tv Media Buzz FOX News May 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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to be? if he does go to court, it's likely going to be a civil rights case. but that's not a jury i would want to sit on. well, that's it for now. this is mike huckabee from new york. "sunday morning futures." thank you to our panel. i'm maria bartiromo. see you monday. on the buzz beater this sunday, v. stiviano telling barbara walters she's not donald sterling's mistress and the l.a. clippers owner is devastated by the fallout from his comments about blacks. >> do you think that donald sterling should apologize? >> absolutely. >> did you discuss this with him? >> yes. >> will he apologize? >> but should the media investigate her role in recording those comments and bringing him down? should a businessman be stripped of his franchise bas on a private conversation leaked to tmz?
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we'll ask the espn writer who documented sterling's racism eight years ago where have the media been until now? new benghazi e-mails, an explosive story for fox news but ignored by much of the mainstream media. >> that's a scandal, a scandal. that is proof the american press is dishonest. period. they're covering up a cover-up. >> but is that true? and what of jay carney's efforts to dismiss the story as partisanship by fox. do you female journalists need sex appeal to succeed in the news? >> fox news gets a bad wrap? >> i do want to say there are a lot of legs and some lip gloss. >> we like that. >> it was four against one, that would be me, at the newest fox
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show "outnumbered." i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz." from the moment that tmz posted th posted that audio tape of donald sterling telling his gal pal not to be seen in public with blacks, the always combustible subject of race proved to be an explosive mixture. >> l.a. clippers owner donald sterling -- >> donald sterling going on a racist tirade. >> donald sterling. >> l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. >> and the anchors and the pundits were quickly joined by pretty famous faces from nba history who rallied against the owner of the l.a. clippers. >> it was one thing to say something that's controversial but it's another thing to say something that's repugnant. >> we cannot have an nba owner discriminating against a league -- we're a black league.
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>> he shouldn't on a team anymore. he should stand up and say i don't want to own a team anymore. >> we don't want mr. sterling's face to be the face of the nba. >> sterling backed out of discussions to appear on abc's 20/20 leaving v. stiviano to explain their relationship. >> what's the biggest misconception about you? >> that i'm a mistress or a whore. speculations of not real journalists doing their job, asking the wrong people information about me, that they don't know or have real facts. >> and sterling's sole comment to the website du jour? "i wish i just paid her off." amy holmes, and mara of national
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public radio. v. stiviano got rid of the helmet and goes with barbara walters. she takes a shot at not real journalists. >> if we're not real journalists maybe she's not a real assistant? >> are you suggesting her duties, working to for an 80-year-old guy didn't just involve keeping the books? >> she calls herself later in the interview, a silly rabbit. that's what he calls her. silly rabbit. i think that's what's happening here, she waited five days until coming out with her side of the story through her lawyer. and her lawyer says she didn't release the tape. oh, by the way, she's never been with a rich guy before. reporters are investigating who she is and come up with her instagram account where she says it's all coming out. three weeks before this whole thing with the hash tag putting out publishing companies and media outlets. >> featuring various scantily
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clad pictures of her as well, though we don't have the right to show them to you. this is v. stiviano with barbara walters on abc. >> are you in love with donald sterling? >> i love him. >> i'm not sure that's what i asked. are you in love? >> no, i'm not in love. >> you love him what, like a friend? >> i love him like a father figure. >> she never quite -- >> can i take a shower right now. >> she never quite says i did not have sex with that man, mr. sterling. this whole thing is odius to you? >> repellent from start to finish. by the way, there are still questions surrounding if she's actually 31. but of course reporters are going to try to get to the bottom of the credibility of, well, she doesn't say she's the accuser but clearly her voice is also on the tape. she might be running into a legal buzzsaw about having recorded had imwithout his
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knowledge. >> she's black and mexican and he's spewing this racist garbage. now she chooses to go on tv defending him. >> of course. she agreed to the interview with barbara walters. she agreed to put herself in the public spotlight by participating in this tape in some manner, whether or not it was to release it or record it. all of these characters are sordid and gross. >> stiviano denies through her lawyer that she leaked the tape. she had custody of it and she gave it to somebody who gave it to somebody. the media don't seem to be buying some explanation or do you have sympathy, caught in this spotlight? >> i don't know if people are very sympathetic to her. once something like this gets out, it has legs of its own. it takes on a life of its own. it almost doesn't matter if it was taped with or without his knowledge. it fit into a context. you're not hearing anybody say this isn't the donald sterling i know. this is just completely surprising. >> nobody. >> he would never say that kind of thing. you don't hear that.
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>> nor do you hear him apologizing. >> right. >> or the fact that he was illegally recorded. >> what you do here are all these other things, well, i don't follow this closely. i didn't know all these things about donald sterling. incident after incident after incident of racism and legal suits. >> yes. beside if she was a real assistant -- how many assistants get a $1.8 million condo? >> not just one bentley, two bentleys, a ferrari, a range rover and his wife sues her to get all of that money back. as amy says, this is despicable. i think the reason that people are so happy about this or excited to cover this, is that there's a tape. there's a secret tape. there's possibility of sex. there's -- no one knows who leaked it or what happened. unlike other cases in the past, i know you'll be talking to the person who wrote about this eight years ago, but unlike
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that, this has just that spark that gets journalists interested. >> and high stakes, the loss of a basketball team. >> very high stakes involving a guy who is very rich and is part of the nba. in the situation like this, the pundits pile on, and everybody, the bloggers pile on. you show the tape where you have kareem, shaq and magic all coming out, do you think the sheer celebrity wattage of this, denouncing this owner, how clearly the league has been tarnished, maybe ratcheted up the pressure on the nba commissioner to ban him for life and get the other owners to force sterling to sell the team? >> i think it certainly did. also the clippers themselves, if you remember, going out on to the court and turning their shirts inside out. how do they keep working for this man that has these views? apparently this was well established by mr. sterling of having these views, having been sued, under the bush administration by the way, the department of justice. where was the "l.a. times" reporting all of this? i guess you could say, dude,
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that was eight years ago. >> some of it was reported but it certainly wasn't -- there was no concerted effort by the media to call this guy out, because it's kind of your point, the lawsuits are considered borg but suddenly we have a tape and a woman, we don't know her first time. we find out it's vanessa. >> this had every ingredient to become a perfect media scandal. there also was something else. there's actually no controversy. there's incredible consensus. it seems as if there's nobody on the other side. everybody said something has to be done. there was a huge push to figure out a way to make him give up the clippers. i've never seen so much agreement around something like this. >> i think one of the reasons, mara, for that is we have just come off of the clive bundy scandal where he was, again, spewing racist comments. but there was no -- >> he's a guy no one had heard
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of. >> no one heard of him, howie. he has no power. here comes sterling. all of a sudden he has all this of power that can be taken away from him. in part, the media latched on to that as did 'vilsilver. >> let's look at the other side. he trusts this woman. these were private conversations that ended up being posted on tmz. is there any feeling that somebody shouldn't lose their business because of something they said in private as opposed to discriminating in housing, for example? >> there is no privacy anymore. 90% of people own cell phones. they can be taping us surreptitiously right now. hey, joey, jim, rick. >> we're on live television. >> there was controversy over what should be the consequence for donald sterling's remarks to this woman. you're asking should he have trusted her? did you watch the barbara walters interview? >> whether or not his rights
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were violated by the first amendment which just didn't happen or by the fourth amendment which we don't know happened, whether or not that was violated because we don't know if he gave his consent. >> look, what he said was disgusting and despicable. believe me, i'm not defending him. there's some part of me that finds this creepy because, you know, he thought he was speaking confidently. and here's kareem abdul-jabbar writing, the releasing of this tape is so sleazy, just listening to it makes me feel like an accomplice to the crime. >> agreed. can we all please take a shower after watching the barbara walters interview? mark cuban agrees with you, that this is a slippery slope. >> he's another nba owner. >> yes, to take away somebody's property, a billion dollar franchise, i read. donald sterling does have a history of this type of behavior in his public dealings along with the dealings of the clippers, he was accused of plantation mentality. >> they're foot going to take away his property.
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they're going to buy it from him. he's going to make a lot of money. >> that's the irony here. >> they cannot confiscate his property. he owns it. he is subject to the rules. he signed a contract. it's market value. they're not going to take away his property. >> the irony is his punishment will be -- >> to become richer. >> hundreds of millions of dollars. amazingly, the clippers won their playoff series in the seventh game. the players managed to stay focused. there were mistakes on this story, nbc reporting that on the verge of the nba commissioner adam silver coming out, there would be a $5 million fine. it turned out to be a $2.5 million fine. when there's a frenzy, sometimes you miss the hoop when you shoot. send me a tweet @howardkurtz. we'll head your best messages at the end of the program. when we come back, the benghazi e-mails, while most of the media had to play catch up with fox. later, i'm outnumbered by the ladies of fox's new program.
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it was major news on fox news when major news surfaced on benghazi. for most of the mainstream media, not so much. that led to this denunciation by bill o'reilly when i was on the factor and to some scoffing at msnbc. >> athat failure by the national press to tell the american people the truth about benghazi is for one reason and one reason only. to protect president barack obama. >> that sarcasm and apparently a
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sense of reason or proportion, these things seem to have been lost on conspiracy obsessed conservatives who have turned this e-mail into the watergate tapes. >> i say the media is suffering from benghazi allergy syndrome. they think the story is old, complicated and the country's moved on. o'reilly says the media are protecting barack obama. where do you come down? >> i have to say on mr. o'rei y mr. o'reilly's side. the media had no problem following the valerie plame scandal. every moment of that scandal, none as too small for them to gorge themselves on it. to say this is too complicated, it's been stretching out for two years. >> do you think the editors get together and say this could be damaging to the president, we need to play this down? >> no. i think there is an internal bias where they judge something not to be newsworthy so they don't put it on the air. whereas in fact the ben rhodes e-mail along with the e-mail
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that was put on the website by cheryl atkinson. >> i think this is a really important story, mara, most of the mainstream media were slow to see this particular e-mail as news. >> they were slow but did finally cover it. maybe they followed fox's lead. but in the end they did cover it because it was new. i think the mainstream media thinks, you know what, this is a story we've heard about. the ben rhodes e-mail was a new development. they did cover it. i think it shows the white house was spinning and i think the media, the nonfox media did finally come around and cover it. >> there were few exceptions. walk us through what happened on tuesday when the judicial watch obtained these documents. >> fox news was covering it. that night, the networks, no coverage, the cable nets no coverage. by wednesday morning, nothing "new york times" in the, the "l.a. times," "wall street journal," "washington post" had it an a-17. then we started to see, "cbs
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this morning" covered it on wednesday morning with bill plante who came out with a balanced piece saying this could t could be that. >> "the new york times" then the next day -- >> a-8. >> published a two-day-old story. let me move you to the brett bear interview, talking about the editing of the talking points. well, let's take another look. >> did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points? >> maybe. i don't really remember. >> you don't remember? >> dude, this was like two years ago. we're still talking about the most mundane process. >> dude, it is the thing everybody is talking about. >> dude. >> come on, tommy. my 14-year-old son doesn't say the word dude anymore. second of all, props to brett for coming right back at him and saying, dude, this is important. it spawned a hash tag on social
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media, #dude. i think really what this shows, he comes on fox news and then says he doesn't know and that it's a 2-year-old story when there's a brand new e-mail. >> let me also play something from the white house briefing room. i think what elevated this story was jay carney fencing with reporters for cbs and cnn and abc as well as fox's ed henry. here's a brief look. >> do you need a copy of the cia talking points? >> read them out all you want. go ahead. >> the only thing in that e-mail that refers to benghazi was a cut and paste from the talking points which turned out to be produced by the cia. >> is that an effective tactic? making this look like fox partis partisanship? >> obviously not. jonathan karl went at jay carney for this absurd spin. jake tapper said it's insulting to the press and the public. i remember when the job of the white house press secretary was
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described when mike mccurry had it under difficult circumstances with bill clinton and impeachment was to serve the public and interest of truth swell the white house. in this case, it seems that jay carney doesn't understand the second element of his job, which is to serve the truth and the public. >> there was an e-mail a couple days after the benghazi attacks, from associated press reporter matthew lee writing to the state department spokesperson at the time, victoria newland. >> the information is frankly shocking even for an election year. >> i think this is in a different category. this is not the white house bashing fox. they have their own reasons and incentives to do that. this is a reporter who is given the state department spokesman all sorts of grief over the years. you can't say he's a softy. >> right. >> he's competing. he's doing source management. and source stroking. that's what i think it is. >> that's what it is.
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a.p. spokesman told me that matthew lee was not criticizing fox but was criticizing a british newspaper report which was cited on fox. >> when it was dropped, fox also dropped that. when the independent took it down, yes. >> thanks very much for joining us this sunday. up next, the espn writer who blew the whistle on donald sterling's racism eight years ago. and why the media looked the other way. and later, a new documentary on jason blair's fabrication with a cameo appearance by me. ke
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millions of dollars to play basketball, the feds alleged that he refused to rent apartments in beverly hills and korea town to black people and people with children. >> thank you. nice to be here. >> you write this piece in 2006. the headline is sterling's racism should be news. the reaction was? >> well, the reaction from the editor was immediately positive and most of the people who read it were pretty positive about t it. i don't know how many people actually read it. when it first went up, the people who saw it thought it made pretty good points. like most things go in the sports world and big websites with be it ran its course, i suppose. >> right. it didn't become anything like what happened this past week. nba owner was sued twice by the feds, he paid millions of dollars in fines and plaintiffs' fees. i'd have to say the national media didn't much care. in fact as you point out, the "l.a. times" online section devoted to the clippers ran a wire story. were you frustrated at all at
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the lack of resonance this had? >> frustration may be the word. i was more concerned generally speaking, how we have really bad ideas about what's important when it cams to race and things that have to be discussed. the idea that this could come out and everybody screams to the heavens how terrible it is. but i brought this with regard to housie inine ining discrimin nobody seems to worry about it. >> you have a gal pal, tmz posting it. when arguably the housing discrimination which actually affected people who were trying to rent apartments owned by donald sterling had more impact than what he said in private? >> well, i don't even think that's arguable. i think it is inarguable that the housing discrimination was a bigger deal. 2009 sterling wound up paying a
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bigger settlement on the basis of housing discrimination. nobody seemed to care about that either. that tmz tape is a tape. that's something that people can see. something they can hear, point to. it's fairly concrete. it doesn't get into anything technical. it screams out to loud, inappropriate racism which is probably the biggest sin you could commit in this society when it comes to being racist, at least in terms of public perception. since we had that and it screamed at people, i think that hit a lot more than things economically minded. this was sexier and flashier. if we're going to be honest, this is crazy. if you're look a story to blow up, something a little crazy will do it. that tape is crazy. >> excuse me, you can sleep with black people but don't post pictures on your instagram account. that fits my clinical description of crazy. do you think in the national media, and in the nba, and the l.a. chapter of the naacp to
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which sterling gave a lot of money which was going to give him another lifetime achievement award, do you think they enabled this guy, enabled donald sterling? >> i think everybody enabled donald sterling. it's not as though donald sterling had a sterling record -- sterling, there we go. not like he had a sterling record outside of this terrible thing. he was pretty much terrible in every single way. you could point to nba and the transaction of chris paul and chauncey billups. i think more important than talking about that specific to sterling is the larger issue and bigger discussion when it comes to the things we talk about when matters race come up. we get too caught up in things that allow you to point out whether or not one person is or is not a racist as opposed to looking at how these big things happen, how donald sterling was part of something that's much bigger. you could make an argument, a lot of academics do, you could walk everything back to housing discrimination. that's so much more important but it's not as interesting to people. >> exactly. >> i'm not sure how the media is
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supposed to balance that. they're in the business of selling these stories, what to read, there's a demand element but there's a responsibility also. >> yes. i guess the sexual aspect sells. thanks so much for joining us today. >> thank you. ahead on "media buzz" john oliver, master interrogator? first, it's four on one as i talk about women, journalism and sex appeal as i talk with the ladies of "outnumbered." e hour
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headquarters." now back to "media buzz." what tv guy wouldn't want to be surrounded by women and how does that change the table news dynamic? fox launching its new show "outnumbered" this week, i went to new york to play the role of token male. as you can see, i am "outnumbered," let's get that wide shot here on the set of the new fox show. >> hey. >> hi. .
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>> i have to start by asking you, is this the sisterhood trying to take over the media beach head? is this empowering for you? >> hold on. i thought you were going to ask if we've been mailing around our pants like "the sisterhood of the traveling pants." it's challenging, smart, fun talk. >> hold on. you're outnumbered. we ask the questions around here. how does it feel to sit in that seat. >> it feels slightly intimidating. i assume my role here it to get slapped around a little bit. >> not so much. >> a lot of times we will agree with the man sitting in the middle. we take different opinions. you know if you look at demographics in the united states, there's more women than men now. a lot of topics are female dominated. this show, i think reflects that. >> it does. also it's just to acknowledge that men and women are different. we do have different perspectives we look at things differently. it's fun to take some of the heavy hitting new stories of the day and lighter topics and see
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how we all look at them differently. >> there's no show like this on air right now. this is original, unique, this is something that's not going on anywhere. it's not going on in the time slot. it's nice for people to spend their lunch with us. >> how many have you been on panels with a bunch of dudes and you're the one wearing the dress. >> i work in washington, d.c., it's nice to be around ladies iness drs. and not men in suits all the time. no offense. >> 18% make up female in congress. so i mean, women are a topic anyway, especially when you go to d.c. >> the government is dominated by men. >> what about the media? we now have abc news has a female anchor, cbs news did until katie couric did. the president of nbc news is a woman, in fox, primetime, two of the shows are anchored by women. do you feel like the imbalance is starting to get rectified where women were a side show? >> i think it's important to have all voices at the table.
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if there was underrepresentation, certainly it's time to make up the difference. as long as it's based on merit and content and what we bring to the table. if what you're talking about is putting a bunch of women around the table and they don't have much to say, that doesn't build up equality. if you can make content and we happen to be women and are friends. >> we all have a very different brack ground. >> fox news gets a bad rad by other media, they say it's all legs and lip gloss. our chairman, was the first ceo to put a female in prime time. he also lets the women at his network, which there's a lot of them, actually talk. he makes sure they have a brain. watch some of the other morning shows, a lot of the women don't have a lot to say. they're outnumbered by men who speak over them. we all know who we're talking about. >> there are a lot of legs and
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some lip gloss. >> we like that. >> there is that. >> there isn't anything wrong with it but you're saying there's a stereotype of the fox bond? >> yes, that's out there. >> yes. >> the unfair thing about that is, you do have a lot to say and you're not here because you're good looking. >> everyone that you're sitting on this couch with right now comes from a very serious in-depth background whether it's their careers, educational back ground. we're all very experienced journalists. you know, it's all -- this show, we put the man in the hot seat. has a big job. >> i'm already sweating, i've got to tell you. >> isn't there something in television, this far transcends fox news, that women not only have to be smart and experienced and know their stuff but, you know, they have to spend three hours a day in hair and make-up. does that ever bother you that there is that perception that if you're not good looking, you have to have a tough time in the tv business? >> we don't have to do that.
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it's by choice, you know. if you look statistically, taller men do better. we like to be in the company -- >> i'm working on that by the way. >> oh, stop it. >> if you looked astudies, we like to psychologically be in the company of people who capture our attention. that's different for the individual. beauty is empirical, in some form, shape. make-up, something that is built for a visual medium, you have a good mix. >> why is it that people get criticized for showing up and looking nice? >> on a visual medium? do we have to downgrade that and not get ready for our job? >> that's a good question. >> if we didn't, we'd take heat for that as well. >> you say something brilliant, you get e-mails saying i hated your hair. >> if i eat a large salad, they question what's going on? your stomach is sticking out. we are under scrutiny. i have found, though, that it makes you better, i think. growing up in a boys club in
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politics, because there was so much pressure on us, we had to read more, study more, be just a little bit better because they were looking at you going, is she smart? >> do you agree with that? >> she's spot on with that. >> i grew up in entered my career was in a man's world. i was a trader. i came from the trading floors in chicago. i was on male-dominated trading desks. it gave me my toughness. i didn't want to hide that. by the way, within we all sit here as women, we empower each other. >> that's true, too. i grew up on military bases. i'm the child of an aviator/combat pilot in vietnam. i was always surrounded by men as a child because my father was with the people we were serving with. even though there were other kids, within we would get together, my parents would be with friends, they'd be the generals, the colonels, the majors, whatever. there were not women in those ranks at that point. >> i grew up hunting with my dad. i have a younger brother.
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my mom is also a powerful woman. she started her own business, she was a professor at one point in her life. we all have different kinds of back grounds. my dad treated me the same way as he treated my brother. it wasn't about me being a girl, it was you can do everything, not because of the difference, but because you're capable of doing it. >> guys are expected to show up and look good. >> do you want some lip gloss? >> i feel outnumbered but in a good way. >> that's a sweet thing to say. >> thanks for stopping by. >> maybe you'll have me back. >> absolutely. >> thanks for sitting down with us here in new york. >> that was fun. "outnumbered" airs noon eastern during weekdays on fox news. after the break, what have we learned a decade later about jason blair's journalistic fraud at the in the in the? i'll talk about my role in a new documentary.
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11 years ago i began looking into a "new york times" reporter named janen blair. what happened next is chronicled in a new limb "a fragile trust" that airs tomorrow on some pbs stations. even after all these years, jason blair can't answer the basic questions. >> why did you do? >> i don't have a good answer for the question.
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>> it began like most stories with a tip. >> blair had written a piece about a texas woman whose son was missing in iraq, much was lifted almost word for word from the "san antonio express news." i talked down the paper's editor. >> before i could hear from either of them, howard kurtz, the media critic of "the washington post" called me. >> faced with this information, i had to decide, was it a one-time bit of sloppiness by this reporter for "the new york times"? was there a larger pattern here? >> i found several more instances in which blair made stuff up. >> over the next several days i started examining just about everything that jason blair had written for "the new york times" and it very quickly became clear that this guy was a fabricator. there were real victims here, i'll never forget talking to a cleveland minister whose son had been killed in iraq. blair had written a moving piece about this, but he never talk todman, never had been to cleveland. the case raised so many
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questions about blair's drug abuse to whether he was overlooked. blair cashed in by writing a book which i finally got to interview him along with some others. >> some of the time it took for you to come up with these details, in that same amount of time you could have done the ground work. you're just a pathological liar. >> it would be nice to say to everyone in the news business learned from jayson blair's disgrace. over the years i've had to deal with other plagerists. >> roggin said john kerry had a closed door meeting and he said that israel was in danger of becoming an apartheid state. he made comments about this. roggin gave the audio and interview to fox's james rosen.
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but what roggin didn't say but rosen learned he made the recording himself after sneaking into the off-the-record session. he said, "damn right i did." there's nothing unethical about walking into the meeting unnoticed. i don't have a reporter slipping into a meeting. as long as he doesn't misrepresent himself. the problem, roggin should have come clean right away in his stories about what he did. coming up, john oliver's new hbo show is all about comedy, at least until he sat down with the former head of the nsa. our "video verdict" is next.
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time now for our video verdict. when john oliver launched his new hbo show last week tonight, we were all expecting a lot of laughs. >> but it ourturns out this comedian can grill. when he sat down with keith alexander he wasn't playing just for punchlines. >> the concerns are that you're not just taking the haystack but the whole farm and county and state and you've got some folks and the farmer's wife in the shower as well. >> so nsa is not allowed to do that on its own. it has oversight, and in every case to my knowledge, everyone except for 12 individuals, stepped forward at the time that they made those mistakes. >> right, but you can't say everyone except for 12. that's not saying i've never killing everyone apart from those three people i have buried under my patio at home >> unlike stephen colbert john
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oliver isn't playing a character, a wacky brit and really pressed the former nsa chief. >> i liked what he said. if you could ask edward snowden, what would you ask him other than a lot less than what he's said before, right? >> he just asked whether or not the name should be changed at the nsa and a rebranding? should it be the washington ed skins which is slightly less offensive. he really adds spice to an interview with hard-hitting questions. >> i thought it was a little silly at the end holding up pictures. i'll give it a 7. >> i'll give it a 9. it was a great interview. okay. the rules are a little different at 3:00 in the morning and fox's show "red eye" is any indication. >> but when i was on this week, i tried to bring my usual sense of dignity and gravitas to greg gutfeld's show. >> what do you make of the punishment? >> first of all, there are always investigative reporters around. how come the gal pal, the
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ex-girlfriend, we only know here as v. stiviano. >> i kind of look at this fool like an old fool. what was he doing with this woman a quarter of his age? >> okay. >> howie, you didn't really succeed there with the gravitas. i think you should keep your day job, and what was that? i mean, you were in k.t. mcfarland's ear. like you were in a bar. >> apparently she didn't mind sitting next to me like you right now. >> i don't think you look that god at 3:00 in the morning. >> well, i'd had a couple of drinks. had a lot of fun and all the kidding around and you're looser because you know it's on at 3:00 a.m. sometimes you can make points about a subject that you can't when you're in serious anchor mode. i'm giving it a 10. >> i'm giving it a 2. you didn't even know that v.'s first name was maria vanessa
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but bill kennedy like cnn, the missing plane and nbc with trayvon martin, it's been too much. and v. stiviano, david brown, not one redeeming character in the entire episode. >> it's worse than a soap opera. >> well, there were many a-list celebrities, not as many as usual at last night's white house correspondents dinner. the president look out at media types and taking a few swipes at us. >> i am happy to be here, even though i am a little jet lagged from my trip to malaysia. the lengths we have to go to to get cnn coverage these days. msnbc is here. they are a little overwhelmed. they have never seen an audience this big before. let's face it, fox. you'll miss me when i'm gone. it will be harder to convince the american people that hillary was born in kenya. >> i'm not sure a lot of people
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at fox will miss him when he's gone. coming to these dinners, it's crazy because it's like two space aliens meeting each other. entertainers, i brought jenny mccarthy one year. >> you brought jenny mccart? >> was she wearing clothes in. >> yes, she was wearing clothes, and introduced her to colin powell and the two of them looked at each other like i should know who you are. >> there's a reason they call it nerd prom. that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. check out our facebook page, post video there and we answer your questions. we're back next sunday morning. set your dvr, 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern with the latest buzz. >> it is monday may 5th. acrobats fall hundreds of feet to the ground in front of horrified families at the
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circus. how did this happen. >> a select committee is now set to investigate benghazi. we are live in washington with what's happening today. >> olympic snowboarder shaun white crashes the prom. >> he was like guys, shaun white stole my prom date. >> this girl will never forget her prom night. "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> it is may 5th, cinco de mayo.
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welcome to "fox & friends first" this monday morning. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. we begin with chaos at the circus. a terrifying turn acrobats plummet nearly 40 feet to the ground. >> safety inspectors at rhode island are looking for clues as to what went wrong here. kelly wright is live in the newsroom with the latest. i can't image seeing that in person. it's horrifying. >> it was supposed to be a day of fun instead what they saw turned out to be very disturbing. >> at first chance they thought it was part of the fact but soon
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