tv The Five FOX News April 26, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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back on monday. have a great weekend. hello everyone i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckle, jesse waters who is turning on his phone right now and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." well, dozens of sick veterans died while waiting for health care at the va medical center in arizona. some senators are demanding a congressional investigation. a new report says that feds waited -- vets waited months even years and the va created secret waiting lists. >> they dismissed him like an animal. i believe that if they did
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further testing, if there was cancer, they could have gave him the care he needed. >> retired dr. foot blue -- blew the wifle. >> in february 2013, they started a secret paper list. when they come into an appointment, they at that point -- tap your information in the computer and print it. >> why would this administrator and those underneath her do this? >> well, we felt it was part of a scheme to try to get herself a bonus by having the waiting times look better than they really were. >> sharon helmman the director of the phoenix va health system is denying involvement. >> i have never directed staff to create a waiting list. we will take appropriate and swift action if anything is
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found. >> the allegations of concern are coming too late for 40 veterans. that's not an anomaly. this is 40 people. do you think this is a systemic problem across the va? >> i rarely hear good things about the va. the difference between va and obamacare is that these guys they earned -- they paid for their care. it should be the best care anyone gets and it's where our tax dollars should be going. not to pajama boy but these guys who put their lives on the line and they are being treated horribly and not just this case in particular, but also when you hear about the number of suicides every day of veterans, that's where our money should be going. these guys showed up for our country. our country has to show up for them and this is disgraceful. keeping separate books. this is a hospital. >> military people are -- by nature, they are patient, so they are waiting and they are respectful and kimberly, do you
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think that maybe we've not done a good enough service by them by allowing them to languish in these systems that simply do not meet our standards. >> well, this story is testament to the fact that this is an abysmal failure. i'm embarrassed as an american this has happened. we let them die because there's some kind of bizarre secret waiting list? who are these people. they better have a major investigation and people better be fired. we must have some accountability. there needs to be specific action, complete reform and i do forecast that this could be a big problem for the democrats, sorry, bob, in states that have strong military personnel residing in them, like virginia and others. >> this is one of those issues that i think republicans and democrats can agree on it is outrageous. i agree on the full investigation but i'm concerned about the timing because
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actually there are lives on the line, and they have had warning. listen to this from nick, he's a former mental health administrator officer in veterans affairs and he warned congress about it two years ago today. listen. >> like manyva -- va medical centers, the overall objective to meet our numbers, to meet your performance measures. the goal was to see as many veterans as possible but not necessarily provide them the treatment they needed. performance measures are well intended but they are linked to executive pay and bonuses and as incentive to find loopholes that allow the facilities meet their numbers without meeting their services. >> you think that testimony went in one ear and out the other in congress and nobody followed up. >> this goes back to -- remember the movie "born on the 4th of
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july," that's actually an expose on the problems. there are 500,000 veterans still waiting to qualify for va benefits which is terrible and whenever you hook a bonus performance up for -- particularly in government, then they are going to figure out a way to get around it so they can get their performance. i would get away from that. the idea you should get a bonus for servicing people that you should be servicing anyway and and it gives you an opportunity to bury. >> in the past decade, taxpayers have increased the payments to veterans affairs by tens of billions of dollars and it is now the second largest federal department after the department of defense. obviously, more money has not resulted in better outcomes. >> no, you can't blame the
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sequester for any of this. you can't blame the republicans for any of this. the government here is literally killing people. we thought there were death panels with obamacare. there's death panels now in the va and people in this va are getting bonuses for letting veterans die. how sick and per verse is that? i mean this woman who is in charge down there, she's making about $170,000 a year and she's getting a $10,000 bonus and 40 veterans are dead on her watch. i think it's negligent homicide. i don't know what you would -- >> it is, i mean, when you are standing there allowing people to die because you are worried about making your numbers it's disgusting behavior. i would love to be part of a team that's going to put forward a criminal investigation for this conduct. >> the doctors in these va hospitals and nurses are very good.
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it's the straight administrative side that's terrible. the other thing i find amazing to me is the post traumatic stress disorder problems are rampant and yet they don't seem to be dealing with that. >> the other problem with big government one is apparently, helmman was inphoenix. she was not fired, she was moved. >> you never get fired from government. there's just no met trixs tricks for success. they just move you somewhere else. that never happens in tv. >> that happens in the irs. >> this is a deal that you fight and we take care of you, and this is a deal we're letting them down. as a rule i'm against cutting in line, if you are a veteran you've earned a lifetime pass to board first anywhere i and this
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is a matter it matters most. >> the airline shouldn't pat themselves on their back when they do that. >> this is an opportunity to do our best and show our values. and this is a great opportunity for the obama administration to really show leadership, efficiency, and the urgency for people's lives on the line. >> nobody planned for an increase in veterans coming out of two wars. >> the vet van here is 71 years old. >> president obama did promise in 2009 and 2010 that he was going to take care of this problem there. he's the only person in the cabinet that's performed worst than kathleen sebelius. >> every administration talks about this. >> veterans affairs is, and the
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department defense don't speak the same language. here's oliver north. >> this is unconscionable. the general who served in the united states army out aught to resign, because his soldiers are not getting the care they need. >> the general is a veteran himself. do you think he inherited a big government mess he couldn't fix? >> everybody can say that. there are things that can be fixed. the thing to me if you prioritize it, getting veterans taken care of it right away. get the people that need the help now. do away with the bonus idea. the bonus to keep someone alive, it's a sick thought.
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>> here's another thing i think is outrageous, jesse. >> ambush. >> veterans affairs has been stalling on press requests and foia requests. how would you get them to talk? >> i would be camped outside the va from 6 a.m. until at 6:00 p.m. if you are a illegal immigrant in arizona and you get to sick, you can go to the er, get cleaned up in 24 hours and the taxpayer pick up the bill, but if you are a soldier who sacrificed and served his country, you have to wait for months and die possibly because you can't get an appointment. . you are right about embarrassment.
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the big scandal around walter reed, do you remember that? the stories were outrageous. the press has a responsibility, it seems to me, to bring this story forward. >> the washington free beacon has been pushing on this issue of the press stalling and they still can't get answers but now maybe that will change. i do want to mention one thing about just the culture of the military and ask you to comment on this. the first veteran that we talked about that died, one of things that his daughter-in-law said is that he would no -- not go anywhere but a veterans hospital because he thought that was the loyal thing to do. i'm wondering, you write about in "not cool" about the military and how they are better than most of us in just about everything -- >> anybody who has ever worked with a veteran knows they are always the first one in the office and the last person to leave. what i say in the book the
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overall appreciation of military service, i think, has waned. i know you are going to hate me for this, bob, we have put identity before sacrifice and duty. the country is no longer us. it's me. exceptionalism, because it's the root of all evil. who protects that? it is the military. you got the rotc getting kicked off campuses. now it's about division and not about division and it's pay tree to theism. i don't think a lot of young people don't know what a va hospital is. they might think it's a hospital in virginia. >> these people are told to shop in the px. they get medical on base and housing on base. it's not surprising, they figure that's what we're suppose to do. >> have some sort of a voucher system, let's say you are from
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rural kansas, and you join the military and you go back, there may not be a military base nearby, there should be another way -- >> they are not even computerized at the va. >> i hope that this kind of coverage we're doing here is going to be an answer and solution for this really intractable problem. they don't try to cut the line and show up at the emergency room and demand to be treated. they are following the chain of command. >> the good doctors and nurses and all the attendants that take care of the veterans are probably horribly embarrassed by that. >> the illegal immigrants -- >> i didn't say that, the point was made they could go into a
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hospital because we don't turn away people in this country. i'm proud of what we do here. i'm saying that they are going where they are supposed to going. i'm not saying that illegal immigrants are trying to circumvent the hospital. they are going because they need medical attention. >> next on "the five," can dr. fill help president obama and vladimir putin work out their problems. we're going to show you how that went.
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ago. >> you smother me. >> the comedy doesn't stop there. you remember when putin answered this question last week? >> would obama save you if you were drowning? >> i think obama is a krajous and good person, for sure he would save me. >> president obama also answered that question today. >> i absolutely would save mr. putin if he were drowning. i would like to think that if anybody is out there drowning, i'm going to save them. i used to be a pretty good swimmer. i group -- i grew up in hawaii. >> unfortunately what's happening in ukraine isn't a joke but our foreign policy seemed to be sounding like one. doesn't our president have more
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important questions to answer than whether he would save a drowning putin? >> what do we do at this point? we have to play to our strengths. we got to realize that elections have consequences. we have a cool president but this is what you get when you pit ferris buler against dr. no. we've got to drill, frack, and export. you got to magnify. just for fun, let's go in there and pick up snowden, just in the middle of the night, let putten -- putin wake up and find his patsy gone. >> in america, we are able to laugh about things. it's one of ways that we deal with the problems at that we have, and so we can actually make fun of our politicians and your head is not going to be
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chopped off. that's not necessarily true anywhere else in the world, including in russia, where they have very few press freedoms. >> wait a second. my wife is going to be upset. >> she's an exception. >> she could have done better, couldn't she? >> now you are making me feel sorry for greg. >> why is the war on me? >> get back to putin immediately. roll the shots of him with his shirt off. those are always good. >> i remember when he was first inago your rated, you couldn't make fun of the guy. he was the messiah, he was perfect. there was the cool, calm obama. now, this guy is stumbling, i m
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imbeci imbecile. i don't know what's happening. >> to that point, late night is leading a change, perhaps. i don't think it will last that long. front page of the "new york times," the headline is obama suffers setbacks in japan and the middle east. going into your last two years, it's interesting how the media is -- it's like hurding cattle. >> the nature of the comedy is about the context. they are not making fun of boem, but the obama-putin relationship. say it's a critical joke. >> they are still in his pocket, but there's a factor that's beginning to emerge here.
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the headlines that are coming out of obama's trip to japan, this guy, he bous to a robot. >> i thought -- >> i actually thought the president had a very good trip to japan. >> why? >> well, i thought -- look, the robot thing, we were like laughing. that was charming xing it was cute. look at the picture on the front page of the "new york times." i thought he did a good job. >> he didn't sign the trade deal. they almost tested a nuke in north korea when he was there. the middle east peace process blows up -- >> i said he had a good trip to japan. >> the reason he didn't sign the trade deal, he held out firmly for america's side on this thing. foreign policy in the after math of the cold war, it was very
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definable in the cold war. you were with either the ruskies or you were with us. now, they have brought out thousands of years of animosity, you can't blame obama for not having the kind of very clearly defined lines that the cold war gave us. >> oh, no, no, you can. i actually think you can. there was a very clear line after 9/11 and it was one that the media made fun of, it was president bush's you are either with us or you are against us. i think it goes back to the red line syria problem that the president created for himself. >> back to 9/11, we had common ground with russia. they aren't terrorists, we aren't terrorists. we all have terrorists. and let's all deal with this together. we've lost that common ground.
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>> terrorism is not the only foreign policy -- >> you are absolutely right. but it's at least a start. you can meet together these guys are a bigger problem than what we have. we should work together. we can't have a war with russia because i go home every night. it's going to be awkward. >> you think of the crap you dial with now. >> another popular singer is accused of racism. avril levine is being forced to defend her hello kitty video. next.
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. there is breaking news on the "fox news" channel. we've got word from an attorney, michael grim in new york, that u.s. attorney will file charge against the congressman. he had been under investigation for allegations of campaign finance violations. he asserts his innocence of any wrongdoing. you may remember he threatened a reporter to be thrown off the balcony. the congressman later apologized. now we know according to his attorney, he will be indicted in connection to a campaign finance proeb. now back to "the five."
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in case you missed it, and you are lucky if you did, avril levine rerelease -- released a single of her new single. ♪ that was the opposite of pleasant. it's to your hearing what e. coli is to your intestines. critics are calling it in the only bad but racist too. the backup singers are expressionless and identical. it reminds me of this.
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♪ >> they also look alike without expression. that's not racist and it's cool. that's what lavigne was going for. this outrage reflects a new thing which is called racism. you can hate the video for being awful and she's huge in japan and no one has complained there. everything in life is proepgs. if critics thinks it's racist, so it rock and roll, it came from blues, which is from black culture. >> bob, you are a huge avril levine fan.
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the song, the singers, they look a little creepy. does that that make it racist? >> i don't get it. i've never heard of this person. look at it, that's entertainment? but, look, if you wanted to add a bunch of kamikazes, that would be one thing. you got four broads -- >> that would be one thing. dana, she responded, avril, with some tweets how everybody responds these days, racist? lololol. i love japanese culture. i spend half of my time in japan and i flew to toik to shoot this video. with her japanese label, japanese director. >> i would have a new name for
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the song. good-bye, kitty you like it. >> now, you've done it. you've destroyed the order of the show. what was i going to say? >> i have no idea at this point. >> i don't either. >> i had a really good point but i messed it up by my stupid joke. >> you said good-bye kitty. >> we look at the lyrics. the real offensive part about this is lyrics. it's about the sleepover party. it's come, come, kitty, stay with me, play with me. okay? that's offensive. that's offensive to me. i don't know about -- >> you just blew yourself up. >> i wish i had been invited. it sounds like a pretty good party. >> now, bob is interested in the segment. >> let's go to someone who knows
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about gay -- geishas, and japanese culture. >> you could be in the video? >> do they pay? >> i'm sure. >> i would imagine -- i actually liked it. the people who are calling her racist actually probably want a more one world culture. they want like multiculturism, what she's doing is breaking the barrier for other artists to be able to go there. >> i think she's a fine artist myself. >> you know who called this racist? two white entertainment reporters. >> they don't even get it. hello, who is being offensive? japanese? they are the ones that produced the video, wrote it, directed it. >> here we go. poor bob, play my little hello
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>> some french socialist markist, communist economist has published a book and the left in this country is having or gaxes on it. it's the number one book on amazon. it's the most outrageous set of assumptions. this guy is suggesting an 80% tax rate on incomes over $500,000 a year. not to raise revenue for the government, but to eliminate those incomes. this guy's objective is to simply wipe out the wealthy. >> so bob, i'm going to start with you obviously here, this french marxist intellectual selling his book for a profit, i might add, what do you think the top rate should be for income? this guy says 80% for 500 k. bob, where do you feel
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comfortable? >> let me say this. this is a break through moment on the "the five." not because you are here. because we're using rush limbaugh on one of his diatribes. we do this six times a week and we're only five days a week. >> that's why you guys are so successful. >> i think karl marx had some good times. >> we live in great times, my friend. >> you are the one who says it's horrible because of obama. >> number one on amazon. what's number two? fun with cyanide? i call it misery amnesia. that's what left wingers have. they embrace ideas that have
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been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. these are policies that destroy economies and reduce people into eating themselves alive. if you've ever read about the ukraine, bob, you will know. >> i have read about the ukraine. i know exactly what you are talking about. >> that's collectivism. >> you want to rain some common sense on this table right now. >> ths a very popular book among the left. is the left just admitting they are this radical and they are just saying, you know, we're this cocky bring it on? >> yeah. because they think they are that awesome and unique and they have a better idea than anybody else. the problem is this guy's theories aren't even based on actual proper statistics. when you look at. . the cornell studied median
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household company rose 39.2 percent. this whole book is based on economic lies. it's a fraud. >> the author says he's going to take all this revenue from the taxes, he's not going to invest it in education. he's going to wipe out the rich. isn't that the distraction because their policies have failed? >> well, i've read about this a lot in the past week, trolling through all the sites, oh, there's this book, initially all of it was praise, the pr people have done a good job. what happened since is a system ic take down of the book. welcome to the paraadice of the
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book, just the fantasy versus realism, brint -- print out heaven kimson -- kevin williamson's piece and have everybody in your house -- >> karl mars -- marx is a great economist. >> here's the attitude, oh, don't make me do this? oh, this is too hard. >> here's a hint. it's not a democrat. bob as -- has the answer coming up.
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and he has the republicans down exactly right. >> i don't know whether we're going to get to it this year or not. i think we should but the appetite amongst my colleagues for doing this is not real good and this guy is back here with a camera, but here's the attitude. oh, don't make me do this. oh, this is too hard. you should hear them. >> john has got it exactly right. it sounds like every republican on capitol hill i know and he does a terrific job and he's right. they refuse to take immigration reform seriously. he and a few other republicans are willing to do it. >> i don't think john boehner should make any fun of anybody for crying. i don't understand the republicans predicament. if he don't -- they don't think obama is going to hold up his
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end of the agreement. this president flouts congress all the time and he deny i grates their motives. >> everybody know there's immigration reform and the republicans are -- >> it's harry reid's fault. >> you are too busy ruining the economy with obamacare. >> that's still happening. >> excuse me, elle busho alumni. >> do you know anything about how the economy issues occurred? >> it occurred on your watch. >> it reflects that the republicans are not some mono
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lithic like minded beast. there's a lot of infighting going oband liberals enjoy seeing it. there isn't anybody on the left who is against amnesty, which is really strange because the left, they claim to be for the working class, and if amnesty happened, you are going to flood the workforce with cheap labor which is going to bring down the wages, you would think there would be a peep from the workers. >> a lot of unions are oepsed. i'm willing to make a prediction, there will be a immigration reform in the lame duck session of the congress. >> your predictions are always right? >> pretty much, yeah. >> they are always on the marx. >> you are just so clever. >> i got to do the tease. one more thing is up next with
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the national arrive -- rifle association. he said they ought to be put in the hands of people like you. i'm going to engage this thing. can you please send me the birth certificate? >> you think wayne la pierre should tone it down. >> i don't like foreigners running organizations. >> those damn foreigners. as a reminder i'm on "huckabee" tomorrow, the show. 8:00. and who is to say i hate -- i hate who is to say, that's terrible to say -- who is to say what's wrong and wrong. i do. you can say what's right or
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wrong. who is to say is for losers. >> kimberly is next. >> okay. so today, we want to talk about something very incredible that's going to happen at the vatican on sunday and we're going to have a joint cannonization of two former popes, pope john paul the ii and john the xxiii. also pope francis will be in attendance. so i think it's going to be a very special day for catholics world wide. >> john paul got a bad wrap on that hat. >> i've been called a lot of things over the years. a lot of nicknames, that i can't say on t vx. here's a new one. i'm a little worried about it. >> did you see the waters on the pot festival? >> i've got some jokes about it.
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>> look at jesse in the first place with a pink upturned collar. he's like a gay drak cue la coming down on these people. >> not there's anything wrong with that. >> every time you are on tv you got that one shirt. >> my collar was a little high. >> he asked owe riley. >> he said it's my look. >> the reason why he's got that third nipple on his neck. >> i can attest to that. >> i got to go something very cool today. it was the tribeca disruptive innovation awards. i did a panel on capitalism. i love adam bram, pencils of
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promise. >> i want you to explain what it is. >> never miss an agenda. do we have to go to work? thanks for watching. welcome to our special audience edition of "hannity." stoned america for the entire hour. we'll discuss the ramped increase of marijuana and the call for more states to legalize the drug. we have people on both sides of the issue but before we bring them in, our producers recently traveled to denver for the annual 4/20 pot smoking event. tonight, we're taking the conversation to a whole new level and it starts right here, right now. ♪ ♪ >> i love
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