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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  May 12, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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>> it is 59 minutes after the top of the hour. we begin with extreme weather. tornadoes leaving a trail of destruction across kansas and nebraska. devil twisters ripping off roofs and bringing down power lines. in missouri cleanup is underway after an ef 2 trampled a small town destroying everything in its path. >> old man winter dumping more than a foot on heavy wet snow in colorado and wyoming. look at these pictures looks like a month of january. stret treacherous ice causing sefrlt accide several accidents there. feels more like summer. inching closer to the first 90 degree temperature of the year. we will take it, right, heather? >> it is a huge mix, though. hundreds of people forced out of their homes this morning as a wildfire puts an entire town in texas at risk. over 100 homes destroyed 1200
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homes in danger. this is all in the town of crich. up to 800 people evacuated but more will have to go as the fire spreads. the third person killed in a hot air balloon tragedy in virginia has been found. the body of natalie lewis the passenger on the balloon was found 25 miles north of richmond. she was traveling with yen knje boil. the pilot identified as daniel kirk. he has more than 20-years experience. the hot air balloon it crashed after hitting a power line and then catching fire. investigators still working to find most of that wreckage. >> we might be closer to knowing where the boko haram terrorist group is holding more than 200 school girls. the nigerian government also
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saying it made indirect contact with islamic extremistextremist. security experts in the u.k. and u.s. and france are helping with the rescue operation there. >> congressman trey gowdy the man tapped to head the benghazi committee wants it to be fair and balanced. but will the democrats play along or will they boycott? >> good morning, steve. >> good morning, heather. it's a slow down in the 2012 terrorist assault on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. republicans want answers as to how it could have happened and what occurred. it is supposed to be bipartisan but democrats feel it will be nothing but a show trial. the chairman responded to the allegation on fox news sunday. >> i don't run my committees the way democrats are fearful of.
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i want a process, chris, that at the end of it you are welcome to draw different conclusions from the facts. but i want everyone to say it was fair, it was exhaustive and we know more than we did when it started. >> democrats have not decided whether they will participate in the select committee. there have been enough hearings on the subject including the one where hillary clinton sits by. >> we participated in all of the other 7 investigations it has been a fair open balanced process. we don't want irresponsible use of congress and tax payer money to do these witch hunts. >> no word yet on when democrats will make the decision on whether they will join the committee. >> seven voted in favor of it. there is 7 to choose from. >> today the embattled veteran's affairs is getting a new chive.
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steve young was shippeded to phoenix as interim director there. she was put on leave and revelationses that the hospital had treatment de rays which led to the death of am patients. >> he has had five years to fix this problem. what i found most disturbing about this is when the veteran's affairs committee was trying to get him up it took a sustabpoeno he get him up and answer the questions. >> our airmen and soldiers they deserve better. we have to get this right. if they can't come to congress and say that's how i fix it. >> i do support the general. there's no margin here. in fact any variation of this occurred all of the way along the chain accountability is going to have to be upheld here because we can never let this
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kind of outrage, if all of this is true, stand in this country. >> speaker john bay more is pushing for legislation to give the general more power to fire officials deemed i am poi stinx tent. ool -- incompetent. >> after nearly three years the washington monument sustain major damage back in 2011 during an earthquake. remember this inside when the earth shook. now the nation call -- the capital's tallest building has a new lease on life. >> people had to walk down all of the stairs. >> good morning, doug, good to see you outside. >> good morning. nice to be outside. nice to see the washington monument here. it is difficult to see any signs of damage. it is amazing to see the monument without it being surrounded by scaffolding and
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everything work crews have been here since 1201 -- 2011. >> for the better part of three years this is as close as you could get to the washington monument. keeping everyone at arm's length and then some. >> i don't have to get close to see it. >> 555 feet thank you very much. those last few feet caused all of the concerns back in august of 2011. >> this is a fox news alert we are getting reports from our dc bureau an earthquake was felt in wash d washington, d.c. >> it rattled a part of the country usually don't feel it. a crew would scale the heights and survey the damage. >> this is the large crack on the west elevation. >> the greatest damage is what is called the pyramid yum going
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500 feet from the top where the angle ends. >> the crack was the most visible but there were other issues as well. showing the monument would be a project will ekt. it was slouded with stacaffoldi as architects and stone makers did their, would. it takes 150 cracks. for those long years you can take in all of the grandeur you wanted but only from a distance. >> this is the closest i have ever been to it. it is a beautiful sight. >> i kind of miss going in so i am really excited for it. >> in a typical year when it was open before they would get about 700,000 visitors a year. they are expecting a bump in that number this year because there's so much pent up demand it opens to the public later on th
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in the afternoon. come on out. >> robert mills was the designer he went on to build the whi de* design the white house. >> i am not a racist. those the first words from clifford owner donald sterling since his racial remarks were released. he was banned for life from the nba. in an interview he says the billionaire was faded into makie -- baited into his comments. his he is skranged wife shelly sitting down with barbara walter. >> it was horrible what happened. it was degrading and made me sick to hear it. but as far as racism, i don't really i he is a racist. >> shelly sterling plans to file for divorce and fight to keep her half of the team. >> the miami dolphins made
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headlines for the bullying scdal. not much has changed. don jones being fined an undisclosed amount of money and dismissed after tweeting out omg and horrible after the st. louis rams drafted michael sam. sam is the first openly gay player to be drafted to the nfl. the tweets were quickly deleted and jones has apologized. >> merit badges all around. nbc journalist ann curry rescued a group of boy scouts while hiking. they came across a women came on the side with a possible broken ankle. they built a stretcher out of branchs and tarps. the journalist tweeted later about the rescuers wrote a letter thanking them for their skill and professionalism.
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good for them. >> apple's much anticipated next iphone is set to make an early arrival. lauren simonetti has more for us now. >> good morning. everybody is waiting for the iphone 6. you can buy it sooner than you thought. apple's suppliers say the first version will have a 4.7 inch screen that's going to be unveiled a month earlier than expected. a second version with a bigger screen 5 and a half or 5.6 inches that's coming out in september. together it has been reported 80 million iphone 6's would be produced this year. >> the orioeo cluster is back. they haven't been on store shelves since the 80s but they could reappear. boomers definit remember. they have been described as more
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risky less sugary and they are an older brand than the iconic oreo. i can't really remember them. i am trying. spied zach efron comedy 51 million in ticket sales. it was hilarious. that pushed spider-man to 37 million. the other held out for third place. >> i want to see all three of those. >> we don't remember the oreos either. >> i thought i remembered what they were but it turns out i am wrong. >> i like the crispy and not as sugary. >> 11 minutes after the top of the hour a u.s. drone captured in iran and they are about to use it against us. have they managed to crack our secret code. >> breakfast went adorably
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wrong. >> a look at the weather across the country heavy snow and rain in some parts. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. but if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care.
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ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at
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>> carolina loving for us. appreciate that. thank you for joining us. overnight tensions on a hair trigger in ukraine.
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>> cameras captured the moment they opened fire on a crowd of voters hours after dozens of armed men shut down voeking in one town. self ruled votes the result overwhelmingly in favor of sovereignty. but the west says the votes are illegal and will only spark more violence. former secretary of defense robert gates says he doesn't think vladimir putin will rest until there is a pro russian government in kiev. >> there is no real military option. in the short term there's not a lot we can do. pie view is if put tyne is playing a long game we must, too. we must make sure the states have the independence to choose
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with whom they want to ally or have economic prelayings ship with. >> final results are expected sometime today. >> american military technology is now in the hands of iran. it took nearly three years but iran is claiming it has successfully reverse engineered a captured american drone. the country's revolution nature reguard said the engineers were able to break the drone's secret. their copy will take a test flight soon. the real wolf of wall street how close to reality was the blockbuster movie? >> a year's worth of salary. i call them fun coupons. >> in an interview, he flipped
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out when he was asked about hiding his income. >> it's good stuff. you got a lot of nerve, boy. i tell you. >> he just got up and left the building claiming no one ever treated him like that except of course the fbi. >> it was an extreme movie. i tell you that much. it is a dream come through for a texas high school football player who asked a texan football player to prom on twitter. he had a message asking if he got 10,000 retweets would she go to prom with him. she said yes the two met saturday night they had dinner and then they went to the dance. coming up on "fox & friends" we will hear about the big date for michael ramirez and katelyn. that should be fun. >> 18 minutes after the top of the hour.
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fuelling rumors he is going to make a run for the white house in 2016. what everyone is asking about this morning when he just said about hillary clinton. >> she won her own dracula's castle. how much it will cost for you to have a bite of it. i'm m-a-r-y and i have copd. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days
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>> the driver of a van smashed into a car in california. the star was stopped at the stop
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sign when the driver drifted into the wrong lane and ended up on top of a car. a man a woman and three children were killed. the van's driver suffered minor injuries. no word on what caused the crash. detroit in disrepair. a sink whole opens up and residents have to call the city before anything gets done about it. >> today it fell in. >> it is 10 feet wide and 15 feet deep. a heavy dump truck loosened up a water main under ground. the mayor's office now assessing the damage. neighbors hope something is done before the looming rainfall makes the hole even worse. >> time for look who is talking. this morning it is marco rubio opening up on abc's this week about a potential run for the white house. he had harsh words for hillary
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clinton a possible opponent in 2016. >> i am sure she is going to go out bragging about her time in the state department. whether it is the failed reset with russia or failure of benghazi that costs lives. >> what grade do you give her? >> i don't think she has a passing grade. >> if you look at the diplomacy it has failed all over the world. if she is going to run on her record as secretary of state she is going to have to answer to her own aspirations. oo will oo he says he does have what it takes to be president. >> i do but ting it is possible for others. i will be 43 this week. i served now in public office for the better part of 14 years. most importantly i think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas of how to get if there.
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we have a number of people that fit that criteria. >> you think you are ready? >> i do. there are a number of others as well. >> if he decides to run there will not be a backup plan he won't seek reelection in the senate. >> it is time for your monday motivator. stories that inspire you to start the week off right. our mother's day edition will warm your heart. a pilot hoping to ease the pain of flying on mother's day. russ williams handing out roses to all of the mothers boarding the flight. breakfast for mom in bed goes adorably wrong. a little boy hoping to surprise
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his mom drops the groot bowl once or twice before before taking it to mom. >> the perfect mother's day gift twin girls with a rare condition breathing on their own this morning. they were born while holding hands with portions of their bodies conformed the babies are expected to be just fine. >> little sisters what a great story. >> 20 minutes after the top of the hour. does this sound familiar? >> cheap lying no good rotten low life snake licking dirtying over stuffed ignorant slut. >> whoa. >> is that such a bad thing? going off like that could actually be good for you. the science you have to hear. >> it is the on-line campaign that has millions of people on board but is a hash tag really enough to bring back the
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nigerian school girls. mike rogers sounds off. once upoe there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions
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improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we'll raise it yet again. >> it is monday may 12th. tornadoes and temperatures well into the 80s, plus snow in may. wild weather sweeping the country and test not over yet. we all say it won't happen to me. what if you get car jacked or even worse, abducted and thrown
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into the back of your trunk? >> well i am going through the motions you can see with former navy seal sniper survivor to show you how to get alive. >> plus the devil comes to harvard. satanic mass plan now the catholic church is fighting back. "fox & friends first" continues right now. ♪ >> the weekend is over but what a great way to wake up. mark chestnut this morning. there in the background beautiful. >> i am ainsley earhardt.
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>> i am heather childers. we begin in half hour with extreme weather sweeping the country. tornadoes leaving a trail of destruction across kansas and nebraska. several twisters ripping off roofs and bringing down power lines. in missouri cleanup is underway after a powerful ef 2 tornado traveled the small town of orik destroying everything in its path. look at this. old man winter dumping more than a foot of snow. wet, heavy snow in colorado and wyoming. treacherous ice causing several accidents there. but over the northeast it feels more like summer. the first 90 degree p it is of the year. >> hundreds of people forced out of their houses this morning as a wildfire puts an entire town down in texas at risk. >> up to 100 homes destroyed
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there. 1200 now in danger. the fire only about 15 percent contained right now up to 800 people are evacuated and more might have to leave if the fire continues to spread. the third person killed in a hot air balloon tragedy has been found. the body of natalie lewis. a passenger in the paw loon was found 25 miles north of richmond. she was traveling with jenny doyle both who work new identified as daniel clerk. he had 20-years experience. hit a power line and caught on fire. investigators working oh find most of that wreckage. >> veterans affairs is getting a new chief steve young who headed to salt lake city will shift to phoenix as interim director. he takes over for sharon hill
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man put on leave amid revelations hospital tried treatment and delays. he has been on the hot seat many calling for his resignation. congress and the president should step up. >> i am not going to go as fash yet to say he should resign. it is ee xegsly she will get on this waiting history and here's the problem with bureaucracy all of this stuff falls by the wayside. those who put their life on the line for their country and they are the ones to get on the hort. i hope the president can get right on top of it as well. >> speaker boehner is giving him more power to fire officials
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deemed incompetent. >> trey gowdy in the benghazi select committee said he wants it to be fair and balanced. but will democrats play along or will they boycott? steve sent any -- steve is her with more. >> republicans are moving ahead. they want to find out what led to the attack in benghazi and whether the white house was engaged in the korup after the fact. the chairman denies charges by democrats that he will provide over a partisan witch hunt. >> i will have no friends to reward and no foes to punish. we will take it right where the facts take us. they are neither republican or democrats. they are facts. if we engage in a process that is not fair according to the american people we will be punished as we should be for that. >> democrats say there have been
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plenty of hearings already. there one will be a waste of time. former secretary of state hillary clinton was among those who testified in the past. democrats say the gop wants to keep up a political drum beat leading into the midterm elections. >> the bottom line here is that the republicans clearly lost the ability because we have had such a precipitous drop among republicans even in their fervor for repealing the affordable care act. they are clearly doing this to driy their turnout. >> no word yet on when democrats will decide on whether to participate in the hearing. back to you. >> steve secentanni live in washington. a possible break in the nearly 300 kidnapped school girls sightings reported and have been based along with the
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my any nearian comments. they didn't have to make islamist are abouts here helping you with that. >> using the hash tag bring back our girls with support from several celebrity the and the obama administration. but house intelligence committee chairman mike rogers says the president's foreign policy needs to be based on more than just hash tags and selfies. >> this is a problem in 2010 when boka ho haram said they wad to be a part of al qaeda. that's where the problem start d. the ecosystem of terrorism all of the way from nigeria akrocro northern africa and yemen over to pakistan and afghanistan, you can't base your policy on what's trending on twitter. it has to be more than hash tags
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ant se and selfies. this is a huge growing problem that has been relatively ignored. >> it has been going on for a long time. hostage negotiators are expected to head to nigeria to help. fresh blood is needed at dracula's castle. >> welcome to my house. >> count cradracula. >> i am dracula. >> the castle is eastern europe's biggest tourist attraction with more than 500,000 visitors each year. the owners say they are ready to pass it on. 9 asking fries $79 million. >> one of the most iconic nation's reopening in three
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years the washington monument has a new lease on life after sustaining damage. we have a snaek peak. good morning. >> good morning. we are about to see lines outside of the washington monument once again. it took about 40 years to build this thing back in the 1800's. it only took a few moments though back in 2011 to shut it down the result of an earthquake that caused cracks including a just like the construction of monuments it was done through a combination of public and private funds. >> the concept starts in 1830's. private citizens raised funds to construct the monuments the completion was done with the assistance of the federal
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government and army corps of engineers. 160 plus years later once again the president was joined by private citizens to repair the damage. it has almost come full circle in the 1 # 60 plus years. sue oo the monument will open this afternoon. it may be a tough ticket to get. >> you are the first in line doug luzader out there early. >> 20 minutes to the top of the hour. the devil goes to harvard. tonight a satanic mass is planned and now the catholic church is fighting back. >> how long has it been since you have seen all of your facebook friends. meet a man who is making it his mission to reconnect with every single one of them. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase
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like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can.
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the white house is keeping quiet on how much they have spent on that project. the fcc is now rewiring their broadband internet rules.
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the modifications aren't likely to satisfy critics or consumers. lori ross sen explains all of this and dumbs it down for us. >> it is really complicated. the fcc chair tom wheeler could have it as soon as today. they charge content companies to deliver faster access into u.s. homes. he is tweaking the proposal by ensuring if telecom firms like verizon and at&t abuse this there will be harsh penalties. making a neutral net is companies like netflix and google will pass the costs along to sub skrieshs. netflix already raised prices for first time subscribers. they are paying a premium for something that is already supposed to be high quality. then there's the issue of fair competition and the result of
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segregating it to fast and slow links. bloggers start-ups nonprofits on an open internet sustain the way like netflix and google. the revised proposal goes for a vote on thursday and becomes open to public comment after that. heather and ainsley back to you. >> i think i would rather be in the fast lane. >> it is 46 minutes after the top of the hour. it is not 46 minutes to the top. 15 minutes to the top. 14, actually. we all say it will not happen to us. what if you are car jacked and thrown into the trunk. with the help of a navy seal we are going to show you how to get out. >> a valet takes a lamborghini for a spin. he rubs the engine just a little too hard. >> first let's check in with steve doocy. >> that's not what happens in
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ferris bueller. it's a little different. >> i remember that. coming up on "fox & friends" veterans families outraged amid allegations the va secretary knew about the secret list that left her loed ones -- loved ones waiting for care. one widow demanding accountability. >> a high school student asked a texas cheerleader to theprom. she accepts. they both join us live. you have to find out what he had to do. >> it will be a busy three hours kicks off 12 minutes from now right now on your channel for news. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers,
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you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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we always think it won't happen to me, but every year more than 700,000 people across the
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country are carjacked. so stop what you're doing right now and listen to this because it could save your life. >> the high-speed chase, apparently somebody's car. >> we can't live in that day and age where it's never going to happen to me. it's got to be if it happens what will i do. >> a former navy seal walks us through carjacking scenarios. >> park your car where you know there is going to be light. >> if you're alone use the panic button on your keys and even use your phone. >>2say i'm walking to my car by myself. even better put it on face time if you have that feature. >> most importantly be aware. >> that guy by the tree, that doesn't make sense. >> there are ways carjackers usually attack. they fake accidents. carjackers pretend to need your help but be careful of
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being the good samaritan. then there is the surprise attack. >> you're coming up on an intersection and somebody forces their way into your vehicle. >> she's fighting him! >> they either want you out or they're going to abduct you. the rule is take care of yourself before property. give them your car. >> if theç carjacker gets in your car and forces you to drive head for a populated area and draw attention to your car. >> turn your high beams on, turn your turning signal on. if you can lay on the horn, even if you can roll through a stop sign, if a cop sees that they'll pull you over. go across the center line a little bit. if somebody sees that they will say this person is drunk. they will call the cops. >> police say a stranger jumped into her car and drove off with the kids. >> now you're fighting for your life and your child's life and do whatever you need to do. >> trapped in a trunk, the
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scariest of all scenarios. >> there's a couple of things you need to think about as far as chances to escape. >> if you are trapped,ç most cars have glow in the dark latches. if you pull it, it will open the trunk. let's try it. it worked. now you can get out of the car as quickly as you can and run for the hills. if you're trapped in an older car, remove the taillight. >> get that open, get an arm out there and try to get somebody's attention. >> use the tools inside the trunk. >> use it as a crowbar and try that. two other options. >> or when this guy who kidnapped you opens the trunk. >> now you're getting ready to go weapon style. >> you can kick out the back seat like that. then i get in the back seat with the guy who kidnapped me. >> true but if you get in the back seat with this, then guess who's having a bad day? >> you have to be prepared for the worst. >> that trunk latch is now
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mandatory in all cars made after the year 2001. >> that is a good tip. thank you, ainsley. if you want to live longer, who doesn't? apparently it's all in the genes. we're not talking fashion. researchers in hawaii say shorter men live longer than their taller peers and men below 5 foot 2 live the longest. the study found shorter men have an enhanced form of the longevity gene. shorter men have lower blood insulin and are less likely to haveç cancer. does this sound familiar to you? listen. >> cheap, lying, no good, rotten, low-live, snake-looking, dirty, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant. >> he's mad. we can all relate to losing it sometimes, but is it really such a bad thing?
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turns out going off like that could be good for you. a new study says under certain circumstances, cursing can alleviate stress and pain by boosting adrenaline. but if you do it all the time, researchers admit it may not work out as well. a minnesota man goes on aç quest to meet all of his facebook friends face-to-face. crisscrossing the country, he has plans to meet more than 300 people. the 35-year-old says he's surprised how well the social experiment is going. >> one friend took me to the yellowstone national park for the first time. got to do a ride-along with a police officer and he was somebody that i have never met. >> michael says so far no one has passed up on the opportunity to meet face-to-face. >> five minutes till the top of the hour. this little pooch causing a big traffic jam. where this chihuaha got stuck and his adorable rescue. >> a bold valet takes a lamborghini for a spin.
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one problem? revs the motor a little too hard. ç ♪ ♪ ♪ere. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. but if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care.
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there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours
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one minute till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here's what's happening today. wild weather pounding the plain states. tornadoes tearing up kansas, nebraska and missouri. a spring storm drops a foot of snow in colorado and nebraska. the washington monument opens to the public today three years after being damaged in an earthquake. good news if you're an apple fan. the iphone 6 release date moved up to the month of august. >> time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first, the good. a tiny chihuaha rescued from a busyç california highway. a police officer spotted the pup on a median, used a protein bar to coax the dog towards him. the pooch at an animal shelter. the bad. a valet worker smashing a
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$340,000 lamborghini into an s.u.v. causing front bumper damage. the ugly. justin bieber booed at the los angeles clippers day celebrating mother's day with his mom. >> wow. thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. >> good morning. it is monday, may 12. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. democrats continue to play politics with the benghazi investigation claiming republicans are fund-raising on the tragedy. but trey gowdy sees it differently. >> they raise money on iraq and afghanistan. colleagues on the other side of the aisle did not have selective amnesia when it comes to what's appropriate. >> more on the democrats double standard straight ahead. >> they attacked tim tebow for talking about his faith but praised michael sam for being gay. does the media have two different definitions when talking about tolerance? >> together they can take on


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