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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 11, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> when can i buy it at wawa? >> not yet. >> great information. >> that does it for us. i'm heather. >> and i'm eric shawn. thank you for watching sunday housecall. no friends to reward and no foes to punish. >> the head of the select committee set to investigate the benghazi terror attacks promises that the group will go where the facts lead it, but is that enough to get reluctant democrats on board? republican congressman, a member of the house oversight committee, is here to weigh in. >> and lining up at the polls. residents of two regions in eastern ukraine engulfed by a p pro-russian insurgency, prompt ukraine's interior minister to call it a criminal farce with ballots soaked in blood. and lynne cheney is back in the news because of her new
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book. and because of her theory about the timing of a monica lewinsky interview just out. we'll ask her about all of that coming up. sknl plus, did hgtv can a new show because of their marriage beliefs? >> we start right now. first up, house republicans have named members the slikt committee to investigate the benghazi terror attack that killed four americans and injured many others. the big question now, will democrats join the committee? this morning on fox news sunday, the head of the house democratic caucus sparred with the new chair of the select committee, congressman trey gowdy, over whether a new investigation is really necessary. >> i have more questions than answers despite fact committees
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of congress have looked at this for 19 months now. >> trey, you served on one of these committees that did this investigation. you're a great prosecutor. you could have asked those questions. >> how will a select committee be different than the benghazi investigations we have seen so far? let's ask someone who has been pushing for answers for a long time. a republican on the house oversight committee. good to see you today. >> howdy, shannon. >> let me start by asking you something that the congressman pointed out there. he said listen, there have been a number of investigations. he points out the fact congressman gowdy sits on one of the committees, you do as well. by our count, including house and senate committees and other law enforcement agencies, there are more than a dozen investigations. how will this one be different? >> we have picked a smaller committee. we've got people who have a background in law, most of the members there have been to law school. we've got people who are not -- not going to be flame throwers. we have people who want get to
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the bottom of this and get to the truth. that's what the american people want. >> what's going to happen if democrats decide they do not want to participate? does it hurt them, heard the validity or the credibility of the committee as a whole and the results that the committee may come to? >> well, i certainly think it hurts the democrats. it indicates they're not willing to get to the truth. they say there's nothing more to investigate. but we're still getting evidence. the e-mails that just came out a couple week said ago, if we had those originally, if the white house had cooperated more, we might be done with this by now. >> what was it do you think that finally pushed speaker boehner to move forward with this. there have been calls for months by a number of people across the hill and across the country. what do you think it was that pushed him to take the step? >> i think he wanted to get a committee that's going to be very level headed and go afterit in a way that is going to get to the truth. the government oversight and reform committee, which i'm proud to serve on, we're very
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aggressive in ferreting out waste, fraud, abuse, problems in the government. we're going to take a different tack at it with this select committee. we're going to go after it with a laser focus. >> all right. so you have plenty of democrats criticizing some publicly calling for none of their members get on board with it. others say it's nothing but politics aimed at going after a former secretary of state, hillary clinton, and a potential 2016 run and there are republicans in other groups who are fund-raising off that. how do you respond to that criticism, and can you break through to convince the average american that this investigation is legitimate? >> i think we're already there, if you look at the survey, they're showing the american people want to know the truth. the families of the four men who died there deserve closure and they deserve to know the truth, too. there's a long history in congress of doing investigations. it's part of our job, and if the
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democrats don't participate on this committee, they're setting a dangerous precedent for in the future when a democrat congress might be investigating a republican. congressman, we thank you for your time. we know you have been very busy this week with a lot of activity on the hill. we'll see where this goes and how folks respond to various forms of criticism coming your way. thank you, sir. >> thank you for having me, shannon. two regions in eastern ukraine that have been at the sist center of a pro-russian insurgency have been voting in a hastily called referendum today. ukraine's new government and the west, including the white house, are rejecting this whole thing as illegal. greg palkot is in ukraine with the latest on the vote. hello, greg. >> shannon, there is about two hours left in voting in this referendum here in eastern
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ukraine. it has been at times a chaotic day and a potentially dangerous one. here is a little bit of what we saw. the electoral rolls used for this self-ruled referendum are a couple years old and there are no international observers, but that's not stopping these folks from coming out, voting, expressing their opinion. >> in fact, the ballot is written so vaguely, it could be taken to mean anything from greater autonomy from breaking away from key evto joining up with russia. those not agreeing with any of the above pretty much stayed away from the polling stations we were at. those coming out in force, sometimes overwhelming election officials. very critical of central government and vocal with us about that. all this, of course, done in an atmosphere of real violence in this region. security at the poling stations we were at was invisible. not far away, we could find heavily armed and edgy militants. many of the government buildings
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here remain occupied by pro-russian activists. the day here went with just a few incidents. there were reports elsewhere involving ukrainian military and rebels. voting was blocked in some places, polling stations were threatened. a lot of angry people. the first results are expected in this referendum tomorrow afternoon. that's when we can begin to get some reaction, first from the reperatests, one leader talking about how he want to start his own country beginning tomorrow, and perhaps most critically, from russia. vladimir putin has been playing a very careful game with this vote in the last couple days. shannon. >> greg, thank you very much for the update there. searchers are combing through the woods and fields near richmond, virginia, looking for a third person who was aboard a hot air balloon that crashed friday. two bodies have been recovered. two of the passengers onboard were members of the women's basketball staff. brian is here with details. hello, brian. >> hi, shannon.
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that university of richmond community is a small, private school about 4,000 students. mourning the loss of two of their own this weekend. amid graduation ceremonies. the university confirming women's basketball associate head coach jenny doyle and director of basketball operations natalie lewis are two of the three people who died after their hot air balloon drifted into a power line, burst into flames and crashed on friday night. investigators finding two bodies 25 miles north of the university of richmond campus at meadow event park. though the identities have not yet been confirmed. as of 6:30 this morning, search crews are scouring the woods and fields, searching for a third body and debris. >> still looking for the basket. we continue to collect various items and debris throughout the afternoon. and as soon as we're able to locate and recover the last occupant, of course, we'll be notifying family members and let
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you know, too. >> well, doyle and lewis boarded a hot air balloon with a piled on friday night. during the balloon's attempt to land, it hit a power line and went up in flames. investigators believe the pilot trying to gain control of the balloon and stop the fire while two passengers jumped from the balloon. >> horrific thing i have ever witnessed. you could hear them screaming, please, dear god. sweet jesus, help us. we're going to die. oh, my god, please help us, please help us. >> the university held a moment of silence at yesterday's commencement for its law school. the same is expected today at the undergraduate commencement an hour from now. a tragic story on thismotor's day weekend. >> thank you very much. the secret service is denying a report that agents boonlded their post near the white house to do a little moonlighting. the washington post reporting the agents were pulled off by the agency director to protect his assistant who was having a dispute with a neighbor.
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according to the post, for at least two months in 2011, ancieagents on a surveillance team were ordered to go to the home of mark sullivan's assistant more than an hour away. a spokesman for the secret service tells the post they were not part of the president's protective detail and therefore the operation had no impact on it. new study by a group that has been a major supporter of obamacare now says low-wage workers will be hit hardest by the employer mandate if it's not repealed. the study found, quote, employers with 50 or more wor r workers not offering coverage pre-affordable care act are the same not likely to offer it lat later, therefore inkerring the aca's penalties. low wage employees will bear the greatest brunt of the penalties imposed. let's discuss it with angela and former deputy national finance
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director david mercer. great to see you both. david, this is coming from a group who has been very supportive and has spent millions of dollars towards promoting obama care. but now the study seems to say, you know, they and their other employers think the mandate for them is not such a good idea. >> well, i think they're projecting into the future, and they're trying to give a hypothetical of what could happen, but as we see with eight million plus enrolled in the exchanges, we see job growth, as we saw this past month. we see walmart going from moving 35,000 part time employees to full time employees so they can in fact provide health care insurance. so i take heart to heart what the woodson report says in that they have confidence in the business community providing health care to their employees, and therefore, they're not going to have to suffer the penalties. the penalties are there and on the books, but most will not suffer them because they're going to make sure that their
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employees have health care insurance. >> i have to disagree with my colleague. >> i find that so surprising. >> there's no proof that obamacare actually increased jobs. as for walmart, walmart already had a great health care plan in place. now, the affordable care act, it's not really taking care of the people it's supposed to take care of. actually, with the study, it seems like it's going to hurt low-wage workers. >> that's the bottom line of the study. they do say they think there will be some who will -- employers who will elect not to have the coverage. they're going to get the penalties for employee, and that there's no other way they see this turning out but those employers passing it on to their low-wage employees. >> and again, they're projecting, if i might say, shannon, and with regard to the earlier point made that obamacare is creating jobs, it wasn't me saying obamacare is creating jobs. albeit, the health care industry is experiencing that. but in fact that health care or
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obamacare or the affordable care act are not impinging on job growth as we have seen in the last month and over the last 50 months. we've had 8.7 million jobs created with obamacare in place. under the bush administration, we saw a grand total of 1.1 million. so jobs are not being affected by obamacare. >> let me point out one more thing in the study from a group that has been very supportive of obamacare. hiring will likely be stunted because of the employer mandate. that's their finding. >> exactly, david. >> that finding is the point i'm making, that finding in a study, theoretically, does not match up to the reality of what we have seen over the last 50 months with job growth on an up swing. >> let's look at the failure of the affordable care act when the president said if you like your insurance, you can keep it. if you like your doctor, you can keep it. that wasn't true. of the 8 million people who have signed up for it, how many of those people are receiving subsidies and rebates? who is actually paying for what?
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what we have seen with obamacare, even though this is a projebz, what we have seen has not been true and the policy has failed. >> look, we have to move on to correcting the record, and we just saw the republicans in committee with ceos from the health care industry saying 67% have only paid their premiums when in fact those very ceos laid contradiction to that in saying 80% to 90% of those enrolled have paid their premiums. so people are paying their premiums. and there are those that are b subsidized and we may not have that number, but they are paying that premium. >> wouldn't it be helpful to have that data? somebody has it. the white house tells us this percentage of 18 to 35 has signed up. we know they have some data. wouldn't it help their case to make it transparent? make it public, why not release it? >> good news i just reported what the ceos from the health care industry said in terms of 80% to 90% paying for their insurance or premiums. that's good news and we want to
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get it out there when it is available. this is a work in progress. >> why is some information available and some not? >> because this is a massive project, and getting everybody's arms around it to get that data will be provided, and when it is available, be provided. no one is trying to hold it back. >> if obamacare was so successful, if the affordable care act was really affordable, why do you have so many people up for re-election, running away from the policy like the plague, and then the unions actually supported this policy before it was enacted and now they're pulling back as well? >> i would challenge whether they're pulling back, and i will say there are republican governors from utah, ohio, and arizona and elsewhere that are now expanding medicaid because they know their constituents want health care or access to health care like their families and friends do. >> which, by the way, is not free. somebody is paying that bill. this is not free health care, and there are costs associated with all of that.
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>> as i'm paying premiums, everyone is paying premiums. >> paying medicaid is not the same as getting private insurance. >> it gets people insured and that lowers our costs overall if they end up in an emergency room without any coverage. >> same quality health care? >> something tells me they'll talk about this during the commercial. stick around. >> bret baier takes a closer look at the operational part of the national security agency's headquarters. he takes you inside. he also examines the implications of edward snowden's massive data leak. >> would you say he's a criminal, a traitor, a coward? >> i think this is for the courts to decide. my personal opinions is he has hurt this country significantly. and i think he needs to come forward and face a trial. >> you don't want to miss that special, tonight, right here on fox news channel, 9:00 eastern tonight. still to come, he was one of the most influential and also arguably one of the most
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underrated presidents in history. lynne cheney is here to talk about her new book on james madison. >> and a new vote could impact the keystone xl pipeline. we'll talk to john thune about what he thinks about the future of keystone. >> that's not the way the senate is supposed to function. and on this mother's day, we want to ask you, what is the best thing about your mom? tweet back to shannon bream or our show and we'll read some later on in the show. happy mother's day to all our moms out there. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. putting angry residents of the west against the bureau of land management. at issue, a trail closed it said to protect ancient archeologist. yesterday, dozens of people rode their atvs in a government protest. they said the government is overreaching its authority, closing way more land than necessary and they want to see the trail reopened. there are a series of votes in the senate scheduled for tomorrow, including measures that could impact any chance of
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moving forward on the keystone xl pipeline. there is bipartisan support for making that happen, but not everyone is onboard. i spoke to senator john thune about where things stand on keystone. >> right now, it's kind of stalled out. we would love to get a vote on it. there's an energy bill on the floor right now which we think should present an opportunity to debate the full range of energy opportunities we have as a country, one of course is keystone, and it's an immediate job creator. the president's own state department said it would create jobs. we think voting on keystone makes sense for so many reasons, jobs, the economy, energy, security, but we only have had, if you can believe this, nine votes on republican amendments since july of last year, so the senate floor for all intents and purposes has been shut down in terms of allowing republicans to get things considered, and obviously, the leader doesn't want to have many of his leaders, democrat senators, vote on this issue. and end up in other issues as
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well. >> he has said this week it's like a shell game. he said when i was a kid and would go to new york city, you would always lose. he said they're doing that with these various things they're offering up. how do you respond to that? >> this becomes the harry reid one man rules committee. all we're doing is being reasonable. we're saying give us half a dozen jermaine amendments about energy. we're not demanding which we should or could be able to in the senate vote on what we choose, but senator reid will let you have an amendment if he gets to select it, but that's not the way the senate is supposed to function. the great evidence of that is nine votes on republican amendments since july of last year. that's about one a month. we're not doing any meaningful business for the american people if their voices can't be heard. we have 45 republican senators who would love to have an opportunity to offer amendments on keystone and other issues we think are important for the economy and our energy security and to the nation and we're not getting that chance.
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>> i talked to your democratic colleague, senator manchin last week, he's very supportive and in fact is signing on to something that is specifically being offered with respect to keystone. and he said there are a number of democrats who actually want to have that vote. we know senator landrieu and others who are sponsoring the measures and they don't like the perception is it being delayed until after the midterms for political reasons. do you think with some push from some democrats in the senate, that will make any progress more likely? >> if i was a democrat in the senate right now running for re-election this year, particularly in a state that is pro-energy, i would really want to have this vote. for them, i think it's just impossible to defend the administration's position on this. if five environmental impact studies, all of which have come back and said it would have minimal impact on the environment, five and a half years now studying this, make a decision, for crying out loud. that's all the american people expect and there are democrats in the senate who would like to have that vote, too. when harry reid prevents
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republicans from getting a vote on keystone, he's always putting in peril a lot of democrats running in states where it's going to be difficult to explain how their party in washington, d.c. wouldn't even allow a vote on that issue. >> let's talk international issues now. ukraine and russia. you know, russian president vladimir putin says they're pulling away from the border. things are cooling down. what is your assessment of the situation? is he to be trusted in any way? >> no, and i think he's pulling back because he basically got what he wanted. but i think that the united states and our allies have got to do a better job of standing firm, and there are many of us in the congress who believe we had more sanctions, sectoral sanctions, giving them support, anti-aircraft, small arms, communications equipment, things like that they could use to defend themselves that those are steps we could be taking, and there's a bill introduced in the senate that would accomplish a lot of those things. right now, the administration has been incredibly timid, when
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you're dealing with a guy like putin, he's going to play on that timidity, he senses a fear or any hes tnlsitancy, that prompts him. >> is that not enough? >> it's not enough because they added a few people to the list of folks we're not going to allow to enter the united states and sanctions individuals, but we're not doing the things necessary to get their attention. and think the sectoral sanctions that have been proposed is something we should have din a long time ago, and there are many of us who believe it's not too late to do that. even though it's a little after the fact because he's already taken crimea, he has gotten a lot of what he waunls in eastern ukraine, the west, the international community, us and our allies, european allies, i think we need to stand strong and stand firm and take actions that are going to make it clear we mean business and this behavior is not going to be
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tolerated. >> senator, thanks for your time. pope francis gives a message to new priests. hate the sin but love the sinner. we'll explain. and lynne cheney stirs up controversy with her theory that hillary clinton may be behind a new monica liewinsky interview, and we'll ask her about book "years in the making." she joins us live, next. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. test. they have slowly digestible carbsspikes. [male announcer] glucerna...
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one of the teenagers who escaped from the islamic extremists who kidnapped more than 300 school girls in nigeria said the experience was terrifying. hundreds of the girls are still held captive. we'll get a live report on that in a minute, but first, peter is here with your other headlines. >> hi, shannon. polling stations are set to close in about an hour and a half in two regions of eastern
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ukraine. people there are voting on self-rule referendums said up by pro-russian separat ukraine gov calling the votes illegal. >> north korea is conducting another nuclear test. the country is justifying in using all available means to counter aggressive challenges by the u.s. and south korea. the threat comes days after a statement by south korea's defense minister that preparations for a new test appears to be nearly complete. the surge continues in virginia for one of three people killed when a hot air balloon hit a power line and burst into flames friday night. two of those onboard were members of the university of richmond's athletic staff. the national transportation safety board is investigating the crash. and pope francis has a message for priests when it comes to sinners. during his homily today, he urged them to follow the example of jesus and instead of
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condemning sinners, forgive them. he urged the 13 new priests he was ordaining to be merciful and not push people away from the church. and those are the top stories right now, shannon. back to you. >> peter, thank you very much. well, he may not be as well known as george washington or thomas jefferson, but in a new book by lynne cheney, we learn why james madison was so essential to the foundation of our country. the fourth president of the united states, madison is also dubbed the father of the constitution. dr. lynne cheney, wife of former vice president dick cheney, joins us to discuss her new book. >> it's a pleasure to be here. sbl sometimes madison doesn't get the credit. everything he did with the foundations of the country, i told you this week i was in federal court where they were hearing a case over the challenge to the health care law, and jam madison's voice came up, his name came up, and the judge wanted to know what he said at the philadelphia
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convention, what he thought about the constitution as it came together, and he's woven everywhere. >> he is, and i think sometimes people believe that because the constitution is more than 200 years old, that madison's voice isn't as important, but there was an argument before the supreme court just a few days ago about whether your cell phone can be searched when you're stopped for a traffic offense. and the justices will recur to the fourth amendment about unreasonable search and seizure, which is an amendment that madison wrote. he wrote the bill of rights. when they make their decision, so i don't think there's another president, another of the founders who has left such an impression on our daily civic life. >> why do you think he doesn't get as much credit as some of the other founders? >> he wasn't quite as histrionic, i think that's a good word. alexander hamilton was kind of frenetic at all times, and jefferson had a penchant for
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making great series, some of which would plainly not work in real life. one of the things madison did, he and jefferson were close friends. madison was kind of the balance to the great airy theories that jefferson would come up with. he in turn was inspired by jefferson's theories and he made them work. the two were wonderful friends and made a great contribution to our history with their friendship. >> what did you learn in researching this? you were at it for years and really digging through every document, every shred of information we have about him. was there anything that surprised you that you learned about him? >> we tend to think that the founders were compromisers and they got along, and everything was rosy. but in fact, he was a very stubborn man. he stood quite firmly for what he believed in. he founded the first political party so that he could defeat the direction in which alexander hamilton was trying to take the country, a direction in which the constitution wasn't paid very much attention to. so he really launched a whole
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decade of partisan furor that equals anything we know today. so i think that is a little bit surprising about any of the founders, to understand how stubborn they were and how willing they were to fight for the ideas they believed in. >> and you talk about him forming this political party. he was all about recognizing the opposition. i mean, he wasn't one who wanted people silenced. he was willing for their voices to be heard, too. >> it was interesting. you know, in the early days, you had the revolution and then the establishment of the government finally into the constitution, but people came, saw how hard that had been, how much blood and toil had been expended to get that government established. so it was pretty easy to look at anyone who didn't think the government was going in the right direction and criticizing it to think of them as traitors. it was in that atmosphere that madison, being the kind of break through thinker he was, that madison said, no, no, that's not right. we have to have a legitimate opposition, and he actually created one, which was a great
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gift. so people today don't like partisan bickering any more than they did then. it is kind of the sound that a republic makes. >> and when you hear people say today is the most vitriolic, divisive political conversation we have been having, would you disagree based on what you know? >> absolutely. there was the politics of personal destruction on display. dolley madison had a nasty rumor campaign directed against her. people actually duelled, they killed each other over politics. so it was, i think, every bit as fierce as now. perhaps a difference is that the megaphone wasn't so large. you know, you didn't have television and blogs and it wasn't broadcast so lively. but emotionally, it was every bit as intense. >> you made some headlines this week, and we're looking ahead to politics possibly in 2016 with former secretary of state, former senator hillary clinton potential running, as all speculation to this point, we don't know, but there was a piece out this week with which
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monica lewinsky cooperated. what is your take, having digested that, as to whether the clintons in any way authorized or paved the way for that to happen? >> i just think we should never discount how political they are. and we're all political, but political -- politically very successful, too. what a good thing to do, to get this story out of the way now. you know, we hadn't heard from monica lewinsky, with whom -- for whom i have great sympathy, hadn't heard from her in a long time. she was sort of like a ticking time bomb out there, and now this little explosion has happened long before the election. i think it's to mrs. clinton's advantage. >> do you think she runs? ? oh, yes. >> you do? >> i don't really have a question about it. i think not only is she ambitious and there's nothing wrong with a woman being ambitious. i'm completely for that, but she has lots of friends who are ambitious for her. so there's already kind of a campaign in place that i think
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would be very hard to turn off. >> the framework is certainly there. thank you so much. we know you're tauring the country this week with the book. we wish you all the best with it. thanks for stopping in. happy mother's day. >> thank you very much. always a pleasure to be here. thank yous. >> comes up, hgtv drops a show before it ever airs because of the would-be hosts' religious conviction. what the brothers have to say about why they were canceled. they'll be here live. and a live report on international efforts to rescue close to 300 nigerian girls kidnapped by islamic extremists. that live report is next. (meow mix jingle) right on cue.
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of the girls may have died while trekking through the jungle and being bitten by snakes. the working theory is the girls have been broken up into smaller groups and some may have been sold as child brides or sex slaves to various groups in the region, but as american, bri brit,ish, and french military advisers begin to arrive, the violence in the northeastern part of the country is escalating. boko haram reportedly launched attacks this weekend, knocking out a key bridge to the area, affecting a woman and her children and killing an unknown of people in that area. now, the former u.s. ambassador to nigeria telling fox news sunday this morning that the militants want to destroy the nigerian state. >> it wants to destroy the nigerian state. it wants to destroy the nigerian state because the state is secular. it wants to destroy western education because it sees western education as promoting secularism and shaping the
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nigerian state. >> now, even though the u.s. is sending military and intelligence officials to help with the search for the girls and to combat boko haram, the pentagon is saying u.s. troops won't be there as part of a ground operation. they are only there in an advisory capacity. >> all right, conor, thank you very much. we'll stay on the story, as we know you will, too. thank you. making over houses shouldn't be a controversial thing, right? well, a remodeling show on hgtv has been pulled before it even airs. find out why the would-be hosts' personal religioj gious beliefs stirring up so much controversy, next. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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hgtv is pulling a show before it ever airs. the network is not saying why, but the hosts, twin brothers david and jason benham believe it's because of their personal religious beliefs on issues such as abortion and marriage. joining me now, the brothers, jason and david. good to have you with us today, guys. >> thank you. >> are don't know who want to take the first question, but let me ask you, do you understand why there are those out there who say they're hurt, they're offended by the position that
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you all have taken in your personal life? do you get why this generates so much kroefcontroversy? >> i'm going to let david answer that, but let me say something first before that, happy mother's day to all the mothers out there, and mother's day to all the mothers out there and specifically now those mothers of the young girls in nigeria. i can't imagine what they're going through right now, and our hearts and prayers are with them. no matter what we're going through here, it's nothing compared to what they're going through. we just want to say we're praying for you guys and hang in there. >> happy mother's day. >> now it's your turn. >> we can certainly understand how if a statement that i've made in the past can be taken and then mconstrued and pulled out of context, and people can be hurt by that. as a matter of fact, the statements that i have made were actually in the context of a prayer service to the church, and so it's been very pleasing
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to my brother and i for us to be able to go on record and set it straight and let those that have been hurt, let those that have felt some type of hatred for my brother and i in terms of what we've said in the past and say we do not hate you at all. as a matter of fact, we love you. there's a difference between the individual and the agenda. the agenda is something that we absolutely hate. we see what it's doing to our nation. we see hour polarizing it has now become. we see the political landscape, and we see this, and we hate what it's doing to our nation. that's something that jason and i are so thankful that we now have the opportunity to set the record straight and communicate that and i believe that america as now we are getting combarred odd facebook and twitter and emails and our website, they're saying thank you so much for reaching out to us from the homosexual community, muslims. i mean, folks are all reaching out to us ask saying we see that you guys truly do love us. >> jason, do you think that
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there's a way in 2014 that two sides of an issue as difficult as marriage or abortion, do you think it's a way -- there is a way that the two sides can have a conversation where both sides feel respected. they don't have to agree on everything, but there is a level of love and respect there. is it possible to have those kinds of conversations because i hear from a lot of christians who say i would never broach these subjects at work, at my kids' school, anywhere else because i feel like i'm immediately ostracized as wanting ill for someone else, so they just don't even have the conversation at all. >> well, when love is the ultimate goal, what david and i say is that in the embodiment of jesus christ, you have perfect love and perfect truth. truth is a person. love is a person. that's why we talk so much about jesus is that when you bring jesus into the equation, you've brought love and you've brought truth, and there's no fear in that. i can go and i can proclaim
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jesus and that's truth and it's love, and there's no fear in that. we didn't fear losing a television show. you know, what's funny about that is there are so many other folks out there who are saying now from this situation watching he and i go through this -- we're not perfect, but watching us go through this. now they're feeling more bold so they can say what they believe, and it's not a matter of just saying what you believe. it's a matter of do you love the person that you are saying it to? >> you want to love people. don't even voice your beliefs if you don't love people. if you do love people, then you can voice your beliefs, and the scripture says -- we're bible guys, sorry. the scripture says greater love has no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friend. here's what's interesting. you have to identify that your friend is being bullied or that your friend is being beaten or taken advantage of so you have to now step in and lay down your life. >> this guy knows what that
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feels leak. i remember him getting bullied and sucking his thumb, and i had to come in there and clean house. we want to step in and say to the agenda that enough is enough. >> we know that you got a lot of support, a lot of detractors, and you'll wade through that, and i wouldn't be surprise iffed we see your show wind up somewhere else. we'll watch and see, and i than both of you we have to wrap it up, but i wanted to say i heard both of you say that you don't hold hgtv responsible and that you have a lot of friends there and respect them and understand the decision. we will keep an eye on it and please keep us updated, jason and david. >> thank you so much. >> coming up, a group of former marines walking hundreds of miles all in an effort to help their fellow soldiers. these guys are amazing. plus, one mom makes a sacrifice to save her son. their touching mother's day story is next.
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breaking news coming out of eastern ukraine. there are reports of ukrainian national guardsmen opening fire on a crowd gathered outside of a town hall. we don't have any -- many details, but a witness says at least two people are killed. the shooting happened just hours after dozens of guardsmen shut down voting on a referendum on regional sovereignty. the one the u.s. is not recognizing. taking steps, literally, to help our wounded warriors. they took thousands on the journey. sec annual wounded walk to draw attention to suicide prevention. our hats off to those guys. in honor of mother's day, today we asked you at home what's the best thing about your mom? ali writes the past two years she selflesslythis special day to make her girls special on graduation day. houston says the best thing about my mom is she's an awesome mentor and teaches me so much. that's it for us here. fox news sunday is next.
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before we go stephanie perkins is the kind of mom we should pay tribute to on mother's day. she gave 5 dwrerld son one of her kidneys. little sterling says now he can go outside and play. he suffered from renal trouble. his mother says she would do it again. happy mother's day day to her and every mom who sacrifices every day. i'm shannon green. i'm chris wallace. an international effort to free hundreds of nigerian school girls kidnapped by islamic extremists. protesters take to the streets. sfwroo we want our girls. >> and the internet to express outrage over the abductions. as the world rallies what should the u.s. do? what is boko haram? >> there's no question we're racing against the clock here. they've been gone for a long time. >> we'll sit down with former u.s. ambassador tonight john campbell and the co-founder of the malalla fund. then house republicans nam


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