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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  April 30, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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"happening now" starts right now. now. day three was a blast. fox news alert. throw big stories to follow right now. massive flooding down south in the wake of deadly tornados, we find out who is in the danger now. and potential 2016 presidential candidates stack up against one another. including the power players you can see on the screen. and new information as the obama administration moves to raise the minimum wage and how the september just voted. but first, mother nature is packing a 1, 2 punch. massive flooding all the way from new york to floeshd. welcome to the second hour of happening now. i am john scott.
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>> and i am jenna lee. some people are escaping to the a ttics to evade the rising flood waters. they arousing jet skiss. homeowners are facing now heavy damage. >> we have four and half foot of water in our drive way. probably a good three feet of water in the house and turned our frozer over and washer and dryer. >> we have more on what is going on. >> this system that brought the tornados is bringing heavy rain. it is pulling up oast. and rain over to pandhandle of florida and mobile and buloxi. look at how much rain has fallen here. in some cases it is over a to the. in pensacola it is hurricanes
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and this rain fell quickly and that caused all of the flooding. water just can't go anywhere that quickry. we have moisture all the way up in new england and upstate new york and stretching down in the pandhandle of florida. this motion will start it dry it out a bit. and coastal areas are seeing it and until thursday, tomorrow morning, we have rain in parts of the east. and because of that. flash flood watches and warnings up through connecticut and upstate new york and we'll so another throw- plus inches of rain. a lot more rain to be had. we are not done with the tornado threat. we have a slight risk of severe weather down to charleston and one more day of severe weather from a six- day tornado and severe weather outbreak. today is the last day.
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>> it gets through with less damage and deadly destruction. for the weekend looking chlor and we take a break and breather. >> friday is the last day for this and the woke weeks looking better. >> we'll heed the warnings, thank you, rick. >> the gdp and barometer of the economy's health barely grew at all in the first quarter of this year. commerce department said it grew .1 percent. economist blame it in part on the harsh winter. we'll learn more as the job's report is coming out. >> and federal minimum wage failed to advance in the senate after a procedural vote. the white house made a last-minute push to raise the federal minimum wage. the president calling for the
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minimum wage to be boosted for 10.10 an hour. the gop senate leaders say the plan would jeopardize jobs and that's where they are at odds rit now. >> federal judge striking down wisconsin's controversial law. ruling that roirment shoes that voters show a state issued photoid in the poll imposes an unfair burden on the poor and minority voters. wisconsin governor scott walker would hold a special session. the ruling could set a precedent as 31 other states are making pushes for similar laws. >> republicans pushing for stronger action against russia senate gop leaders saying that the u.s. needs a three- pronged
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approach including nato and tougher sanctions on russian banks and gas and arms dealers. and not what they call the president's tepid response. that is, and there is one senator that said they don't want contrary to what the president alleges. >> this bill does not authorize military action. and the people who are here are not here to try to create a military action in ukraine. we are here to prevent that. that's what the policy is about. we feel like the way the administration is handling this is leading us to a perilous place. >> we'll have to wait and see if the president attacks the new approach into consideration. new questions are surfacing. pro russian government
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forces are taking another government build nothing the east. masked gunmen calling themselves the people's government calling for a vote and demanding closer toys to russia or full ax necksation. and here's the latest. leland? >> john. third time this week, that those armed separatist have walked in to a number of government buildings without a fire fight and taken them over. the united states said these guys are not only funded but controlled by moscow. we headed out to the strong holds to see what we could find out on the ground. >> it is a cold waresque stand off. the u.s. and eu hands off from ukraine. and moscow will tell you that it is an organic revolution of insurgents fighting for their freedom. but look at the buildings that they have taken over.
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these don't look like citizen soldiers. fully sand bagged front entrances here and up in the third floor firing ports for a sniper's nest. they have dug in and the defenses here and the way they are taking over the buildings is nothing short than a military textbook. and so far here, there is no attempt by the ukranian military to retake the building asks no significant effort on their part. sometimes the police are joining in the effort by the russian separatist to do this, and looking forward, may 11th is when they want a referundum. it so manies like the result may be a foregone conclusion of being a satellite state of russia. leland viter. >> and we'll speak to a senior
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national security correspondent after secretary of state kerry said they tapped the calls to the trench men in ukraine as moscow denies the role. new polling numbers on the 2016 white house race. who is taking the lead before announcements are made? hitting the rod for a family's vacation may not be the chaeftest way. the white house is proposing to cost you money. the new polling shoes that the president lost control of the so- called millennials. can the republicans attract them or are they lost for good. go to fox news opinion com/happening.
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some new polls giving us a preview of the political landscape in 2016. the wall street journal nbc news poll showing that former
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secretary of state hillary clinton is viewed more possibly than front runners for republicans. former governor jeb bush and rand paul. clinton in a head-to-head face off with jeb bush. similar to the fox news polling that has clinton on top. 51 percent to 42 percent. joining us is our political panel. ed o'keefe and michael warren staff writer for the weekly standard and given the fact that mrs. clinton has been on the world state in the first term of the obama administration as secretary of state. michael, do these numbers surprise you at all? >> they are not so surprising. what i think was interesting, we have to do the cave ats 2016 is a long way away. and it is interesting that the white house post republicans in
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a good position for the 2014 midterm elections and showed that obama had poll numbers on health care and republicans are favored over democrats to take over congress. and asking the same group of people, hillary clinton doing better than jeb bush, the presuchltive republican nominee or stand in for republicans. so it is not a done deal. just because republicans are going to do well in 2014, hillary clinton won't do well in 2016. >> hillary clinton is the lead horse in the race at this point. but you say there is a danger if president obama's numbers are mired where they are? >> ed? >> is that for me? >> indeed. if his numbers remain where they are it is bad for democrats. she would be tied to his administration. and the democrats running in
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this tag line would be guilty by association with voters. he seems to have come up a little bit in both of these surveys but remains below 50 percent and that is a bad sign for democrats, the six year inch phenom nan is a factor and the lower his number remains, the less likely the democrats can hang on to the senate. and look at the polling and according to fox news. if the 2016 vote were held for a president today, jeb bush, and rand paul and chris christy coming in at fro percent versus hillary clinton 51, 51, and 50. i guess you could say chris christie does ever so slightly better than the other two candidates. is that a look ahead at the likely line up, michael? >> we have an interesting set up
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for 2016, the republicans have a wide open field. the washington post shoes that republicans are polling close to each other. and reveals there is no next in line. republicans are used to having next in line. in 2012 it was mitt romney and in 2,000 george bush. they are not used to having the open field and the democrats have a definite next in line is hillary clinton. it is different than what the parties have been used to in the past. >> i think we have the abc news poll we can put up. hang on a second, ed. i think we have those numbers that michael just referenced. you can see which republican candidate. 14 percent for jeb bush and rand paul and 13 percent for mike huckabee and paul ryan at 11 percent and chris christie at
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ten percent. there will be a lot of jockeying in the months to come. >> the point i was going to say. mike huckabee is a factor and in the post pole at least, among the conservative republicans he gets 21 percent and that is higher than anyone else. he is followed by ted cruz and marco rubio and rand paul. that is a factor given that the early primary states are home to conservative types. especially the christians who would favor governor huckabee. it is by all means, the widest open republican field at least in this point in the psyche and he will very early for the 2014 cycle for that matter. and it gives you a sense that the field is scattered when it comes to republicans. >> michael, what we saw last time on the republican side. even the chairman of the republican committee said they had so many candidates beating
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up on one another, when mitt romney finally emerged as the victor, they felt he was badly damaged and had too much grouped to make up against president obama. how do they avoid that mistake this time. >> it is conventional wisdom. the problem for the republicans in 2012, the candidates were not that great. and in 06 and 08. they lest the federal elections and mitt romney didn't run for election in 2006. you didn't have good candidates in 2012. in 2016, republicans won big races in 2010 and it is stronger in 2016, the problem is not all of the debates anda urging there was a lot of debates and could use fewer as a political reporter, but the quality of the candidates are better for the republicans than in 2012.
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>> michael warren and ed o'keef thank you. a lot of us hitting the road for summer vacation, and just a note for all of you, drivers may have to pay tolls on the highways. the obama administration is trying reverse the decade's long ban on the enter the tolls, why cheryl? >> they need money. this is the federal government and a huge bill. four year plan for the obama administration. 302 billion enfrastructure bill, but they want to start levy the tollways in any state in the country to bring in revenue for the state and federal government. two years ago, there was a discussion that missouri, north carolina and virginia would be the states to start enact more tollways to bring in more revenue in the state and
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federal level. this would go nationwide. why? there is no money. we had to transfer 50 billion in the highway trust fund. and now congress said that will be gone by august. we'll be out of cash by the month of august. and their plan would be to add more taxes to the american people and drivers. if you look at what we are paying now. we faye a fuel tax for regular gasoline and you are paying a a diesel tax. they department account for inflation. it is a 24 percent tax. and it is not going to cover. this what is it going to do the u.s. economy and businesses that are paying the tolls if this is approved? it could be a problem. >> you don't think about the taxes on top of what we are paying for gasoline. and we are driving and we hit
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one of these tolls, any idea what we are paying to get through? >> that is a million dollar question. some of the tollways in the northeast, we have tolls because they are great revenue for the states and cities as well. think of coming in and out of new york. 8 or $ten. and depend on the remmion. there is it tollways in texas 250 or $3. if this plan goes through for the administration. you want to pay five bucks, it is it 47,000 miles of freeway in the nation and that could change with this. it is it a short- term fix. the business groups hate this. and we had a long- term plan to keep our bridges and highways in
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good shape. >> you are paying a lot of tolls in the northeast. i imagine in areas where there are no tolls or fewer ones and will certainly wake the people up. >> can't call them freeways anymore. a terrifying scene as a woman hangs on a clothes line outside of a high rise apartment. watch. >> we'll show you the rest of the tape as the drama unfolds. >> and what they learn from the gipper. republicans can take back the white house in 2016 by doing what ronald reagan did. >> nine most terrifying words in the english language. i am here from the government and i am here to help. [announcer] if your dog ca dream it, purina pro plan can help him achieve it.
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firefighters in china break in a apartment to save a woman from a clothes line. the bar she was sending on was pending out of shape. and it broke after a safety belt. the woman was reportedly drunk. >> and some conservative fundants said 2014 will favor the gop's but 2016 is no sure bet. our next guest said he has a plan to favor the gop. follow the path of president reagan. here's the editorial. and chairman of go pack and former assistant to ronald reagan and how are you, frank?
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>> i am doing great. >> i am great despite the rain. let's talk politics. a path that the gop can follow; what is it, frank? >> very simply two things. known 80 and 2016 share similarities. number one, as soon as ronald reagan decided to run for president in 1980, he was not content with winning just republican voters. republicans were a minority party then and we are now. he knew he had to reach out beyond the republican base and aggressively campaign for votes in areas that had not voted republican before. that is number one. and number two, he anyhow he would have an opportunity to tell his story because the incumbent administration president carter just as the one today in mr. obama is presiding over a bad economy. unemployment high and deficit is
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high. and the country is not growing, reagan anyhow he would have an opportunity to tell his story to groups that had not voted republican in the past. i think there is an avenue for our nom no in 2016 to follow the same path. >> you think that the gop as a whole understands that. >> i do, i do. look, when you lose as badly as we did in 2008 and 12. especially 2012 when a year that political told you we should have won. if all we do is just get the republican base, we are going to lose again. so i am happy to see senators and governors already talking to college campuses and taking the hispanic vote seriously and talking about young pe appealing to women. and i think our nominee if they are going to be successful has
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to campaign in such a way in the primaries that it leads to a further discussion with the groups in the general election. snrjs politicians refer to reagan as an ideal. he is an ideal character to look fondly back on and emulate and in ways with the strategy. it is the messenger and the person who actually executes that strategy. who do you so achieving that? who would be the most successful on the field so far. >> jenna, the messenger is important. ronald reagan became a transformative figure. but he was not when he decided to run for president in 1979. he was thought to be too old and far to the right and surprisingly he was thought to be unsophisticated in the ways of goff everyoning.
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he was a great leader. we have potentially the best class of candidates in 2016 than we have had going all the way back to 1980. they are men and women of accomplishment. and many of them are governors and some senators and they are all serious. >> just before we leave. maybe you don't want to say a name. our viewers are curious with your experience in government. is there a name we are not even considering and you will keep an eye out. >> i will not mention one name. there is a good group of governors and 4 or 5 that would make good president. and senators, governor christie and former goff bush and rand paul. all of these individuals are serious men and thought seriously about the problems we face. and again, given the record of this administration, i think that the public is going to be
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interested in an alternative view of how we grow the economy and create economic opportunities. >> we'll talk to a panel of young voters to see who they are thinking about and see opportunity. >> frank, when you are ready to name, names we'll have you back. we'll have you back regardless. thank you for your expertise. russia denies it. but the state department said moscow is behind the take over in ukraine. >> and never too late to join the discussion on happening now. the president is losing support among the entire generation of young people? can the republicans capitalize on it. we'll hear from you at fox
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♪ na-na-na, na-na-na--n some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. ♪ oh, oh-oh, oh, oh hey, it's me! [ whistles ] and there's my dog! [gasps] there's my steps! i should stop talking. perfectly paired savings. now, that's progressive. we asked you about the youth vote. and a recent poll by harvards institute of politics said one in four americans say they will be voting in november. that is a big drop for the key demographic for demdeps and young people may be souring on the democrats brand or politics in general. this is what a strategist told gretta last night. >> i think the democrats are
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appropriately worried that the youth vote will drop from 2012 to 2014. and that is a valid concern and talking point from people who don't wish the democrats well. there is a lot of things that happen twoep the now and the election. the attitude forward the republicans is bad as well. >> and gen is a excutive director of young invincibles that tries to get the young people interested in poll tibs. we are looking at the politic. evan, where are the young people today. >> they are souring on the president and souring on big government policies and haven't made their lives better. they are less likely to vote for democrats and less likely for
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politician. >> is it focused on the current administration? >> i think there is broader frustration with politicians in washington generally. the numbers struck me the trust in congress 14 percent. we are seeing a gridlock in washington and our leaders, and are not looking at student debt. we need bigger and boulder discussions to deal with student debt. >> you think that the young people would come out and vote on that single issue? people tend to vote for people or issues. what would get young people to the polls? >> student debt is a huge issue and absolutely could be a motivating factor. and folks that are paying 5 or 600 a month and trying to go to school in a time when tuition cost three times than it did when my mom went to school. it is it a huge issue. >> what about that single issue. and more about student debt and
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jobs and if you hit the right issue they will come out. >> young americans are very active in civic engagement and politics. but right now they are unemployed pie a rate of 16 percent. a third of us are forced to move back in with our parents and obama care a co, asked to pay more for our health care is something that only 39 percent of the young americans approve of. >> then who is resonating with the young voters in >> i think it will be interesting to so. if folks on both sides of the aisle are able to bring those solutions to the table. bigger and pocketbook issues that we talk about, unemployment and cost of colleges, those issues require solutions and we are not seeing the boulder solutions from anyone right now. >> we are not seeing them from
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the current administration and not seeing it from the majorities in congress like the democratic majority in the senate. and young americans want to see meaningful improvements in their live. and 45 percent say the country is on the wrong track and only 21 percent think our country is on the right track. young americans are looking for politicians that will empower and freeing the next generation. >> are young people disappointed and angry enough to point out to get them to turn out? one pollster had this to say. obama had a moment between the midterm elections to engage the largest generation in u.s. history and we didn't do it. we treated them like a political constitency. how do young people want to be treated, gen? >> i think insuring that we are
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talking about those pock book issues. and you are thinking of someone who is 23 or 25 or 27 and how they are going to build their career and start a family. and being a young parent is expensive and difficult. and dealing with issues like child care and they are affecting young people. >> we'll see if it gets people out or disappointment in the current politics of the day and actually get them to turn out. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. >> and moscow is pulling the strengths on the latest unrest. now that the u.s. has evidence to approval. there is a closed door meeting in which secretary of state kerry revealed that our intelligence operatives taped conversation between handlers in moscow and spies in ukraine.
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here is the jon, who is from the daily beast and written about this. how did we get these recordings, josh, do we know? >> john kerry was speaking to the trilateral commission in washington and we obtained the recording and published a series of articles of what june kerry said. intel has tapes of officials in moscow speaking to intelligence officials in ukraine and coordinating the unrest there. and the next day, they clarified that he was referring to ukranian intelligence. we know that there is intel stroems that the administration has been talking about to prove their case to prove russia is responsible for what is going on in ukraine and lying about it. >> and according to secretary
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kerry. russian operatives are sending spies and activist in east ukraine and cause problems potentially so that the russians invade under the pretext of trying to calm things down. >> kerry said he doesn't know whether or not putin has made the decision to invade. he thinks and can prove the russians are doing unhelpful things on the ground. and the russian foreign minister lied to him and putin lied to president obama. and he acknowledged that diplomacy with russia doesn't exist. do we impose more sanctions and there is a bill levied by 21 u.s. senators and calling for more sanctions and military assistance to the ukranians. so far the administration resisted these measures. >> were you intended to get a hold of this and whether secretary kerry wanted to send
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the message. yeah, we are listening on your phone calls and know what you are up to. >> they were upset the off the record exchange became part of the public record. unfortunately that is not our concern as journalist reporting for the public good. we don't just want to know what is said on the record but when the cameras are not rolling. and the fact that people are upset, well they are big issues. ? some of the information may be got ep by spy planes and not the nsa spying. and josh roland, josh, thank you. >> and another charge in the disappearance of a young nursing student who vanished to her house. this new twist could finally
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mean we learned what happen to holly bobo. >> we want her to call us and get in touch with us. >> if you know anything about her, please, please help us find her.
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have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it.
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>> hi, everyone. i am gretchen charllessen. you will meet the man who got the explosive benghazi e-mails that could mean trouble for the white house and hillary clinton. is this mean there is enough to open a congressional investigation. and phoenix va administrator to be fired amid allegations of the 40 vets dying under her care. and homes torn up by tornados but not before a tone saved the vets inside. >> and now a fox news alert.
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donald sterling just banned from the nba speaking to our own jim gray just now. jimmy is a sports caster and fox news contractor and fox news sports analyst. what does he do now. does he sell the toim team, jim. >> reporter: i spoke to him an hour ago and before the announcement. and he said he's not selling the team. i asked donald if there is any change and any change of heart now that he is banned for life and his exact answer the time is not for sale. i am not going to sell the team. >> he is an astute businessman and he paid len million for the team in '81 and could be worth close to a billion dollars. and the longer he holds on to it, the value could plummet because of fan base and
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advertisers don't seem to be associated with a time. >> it would take a monetary hit in the short term. but this is the most valuable franchise behind the los angeles lakers and john is in a ucreek market and they demand tremendous prices for tickets and donald divest the time that will go north of a billion or $200 billion. he will take a short- term hit. and in the end of the day it will not hurt his franchise value. >> and we looked at pictures of him next to the girlfriend who a parentally started all of this. did he talk about her and their future. >> he's not ready to make public comments and statements. >> reporter: indication i got he might be willing to release
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a statement or make a comment or do an interview but not ready for that at this time. >> all right. jim, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. >> breaking news in the disappearance of a young tennessee nursing student. will a new arrest help the police piece together what happened the day she vanished? ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!"
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female announcer: sleep train's] ensure®. interest free ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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a second suspect charged now in the disappearance of holly bobo. 39-year-old jason wayne autrey has been charged with her kidnapping and murder. he's currently in prison on another charge. now investigators reportedly plan to indict a third suspect, shane kyle austin. he was initially granted immunity. investigators say he did not
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tell them the truth, breaking their agreement, so he will face charges. holly bobo was a tennessee nursing student who vanished three years ago. police say they still have unanswered questions, including where her body is. 29-year-old zachary adams was the first suspect charged in the case. he is friends -- longtime friends with jason wayne autrey who's recently been arrested. weighing in now, dan shore and heather hansen and dr. michael. dan, to you first. they have filed murder charges. they don't have a body. how do you make that work? >> you see that in some cases. it's rare. but if you can prove ultimately a trial beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a murder either through evidence at the scene or witnesses who see a killing you can prove murder beyond a reasonable doubt even though we don't have a body. it's not an unsurmountable
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burden. >> reportedly one of the brothers of one of these suspects is ready to testify that he saw holly bobo in the custody of jason wayne autrey, the guy who was most recently arrested. >> i think that kind of goes to the answer to the question, i think there's a lot of people who will testify about what happened here and perhaps that she was murdered in order to get some immunity from prosecution. >> yeah. you have two -- if you have one suspect, you've got a person who can clam up. you get two or three suspects, all of a sudden you can start making the rounds and seeing who wants to talk in exchange for immunity or relief from the death penalty. >> and the third person was supposed to give assistance to prosecution about where the body is. he apparently lied to law enforcement so his immunity was taken away. apparently they believe the body was dispose of in some way. but they haven't said anything publicly. >> doctor, they have almost $500,000 reward money for information about what happened to holly.
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to my knowledge, the only evidence released as to something terrible might have happened to her is a few specks of blood they found on the carport outside her house where she was apparently abducted and led off into the woods on the morning the crime took place. how do they build that into a murder case? >> that's very helpful for the prosecution if that blood is from holly because that shows that -- explain to the jury showing she didn't leave voluntarily, that she had some injury and the fact that there's some tissue, some blood from the point at which she was kidnapped goes a long way to supporting witness statements perhaps that she's deceased. even without finding the body. >> and if they find the body, obviously does that build the case against one of these suspects? >> yeah.
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>> they're not going to be a great deal of evidence about how she died or who may have been involved. >> even three years later, there will be evidence on the body or on the clothing on the body, trace evidence, evidence can still be present under her fingernails and if she was shot or stabbed, the bones, the injuries to the bones will still be there so that can get a lot of potential evidence that can be gathered from the body even at this late stage. >> doctor, heather, dan, thanks to each of you. first, there were deadly tornadoes. now a new string of storms unleashing massive flooding across parts of the south. the latest developments on this outbreak of severe weather, ahead. rock beats scissors! [ chuckles ] wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate.
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the monsoon has arrived here in new york city. but compared to the folks in oklahoma and arkansas and all those places hit by tornadoes, we have nothing to complain
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about. >> one more day and then hopefully a clear weekend for most if not all the country. >> let's hope. thank you for joining us. >> and "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts right now. we start with a fox news alert. another blow to the south. first deadly tornadoes, now torrential rains and widespread flooding. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story" today. still talking about these severe storms soaking the florida panhandle and alabama. it's the latest wallop after a violent tornado outbreak, twisters touching down in parts of the south and across the heartland. at least 37 people have died now reportedly over the past four days. now folks are coping with the heavy rains, the aftermath. check out this picture of the scenic highway near pensacola. the whole road collapsing under the water. some parts of the state have seen as much as 20 inches of rain. jonathan is live in tuscaloosa, alabama. what's happening where you are? we see destruction right behind you there. >> right behind me. take a look at this.


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