tv Stossel FOX News May 4, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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what you will is go fat kidñs >> bullies, they're in playgrounds, but worst of all they're in government. government bullies are the biggest danger because government gets to use force. it's not just the police and the military. 10 million government bureaucrats get to use force too. they ban drugs that might save your life. >> some people are going to die because of this. >> they make kids cry by telling them you don't have a choice in your education. >> you wanted to go to that school?
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>> government may use drones to kill people. but if a business wants to deliver products with them, government says no. government bullies even get to confiscate your stuff and keep it. >> flat screen tvs to rolex watches to over 20 boats. >> kind of like pennies from heaven. it gets you the toy you need. >> government bullies. that's our show tonight. we start with the fda, the food and drug administration. thank goodness for the fda. the careful government sciences. they make sure that greedy drug companies don't sell us dangerous drugs or drugs that don't work. one drug company said the drug -- would cure morning
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sickness in pregnant women and it usually did, but then some women gave birth to children with no arms and legs. this happened in europe, but not america because the fda hadn't yet approved the drug. so thank goodness for the fda protecting us. but the fda grew like a tumor. getting a new drug approved now cost more than a billion dollars and takes up to 15 years. that caution kills people too. the fda once held a news conference and proudly announced this new heart drug will save 14,000 lives a year. jt up at the press conference to ask, excuse me, didn't this also mean you killed 14,000 people last year by delaying its approval? reporters don't ask that because
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reporters don't think that way. but it absolutely meant that. that year 14,000 americans died because of that delay. regulation can kill too, but a former congressman who served on a committee who oversaw the fda says this regulation is good and there should be more of it. dennis? >> i'm not making such a broad statement. we have to be careful about this jo to make sure people aren't going to be at risk to have side effects or consequences that haven't been reported properly before it goes on the market. >> do you disagree that the delay kills people too? >> delays can create problems. no question about it. as a matter of fact, because of exactly what you said, in recent years the food and drug
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administration has changed the way it does business by putting new programs forward for accelerated approval for new drugs, a fast track process. >> faster track, but it's still slow. why isn't it my body, my choice? and if i'm dying, why can't i take anything? >> i agree with you essentially, john. the government in the end can't give us health and we have to be responsible for our own lives. >> you agree with me, the fda should be voluntary? it should be our choice? >> the regulation is necessary. each of us has a power to make choices governing our health. >> the fda tells companies you may not sell this, tells people you can't take this. >> they can stop añdrug from getting to the market in the event that the drug is shown to
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have adverse consequences in clinical trials. this is a fact. we don't want people to get hurt. >> but if they don't bring it to market, people can't take it. >> sometimes that's good. >> you just watched the movie "the dallas buyers club." >> and it makes the point you're talking about. >> the star matthew mcconaughey is told he has aids. he'll be dead in 30 days. he wants to try drugs that may cure him, but his doctors say he can't. >> screw the fda. i'm doa. >> it's his body. why should the government stand in the way? >> well, there are cases in which individual benefit can be% obtained by a drug that's not
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approved by the fda. that's true. then it's up to the person to make his or her own decision about access to it. >> but then you have to go to mexico or europe. you can't get it in america. >> sometimes people have to go out of the country to get things that the fda may not have apr e approved. >> well, thank you, congressman. i think it should be our choice. let's hear from the other side. she has two sons. a 15-year-old and a 12-year-old. both have muscular dystrophy that leds to muscular degeneration and then death. she heard about an experimental drug that may cure it. she tried to get them into a
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study. max could get into the study. austin could not. after six weeks, she could see the drug was working. max can walk, dance, and swim. but austin continues to get worse. jen joins us now. people who are dying should have the right to try any drug, even if it's not government approved. you heard the congressman. it's to protect you. >> this is about saving lives. what the gold water institute is working on is an initiative where the states can give anyone with a terminal illness the right to try an experimental drug before the fda has approved it. usually a manufacturer discovers a drug and it takes 10 to 15 years before it can get into
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hands. >> if she wants it, she should be able to get it. this right to try act has passed parts of legislatures in several states, but it didn't just breeze through as i think it would. >> it's moving pretty quickly in multiple states across the country. it polls at about 85%. this is true on the left and the right. this is a no-brainer for people, john. everybody has someone in their family or a close friend who has died from cancer or terminal illnesses. they ought to have the right to try these potentially life-saving drugs. >> you heard about this new drug and the study and went to the doctors and they said your older son was too old or what happened? >> this study was started with 12 boys in the united states.
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max qualified because he was still ambulatory. >> of the 12 kids in the test, 10 have shown marked improvement. >> they have better lung function. that's the new data that just came out. >> this has been 2.5 years and this disease causes deterioration. >> kids don't get better. they don't stay stable. they always get worse. these kids were also chosen because they were going to fall off the cliff. >> and they stopped falling? >> they all stabilized. he was supposed to be in a wheelchair. he's 12.5. he's taking care of his older brother who is dying, watching his brother get better.
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austin is 15 now. >> is he angry? >> he knows the drug works. he's seen it firsthand. he sees it every day and he wants access. >> how do you reconcile what the congressman says with her experience? what are they thinking? >> what the fda is doing is an abomination. we're going to fast track so people can get it right away. that fast track took seven years. to get into patients' hands, 30,000 people died. >> there's an attitude in government that's just, we are the bullies, we have to decide for you. >> i'm not even sure sometimes they even think about this. jen can tell you about this. she's met face to face with the commissioner. we're working on your problem. and you think, are you a mother?
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have you had anyone sick in your family? >> it's hard. they don't argumee. >> they don't appear to see every day that goes by is a loss of function for these boys. austin is now losing the ability to use his arms. 2.5 years of a fully safe drug that met all its points. there's no side effects. there's nothing to protect you from with this drug. not a single one. >> doctors will argue, we need to be sure it works. it's a clear double blind study. if you can go off and take the drug, we won't be sure. >> even double blind studies are immoral at this point. patients with a terminal illness if they get a placebo, they will
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die. it needs to stop. >> the baseline assumption should be, we own our bodies. we should get to decide for ourselves. government says, no you may not. why do americans go along with that. >> i'm not sure they do. 75% of the people say they want it solved, the debt, and congress doesn't listen. the system has a lot of problems. i don't think what politicians do necessarily reflects what the people want. >> thank you, darcy and jen for sharing your story. to keep this conversation going on facebook or twitter, we're using the hash tag government bullies. please join the debate. coming up, government bullies say you may not use a drone or choose where your child goes to school, but they get to take your stuff. >> there's some limitations on it. actually, there's not really.
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when you didn't dread when youbedtime becausenner with anticipaof heartburn.itation. when damage to your esophagus caused by acid reflux disease wasn't always on your mind. that's when you knew nexium was the prescription medication for you. because for over a decade nexium has provided many just like you with 24-hour relief from heartburn and helped heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. and now the prescription nexium you know can be delivered directly to your door with nexium direct.
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talk to your doctor to see if nexium is right for you. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it's the nexium you know, now delivered.
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confiscate your stuff unless you're convicted. good. but oops, some government bullies found a way around that law. foyexample, suppose you don't trust banks. you have a lot of cash you keep in your car. >> carrying too much cash? police can accuse you of selling drugs and seize it. >> seize it without ever taking you to court. police departments have discovered this is a really good way to raise money. tvs and 20 boats, we've got it. >> pennies from heaven. more than a billion dollars is confiscated each year and often the police auction the stuff off, though they usually keep what they like. and this is a scam says my guest. what do you mean? they're just grabbing the stuff
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from bad guys and saving the taxpayer money on police equipment. >> they seize your property without harassing you or charging you or convicting you of a crime. >> he can fight in court to get it back. >> yes, but it's not like a criminal case. he's not entitled to the protections you have in a criminal case. it's a civil case and that usually means the government has the upper hand. >> and he has to prove that it's legally there and that can cost him 10,000 or 100,000 legal fees. most people just give up and lose their stuff. >> exactly. that's why it's a scam for the government. the government can seize your property, bankrupt you, or force you to give up your rights and keep your money. >> one police department used the money to buy a margarita machine. i gather most of time they're
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using it for police equipment. >> most of the time. >> now most people when they lose property to the police have no idea this is happen in america. one man sold a truck to a man on credit, but before he was paid in full and transferred the title, that man he sold it to was pulled over and charged with driving under the influence, but the police kept his truck anyway. he couldn't believe it. >> this is my money. why you taking my money? i have never seen a truck drink and drive. they know better. >> they know better? >> around asset forfeiture the government can seize your
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property. >> this used to be a drug dealers' car, now it's ours. >> it was supposed to be for prosecuting the war on drugs. we have only forfeited our rights to property and liberty. >> and the police are richer. >> absolutely. this is a multibillion dollar revenue stream for law enforcement. >> a prosecutor in indiana did what? >> a couple years ago, he hired himself as an outside contractor to his prosecutors' office to do civil forfeiture and he would keep 25% of the total on a contingency basis. >> he was finally caught and punished for doing that. >> wasn't a very strict
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punishment. they only suspended his law license for about 20 days and made him repay $120,000. he should have been disbarred and prosecutored. >> companies buy luxury vehicles in america and ship them to china. it's a business. >> yes. >> customs says this is legal, but the secret service says, it's not. >> the secret service says they can use asset forfeiture to seize bank accounts and vehicles of companies that are doing no more than exporting american luxury vehicles to countries where they're worth more. they're seizing tens of millions of dollars from companies that are doing nothing more than exporting vehicles. >> and they say this is legal. >> law enforcement agencies have a direct financial incentive.
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why is it one way when customs says it is not? >> i should say we tried to ask them and they would not talk to us about this. i love the clip that your organization, americans for forfeiture for reform, posted on its website. >> there are some limitations on it. actually, there's not really on the forfeiture stuff. >> actually, there's not really. it's revealing. >> absolutely. a police chief whose talking about these pennies from heaven, what he's talking about is money that's supposed to go to an education fund, but he gets to spend it however he wants. this is a scam and the losers are the missouri educational psystem and the citizens of missouri. >> thank you. coming up, even the people who teach your kids to play the piano have inspired the wrath of
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♪ ♪ that young man was taught by a music teacher. bullies in your government feel the need to protect you from music teachers anti-competitive practices. what did they do? let's ask the group's executive director. what horrible thing have you done? >> well, music teachers like most professionals have a statement in their code of ethics that says that they will respect their colleagues' studios and they won't actively
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recruit the students from them and the ftc feels this is a violation of the anti-competitive, anti-trust laws. >> in theory, i can see their point. eye doctors used to say that about contact lenses. this is such a serious thing to sell someone this is. you can't have ordinary people doing it. we won't even allow our members to advertise prices. the fdc came in and said that's a monopoly. >> music teachers are making a bit more of a modest income than that. the average music teacher makes about $30 for an hour lesson. >> the ftc, because it is so busy, this is what it decides to
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focus on. it comes after you. you really can't fight the government, right? >> right. it's just impossible. we're a small organization. have a very small budget. >> you like most people sign a consent order, which is another way is to say, we don't admit to doing anything wrong, but we don't do it anymore. >> right. >> then they ask you to do a bunch of things for 20 years. >> exactly. we have to establish an anti-trust education program for our state presidents, for our leadership. we have to appoint an anti-trust compliance officer. we have to require all 500-plus of our local associations and our state associations to sign a certification that they don't have anything in their governing documents that would be
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considered anti-competitive. >> more bureaucracy. >> it's becoming a bank buster for us. >> but it's good for the lawyers. thank you. good luck to you. >> thank you very much, john. >> i have to say that the ftc is one more example of a largely useless government agency that only grows. now it has 12,000. you pay for them. when i started consumer reporting, i thought the federal trade commission, that's where i should go for consumer ynformation, but they were useless. people were supposed to go to them for consumer complaints, but the bureaucrats didn't answer the phone. breaking up monopolies is a role for government. the government spent 13
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expensive years prosecuting ibm deciding it's not and dropping the case. it's smaller than other tech companies. they also claimed microsoft was a monopoly. the only anti-trust policy government needs today is repeal all government barriers to entry. because what protects consumers best is competition. and competition happens when government gets out of the way. next, another anti-competition guy, my new mayor. he's a government bully and he wants to bully parents like this woman by sending her kids to government run schools. >> they don't care anymore about the kids. >> my mayor says to her, too bad.
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what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you're not doing anything as fast as you used to, which is funny, 'cause i still do it better than her. [ afi ] i do not like sweeping! it's a little frustrating. [ zach ] i can't help out as much as i used to. do you need help? [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up. it's a swiffer sweeper. swiffer dusters. it can extend so i don't have to get on the step stool. ♪ it's like a dirt magnet -- just like my kids. [ afi ] this is a danger zone. voilà. i am the queen of clean! [ zach ] yeah, this definitely beats hanging out on a step ladder. [ laughs ] good jump, baby!
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jerrñ i'd like to introduce youo my new mayor, bill de blasio. to please his supporters in the teachers union, he attacks a woman who runs charter schools. >> she has is to be stopped, enabled, supported. >> i visited her schools. kids there were learning happily. i challenged them asking them questions like, isn't reading and writing hard work? >> reading is work, but it's rocking awesome. >> those charter school kids look forward to going to school
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ma in the morning. and they live in harlem where government chartered schools are awful. he saw similarly lousy government run schools when he was on the washington, d.c. city council. he says both of us are wrong. he's a big supporter of government controlled schools. you say our mayor isn't anti-charter enough? >> not enough. in the recent rollback, he rolled back three out of 17 charters. >> he allowed many others, true. some of the charters do great. >> some of the charters do great. the issue is -- and we have this issue in new york city where you get colocations where you put
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schools together with unequal resources, with different kids and tell them to compete and what you get is winners and losers. and in our case here, she's a bully. she's the bully. >> how is she a bully? she's teaching the kids. >> she was trying to push out autistic kids. >> she was trying to get space for her kids. >> by kicking out the most vulnerable. >> let's broaden this to the national audience. >> they don't allow government bullies to mess with what's working. they don't allow these kinds of decisions to proliferate. de blasio said he was going after her and that's what he's done. >> i'm a school board vice
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president part of harlem in the upper west side. every time she comes into a building, you know who gets bullied? the public school kids. >> she has 13,000 parents on a waiting list who want to go to her school. >> let me answer his attack. you're a democrat who doesn't like her. your father is a union leader and you have a bias against people who criticize the teachers union. >> it's nothing to do with the teachers union. >> you say she's pushing these people out. she gets the same money that other schools that do badly get. she has some independent money. she doesn't have the power to push anybody. she's bullying kids in the hall? >> exactly. 15% are homeless. 20% have high special needs. 15% are ells.
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she doesn't take any of those kids. >> she picks kids by lottery. >> it's a sham. then she moves them out. >> that's not true. >> it's absolutely true. >> half the kids of color are dropping out of potential schools. all these schools are servicing kids when otherwise they wouldn't get the services they need. we need to stop the "us versus them" attitude. >> this fifth grade class that she touts as the number one in the state that would be pushing out special needs kids, that class started out with 100 kids. you know how many kids they have today? >> no idea. >> 51. where do you think the other 49
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went? they're not going to give her the high performing scores she wants. >> we have to put the power back in the hands of the parents. if the parents had those choices, they can choose a traditional public school, magnet school, charter school. we're losing too many kids in new york, particularly black and brown boys. >> i represent 1.5 million public school parents. only 6%, 70,000 in the charter schools. >> yet, there's a waiting list for the charter schools. >> it's so phony. >> it is not. >> she had a 1500 person waiting list. she couldn't fill her classes. >> it's about choice. i do want choice. >> invest in our public schools and make sure every neighborhood school is good one.
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>> we're investing $20,861. >> and we're not complying. it's not happening. >> because it is in your government monopoly. the court said you're underfunding our government schools. even the governor has woken up to the idea that your ideas may not be good for your kids. >> that's why 50,000 kids are on the waiting list. parents deserve a choice. >> a democratic government who received 108,000 dollars from the charter lobbies. >> they give as much as the
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teachers union? >> there's no bigger contributor. >> thank you. coming up, are you watching this show while ice fishing in minnesota? would you like a cold beer? now you can have it delivered via drone. will government bullies wreck this service too? next. ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network
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suppose you're in a remote area and suddenly you're out of beer. wouldn't it be great if you could call the store and the store would deliver the beer right away via drone? this could happen. this did happen. the technology is here as you see, but bullies in the federal government said, this must stop. why? here to try to explain that is adam who researches technology and digital privacy. so why do they say stop? >> well, the government fears what the government might be utilized for. they have an image problem. they have positive and peaceful, commercial uses that people are
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utilizing them for. >> we can get our brains around that. they worry about them smashing into airplanes? >> sure. there are some legitimate concerns there. we could deal with some of those in other ways instead of a mother may i permission approach. >> this is lower than the planes fly, but it's commercial use, if you make money, then you can't. >> recreational use is generally allowed but in a commercial sense, they're cracking down. >> 17 cease and desist letters already. amazon got publicity showing they would deliver via drone. i thought that was just a stunt, but real companies were doing it. beer, flowers, photographers. >> that's right.
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journalists are using it to report. there's people using it for other safety purposes like monitoring forest fires. >> it's flower delivery by drones. you place your order. this nice man writes down the gps coordinates. a drone is fired up and then up, up, and away. over the trees, a couple of parking lots, to a doorstep near you. >> when government bullies heard about that, they ordered him to stop. i find some other people just ignore the bullies. the fresno bee, they acquired a drone for gathering news. j%q wolf of wall street."
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it's exciting when entrepreneurs say, government, we hope you don't catch us. >> it's exciting what these entrepreneurs are doing. let's stick with safety. let's talk about safety. every year, over 30,000 americans die in vehicle crashes. that's a huge number. they're going to get medicine or get dinner. what if they could be delivered by drones? that could save thousands of lives every year. that's why the law needs to change here. >> they think only about the possible thing that could go wrong. our brains can't imagine the good that comes out of this. >> exactly.
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if we spend all our time living in fear and placing public policy on them, thing innovation dies. >> innovation dies when you try to obey the bullies rules. you have to have certified aircraft, a licensed pilot, and approval from the faa. >> this is how lobbying and cronyism starts. it doesn't just happen overnight. you give up entirely, or you hire people to go to d.c. >> they seem proud of their obstructionism. i look on their website. myth number 6, commercial drone operations will be okay after december 3pth 2013. fact, congress told the fda to come up with a plan by then.
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we're writing regulations. it's like they're bragging. >> there's many countries who are innovating in this regard and producing remarkable things with drone delivery services. >> farmers in japan use it to spread pesticides. >> that's right. the future is very bright if we allow american innovators to do this. innovators did not need to seek a blessing from a bureaucrat. >> thank you. he has a new book about this called "permissionless innovation." it ought to be. next, my take on how government bullies are like those nasty kids on the playground. why do they kick the victim? >> because he lays there. when you sat down to dinner with anticipation, not hesitation.
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when you didn't dread bedtime because of heartburn. when damage to your esophagus caused by acid reflux disease wasn't always on your mind. that's when you knew nexium was the prescription medication for you. because for over a decade nexium has provided many just like you with 24-hour relief from heartburn and helped heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. and now the prescription nexium you know can be delivered directly to your door with nexium direct. talk to your doctor to see if nexium is right for you. there is risk of bone fracture
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and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it's the nexium you know, now delivered.
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this is used to prevent an attack. do you not find value, substantial value, in being able to prevent this attack? >> she was quick to defend government spying until, oops, she learned that the government also spied on her. >> i have grave concerns that the cia's search may well have violated the separation of
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powers, principles, embodied in the united states constitution. >> now she has concerns. >> she doesn't mind if our security is looking at your stuff. because your stuff is [ bleep ]. but her [ bleep ] is stuff. >> that's often how bullies work. they're eager to push others around if they're in the in crowd doing the pushing. you see it on the playground. >> go fat kid. go fat kid. >> when a bully abuses the fat kid, other kids do it too. psychologists told me this is about people's wish to belong to the group that holds power. they even come to the belief that the victims need to be bullied. why do they kick the victim? >> because he lays there. >> i doubt that and i don't like being bullied either.
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government is force. we need some force. rule of law. the worst places in the world are countries that don't have that. an african country where you're afraid to build a factory because people may steal what you make. it's good that america has government force in the form of a military that defends us from government attack, police that protect us, environmental rules that punish polluters, and that's about it. but our government already goes way beyond that, which is why we have 22 million people working for government. 22 million. that means millions of bureaucrats who can bully us in big and petty ways and they do. they demand drones stop
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delivering beer. they order this girl not to sell mistletoe. they tell tesla it must sell cars only through government favored dealers. they stop the keystone pipeline. prevent me from selling lemonade and punishing 10 year olds for what they've always done. it punishes families who try to protect a baby deer. and jail more of our people than even china and russia do and then to pay for their misdeeds, they demand we give them half our money. to collect it, they build a tax system so complex, most of us have to hire specialists to deal with it. it is not a good thing when government is so big that it has 22 million employees. voluntary is better than force. free is better than coerced.
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we're better off when government is small and people are left free. we had this once in our country. that's what made america great. let's try to have that again. that's our show. see you next week. chris wallaced more. have a great day. i'm chris wallace. now house republicans will have a select committee investigate benghazi. after newly released e-mails raised more questions about the white house response. >> this document was not about benghazi. >> it was for the -- >> it wasn't her only prep. >> the american people to their credit, want to know the truth. this e-mail is proof positive they were manipulated. >> we'll talk about kelly ayotte, one of the senators leading the harj for answers, and answer schiff, a member of the house intelligence committee. then anemic first quarter economic
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