tv The Kelly File FOX News May 1, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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word of the day, do not be anserine when writing to the factor. great word. i just learned it. do not be anserine. ms. megyn is next from los angeles. the spin stops here, we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in los angeles, wait, where? and tonight. >> so you believe the white house has been as forth coming and open as anybody on this issue? >> the white house press court today pressed the million dollar question never before, has the white house been open, honest and forthcoming on benghazi? tonight, the answer. plus. >> come and get me mr. president, if you must, i will not yield to your wick id regulati regulation. >> one of the most prominent leaders scathing up the past.
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why this puts his message for the national day of prayer. >> effective immediately, i am banning mr. sterling for life. >> donald sterling is the latest public fact your to pay an ugly price for remarks. sterling, ike, robertson and more on a busy "kelly file" right now. breaking tonight, new fallout as the white house is caught in apparent deceptions about the benghazi terror attack. welcome to the "kelly file." i'm megyn kelly reporting from los angeles. the benghazi news is about an administration spinning, down play rather than come clean about a terror attack that killed four americans including our ambassador. contrary to previous denial, documents unearthed this week show a white house that was directing the spin on benghazi,
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though not clearly supported by the facts. specifically, rather than admit we had a terror attack, they told us this was a spontaneous demonstration gone wrong. pert traited by folks upset about an anti muslim video, the president himself fed us that line. >> here is what happened. you had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowing character, who is extremely offensive video directed at mohammed and islam -- >> making fun of the profit mohammed. >> making fun of the profit mohammed and caused great offense in much of the islam world but what happened is extremist and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a va r
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-- variety of embassies. >> later we learned there were no protests in benghazi and this was not about some video, but was in fact a preplanned terror attack. so was the white house a victim of bad intel or in on the deception? ultimately, we laerearned the fe report came from a cia. who decided to push the video narrative? the cia testified they have no idea. >> when she talked about the video, my reaction was that's not something that the analysts have attributed this attack to. >> this week at last, we got some answers. a document just produced by the state department shows a top white house official issuing the marching orders three days after the attack, preparing the public talking points, ben rods lists the goal quote to under score that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a
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broader failure of policy. for months, administration with held this document telling the press everything on benghazi had been produced. only a lawsuit and court order led to this disclosure. when pressed to why this document was with held, jay carney said it had nothing to do with benghazi despite the references to the ambassador and quote, the benghazi attack. ed henry pushed back on that claim. >> you know, it's not about benghazi and say again today. why did the white house turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about benghazi? >> you would have to ask the state department how they responded to the requests. >> so where does that leave us now? joining us now, mark, a fellow at the american enterprise institute and speech writer for president george w. bush. mark, where does that leave us? >> with more questions than answers. administration is caught in two
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major lies here. the first lie is they said all the documents relating to benghazi were shared and released and they didn't share this one. this is clear that was untrue. second, they said that susan rice depended entirely on the cia talking points and that the carney's and it turns out that not only did they not just change one word, they wrote a whole set of their own talking points, which are included in an e-mail with the 4:00 briefing for susan's tv interviews in which they said or instructed her that her goal of her interviews was to push the narrative that this was about an internet video and not a failure of administration policy. so the question is, what did they know and when did they know that was untrue? it willful, willful ignorance or intentional dishonesty. that's the question we don't have the answer to yet. >> what was happening at the same time this was happening was those on the ground in benghazi
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were telling our intel officials that this was a terror attack. that there were rocket propelled grenades, mortars, preplanned. they knew the ambassador was in the compound, their information was this was a terror attack, and so when ben rhodes is telling everybody it's about a video, this administration knows the intel on the ground is it was a preplanned terror attack, at best, at best for administration, hark, they had conflicting narratives and chose the one that was most beneficial to the president. >> that's right. general lovell was in the information and intelligence on this, he testified today within hours he knew there was no protest and this was a terrorist attack. we know jeff acting cia director at the time informed the white house before susan rice went on the cia station chief on the ground descented from the
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protesting. there is a document, there is one other document that we do not have or a series of documents that we do not have that can get answers for this, which is let's get the presidential daily briefs for that week after the benghazi attack. president bush after 9/11 showed the cia warned ben laden was planning to attack america. why doesn't to release the brief that will tell us exactly what the intelligence community told him about the pro -- whether there was a protest, how high a level of conference they had in that and whether there were descenting views and when they told him that. >> as for the spin that's in this document where the white house is telling people it's all about the video, the white house today seems to be saying i'm telling you even though there are references to benghazi, that was guidance about the protest in general in the middle east despite the fact it was about susan rice's appearance on five sunday talk shows the next day, they would have us believe it was not in their head. they were just thinking about
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the middle east in general and not about the fact we had a dead ambassador and three other dead americans. >> so why did the president say what he said at the beginning in that interview in the late night television where he said that there was an internet video that started a bunch of protest, including benghazi which led to violence against the embassy? the president himself rebudded jay carney in that interview. this was about -- >> that's a good point. that sound byte ties it directly. >> exactly. >> you have the president saying that the benghazi attack is the result of a video. directly. >> on september 18th, so more than a week after the benghazi attack, the president was reading ben rhodes talking points. it was related to a video by then we were certain he was told there was no protests. >> mark, thank you. >> thanks, megyn. there are new questions tonight about the behavior of
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our commander in chief as this terror attack went down. tonight for the very first time, brett bear got an answer to where the president was that evening or more specifically, where he was not. brett joins us now. brett, what an extraordinary interview with tommy tonight on your show. explain who tommy is and then i want to show the audience the sound byte he gave you on where the president was that night. >> sure, tommy was the spokesman for the national security counsel. he was in the white house the night of 9/11. he was in the white house situation room the night of 9/11, and he was known to this and briefed susan rice before that sunday talk show. >> right. and when you say 9/11, you mean 9/11 of 2012 -- >> sorry, yes. >> let's listen to the exchange you had with him on where the president was. >> i was in the situation room that night, okay? we didn't know where the
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ambassador was definitively. >> the president -- >> no, the fact watching video feed, the pact and part of what i think has been a pattern of inaccurate -- in the white house. let me finish my initial statement. the notion that we could, you know, divine motives from a drone feed i think is wrong. and i also think that this idea that the military had the capability to rescue those individuals but chose not to, i think is extremely unfair to the military, and admiral mullin said the opposite. >> in that ab report. >> yes. >> where was the president? >> in the white house? >> he wasn't in the situation room? >> at what point in the evening? >> any point. >> when the attack was first briefed, he was in the oval office and updated constantly
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and during that time he told the joint chiefs and sec deck to move necessary assets into the region. >> when hillary clinton talks to him by phone at 10:00 p.m., he's where? >> i don't know. i don't have a tracking device on him in the residence. >> why is that important, brett? >> why is it important is because you have a lot of stuff happening. this is in the middle of the attack. we don't know where the u.s. ambassador is for a long time there and then they eventually find out that he's dead. now the white house situation room, i've been in there, it's not a big place. if tommy is in there all night and he says the president wasn't there, he's not in a different place. you would know when the president was there. can the president handle crisis from other parts of the white house? of course. when stuff breaks, most times, officials go to the place where there is communication equipment, all the intelligence coming in in the situation room. this case, the president was not there. >> you also pressed him on who
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changed the talking points among the many others, cia produced talking points, changed and what we were fed on the sunday shows and thereafter looked very different and you pressed him on who for example changed the word attack. we were attacked to there were demonstrations. i want the audience to see that exchange. >> according to the e-mails and timeline the cia circulates new talking points after they removed the mention of al qaeda and at 6:21, the white house, you, add a line about administration warning of september 10th of social media reports calling for demonstrations, true? >> i believe so. >> did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? >> maybe. i don't really remember. >> you don't remember? >> dude, this was like two years ago. >> dude, the thing that everybody is talking about. >> explain the significance of that, brett. >> the white house says, now, that as you rightly pointed out that the ben rhodes e-mail is
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separate and talking about the middle east protests. they say susan rice relied exclusively on the cia talking points for talking about benghazi and jay carney repeatedly said the white house and state department had nothing to do with changing the cia talking points and point to mike morrell. here is the problem, in that interview you hear tommy vetour changed the talking points adding that warning and not saying whether he changed prom attacks to demonstrations. it's a key thing for the points. i'll also say one more thing, megyn. there are more documents coming. there is documents from the defense intelligence agaency in the first hours that identify this as a terrorist attack. there are state department documents. >> this isn't the end. brett, thank you so much. great enter viinterview. >> don't mix, "benghazi" giving
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me a day off. breaking news on the allegations of gross misconduct at a veteran's hospital that may have killed dozens of veterans including new claims that someone at the va may have intentionally destroyed possible evidence, may still be destroying them and one of america's most prominent christian leaders delivering a scathing attack on president obama. dr. james dobson on why this was his message for the national day of prayer. >> so come and get me, mr. president, if you must, i will not yield to your wick frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky. not chalky. temporary. 24 hour. lots of tablets. one pill. you decide. prevacid. ♪ 24 hour
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most deeply held convictions to obey what i consider to be the principles of scripture. the creator will not hold us guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of innocent babies, so come and get me, mr. president, if you must, i will not yield to your wickid regulations. >> that was dr. james dobson, founder and president of family talk at the national day of prayer event in washington d.c. today. dr. dobson was reading from an open leader he sent two years ago. to a "kelly pifile" what
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collusive. we covered the controversy about this about a week or so ago. dr. dobson, let me start with this, a representative walked out of the event and tad this was supposed to be a non-partisan day of unity and you behaved inappropriately by going after the president and called him quote the abortion president and injected politics into a day that was supposed to be non-partisan, your response. >> you called it a scathing attack and that doesn't characterize what i said today. i started my comments by compliments by declaring a national day of prayer today. he was late in getting it, but it came mid morning. when we got it, i went to the a audience and i complimented him on that and there was a prolonged applause. >> but you called him the
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abortion president. >> i did. i went from there talking primarily not about the president but about our response to it. it's very difficult for people who aren't part of the life movement who understand just how intensely we feel the issue of the killing of babies, and president obama has not only done everything he could to promote abortion and he let us know that before he was legislat elected and the people elected him anyway, but he is determined that people of faith and people of conscience are going to have to go along with it and be part of it. two years ago that concerned a mandate that everybody who has insurance would have to pay a dollar a month or more -- >> but that did not become law. that did not become law. >> that has not yet become law. it's not been withdrawn to my
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knowledge. that's when i wrote what you just read. that was the context of that saying if you insist on us paying for abortion, that money would go to planned parent hood type organization we're not going to go there. that was about me, that was about us. that was not -- >> i understand. your critics pushed back suggesting the piece of obamacare you're referring to do in the become law and the business of the funding for planned parent hood, you're not allowed, federal funds are not allowed to be siphoned to the abortion procedures or facilities. i understand -- >> that's a -- >> i understand. can you respond to the saying you injected politics where none existed. >> that room was jammed. there were people down the hall waiting to get in. there were standing ovations on and off all the time i was
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speaking. you didn't show that. there were also, now we know, 43,000 prayer events today. >> i apologize. i'm coming up against the -- >> one person chose to walk out as far as we know, one person and that's what everybody keys on the. the people that were there were with me 100% because they also believe in the santty of human life. >> megyn. >> i apologize, i'm coming up against a hard break. i got to go. news of the medical director that she cho
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at the center of allegations of gross misconduct at the phoenix va medical center. the secretary of veterans affairs putting sharon helman on administrative leave as they investigate a scheme to hide terrible wait times at the va resulted in some 40 veterans dying. trace gallagher has more, trace? >> the other head ryline, megyn the list that could be a key piece of evidence. the whistle blower, dr. sam foot said there were two lists, one, the real list that showed vets were being treated in the required 13 to 40 days. some waited years to see their primary doctor. he went to the va hospital in phoenix with blood in his urine. he was sent home and died months
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later without ever being seen by a doctor, ever being diagnosed or treated. here is his daughter-in-law. >> i believe they just didn't care and that's how i, when i saw the news, i believe he was on that secret list because they just dismissed him like he was an animal. >> on april 9th, the house committee on veterans affairs ordered the va to preserve all documents but the va never passed along that order until april 17th, eight days later. now the deputy under secretary of the va believes the so-called secret list was destroyed because there was no requirement to save it. the house committee on vets affairs has now sent a letter to the secretary of the va saying quoting here, i would like to know why it took so long to issue the directive given my public request at a congressional hearing. the formal request letter to you and the explosive nature of the allegations regarding the deaths of veterans while waiting for
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care. you mentioned the director sharon helman said there was no secret list. she and two others are placed on a administrative leave, megyn. >> thank you. joining me now the whittstle blower dr. sam foot. dr. foot, good for you to be here tonight. the phoenix va appears to be saying they destroyed these documents because there was no legal requirement to preserve them. it sounds like they are friending that they didn't know that this is going to become an issue until they got word on april 17th and they had, you know, no clue there was anything wrong, prior to that date. your take on that. >> well, i don't believe that's an accurate representation, but it certainly, they have not
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compiled with many rules of standard procedure, and that's just another one that may have been violated. there is talk about shredding. >> when did they know at the va somebody was investigating them and these claims? >> i'm not sure. i think that they may have gotten a copy of my february letter that was identified possibly in early march. >> february of 20 -- >> 14. >> okay. so it would have been long before they started shredding. double there is a coverup underway right now, that evidence is still being destroyed? >> megyn, i can't comment because there is a potential criminal investigation of which i know about and testified with the ig. so i really can't comment on that. >> i know that there was a suggestion, however, that on saturday, april 20th, the
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associate director lance robinson and several others were transferring as many veterans off this second list, this secret list as possible. can you confirm that? >> yes, i can. the waiting time at that time was about six months, and if i recall correctly, they were working on late november and got that list into january. the ig was coming in two days and they made a monumental effort to move as many patients off that list forward. >> it's dishonest. it's just dishonest and potentially crime anymore as the former head of the va told us. the man that used to hold the position. sharon helman is suspended with two others. do you think that's the right call? >> concerning the two episodes, two shows that aired last night, i think the secretary made an excellent move and i think it was best for everyone involved. >> dr. foot, if it weren't for
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people like you, we wouldn't know what is going on at this veterans hospital and you're an example of good men and women that service the veterans in the va hospitals. thanks for being here. >> if it wasn't for cnn and fox news and the local media in town, this story never would have gotten out and we would never got the ig out here. i'm going to thank the media for this one. >> all the best to you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, donald sterling paying the price for his reharks but joining a list of public figures who have suffered real penalties for their positions. thoughts and their ideas, ben shapiro joins us on that next and, calls for a constitutional amendment now to stop certain political donations. we'll tell you what the senate democrats proposed and asked a player that opened the door to some corporate spending, why he thinks this is a terrible idea.
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♪ a busy night of news as the nba just wrapped up a meeting what to do with donald sterling to force him to sale his la clippers basketball team after his girlfriend came forward with a recording she made, illegally, potentially, at least of sterling making clearly racist remarks. trace gallagher live with the latest, trace? >> just so you know, megyn, that vote was unanimous to go forward and try and force donald
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sterling to sell the l.a. clippers. he was fined $2.5 million and banned from clipper's games, practices and any nba event. the commissioner believes he has enough votes among the league's other 29 owners to force him to sell the plfranchise. article 13 contains to contractual hat matters not behr and many believes sterling has a good chance to win this if he chooses to in court. >> as a human being, donald sterling possesses reprehensible believes, saying hey this is not what we want but there is no suggestion that the clippers are run in a way that promotes racism. >> sterling has a very long history of suing people. he's worth $2 billion, few if he
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does do about faith and sales the franchise, he has a long list of suitors led by a group including oprah winfrey and of course david gefen. oscar de la hoya and floyd mayweather and p. diddy. the price tag could be close to a million dollars. the president of the naacp los angeles chapter resigned over this. he held a very contentious news conference. they were set to award or honor donald sterling and then resend that award and now he says he's out because this matter brought too much negative exposure to the naacp nationwide, megyn? >> thank you. donald sterling is the latest who finds themselves in deep trouble for sharing thoughts that others find very offensive.
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ben shapiro is editor and chief of good to see you here in person. >> you, too. >> you're not trying to encourse anything that donald sterling said but you see another problem here. >> of course, nobody endorses what donald sterling said. we're seeing thoughts, views, matter more than action. in 2005 when he was actively discriminating apparently against black people and saying all the right things, the nba has nothing to say. he's paying his bash coach and de'andre jordan and jamal crawford 5 million, all of whom is black and he said the wrong thing and the nba wants to oust him. we live in an era where a taped, unknown to you -- >> in that case, having practiced law, he settled that case with the feds for 3 million
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bucks. he didn't admit he was guilty or found guilty. in fact, the major discrimination suit, the racial allegations were dropped and lost the discrimination was resolved in his favor. it was different if he was found guilty dead to right of saying racist things, doing racist things. you know, here, there was no dispute. it was him caught dead, they had to do something. >> the nba could say it's embarrassing enough to have racial discrimination filed against you. he said something that a lot of people disagree with and have a right to disagree with and should disagree with. we live in an era and a very scary thing. if we're going to be held accountable for things we say in private number one but more than that, views of nothing to do how we run our business but the subject of being fired we're in trouble. a community manager at a gaming website expressed that donald sterling was an old biggot who
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has a right to be an old biggot in his home, he was fired for tweeting that. we're living in an era where i think the american public is far more concerned of what we think than do. if that's the world we live in, that's dangerous. i don't know we can survive under that scrutiny. >> there was a point raised talking about how whether the nba players are comfortable with their private discussions about gays for example or women. if somebody put a tape recorder in there and made those conversations public, would they stand by them. would there be backlash on these communities? one can wonder and if we're at a point with everybody at home with every conversation with somebody they consider a loved one is willing to have those put out in public and stand on them and have their job rise or fall. >> public views because it depends what the public view is, spike lee says he stairs daggers at inner racial couples?
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guess who was front row? spike lee -- >> he doesn't like inter racial couples? >> he said he wanted to shoot white people and caught on tape talking how he hates harlem is becoming white. spike lee works for nba radio. you can strangle somebody in the nba and not get suspended. there was a suspension on the bench during practice and given a one-season suspension. ron artist charged into the stands and beat people up and given a one-game suspension. >> what about the domestic allegations we sue in professional basketball and football and other sports where women are getting beat up, thrown down stairs in certain cases and where is the shoulder to shoulder condemnation by that and the players and league? where does it stop if we condemn bad behavior, do we have to do it in every case? are the consequences going to be? >> bad views, too. one thing i talked about is the fact that so many players, in
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the last year, at least five players have been fined for using the f word to describe gay people. not one suspension among them. they can do that but donald sterling says bad things about black people and talking about taking his team away, i have to say what is truly frightening is the idea your rights do not belong to you so long as we do not like what you say publicly and privately. they have violating contract right. if they take the termination clause, i'm a lawyer, as well, it does not apply. >> i agree with you. as a lawyer having read the clause, i don't think they have the grounds to take his team but as a practical matter, it doesn't look good for him i. don't know who will play for him. an interesting moment as democrats propose a constitutional amendment. they want to change the constitution to change the rules on political donations and a bangle's cheerleader finds herself in the center of one of the biggest free speech fights.
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don, what do they want to do? john paul stevenss testifying in favor of this amendment. what does he want to do? >> john paul, justice stevens is advised that the senate take up an amendment to the constitution to change the first amendment for reasonable regulation of candidates and supporters. this could include the media, independent speech and the like. this is something we've heard for years and years and years and goes back to the founding of our country, the idea that you can impose reasonable regulation on politics. it been tried before. hasn't worked. unconstitutional and countered at the system of government. >> the democrats lost a couple big court opinions, those what favor limit on campaign spending and another decision this year that really opened the flood gates to more spending in certain ways and this is their answer to that to say well, if the constitution allows that, we'll pass a constitutional
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amendment that will disappoint low that. what are their chances? >> it's an election year. the democrats are getting desperate. much of the policies failed and i think this is a desperate times calls for desperate measures illustration. i don't think it has much of a chance in the short term. some believe it's a good idea to have the government regulate what private citizens do and free speech. in our system -- >> they -- >> sorry. >> they think that money corrupts in politics and they are looking to stop quote, that corrupti corruption. >> that's what they claim. it spents citizens from criticizing the government and our form of government, it's critical there is an exchange of ideas and free speech to keep the government accountable. this sounds like incumbents not liking the fact they are ci criticized and against corruption and big money when
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it's really about free speech. >> why would the democrats b be against free spending and benefits them? >> i think they are against it because like i he thinksmentione current political environment, they are being criticized the most and the decision opened up spending for folks not able to spend without fear of retribution by the government. if you look at the citizens united case, a movie about hillary clinton banned by the government. on the other hand, another movie, michael moore's 9/11 was not. the federal election commission said michael moore could have his movie but citizens united couldn't have theirs. this tells you how the law plays out and seems to tilt one way and seems to tilt their way and now that the law has been removed and now that everyone can speak their mind, they don't like it. >> don, good to see you.
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thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> up next, a former bangle's cheerleader sues a website. what are your rights now if somebody says something about you online that is defamatory? we'll tell you why some lawyers are suggesting that ruling in this case could change the internet forever. ♪ [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. ♪ that's keeping you apart from the healthcare you deserve. ♪ but if healthcare changes... ♪ ...if it becomes simpler... the gap begins to close. ♪ when frustration and paperwork decrease... when doctors are better connected... when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home...
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someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. a major free speech heard in a cincinnati appeals court today and may en a major free speech case heard in a cincinnati appeals court today and may end up
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affecting your life. sarah jones sued the website when people posted comments about her sex life she says are not true. she won in lower court and the owner of the website appealed and boy, oh boy is that man getting help from internet giants. a fox news legal analyst and criminal defense attorney. you got google, aol, ebay, facebook, linked in, microsoft, twitter weighing in on the side of the and it's right to post potentially untrue things about this cheerleader. why? >> because this is the first time a website has been held liable. in the past individuals have been held liable for what they have written that they should have known was false. so they defamed someone and should not have. before this case, it was only the individual. now megyn, this judge and this particular case is saying the website is liable because it participated in the posting, and it encouraged the anonymous posters to raise the volume,
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raise the heat, without any checks or balances whatsoever of the truth. it has to be truth. >> how did they encourage postings? because a lot of websites say, post your comments below. start a discussion. >> there was a constant interaction. they would post one thing and firing them up to post more. what the judge found in this particular case that the website, the dirty was also publicating, they took on the role of writing the posts. even though they didn't write the actual stuff, there were so involved, their hands were so dirty, they weren't just like angies list, please tell us what you think of this plumber. they were actively participating. a post would come in and say, tell us more. what kind of sex did she have? kind of diseases does she have?
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>> does that open the door, does that ruling open the door for other websites that do a little bit less than the dirty did, encourage comments, try to get a discussion going? that's why these internet giants are weighing in because they are worried about the slippery slope are they next? >> it's not that slippery. this is the point i get upset about. there needs to be a check and balance about what is being said on the internet. it was said in 1919 we have free speech but you can't falsely scream fire in a crowded movie theater to cause panic. what the judge cited here is the dirty, the real purpose of this website is what it sounds like. just to bring up dirt on people, celebrities, or common folk. post common photos, post things insulting. there has to be some degree they are true.
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you can't just make up out of the clear blue sky someone is a pedophile -- >> certainly should not be. >> the argument -- >> the wild west -- >> so the argument is that it's not that the dirty made the comments but gave her the megaphone to do it. >> they were in it. the sixth circuit is going to rule and i can see a case like this going to the united states supreme court because their hands are dirty. they didn't just provide a platform but worked with her to create the lies. >> we'll continue to follow it. good to see you. >> thanks, judge, see you later. >> let me know what you think about this story. good idea? send me your thoughts or on kelly file. don't go away. oh, larry. she thinks i'm crazy. mm-hmm. but would a crazy person save 15% on car insurance in just minutes? [ chuckles ] [ malennouncer ] 15 minutes for a quote is crazy. with esurance, 7½ minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. as a police officer, i've helped many people
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want to thank the good people of california for a lovely stay. we were out here visiting with some cable providers. we'll see you on monday because at this time we have a special on the benghazi scandal. have a great weekend, everybody. welcome to welcome to "hannity." tonight the obama white house has been busted. there is now undenial -- undeniable evidence they, from the president on down, lied to you, the american people, about the lethal attacks in
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