left the faith. he's a convert but has embraced the faith and out there ripping on ali because he doesn't think she has a right to speak to the issues anymore because she's become a critic of the religion. >> the problem is that council on american islamic relations say there is only one group that gets to speak about islam that, is them. anyone else who has a contrary
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view, none of the groups have anything to say these are the experts. if you agree with them, and you don't know anything about islam that makes you an expert. all faculty member that's wrote a letter to the president of brandeis are all apparently experts on is limb. >> and this guy iman webb sent out e mails and so, you know, admits he was under pressure to revoke this honor he said look. i'm a staunch advocate for free speech but based on free statements as a religion, i had to do this. he said some believe we're applying a double standard the university awarded other hon yary degrees to people who have made controversial remarks about israel but that wasn't on my watch, he said.
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>> he said it wasn't on his watch, you know, great for him. the fact that the yuft has given honorary degrees to people like tony cushner they said we don't have to agree with everything he said thachl seems a more reasonable standard that you have to agree in order to give you an award that would rule out everybody on earth. >> it's an interesting defense a simple google search will bring up her comments not like to you dig deep to find out what she said. this university president wants us to believe he was shocked and it had nunling to do with the outside influence of the groups thank you. >> thank you. >> still ahead a major university may be in trouble after banning a student from handing out copies of the constitution.
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we'll show why they had a problem with that. and questions about one of our cable competitors. and one of the president's closest allies. what was supposed to be an unbiassed documentary. . >> i got talking to this young man. martel. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly.
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>> he's a wonderful kid i'm trying to help him knuckle down, buckle down for college. >> martel works in the mayor's office. gracious lord. me and my homey >> the network says this is all nonscripted but e mails obtained by the chicago tribute suggest the producers coordinated with the staff to showcase him in as quote, the star he really is. joining me now, kirsten powers. he learn something new every day. good to see you. so some of the e mails producer exchanged with the mayor's staff
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are trying to flatter him. show him the star he is, the best of who he is. present him as a star. blah blah blah. i mean, that could just be a producer trying to stroke the staff to get access they want. >> yes. i think some case that's could be it. it's when i read the e mails i think some did cross the line. when you're, you're promising we're going to make him look like the star that he is. as it happens they do they make him look like a star >> the multimitt result is fair, who care what's they said. but the result has been criticized as a puff piece. >> and looking at cnn web site, it says it's unscripted it doesn't seem so when they say we need to capture his leadership and need to have him having certain meetings him in his suv talking on a cell phone.
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don't know why that is leadership qualities but i guess cnn thinks it is. also, promising more access they get, the better the coverage is going to be. and so, i think that that is questionable. if you're being told this is a docu series, that you're going to assume you're just sort of seeing what they captured right? >> these e mail say we need the mayor on the phone in his suv with key advise roars. later saying we need conversations between the mayor and close advisors we need him fighting to keep the crime rate down. they're telling him what he's supposed to be talking about. you can make an argument that is not documenting news that is creating news >> i would say so. if they just said we want to
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follow him around for a day, catch him in meeting that's would be one thing they said we want to showcase his leadership qualities right? they're not doing it just to capture key roles for their documentary. also megyn i don't know if you saw robert redford has said this is meant to highlight how amazing rahm emmanuel is. >> it's a shock that they're working for the agency that rahm emmanuel's brother runs. there is a question how scripted this was. cnn says the mayor was never granted editorial control over the content or communications. kirsten, good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up a question of free speech. they had an issue with a student handing out free copies of the u.s. constitution. what is the world coming to?
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really? who was that kid? and dramatic claims about a va hospital. a woman reportedly conspired to hide the truth of duz kwens of veterans. a powerful response for her next. >> we don't know what the people on the list died of because we never got a chance to see them or examine them. ryday. olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that.
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>> we don't know what they could have died of. gentlemen just don't know. >> just ahead, the founder of one of the nation's largest veterans groups. the daughter in law of the navy veteran thomas green. he died waiting for treatment. sally, thank you for being here. we heard your sound byte saying woe have been better off if he would have been brought to the veterinarian than va hospital. he was brought with blood in the urine and a family history of cancer they sent him home. what were instructions to your father-in-law? >> they gave us a card and highlighted in yellow. highlighter. primary care. they said they will call you or if they don't call you but they will, because i wrote urgent,
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and i stated i will be calling as soon as we come home. >> so you went home and waited and waited. you start calling them. and you finally got your call back on december 6th. unfortunately, he died. >> it was too late. he died november 30th. when they called you on december 6th what did they say? >> hi, may i speak to thomas green? i said who is calling they said the va. i said well i'm his daughter in law. i'm his care taker. and you can talk to me. he said we have him ready for a primary care doctor. that is when i screamed at the lady. i did scream i told her you have to be kidding me. you're way too late. he died thanks to you guys
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>> you heard allegations about how they have a secret list, they don't put vets on the real list because they want to show the wait times are lower than they are. that these administrators are reportedly in on it because they want to make themselves look better with corporate brass in washington what was your reaction? >> me and my watched it. i thought for some reason it was -- they mentioned he was old looking for his age at the emergency room. so when we saw an error, i cried my eyes out and it only confirmed what they did to pop. horrible care. they didn't give him any respect as a veteran. they didn't help him. they neglected him.
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. >> i know he died wondering why he couldn't get the care he needed >> i begged him to go to another place closer to where we lived he said no. no. i belong to the vets i'm a veteran. that is who takes care of me in brooklyn. they're slow sh but that is who i go to. i'm not going where you want me to go. >> sorry for the loss i thank your family for yourself. >> thank you. >> this is unbelievable. paul. >> yes. it is a new low. it's outrageous sally should never have had to deal with this. her father never should have dealt with this. if there are 39 stories like this,
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>> that poor man talking about i am a veteran. they're going to take care of me. and people like this sharon shellman according to dr. foot, the va director say it was well aware about what's happening to these vets. >> right. >> now there are reports got a $9,000 bonus last year. >> she made $180,000 all told. >> yes we need a direct response from the president and secretary of veterans affairs senator mccain called for an investigation we've got to get to the bottom of this. how far does this go? just phoenix? they've got two sets of books and our veterans should never have to wait this, is outrageous. >> can i tell you something just disturbing happened today. speaking of the president. because he -- he was asked at a press conference, hey, vladimir putin says if he was drowning he thinks he would save him.
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would you save vladimir putin? i realized it's a joke they took time to ask our president about that today no one bothered to ask him about dead veterans on american soil at the va in phoenix. >> there have been very little accountabilities and oversight. almost no response from the president we've been talking about the backlog for years. 350,000 vets waiting for disability. >> this is affirmative, nefarious behavior, knowing you may be costing lives. >> yes. yes. >> this is why we need the american public to respond get involved in our veteran's care. you're going to see folks running for office this year. they're not go owing to talk much about veterans care. there are over 20 million veterans in america and also a suicide problem a new bill, the safe act gooding to tackle suicide
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we've got four co-sponsors. we need everybody to show they care about our veterans >> we need to do better. having, being the daughter of a veteran nurse, most employees spend their lives trying to take care of them. it's not all of them. but a few bad apples can cause damage. damage. paul good, to see you. >> thank you. now, a big controversy at university of hawaii. a student is in trouble for handing out copies of the u.s. constitution. why, trace ghallager, why? >> the university of hawaii held an event to getter know their clubs in the center plaza you know how it works students walked down the damage, they can talk to them young americans for liberty were sent in the corner she walked out and started handing out copies of the
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constitution. a school official told her to get back behind the table and directed her to the free speech zone a small, muddy area about the back of the university. she asked about the low foot traffic at free speech zone she was told this isn't the 60s anymore people can't protest like that anymore. times have really changed, since the movement back then. now, she could hand out constitutions on campus if she got written permission. she was told that takes about seven days it took 16 days here is the group backing her lawsuit. listen. >> it's amazing how often administrators will act like there is no first amendment. so you end up having students believe they can get in trouble for what they say when the case law is clear that you have broad first amendment rights on a college campus. >> we reached out to the university of hawaii three separate departments and apparently none of them chose to
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speak to us. freely. >> trace, thank you. >> up next, ambassador john bolton on how iran and a country were women are executed for adultery and considered half citizens just got a big role weighing in on the rights of women everywhere. that is next. to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck...
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indicted. the republican has been under investigation for alleged campaign finance allegations. his lawyer says this was a politically driven vendetta. he denied any wrongdoing. >> developing tonight, what is being call add slap in the face to women around the world. iran has now scored a seat on the commission on the status of women. that's the united nation's body dekat dedicated to getter equal day. iran, a country where women can be executed for adult tri, where one women received a debt sentence for the crime of stabbing a man who was trying to rape her. i yesterday spoke with john bolten, a foreign u.s. ambassador to the united nations and fox contributor. iran, they will enforce women's rights in countries around the world, the one that tells us how we need to treat women? >> right, i know some people are
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probably outraged by this and it is inexplicable unless you know the united nations. the real take away, this is nothing new. this is a dog bites man story. this is the way the u.n. is. it operates this way out time. so if you're outraged by this, it's not because the u.n. was humming along doing just fine and suddenly a mistake was made. this is what goes on day in and day out. >> how can this be? why did we not object? because our ambassador samantha came out and sent out a tweet expressing her outrage with this saying and i quote, this is an outrage, but that's about it. you can see she said yet again, it happened. this is an outrage and people are wondering why she didn't do anything about it. >> because the way the u.n. electoral system works, it's a regional group system. there is rarely a vote on anybody. in this case, the group had so many seats on the status for women and put up a number of candidates exactly equal to the
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number of seats, so there was no opposition at all. this is part of what is inherent in the un system of i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. and it goes with what is fundamentally wrong with the un, the solve earn equality, one nation, one vote, they are all equal. they are not in reality but they are in the un world. >> this is such a joke. iran enforced the penal code and values women's testimony in a court of law as half that of a man. it values the women's life after half that at as a man. girls can be married at age nine. no woman can get married without the okay of her husband. in july of 2011 a female prisoner commented suicide after violent beatings including with electronic batons and their representatives are going to speak for women across the world. >> absolutely. why do countries like cuba and the sudan get elected to the un human rights commission? if you're a human rights
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violator, if you believe in the principles i lran does on the status of women, protect yourself against criticism from other people who think maybe a women's testimony should be equal. >> they said in march, just last month, they adopted only one resolution critical of any country on earth for violating women's rights. you know which country? israel for violating the rights of women. what power does it have? >> it's irrelevant like most un bodies and people need to understand, there is nothing aberration about iran winning. when people say in the future we should entrust this question to the united nations, think again. >> we're doing it. is there any -- can they really affect people's lives or is it more problems of omission, they don't do anything to correct situations like we see in their
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country? >> in fact, to the extent they do have an impact. it's true passing resolutions critical for example of israel. they are really using these institutions, not for what their purpose is but for a different political agenda, delit jit miezing israel. it's rarely reported because let's face it, in this country we don't pay attention to what is going on in the un and it's there like a coral reef building up over the years undermining the values. >> really incredible. what propaganda and what a joke. ambassador, good to see you. >> good to be here. up next, dr. keith ablow ♪ ♪ no matter what kind of business you own,
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a 16-year-old a 16-year-old student marian sanchez went to school this morning in connecticut by 7:15 a.m. by 7:43 a.m. she was dead, stabbed to death by a fellow student who reportedly asked her to tonight's prom but was rejected. dr. keith ablow is a psychiatrist and a fox news contributor. reports, he asked her, she said no, she had a date already. he began to strangle her and pushed her down a flight of stairs and then he stabbed her to death. how are we supposed to make sense of that one? >> well, we make sense of that one, megyn, by looking at the psychiatric history if there is one. we don't know if this is somebody in treatment, the assailant. we don't know other factors that may have come into place. drug use, for instance, was there any? we'll learn that over time and
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we shouldn't forget that our mental health care system is indeed, shattered and if he was trying to get help for psychiatric illness, how rare that comprehensive help would be and of course, this case, like some others might be instructive to the anti-gun lunatics who now could see perhaps it's the person, not the weapon, that's responsible for the carnage. >> interesting point, all the anti-gun laws in the world wouldn't stop this kid from bringing a knife to school and killing this girl. what does it tell you they were reportedly friends, that they were friends on facebook and one of the students reported that they were friendly. i mean, is there any way of, you know, predicting that kind of snap? >> well, there may well turn out to be data from which this could have been predicted. i will also make this point, all such acts occur in a social context. crime occurs in a social context. and psychiatry unfolds in a social context. this is a world for young people
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of narcissism where they're building their fake lives online. it's injurious to the core when a young man is rejected and has other problems. it can leave him more vulnerable than ever because he's synthetic, because his narcissism is everything. these kids are trained to delete people. >> she was synthetic to him, too. >> exactly, you cross it and it's tough to cross back. when you can block them at will and delete them and you're the inflated god of your artificial universe and playing video games, well, killing a real person, the terrible tragedy of that may not register with you until you see the blood.
9:56 pm
>> all right. my friend, take care. >> we'll be right back. carsthey're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden.
9:57 pm
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9:59 pm
>> one day a map maker christopher columbus had an idea. >> i don't think the world is flat at all. i think it's round like a ball. >> well, in 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue but in 2014 columbus day died, at least in minneapolis. they voted unanimously to stop celebrating.
10:00 pm
some believe it is offensive to native americans to credit christopher columbus with discovering america. the change takes effect this year. the person behind it says people will feel really good about how we're advancing a racially equal agenda. do we have to go to work? thanks for watching. welcome to our special audience edition of "hannity." stoned america for the entire hour. we're going to be discussing the rampant increased use of marijuana in this country. we have people on both sides of the issue but before we bring them in, our producers recently traveled to denver for the annual 4/20 pot smoking event. we've been focusing all week on the program about what happened at that event. tonight, we're taking the conversation to a whole new level and it starts right here, right now.


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