tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 26, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> hello. welcome to justice. thanks for being with us tonight. this week united states senate majority leader harry reid continued trashing ordinary americans over land grabs and you need to be concerned because the land grabs haven't ended. and who knows? will your handled be next? you know, he labeled opponents domestic terrorists. this after calling terminally ill cancer patient who's say they've lost their doctors, liars. and calling a prominent family that builds hospital wings,
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schools and gives away hundreds of millions of dollars to charity unamerican. senator harry reid, the name calling goes both ways. so senator, i've decided to change your name to harry. dirty harry. the story that i'm about to tell you starts with dirty harry's long time senior aide, his pup oat a string with virtually no experience at the bureau of land management who now runs it. that bureau today eyeing the miles between texas and oklahoma. an he is made 90,000 acres that blm says belongs to the public. so what is behind these land grabs? are they really about protected animals? like tortoises and owls? or might dirty harry be up to something more sinister? now, the state of nevada is
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essentially desert. for years, dirty harry introduced bills transferring federal land to county commissioners to sell to profiteers building homes and shopping malls. not giving a damn about the tortoises routinely killing them, all sanctioned by blm. tortoises be damned. now fast forward. a newfound concern for the tortoise. how dare the cattle graze where the tortoise should roam. so harry reid, so incense that had armed military type agents come in like storm troopers. the blm with no police authority comes in like military paratroopers to move some cows? you need snipers to move cows, harry? really? and then miraculously, back off for so-called, quote, safety reasons. so harry, why did your guy armed
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to the teeth like they're about to fight al qaeda if you were so concerned about safety? folks, a little primer here. if a developer wants to build a mall or a solar energy complex where a protected species lives, they have to find a mitigation area to move the protected species there, in this case, the tortoise. bottom line, building where there is a protected animal requires that you move that animal somewhere elsewhere it can survive. so folks, this is bigger than bundy whose comments recently by the way were outrageous. but it is bigger than him. and here in lies the rub. dirty harry's son-in-law is in a firm that represents a chinese company that wants to develop the largest solar energy complex in america in, guess where?
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nevada. on handled, occupied by the tortoise. on land, that harry reid's son helped locate for the chinese. and help them purchase at well below market value. between 28 and $36 million. purchase price? $4.5 million. dirty harry himself is pals with the owner of that company. energy tycoon who hosts dirty harry in china and who harry featured at one of his events. how to seal the deal. get rid of those pesky tortoises. query, where should the chinese put the tortoise? harry and his puppet have an answer. harry propose as military gags area. the blm bureau of land
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management posted it on its website designating the mitigating area so the solar power project can move forward. unfortunately, that designated mitigation area has cattle on it. so at first blush, everyone said no, this land grab has nothing to do with harry's solar energy plant. that was going to be 50 mails away. but folks, it has everything to do with the land grab. the land where the cattle grazed was the mitigation area that blm posted so that the solar power project over here could go forward. bingo. in true dirty harry mode, you move the cow so we can move the tortoises there so harry's pal and the chinese clients of harry's son can build the solar energy plant. guess what.
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the blm deleted the document that was entitled, cattle trespass impacts solar develop many. a little too incriminating? it is no surprise that people who represent us in congress are more concerned with lining their own pockets and the pockets of their family members than they are of representing us. dirty harry's arrogance, his condescension is only surpassed by his chutzpah. he came in with $1.8 million. he made you a if a hundred,000 aier and then reports a net worth of more than $10 million. here's what i think. the questions were getting a little too close for comfort. so you called off your paramilitary raid on the cows using safety as an excuse. but safety had nothing to do
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with it unless you're talking about the safety of your reputation. harry, in my other life, i did investigations. i presented cases to grand juries day in and day out. oh, to be a prosecutor again. oh, to present this to a grand jury. oh, to put harry underoath on the witness stand. oh, to be able to say, go ahead, harry. lie to me now. lie to me under oath. go ahead, harry. make my day. that's my open. with me now, a texas rancher with up to a thousand acres of handled at stake. lane chapman. all right, lane, do you see this as another land grab? what the blm is now saying regarding what you say is your property? >> ma'am, it is absolutely everything to do with the land grab. this land, it is in no way
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federal land. it has been in my family. i found out today. i went back and looked and i was told since 1886. we have other properties. it has been in my family since the 1960s. either way it has been taxed for over a century. or for multiple generations. >> so lane, you're saying you've been paying taxes on this property. that the federal government and harry reid and his bureau of land management are saying that is public property? >> that's kregt. that is main difference between what's going on in the western part of the united states and texas. that out there is blm handled. it is leased to an individual. this land in texas is owned. it has a deed that was handwritten. i have the deeds. and it is taxed every year. we pay our taxes early generally. this is truly private property. it is defined in every aspect of it. even when you look at what the courts have done. it has been defined. what is texas, what is oklahoma.
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in texas we respect the border. it is the southern side of the water. what is the vegetation? not sparse vegetation but where it actually touches. >> so let me say this. what i want to do is read what the bureau of land management says. the bureau of land management quoted categorically not expanding federal holdings lake the red river. the 140 acres in question were determined to be public land in 1986 when the u.s. district court ruled on a case brought by two private land owners. each seeking to adjust boundary lines for their respective properties. the blm was not party to any litigation between the land owners. you've been paying taxes. you say you see this as another potential land grab. what do you think they're trying to do? why are they doing this? >> well, ma'am, to answer your first question.
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you kind of asked what the blm is doing. they say they're not expanding acres and i see that as them saying they're not and paneleding because they believe they already own them. the truth is, it is by our grace that the blm actually is still what they are. i may not, we're a republic. it is a government by the people. and the people support that. so they are expanding acres. next, what could it be? it could be anything from the recreational value of it. right now, land in texas is not necessarily driven by production but by the money that can be derive from what can be recreation. hunting, fishing, horseback riding, people going out on the weekends. oil and gas is booming.
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there is nothing that make me more proud than seeing an oil rig up on the horizon. those are jobs for the american people. so if the government can get their hands on something, it could be lookraty, that's a paycheck every month. >> you have distinguished your situation from the one in nevada. but do you satisfy a potential? a similar situation where people are around the country come and join you in an effort to show their support? >> ma'am, that's one thing i would hope they would give us support. private property rights are, i mean, they're at the core foundation of this country. we're people that are separated from the government and i would hope people are in support of. does that support have to come in ways that people showing the force that they did. i don't know if that's the truthful but people need to stand up for what their rights are. in the state of texas we have private property rights. they were defind by greg abbott
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and the governor several days ago. >> all right. there is a saying, don't mess with texas. we wish you all best. thanks for being with us this evening. >> ma'am, thank you for allowing me to be on. >> thank you. and coming up, the obama administration's irs is at it again. this time you're not going believe this. out bonuses to irs employees. and voting in tonight's insta-poll. what is behind the land grab in texas and my daughter thinks i'm out of touch. so i asked her how i saved fifteen percent on car insurance in just fifteen minutes. (laughter)
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salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. do you work by the hour? do you pay your bills on time? pay your taxes? if you do, i'm betting you don't
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work for the irs. this week, we find out that irs employees, many of whom don't pay their taxes, who have been disciplined for conduct issues still got paid, till got bonuses and then got extra time off. if you recall last year during the sequester, the idea of getting bonuses to the people in the irs was put off for a while. so we find out that they're giving the bonuses out. why give bonuses or extra time off to a federal employee who has got a be jo, who has time off, free health care, sick time, vacation time and a pension. and why reward employees for performance they're already being paid for. the irs says that the reason for the bonuses is to ensure the proper stewardship of government funds and the effectiveness of the awards system. what awards system? they get awarded every week when they get a paycheck.
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who put this system in place? why wasn't it canceled? why was not it sub to the sequester? if you can close the white house on easter to little kids and if you can cut military benefits while people literally die before they get to see a v.a. doctor, why do these people get bonuses? and time off? why? to keep everyone from talking maybe? remember those rogue irs agents in cincinnati? surely they didn't get bonuses. that would be like hush money, wouldn't it? but folks, they did get bonuses. lois lerner got $42,000 in bonuses. and in a two-year period, 2,800 employees disciplined and still received $2.8 million in bonuses and 22,000 extra hours off. and get this one. 1,100 employees who didn't pay their taxes still got cash rewards, bonuses and time off.
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my next guest assess that they should receive those rewards. brandon arnold is the vice president of government affairs for the national taxpayers union. good evening. irs workers failed to pay their tax. are patted on the back, given out bonuses. really, why? >> this is an egregious violation of the public trust. to have the very people who are tasked with collecting our taxes, tasked with enforcing the tax laws. making sure we play by the rules aren't themselves playing by the rules. to take it one step further you see that they're being rewarded for their actions in the form of bonuses, in the form of time off, in the form of step increases. they're getting promoted while they're not paying their taxes on the irs. it is shameful. >> and you know, how can we trust the government when the very agencies charged with our tax dollars is violating that
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principle? >> it's tough. a lot of russ naturally skeptical of the government in the first place. i certainly fall into that category. it is only a $2 million use of public funds but the ill reply indications are much, much broader. this is an agency tasked with removing about $2.7 trillion every year out of the economy and moving it to the federal government. >> let me interrupt you for a second. i have in front of me that you indicated to my producers that you said moy arizona who fail to pay back taxes should not be denied bonuses. and that the money should be used to pay what they owe. did you tell that to my producers? >> well, i don't think that's the best way to go. >> but you said that to my producers. >> i said that that would be a second or third best solution. the best solution -- to not pay the bonuses will.
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>> are you of the opinion that if these people, you say we shouldn't beat up on them either. we need a balanced approach. we can't fire these people. they shouldn't be fired but that they should get the bonuses. that's what you told my producer. >> i don't believe i said that at all. there are instances where they shmt be fired. there should be an appeals process. >> why should not they be fired? if they're not paying taxes, why should they hold a job? >> they should be fired in those instances. >> all right. thanks so much for being with us. good night. >> all right. coming up, they risked their lives to protect america and then were left to die by their own country. the shocking story is next. fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax.
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allegations that at least 40 veterans died while waiting for appointments with the phoenix veterans affairs doctors. the whistle blower is a retired v.a. doctor who alleges that administrators created a secret waiting list to hide the fact that vets were waiting for appointments for months. all of this reportedly so that those same administrators could receive bonuses themselves for having reduced the waiting times and having low wait times. with me now, retired navy s.e.a.l. and v.a. patient himself. all right, chris, you yourself were a veteran. you put your life on the line for us. what's your reaction? >> my first initial reaction is this dr. foot, good, he's a whistle blower. i kind of want to put my foot up his back side yfrl didn't he say
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something in the last 15 or 20 years? he's been working for the v.a. 20 years. god bless him but i think it is a little late. in my opinion people are saying it is the top five people in that administration are to blame. that's b.s. they broke the first rule of medicine. first do no harmful they've done a lot of harmful 40 people are dead. this is not the first time she's done this. >> whoa, whoa, what has she done before? >> she was working in spokane washington, v.a. from 2007 to 2008, they misreported the am of that committed suicide under her command. they reported it was 9. it was actually 22. this is not her first offense. this is a lady that made $170,000 last year and she got a $9745 bonus last year. >> i hate these bonuses. why do people who boring for the government get bonuses. what is that about? let me talk about -- back up for a second. let me talk about this her name
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is sharon helman. they moved her after she lied at one v.a. hospital, they move her to run another hospital? >> yes, they did. what they do, when someone is incompetent, they take them out of a position of power and tranls of them somewhere else so they dome have to deal with them. $9394 bonus she got lastier for killing 40 veterans. i'm not that great at math but that's like $233.62 per corpse. that is -- it is an affront over the one who has worn the uniform. >> you know what, chris? not only an afront over the one who has worn a uniform. we've heard veterans. forget the ones who are dying as a prosecutor, to me that is criminally negligent homicide. >> absolutely. and for every american. the v.a. is currently about six months behind in this payment to medical venldors. vendors who provide physical
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therapy services. she's got veterans who are now quadriplegics, paraplegic who's don't have enough physical therapy to attend to their needs. it is disgusting. in our bipartisan climate i would think that every american could get behind this initiative to start an external audit of the v.a. there is no doubt there is good v.a.s. i know this for a fact. i talk to my cousin who is a veteran. my brother s.e.a.l. who's are veterans. we need complete top to bottom overhaul. an external you had a why it has to be done. >> who will we get to do this? we've been hearing about the v.a. being behind. now we're hearing about them intentionally lying. and then putting, letting people wait. we've heard, on this channel. we've heard from so many family members who say the v.a. won't let me down and then they end up dying because they won't let them see doctors. >> agreed. it takes six to 15 months to see a practitioner on average.
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i'll just throw out a name of maybe a company could do an external audit. we all saw what happened when we did a benghazi audit. nothing happened. why would is he sick the same group of people on them? in this bipartisan climate we have, i would think every american could get a unified front and let's attack this issue from top to bottom. our veterans made this country the greatest country on the planet earth. at least until the last six years. i think we need to handle this. >> i agree with you. we didn't help them in benghazi and we didn't help them here. thanks for being with us. coming up, the gloves come off as i go head to head with off as i go head to head with one lawmaker who thinks predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented.
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headquarters i'm anita vogel. nba commissioner adam silver surrounding the scandal of l.a. clippers owner sterling. saying the lead will investigate. adding he'll reserve possible sanctions against sterling pending the investigation. sterling is not expected at the clippers playoff game on sunday and south korea's prime minister offering to resign after the ferry disaster that left over 300 miss orring dead victim relatives claim their government didn't do enough to rescue their loved ones those in involved in navigating the ferry have been arrested. i'm anita vogel in los angeles. now, back to "justice with judge jeanine".
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chicago mayor rahm emanuel and the city's top cop jerry mccarthy being glamorized on cnn chicagoland. take a look. >> people always say, i don't feel much better even though shootings might be down by 40%. the reason for that is kind of simple. if you have ten shootings in your nabl last year and you have six shootings this your neighborhood this year, do you feel 40% better? absolutely not. >> are we really supposed to believe that? after 45 people were shot last weekend in chicago. that they're doing a great job? with me now is illinois congressman danny davis. why do we keep hearing about gun violence in chicago? what's going on there? >> well, you know, chicago is a tough city. and one of the thing that gets overlooked to some degree is the high level of poverty that exists in the city of chicago, large number of low income
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people, of actually poor people. neighborhoods no different now than they were after the riots when dr. martin luther king was assassinated. many of those communities have had no change. you can't find a new building. >> okay. so are you saying the poverty is an excuse for shooting and homicide? >> no, i'm not suggesting that it is any kind of an excuse but it is part of the reason. it is one of the -- >> to me the reason the people are shooting other people is because they decide to do it. poverty or no poverty. with all due respect, let me ask you this. you have a police commissioner and a mayor, they're trying to glamorize them. to put them in this positive spirit. and by the way, i lived in chicago for three years. you've got kids on the south side of chicago who don't even respond to the sound of a gunshot. why aren't they putting their
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resources into protecting those kids? chicago ranks dead last, 90 out of 90 districts in federal prosecutions of gun crimes last year. why aren't these crimes being prosecuted? >> i'll tell you, there are efforts to prosecute but i'm not sure that just dealing with the crime scene are going to really cut the mustard. chicago has suffered from a long period of neglect. i mean, we've seen poor schools. we've seen neighborhoods that are dysfunctional. law enforcement can do its part. but we actually need much more than that. >> okay. >> we need resources. >> good for the resources. here's my question. if you're shooting 45 people on easter weekend, on one side of chicago i don't recollect care if they're rich or poor. the bottom line is they're not prosecuting them. i agree.
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let's take care of the victims. let's do something for families. but if you're not arresting anyone, then the message by the police commissioner and 98or is, keep shooting and your excuse is a good one. runt ashame that they're not being arrested? >> you go to cook county jail. there is not enough room there and it is the largest one in the nation. >> i would triple them up in the cell. >> what i'm saying is that you have to begin to help people change their behavior. >> yeah. you do it by taking them off the street and not killing other people. >> well, let me tell you. you don't have any room to put them. >> put ten in a cell. i want them in jail and not on the street killing kids. and so do you. i know you agree with me. >> oh, i agree that they have to come off the streets. i agree that we must divert
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them. but i also know that law enforcement alone is not going to significantly change the conditions of low income people -- >> that's not their job. it is not law enforcement's job to make people feel better and put them on an economically level playing field. law enforcement's job is to protect your family from the person who think that's they can carry a gun and get away with it and they obviously are in chicago no matter how many cnn tries to make it look like, hey, we're getting crime down. that's a bunch of hog wash and you know it. >> well, let me tell you. the idea that people can carry guns. and we talk about concealed carrying. and we know that chicago has a large number of guns in the city, coming into the city, and our law enforcement people, our mayors, i give them some credit
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for trying to do something about that. but we need, we need to change the mindset and the behavior of many of the residents. >> all right, congressman davis, thank you for being with us tonight. the way to change the mindset is to throw their butts in jail and protect our families. and law enforcement is not doing their job there. that's just my opinion but i thank you. >> all right. >> thank you. with me now, political commentator, author of seven books including more guns, less crime, john lott. okay. more guns, less crime. that is counter intuitive. what does that mean? >> just as you can deter criminals with higher arrest rates or conviction rates, that people can defend.
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they. we can talk about this but rahm emanuel has cut the number of police. he's reorganized the police department in many ways and has made them much less efficient. the closure rate for murders in 2012 was 26%. that's abysmal. when the police can't be there. it is important to let potential victims have the chance to defend themselves. and unfortunately, up until very recently, they've been essentially made very difficult for them to be able to do that. >> your books, they've been best sellers. this could not cemenoncept, mor guns, less crime. are you suggesting if more people had guns that the criminals would be less likely to shoot people for fear they have a gun too? >> sure. just give you a simple example. when you put a sign in front of
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your home that says your home is a gun-free zone. my guess you is wouldn't do that. >> mine isn't. >> and the reason is obvious. because you know, if you put a sign like, that it would be an i visitation for the criminals to go attack you there. the same is true with permanent concealed handguns. unfortunately the problem in illinois is that it costs between $650 and $700 to go through licensing process to get a permit. compare to it pennsylvania where i'm at where it is $19. the problem is the people who benefit the most from having guns for protection are poor minorities who live in the high crime areas. the very people who will most likely be victim of violent crime. the way the democrats have ed it up in illinois is that it is only the very wealthy who are able to afford the process to go get guns for protection. >> one of the thing that
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congressman davis just said before you, that they have the cut back to police. i was a city d.a. and i ran a lot of task forces. you put your police in the area that's are most violence. i don't understand why there is this acquiescence. >> there are two thing that happened. they did cut down on the number of police by about 10%. but they also moved around police. they had been in certain high crime areas for a decade for a decade match the who knew where the criminals were. they knew where the problems were. they were moved out to relatively safer community. >> you lost a the love police experience that was there and you don't make that up overnight. plus they got rid of the gang task force so it is not too surprising that you see game crime increase dramatically.
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>> thanks so much for being with us. i couldn't agree with you more. the last thing do you is pull out law enforcement. and they should be ashamed of themselves. they're in the bottom of federal prosecution for gun crimes. and they're not clearing these cases. and so coming up later, police games putting american lives at risk. justice investigate ideas some politicians are trying to hide the truth about our power grid's vulnerability. (mom) when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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landrieu so upset we heard about the san jose event. they weren't questioning witnesses based on what are we going to do about this, but instead, how did this get out. what is going on with the lawmakers? >> this is concern as to the indications that a small number of substations could have such a large effect on our grid i understand that concern. bottom line is that if we'd be more concerned about a solution rather than terrorists finding out things they already know, i think we'd be serving the people much better. >> you know, congressman what i thought is amazing is that all of the outrage regarding this attack in san jose was after made public to us by the "wall street journal." if these senators and congress people were so concerned they would have gotten involved immediately after, but they
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waited until a year late twroer say i am outraged at this. i'm not so outraged at what happened to our grid i'm more outraged that few americans heard about it. i thought i was on another planet. >> yes, ma'am. one of the great enigmas is somehow it seems there has to be blood on the wall for every threat that faces us before we respond to it. there are voice that's try to warn the populus but for some reason, we're not willing to take a look to see if the risks are real. and not on the basis of politics but trying to serve the american people and cause of freedom. . >> i was reading there are other countries whose grids are protected. china's grid is protected. everyone knows our grid is like
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a third world country. i mean, you know, what do we have to do to move congress on this? >> well, you know when you mention china, keep in mind china has a sophisticated offensive they recognize dangers to themselves if used against them. i just returned last night from israel. from england. and both of those countries are outrunning us in terms of response to this issue. i hope with the cyber attack in connecticut, that finally we're beginning to understand to understand to recognize a significant on the degree it represents to civilization itself. i have hope they'll respond in a better way in the future. we have a critical infrastructure protection act i'm sponsoring to be here in the
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next month. i am encouraged. >> congressman we're going to stay on this. hopefully you'll have hearings soon, and we'll be there soon, when it happens. thanks for joining us. thanks for what you do. coming up, more on the power grid. if lights hearing soon, thank y much, thanks for what you do. and coming up, more on the power grid, if the lights go out how many of us actually survive. if you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue. if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. to help people clean better, and that he travels the world inventing amazing new cleaners, like his newest invention, liquid muscle,
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on your show. the congressional emp commission on which i served estimated that if a nuclear or national emp catastrophe happened given our current state of unpreparedness, nine of ten americans could die within a year of starvation, disease and societal collapse. >> how does the u.s. stack up in the large you scheme? i was talksi -- talking about this with congressman trent franks. >> most nations are vulnerable, but we are vulnerable because of the reliance on the high tech grid. russia and china are into cold war and hardened their electric infrastructures and all of their critical infrastructures really because they believed in their military doctrine that they could fight and win a nuclear war. there are also some other countries, sweden, finland, the
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u.k., are ahead of us. >> you said, doctor, that you think we're running out of time. why do you say that? >> i say that in part because of the cover-up you alluded to before, where washington seems to be more interested in denying the american people information about this. let's talk more about the incident where the attack happened in san jose. one of the things that people have not recognized and has not talked about, they should connect the dots on that instead of trying to protect people. we were in the middle of the nuclear crisis, the gravest nuclear crisis we ever had with north korea, they were threatening to make missile strikes on the united states. and indeed, they were cast on the satellites, on the day the metcalf attack, was over the washington, d.c. new york city corridor. an ideal position to take out the eastern grid. i speculated and theorized that
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it is upon that this might have been an all-out cyber war fare practice session by north korea, you know to take out the united states by means of emp, sabotage, and cyber attacks which is how they would do it with their military doctrine, as would the chinese and russians. when they talk about cyber war fare they don't just mean computer bugs they also mean nuclear attack. >> all right, doctor, i want to thank you for all the work you're doing. and thank you for joining us this evening. >> well, thank you so much, i salute you, judge jeanine. thank you. and is now, what is behind the federal land grabs in texas and nevada michael writes, they're trying to do what they want. rita agrees, greedy politicians are behind it. one posts they're trying to start a revolution. that is it for us tonight.
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thank you for joining us, friend me on facebook, follow me on twitter @judgejeanine. we'll see you next week, same time, same place, same me. makes it like two deals in one. salesperson #2: actually, getting a great car with 42 highway miles per gallon makes it like two deals in one. salesperson #1: point is there's never been a better time to buy a jetta tdi clean diesel. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a jetta tdi. it gets 42 highway miles per gallon. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. volkswagen has the most tdi clean diesel models of any brand. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want,
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10:00 pm
do we have to go to work? thanks for watching. welcome to our special audience edition of and welcome to our special audience edition of hannity. stoned america for the entire hour, we'll discuss the rampant increase of marijuana use in the united states. in the audience we have people on both sides of the issue. but before we bring them in, our producers recently traveled to denver for the annual 2014 pot-smoking event. we focused on what happened to that event tonight. we're taking the conversation to a whole new level and it starts right
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