tv Americas Newsroom FOX News May 20, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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>> we're going to talk more about your dogs, what they can and can't eat to survive. and should we be giving them snacks or fruit. tomorrow, dr. keith ablow, governor scott walker and marcus lutrell. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow. there is speculation he may do that as early as this morning. more horror stories in the meantime are coming out because a new website has been launched saying come on in, tell us your stories, tell us your experiences. we'll expect to hear a lot more tories from across the country on this scandal today. i'm martha maccallum. welcome to "america's newsroom." >> i'll eric shawn in for bill hemmer. the white house hinting they could make announcement and that announcement could come soon. whatever the president says that is coming weeks after the
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scandal first broke with all the news from the phoenix system. arizona senator john mccain, a noted veteran himself, he said the president has had years to take action? >> where is the president's priorities? in 2008 as you mentioned in transition he said wait times were too long. on several other occasions he was aware of things still wrong in the va. he is in his second term now. where was it on his priority list? it seems to me it couldn't have been real high because really nothing changed at the va. in fact things got worse. martha: steve hayes, senior writer for "the weekly standard" and fox news contributor. so, steve, this is the biggest, most recent revelation the specificity which the president was briefed, there were attempts to sort of mislead with these wait times. there were inaccurate reports that were being filed. fraud really on the part of these agencies. >> yeah. i think what is interesting about this he was briefed about this or his team was briefed
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about this in any case as long as nearly six years ago but none of this should be news. we had a gao report finished in december of 2012 which laid out exactly how va employees were gaming the system to make it like like wait times were smaller than they were. we had reports about urgent need for reform in the veterans affairs administration. we haven't seen any reports or urgency on the part of the administration. martha: you can really document how much more money was thrown at the problem and how much more resources thrown at this problem with really no results. >> exactly. if you look back to 2001, the va budget tripled since then of the we haven't seen more results. the urgent requests he supposedly came from the va we need more employees. that is how we take care of the disability backlogs. you had these requests. they were pushed through congress. the va was given 2,000 additional employees to work through these, funding for 2,000 additional employees to work
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through the va backlogs. instead of actually solving the problem, make things better what they did was reduce the productivity through employee, went from 98 employ claims processed through emeye east, to 78 claims processed employee. martha: that is shocking. it looks as one thing that the administration did, pushing more money to go to the agencies and these hospitals. i think about the fact that sharon helman at phoenix va got a $9,000 bonus. take the money handed down at the hospitals. she got more money, the care that the mon was designed to create was getting works throughout that period. steve, when do you think we'll hear from the president and what do you anticipate he is going to say? >> i don't know. it's been a long time coming. if he is really madder than hell as was described i think he would have been out talking about this already. again these are not new problems. not just like the phoenix
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employee are getting bonuses as outrage just as this is, look at the many employee reviews of senior va leaders, admits all the documented problems, how many va senior employees received a poor or failing review, performance review? just one. how is that possible in the context of the kinds of problems that we've seen documented at the va? martha: i think it smacks of an overall attitude people have become so complacent and accepting that none of these we continue to throw money at them and don't get results and no accountability across the board. >> right. martha: we become so used to might be one of the ugliest out comes of all of this steve, thank you very much. we'll see you later. >> you bet, martha. >> there are new questions whether the problems with the va health care system could be a sign of what is to come with obamacare. here is what rush limbaugh had to say. >> no matter how big anybody's
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heart is, no matter how much they care, here is a microcosm what obamacare is going to be if it is fully implemented. >> is that the case? what does the va scandal tell us about the new world of government health care in our nation? our panel coming up will take a look at that. new fox news alert for you now. ready for this? nearly two million pounds of ground beef now being recalled, recalled for possible e.coli contamination. after an outbreak made at least 11 people sick in four states, from the midwest to the northeast. peter doocy live in washington with the very latest on this. peter, where was this contaminated meat sense. >> eric, the bad beef was shipped to distributors to be used in restaurants coast to coast. so far confirmed i'llnesss are in massachusetts, michigan, missouri and ohio. the 1.8 million-pound of the contaminated meat was sent out of a detroit-based wolverine
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packing company between march 31st and april 11th. customers unlucky enough to eat the meat, are looking for rough illness, roughly three to four days after exposure. >> most people will get relatively sick from it, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, unhealthy, fever. some will have blood in their stool. this is particular strain by its nature tend to get into the bloodstream and can cause other organs to be affected, specifically the kidneys, immune system. >> reporter: most people are said to recover within a week. very importantly, eric, the contaminated meat did not end up as part of national school lunch program or not sold online or grocery stores. bill: that is relief. what do we do to protect ourselves? >> no not order burgers rare or medium. beef patties should not be pink at all inside and usda to take
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out food thermometer to make sure the internal patty temperature is at least 160 degrees. they suggest washing hands with warm soapy water, 20 seconds after handling raw meat and getting purchased meat into the fridge as fast as possible. two hours checking out as rule of thumb or one hour if temperatures are above 90 degrees. the it has established number, 2574. be on the lookout for that. >> i don't think anybody take as thermometer when cooking hamburg per but make sure it is well-done. >> new fallout as the u.s. targets china in the first-of-its-kind cyber spying case. this is a fascinating case. you haven't seen this kind of most wanted poster in a long time. beijing denies the allegations that these five military officers have been hacking into military companies and warning this case will jeopardize relationships between the two countries. fbi adding the suspects to the
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most-wanted list. they released pictures yesterday. they're charged with stealing information like product designs and confidential legal strategies. welcome to the new generation of most wanted. there they are, folks. >> we will talk to judge napolitano about that a little later on in the program. meanwhile in federal court a radical islamic cleric found guilty on charges in new york. he is facing a possible live sentence behind bars here in the u.s. it took the jury just two days of deliberations to convict minimum of 11 charges including conspiring to kidnap americans in yemen and establishing a jihad trainingp right here. martha: major midterm primary day for millions of americans. voters in six states will go to the polls today. one of the key races we're
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watching is happening in georgia where a crowded field of republicans is looking to replace retiring senator sachs by chambliss. senior national correspondent john roberts is covering this for us from atlanta. good morning to you, john. busy day. >> reporter: good morning to you, martha. it is exciting here because we have an election hire. in georgia as many other states a big battle between establishment candidates and tea party. the establishment candidate, businessman david perdue is leading crowded field and including congressman jack sing ton and three candidates with tea party support. congressman paul brown and phil gingrey. perdue is only one that hasn't held elected office. he is running as outsider antidote he claims to what ails shington. >> this is very conservative state. what people are looking for are alternatives. i travel this state a lot every week. people are looking for asking different than what they're getting right now in washington they know there's a problem.
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what they're looking for is somebody with a little different perspective. >> reporter: whoever wins this contest is expected to face a tough raise against presumed democratic candidate, michelle nunn, daughter of former senator sam nunn a well-known figure. this race will not be decided today and candidates go to runoff on july 20 second, martha? martha: other big senate races you're watching john. tell us about those. >> reporter: there are two big ones in kentucky and oregon. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell expected to handily win the contest against tea party candidate matt bevin. he had been strong and giving a speech at cockfighting rally. mitch mcconnell is expected to have a tough race in november against allison hundred did i again grimes, the democratic candidate. in oregon, they're boeing up against senator jeff merkley. monica wehby and jason conger.
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web by has a big lead. story came out, ex-boyfriend, timber company executive andrew niller and harassing his employees. sources close to web by told me last night she is expected to survive the primary but will need to clone the whole mess up by november if she hopes to have a chance against mercury. martha. martha: interesting when you enter the fray and what comes out. john, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. martha: fox news is america's election headquarters. you knew that. keep it right here all throughout the evening and the wee hours to find out how all of that went. live results from 7:00 p.m. eastern. >> looking forward to that. there has been a murder empty hollywood hills. it is not a movie but for real. noted tv actor under arrest, accused of shooting his wife death right in front of their children. coming up we will also have this. >> oh, my god. >> this is not good.
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please, dear god, please keep these people safe. lots of debris in the air. martha: it was one year ago this devastating tornado wiped out the town of moore, oklahoma. coming up a look how that community wet they ared what you see on that screen. it has been a tough year. we'll go there live. >> on this tuesday morning the va scandal, well it keeps growing. next we'll speak to one whistle-blower said she took the concerns right up the ladder and was silenced. should the president be held accountable. >> this is a huge problem. he needs to step up to the plate. don't try to blame it on bush or republicans in congress. he is the ceo of country. the va reports to him.
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martha: we are back and we have new details this morning in the va scandal. a growing number of hospital employees are now coming forward to tell what they witnessed in these hospitals and facilities. one doctor now claiming that she was told to put off patients seeking treatment for months on end. and that at least two of those patients ended up committing suicide. very sad story here. that doctor, joins me now. she is psychiatrist. she said she encountered working at a veterans affairs hospital in west virginia. doctor, good to have you with
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us. >> good morning, martha. thanks for having me. martha: these stories are so disturbing and we look at the country we live in that we can do better, we must do better. in your experience at this hospital, who did you go to say, this isn't happening fast enough, i need to get these people in here, they need treatment from a psychiatrist or something awful might happen? >> like any business, in the administration there is decision trees and chains of command. i started sending my messages verbally and then written up my chain of command t became real clear real quick they didn't want to hear. i think people learn in these big businesses what their bosses want to hear. they want numbers. you generate numbers, you get results and my complaints were not ones that were going to be easily fixed t would have taken some work but we could have done it but didn't, it didn't work out. they didn't listen so. martha: it must have been
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extremely, i can tell, just from your voice how frustrating all of this was for you. you say you were close obviously to the stories. you knew these patients and that the upper echelons of management was really out of touch with what was going on in the real world, right? >> well, they are out of touch, you know, there are administrations, i worked in places where administrators do come and watch doctors work and see the patients and learn about it but when it gets so big and so byzantine, it is hard, it is harder for them to get in touch and really you have to ask, why didn't the va do what fox is doing now? why wasn't there a website to capture these stories, to hear these complaints? apparently not that hard to find. when you get these stories you start to mine the data that will teach you where these problems are. martha: i read this morning that the va actually has the worst record of all of the government agencies when it comes to adhering to the rules on whistle-blowers. so potential whistle-blower who
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works within this organization would obviously be very intimidated that they might lose their job or something might happen if they come forward. is that your experience? >> well, yeah, after they stopped talking to me, the one thing, and i left because it was a choice between staying and doing harm or leaving and, i chose to leave. as i left, that's what i heard. you will never work for the va again. i thought to myself, well, i'm glad we don't have a single-payer system because that would be career ender for me. people ought to understand. you have a doctor who is trying to work hard and trying to alert their bosses to the problems and, you want to have a system that is sensitive to self-policing, the people point out problems and have complaints. you want a system where there is sensitivity and -- martha: the point of the system is to give people care. that is why it exists. >> right. martha: if that is not happening you have an inherent problem. because you are a doctor, i wonder if you, what you think of
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the comparisons that are now being made by those who say, look, this is like, this is a microcosm for obamacare. this is a national health care system that is in trouble and doesn't function well. do you see a parallel? >> oh, yes, and i think it is a foreshadowing and a warning and people should take heed. these are our heroes and it is just plain old citizens, why would it get better? if there is less competition, there is less self-inquiry? these things are going to happen. it is not maybe. it they're going to happen. that's a, in fact, how could it not? martha: you had two patients who you say committed suicide waiting for help? >> yes. martha: what was that like for you? >> well, i, it is a ripping thing and in such a close community i had the privilege of working church, family. i got to work with a lot of, in the aftermath mostly, these two soldiers died right before i was
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hired, so i was able to review their records and get history from collateral sources. they were not able to obviously tell and small sample too. hard to draw conclusions scientifically from two, and actually for a suicide rate in that population i have to say the community did a good job. it is a wonderful town. it was a wonderful group of people. but, when i told my bosses with the practices we were following we're going to increase rates for suicide, not decrease, you would think that would get their attention and it didn't. in fact that got me, got me silenced so. martha: your story is very potent and it is one of many unfortunately. doctor moxness thank you for telling your story today. >> thank you for doing the talking and being watchdog media that you are. martha: thank you. you bet. thank you, doctor. eric: we will have a lot more on this in the next hour 1/2.
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t-shirts, key chains, sweatshirts, we've heard outrage from some 9/11 families over the gift shop at ground zero. coming up on the fox news channel, we'll hear another view. stay with us this morning. (mother vo) when i was pregnant ...i got lots of advice, but i needed information i could trust. unitedhealthcare's innovative, simple program helps moms stay on track with their doctors to get the right care and guidance. (anncr vo) that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. you always get the lowest price book any flight or hotel and if you find it for less we'll match it and give you fifty dollars back that's the expedia guarantee
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♪ martha: turns out that americans have seen some changes this century including a lot of technology that is in our lives now that connects us in all these brand new ways but it turns out that it may not be making our lives better. this is a huge news flash, folks. something to think about. take a look at this poll that was just taken, "fox news poll." how happy are you? the number of people saying they're quote very happy or
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happy dropping to 53% from 56% five years ago. and a big drop from 68% way back in 2001 when phones were much bigger and maybe you had one phone and you didn't have five ipads in your house and all those things. so i have a suggestion for people over memorial day weekend. i think you should make it a digital-free memorial day family weekend. challenge you to put everything away. eric: great idea. turn the blackberry off. martha: i will try it. eric: the phone, throw it in the drawer. martha: that's do it. eric: you know how to be happy? hostess cupcakes and lucky charms. martha: that too. eric: there are new calls at the white house to try to bring home a u.s. marine who is jailed in mexico. sergeant andrew tahmooressi miss ad turn and wound up in mexico. lieutenant colonel oliver north spoke about that emotional issue last night.
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>> sergeant tam morici is may be the only person that the obama administration kept from entering the united states from mexico. he is suffering posttraumatic brain injury and post-trauma stress from combat. get this young man back home and into some kind of treatment. eric: how can the government get him back home? joining us captain chuck nash, retired u.s. navy captain and fox news military analyst. captain nash, always great to see you. >> nice to be with you, eric. eric: under these circumstances repeat cases from our neighbor from the south and arrests and holds some of our marines. >> you're right. this is the not first time this will happen. people get confused with all the hustle and bustle on the border and crossed over into mexico. in this case the sergeant was carrying some firearms which he is legally able to own here in the united states but it is a problem in mexico. the real issue comes down to the state department, we've got people flying all over the world
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requiring to solve the insolvable problems and here's a solvable problem on our border with an ally, one guy in jail. how can we expect anybody to deal it with the iranian nuclear issue or palestinian-israeli problem if we can't get one guy out of jail? it's a little silly. eric: down there the last marine that was held, john hammer, was in prison for four months. there was public outcry to get him out. what can people do? what should our government do. we're looking at john hammer, he was chained. look at that, he is chained to a bench, sitting all alone in a mexican prison. what can the government do and what should the white house do to get this current situation resolved? >> this is something the attorney general in mexico city can dismiss these charges and that young man could be home within 24 to 48 hours, if they want to do that. if the state department does not have enough leverage with mexico after we're releasing mexicans who came into this country
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illegally, committed crimes, and now they're being given defacto amnesty because they're being put out on the streets, i think the secretary of state ought to pick up the phone and call someone in mexico and say, we want our guy back. let's go. this is not hard. eric: there is also a website, apparently, on the white house website they have something like 20,000 signatures. why do they need 100,000 before they supposedly act? >> you know we're into hashtag diplomacy. all of these other things that makes people feel good like they're doing something. what you're really seeing in this case is outrage and disgust and people are really angry that the united states of america has one guy in a mexican jail and we can't get him out? this is insane. eric: he is there two months with no sign yet of many being released. hopefully it will happen. captain chuck nash, always good to see you. thank you. >> you bet, eric. eric: martha. martha: an actor known for his role as a police officer is in
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real trouble with the law today after his wife is found dead in their home. eric: is the scandal that has been rocking the va raising new concerns about what could happen under obamacare? is the handling of our veterans health a preview what the rest of us can expect in the years to come? >> this is a purely government-run service. doctors are on salary. they have zero incentive to see a lot of patients. captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious.
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martha: we are back with this fox news alert this morning because hollywood is being rocked by a real-life murder case today. the michael jace, who you have seen on, he played a policeman on the tv show "the shield," hugely popular show was questioned by the police early this morning. they say his wife april was found shot to death inside of their home and reports are that he made the call to the police. william la jeunesse is live with the latest and all of this story for us, good morning, william, what have you got? >> reporter: well, martha the police got called to the couple's home last night 8:30 in the nighttime, an area of los angeles called hyde park. there were several 911 calls. reportedly jace called them as well. they questioned him, put him in handcuffs and detained him early this morning. detectives say contrary to some other reports, moments ago they say he has not been charged with murder. the investigation is ongoing. jace is 54. april was 40. he has appeared as you said in
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episodes of "the shield" and south land, csi, private practice, mentalist, and "nypd blue." he movie credits include "planet of the apes" and "state of play." police are there with a search warrant. this is their second marriage. they were married nine years and they have two children reportedly at home at the time of the shooting. martha? martha: tragedy, no matter what the story is here. thank you very much, william. eric: nightmare we're witnessing at the va not raising so many questions about how the government treats health of our veterans but some critics are warning this scandal could be a sign of what the rest of us could expect under obamacare. >> you have to compete to make a living. then you have incentive to produce. you are paid on a salary, you don't. that works for health care. that works for the making of
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seem epmeant. that is the reason why the soviet union seem meant economy was -- cement. we have a robust market in cement as a result. in in those publicly-run systems you get tremendous inefficiency. >> a lot of people are trying to figure out ways to persuade people this isn't going to work, no matter how big anybody's heart is, no matter how much they care. here is a microcosm of what obamacare is going to be if it is fully implemented. >> the problems are enormous because what we're doing as a nation is continuing to grow the government, continuing to grow the bureaucracy. eric: are the problems really a preview? marianne marsh, former advisor to secretary of state john kerry, and democratic strategist. ed rollins was campaign manager for rage-bush in 1984.
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good morning. let me start with you, the va health care system is government health care. while some vets are satisfied, these other cases are so horrendous and unforgivable. could this be what you like under obamacare? >> you to separate the two. first we have to take care of va. we have obligations to our veterans. we have a voluntary military. part of the whole drill was to take care of those who serve our country and went through a long period of war, 13 years. well will have 100 thousands men and women come back with serious head injuries. whatever it takes bipartisanly we need to fix this thing. relative to being connected with obamacare, the problem with obamacare is didn't do anything to reduce the cost. it added more coverage and but wasn't any guaranty there would be more medical services available. i think danger here, two programs, medicaid, medicare will be overwhelmed by new additions particularly medicare, i mean medicaid and medicare is obviously where they're taking
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substantial amount of money to pay for obamacare. i think both of those systems will suffer long-term. eric: mary anne, do you think the civil will be overwhelmed because of this. >> i think it is already on va side. it is issue of supply and demand. you have enormous amount of veterans come home from irrake and afghanistan wars who need services and no plans or resources were dedicated to take care of them just like the wars themselves. now unfortunately the very people who paid the price to defend our country are paying the price once begin. that is unacceptable. so the va needs more resources. they need more physicians more than anything else and that is what has to be addressed. the difference between the affordable care act and the va is the affordable care act provides services through private insurance companies and the physicians affiliated with them. the va is a public sector medical system for veterans. big difference there. you can't compare the two. eric: what about the situation, we have a lot of people being pushed into medicaid and medicare and government-run system? >> the president promise, there was a big disaster at
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walter reed in 2007. big exposure of terrible care and this is right before president came into office. he promised he would fix the system, the va system, particularly and make it very effective, another broken promise. bottom line we don't know what obamacare is going to go except we didn't do anything to reduce the cost. i think at end of the day here you will overload systems already strained and i think at the end of the day, lots of problems. eric: mary anne, ed, let's look at some facts of government-run health care systems in canada. for example, they talk about 18 months wait in the va system. you got four 1/2 months just to see a specialist. 18.2 weeks, up 95% since '93 in canada. in england, more than two months, 9.5 weeks to see a specialist. if you want to see a specialist in four weeks, canada it is 39%. france is 51%. so i mean, mary anne, it seems when government takes it over, get nothing but problems. >> i think that, you don't need
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to look to other countries. look to mass pass where we have romney cay. we had it for years. the fact people are getting care, 95% plus of all, everyone in massachusetts has coverage and now we're working to reduce the cost. so you have to do this in stages. it is not all going to happen at once. it is not all going to happen at once and overnight. that is exactly what is happening. costs are starting to come down. eric: why does that supposedly work when we're having issues with the va? >> the va had issues long before obama bush was president. stipping point came when we went into two wars we should have never been in and didn't plan for the veterans. that is huge problem. at the very same time when people, soldiers from the first iraq war in vietnam are getting older. so across the board there is shortage of physicians. we see that more than any place else in the va. so i agree with ed, a bipartisan agreement by republicans and democrats to devote theresource,
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to make sure every soldier gets every service they need because they have served our country just like the soldiers from previous wars and done never had to worry about. eric: ed, last word, mary anne talks about great numbers of new patients. we'll get this coming up in obamacare. >> certainly are. there is doctor shortage. everybody admits there is 18,000 primary doctor shortage today. there was no preparation. with expanded coverage you can argue whether that is good, bad or indifferent, every single person with health care will be affected by obamacare. waiting periods will be longer. rich will do fine but poor and middle class will suffer immeasureably, ed, mary anne, america wants this fixed. martha? martha: watching markets this morning. take a look how things are going. investors reacting after several days of only modest gains. we'll keep an eye what is going on. down 34 for the dow jones industrials and we will watch the markets throughout the day.
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eric: okay, get this, ever take a morning run? look at one morning run, a terrifying turn for one woman. what happened when she went out for her jog and growsed paths with a mama grizzly bear and her two cubs. controversy -- martha: controversy brewing over the gift shop at the 9/11 museum. so many families sharing their outrage. why one man who says he lost a loved one, that day, this is not such a bad thing he believes. he will tell us why. >> i think it is it being kay and insult to the people and i think it's a national disgrace. >> we want our grandchildren to remember. if there is something from a memorial shop we can take home to remind them, i don't have a problem with the merchandising of it at all. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people.
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms...
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martha: national 9/11 museum is set to open its doors to the public tomorrow at ground zero but the museum is also faced a lot of controversy really over all the years they have been planning it but the latest one is about the gift shop because some of the victims families think it is disrespectful to sell things like hoodies and caps and other items at that tragic memorial site. now another family member is calling the outrage a bit overblown and coming out in support of this idea. joe connor, lost his cousin, steve, on september the 11th. he also has a rare distinction of having lost his dad when he was just a little boy. his father was killed in the
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little-known, little-remembered 1975 bombing that happened at the downtown manhattan which is a landmark tavern. great to have you here. >> great to be here. martha: we were talking about there is memorial to your dad in a park in new jersey i used to run into all the time. i think i ran into your mom, because i remember meeting a woman there who told me the whole story. my heart goes out to your family. you've had too much tragedy. very positive people. >> thank you. >> i commend you for that. >> thank you, martha. martha: you're a great family. why do you think it is okay that they're selling this stuff down there? >> the museum, first of all the museum is mag any of sent and it is -- magnificent and cavernous and attribute not only to that date but each individual that died. they were able to combine the individual to the event and it is pretty incredible they have done it. they have bills to pay. there is $60 million budget. if you go to other places like pearl harbor, arlington
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cemetery, the holocaust museum, antietem, gettysburg, they all have gift shops. my wife's a teacher when, she goes to these places and buys books and brings them in and educates students about them. it is not, not like going to disney where they funnel you through a exist shop. martha: right. >> we were there on saturday. i saw it out of the corner of my eye, didn't think twice about it. they don't force you to go through there. from what i know it is tate fully done. people want to honor those who were killed by bringing something home and i think it is the world trade center. trade, commerce, that's what the buildings were built on and i think it is perfectly appropriate. martha: i feel like every time i drive by a car that has a bumper sticker that says 9/11, never forget which they bought somewhere, it reminds me. and i think it's important to remember. and for kids, i will take my kids down in the coming weeks because i think it is so important for them to understand what happened. most of them were very young
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when this happened. and they need to know what happened. >> totally. i witnessed it too. i commuted through there. my kids are now, frank is 16. kathleen is 15. so they were little. they came down there with us. i think they were a little shocked. it was a little intense at certain points. they got to understand what happened that day. it is not abstract anymore. they really felt it. and, you could see the change in them. so, i think it was very healthy. we've debated a bit about it but they needed to know what i saw and what people went through and how steve died. it was very important then. i think it is really done well. i can't stress that enough. martha: i, hard to say looking forward to it but i think its important. i think we just had a picture of steve, your cousin, who you lost on that day. >> yeah. martha: we mentioned your dad. so your family has been hit twice by unbelievable terrorist actions in this city. >> absolutely in the city. the one thing, as a 9/11 family
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member and fra "ncis," people may not know what it was and that is kind of the point. the 9/11 family members have astounding beautiful tribute to their loved ones. it didn't have to be that way. in my family, with my dad it didn't happen that way. i think they have done it right with this museum. go there. it's really amazing place. martha: four people, 1975, the tavern, faln, exploded. >> he was 33 years old. >> thank you, joe. >> anytime, martha. thanks. martha: eric? eric: joe, thank you so much. one year ago today, a deadly tornado hit the town of moore, oklahoma. wow, look at that. 24 people were killed on that horrible day. seven of those fatalities were kids at a school.
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>> oh, my god. >> this is not good. please, dear god, please keep these people safe. eric: wow, look at those devastating pictures from one year ago today. when the e-5 tornado ripped through moore, oklahoma and killed 20 people including seven children hiding inside of an elementary school. it is one year later. the new build something still under construction. the school administrators are working hard to make sure
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students there feel safe. casey stiegel live at the school in moore, oklahoma. casey, how is the community doing? >> reporter: eric, as you know we were here last year when this tornado blew through. one year ago to the day, still you can imagine a awful lot of scars, both emotional and physical. behind me is the school you speak of, the new plaza towers elementary school. it has been rebuilt brick by brick. construction still underway. it will be ready to open for the next school year but, this was also the site of horror, where seven third-graders lost their lives when that ef-5 tornado came through here, tearing the building to sleds. nine-year-old christopher legg was among those who never came home. his mother dani describes what the last 12 months have been like. >> part of you just died. when a mom has a child and a part of them, part of their
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heart and a part of them. >> reporter: that day the legg family their home. they have two other children. eric, they have been living in a rental house until they decide where to rebuild here. eric: america's hearts go out to those people today, certainly. casey, the previous school, where they were killed, that school had no shelter? >> reporter: right, it did not. parents like dani legg in the last year really felt their children stood a better chance of surviving had there been a storm shelter installed. so really in the last 12 months there has been this giant campaign launched across the state, called shelter okeechobee home to -- oklahoma, in an effort to get all 1800 public schools in this state equipped with shelters. it is very costly. this is litigious issue how to pay for them because they are in the millions, eric. eric: casey in moore, oklahoma.
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casey, thank you. martha: the white house is saying it first heard about the va scandal from news reports but they were reportedly briefed on these issues very specifically all the way back to 2008. so which is true? that's next. ameriprise asked pee a simple question: can you keep your lifestyle in retirement? i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last. i try not to worry, but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop?
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martha: so after weeks of reports, whistleblowers, congressional testimony, there is still no update from president obama on the care that our veterans are getting or not getting in our va health system, so when will we hear from president obama on this as we welcome you, everybody, to a brand new hour on this tuesday morning of "america's newsroom," i'm martha maccallum. eric: i'm eric shawn in for bill hemmer. now they're forced to speak for themselves and expose the alleged corruption that's been going on at the veterans administration, reportedly for years now. our chief white house correspondent ed henry asked white house press secretary jay carney why nothing, apparently,
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has been done. >> if you're warned about it in the transition, wouldn't you do something about it in 2009, 2010 -- >> absolutely. which is that we asked for and received from congress significant increases in the veterans affairs budget -- >> threw more money at it. >> no, no, no. >> that's not getting to the veterans. >> that's simply not the case. you have more veterans being served through health centers around the country. martha: ed henry joins us now from the white house. as we said, the president, we have not heard from him in a while on this issue, and now he's getting criticism from his own party on this matter, right? >> interesting. yes. it was april 28th in manila, he had a news conference. after the phoenix scandal had erupted, 40 people allegedly died while waiting for care at that va hospital in arizona, what's significant is so much has happened since april 28th. and in fairness, sure, jay carney's been out there. eric shinseki last week testified before the hill. he took a lot of questions, then
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he had a news conference after that. but the commander in chief has not spoken out now in nearly a month, and as you noted, democrat tammy duckworth, who's got some real credentials here, she's a wounded veteran herself, used to serve at the va, now in congress, a democrat from yale, look -- from illinois, look, she credits mrs. obama, mrs. biden for doing a lot more military families, but she says, quote: i think he's relied on secretary shinseki, but we could use his personal attention at point. so when you have not just republicans, but now some prominent democrats, that's going to resonate here at the white house and puts a lot of political pressure on them. martha: we heard from the president's chief of staff. he said the president's madder than hell about this. he said he had been, basically, beaten up for talking to the president about it because he was so angry. and it just doesn't seem to be translating into his public stance on this, and the big
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question, eric shinseki, does he deserve to be fired, and will the president speak out about that? >> well, right. they say the president's madder than hell. if he is, where is he? why is he not expressing that in public? that's obviously a question now democrats are asking. i also asked jay carney yesterday after jay listed all the great things he says the administration's done in terms of giving more money to the veterans administration, for example, i said, well, if it's gone well, why isn't the president madder than hell? finally, i would point out that when you asked about shinseki and accountability, remember on friday robert petzel, the undersecretary of health, we were told, was being pushed out. sounded like an interesting move towards accountability. then a few minutes later it turns out he had already announced he was going to retire way back in september. so yesterday jay carney yesterday seven times, we counted it, seven times cited the american legion, a very prominent and important group in
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all of this, and said they had base -- basically hailed this decision. wait a second, we initially said it was a good move, then we learned he was retiring anyway, and the american legion said this is business as usual. so the white house is citing a group that's actually, a, said that the petzel move is not accountability, and, b, the american legion is also calling for shinseki to be fired or to resign. martha: yeah. there's a lot of pressure on that decision. and we'll see what the president does. ed, thank you very much. >> good to see you. eric: so, martha, how did the eric: so find out about thise growing scandal? the whistle was first blown on the phoenix va last month, that made headlines, and the white house saying the president only learned about this by hearing and reading about it on the news. but you know in 2008 there was that warning from the transition team warning the president and his team himself, and the president even promised to fix the va health care system five years ago. so what's up with all this? joining us is bob cusack,
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managing editor of "the hill." bob, is there a pattern where the president sits behind the desk and goes, i don't know. i see it on tv? >> this is a problem, and, obviously, the administration has not handled in the right way. problems at the va have spanned multiple administrations, but the fact that they were briefed on this. more importantly, i think, is what ed henry was reporting on. this is crisis management 101. when there's a major scandal, you've got to get the president out there. not the white house chief of staff, not the white house press secretary and address it. and that's why democrats are getting nervous that this white house is not on top of this issue. and it is awkward for this white house because michelle obama has done so much for military veterans. and these veterans groups, they're not partisan groups. they don't call for the heads of the va to resign on a regular basis. it's extremely rare. so whether it's pushing out the number two but not really because he was retiring, i think you're going to see the white house in the next several days
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address this and address it directly by getting the president out there and reassuring democrats on capitol hill. eric: has the president, do you think, not been out there? look, he made promises years ago, and the number one question is why wasn't this fixed? >> yeah. i mean, the president cannot know of every problem in his administration, all the different agencies and departments. but at the same time, accountability is when you -- there is a problem, what do you do to fix it? now, some want shinseki's head, they want him to resign. will that solve the problem? it's debatable. but at the same time, you have to look at and address the issues. you've got to be a hands-on fixer of this which the president did promise on the campaign trail. and this is such a vulnerable position for the white house to make the case as jay carney was, well, we've gotten more money, but defending the status quo, you can't defend the status quo when you have 40 people dying because they had to wait for medical care. that's a very awkward position
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for the white house, and that's why i think the president himself needs to address this with the american people, and that's what the veteran groups are demanding. eric: and finally, quickly, does this get to the way the white house manages the government as an executive function? we saw the problems with obamacare. >> well, listen, if you talk to democrats on capitol hill privately, they are very upset with the lack of energy that they see from this white house, and this is an example where you have a problem, and they're not seeing the proper response. whether it's on this or other controversies, the web site, they have been dismayed. and who's going to pay the price in november? it's not going to be the president, at least not directly. it's going to be democrats who are in tough races because the president's not going to be on the ballot again. eric: the allegations are growing, and we are still waiting for the president of the united states to speak out about that. bob cusack, thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks. ♪ ♪ martha: so republicans are getting the select committee on benghazi together. they've got seven republicans who are onboard so far. one big question still remains
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though, how many democrats are going to participate many this select committee? they've got five available spots if they choose to use them. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill this morning. mike, what options dot democrats have -- do the democrats have here? >> reporter: they're weighing those options whether they're going to participate a little bit, perhaps naming one member, five members or perhaps somewhere in between or sitting it out altogether. i've been talking to some sources close to this benghazi select committee, they say they are getting the republican members up to speed on existing information. they say they are also hiring staff. and so they say a lot of this information, a lot of the work will be done outside of the hearing setting, so it's not a entirely clear when they will begin hearings related to this benghazi select committee. they insist while the democrats are trying to figure out what their play will be, they are not just sitting around waiting for them, and it'll be interesting to see, we expect to hear from
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house gop leadership in a matter of moments, it'll be with interesting to see if they say anything related to this select committee coming up, martha. martha: yeah. and democrats also meeting this morning. do we know what they're talking about? >> we know that white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough is meeting with house democrats, including the defense bill. i was told by a source that the benghazi select committee could also come up. house democratic leader nancy pelosi was, we talked to her last night. she said she had not made up her mind about what the house democrats would do. again, it could be one member she could name, she could name all five, or she could decide to sit it out. she told our sources, essentially, she wanted to speak with house speaker john boehner before announcing her move. martha? martha: thank you, mike. eric: well, they were sprung from prison, like it or not. now one congressman is calling it the biggest prison break in history. he says the only problem with it, though, is that the obama
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administration is at fault. coming up, texas republican congressman lamar smith will be here live on that release of 36,000 illegal immigrants, many of them violent criminals. martha: also china threatening to retaliate after the united states takes unprecedented action against these foreign criminals. why judge napolitano says that the move may be a diversionary tactic by the justice department. coming up. eric: and we'll have some incredible video. take a look at that. it looks like a movie, but that's real. why these so-called supercell thunderstorms are extremely dangerous. ♪ ♪ passion...
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became your business. at&t can help simplify how you manage it. so you can focus on what you love most. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. eric: okay, so this is why you read te safety card. passengers forced to evacuate a plane in arizona over a foul smell that was in the cockpit. the allegiant airlines plane was taxiing at an airport in mesa when the pilot noticed a chemical smell nearby. >> the pilot yelled evacuate, evacuate. and so we pulled the door, push open the door. i actually almost jumped out of the plane before the slide ejected because i didn't know
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what else to do. but then, you know, all the exits were opened, and everyone started evacuating. eric: well, they did what they were told to do. 162 passengers got out safely though six were injured. each passenger, however, offered a $100 voucher by the airline. the faa is now investigating what may have caused that strange smell. martha: it's being called the worst prison break in u.s. history, that is what one lawmaker has labeled this release of 36,000 illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes including murder, assault, kidnapping, sexual assault and drunk driving among those who have been released. many went on to commit more crimes after they were released while they were awaiting deportation. others simply slipped away and disappeared never to be heard from again. critics are blaming president obama's lax immigration policies, they say. our next guest is among them. he's been shining a spotlight on this situation. texas congressman lamar smith is
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a republican, and he is a member of the homeland security committee. congressman, welcome. good to have you here today. >> martha, thanks for your interest. martha: well, we covered this story when it first broke, and i know that you have been very instrumental in bringing it to the forefront. what are you -- just describe for those folks at home who may not know, what happened heresome. >> well, there's really no good explanation. as you say, 36,000 criminal aliens released back out onto the streets, back into our communities, and this didn't need to happen. maybe a few of the administration needed to hold on to or release, but the vast majority here were called discretionary releases. the administration did not have to release them, they should have detained them or sent them back to their home countries, and they did neither. i think they have to take responsibility for any of the additional crimes these individuals have committed. and those 36,000 individuals had already been convicted of 88,000 crimes; murders, sexual assault, kidnapping, thousands of drug charges and so forth. there is no good reason for them
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to have been released back into our neighborhoods. martha: so what do you think's going on here with the administration? because early on the administration took credit for, they said that they were deporting more illegals than prior administrations, and they touted their record on that. >> right. martha: but now they're talking about an executive order to change the secure communities rules and, basically, make it easier for illegal immigrants to stay here. >> right. yeah, the administration's trying to have it both ways. ap, and they want to appear to be lenient. the problem with being lax or lenient is that simply attracts more individuals to come into the country illegally, and when they start releasing 36,000 illegal criminals back out onto the streets, that sundays exactly the wrong message -- sends exactly the wrong message, in my view. they claim to have a record number of convictions, they are double counting as no other administration has done. actual deportations are down 40% under this administration. clearly, they're not enforcing
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immigration laws, and they're trying to make up immigration laws through executive orders, none of which is good for the american people because it endangers the lives of innocent americans. martha: well, you know, a lot of people think there's political reasons for this, that they are catering in some ways to those who might want to see more lax treatment of illegal immigrants, and also that they put john boehner in a difficult position because he says he wants to see real immigration reform in this country. what do you think about all that? >> well, what the administration is really doing by not enforcing immigration laws and by releasing these thousands of individuals, tens of thousands of individuals back in our neighborhoods, what they're really telegraphing is you can't trust us. and that's our view as well. we cannot trust this administration to enforce the current laws, how can we possibly trust them to enforce future immigration laws? so we can't trust the administration, we're simply either, there's simply no reason to pass additional laws until we can. martha: all right, thank you very much, congressman lamar smith. good to hear your viewpoint.
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eric: martha, well, the va scandal is just the latest. >> he acts as if, and this is the same with the irs, with the obamacare launch, as if he stumbled upon the presidency and discovered all this horrible stuff is happening. eric: well, do you think the president doesn't have control of his administration? and what can be done to try and make things right? arkansas march and you may want to dance carefully when you celebrate in that end zone. you might trigger a sink hole. boy, that is a long way down. oh, my. we'll be right back. olks think t what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country,
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appeared near the end zone. looks a lot deeper -- oh, it is. now it's about 40 feet wide because they were trying to reach a stable base, and then they're going to fill it back up with rocks and concrete, and then they'll put down a new surface, and then it'll be okay to go out there again. eric: hope they, they -- hopefully, they didn't spike the football. [laughter] take a look at this video because it looks like the beginning of the end. this is shot by storm chasers in wyoming. the time lapse video capturing the formation of what's called a supercell thunderstorm. maria molina is in the fox news weather center with the very latest. first of all, what is it, and how do we avoid it? [laughter] >> reporter: hi, eric, good to see you. hello, everybody. that's right, a supercell thunderstorm that you're seeing on your screen, very ominous. and this is, this can happen anywhere in the world, but it does tend to happen the most across parts of tornado alley, so in the central united states. and the reason for that, we have the topography in place that is
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very favorable for these storms to form. you have the very warm and humid gulf of mexico pumping up that humid air northward across the plains states, and then you have the rockies to the west, and that produces dry air. and when these air masses meet, that's where you get these very unique-looking thunderstorms. and the most simplest term or the most simplest way to explain a supercell thunderstorm is just a rotating thunderstorm. just like any other thunderstorm, but much more organized, much more powerful, and these storms are known to produce things like strong winds, possibly in excess of 60 miles per hour, very large hail and tornadoes. again, tornado alley, we tend to see a lot of these supercell storms. they can also produce flooding, dangerous lightning and also very heavy rain. there are three different types of supercells, by the way. this one looks like something called a low precipitation type or an lp supercell. the other types are high precipitation, that's where you
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can get some flooding, or just a classic supercell. very scary to see that across your area rolling through. you know that that has to have some kind of severe thunderstorm warning if not a tornado warning with it. there is a chance today that we could be seeing some more of these supercell storms or severe weather across parts of the midwest and also in the plains, states like ohio, indiana, illinois and even cities like chicago, also columbus, ohio. you could be seeing some severe storms this afternoon and also this evening. and then take a look at wednesday, more of the same areas potentially looking at severe weather out here from ohio to illinois, parking lots of -- parts of missouri and the plains states. today looking like we could see more severe storms, eric. make sure to heed those warnings across those areas. eric: wow, totally chilling but, luckily, we have folks like you, march, who can warn us -- maria, who can warn us. >> thank you. martha: china has now issued a warning to washington to back
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off on the criminal charges of espionage. judge andrew napolitano with more on this unusual legal strategy and the the political fallout. eric: and veterans launch a new web site to expose alleged corruption at the veterans administration. will this all now get even bigger? >> like any business, any administration, there's decision trees and chains of command, so i started sending my messages verbally and then written up my chain of command, and ultimately -- it became real clear real quick they didn't want to hear. 0
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>> moments ago the g.o.p. leadership wrapped up their weekly news conference. eric cantor says it is time to take action with the scandal at the veterans affairs hospital adding he was troubled about when the president said he found out about the scandal and he read about it in the news report. here is eric cantor moments ago. watch. >> i will tell you, i am disturbed by statement out of the white house that say the president heard about this in the news. it is time for our president to come forward and it take responsibility for this and do the right thing by these veterans and begin to show that he actually cares about getting this straight. >> the chief of staff for the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america, he joins us now. thank you very much for being here today.
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what you think about what eric cantor had to say? the white house is saying a lot of this that has come out, they are just learning of an investigation going on. speak out we feel very much like our 300,000 members and supporters. outraged, it is hard to believe we don't have better management control systems to circle that information up higher and eventually to the president. it is inexcusable. finding out by news reports. >> we have been covering stories like this for the past 10 years at least. and you folks at your organization have been talking about it, screaming from the mountaintop there are veterans despite the fact there is so much discussion of taking care of the veterans, we know the first lady has done a lot of work with veteran families. this smacks not really caring about the actual reality of what is going on in these hospitals.
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>> this is not a new story. it is actually worse than we thought before. we have not had a lot of action. vietnam veterans will play the same problem they were seeing four decades ago. they owe more to their veterans than what they are currently providing. >> you open a website to encourage whistleblowers and who have stories of their own to share that. what kind of response have you gotten, and what do you plan to do with that information? >> the website has been open for little over a week. 200 folks came forward, some whistleblowers, some with their own interactions with the va. they had to form this website because we have seen too many reports of folks coming forward in the system with accusations of something going wrong and being placed on administrative
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leave and not actually solving that problem. martha: a lot of people want the president to speak out, but that is only one part of it. if he says he is mad as hell, what do you want to happen next? >> the secretary, i don't think he has done that at this point. to say the president is mad is one thing but not the same as the person who put the veterans in harms way and saying truthfully i am very angry, we will fix this and here's the plan of how we are going to do with. the first step is public acknowledgment. the second step is being up for a vote this week and sent a detailed plan of how to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. >> what do you think should happen with eric shinseki? >> we are very member driven
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organization. now is the time for bold action anever count the days until we e a plan. >> are worried if he steps down, there will be like this is done? >> this should not be politicized or for scapegoating. we are calling on the president to make sure that happens. >> thank you for your service, thank you for being here today. good luck. >> thank you. >> things are really heating up with china. beijing threatening retaliation at the u.s. accused five military officers of hacking american companies to steal trade secrets. the first time we have filed criminal charges against the foreign government for economic espionage. chinchina is responding by summg our u.s. ambassador max baucus and accuse us of this, they say the days states is twisting reality, using the excuse of internet hacking to indict five
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military officials. already requested to correct the error and implement legal procedures. janet napolitano. if they are stealing us, throwing the key away. >> we don't have an extradition treaty with china and no way these folks will voluntarily come here. there are two ways to look at this, one is it is about time the federal government did something. it has been going on for too long and our corporation where they are exposing the chinese government is exposing their secrets. the other way to look at is this will provoke a response on the way to china. when the chinese government indicts americans, they only indict americans in china who won't be able to escape the realities of the oppression and grossly unfair chinese judicial system such as it is. so what will be accomplished by
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this indictment? the most of what will happen with extension of lawyers representing these defendants, a paper conviction. we cannot going to china and kidnap them and for them to stand trial. this will not even put any money in the pockets of the corporations that had been victimized by this. eric: are you saying they will pull out the macisaac is innocent business people in handcuffs? >> it would not surprise me, they have a trading implement with which they can trade against u.s. government for dismissal of the indictment. this is the first time in modern history the government has indicted officials of a foreign military for industrial espionage. these computers that were hacked were not government computers,
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these were computers of private industry. what should private industry do? when google was half, when facebook was high, what did they do? they went out and defeated the hackers, they put in firewalls and procedures so the hacking could not be done. you know who it was that caused the firewalls? the same federal government was prosecuting the chinese military officials. eric: judge, finally why is it so significant? we have done it for years, and they apparently have this unit in shanghai, they say it is a 12 story building to steal stuff from u.s. steel and even the steelworkers union. here are the five accused government workers. why did we do it now if as you say it is a potential danger for american business? >> a cynical reason is the obama
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administration wants to get its scandals. innocent human beings died because of the government's incompetence off the front page. there may be some intelligence reason for doing it now. if you look at the chinese government's response, is basically you know who is spying on you, we know who is spying on us, we are both spying on each other. indicting the four low-level people. these are not chinese admirals of directors of intelligence, these are the people actually working the computers. guess who is in beijing today. vladimir putin. eric: thank you. >> a pleasure, eric. martha: critics slamming president obama's lack of reaction so far to the va scandal. addressing into how he addressed
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other issues, so is there a pattern to this? we will debate that coming up. eric: if you could ask anybody to the prom, who would it be? george clooney, david beckham? this girl wants the vice president. >> she started saying things like only if joe biden would take me. so she wrote him a b at okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™. captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. [ bottle ] ensure®. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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♪ eric: for four decades you could have it your way at burger king. guess what, that famous slogan will be no more. the chain is retiring it in favor of the new slogan, "be your way." the new motto is intended to have an emotional appeal to live how they want. but still lineup for the whopper. martha: so, charles is now calling out the white house and the va scandal saying this is another example of president obama appearing to be stunned in the face of difficulty. >> he asked as if he is dropping with all the other scandals with the obamacare launch as if he stumbled upon the presidency and discovered all this horrible stuff is happening.
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he is in charge of these departments, at some point you have to ask where has he been and where is the competence but he promised when he ran in 2008? martha: nation waits for president obama to take action where the va is concerned, but critics are looking back at other instances where the president promised he would get to the bottom of a couple of other big scandals of the administration. president obama: make no mistake, we will work with the libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people. if you have the irs operating in anything less than a neutral and nonpartisan way, that is outrageous, it is contrary to our traditions. martha: obviously neither of those influences have seen anyone held accountable for what happened in them. we are joined now by debri davib
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and the screen. both are fox news contributors. are you dissatisfied with what you have seen so far from the president on this particular scandal with the va? >> good morning, martha. it is no secret back in 2008 i said many times that president obama didn't have the experience as then senator and as a surrogate for hillary clinton wanted her in that position. six years in, there is no better person, no one more experienced in what is to deal with these issues area did i think like any ceo or any leader, we need him to gets to the facts before just going off the cuff and speaking out about this, and that is what he is doing. everyone who is involved in this, everyone who participated in this needs to be punished,
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needs to be prosecuted. it is a bipartisan approach, there shouldn't be specifically about president obama because we have to keep in mind if you want something, you will have to pay for it and republican/two va funding. martha: we heard they don't think this is a money problem. they heard they have put more money into the va, and the money is not solving the problem. what is happening if there is a bureaucracy swallowing the money up at it is not getting where it needs to go according to what the veterans are telling us and anybody who will listen in this case. i want to take a look at the larger suggestion here, and david, i want to bring you in on this. i want to ask you both. and this is fair analogy. if you look at what the president gets fired up about and speaks out very quickly, there are a couple of instances
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where he did just that. the beer summit, fave on martin, and the president was mad and he spoke out, these apparently madder than hell about this as well but we have not seen any action thus far. >> martha, and ask americans to pause and take a breath a moment before arguing about this. we just saw them throw obama under the bus, so at least we know who she will support of the upcoming cycle. there is the difference, the president is the commander in chief of the u.s. armed forces. the va serves our servicemembers and our veterans. the president speaks off-the-cuff, but they acted stupidly. here where he actually is the boss, the commander in chief, he
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fails to act not for a week, but for longer and in fact they were notified by the bush administration, and this problem is bipartisan failure. it goes back to 2001 in the latest iteration of the scandals and waiting list. what we have is a failure by this president to act and do anything. there are lies on the line when it comes to what is going on in the va. we have a system where a director can leave washington state after lying about suicide rates, and now talk about replacing finished with a former boss out of illinois. martha: understood. what is your response, jim? >> i hope david wouldn't outsmart his common sense. that when the media asks president obama about martin, donald sterling, the beer summit, he responded to it, but because he is commander in
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chief, because the scandal is a direct report in a sense to the white house, we need a leader who is going to get to the bottom of the facts before speaking off-the-cuff. there is action being taken. hold on, david. martha: what action has been taken? >> we know since this came out of the administration has put a lot of resources, people on the ground to get to the bottom of this. i don't want a president just coming off of the cuff when we have veterans lives on the line. they deserve a president who will speak from fact. not just because he was asked a question off-the-cuff. martha: i will give david the last word. >> this is important.
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let's look at this so-called resignation under the secretary, this is somebody who was about to leave in two weeks, and he resigns. that is not accountability. the problem is we have a disconnected president, disconnected administration who prefers to tweet out a picture yesterday of him running vigorously with joe biden to a meeting versus sitting down and reading the presidential briefing, he updates from the cap anent. he finds out in the press was going on in american lives of hundreds of thousands are affected, it is ridiculous. martha: thank you. eric: for look out what is happening on "happening now," let's go to jon scott. jon: a tool to track down usama bin laden, why the white house's stop in a the cia used to help find him.
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not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. eric: tractor-trailers dominate the highways. but they also moved technology, not only automate big rigs but they make the roads safer the same time. live in sacramento with more on this, automate the trucks? no more truck drivers?
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>reporter: sort of, eric. the trucking industry does base two big challenges it is in the high accidents and lowering fuel cost. this tackles both those problems in a way that will make you look twice. two somewha semi trucks barrelin the highway. in this demonstration, the truck in the back is controlled almost entirely by the one in front. >> the accelerating and breaking our done by the front truck. reporter: it lets the driver see the road ahead while in the front at a rate of centers can spot 800 feet ahead and react instantly. >> it seems like it is simultaneously raking. this really a hundred for a second. reporter: they hope to
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dramatically reduce big rig crashes that cost 3000 deaths per year. and by having them travel in aerodynamic platoons both trucks become more efficient. the typical long-haul truck could see fuel cost savings of up to $10,000 per year. >> it is potential to transform the profits potentially doubling the profits of certain fleets. reporter: a lot of questions with this, the cost of the technology has not been released, bad weather could interfere with systems and new regulations may be called for when 18 wheelers are essentially tailgating at 75 miles per hour. still, the wireless platooning could be a game-changer and expected to roll domination highways by the end of next year. eric: that is fascinating. martha: police arrested michael jace on suspicion of murder after his wife is shot to death
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martha: busy morning, eric. good to have you in this week. >> thank you for having me. martha: "happening now" starts right about now. we'll see you back here tomorrow. jon: we begin with a fox news alert. we're following fast-moving developments in libya as the pentagon prepares for a possible evacuation of the u.s. embassy in tripoli. good morning i'm jon scott. >> i'm julie banderas in for jenna lee today. officials tell fox news that marines and planes are positioned positioned positioned in it tall lay after fierce fighting sweeps across the city. jon: it is spiraling into some of the worst violence that country has seen since the overthrow of muammar qaddafi. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more. jennifer? >> reporter: jon, the pentagon says it has not been asked to begin ecu
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