tv Outnumbered FOX News May 13, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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apparently put there on purpose. probably, right? do you need a little friend? jon: i think i have my hands full with winston. thank you very much, though, for thinking of me. see you back here in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." today's hashtag one lucky guy is brian. he is outnumbered as you can see and he's looking fantastic. are you happy to be here today? >> what have you been talking about? i haven't seen you in a week. i'm getting the tweets. con grt -- congratulations. i'm looking to please. >> i like that in a man. we're off to a good start today. a storm could be brewing for
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democrats this fall as new poll shows the public mood is as least as sour as it was before the 2010 midterms. the republicans gained six seats in the senate and they took back control of the house in a historic landslide. we see this sour mood in the new gallop poll showing a clear majority of american voters, 53%, say they are less enthusiastic about voting than in previous elections. now here is where it may get really dicey for democrats. a big enthusiasm gap. the same poll finding 42% of republicans and republican leaning independents saying they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting with only 32% of democratic voters saying the same. and the folks at gallop saying, whoever has the enthusiasm edge usually winds the midterm contes contests. i'm looking to my right. your team is pretty fired, they're excited and want to get out there. >> republicans have a good chance to take a lot of seats and the senate is at play and
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the house has been frustrated for a long time. they've been up against the senate where harry reid has done nothing. they want to get the legislation that they've been working on for years over to the senate side and hopefully eventually to the president's desk so when it comes to voters going to the polls in 2010, obamacare was a big issue. it's worse now. in 2010 republicans won a lot of seats based on obamacare before people saw their premiums going up, before they saw their plans cancelled, that's absolutely going to play a role when it comes to november and i think that republicans will have a bigger wave than they did in 2010. >> republicans have big issues here. they can point to the other side and say, look. what's going on? how is your health care? how are your bills? how are your tacks? >> it's interesting, too. if you look at the difference between the house and the senate, the national mood has more of an impact we know historically on senate races. satisfactories where particularly democrats are vulnerable here because if people don't feel good about
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those sit around the table issues that you're bringing up, we could see something maybe not as catastrophic for democrats as what we saw in the 1980's with the reagan revolution. but you could see enough of a change, the only need six for republicans that the play in washington could really change with republicans in charge of both the house and the senate. but of course, we'll have to see. it's six months out. >> i'm looking at a fabulous top athlete. we talked about momentum. it seems like we have shift here. >> many of you might disagree with me coming here. they do have momentum when it comes to health care. republicans are avoiding it because a lot of news on health care for democrats, their opinion is that it's going quite well. but i would be very cautious about, you know, jumping to judgment right now because it's may, november is a long way away. six months, a long time in the world of politics. a lot can still happen but the mood of americans is still very dark right now. we still have high unemployment,
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people still -- the latest fox news poll showed a quarter of americans don't look the direction this country is going in. that's a big incentive for voters. >> rain or shine, you want people to get out there and go vote and whatever scary polling booth, the lever, the button, the pencil, whatever. >> i go back up you wholehearted. too early. the benghazi trials will be going full bore in the fall and then you have people getting the new premiums in the late summer and the fall with obamacare so there's going to be two issues. you can look at world events and they could play a role. if president obama can pull out 276 girls from the nie dpeerian jungle and bring them freedom, that will be a shot in the arm to country that supposedly is not interested in foreign affai affairs. >> you know that's happening. i think you called one right there for the administration for the other team. that's going to be something that's going to be a really good experience, a positive one and they need one on their side because right now if you look at
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republicans seem to have field advantage, weather conditions, nobody on the injured reserve. is it possible they can mess this up? >> it is always possible for republicans to mess this up. they are notorious for being at the 2 yard line and fumbling the football and turning it over. sandra is right. we're a little fa -- far away but democrats don't have a lot to run on. what is the democrat's platform? they don't have one message. the press has said that democrats need to be proud of obamacare and they're saying, i don't want the president campaigning for me because he's toxic on that issue. senator landreau who is down among constituents so they don't have a lot to go on. but republicans don't screw it up. carry the ball, run into the end zone. >> we've all said six months out, right? new fallout over timothy
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geitner's new book. one example he writes about claiming he was told to say social security did not contribute to the deficit. now a source close to him is telling fox news that he did not believe he was encouraged to mislead the public. ed henry asked press secretary jay carney about this. >> why do you think that the top white house aide would suggest to the treasury secretary that he say something -- >> i'm pretty sure i was in that and i think what dan and others have said is what we say constantly publicly because it's a fact. social security is not the main driver of our deficit. >> he said i objected when dan wanted me to say, social security did not contribute to the deficit. it did not contribute at all. >> again, i'm very confident that as i and dan and virtually
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everyone else has said repeatedly that he said that the point was that social security as a matter of fact is not the main driver of our deficit. >> okay. so he didn't answer ed's question there. he ran around in circles. here's my question as it pertains to the economy. if tim geithner writes in his book that the white house wants him to fudge details on social security, why would they want that? >> he was specific why the white house wanted to change that message in that talking point for this talk show. he wanted to put out a dog whistle, if you will, to sort of send out a code message to the democratic base. this is what tim put in the book. he said that he actually told them -- he said i didn't know what a dog whistle was but they wanted to make sure they sent out a message that social security was not at risk, that it was not going to be touched. to hear jay carney not answer that question is very interesting. the speculation is that the
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white house was stepping in, trying to alter those -- by the way, tim geithner, i covered the financial crisis more than anybody sitting here and i'll tell you all he did was look at social security. he was the head of the social security fund as the treasury secretary and by the way, signed off on any document pertaining to the deficit and social security. if anybody stepped in to try to tell him what to say, it was definitely to alter what their belief of what was going on. >> when i do write my own biography, i will stand behind my own quotes. he has quoted it. he's not implying it. this is what he said was told to him, closed quote. it's not up to interpretation. it's not up to what i thought tim geithner meant. he does not have the right to back out. you can't back out of your own biography 24 hours after releasing it or we move it to the fiction section and let him compete john grisham. >> where is this coming from?
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>> i don't know. >> so we've heard dog whistles and codes. what does this tell you about this particular white house? >> it tells me, again, that they're a bunch of control freaks. they don't listen to the experts they hire. i don't know if i would call geithner an expert. but they want to control every single message no matter what the facts are or data is. they do it for everything. we've seen them do it with the press. they try to manipulate the message for not allowing reporters into the white house to take photos anymore. they're absolute control freaks when it comes to getting the message out and what they want the public to hear. >> this is not specific only to. we've seen controlling the message is sometimes how you can influence things and keep things tafrped down when you want to. >> the question is how the game is played. doesn't mean we can like it but what happened here is when he's writing his book and they'll be doing the final copy, he didn't know the benghazi memo was going to come out saying this is what they do.
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he is caught now in the cross fires. he can back pedal all he wants. it's in the book, it's his words, it's his autobiography. there you have it. it's not like this is so shocking. it's sort of what we've known all along and now we're seeing more and more evidence of it. jay carney can dance around it, whatever he wants to do. it is what it is. deal. >> and what i got out of this is that brian's autobiography is doing. >> it's way overdue. i'm thinking of the movie first and then the book. kind of like "jaws" did it. and i will stand behind my life. >> all right. speaking of people standing behind us, our service members can turn to military chaplains now when it comes to matters of god and religion. why in the world would we need atheists chaplains? what are they exactly? charles barkley calls an entire city's female population fat. he's looking a little pudgy.
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why he's now refusing to apologize for words frm the skinny on that controversy next. [ dennis ] it's always the same dilemma -- who gets the allstate safe driving bonus check. rock beats scissors! [ chuckles ] wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-906-8500 now. [ dennis ] zach really loves his new camera. problem is...this isn't zach. it's a friend of a friend who was at zach's party and stole his camera. but zach'sot it covered... with allstate renters insurance. [ female announcer ] protect your valuables for as low as $4 a month when you add renters insurance to your allstate auto policy.
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comcast business built for business. >> welcome back to "outnumbered." current tnt commentator charles barkley refusing to apologize. we told you about remarks he mad a week ago mocking overweight women in san antonio. his comments got a lot of people angry but he's not backing down. >> some people don't like my accepts of humor. turn off your damn television. i'm not going on change. if you don't like me on a show, turn it off. they want me to apologize. that's not going to happen. >> apologize for what? >> me talking about them big
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women down in san antonio. you all can write letters to your mama, daddy, your uncle. i'm going to have fun on television. you know that i'm joking around but if you all are waiting on me to apologize, hell going to freeze over. >> what are you apologizing for? >> big women down there. >> i think we're out of town. we're going to eat. enjoy the game. >> let me remind everybody what he said, by the way. he called them big ' ol women in san antonio. a gold mine for wait wat-- weig watchers. is he getting away with this because he's a man? >> he's getting in trouble because he's a man. he's outspoken, he's from the same area muhammad ali is from. he has the same personality. >> that's okay. that's a defense. >> i will say he's creating interest with his words but i
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think it's over the line. i don't think you insult a whole city about weight or height or anything like that but him not backing off just goes to show you he's saved all his money. can you imagine employing a guy that says turn off your damn tv? can you imagine that? i think he's totally overthe line. he's kidding around but somebody is paying the price for that. he's telling millions of people when you go to san antonio, expect to see fat people. >> you think he should be forced to apologize? >> i don't think you want to force the guy to do anything but eat. maybe he's hungry. double up, butter cup. next time get a double plate, take the edge off your hunger so you're not mean to the audience. >> i think he sounds funny. i think he's a funny guy. >> what if he lives in san antonio? >> he's living large. he talks loud. >> literally. >> this is who he is. he's a personality. that's why he's on the show. that show they do all kinds of stuff like this.
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he's doing things like "ask charles barkley." >> we have a split from san antonio council woman, they're firing back at him. listen. >> our community is becoming more active. in fact, san antonio's obesity rate has dropped below the state average for the first time since he wore those tight shorts in the 1980's. do you still fit in that short? i don't think so. >> kudos to that. >> i think it's funny. >> hilarious. >> but there's also something to the fact if he was forced to apologize, wouldsincere? the idea they're calling for an apology is ridiculous. this was funny. he's a spokesperson for weight watchers, isn't he? he's a big guy himself. >> i don't know. is he? >> he's self deprocating.
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he's not saying this as a way to insult people. i think it's ridiculous all these people are offended about it and now they have workout videos. get over it. it's funny. >> he said the city was a gold mine for weight watchers. >> he's a commercial genius, baby. that's what it is. i love that video they fought back with humor. that's like the smart, intelligent way to make your point. i don't think all of san antonio is offended to be honest. it's charles barkley. like you can't take him seriously. there's a lot of stuff to be sorry about and i'm like super exhausted from all the apologies. it's like, okay. i'm sorry. >> but notice the round rebound. he's had a weight problem his whole career. disrespect you never know until it offends you. >> my email, my twitter, every day i get it. >> speaking of controversies, it might seem like an atheist group
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is asking the defense department to appoint a chaplain of atheists. they argue military chaplains aren't providing enough outreach to those that don't believe in god. harris? chaplains are typically reserved for religious people. atheists are not religious. so of course, the chaplains are not giving outreach to atheists, right? doesn't that make sense? >> you would think so and reading on the story, it said 4% of people in the military are considered either atheist or humanists is how they call them. i'm thinking there are higher percentages of a whole lot of people. are we going to have chap lips for vegetarians now? >> i would say this. i don't know what you do. if you're an atheist chaplain and i go see you, you say whatever you do, go back to your
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seat and don't say an our father and don't say a hail mary? what kind of advice can they give you that's going to be productive? >> i think their point is that there are a couple of people in the military, a couple of people who don't have religious beliefs and perhaps there needs to be some sort of outreach for them. i'll echo the sentiment of a republican congressman out of louisiana who points out that the model of the army chaplain court is for god and country. the official model of the united states is in god we trust. he called it an oximoron. >> haven't we seen atheists get into these positions to try to attack religion? >> of course. this is all a game. i'm sorry. they don't need a humanist or whatever the heck that is. honestly, i give you a hug, talk to a counselor. what is the point of this? why do we pay our military and our troops more because we're
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diverting funds unnecessarily because we're so super pc, i can't stand it. you have to put money over in this side instead of where it belongs. >> the other thing is we're asking them to put their lives on the line. so i mean, if you want to have religious support there, you can. kimberly is saying if you need somebody to listen to you, they have counselors already. >> they have them in place. this is a redundancy financially that i find problematic. how about that? >> why don't you face time somebody if you need them to talk to mb? the chaplain is not going to give you the answer. >> that's why we keep you around. you bring solutions. >> that was smart. very smart. >> obamacare played a key role in republicans taking back the house in 2010 but it appears the g.o.p. may be going silent on the issue as we head to the fall election. what folks are saying about a possible strategy shift and a flag on the field as flag football replaces tackle in a part of america where folks live and breathe the game. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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>> welcome back to "outnumbered." as we barrel toward the midterm elections and i.r.s. gather steam, has the g.o.p. gone silent on obamacare? that's the question after this caught our eye. house republicans have no scheduled votes or hearings on obamacare, signalling a shift in the party's strategy as the white house rides a wave of good news on the law. not a single house committee has announced plans to achieve the health care law in the coming weeks and only one panel of jurisdiction comments to the hillpite repeated inquiries. guys, enrollment in the
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exchanges, the projections, uninsured rates going down, these are all the messages put out there. katie is shaking her head. there's no good news to tout here? >> you have to define what good news is. is eight million enrollees, 74% of which had insurance before obamacare took place, they lost their insurance so to get it back they sign up for obamacare. is that good new snz i don't think so. the house has already voted 50 times to change obamacare and all those bills have passed the house and gone to the senate and gone nowhere thanks to harry reid. i think republicans now, just because they shifted their focus to one single thing, which is benghazi, doesn't mean that obamacare is off the table. campaigns get ready to launch most of their attacks starting memorial day. lots of their focus is on obamacare. we've seen this season with primaries, republicans winning on an anti-obamacare message so this idea they're giving up and not going to use obamacare, i don't buy it. >> things are awfully quiet. like little mice waiting to get
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some cheese. national level, yes. i think it's like slowing it down a little bit. when you see those ads, you'll see them hit it hard locking because it does work. people are dissatisfied, frustrated, think it's government waste, inefficiency, put above politics along with all else. they're not caring about my bill. i think you'll see it come to play. i'm looking forward to it. >> if it's so unpopular still, why aren't the republicans hitting that message hard now? >> i think there's a little bit of obamacare fatigue. i think that people are taking a breath because we're six months away. number two, they'll wait for the new rates to come in. they're going to wait to find out what kind of health kwar they're going to have, doctors are getting used to the fact of how they're going to be reimbursed. how many people cannot go to the doctor because of it and then you see four state exchanges blow up.
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they threw up their hands and said i can't do it. go back. >> the democrats could take over the message. that's the perception. >> it's not a message to control outside of some numbers that katie has talked about. now you have to see if people really like it. that's the message they're hoping to carry. we don't have that yet. i would say this, though. 50 times or so the house has voted, it wasn't about replacing it with i a -- with a better idea. i have a different theory on some of the silence. perhaps there's a back room strategy in terms of how would you do some of the fixes? like fixing the security on the national health website. that sort of thing. more states are forced into that because theirs aren't working. that would be solution finding. until republicans get there, we might not hear much from them. >> that's the main criticism. republicans have been complaining about obamacare but they tonight have one plan. >> that's an opportunity for
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them. >> you hear the republicans want to just kind of work itself out and everybody will learn they don't like it and democrats are saying give it time and everybody will see they like it. we'll see what happens. >> he think you're right. there's a skism saying whether or not they want to completely repeal it or come forward with an idea and it's like a wait and see. you may want to file this store under when pigs fly. yes, texas, home to friday night lights. "new york times" reporting a school district in rural east texas with a high school football team is a perennial state championship contender, chaining the seventh grade program from tackle to flag program amid concerns over players' safety. people feel passionate well it. only bowling and ping-pong are safe. >> it's not going away. i know you grew up in texas. i went to college in louisiana.
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louisiana people are groomed from day one, boys are groomed to play football at l.s.u. 5-year-olds down south play tackle football. so it is an issue because this sport can be -- brian, i know you want in here. it can be unsafe. it needs to be addressed because young people are getting hurt but there's a fine line because when you make and impose new rules, it becomes a little bit too soft and people start to not like it. they're even doing this with the nfl. >> and there's been discussions about the concussions and i understand that. my family is from texas. i have 11 cousins in dallas metro. my dad would right now text me and say don't do anything. we like friday night lights and can we do this without shutting down the gym? >> a lot of pro players said he wouldn't let his son play. there's new technology that will go in the helmets, kevlar situation that could make him feel better. here is what they're saying. even the pros hit less.
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they probably do less contact than ever before because in your head, anybody, no matter how strong you are, the brain and liquid have long term effects. do not play football but we only have so many hits in us. jerome told us this morning on "fox and friends" the same thing. when you watch flag football, it's in full pads. they're saying before we take each other out, let's wait until we get older. a lot of best players started in ninth grade. a lot of gret players have one or two years of high school football in them. they're taking their time. >> i don't know. you start at seventh grade. why seventh grade? are we going to go to high school and say that it's not okay? this is football. you make the decision to play or not and watering down all our sports redefines the sport and it's not football anymore. >> they're deciding to -- parents are decide to go put their kids in other things so football wants to respond. >> it's not football. if you're going to take away one
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of the key aspects of footballs which is guys beating each other out, it's not football. >> nobody cares about rugby. that's even worse. they aren't wearing any helmets, they they get their ears taken off. there are a lot of sports out there that are tough. they're hard on the body. we definitely want to take seriously the con suggestions, traumatic brain industry. let's make the helmets safer, better, let's do something about it with the technology, right? it's an all american sport. we have a lot of love for it. let me tell you something. last time i played flag football, there was a whole lot of touch going on. >> and by nature you pressed a lot of charges. excuse me, my flag is off. hands off, pal. >> who are the audience for these games, too? not just nationally but you go to a friday night lights games and some of the best food on a stick on the planet.
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those are great gherings. the audience gets upset when you change rules because of safety. i know you're a big baseball fan as well. >> soccer guy. it really hurts. >> all of these sports. viewers get upstayed. they are making it safer. >> but sandra, i don't think it's the case of america. if you go to the commissioner's office right down the block, they're talking about it non stop. head injuries are real. no matter how huff you are, you cannot protect the brain from crashing into the top of the skull. if i'm a parent, can i let my kid go out there unless you prove to me there's not a better than even chance of them not getting hit? >> preach it, broi an. preach it. >> i think 5-year-olds playing tackle football is an issue. >> what about dodge ball? >> or gymnastics? >> how many sports do you know? >> i'm home with my kid. don't touch me, bro. i don't know.
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you're like a gym teacher with all the sports you know. >> we love it. the video everyone is talking about. it looks like beyonce's sister hitting jay-z in an elevatoelev. >> and increasing call for eric to step down as a new whistle blower comes forth with more scandalous claims about the treatment of our veterans. stay with us.
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today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™. >> more outnumbered in a moment. first jenna lee. jenna: american air power now searching for nigerian school girls held by terrorists. pentagon confirming moments ago that u.s. drones are in the skies right now over nigeria. we'll have the very latest on that plus gearing up for grilling on capitol hill. secretary of veterans affairs prepares for tough questions. what do concerned veterans want to hear? we'll talk to a retired marine who says the v.a. has become a
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culture of corruption. everyone should listen to this segment. we hear we should stick to a non fat mediterranean diet. do we really need to cut out steak, butter and cheese? apparently not. >> the answer is no and we will be watching. thank you. >> have you seen the shocking surveillance video obtained by tmz apparently showing beyonce's sister attacking her husband jay-z in an elevator while beyonce stands by her side? most part, she's got her hands folded. it goes on for several minutes. still not clear what sparked this but this is all over. it's viral. it's what people are talking about and there's no audio on this but you can certainly see a lot. >> what i think, too, as we look back at the foot jagfootage, wh beyonce stay out of a fight that is between a husband who is trying to remain calm and her
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sister who is clearly enraged? what could possibly have happened to spark those two? >> let her wail on him. >> really? >> i don't know. if i had a sister and she was beating on my husband, i would jump in. >> thank you. >> unless he was wrong. >> and she was a better fighter than you? >> impossible. >> okay. >> but then there's the question, why do we care? why is the nation so obsessed about watching this and talking about this? i think the reason that i'm finding is that people are obsessed with beyonce and jay z because they put off the perfect image, the perfect child, the perfect careers. they are very successful. they have a lot of money. but then at the same time, they have their faults. they have fights. there are fists swinging. so i think that's -- i don't know. people like to see people's faults. >> they like to see celebrities fall, too. you know, katie, i'm curious, too, this is all over the web. there were some tweets that were said to have come from the twitter account but now they've been deleted and now they're
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saying they weren't official that were leading people to believe there might have been a domestic situation here. it starts to get nasty when people put their own things on to that soundless video. district fact is we do not know and i think that accusing jay z of having a domestic dispute with his wife or any evidence is pretty extreme. i think people need to think of this as they're a family. jay z is his brother-in-law and they have their problems and this tape was leaked. it was supposed to be confidential from the hotel. they sent it out anyway. i think that beyonce and jay z have a private life. they're not in the press a lot. they don't -- they've been a couple that -- gl they're everywhere. they went to cuba. there were more pictures from cuba than my wedding. >> their relationship is very under wraps so i think people are holding on to this. they don't see a lot of what goes on behind-the-scenes. >> they don't keep their political feelings under wraps. there are a lot of pictures of
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them from cuba. just saying. standard hotel in new york is saying that this was released. legally, surveillance video, talk to me about it. >> jay z vowed to get revenge. stay tuned tomorrow. we'll see how he does it. >> on the hotel? >> he's going to get revenge. he seems to be more upset about the hotel leaking this, you know, and this is a very popular hotel downtown. this hotel is so transparent, everything happens in the elevator, goes forth. they used to have windows. they had to tint them because you could see what everybody was doing inside the hotel rooms. >> stop. >> i can't wait to see tomorrow. we'll find out what happens. >> he's going to sue them. it's a violation of privacy. >> no. what happened to cause the friction. >> maybe we'll know. maybe we won't. >> maybe there's just like a history of her getting upset about things, too. >> probably drinking involved. >> what katie said was so
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interesting. this is a family dynamic. we all have one. >> including celebrities. >> i've never seen any fighting like that. >> jay z handled it right. i don't know what started it but you don't do anything. right? >> maybe the sister was attacking beyonce earlier in the night. >> until tomorrow. >> until tomorrow. >> legendary radio host casey kasem is missing. the latest on the search. he's 82 years old now. and men hooked up to a men that simulates the pain of childbirth. brian, wait until the next segment, what we have planned for you, my friend. >> really? why are you wearing a helmet? >> we hooked him up to the machine. we're going to put it on you. your mom could do anything.
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feel -- >> be careful there. >> that was a mistake in the prompter. i apologize. 20 volunteers were hooked up to machines that sent electric shocks into their abdomen. most of them could not make it to the top of the agony scale nor could they last the maximum 30 seconds. so this -- >> nice ad lib. >> i just wanted to be journ journalistjourna journalijourna journalistically accurate. maybe women deserve more credit, more time, dick morris fe-- mor morphine. harris does not like my tie. i took it off. >> there was an off switch here. okay? so when these men couldn't endure the pain anymore, they could stop. women have no idea how long
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they're going to be in childbirth for, whether it's an hour or 20 hours. >> a lot of them like the attention. am i correct? >> oh, my god. >> i mean, because they get a lot of medical attention. >> you're in so much trouble right now. >> by the way -- >> you can control how long it takes. >> just my theory. it's not scientifically fact. don't you remember this has been done before? arnold schwarzenegger did it in a successful documentary. >> they didn't hook him up to a machine to make him feel it, though. some were crying like babies, some were passing out. >> childbirth is not for the faint at heart. >> they're only simulating the abdominal pain here so -- >> there are other things. >> i think the timing is
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appropriate because that should get you into the mood to buy your wife, your significant other something extra special if you have to feel that pain. >> for next year because it's passed. >> how about going through the whole birth thing, amazing and amazing. got nothing to show for that. now we're going to cut you open and cut you in half while your husband passes out on the ground. >> why can't you concede that we are the toughest, strongest gender? >> i'm going to say there are a lot of positives to being a woman, i hear, and there's a lot of positives to being a man, i know. if i had more time, i would get deeper into it. but we have to go to the tease. >> we have the machine in the greenroom. we'll give you a smack and an advil. >> i have to go right over to her show >> she won't take any sympathy on you, honey. >> jon scott just hotlined me.
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you're not kidding. >> jenna, it will be a piece of cake. >> are you looking for a new way to boost your health? try dropping a few f bombs. cursing may be good for you. for example -- my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was... i just couldn't handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions.
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tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen's story, visit
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it turns out it may be good for your health. cursing is a harmless release. and when used as a copying mechanism. a few cuts can help us feel stronger and more resilient. we'll go to the bad boy. before the study was done, i would commit to do the study and conclude without a boeker or chart. it feels better after a stream of curses. something about it i can't put my finger on. >> like athletes. >> you should have heard what i said to brian when he said women don't feel the pain. >> and have you ever been in a situation when swearwords come
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out of your mouth that you department realize you anyhow. >> it is blended. >> and so pretty and pink. >> and i want to know. >> like you stub your toe. >> or your kid said manage. >> i learned that from you, mom. >> and then they blame it back on you. >> i am guilty of wearing a lot. nwalking in new york. >> try to tamp it down, but i do swear sometimes. it feels good to let it out. >> it is like a gun in her hand. >> exactly. >> you can holler. >> and let the rounds go. my little boy, will say take it back! oh, my god. >> so he's showing better
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judgment than his mom? >> is that surprising. >> brian shut the (bleep) up. >> and i didn't say it. >> and speaking of swearing, one member of our fox news family is guilty of it so often his production team instituted a swear jar. we are talking about bob, co-host of the five. this is a swear job. big 20 bucks going in. i have a difficult time holding my emotions in. i regret that and i will continue to try. >> he has to pay cash. and the job contained 322. >> and when will he take it. rest easy, everyone. don't get jealous, bob will be joining us this week.
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he may or may not keep it clean. >> i assume you will bring back that talking point. >> brian, thank you for joaning us. one lucky guy today. >> that does it from outnumbered. see you back here tomorrow. happening now starts right now. >> and 1 o'clock p.m. on the east coast and a fox news alert. you are looking at aerial pictures of the abc station in baltimore, maryland where we understand a truck went plowing through the front doors of the station. there are no injuries. but there are reports that police are investigating a possible armed suspect barricaded inside of the facilities in baltimore, maryland. and as we get more
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