tv The Kelly File FOX News May 9, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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tomorrow. thanks for watching tonight. i'm welcome to a kelly file special report on politics and the press as we get closer to the mid term, one question is coming up, more and more. how will the media weigh in? research studies from the 2008 and 2012 elections show the president enjoyed more positive coverage than john mccain and mitt romney. most of the press took a pass on reporting the possible down side of obamacare, waking up to issues only when millions of americans had lost coverage, the web site was failing, and the
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president's promise about keeping your political was labelled the lie of the year the media covered it initially, the media has been silent on the irs targeting of conservative groups. and possibly, auditing their donors after months of mostly ignoring questions about how the administration handled the benghazi terrorist attacks, a few brave reporters started to ask questions but only after an e mail withheld from the white house came to light proving it's involvement in spinning a tall tale about the terrorist attack. now, some are asking if the president is losing the press. really? tonight some of the smartest journalists, analysts and researchers take a look. who is being fair some who is not? which organizations can we trust? how do you know if you're getting the whole story? and tonight republicans are moving forward with selectittee.
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it's job to investigate the terrorist attacks that killed four americans. before it's officially formed, democrats are already attempting to diminish it, referring to the question as quote, a kangaroo court. just a latest in the series of attempts to down play benghazi by the white house. the attack took place before presidential election from president obama told the american people al qaeda was, quote on the run. the administration he said aattacks stemmed from protests over an anti-muslim video. today we know that is not true. caught in a misrepresentation the white house blamed the cia for bad intelligence. >> these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region. the video of the unrest.
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and the white house and state department have made clear the single adjustment made to those talking points by either of those two institutions were changing words consulate to diplomatic facility. >> we provided assessments of what happened in benghazi based on information provided by the intelligence community the only edits made by anyone were stylistic and not substantive. >> secondly i would say when it comes to silence we've been clear about edits athat were made at the suggestion of the white house. >> fox news and a handful of others continued pushing and ultimately emerged the white house had not been honest. it did edit the benghazi talking points. and this is tack was not about a video or in protest.
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cia, the question remained who decided to blame the video? this month an answer came, a new e mail surfaced under court order. a document the white house wanted to hide showing administration issuing marching orders to play up the video story and avoid admitting policy failures. this at a time when the white house knew officials on the ground in benghazi had been maintaining this was a preplanned terrorist attack. this this was too much for the main stream media to ignore. >> it did not come from the cia. you stood there time and time and said that she was referring to talking points created by the cia. why are you holding back this information? why was in e mail not turned over to the congress? this is directly relevant. why did you hold it back? >> does the white house have a firm understanding of what happened? >> the answer broadly is 15 months ago -- >> as to what happened? >> well, no.
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>> the video was a protest? >> you should ask the intelligence community. >> can you imagine not being a partisan, not being a conspiracy theerist, someone hearing a conservative group sued the state department this comes back because it's their requested by benghazi. and then you say what can they do in benghazi? can you imagine someone being confused about the events? >> the reporters pressed hard some of the network brass may have been less impressed congress launched a select committee and the network all but ignore that had story. joining me now, host of fox news media buzz, mark cason a former speech writer for president george w. bush and kirsen powers who served in the clinton administration. welcome to you all.
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has the press utterly fallen down in covering the benghazi story? >> the mind set in most of the main stream media is that it was a tragedy but the investigation is old, complicated and the country moved on this, is key because fox treats it as a big story it must be partisan. you had this ben rhoadse mail. you had outlets doing nothing on it. but then that, explosion in the briefing room. we saw cbs and abc and others and cnn jim accosta joining fox in the questioning. that is not reflected on the air i think changed the game here making many coming up with a story that should have rung the day before. it's changed the idea that maybe the white house is not being forth coming. >> kirsten one of the things that showed us is the power of the main stream media.
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when you see abc going after jay carney on that, it makes some of the other media have to pay attention to it because it's no longer just a fox story. it now becomes somehow a legitimate story about the white house misleading the american people. >> well, yes. what you saw is reporters getting angry at realizing they'd been played right? they've been sold on the story we just should stop and think about the fact the white house is able to convince other reporters because fox is covering something that it is not news. something quite spectacular, something is hard to imagine how you couldn't be curious about it right? we have an attack, four americans are dead. clearly the white house is, has a story, a narrative going to fit their campaign talking points. yet, they bought it hook, line, and sinker. now, they're realizing because of a request they've been lied
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to. i think they're angry. >> the thing is, mark you were in the bush administration. if you had another press secretary, if you had dana perino or tony snow had been caught in as many misrepresentations as jay carney has been caught in, that is a factual insertion. can you imagine the main stream media's interest in the story? >> they'd been finished and roasting a lot of pyre for crying out loud. what is amazing is that this information came from a judish watch request. it wasn't a "new york times" request. it wasn't nbc news, it was judicial launch. we would have never known about the ben rhodese mail. it's been 0 months and we do not know what barack obama was doing for eight hours during the
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attack. but the media is uninterested in finding out where he was, what he was doing during an eight-hour period >> i think rather than saying we made a mistake and should released this e mail, i think jay carney lost a certain degree of credibility and was the larger main stream media because he came out with this lame explanation about it wasn't released earlier because it said benghazi and susan rice prep, it wasn't really about benghazi, it didn't need to be released. when that happened, anger is an important emotion. when reporters feel misled and played then you have the kind of confrontational tone maybe we should have seen earlier. >> it's short lived, because it came out in benghazi coverage jay carney was blatantly
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misleading when he said the white house and administration only changed one word in initial talking points we changed diplomatic facility to consulate because it was more accurate. then, it changed then talking points were released in full. it showed their hands were all over the talking points already there is a misrepresentation the press did react angrily and silence, and interest was lost. >> megyn you're being restrained and keep calling it misrepresentation i would say it's a lot of lying is what is going on. and they weren't -- it wasn't that people didn't know the answer and they're guessing at it. they, they knew what they were saying wasn't true the reason we know this now, without that e mail frankly we know that they didn't know this is because how many people have testified now whether it's from cia or whether it's the general rule is that as this attack is
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happening who said nobody thought the video had anything to do with it. it was not coming. this is not what they're getting from the intelligence community. remember, bret baier interviewed the nfc spokesman. bret pressed him and said where did you get this video story? he said, his answer is there were guys in the newspaper quoted saying that is why they were there. now that, is not the intelligence community. that is them looking for a story that fits a narrative. >> now, we know what, they get together for a strategy session and decided yes. it's a video. that sounds good. mark, some are suggesting with this newly-pepped up press corps we saw that the press may be turning on president obama. do you buy that? >> i don't think so. i mean look at the coverage now of the specialist and select committee it's about how there is going to be a partisan exercise, that it's scandalous that republicans are doing this.
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>> mark, don't you think republicans have done some partisan ship to fuel that and make it easy for the press so say this is just trying to get the president -- >> i'm asking the ones on the show. go ahead, mark. >> sure. there are republicans who have expressed partisan comments on it. but look. as charles krauthammer says there is no partisan advantage for republicans doing this. there is a lot of risk. they're trying to get down to the truth the real scandal is the reason we need a select committee is because the media did not do it's job we have unanswered questions because reporters unlike valerie plame affair they went over hundreds of hours trying to get to the bottom of this they should hillary clinton said what difference does it make and they said "okay". >> now, we'll go back to seeing how will they cover it? >> thank you.
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>> thank you, megyn. >> also tonight harry reid suggesting the media is covering for republicans. really? we'll investigate. plus... >> no one feels it would be better to crack that glass ceiling than to have a woman as president. and many believe that that should be you. >> hillary clinton in 2016. some are suggesting the media is protecting her. ann coulter and alan combs are here on that. plus... >> we know condy rice had to pull out of the rut gers convention how would the media have handled this if your politics were different? and big news in the irs scandal. what kind of coverage that got, and why, next. >> the same set of facts described. would have touched off, i think in previous days a media fire storm. but we had was a camp fire in
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most of the media. it was doused before very long. the story has been dormant. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. but if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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new documents suggest the tax groups targeting extended to auditing gop donors. those stories are barely showing up on the networks. yesterday i spoke to brent who was president of the media research center and i asked him, how much coverage was devoted to the house voting to hold ms. learner in contempt of congress? >> well, this is serious, serious stuff and we know it's serious stuff and when this happened to ali north, it received 15 seconds of news coverage. >> wow, maybe they were covering more important things -- >> let me quantify that a little better. lois lerner has not received any coverage from nbc but on the today show they spent 14 minutes covering the acre acceptance of
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tattoos. they had time to interview michael douglas about his wife. >> what is the state of their marriage? just kidding. they are ignoring the story. they don't want to do politics. are the networks doing something else on politics, or what is it? >> you look at it -- if you look at the 15 seconds they have given to lois lerner and compare it to tuesday and wednesday they spent on climate change, they spent 27 minutes and 37 seconds in two days. go back to april with chelsea clinton announcing her baby, 13 minutes. that's much, much more time than they have given to the irs all year. it goes on and on. the white house correspondence dinner that was 12 minutes and 40 seconds, i believe it was, but they get 15 seconds on lois lerner. this is a media that look, let me ask you this, megyn, what would you say if i told you that
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the total number of stories by cbs in the past ten months with endless developments, two stories on the irs scandal. how many stories by nbc? not one. megyn, how can we conclude other than this is a coverup? >> it's amazing to see because when i say politics, i'm referring to inside the beltway stuff and so is the climate change report and so on. you see the nets picking and choosing, clearly it tells you something. nonetheless, brent, they would argue the irs scandal broke and when it did, they covered it and covered it hard and it's dwindled since then. >> yeah, but the problem with that is that it didn't dwindle. there is more and more and more developments and you're getting to the point where you've got contempt charges. same thing with benghazi. with benghazi, you have a special house committee that's going to get to the bottom of
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this. this is huge. how could they spend 47 seconds on benghazi but over 12 minutes on that silly correspondence dinner. >> that's unbelievable. is that the nightly newscast as opposed to the morning shows? >> this is morning and evening. megyn, this is the kind of thing that if this were a republican, they would be breaking into programs. it would be live coverage four men died in mbenghazi. this is big, and they don't cover it. the irs scandal is big. democrats joined republicans. they understand this is bipartisan. still no coverage. >> wow, the numbers tell the story. brent, good to see you. >> thank you, megyn. coming up, an award winning journalist who covered some of the hottest conflict s around the world finds herself under attack. lara logan and what is behind the ugly new effort to get her
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fired. plus. >> you won't call things the way they actually exist. >> harry reid accusing the media of covering for republicans. see what has him so fired up about politics and the press when our "kelly file" [ male announcer ] staples has everything you need to get your client's attention. from brochures to business cards to banners. everything... except your client's attention. thousands of products added every day to, even bullhorns. how much? [ male announcer ] staples. make more happen. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know.
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well, we are tonight deba debating what is going on with the media and politics. senate majority leader harry reid thinks he knows and says it's very simple. he thinks the media is trying to find blame with both sides when really only one side is at fault. can you guess which one? >> one of the flaws press has in modern day journalism is everything you do.
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you won't call things the way they actually exist. what has happened here is the republicans have stopped everything from happening. >> poor senator reid. dana lash and an add junk professor. you have to laugh. he clearly feels aggrieved by the media coverage, i guess, him and the democrats, dana, which a lot of people would be rolling their eyes in response to. >> yeah, i would have to agree with him. the coverage is completely unfair. i think i'm a little different in that it's unfair to one particular party over the other. i think democrats have been coasting with this. there have been a number of different studies that have come out about this. we can talk about how different reporters and different editors, where their partisanship lies. the bottom line is that it's kind of a joke. this can't seriously be taken serious with a remark like this. there is nothing to support that
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anything has been made for fair for the republican party and media. >> mark, do you think it is a sustainable suggest that the media has a right-wing bias? >> i think the media has a bias toward giving this kind of he said, she said version, version of objectivity and when for example the only reason benghazi is coming up again in the news is because the republican house launched this special committee. >> but why did they do that? >> we already had four or five. they have done it because this e-mail that came out, as you pointed out from the white house, that somehow was a red flag for a certain republican, but we've already seen this investigated four times. we've had 13 committees and no evidence whatsoever there was any intention of wrongdoing. >> if the white house had just released that document, while those investigations were underway they would ask questions about it. they failed to do that.
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>> the document was inconsistent. >> it was inconsistent. it was the first document of who pushed it video? dana, let me ask you back to senator reid. he seems to feel aggrieved, that things are very clear. a lot of the main stream media may feel that way because unlike what senator reid suggestions, they ignored stories they do not think are beneficial like benghazi and the irs. >> they don't just ignore them but go on a trash and smash campaign against a reporter that dares to discuss it. lara logan, i just read this piece going after lara logan, going after her with personal attacks, too if we talk about a war on women, look at cheryl atkinson and lara logan, two women at cbs who their president happens to be the brother of ben
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rhodes and there is this campaign to discredit them. why? because i guess they didn't follow the talking points and ask too many questions. >> we'll talk about that. >> are you kidding? >> are you kidding? >> i want to and mark about this survey because this survey just came out, a thousand journalist surveyed, at indiana university and determined there is a 4-1 ratio, four times for likely to identify as a democrats than republicans. with that, do you think that bias is likely to seep into some coverage? >> megyn, i saw that survey from indiana. your producer shared it with me and 2/3rds had no affiliation whatsoever. >> 50% say they are independent 14% say other. >> is the press liberal? there are studies that show the owners, the media moguls are largely conservative, whether or not a journalist, political affiliation or owner affiliation
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influences the coverage, which i don't think it does, is this thing that we always debate back and forth. i want to take issue with something about lara logan. she works for "60 minutes" this is one of the most reputable news agents, longest running in american history and guilty of, if nothing else, sloppy reporting. >> there is no question she screwed up. she screwed up. there is a a question about why there is a lengthy magazine article detailing her sexual affairs showing pictures of her in a bikini and so on and we'll take that up with bernie goldberg in a moment. panel, thank you so much. >> thank you. the president seen his credibility ratings take a real hit in the last year and still ahead tonight, we'll show you what happened when the press core was polled on one of the administration's favorite claims and how will the media handle hilary? will monica make the list of questions and what about
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benghazi. an colter and al a alan colmes. >> is it because of guys on a walk that decided to kill did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age? [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. ocuvite. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
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other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. there is a bubble around hilary, liberals are very caging. there is a whole list of things you cannot bring up with hillary clinton. her past is one of -- >> it's on. hillary clinton not yet even a declared candidate but the media are already debating what is fair game and what is not when it comes to her. in 2012 mitt romney's dog and his prep school high jinx got coverage and what about monica lewinsky and benghazi? best selling author and attorney
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ann coulter and alan colmes. welcome to you both. we have having a conversation, what happened to bill when he was president. fair game? >> it's all fair game. i think contra alan, manifestly, "vanity fair" has never run anything that would harm a democrat. the idea that they had to have walk talk kis. >> to get it out? >> absolutely. i speak at a lot of college campuses, these kids were either not born, fetuses or one-year-olds during that clinton thing. they don't know about it. get that out now. benghazi is obviously huge and i don't think republicans will be the ones bringing it up the most. i think it will be hilary's --
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>> the rival. do you think the hmonica lewinsy thing and his women things whale he was president was relevant? >> no, it's good to hear that laugh again. >> "vanity fair" brought it up. >> graden carter got into a back room with bill clinton and hillary clinton and conspired -- >> you're saying they are bringing it up like republicans. it was "vanity fair". >> it was purposely done to help hillary clinton as if there was an effort between monica lewinsky. >> nobody is saying there had to be a meeting. "vanity fair" -- >> is it fair game or isn't it? many people said it's completely fair game because of the way she behaved towards the women rather than backing them or not trying to diminish them by going after them. >> it's not fair game. it has nothing to do with hillary clinton. it's anti woman to bring it up -- >> what?
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>> about her, what she said about hilary. it is sexist, they wouldn't do this to a man. >> of course they would. bill clinton -- >> you know, this is the problem with -- >> bill clinton is a guy involved, not hillary clinton. >> there are independent allegations against her, kathleen willy said -- >> that was years ago. they litigated this already. >> but mitt roomneyromney's dog made front coverage. >> the friend of hers that came out from the clinton library that it's hilary spreading -- >> are you going to say she's dead because of the clintons, too? >> calling her -- i was going to say this is another problem with identity politics. you can't attack anything about obama including obamacare or you'll be called a racist. now you can't say anything about hilary who wants to run for president because she's a woman and it's sexist.
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>> and you know what will be interesting back because in 0 '8 when she was running against barack obama, the media turned on her. she was very upset with her media coverage. now, with him not in the picture, are begoing to see an entirely different treatment? >> you know why that's key? in 2008 this didn't come up because they thought hilary wouldn't win. they are doing this to hurt her. >> who is they? >> the republicans keep bringing us up, keep talking about it on talk radio. >> how is it republicans? it's vanity fair. >> the vanity fair did it to help the clintons -- >> all right, let's talk about benghazi because that's a big potential issue for her and right now the main stream media is more interested, ann, but will they remain so? >> no, what i hear is either republicans are doing it for fundraising. of course the rnc is going to
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brag about this. they are doing something like having a special committee to investigate. it's obviously very serious. four americans died. there were warnings in advance and gets blamed on an american making a dumb video. >> who is in jail. >> it's outrageous behavior. i think we would like to know more about it and very happy trey gouty is going to do it. >> you're not worried about to beat up on hillaryican issue clinton. it's all political? >> certainly that's what the nfm, the non-fox media is going to say. when the facts come out, the facts are the facts. >> seven republicans, five democrats, not even a fair and balanced committee. >> the house, that's how the democrats did it. when did the democrats split it 50/50. >> this has been investigated four or five times. you had joint chiefs of staff look at this. how many more investigations? >> just this one from the look of it. panel, thank you. coming up, when president obama took office he promised
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unprecedented transparency. a new level of openness in government. more than five months later, he's called an enemy of press freedom. how did that happen? we heard about condoleezza rice pulling out after protest about her appearance but would the main stream media be a tad more main stream media be a tad more outraged if her polit get together for over 70 lunch combinations starting at $6.99. all part of olive garden's entirely new pronto lunch menu. choose from handmade sandwiches and flatbreads. paired with unlimited soup or salad. 70 lunch combinations starting at $6.99. at olive garden.
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well, they called her a bombshell, talked about her cleavage and spent an entear paragraph describing who she slept with. that's the warmup for the sexist hit job by "new york magazine" on lara logan. they said she might be too toxic to return to "60 minutes" after she made a mistake, and a big one on reporting on benghazi. why such an attack on a main stream reporter. bernie, why? >> well, first of all, let's stipulate what you just did. she made a mistake. they put a liar on the air who said he was at the scene of the attack of benghazi when he wasn't. it was an avoidable mistake, they have an fbi big wig and they could have asked him to call his big wig pals in washington and think didn't.
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does it warrant the death penalty, her being fired? the answer is no, it doesn't. this woman has put her life on the line in iraq, afghanistan, equipme egy egypt. that caught to count for something. what this is about, to get to your question, it's a liberal conservative thing. she challenged in her report the party line on what happened in benghazi and that's when liberals put her in the cross hairs. now, you can be a reporter and speak to a liar who tells you lies month after month after month about what happened in benghazi and you'll never get in trouble if the layer's name is jay carney, but certain liars, certain lies are acceptable and certain liars are not acceptable. so this is, they have her in the cross hairs because they perceive her as conservative or not liberal enough. >> they take attitude about how she was defending a general and
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gave her the benefit of the doubt. they do literally spend part of the piece talking about with whom she had sexual relations and a cheating incident, why do we need to know that? if they did that to a perceived liberal reporter, there would be outrage among many on the left. >> absolutely. first of all, people may want to read this article because it's filled with quotes from unnamed people. i mean, this one quote after another attacking her and there is no name attached to the quote. so that's one thing that should, that's not a good thing. the other thing is, we need to know who she was dating and who she was sleeping with? >> right. >> this is insane? >> right. >> if you want to attack her for getting it wrong, attack her for getting it wrong. jay carney got it wrong for months after months after months and reporters put that on the
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air and that was acceptable. >> we'll be watching. >> their editors never went to them and said how do you listen to the non-sense and not investigate what really happened? >> we'll be watching new york magazine for allegations of sexism when somebody refers to let's say another reporters or political candidates looks or sexual history. bernie, let me ask you this because in the same way that if laura logan was making a mistake on climate control, one has to wonder if new york magazine would have been so tough on her. >> right. >> one would wonder if the main stream media would be outraged if we had a black secretary of state who was a woman that got yanked from her commencement and honorary degree at rutgers if she happened to be a democrat instead of republican in the bush administration. >> well, there would have been no demonstration at all. this is one more example and this involves unfortunately rutgers, my alma moder.
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the real shame of this is there are 31,000 under graduates at rutgers and maybe 100, maybe fewer than 100 actively protested at the president's office and that coupled with the fact that liberal professors, excuse the -- disinvited hersef saying don't want to be a distraction. what they should have done is said to the professors, your complaint is duly noted but this is a university not kindergarten. sorry we hurt your feelings now get over it. they should have told the students if any of you disrupt the commencement in any way, i'll have the police arrest you right in front of mommy and
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daddy and if i have the power to do it, i will with hold your diploma for as long as i can. he didn't do that. he said she should have spoken. he wrote a letter to the rutgers community talking about how in the university, you need to hear people you disagree with, but he didn't go far enough. >> bernie sacrificed his invitation to be the commencement speaker next year -- >> that's a good bet. >> good to see you. >> thanks. when president was candidate obama he made promises how open and transparent the white house would be but they are accusing his administration of crushing the press and those accusing him of that, "the new york times." what has happened?
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well, then candidate well, then candidate obama back in 2008 promised that his administration would be the, quote, most transparent in history. one white house correspondent responded with a word that sounded like bull spit. what happened? he's host of "media buzz" and lauren ashburn. what happened? >> what happened is the promises suddenly evaporated and suddenly photo journalists can't get into meetings. instead, they're putting out government propaganda -- >> right on twitter.
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they'll than letting in an objective white house -- >> no news organization should run it but perspective here. every administration tries to cut off access. they have more high tech tools. >> it doesn't mean it's right. just because you can put something in social media. >> i look at the take aways, new york times executive editor said this is the most secretive white house, 42% of the correspondents agreed it's the most 42% of the white house more fo correspondents agree it is the most secretiveg ever. 41% consider the bush di administration has morsse i forthcoming than the obama administration. >> all we have to do is walk t down the hall and ask our own im fox correspondent. they made him a coconspirator g
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and said he was a flight risk.n. >> falsely. >> right. it's not as if journalists are i nots predisposed not to like t administration after something like that. >> it's had a chilling effect oa investigative reporters who need sources to trust them.point? >> was that turning point, you think? >> that was the turning point he for newspapers who loved barack obama in 2008. the ind >> you look at the individual quotes and the question was, there's never been a more transparent information. i roll my eyes. npr says bull, you know what. another person says, the history of which country. they clearly think the white house is obfiscating their reports. >> we tend to focus on stories s
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like monica lewinsky or stories that have more legs like that, t maybe donald sterling. but when it comes down to covering issues, it is very difficult for the media to spene an amazing amount of time on an. issue that's very important tok the american people. sexua >> more legs. that was a nice way of working in the sexual angle.nd when president obama took office, he gave a lot of intervi interviews and press conferences. rarely does he give interviews to hard news people. instead he's with ellen degeneres.uld be >> do you think he thought it would be easier? when he was running, the press just loved him. when he got into office, as much as many of them were in his camp, he did face tougher tions. questions. >> he got lulled into thinking s
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it would always be like this. he makes mistakes. he's finding out he's lost that base. he never really cultivated it. >> he lost that loving feeling. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. but if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease...
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least a generation. do you agree? follow me on twitter. let me know what you think. thanks for watching our special investigation on politician and the press. this is "the kelly file." ." welcome to welcome to "hannity". tonight we have a jam-packed edition of the show. america, are you ready? it's friday night. let's roll. the years the left has turned a blind eye toward radical islam. that is until the very real horrors of sharia law appear on the doorstep of a popular hollywood hotel. >> okay, maybe i won't hold my event there until they change this. >> plus, is john kerry blaming the kidnapping of 300
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