tv FOX Report FOX News April 27, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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have a great week. and we'll see you next "fox news sunday." >> this is a fox report, the catholic church captivating people. the pope is breaking with tradition, presiding over a double ceremony for two popes in one day, to become saints at vatican. [ chanting ] >> pope john xxiii and pope john ii elevated at saint at the same time and called a day for popes because pope benedict was in attendance and an estimated million catholics gathered in
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and around vatican city and a belt more watched by tv and social media including john paul ii hometown where the polish flag was waved in his honor. our political insider was there for the ceremony and he joined us now from rome. pat? >> hello, nice to talk to you. >> tell me all about the ceremony. >> it was incredible. i have been to many ceremonies and inaugurations and others but this was something else. it was unprecedented in the history of the catholic church. you had four popes: two became saints. they changed the clutch and the world, pope john xxiii and pope john paul ii and pope francis,
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who was presiding and was assisted by the former pope den -- pope benedict. you could see the entire universe at of the church: from chinese to arabs to africans. just amazing. the spirit was incredible. we are talking about two men who proved the power of moral leadership. it was -- and all the cardinals and the archbishops. the majesty of the church was awesome. >> pat, you sent back notes on your observations about how powerful the ceremony was in terms of the reach, politically around the world. what does you mean by that? >> i meant that this new pope
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has touched at least two saints, have touched millions. what is interesting to me is we had we pope john paul ii who, the stories i heard in rome, about how he actually was an effective instrument, and reagan help, and bringing down the soviet union and going to poland and how he broke that and his moral leadership when everyone said that couldn't change, point john xxiii and the catholic church made it better for the common lay people and the new pope touching people all over the world, this is a power of the moral over the material and today was an awesome display of that. >> pat, we have been talking about the numbers of people gathered there. i have been there on easter sunday and i know how packed it
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is but you can hear every word that is spoken and it is nearly eerie. >> you could have communion and the plaza was flooded with 600 priests and deacons who served the communion. everyone participated. at the end, the pope came down, in the popemobile, and he waved and...the power was awesome. >> it was incredible. it was as moving spiritually as anything i have experienced in my life. >> fascinating to see people reacting to this who are not catholics but they are awe-inspired by what they are saying. >> that is the power of spirit
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and the power of the moral and i am not surprised. people hunger for these kind of think today was a glorious day for that and the canonization of two popes as saints is just unprecedented who are beloved by the world. >> pat kind of reporting tonight from vatican city. we'll see you again later this hour. that is because at the bottom of the hour, he will be back with the political news insiders. our nation's heart land on alert. we knew this was coming. a series of powerful storms now bearing down on the midwest and threatening the south. threatening lives and lively hoods and the danger we're being told is increased as each hour passes. forecasters are now warning
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people to prepare for the possibility of tornadoes and hurricane force winds. hail, severe flooding also a major concern as we get into the nighttime hours. one destructive storm swept through missouri earlier today over turning a tractor-trailer near the town of odessa. it's mother nature just breaking wide open there at the center of our screen. strong winds clocked at 60 to 80 miles per hour. damage rooftops of people's homes and businesses. and in kansas, firefighters had to battle a roof top fire apparently by lightning. >> i wanted you to stand with me tonight so we can see how big of a portion of the united states we're talking about. millions of people are in the way of this thing. >> it's going to hit everybody across the east eventually. one thing of note, we have not had any fatalities this season
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from tornadoes. it's the longest go we have ever gone. friday there was a storm in north carolina, an 11-month-old passed away from that. this is the story we're looking at, two kind of pieces of this that are causing some problems for this. one of them is across areas from the plains in places like nebraska. you can see the upper level winds. this is the strongest part where the upper level disturbance is causing one section of big problems for us, but then right here, you notice all of these clouds that are going in, this right here is the jet stream and then we have these southeast wardly winds. >> so they are colliding. >> this area as we move forward over the next couple of hours, we have our biggest concern. >> i'm going to step out of the picture. last night we are telling people from south dakota on down, why so far north on this storm?
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>> that's a good question. you can see the rotation, this is the main piece of energy for this. it's pulling off to the north, it's pulling off this long area. it is absolutely a lot of people that are under the gun. look at all of these tornado warnings here. there's that nebraska site i talked about but then go down here little bit further across the south, this one here, across the southern part of arkansas, that tornado watch is called a particularly dangerous situation so that is one of the -- the risk is elevated and potentially for about the next five hours, we're going to see numerous tornadoes and some of those potentially large are tornadoes. this south part of arkansas is our biggest concern tonight, obviously, nebraska, mississippi, louisiana, we need to be watching this. >> how many hours are we talking about? >> this will die down a little bit about 1:00, 2:00 in the morning. >> this is tomorrow?
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>> this is right now, tornadoes warnings in missouri, mississippi. this is today's biggest threat, southern arkansas. you see that big area of red. >> it's a shift. >> still tomorrow a moderate risk. more tornadoes. >> we're going to bring you back in the later hour. >> general as the sun sets it's a little bit better. that's why it's so much dangerous. you don't have any visual cues that a tornado is coming. >> as a reminder, if you have video or pictures from the storm areas that you will like to share with us, please send them along to you reports as fox >>r. this was the story that was breaking wide open last night on the fox report. the owner of the los angeles clippers is under increased scrutiny after an audio
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recording of his voice over the week. you can hear him making racially charged comments. players staged a silent protest against the team owner donald sterling wearing their shirts inside out, hiding the team logo. golden state beat the clippers. a lot of the focus is not on the game right now. sterling allegedly told his girlfriend on the tape obtained by the website tmz not to bring people of color to the games. some of the basketball's most legendary players are voicing their disgust. magic johnson is encouraging the nba to come down on hard on sterling. live for us in our west coast newsroom for us and this has changed almost hourly today? >> yes, it certainly has and it
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was very interesting to see what was happening on the court in oakland where the clippers were played against the other team. >> some of the players were wearing black socks and you see they are wearing their uniforms -- inside out. she was wearing all black. she's sitting in the same seats that she and her husband were sitting there earlier this week. golden state fans were chanting sterling sucks and that really was part of the warriors showing clear solidarity. >> please don't think it's just the clippers that's been affected by these comments. i think it has affected us all and it's difficult to believe that in -- as crazy as this
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sounds, that that's the mentality -- i wish i can say one person. that's the mentality of a lot of folks today. >> so we've heard from the basketball community. we are now hearing from president obama who has took a time-out during his tour of asia to say just how incredibly offensive he thought the comments were. listen. >> when ignorant folks want top advertise their ignorance, you don't have to let them do anything. you just let them talk. i have confidence in the nba commissioner will address this. >> and you know, harris this thing seems escalating it. sterling was aware he was being taped by his girlfriend in this alleged phone call. the lady on the right-hand side
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of the screen, the conversation was taped on march 9th, apparently she regularly and routinely recorded her conversations with him and played them back, including the phone call that was released this weekend, and apparently he got angry about that, denied he made the racist comments and that's why she played it back to him before it was leaked to tmz. >> this story has more twists and turns. the series that involves his team is tied and no one talking much about that right now, interesting. update us when you can. thank you very much. right now, the u.s. coast guard is searching the waters off florida for a missing cruise ship passenger. how that man vanished while the ship was in the middle of ocean. we're looking at that. and criticism is flying over the announcement over another delay in the decision of the keystone pipeline. one big union chief and then obama supporter is angry at the president for getting in the way of jobs as he put it.
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even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. . a separate search is under way for a man who went off a cruise ship. the coast guard says the man apparently went overboard sometime this morning east of dell ray beach of florida. the bahamas celebration ship was returning to its home port in florida when it happened. they have not released his identity. crisis in ukraine is front and center during president obama's trip in asia. he's facing criticism by people who say the proposed sanctions against russia is not enough to
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deter russian president vladimir putin. >> reporter: good evening, harris, for the fifth straight day, this asia trip was dominated by the crisis in ukraine. the president again vowing there will be consequences for russian president vladimir putin as the u.s. prepares another round of u.s. sanctions aimed at russia that could be unveiled back in the united states as early as tomorrow. but at a news conference here in malaysian. the president was pressed why he was not working forward with or without european allies on so-called sectoral sanctions. the president pushed back by saying this. >> we're going to be in a stronger position to deter mr. putin when he sees the world is unified and the united states and europe is unified rather than this is just a u.s.-russian
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conflict. >> reporter: now a series of top republicans in recent days have been charging for all the president's talk these sanctions have simply not changed the calculus for vladimir putin. >> what i fear is all we're doing is tweaking votes and i'm very concerned as we've seen from this administration on so many tough issues, their policies are always late, after -- after the point in time when we could have made a difference in the outcomes. >> reporter: now the president heads to the final stop on the asian turn, the philippines where he's signing a 10-year agreement to expand ties between u.s. and filipino troops. around the world it's being seen as an attempt to pushback on a rising china in this region. a surprising admission from an arab leader about the jewish hollow kawft.
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israeli prime minister said the partnership has dealt a devastating blow to peace efforts between his nation and the palestinans. >> there are some groups you don't negotiate with. you don't negotiate with al qaeda, we don't negotiate with hamas as long as they seek our destruction. you have to be very clear on that and i think that not being clear end dangers peace, when you talk to people who seek your obliteration, you are not going to get peace. you get the opposite. >> the statements come at the same time when the nazi genocide is remembered. >> he seems to be reaching out
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to israelis. it's rare for an arab leader to acknowledge the holocaust in no uncertain terms. he's quoted as saying the holocaust is the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era. but the israeli prime minister says habbas can't have it both ways. >> what i say to him very simply is this. president habbas tear up your pact with hamas. recognize the jewish state and make peace. >> he called the statement an overture to the american public opinion. >> i'm curious about what the israeli prime minister said about the peace process. what impact does this have on
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that? >> it's a step in the right direction. secretary of state tried but failed to bring the two sides together. the u.s. still committed to peace and today the white house official he reiterated the guidelines. >> our principles are very clear, any p palestinans government has to recognize israel, it has to renounce violence and recognize past agreements. >> they need to step back and consider alternatives. excitement is brewing here at "fox news" as we get set for tomorrow, monday. our new show "outnumbered" will debut at noon eastern. we'll cover the news as it happens and handle topics of the day and a round of four women and what we like to call #one
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lucky guy. happening now will air and then outnumbered. pro russian militants are tightening their grip in eastern ukraine. that situation is just scbloeding. obama administration is promising a new round of sanctions against russia. our fox news political insiders weigh in on the process. and we want to hear from you. are more sanctions the answer, are they enough to drive russia out of ukraine. if not, what will it take? tweet your comments harris faulkner. heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. centrum silver. cleaning his cabin, mr. clean likes to keep things simple. that's why he brings his magic eraser extra power.
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nascar is launching an investigation now after two drivers came to blows at the toyota owner's 400 in richmond, virginia. meers took a right hook to the face. no word what this all is about. ambrose and meers finished 18 and 19th respectively. i'm harris faulkner, this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour and if you are just joining us one of things we're following a series of powerful storms bearing down on the nation's midsection and parts of the south this hour. forecasters are warning the potential for twisters, hurricane like winds and increasing concerns about
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flooding. >> i want to take a live look at a picture out of kansas city area right now. we see some clouds from it, but there is potentially a little bit of rotation that's going to be associated with this, so if you are in the kansas city area, this comes to courtesy of wdaf, certainly watch this and be prepared for this storm. there is a lot of moisture that is being brought up from areas of the gulf of mexico. we haven't seen that so much this year because it's been so cold all across the eastern satisfy sea board. take a look at all these tornado watches we have in effect. across parts of nebraska and right across iowa and missouri border, texas, louisiana, oklahoma, and over toward mississippi. a few tornado warnings, one to the west of the springfield area, to the north of joplin, we've had some reports of tornadoes with those cells. most of these cells across arkansas right now are only
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severe, winds and hail. there's one cell there west of oxford, mississippi, there's been one tornado on the ground. you get an idea of the broad area here. you see this white, it is a high risk for severe weather. they issue that three or four times a year at the storm prediction center. tomorrow, the moisture still continues to come up from parts of the gulf. get ready for another round of this parts of mississippi, alabama, tennessee, and also see some severe weather across the carolinas, wind and hail. we still have three days still of this, harris, and long with this because it's such a slow-moving storm that means we get more moisture into the area and we're going to be talking about very significant flooding. a lot of areas from the central
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gulf all the way up to new england, widespread spread and potential flooding as well. >> moving on now to politics. what we do hear on sun nights, pro russian militia in eastern ukraine are growing boldert by the day. they have now seized the tv station. ukraine has yet to take a stand whether it's police force or military that's doing this and all this comes as the may 11th referendum date looms. that's the day separatists want to hold a popular vote into turning this eastern region of ukraine into a russian state. you can join the conversation on twitter. doug shul, ed roll ins.
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and rejoining us from rome now, pat cadel. ed, i'm going to start with you. is america getting it right in terms of how we are pressing the white house, pressing more nor sanctions? >> we need more sanctions. at the end of day we have to make sure that our allies are going to basically back us up. you don't want to make it one on one. we can put tough sanctions on them as we did in iran and put some real economic chaos there but it's really not our fight. it's really europe's fight and they have to be there with us. >> doug? >> i agree partially with that. i think it's everyone's fieg but ultimately we have to do something we haven't done which is to show leadership. i agree with ed that we have to expand the sanctions but we also have to understand that unless there is a tough policy where america provides leadership, the russians will go further into eastern ukraine and try to take the whole region. >> before i go to pat, i want to
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put this -- if we could run this now from senator bob corker of tennessee what he has to say about the situation and there are some lawmakers who just simply not mincing words. let's watch. >> again, these sanctions on individuals are not having the -- it's not creating the kind of pain within russia that will cause putin to change his behavior. >> pat, what will change things? >> well, i think first of all, we've been generally a dollar late and a day short -- and a dlor short. i was at a dinner on friday night with the former president of poland. and he talk about it. he had an interesting statement, it's all about american foreign policy and the bureau. he said it's a super power, the united states does not want to assert its moral authority to lead, then share it with poland. we will show them how you do it.
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i think that's interesting because there was a clear sense that we are not leading and the europeans have remember a lot of pressures going on energiwise. the germans have a huge economic stake as even the english do financially with russia, and yet at the same time as we have said over and over on political insiders, it's very predictable and doug is right. putin is bound and determined to try and dismantle the ukraine, an independent state. >> i want to go to twitter now. scott says sad to see putin em boled by obama and europe's lack of leadership. why couldn't we at least send weapons? #consequences. ed. >> once you start getting in with weapons, then the next thing you send men to train weapons. we've done that plenty of times. there's plenty of weapons on both sides and it's whether or not ukraine has the will to stand up and fight off this potential. it's a powder keg.
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putin is driving this agenda. unless he sees some strong opposition from us and others, he's going to continue. >> so what is down the road? what we're looking at -- the sanctions have kind of a long term effect? i've heard you say that. there are people tonight who are quite frightened by what they have seen. we saw russian jets fly in and violate airspace in ukraine on friday. what's the short term plan? >> we don't have the short term plan and we have to be fair about that and since vladimir putin suggests only responds to pressure, he believes he can either dismantle ukraine, neutral ice in advance of the may elections. it's all to the ill the united states. we have to put pressure on their banking system and their whole economic and plit elet. >> from twitter, why is providing ukraine with military aid a bad idea?
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william young wants to know that. >> i understand the danger of slippery slopes, but i do think we should be sending mg more than mres to the ukrainian forces. i think we needed a stronger show of what we would support. i think the ukrainians have to act, but i tell you this is several months of dawdling around and convincing putin as i've said before that he can push obama around. that he's taken boemr obama's measure and he thinks he's basically a weak link. you've got to put on sanctions that hurt russia economically and cause them to pause, not to simply take out a couple of individuals which has no effect. and give up talking about it. >> the president is spending quite a bit of time in asia right now. we've been told not to expect too much of foreign policy to be changed or made out of this
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trip. it's more of a pr thing to show u.s. commitment to that region according to the white house statement that we've received. but ukraine keeps coming up. >> well, look, the world does not exist in isolation. the great mistake the president made was drawing a red line in syria and letting it go. the russians saw it, putin saw it and in asia, what's happening now, the japanese asked a blunt question, if you won't respect your treaty obligations vis-a-vis ukraine, will you respect them with us? >> perfectly honest, i think the important thing is here do the chinese believe them? >> do they? >> i don't think so. >> exactly. >> nobody does. >> dave on twitter says and he's going to get us to segue to our next topic here. ukraine has weapons. something is keeping the russians at bay. we did send the cia.
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so it's interesting, at least some people are saying that it looks like we've done all we can do. real quick, pat. your thoughts? >> no, i don't think we've done all we can do. i think that we should have been strong in the first instance and i think the president needed to lead and convince the europeans that are under particular threat. we have not even strategically understood the importance or the energy we have and how we should begin planning long term so the europeans are not vulnerable to the russians. but we have other things to do but as doug suggests this is around the world and anyone who believes the chinese takes the americans searcy after syria and ukraine. they are smoking something. >> we want to take a quick commercial break. i want to talk about the union and the keystone pipeline and the president. how a huge base for this
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fox news political insiders are back. you know, it's going to be tough to move on from ukraine because twitter is atwitter with it right now but we want to talk about the keystone pipeline right now and this union boss who is upset with president obama because he feels like this indecision process is putting jobs in jeopardy. what's your first response, ed? >> first of all, he's absolutely right and i think a lot of other afl-cios may not be speaking out but they are very unhappy about that. president obama made a clear decision he was more concerned
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about environmentalists than jobs. the perfect time to approve this thing, the mench to the russians and everything else, we're going to be energy independent. we're going to provide energy to the rest of the world. >> this is an interdependent world and the fact that environmentalists and the democratic party and one big donor, tom steyer have effectively a veto is very did he tell tri mental to the united states. >> keystone is an example of corruption in both political parties. >> well, it is an example of corruption. you have one boil ordinary -- billionaire threatening up to saying i don't want keystone. the president obama has decided
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to politically delay things to keep his couldn't at this time went sis and candidates happy. this is going on and on what he's doing is trading jobs for their support and they have the biggest spot. when a billionaire can threaten to buy the government actions on the best, what is best for the united states of america, politics is corrupt and i can point equally to the republican party too, and by the way, it seems that mr. steyer who claims to be of pure heart has some business interests in this as we found in the wall street journal would suggest, he's also fethering his nest. >> more important issue, canada is one of our closest allies, they want us to have this energy. we've had pipelines, we've been studying this thing to death. the state department's report
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came out say it's environmentally perfect and it should be done. >> do we have that canadian ambassador? can we see that. >> we were very disappointed. we were hoping that the approval would come through so that we could start in the construction season to have employed hard hats instead of just having a discussion going on -- an ongoing discussion, so by denying and delaying the pipeline, we have less hard hats working in the u.s. and canada. we have more oil now coming down to united states on rail. every day, there's more oil on rail. >> interesting, and that was the ambassador gary doer, he was on this morning with our own maria. >> it's obviously the case the ambassador is making. it's energy independence. it's jobs.
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it's insulates ourselves from overseas. none of this makes any sense. >> it's also safety. there's always a chance of a train going off the track. it happens every day. pipeline safety is high priority and is one of best ways to ship oil and gas, what have you. >> you know what's interesting, i hear you and pat who are democrats as far as i know -- >> we are. >> but you are not supporting the president on this at all, pat. >> well, no, because i happen to think that the issue of both energy independence, our support of our ally canada, what it affects us our ability to develop energy exports, for instance, to europe which v affects rawgses russians, and affecting americans and jobs, i agree with the union who basically supported the president and got nothing for it because they are not part of the
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elitists. it's not to the benefit of the united states. >> what happens politically, real quickly, gentlemen, if the president -- you know what happens, if you don't make a decision, life decides for you. what happens if this doesn't get decided? >> ultimately it will not happen if it's not decided and the more time we waste, the more likely it is that it doesn't happen, like nebraska which is rerouted the pipeline because of some local court issues, harris, this is all contrary to american interests, contrary to policy making. it makes us look weak and impotent over seas. >> they are going to sell this to china if we don't come forward with this. >> and the president is in asia. >> failing to negotiate a trade deal. >> gentlemen, sit tight. this into to fox now. we want to update everybody. authorities say two people have died after a tornado touched
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down in northeastern oklahoma. we've been watching this season. as this weather has turned now into the weekend two more deaths reportedly hit a couple of hours ago. the extent of the dang -- damage is noin. stay -- unknown. stay with us. been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models.
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back to political insiders. i want to go back to pat who is joining us from vatican city. what we're talking about is kind of this perception of america around the world. i want to get your final thoughts on that. you've got the president in asia. you know, the canadians could take the keystone pipeline deal and do a deal with china. do you think that's coming up while the president is in asia? >> i don't know if it's coming up while he's in asia. the guess is.
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today we celebrated what moral leadership can do in the world, and unfortunately in our politics whether it's the republican leadership on benghazi or the president on foreign policy and benghazi, we have a moral desert when it comes to leadership in our political system. >> doug, we do not need to be moral world leaders. that's absurd. >> yes, we do. the greatest nation in the world. we stand for enduring values of liberty, freedom and tomorrow be holocaust remembrance day. there is a higher purpose. we stand for it, and unless we provide leadership, the whole world suffers. >> i think the three of us, we'll all americans. we're not republicans and democrats only. no one wants our president to fail. we want our president and our government to succeeded. it's failing though and i think to the rest of the world sees a lack of leadership and that's a position of weakness. >> and well said, pat.
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gentlemen thank for being here. you can continue the conversation with the fox news political insiders on twitter. they are on our website every monday morning too. 10:30 eastern you can watch their show. real quickly before we do ton. just after fox report wraps up, we're going to be bringing you a twitter party of sorts with all the ladies that you might see coming up on outnumbered our brand new show here on fox news and while it is kind of a lady fest we're going to talk about how we're getting ready for the big shows this week, everyone can jump in. so you can see your tweets and follow along and i'm not going to tell you who is going to taking part in this but they are some of the favorite ladies here at fox news, so don't miss a beat. and that's how fox reports on
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this sunday april 27th, 2014. we are fully aware of what is breaking out across the nation. as news warrants we will be back during prime time to update you on that situation. strip and iny open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. carsthey're why we innovate. >> fox news ale cated. it's about people. cated.
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signature favorites now just $10. all day, every day. at olive garden, we're all family here. discover 70 lunch combinations including our chicken parmigiana sandwich starting at $6.99. caught on tape from the owner of the la clippers. four s . tonight on huckabee, as their daughter justina continues to be held by the state, the pelletier family confronts a politician. >> are they better off enslaved, having family life and doing things or are they better off with subsidies? greg gutfeld on who is cool and not cool. ladies and gent
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