tv Red Eye FOX News May 14, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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air. thrown to the ground. two boys severely injured. that's tonight's speed read. go to lots of questions there to tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." has the government invented a lip balm that lets you control your tv remote with your mouth? the story big lip balm doesn't want you to hear. and how many times has the vice president known the answer to final jeopardy while playing along at home? >> none, zero, none. i'm serious, it's true. >> and finally how tough was the application process to be greg gutfeld's new butler? and what does crawling through the mud have to do with sowfing drinks? money of these -- none of these stories on "red eye." >> i'm tom shaw shaw lieu --
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tom shillue in for greg who should be back tomorrow. if you look are to joanne nosach nie ski you will have to go through pages. fox news anchor patti ann browne. what is behind the blue eyes? a big, blue brain. it is andy levy. and no it is not bob the builder entering the witness protection program. next to me is comedian joe devito. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> the nypd takes down alec b. it is day 24609 of -- >> unrest. more like arrest. am i right? alec baldwin, best no -- best
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known for being steven baldwin's brother was arrested foregoing down the wrong way on a street on his bicycle. a source in the nypd tells "in touch" when sources asked for id he had none on him. the officers placed him under arrest for disorderly conduct. baldwin received two court summons, one for traffic violation and one for being too awesome in "rock of ages" a great, great film. the actor took to twitter to retaliate. he tweeted the officer's name and badge number followed bytwoe letters. meanwhile the photographers outside my home nearly hit her with a camera. the police did nothing. new york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is anxious for behavior once thought benign. tmz obtained a tape of baldwin riding his bike the wrong way
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before he was arrested. >> i am glad they are wearing a helmet. >> at those speeds. >> he didn't have id. then he became beligerant. what is it? do you think he says saying homophobic slurs is a form of id? >> i think he got belligerent because he didn't have id. they didn't recognize him and he got belligerent and they said, oh, alec baldwin. you don't have have id on you ever. what the law says is if you are arrested or issued a summons you have to either produce id or tell the police who you are. so all he had to do to positively identify himself was give his name.
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instead he chose to go ballistic. >> he was probably like, you don't know who i am? >> let's be honest. police officers should know who alec baldwin is, right? not because of television, but because he was arrested 84 times. joanne, i love alec baldwin. he is right out there. he is an honest man, and he is a man's man. he is protecting his daughter and his wife. did you read his litany of tweets? >> and the public is rallying around him. it is like, you are right. we agree with you. this is outrageous. no. but i mean this is like clockwork though. it had been a few weeks. we hadn't really heard from him. we thought maybe he was moving away from new york which is what he threatened in new york magazine, but he is still here. it might be what pushes him away. >> he is a new york institution. he likes riding his bike the wrong way on the street.
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pab i don't believe in this bicycle trying to turn new york city into april amsterdam. we shouldn't have the bicycles. they are almost running into me on the streets. >> probably people outside of new york city don't really get how bad it is. the cyclists are out of control and sometimes there is a passive aggressive thing going on. >> passive aggressive? how about aggressive? >> the whole thing is bold. alec baldwin riding a bike? does he look like he bike rides? >> maybe. >> he was wearing the shorts. >> do you waiter spandex shorts? >> i am wearing them right now. >> i am talking about outside. i put on bike shorts once in the store. they are too sexy, entirely too sexy. >> if you go to my facebook page you will see photos of me practicing in a speedo. a story for another time. >> i don't know if it is for
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another time. i think people are fleaing and going to facebook. >> first of all the big question for me was was he -- they took him off his bicycle. was he able to successfully deliver the order of kung pou chicken? at what point does alec baldwin say maybe it is me? his twitter feed is like if you have a friend who is always getting into conflicts and they tell you the latest story and they are 10 seconds in and they say i am hearing your side and i know it is your fault. you know right off the bat. >> no one on twitter, maybe in real life, but on twitter no fight is that person's fault. they get into twitter fights every day. it is like, can you believe these people? no, i can't believe you. >> there is a little bit that sides with baldwin. i don't like the traffic laws and whatnot. people blame the police
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officers. they are the ones who have to enforce these laws. we install the bike lanes and make the rules and then blame the police for enforcing them. >> we also don't know for sure if they were going tech cet him or arrest him -- ticket him or arrest him. they may have said you are going the wrong way. the reason they arrested him is i believe he called the officer a rude, thoughtless little pig -- oh no that's his daughter. sorry, different story. he was arrested because he was belligerent. >> there is an old saying is a liberal is a conservative who has been mugged. maybe we learn a libertarian is a con sowf tiff with a run in with the cops. they need all of this money for the programs you support. he was a quasi supporter. >> he is switching gears. >> he is pro bicycle, right? now i get it. sometimes i get these after when i am watching the show.
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>> if you are in new york city and not delivering food, you should be arrested, period. >> they used to have the messengers. that's a vital service. we don't need those because we need e-mail. >> it took one interview and all is for given. to use a basketball term donald sterling hit it out of the park. it is day 997 of -- in an interview with anderson cooper, the sexy billionaire racist finally came clean. >> my little grandchild goes to catholic nursery. they were passing around candy to everybody. when they got to her they said we don't give candy to racists.
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>> that's terrible. candy in school? i think that is wrong. sterling claimed she not racist. he just felt threatened by gorgeous black guys. >> one of the things i said was don't bring blacks to my game. well there is 25% of my whole game are black people. she would always use the word black, that's a black girl. that's a black guy. when she said i am going to bring four gorgeous black guys to the game, players she was referring to either football or basketball. i was a little jealous maybe. >> sterling also offered a stunning new theory about who the real racist is. >> well there was a claim you had a plantation mentality and now in this thing you are saying you feed these guys, you -- >> i think you have more of a plantation mentality than i do. i think you are more of a racist than i am. i am not a racist. i have never been a racist and
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i will never be a racist. >> you know anderson didn't deny it. then sterling talked about "magic" johnson. >> here is a man who is -- i don't know if i say this. he acts so holy. i mean, he made love to every girl in every city in america, and he had aids and when he had those aids i went to my synagogue and i prayed for him. big "magic" johnson, what has he done? >> well, he is a business person. >> he has aids. >> he goes on. >> jews, when they get successful, they will help their people. some of the african-americans, maybe i will get in trouble again -- >> no, no you won't. keep going. >> they don't want to help anybody. what has "magic" johnson really done for children's hospital? kids are lying in the hallways.
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they are sick. they need a bed. what has he done for any hospital? >> what has he done for any hospital, joe? he makes a compelling argument, doesn't he? when you put all of this back to back he should be completely for given, do you agree with me? >> it is hard to see someone so deep in the hole seriously digging. >> it is incredible. if you go down the list of topics you should approach with caution you may pause and think he just plows rete through them. plows right through them. he went down race, aids and then when he asked anderson cooper, we didn't show it here, but haven't you ever been jealous about guys liking a girl you liked? you are talking to anderson cooper about this.
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i don't know if we should respect him in that. clearly there is no one involved in coaching him. >> are you sure. >> he should hire somebody to stand behind the interviewer. >> guys like this have helpers, right? >> they can't be handled. >> you can't teach them new tricks or how to be polite. >> he had one new trick. he brought his granddaughter into this. was that wise? he is bringing in the grandchildren. >> eems. i would love -- 50eu78s. i would love to know the nursery school that denied a 4-year-old candy and said we don't give candy too racists. there is no way that happened and if it did there should be a lawsuit against the school. he said everyone got candy. >> i was just thinking about how silly his argument was. >> you really think a nursery school did that to a 4-year-old? >> how does a 4-year-old go home and then say they gave every child candy except me
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and called me a racist. a 4-year-old doesn't know what that means. >> do you know 4-year-olds? they come home from nursery school with lies. there are so many lies. >> and they are always talking about racism. >> did he convince ?u -- convince you? i saw your heart softening as he went through the interview. >> i never thought he was racist. >> he had you from the get go. >> this whole thing is a set up. >> anderson cooper probably more into plantations. >> as you said, he didn't deny it. >> first of all, joe, it wouldn't work to have somebody standing behind the interviewer going like this. sterling would see that and he would look in the camera and say blacks will cut your throat. i think he honestly believes he is not a racist. if you gave him a lie detector test he would say no and he would pass. >> that settles it. >> absolutely. but i would like to make a direct appeal to him.
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camera 9? donald, please stop publicizing the fact you are jewish. there is no reason to bring it up. we don't need. it it is unnecessary. just don't bring it up. >> he said he drops his kids off at catholic school and then goes to the synagogue to pray for "magic" johnson. >> that's a full day. you know what is interesting in the earlier tapes he said, it is okay if you go to the game and take the pictures and even if you have 6 with them. that's okay. it is not okay to have sex with "magic" johnson. >> that was one of his points. he said "magic" johnson is not the greatest guy in the world. he has those aids. >> i didn't appreciate that he said made love. >> yes, and he said he made love to every woman in america. >> and of course "magic" johnson never had aids. >> right. he has h.i.v. >> and she a healthy looking guy jie. we will cut slack on that.
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a lot of his vocabulary is stuck in 1983. >> you are giving him that reason? >> i heard -- he claimed that he was asked to do -- or he asked "magic" johnson to do a joint interview with him. huh is magic tied up in this? if you are going to criticize a basketball player -- >> he apologized on behalf of sterling saying "magic" johnson we are sorry. we don't think these things. we think are you great. >> they are also saying we apologize you are being dragged into this. >> if he is looking to compare himself to a basketball player he does it with "magic" johnson. if you want to talk about basketball playerss and bad behavior there are a lot to choose from. >> he should have gone with isaiah thomas. >> spreewell too. all of those guys. coming up, i get a good night's sleep knowing i gave you all the gift of laughter. you're welcome, america.
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their pouts. she is the managing director of the international monetary fund and considered the world's most powerful women. so you think the students and the faculty at the all women smith college would be honored to have her as a commencement speaker, right? wrong. they protested. according to one on-line position they have been a
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primary culprit in the failed developmental policies implanted in some of the world's poorest countries. this has lead directly to the strengthening of imperialists and patriarc systems that abuse women worldwide. and what is becoming the usual pattern these days, they have withdrawn saying it has become evident a number of students and faculty members would not welcome me as a commencement speaker. i respect their views and i understand the importance of academic freedom. however, to preserve the celebratory spirit of commencement day i feel it is best to withdraw my participation. so what is my take? let's find out in -- >> this is wrong. >> andy, she should not have backed out, right?
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she is chicken. >> it is not she is chicken. she shouldn't have backed out because every time it happens it is more likely to happen again. >> have i no doubt -- i have no down conde rice pulling out influenced the faculty. i have no doubt rice reversing her decision influenced the smith students. i will say at least the rutgers and smith president didn't cave the way the administration did. every time this happens -- what happens is the polite people are going to lose. >> do you think that they -- do you think it was all her decision or do you think they tried to make it like it was her decision? >> in this case it was her decision. to her credit she wrote those who objected will be satisfied that their activism has had a desired affect. she is clearly not happy about this.
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>> patti ann browne this is a women's college. they are supposed to celebrate women. this woman is one of the most powerful women in the world. why don't they step up to the plate and defend her? why don't they steel -- tell the students to shut their mouth? >> rachel maddow and -- >> oh a spectrum of political thought. >> are we supposed to believe that there was not one person who objected to the speakers? somebody will object to whoever it is. as andy pointed out the president said an invitation to speak at commencement is not an endorsement of all views of an individual or what she leads. it would violate free thought and diversity of opinion. the president of this college feels you should have a diversity of views and people should be allowed to speak. it doesn't mean every last
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person has to agree with it. it doesn't sound leak she had any desire to -- like she had any desire to pull out. >> she wants a diversity of claims. there is no conservatives being invited to smith college, right? >> joanne, the international monetary fund, do these students even know what the international monetary fund does? i have trouble and i am -- >> i certainly don't. >> do you believe it has to do with the patriarcky? >> it doesn't make sense. these college campuses have become a petri dish of protest. there is a fungus growing of entitlement and gross outrage. it is like a child. you are dealing with children. if the kid screams enough if you are in line at the supermarket you will give them the candy you are asking for. it is a matter of do i want to give into this?
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she does not want to fuel this fire. i have other stuff to do. i can find other things. when do you give in and when do you not? >> i agree with the -- i sympathize with the opinions. >> i respect their views. that is more than any other woman on this campus can say about her. >> there you go. >> why do we even have commencement speakers? >> just get a karaoke machine. >> i don't blame her for can selling because -- cancelling because who can blame her. she replaced him. i think he would love to be on the campus full of women. i don't think he would pull out. >> and the imf -- you can have problems with the imf. the funny thing is they are a part of the -- >> they are u.n agency. >> they are not conservative. a lot of conservatives have a problem with the imf.
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it is not because of the patriarc key. >> they give loans to poor countries, those evil, evil people. >> but in a patriarc fashion. >> and they demand the loans be paid back. >> there are a lot of people who would agree with them. they say they are propping up patriarc regimes they say a lot of the money goes in the country and they are third world dictators. maybe we are bringing people together. she wrote a great piece. >> name dropping. >> she said because of things like the internet and having hundreds and hundreds of tv channels and dvr's she said basically mill 11 y'alls are growing up in a world where they are never forced to see or read something they have not personally selected. that's the problem here. i don't want to hear that so it shouldn't happen.
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>> that is kind of true. >> you were born in 2001. >> coming up, what did the robot say when the astronaut left him alone in space? i'll tell you -- when i tell you it will kill the success expense. where is the fun in that? first a word from tonight's sponsor. >> c block is sponsored by bootkins. when you need a mophet case try the butkins you are murple.
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>> very touching. then tear conversation took -- then their conversation took an unexpected turn. >> i didn't see that part earlier. >> joanne, i'm assuming the sub teat tells were accurate. no reason to think they weren't. is there a lesson here? just because the robot was cute and cuddly, but just because it is cute and attractive it may not have a more sinister purpose. >> people say the same thing about me. >> they do, they do. there is a lot lurking behind these eyes. i think it is great he has a robot friend.
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you are all alone up there. i am worried what else he may be with this robot lover friend. it is interesting how they program this then to respond. the first thing he said about guess there isn't enough room for me. that's like a guilt trip. you feel bad there is no room for this robot who you have become friends with. >> andy, you stay home and talk to your cats for long periods of time. do you ever wish they were robots? maybe you could have a little more control over them? >> are you talking to me? eems. i wasn't -- i'm sorry. i wasn't paying attention. >> there is a lot of meaning behind this. >> there are other astronauts on the spacestation. there are others on there. >> i think he was in the japanese section.
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>> it is like the school cafeteria. >> the -- he will take charge a and claim he just wants to keep them safe. >> patti ann browne, the japanese have all of this robot technology. they are the first robots that can create empathy. >> it is very sweet and yet sad when you watch the video. the astronaut really does seem sad when he is saying goodbye. he says we have to meet back again. >> i got attached when i was watching the -- what is that movie? the pixar movie. >> wal-e. >> i was crying at the end of that movie. >> joe, i want to ask joe. you seem skeptical. robots really want to take over in someways.
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>> it is not going to work out well for us. first i heard it was japanese scientists i was surprised it wasn't wearing a schoolgirl outfit. i think it was sad with the passive aggressive responses from the robot. i guess i will be all right. sure there is no room for me there? i am kind of small. a guy leaves out the domoarigato mr. roboto. >> i think you change the accent on the robot and it is a jewish mother robot. aisley be fine -- i'll be fine. oh there is no room for me? as long as you are happy i am happy. >> according to a report from the who, the world health organization europe has the 10 drunkest countries on the planet. in a study of the alcohol consumption per person in 194 countries belarus took the top
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spot. americans drank about 9 a year slightly above the global average of six liters. others in the top 10 drunkest nations include romania, ukraine, hunk re-- hunk reand slow jobing yaw. the average was 6.2 liters a year. it is good to know americans are ahead of the pack. but we are not keeping up with the eastern block nations. why? >> a lot has to do with depression. that's speculation. >> you think they are all depressed? >> in some cases that's what they say leads people to drink. in any case they ran the numbers and it turns out to an average person 15 years or older drinking 26.2 cups in a year. and that is about half an ounce of pure alcohol per day that is not the way it is happening. what is happening is people
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are binge drinking. that's obviously a big problem. people did have a little each day it wouldn't be that big a deal. >> it sounds like the eastern block countries are having a lot each day, right? they are binge drinking and a lot is windshield washer fluid. >> do we have a problem? >> america should be proud. they mentioned these things called liters. >> they tried to turn us over. >> what is interesting is out of the top 10 countries, eight were former communist countries and are still soviet save light countries. i thought who are the two? portugal and an dora which i checked and is also in the top 10 for marijuana use. it is a big party. >> what happened to ireland and britain? that's the stereo type they are always at the public and
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knocking them -- at the pub and what is going on? >> i thought they would be in the top 10 because i believe in stereo types. but i am wrong to believe in stereo types. canada ranked high. now that rob ford is in rehab -- if i could have done a jay leno voice -- >> it is a great joke. >> people in belarus, they are drinking pure alcohol. they tend to dreng -- drink straight drinks. >> you don't know that. you just made that up. >> i made that up and they said everybody in the eastern block is depressed. >> that is a provable fact. >> joanne, you alone account for half of new york's alcohol consumption. do you think we can do better and get up the charts? >> i am waiting for my trough
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tee. my trophy. >> i am glad they didn't serve amy. it is like when you are at the doctor you say did you drink? how many drinks a week? you are like oh my god now i am judging myself. how much do i drink a week? more than i care to actually admit. i actually think these numbers are flawed. the u.s. should be higher. we just know how to lie better. >> was it a survey? >> i don't look at what they actually do. >> there is a lot of them in this country. there are a lot of college campuses and they are making up for it. >> i also think from now on when the doctor asks you you should give the answer in liters. >> maybe some of the countries are depressed, but we are here to party. that's why we are drinking a lot. >> it is time to take a break. more stuff when we come back.
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does your birthright make you lean right? the eldest child of a family is more likely to be conservative than the second born. the researcher, an italian, looked at information from multiple family members in multiple families. that's good enough for me. he notes firstborns having experienced the undivided attention and care of their parents occupy a dominant position. thus they safeguard their status advantage by developing conservative values and helping them uphold the status quo. so does birth order really shape a person's personality? we asked an expert.
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>> a little known fact, inside that suit is jesse joyce. >> really? >> yes. >> that's not what you said last night. >> maybe it is somebody else. >> joe, does this make sense to you? this is the old nature versus nurture debate. where do you come down on it? make sure you agree with me. >> we need to keep in mind these were italian families. so no matter what the birth order is the sons are in their
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30s and living at home. >> that's right. >> i think that firstborn children, the parents have to learn how to do some of the parenting on them. i think because things have been tried on them and there have been risks taken that makes them more conservative. the children who follow them it may seem like they are getting things handed to them easier because the lessons were learned with the first child. >> i think it has less to do with the pearnts and their style of parenting and more with the siblings. the second and third, they have the older sibling, so they are the ones that are the sur -- sur raw ghent parent. the little kid is more wild. what do you think of that theory? >> it is an interesting theory. the thing about this is a lot is just theory. >> he says he has multiple families. >> more than one family. wow, that's impressive. a couple of families. then he comes up with a whole theory that there is not really anything to back it up, but i for example is a twin.
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i am tied for oldest. am i liberal then because i never had the chance to be alone and dominant? i was always threatened by my twin? or does it make us both conservative? >> it also makes you competitive because you said tied for oldest. >> isn't one of you slighter -- slightly older? >> she was born four minutes before. >> she is more conservative. >> yes, she is dominant. >> what does your twin do? >> she was a lawyer, and then she became a stay-at-home mom and now she is sort of getting back to law. >> she sounds a little more conservative to me. >> you might say. >> andy, informally i took a study because i always ask comedians where they are in the family order. never the firstborn. comedians are always lower in the family. good comedians -- just
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kidding. you fall into that and i have an older brother. comedians, younger in the birth order. they are a little more artsy and they are horsing around. the firstborn tends to be more straight and narrow. >> yeah, my sister is younger than me and she is a lawyer. >> what kind? >> a good one. >> a defense attorney? >> no. i think parents are generally more liberal with second children. their bedtimes are later. they get things earlier because the older sibling gets it. if an older sibling is not allowed to have an iphone until he or she is 13, somehow the younger one will get it at 10 or 11. i think that just generally happens. this is my experience from the studies i have done. >> it is not because we are more lenient. it is because the younger child takes it from the
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younger child. she takes the iphone. >> i agree with that. i actually agree with this. my older sister is more conservative than me. she thinks donald trump should be president. she is also crazy. >> whether you as conservative as joanne where else are you going to go? >> my first word was no. i would try to steal my sister's toys and she would say no, no, no. i am the newborn. i am the needy one. i am lazy and i want to take what is hers. she as a conservative doesn't like that. do you see what i am doing? i think this is more about you working out issues than it was about her. >> did you see her face there? wow. >> you were waiting a longtime to say that. >> this is changing all the time now. people used to have big families. so in the town i grew up in, there were eight kids across
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the street and there were 12 down the other block. there were 10 down the other way. they had these big families and the top kid was almost always super straight and arrow. and then the younger kids were scrambling for attention and were weird owes like me. i was born later. i don't know what that says about any of this. the thing is we are having smaller families now. everything is out the window. >> do you have a comment on the show 1234 e-mail us. and do you have a video of your animal doing something? go to fox eye. coming up, a congressman caught on camera.
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what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. the pleasure of performing barber shop with jimmy fallon and the rest of the ragtime gals at a concert. here is us practicing in the bathroom at madison square garden. >> ♪ happy birthday dear billy smote. ♪ happy birthday to
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♪ mr. -- ♪ happy birthday mr. george >> that's it. a little barber shop harmony. we sang it 20 minutes later in front of 20,000 fans. we kind of tanked. we didn't sound as good as the bathroom. it never goes as well as when you are in front of the big audience. we president can't show the tape because of legal reasons. but we got to see the bathroom. >> it never sounds as good as it does in the bathroom. >> i used to do this in high school, sing barber shop with my buddies. i mefer thought i could snooker jimmy fallon and his company to do this. we sang all over for billy joel and kevin specey last week. >> i didn't realize you went to high school in 1909.
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>> it was in the 80s. we are looking for good old-fashioned harmony. what is better than four guys singing in the bathroom after school? >> there are so many things i can't begin to count. >> we have a show this weekend. put the flier up there. we are singing in new hampshire. come on, we will find it. find me on the website. we are singing in a high school auditorium. last topic. did he or didn't he? congressman joe garcia has been accused of picking and eating ear wax live on c-span. >> i want to thank you for your willingness to make progress on this issue. any of the collection of phone records and making sure other surveillance authorities cannot be used in a similar way are critical priorities and i -- >> the house judiciary committee is undecided a
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whether he was trying to eat the wax or naw off his own finger. who knows it was ear wax. maybe there was a piece of a bagel in there. >> i don't know what to say. i find this story so embarrassing. >> it was on c-span so we can talk about it. >> is it our fault for running this story and talking about it? >> anybody can do this. it is when you put it back in the mouth. then it is the double dip. >> maybe that's what he was doing. maybe he was moistening the finger. >> could that clip have been shown in reverse? >> i haven't even been looking at the monitor. >> first he should schedule an interview with anderson cooper who maybe anderson cooper is
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more fond of ear wax than he is. >> you are the one eating the ear wax. who knows? i am on camera all the time. i am biting my nails. i could be caught in a bad situation. >> always be aware. >> i have a theory here. i think what happened was he went in his ear and he didn't get anything. then he put his finger in his mouth and used it as a file to sharpen his nail so he could dig in further. i don't think he got anything. >> you don't need a wet q tip. >> he was sharpening the nail so he can dig in. >> he will have to have a statement. he is an elected official, right? >> what kind of statement a? statement? >> he is a flay you flaw congressman. florida congressman. i want to apologize to the guy in advance for even doing this story. we couldn't resees. resist.
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itself i'm going to say the same common sense a year from now, two years from now. hello, i'm eric bolling, along with dana perino, bob beckle, andrea tantaros and bob shaluu. this is "the five." we've got some extreme video for you today. first, check out this amazing video leaked to tmz late kbred. it features music mogul jay-z his wife beyonce and a very per tushed solange. check this out. she gets on an elevator. then solange and final jay-z
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