tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 21, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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however, the goats are still welcome on the beach. a surfing goat. >> they are cute. thought you saw it all until you saw that. have a great day everyone. we'll see you tomorrow morning. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. >> good morning. it is wednesday, may 21. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. the results are in from one of the busiest days in this year's primary calendar, super tuesday. the big winners and some still undecided. a live report on that straight ahead. >> and remember howard the scream dean? >> then we're going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house! >> he just never gets old. now the former presidential candidate and doctor becomes unhinged calling republicans un-american. >> young iranians arrested for being happy.
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♪ because i'm happy ♪ clap along >> the story that will leave you outraged and proud to be an american this morning where you can dance and don't get arrested. mornings, by the way, are better with friends. please smile. >> it's time for "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> good morning, friends. >> nice to see you. >> good morning friend and friend. >> thank you very much. we've got a busy, busy wednesday, and we start with a fox news alert. it was super tuesday leading up to the mid term elections. states held elections yesterday, primaries. >> heather childers joins us to highlight a few of the key ones. >> let's get right to it. in the georgia senate race, businessman david purdue faces a july 22 run-off
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against representative jack kingston. the winner takes on democrat michelle nunn this fall. she used part of her victory speech to take shots at republican lawmakers. listen. >> they don't believe in working together across party lines to get things done, and they're more interested in scoring political points than they are in actually making progress. >> voters in oregon, they have chosen senator jeff americaly -- merckley to represent the democrats and monica ebson. she had this to say on victory night. >> but i do have a message for those national democrats who are willing to shred my family for their own political gain. people are tired of your
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dirty tricks. [applause] >> in arkansas, incumbent democrat mark pryor will defend his senate seat against congressman tom cotton. what was supposed to be one of the marquee races of the night in kentucky, senate g.o.p. leader mitch mcconnell fell to an easy victory against tea party backed businessman mack bebbin. >> heather, thank you very much. >> thank you, heather. >> what's interesting, when you look at the elections heather was detailing, if you watched the mainstream media they tried to turn it into a "titanic" struggle about the tea party versus the republican candidates. ultimately what the voters were looking for was somebody who could win in november. the whole idea is who can, on the republican side, they want to take those votes away from harry reid. >> sure. the double strategy here,
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number one, align the ultimate point in november with president obama. calling them the obama candidate and hope that will turn the tide. the second strategy is to actually have some endurance moving into that election. george wilcot points out that this is more about a double standard. take a look at history. it kind of works out in the end. >> when howard dean ran in 2004, i don't recall people saying, gosh, there's a civil war in the democratic party because howard dean says i represent the democratic wing of the democratic party. the standards are a little different with the republicans, but the republicans are really good at fighting with each other. it's one of the older traditions. in 1912, teddy roosevelt challenges as an independent candidate a republican incumbent president. william howard taft in 1964, goldwater against rockefeller.
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didn't work out well in 1964, but republicans won five of the next six and seven when they combined presidential elections. fighting is not fatal. indeed it shows a certain amount of vigor in the party. >> i thought it was interesting the democrats wanted to say tea party versus traditional republican party. before the election was announced debbie wasserman schultz said it has been a struggle and the tea party has won. now as you come out and you see in almost every case the tea party has lost, you realize too there is going to be a combining of the power. for the republicans to be successful, it has to happen, number one. number two, the tea party organic music which is taxed -- organic movement which is taxed enough already, does anybody disagree when you look at your paycheck? why is it important for democrats to point out that the tea party still is so powerful? >> brian, you've got to feel sorry for debbie
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wasserman schultz because the elections yesterday took away her talking point because over the last couple of months, what have we heard? we've heard them say extremists, koch brothers, tea party. the tea party candidates didn't fare as well as the others, so it took the democrats' talking point away. what's interesting, we had george will refer to howard dean. howard dean was back at it. he was in colorado last week. he was talking to a democratic group, and extraordinarily, this is a new one, kind of a new low even for him, he refers to republicans not as extremists, not as inhumane, but as un-american. >> this country has been sold down the river by the right wing for their own purposes. this is a republican party that has decided they like power so much that they think it's okay to win by taking away the right to vote. they are not american.
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they feel more comfortable in the ukraine for russia. stay away from our country. this is based on a right to vote. >> excuse me, dr. howard dean. name one republican who wants to take away the right to vote. the republicans who viewed that you should be qualified to have the vote, only those who are registered and legitimately can vote, those are the ones who should vote. but take away the right to vote? i don't know anybody who is up to that. >> someone argued too that if you are in favor of someone who doesn't have the right to vote, or voting a number of times, that actually discounts, removes, makes null and void the right to vote of someone who did cast a ballot and voted in election there. i'm going to rate that "r" for ridiculous. what rating do you give that? >> i give it an "n" for nauert. i will say this about howard dean, he's been at hofstra teaching and
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debating with ed rollins. rollins said he seems kind of logical. then you seem howard dean in front of a crowd with a teleprompter in front of him and he seems to get out of control. he seems to get caught up in rhetoric. >> it must be that mic because he wants to go whooo like back in the olden days. brian just mentioned heather nauert. she is in the wings with the latest on the scandal at the veterans administration. >> good morning. we have unfortunate news. new information coming in overnight about the v.a. scandal. we have just learned that the number of hospitals now being investigated has grown to 26. the latest one being added in gainesville, florida. while the white house deputy chief of staff has been sent to phoenix where that substantial really started, there's mounting outrage this morning that president obama's silence on the subject. in the meantime, a new billheads to the house today and it would give
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eric shinseki, the head of the v.a., more authority to get rid of underperforming executives. the operator for japan's destroyed nuclear power plant is now dumping radioactive water into the pacific ocean. the operator at fukashima says the radioactive ground water that he is now releasing is within legal safety limits. he says he has to do this in order to manage the huge amounts of radioactive water built up at that site. the nuclear station was wrecked by that massive earthquake and name in march 2011. hard to imagine that was just over three years ago. secretary of state kerry is in mexico today. he is being urged to do everything he can to get mexico to release a u.s. marine. he has been locked up ever since he accidentally drove into mexico with three legal weapons in his car. congressman hunter says there is a simple way to get him out. listen to this. >> if you're talking to mexico about relations with
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america, obviously detaining young men who take a bad turn and gets stuck there, he ought to help with that. if mexico wants to be good neighbors, which they ought to be, we ship millions of jobs down there, billions of dollars down there, mexico should want to be a good neighbor and help us. >> secretary kerry is in mexico to talk about trade, education and also security. have you seen the movie "iron man"? love this. >> "iron man" has that super cool spoof. our special op unit may soon get armors like iron man has. the suit is being developed in tapl pennsylvania they say it will be able to monitor vital sounds and
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give special ops real time information. they will be bulletproof from head to toe. the plan is to try to deliver these to our units by 2018. how about that? and those are your headlines. brian, is that the movie you like? >> it is. they have real terrorists actually in afghanistan in the very first one. i found it refreshing and rewarding. iron man, second to brick man is my favorite all-time super hero. and there is a brick man. there is a brick man. do you remember brick man? >> i think so. >> let's talk iran for a second. they actually had the gall to dance to a music video written by an american artist, pharrell. how dare they do this? >> that original video played 250 million times across the globe. here it has been reported that six people in iran dancing here in the streets
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to the song are detained. >> they have been arrested for being happy. and then on state-run tv, they ran their concessions where the people who previously were happy said i was duped into being in this video. i didn't know it was going to be posted on-line. it is illegal to be happy in iran. >> they called it obnoxious. then they said that the police investigation immediately went into play and they quickly detained these three and said they had no idea this was going to be posted and they were tricked into doing it. what kind of society is that? >> sad for pharrell who is such a talent and made a lot of people smile. 250 million across the globe responded with this tweet. it is -- arrested for trying to spread happiness. >> what do you think about that? facebook us or tweet us.
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the star of the show "the shield" charged with shooting and killing his wife while his two kids were in the house. but could this have been avoided? were warning signs missed? >> he fled cube for a better life, fought for freedom in vietnam and lived in the u.s. for years but because of a paper work problem he may wind up in prison. ♪ ♪ fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. ic♪ go teach your kids something school never could. go to bass pro shops' go outdoors event and sale with free kids' activities and big savings on great gear for camping, hiking, boating, and paddlesports. bass pro shops.
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michael jace shot and killed his wife with his two young children in the house. what is going on behind closed doors and were there warning signs miss stph-d we're joined by former nypd detective who supervised homicide investigations, thomas rutkin. we find out this is not atypical of these two? >> no. it seems like they had a history of violence or he had a history of violence on her if you would have believed neighbors and friends. it doesn't appear they ever called the police or there were ever police reports or orders of protection or anything else put in place which would have protected her better. >> before the actual shooting they did hear screaming according to a local abc affiliate. but prior to that the violence against her who is now passed away, is dead, dates back to 1987? >> yes. it doesn't appear there was protection or something put
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in place, and there were safety things she could potentially could have done to protect herself. now we have two young kids who supposedly watched this murder of their mother. >> and sadly had to stay in the police station for four hours, now with a dad who looks like she is going to prison, a mom shot dead in front of them before child protective services showed up. let's look at the background. according to a friend, jace choked the wife and slammed her against the wall while the kids screamed in the kids. she saw more violence in eight months that she lived with the couple. >> you have someone who has seen violence who is doing nothing to help protect the wife in this case. she could have called the police and she could have done things. there could have been court orders of protection. there could have been court orders to keep him away, to have a mutual place to
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exchange the children. it appears she didn't do what could have maybe saved her life. >> that is what it seems on the surface. we find out too that in the divorce from his first wife, she actually appeared for him as a character witness. >> that is not unusual. sometimes victims of abuse do appear. it is sort of syndrome where they appear for their ex's. we don't know if there was violence there, and we shouldn't assume. >> when you say i shot my wife. does that play to your getting manslaughter down the line? >> it could be temporary insanity. if you want to play the defense card and play devil's advocate, you potentially could look at a criminal defense of temporary insanity to defend him. >> drug and alcohol testing right there on the spot to find out if he was under the influence?
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>> probably later on. >> thomas ruskin, thanks so much. ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. it is n land. the president using his power to make a major land grab, something that could destroy livelihoods. the site of jfk jr. you have not seen. one of his friends pulling back the curtains on photos. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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here's a quick look at what's happening on this wednesday in washington. a secret obama administration drone strike memo is expected to be released later today. the classified 2011 memo provided the legal justification of killing -- for killing of american terrorism suspects overseas. the decision comes as the u.s. senate is expected to vote on the topic later today. on the president's nomination david barron to a federal appeals court judgeship he is the author of memos. a group of senators said they would fight the nomination unless the memo was made public. the president is about to sign a controversial declaration naming the organ mountains in new mexico a national monument. veterans applauding the move to protect the region but others call it a presidential land grab.
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>> thanks, steve. john f. kennedy jr. was america's first son pictured here saluting his father's casket as age 3, growing into america's golden boy and marrying a beautiful woman but a plane crash marked another fatal tragedy within the kennedy family. 15 years since his death one of jfk jr.'s friends is revealing a look into house and senate life beyond the camera. it is all in a new book. author matt berman joins us. you were the creative director for "george" magazine. you guys worked so closely together. you walk through the covers which everybody talked about and really tell us a side of john jr. that we haven't heard before. he was a normal guy. how? >> that was kind of the goal of the book. if you want to read about the covers and how we made "george" that is the story
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of it right there. but what i like about it is through these stories you're going to get a really good sense of what he was like every day, what he was like interacting with the staff, how personal he was with everybody. >> he talked about eating french fries. >> that's what you would hope he was is what he was, the most normal guy, you know, just sort of, you know, someone really authentic, like a really genuine, good friend. >> your first impression, that wasn't the case? you didn't think that is who you were getting to know. >> you never know. you're like i'm young and i'm hired to do this logo and a prototype for this guy that i heard a lot about. what happened to me is what happens with everybody as he completely disarms you. you meet him and maybe you're a little nervous before because it is who he is, and within a minute there is something about him that, you know, breaks it down. >> you knew that he was just another guy who was
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going to be your friend? >> it was probably when you met him, you could see right away this was a very open, normal person. very warm, very caring, gets right into what you're working on. at that moment i was sitting there with 1,800 logos i had done to show him. he just sat right down, starts poking at the screen and he starts, "i don't know. maybe my girlfriend is going to come in and let her look in." then caroline came in the next day. >> a lot of people said she was icy, she was cold. but that wasn't the case, you say. >> no, no. i understand it because sometimes i look at pictures of her and i think she does look like that. the way we knew her was kind of the opposite. a really fun girl who was full of life. she reminded me of him a lot, in the sense she made you feel very comfortable. if you brought a cousin or friend along she was right
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with them. >> i thought she had tender eyes. the way they announced their marriage was through a letter, an e-mail. how did that happen? >> we didn't have e-mail back then. maybe it just started. >> this was the letter that started? >> it was a fax, not a fax. it was a photo copy thing. he left it on our desk. the guys got cigars and the girls got something else. it is when he went off to get married. >> he said i wanted to let y'all know while you were all toiling away i went and got married myself here. i had to be a bit sneaky for reasons that are obvious. do this mean you'll call me mister from now on? he was funny? >> very funny. that's another thing you see in the book. there is a sense of humor he used to manage us. when there's a funny thing in the book where he would make a comment on one of
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the layouts, he would say where norman mailor has small fists. he said norman is the star of the magazine and his head is the size of a zit. please make it bigger. >> tell us the story behind cindy crawford's cover? >> that set the ball rolling. that was a choice we agreed on. early on it was me, john and caroline. we brain stormed over dinner and came up with that idea. a lot of people didn't like it. a lot of conservative guys on the staff thought that's going to be crazy, that's not a good idea. >> how did he react? >> john loved it. he wanted to do a magazine that was not a regular magazine everyone would see on the newsstand with "time" and all the other ones. he wanted something that would appeal to a different group of people. that's why we did the cindy crawford cover and why we kept doing the dressing up
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idea. >> he is surely missed and are honored by this. matt berman, jfk jr., george and me. he fled for a better life, fought in vietnam and lived in the u.s. for 50 years but because of a paper work problem, he might wind up in prison. want to work for the f.b.i.? the bureau is about to loosen its rules for new hires. first a a very happy birthday to mr. t. "i pity the fool." that's right, i watched the a team. >> i pity the fool and i will destroy any man who tries to take what i got. >> what is your prediction for the fight? >> prediction? >> yes, prediction. ♪
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drugs to mask serious injuries and the league covered it up. >> ainsley earhardt joins us now with more. how big is this lawsuit? >> it's very large, steve. more than 600 former players -- 600 are on this lawsuit which was filed yesterday. the suit claims the league illegally supplied players with narcotics and other painkillers to mask injuries and to keep players on the field. one of the biggest names on this lawsuit, former chicago bear and super bowl champion jim mcmahon. the kwoub says team doctors never told him he broke his neck and he played the entire season on drugs. hall of famer harry carson is not affiliated with the lawsuit but he does say from personal experience from his days as a player in the 70's and 80's taking shots to numb the pain was part of the game. >> you don't go over what the long-term effects might
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be. you're thinking about things as they're happening. >> many players are saying the league was putting profits ahead of players' health. the league commissioner roger goodell fielded questions at the owners meet in atlanta but had no comment on the suit. >> i was only made aware of it briefly but i don't believe any of our attorneys had an opportunity to look at it and i've been in meetings all day. >> the league will be served the suit within the next 120 days and they will have 30 days to respond. it was less than a year ago that the league settled that lawsuit related to concussions. >> unless you're in the locker room, unless you sat there and said what are you giving me, are the players saying to them i've got to get back on the field? they're warriors by definition. anything to get back on the field, almost like the soldiers who want to go back into battle with one leg. >> but if jim mcmahon had a broken neck and they didn't tell him, that's a problem.
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>> if you broke your leg, would someone have to tell you? >> no. and they were in pain. they just kept shooting them up. >> their salaries were such that they would probably do anything to stay on the field and they wanted to get out there and play. but this too in the discussion of loosening the reins of pot in the nfl? >> if you're playing football, you're trying to convince the coaches you don't have a concussion so you can play. i'm having problems with the fact that unless i was sitting there and watching this guy get back on the field, wonder what that shot is going into their leg, they go back on the field and they play and they have this career good or bad, and then they go why did you shoot me up or were they asking for the shot to go back on the field to have a livelyhood? were they asking to be shot up?
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>> all right. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. we've got wednesday morning headlines. >> good morning. i've got a story a lot of parents will be paying attention to. thieves steal a car and get more than they bargained for. check out this terrifying security video. it captures the moment a carjacker in florida leaves a baby girl on a doorstep minutes after stealing the s.u.v. her mother wasing from ah parking lot. the baby's mother left her daughter in the car for just a few seconds while she was unloading stuff at the church. that's when the two thieves jumped in. that baby this morning is doing just fine. police are now looking for these two men in florida. listen to this story. elisabeth sort of touched on this a moment ago. the f.b.i. is easing its ban on hiring pot smokers. right now the agency doesn't hire anyone who smokes pot in the previous three years but the director of the f.b.i. says he may have to loosen the standards in order to attract talented new
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agents, especially those who go after some of the world's most sophisticated hackers and cyber criminals. what do you think of that? >> take a look at this dash cam video. a cop forced to jump off a bridge to avoid being crushed by a suspected drunk driver. look at this. that happening in texas. the cop puts one leg over the side, the other leg over and plunges 30 feet off the highway in texas. he landed thankfully in a rocky ditch. he fractured his pelvis but he's managing to make a full recovery. how frightening that would be. those are your headlines. >> thanks, heather. i have something pretty interesting here. after fleeing castro's cuba, mario hernandez served in the u.s. army, voted, paid taxes, raised a family and even worked for the u.s. government. but now immigration services is saying that he was never actually a citizen and they may press charges. how could this possibly
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happen? joining me now is hernandez' attorney elizabeth richey. how does this happen? you have a man who was willing, went and served in vietnam, then worked for two federal agencies, one of which i believe he was a guard in the federal prisons here. he was guarding against serious criminals making sure they didn't get out, which they require background checks and approval to even have that position. how did this happen? and how did he find out? >> how it happened is basically gross inefficiency on the part of many agencies, including the army, the federal bureau, indian affairs, bureau of prisons and even state agencies like the florida department of children and families. it is representative of our broken immigration system. >> he's given so much to this nation and yet he tries to go on a vacation with his wife and find out that's not the case, he's not a citizen here? >> right. he was looking on this for a cruise to take his wife
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on. they were both about to retire. she had over 30 years with the bureau of prisons and he had 22 years. they looked on-line for the cruise. the cruise said they needed a passport each. he looked at the department of state's web page for a passport and it said you need a naturalization certificate or birth certificate. he went through his documents, didn't find a naturalization certificate. he came to see me and he got an incorrect denial which said you need to be a green card holder before you naturalize which is not true. when you serve in the military in areas of hostility you can jump straight to naturalizeation. he's eligible to jump straight to naturalization because of national security and serving on border prisons staff.
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>> i can't get over how much he's given to this nation and yet not a citizen and just find out now and they're looking to actually press against him. what recourse does he have? >> well, we are hoping that today at 10:00 we actually walk out of immigration with a naturalization certificate. if we don't, the other scenario that could happen is they press charges because he held himself out as a citizen. he registered to vote and voted because he believed that was his civic duty as a citizen. if that happens, he cannot be deported to cuba. we do not deport cubans, but he could, worst-case scenario be held indefinitely be put under order of supervision which obviously is not how he planned on spending his retirement. >> no, that doesn't sound like freedom to me. today we're going to have a hearing at the u.s. citizen immigration services. elizabeth ricci, thank you for being with us, and we will stay on this. >> thank you. >> gosh. coming up, they built a
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my husband, tre ponder, was killed june 28,2005 in afghanistan. my husband's death was the hardest thing i've ever faced. the special operations warrior foundation stepped in to help. now you can help, too. purchase new cherry 5-hour energy now through july thirty-first and a portion of each sale benefits special operations warrior foundation to help families of fallen heroes. i will always miss my dad, but thanks to special operations warrior foundation i will never feel alone. ♪ >> the feds are going after a wyoming couple for
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building a pond on their own property. the e.p.a. threatening to fine the couple $75,000 a day unless they drain the water and restore the land from that pond right there. andy johnson and his wife katie join us to tell their story. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> when you got the letter from the e.p.a., were you scratching your head thinking what the heck are they talking about? we had this state engineer help build this. everybody in our state signed off on it, and now the federal government, what are they doing? >> absolutely, yeah. we were shocked and devastated when we got the administrative order. >> okay. so, katie, what did the e.p.a. say that you were doing wrong? >> they basically said that we didn't get the permission from them in the first place and that we were going to be charged for that. >> that's just a load because you actually worked with your state. you worked with everybody in your county. right now you got the governor and a bunch of senators on your side as well. what's curious, though, is the fact that it sounds
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like, to me, andy, this was just some bureaucrat in washington who heard about it and sent this letter out because they say you were violating the clean water act. in what way? >> well, what's funny about that is our water is actually 41 times cleaner than the so-called effective navigable water they say we're affecting. our pond is crystal clear, absolutely perfect. it is the cleanest water that you could imagine. >> right. the e.p.a. did not do any soil samples. they didn't do any water samples. they just sent you this thing where you could be liable, if i read this right, for up to $187,000 a day. katie, what's the federal government in the form of the e.p.a., what are they trying to do to your family? >> you know, i think they're basically trying to make an example of us and scare us. >> why?
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>> i think maybe, you know, to show people that they've got the power and that they can do what they want and get the control of the water that they want. >> andy, you've got the law on your side. your state helped you build that. i understand you're not going to roll over even though you potentially at this point face these fines? >> yes, absolutely not. we're going to stand up. this goes far beyond a little stock pond. we got permission. it was designed and permitted through the state engineers office in wyoming, and we feel very confident that we have the facts and the documentation to fight it. >> you got the governor on your side, a bunch of u.s. senators. let's see where it goes. keep us posted. andy and katie johnson today join us from salt lake city. thank you very much. good luck to you. >> thank you. >> that is just crazy, isn't it? it is about ten minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, it's a catholic university but now notre
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dame saying no to a student group promoting traditional marriage. but do they have a point? we're going to report, and you will decide. plus check this out. call him mr. smooth. a ten-year-old boy gets a ball from a major leaguer and immediately gives it to a girl behind him. the young casanova joins us next. ♪ ♪ captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. who said chivalry is dead? ten-year-old austin charming a young lady sitting behind him at a texas rangers baseball game last week. so austin wowed the crowd and the girl, because he gave her the foul ball that he caught at the game, the sweet exchange
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ended up going viral. >> of course, there was a guess. joining us is austin and his mother. welcome to both of you. >> thank you for having us. >> we enjoy that you got up for us. austin, set the scene. you get the foul ball, but you're saying, i'm not going to keep it. why? >> because i already had one foul ball from earlier. so i thought it would be nice to give one to someone else. >> well that, is awfully generous. mom, where does he get that chill russ spirit from? -- chivalrous spirit from? >> definitely his dad. he's a good guy. >> i know you love baseball, austin, and going to games. you're a player, too, first and foremost. but why to that young lady, which might be the dumbest question i've ever asked. but why to that young lady at that time? you had about 90,000 options. >> well, i turned around, she was the first one i saw.
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>> that's how it goes, right? >> what was her reaction? what did she say to you? >> she said thank you and stuff like that. >> wow. when did you realize this is a really big deal? >> sunday morning. >> when you did what? when you saw what? what happened? >> when we saw the video. >> and you said oh, oh, i'm going to be famous. how has it affected your game? you play for the gamblers, right? >> uh-huh. >> has it improved your game with all the attention? do you enjoy the spotlight? is it helping you see the ball better? >> no. >> okay. >> have you heard from the girl that you gave the ball to? >> no. >> i bet she's pretty thankful. maybe one day, you never know. we want to thank you both for being here. that's a great act of kindness, let me tell you, austin. kids all over the place loving that. maybe kilmeade will be talking
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about your highlights. >> i would have kept it, austin, to be honest with you. >> give me my ball back! >> i look for you in the major leagues. i watched some of your footage, you look like a great player. and jenny, thank you for getting him up this morning and joining us. >> thank you. >> and have a great summer. coming up straight ahead. >> huge develops overnight that will definitely impact the midterm elections and one of those epic show downs is about to play out right here on "fox & friends." >> and the wealthy businessman, david purdue, versus kingston, they will both be here live. let's find out how that will go for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while
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good morning. today is wednesday, may 21. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the results are in after one of the busiest days on this year's primary clapped, super tuesday. a live record on who won and those races that remain undecided. we have all the details this morning. >> new overnight, 26 now v.a. hospitals are being investigated. our president still has not said a word. i find that strange. marcus luttrell is here to respond live. now for something completely different, here is a question for all the moms out there: how far would you go to save your cub stuck in a dangerous situation? how did she do that?
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>> i would do that. >> that's fantastic, yogi. thank you for joining us because wednesday mornings always better with friends, like you. >> it's time for "fox & friends" it's official, there are cameras everywhere. it was just a camera trained on the side of that road to see that mama bear grab the baby bear. >> bears are being targeted with these videos. we seem to find a lot of them. >> i have a question, are there too many bears or not enough woods? it seems like more and more bears are trying to be with us. are they out of room? >> because we're taking their land. >> so it's our fault? you're taking the bears' side? >> i think they just want attention. >> and they don't want to shop. they'd rather us shop and then go through our stuff. >> right now let's go to what's happening with heather nauert. >> good morning to you. we've got a lot of news out of washington this morning.
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a secret obama administration drone strike memo is a secret no more. it is set to be released later today and this is considered a really big deal. it is a classified 2011 memo that provided the legal justification for the killing of american terrorist suspects, including american anwar al-awlaki. he was killed in yemen in by a missile strike in 2011, set to be released later today. the decision on those secret memos comes as the senate is expected to vote later today on the president's nomination, david j.barron, to a federal court judgeship. he is one of the authors. a group of liberal and conservative senators say they would fight the nomination unless that memo was made public. we'll watch that story throughout the day. about two hours from now, the september 11 museum opens to the public for the first time. in just about 90 minutes, the american flag that once flew above the wreckage at ground zero will be unfurled.
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the marine corps and also the coast guard come to new york city, fleet week returns to new york. the flotilla of ships starts at 8:00 a.m. eastern and always such a fun time here seeing that. talk about adorable. we gave this video away earlier. this mama bear pulls her cub to safety after a wandered over a barrier next to a busy highway in british columbia. she plucks him up and brings him back over the divider. love that. i see elisabeth doing that a lot of time with the guys. >> exactly. >> picks you right up and puts you where you need to be. >> that's what you need to do to be a good mom. >> thank you. we are going to begin right now with other news. a fox news alert. it was super tuesday, racing up to the midterm elections that could change the balance of power in washington. six states holding votes last
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night. heather childers joins us live to highlight a few of those key races. what do you have? >> let's get to it. up first, the senate race in kentucky. mitch mcconnell, he sailed to an easy victory against tea party backed businessman matt bevin. he will face stiff competition in the fall against democratic secretary of state allison grimes. now to arkansas. incumbent democrat pryor will defend his seat against cotton. and senator jeff merkley will defend his position. monica webly came under fire after two of her exes came forward in the final days of the election claiming harass am. here is what she had to say on victory night. >> i do have a message for those national democrats who were willing to shred my family for their own political gain, people
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are tired of your dirty tricks. >> and there is big news on the georgia senate race. you guys have more on that. >> all right. thank you very much. >> you can say that again, do we have more. we have one of the candidates. battle of control for the senate may come down to georgia. a runoff between jack kingston and david perdue because neither man got 50%. joining us is jack kingston. congressman, how does it feel to get through to the runoff, but know that you were percentage points behind mr. perdue? >> we feel very good about where we are. it was a very crowded seven-way race. a lot of great people ran for this seat. so we just wanted to be one of the top two, which we were. there is only six points that divide us between where i am and where the other guy is.
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historically in georgia, the person who has been in second has always done very well in these runoff situations. so we're going to talk about my consistent conservative message and voting record and we think we're going to be successful in july. >> your opponent comes in with an ad that actually compares you to a crying baby. so is mr. perdue's ad. we're going to play it and get your reaction. >> it's hard to believe that my opponent has been in office for 63 years. if these politicians had any understanding of the free enterprise system and knew how to make a difference, wouldn't they have done it already? help me change the childish behavior up there. >> you say? >> well, i know this, i've been a consistent fighter for the conservative cause for many years. my opponent never even voted in a republican primary until now. he's flip flopped all over the place on many, many of the key issues. the conservative voters care about common core being one,
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taxes being the other, guns, immigration. you name it, he's a moderate flip flopper and i think as republican primary voters look more and more at his record, the more comfortable they are with mine as a consistent conservative. >> congressman, i saw one of the political blogs depicted your race in georgia as nasty, brutish and long. how would you depict it? >> i don't buy that. i think we're going to go very strong on the record. we're going to be talking about my issues, my platform of job creation through the private sector. i'm endorsed by the united states chamber of commerce, for example. i'm going to talk about physical responsibility. i'm the only one who cut the federal budget, something we feel good about. we're going to talk about a strong national defense, member of the defense committee, and never want to see our servicemen and women have to fight a fair fight. >> karen handle got 22% of the
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vote. she will not be in the runoff, obviously. you guys will. it might come down to who can win over those who supported her, former secretary of state for georgia. what do you have to say to the tea party voters who did not vote for you this time who you have to win over next time? >> our door is absolutely wide open to them. we welcome their support. my voting record with the american conservative union is 96% for lifetime, nra rating of a plus, the national journal said consistently i had the most conservative voting record in this race. so the choice between a moderate flip flopper or a tested consistent conservative is pretty clear that they're going to come and join jack kingston and we welcome them to our side. >> we thank you for being with us. jack kingston, we are going to also speak with david perdue at 7:15. >> he'll be our next guest. also we should point out that we
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did invite michelle nunn on the program today. she faced nominal opposition yesterday in her primary in georgia, but she declined to be on "fox & friends." >> she's extremely low media profile. won't be able to stay low for too much longer. meanwhile, let's talk about the v.a. scandal. we heard rumors and people complain, but now it's a full-blown scandal going on at the v.a. out into 23 separate institutions, over 19 states, multiple cities. the one thing that most people are scratching their heads on is as we get closer and closer to memorial day, where is the president on this? we hear he's mad. we hear he's upset. we don't hear it from him. >> there is nothing direct here. jay carney said yesterday rob nabors will check something out, so he dispatched someone to check it out now, but why not sooner? and is it too late?
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this is darryl richardson, the brother of a victim of the v.a.'s mismanagement and he's asking where our commander in chief is and why is he awol. >> why is our commander in chief awol on the allegations of v.a.? why is the attorney general holder awol on the same thing? why is f.b.i. director conley awol on it? when we were asked to serve our country, we wouldn't think of going awol because we knew the consequences. >> you know what? there are some who feel that the reason we haven't heard from the president and some other top officials is because they all knew about it. yesterday on this program we were talking about how the transition team, the obama-biden transition team was told by the bush people, they've got these gaming strategies. they have known for years. so it will be curious to see what the president of the united states says when he does speak. there is some suggestion that maybe coming up on memorial day
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he'll say something. if he doesn't, what does that say? >> i tell you what, i project he'll walk out on friday, one of the times in which people are paying the least attention to the news, and he's going to have a press conference and he's going to do it and look like the irs press conference. the question is, what was going on for those three weeks in between? >> and all the years in between. since 2008 when they apparently did know that this was going on and the promise to fix things and am hasn't been there. here we have the sons and daughters of this nation fighting, willing to die for our freedom. they shouldn't be dying here because of a v.a. and lack of attention to their medical needs. that's not okay. we are searching for the dead beat dad in this situation, our military and men and women deserve much better and hopefully the president will speak up and get this. >> marcus lutrell is coming up. >> he's the navy seal from lone survivor here to respond. then the president is making a major land grab today.
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we've got a fox news alert. georgia republican primary headed towards a runoff as no candidate got over 50% last night. we just talked to congressman jack kingston. now we have the other one vying for the senate seat. we're talking to businessman david perdue who joins us live from the beautiful city of atlanta. congratulations to you, david. >> good morning, guys. thank you. >> how did you do it? >> well, we worked hard at getting our message out. as the outsider, it was a very simple message. if you like what's going on in washington, pick one of these career politicians. if not, i provide an
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alternative. we got that message out. >> for people who are unfamiliar with your story, you were very successful businessman for a while. now you are in part, self-funding this particular race for the u.s. senate. why is it you want to get involved in politics on the national level in washington, d.c.? all we hear about these days is all gridlocked up. >> it is gridlocked and it doesn't need to be. we just started having grandchildren and it really changes your perspective. i got in here because i'm very concerned about the crisis of the day and that's the debtç crisis and how to get the economy going and get people back to work to solve this debt crisis. it's the message that i've been screaming about for the last year and the people of georgia have responded to that last night. >> because you were a senior executive at reebok and ceo at dollar general, do you feel you're uniquely qualified of the candidates to be somebody who could help create jobs in this country, 'cause that's what georgia needs?
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>> well, that's another reason we got in this race. this runoff we have a great choice for the voters of georgia. we have a career politician and an outsider been in business all this time. and i just thought that with only about ten people in the united states senate with any real business experience that we need to do have that perspective to help get this economy going again. >> for a counterpoint, your opponent in the runoff, jack kingston, was with us ten minutes ago. i'm sure you saw it. some folks might not have. among other things, he calls you, sir, a flip flopper. listen to this and then we'll let you respond. >> my opponent never even voted in a republican primary until now. he's flip flopped all over the place on many, many of the key issues. the conservative voters care about, common core being one, taxes being the other, guns, immigration, you name it, he's a moderate flip flopper and i think as republican primary voters look more and more at his record, the more comfortable they are with mine as a
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consistent conservative. >> okay. so mr. kingston says you're a flip flopper, sir. >> that's what we've become accustomed to from our career politicians. nothing the congressman said is really true. if you look at my voting record t speaks for itself. but the real issue in this race that georgians want to talk about and he doesn't want to is his record of spending in the u.s. house of representatives. i mean, we've gone from $4 trillion to $17 trillion on his watch. the people of georgia didn't miss that. today we're borrowing at a rate that we just can't sustain. the people of georgia are out of work and they really want to know how we're going to get this economy going again. so that's what i hope we'll be debating over the next nine weeks. >> you got nine weeks to make your case to the people of georgia. good luck to you and mr. kingston as well. >> thank you. >> david perdue from atlanta. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, brand-new details about the star of the show "the shield." we just learned about his wife's
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murder and his possible motive. and we just told you 26 v.a. hospitals are now being investigated. so why hasn't the president said a word? marcus luttrell, the navy seal from "lone survivor" here to respond next. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom.
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who lost his eye and part of his jaw when he jumped on a grenade to save a fellow marine in 2010 will receive the medal of honor. retired marine corporal william kyle carpenter from fleetwood, mississippi, will be honored on june 19. brian? >> 23 minutes after the hour. is president obama dragging his feet and down playing the troubles with the veterans affairs? even before he was elected, he was boldly promise to go fix the v.a. remember? >> i pledge to build a 21st century v.a. we need to cut through the red tape. it's time to ensure that those who serve get the benefit they've earned and that they're not waiting six months or 12 months or 18 months for those benefits. >> how do our veterans feel about the way the white house is handling the v.a. scandal? let's ask one of the most noted, he is former navy seal and the author of "lone survivor," marcus luttrell, whose book is still number one. movie, a huge hit. everyone seeing it.
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now it's available on digital release. what's your reaction to the problems the v.a. is having? >> it's obviously a problem. i think that like we were discussing earlier, there is so much coming down on it. we've never been in a war for this long before. you have so many people that are coming out now that the wars are winding down that do have the problems and being flushed through the system. i think stuff is just backing up. it's overwhelming. >> when you talk to the guys and the women that serve, what's their big complaint, if any? >> it's frustrating. i think the level of care and the way it's presented -- >> the red tape? >> yes,yes, sir. >> injure just personal -- your personal -- >> personally i don't go. i was lucky enough to have my state take care of me privately. >> in texas. but you're looking at it, you've got a solution. when the guys come back, guys
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and gals come back, rather than have to go to the v.a., if they simply got a card that said, go to your local hospital, wherever it is, and they'll take care of you, that would fix it. >> absolutely. if you have a combat veteran really that was in there and got messed up and needs the care that he needs, you just hand him one of those cards, he walks in and he gets it. no question. >> free them up from the system. >> yes, sir. >> it's the least we can do, right? >> and if you had to put people, senators, if they had to go for their v.a. to get care, it would probably get fixed. >> you're right about that. >> brian noted, everyone has been reading your book, it's still number one, "lone survivor," exceptional in the way it tells the story of just heroism and sacrifice on the battlefield. now on digital release, it allows millions and millions of people to stream it on line. what does that mean to you? >> come a long way since 2005, i
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guess. it's humbling that it's done all this, my teammates are still -- people are still talking about them. normally we're a ticker on the bottom of the screen. it's still alive and well. that's a powerful thing. i'm truly honored to be -- still be part of it. and the family members, i know that they were happy with the film and the way the actors portrayed their sons and now most people don't watch movies, they watch in the hotel, it keeps going and going. >> now it will be available on pay per view or whatever folks call it. you hit the button. my wife and i went to the movie when it first came out. they did such a good job telling your story. when i left the theater, i was exhausted because i felt like i had -- i was you. i think that's the commonnallity. everybody puts themselves in your shoes and it's like how did he make it out? >> peter did a great job of taking -- >> peter berg.
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>> yes, sir, i'm sorry. did a great job -- 'cause there is so many aspects of that story. the villagers that saved my life, the air crew that came in, that story in itself is amazing. the air force pilot dropped that hilo in there. to make a movie, condense it down and understand what happened was pretty amazing. >> and the guys that ultimately rescued you, they talked about how much equipment they had to have and how long the walk was to get you and you were exhausted as they brought you out. but they were exhausted, too. >> when they walked in, they found me, they looked dead. because they had been looking for me as long as i had been missing and that was something i wished we could have put in that film. obviously that film would have been four or five years, a mini series or something like that. you had a give and take. part of that rescue from the green berets and navy and rangers is unbelievable. >> you never gave up. you lost a lot of guys, lot of brothers. >> that would have been disrespecting them, plus that's
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not what we do. in our community, you don't give up. i'm not going to feel sorry for myself. >> marcus, these are the guys you're going to remember on monday, memorial day. >> that's them. >> has it gotten easy, memorial day, for you? >> it has. i don't need a day, one day to remember all my teammates and my buddies. that's one of the hardest things that i had to deal with, not mentally or everything in combat wise is when they separated me from my teammates. that's the hole that can't be filled, so to speak. so it's a time for me to call them up, we get a chance to hang out. my brother retired from the team after 16 years, broke his back again in afghanistan. he's out now and back home in texas, so i get to see him which is a really big deal. >> that is a huge deal. somehow your back? how is everything? >> i'm great. i'm still up, moving around. no surgeries this year. i'm pretty excited about that. >> family good? >> everybody is great.
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kids are growing up. my daughter, she's 1 1/2. she's hurricane. >> big texas hurricane. >> you know dad's kind of banged up, can you slow down a little? >> everyone is you're a navy seal, you should be a great dad. that's not how that works. >> will she watch eventually? is this something you want her to see? >> if you walk into my house, there is no proof i was ever in the military. the book is on the shelf in the library, but no medals or anything like that. i don't want that to be what -- when they think of dad or anything like that. i just want to be dad. so if my on or daughter one day want to do that, then sure, i'll be there to help them out. just like my father, he always told me his shoes are there for me not to fill burks to walk if if i need it. i'll do that for my kids as well. >> wise man. if you haven't seen "lone survivor," it's fantastic and now available for digital download. you can do it at home right after you watch this show.
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marcus luttrell, congratulations. >> if you want to give a tribute to the troops, spend 2 1/2 hours and watch that. great to see you. stay out of trouble in new york. if you need a subway map, let me know. coming up straight ahead, it's not your land. the president is making a major land grab today. some say it will destroy livelihoods. others say it will make it easier for illegals to get into the country. pick your poison. >> then an unbelievable story. a man goes in for brain surgery and woke up singing johnny cash songs. >> right. i don't really believe that. i can't wait to hear more about that. >> girl named sue? boy named sue. >> that's right. ♪ ♪ captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious.
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captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins... golive garden'svorites asignature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden.
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who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*?
4:33 am
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brand-new details about the star of "the shield" charged with murdering his wife. >> anna kooiman has been on the story. here with new details about a possible motive and signs that this was going to happen. >> yeah. potentially. he fought corruption and crime on the tv show "the shield". >> please! >> someone grabs your weapon. do you see all these people
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around you? look at me! you're trying to kill one of them or you trying to kill one of us? >> this morning actor michael jace waking up hyped bars, accused of shooting his wife to death with his two young sons in the house. according to tmz, he confessed to the crime. and now there are new reports about a possible motive. the couple apparently arguing over money before gun shots were fired. court records show jace was $500,000 in debt after filing for bankruptcy back in 2011. it's also not the first time jace faced accusations of domestic violence. the actor reportedly once threatened to kill his ex-wife if she fought for visitation rights of their son. close friend of his ex-wife also said he assaulted his ex multiple times. otherrier we talked to a former nypd detective who was looking into the case. >> again, you have someone who has seen violence, who is doing nothing to help protect the wife
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in this case. she could have called the police and she could have done things. there could have been court orders of protection. >> jace is being held on $1 million bail. so unfortunate, the two young sons reportedly were in the house, both under the age of ten. to go through that, just traumatic. >> horrible. >> when the police came, didn't he say, i shot my wife? >> yeah. on 911 tapes is what reports are saying. >> and did not flee. he stuck around. >> yeah. >> all right. thank you very much. it is now 24 minutes before the top of the hour and heather nauert has the headlines on this wednesday. >> we got news coming out of new mexico. happening today, the president set to sign what's considered a pretty controversial declaration, naming the oregon mountains in new mexico a national monument. some veterans are applauding the move. they say it will protect the region. it was used for army training missions during world war ii. but others are calling it a presidential land grab and that's the part that's raising some eyebrows this morning.
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some are worried that the move will infringe upon ranchers' grazing rights -- we heard that before -- and open up illegal drug smuggling lanes in the region. two thieves stealing a car and they get a lot more than they bargained for. check out this terrifying security video coming out of florida. it captures the moment that a carjacker takes a baby girl, actually leaves her on the doorstep just minutes after stealing an suv that she was sitting in from a church parking lot. the baby's mother had left her ten-month daughter for just a few seconds while unloading stuff at church. that's when the two thieves jumped in. that baby is doing just fine this morning thankfully. police are looking for these two men coming out of florida. the iconic catholic university, notre dame, refuses to recognize a student club which supports traditional marriage. the group is called students for child-oriented policy. the group says it focuses on
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marriage policy and how it could affect children. notre dame says a club was denied club status at the school because it's simply too similar to other existing clubs. this kind of fun story. medicine can work a whole lot of miracles, but you probably never heard of this man. a guy claims his brain has now been rewired to love johnny cash. ♪ i keep a close watch on this heart of mine ♪ ♪ i keep my eyes wide open all the time ♪ >> here is the story, a guy was suffering from obsesstive compulsive disorder. so he was given electrical pulses to parts of his brain. apparently that treatment worked, but the guy says he has one strange side effect. he can't get enough of johnny cash music. the doctors say they can't explain why he suddenly loves all of johnny cash's music, but the guy is not complaining. those are your headlines. i love johnny cash.
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>> he's in my mind all the time. >> we keep on getting all these crazy -- is someone focusing? >> dr. ben carson. >> he's working on it. >> coming up straight ahead. >> a middle school tried to cancel an honors night celebration because they didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. we're going to talk to a dad and daughter team that fought it and have a huge update this morning. then we told but the california mayor who said bullying victims need to grow a pair and fight back. wait until you hear what happened to the mom who tried to fight back against her kid's bully and got the wrong kid. born on this date in 1957, this actor played the infamous close talker on "seinfeld." come on. there you go. who is it? e-mail us with the correct answer. maybe that was the clue. ♪ ♪
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17 minutes before the top of the hour. time for news by the numbers. 11 million. that's the number of americans receiving federal disability benefits. that's an all-time high. that's more than the populations of the countries of greece, portugal and tunisia. next, two years. that's how long the usda is
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delaying the whole grain requirement for school lunches. many schools complained it was too tough and expensive to implement. and finally, 11 years old. that is the age of lucy lee, the youngest golfer to qualify for the u.s. women's open ever. she's going to tee off on june 19. congratulations. good luck. brian, now over to you and honorable guests. >> 16 minutes before the top of the hour. major backlash from a rhode island school that tried to cancel honors night. teachers at archie cole middle school thought the honoring the only smart students would be too exclusive until parents got word and fought back. one of those parents is joe, he joins me right now with his eighth grade daughter, kaitlyn, who spells her name like my daughter spells her name. first off, joe, what's your reaction to honors night being canceled? >> well, i think too often we see situations in which a small
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minority of people speak up and in this situation, it just felt like something wrong, that they were changing things that should be -- that are implied normally and we should not allow something like this to go on. >> right. so you guys took some action and kaitlyn, you were on the honors list last year. this year you're not sure if you made it or not. but it is back on. what's your reaction to them saying i don't want people to feel bad for not being on that list, so we're going to cancel it? >> i just think that's ridiculous because there are so many students in my school and schools are around the country that worked so hard to get all a's and just get this high honor award and to get this ceremony. it's not special if someone hands awe piece of paper with no ceremony and says here you go, you got a high honor award. you have to make those kids who worked every single year to troy to get these -- try to get those high grades to feel special. >> kaitlyn, you told me if the
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break that you use that as incentive. you want to be at that ceremony and you want that piece of paper. >> yeah. that's what i work for. if there is no goal for that, kids won't work hard enough. they need that goal to strive for. >> joe, what do you say to parents of kids who go, well, my kid is not on that list and he or she feels bad? what's your reaction? >> i think at the beginning of the school year, everyone is starting on the same level. so it's not something that's exclusive to me. it's actually inclusive of all students when we begin. by the end of the year, obviously you want to award those who achieve greater results than the rest. i think that's something that will go on throughout their lives. in any job that they have, there is going to be individual recognition and individual merit. we should be preparing them for that now. >> kaitlyn, now it's back on. the school admitted we made a mistake and we are going to award those people and those students who stood out above the
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rest, which i think is the american way. kaitlyn, what do you want to be when you grow up? i know you got some time, only in eighth grade. but you're very impressive. what are you interested in? >> i have always wanted to be an archaeologist when i grow up. that's something that itch always want -- i have always wanted to do. i want to go to college at oregon. >> all right. fine. that will be about $55,000. so start saving. >> yeah. >> i want her to go wherever she wants to go. >> okay, good. that's called a lot of student loans. the other thing is in terms of orc i don't believe, go to -- archaeology, go to argentina, they found a huge t-rex. >> awesome. all right, dad. there is your summer vacation. thanks fo+ sharing your story and get back on that list, kaitlyn. all right? >> thank you. >> coming up straight ahead, we told you about the mayor who said bullying victims need to grow a pair and fight back. is that a great idea? dr. keith ablow here next to contemplate that. first on this day in 1932,
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amelia earhart completes her transatlantic flight. in 1999, susan lucci wins her first emmy award n. 1984, denise williams had the number one song in america called "let's hear it for the boy." could we make it louder? ♪ i don't really mind ♪ 'cause every time he pulls me near ♪ ♪ i just want to cheer ♪
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rhinegold. the winner is from maryland. you'll get a copy of brian's book. elisabeth, over to you? >> i'm going to close talk through this entire segment right here. is this close enough? is that making you unconfidentable? >> back away from the cameraman. >> there we go. you remember the california mayor who said this to the victims of bullying? >> i'm against bullying, but i'm getting damn tired of it being used as a mantra and the ills of the world when all most people have to do is grow a pair. >> so does he have a point? here to weigh in, fox news contributor, dr. keith ablow. good morning, dr. keith. >> good morning, elisabeth. >> what do you think about the mayor's comments? grow a pair? >> yeah, well, i think the mayor of nuts if you will. listen, here is the thing, news flash for the mayor, bullies don't generally target people
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who can plaster them to the pavement. victimsvictims are often anxiou, worried kids, and sensitive kids. so the idea like that they're going to somehow summon this karate like spirit -- i've treated very confident people who definitely grown their pairs, ceos, lawyers, et cetera, who in adulthood are still struggling with the scars of being bullied as kids. so no, it makes no sense what the mayor said. >> so we talked to him yesterday and he seemed to indicate that he was just saying look, you've got to stick up for yourself. so you're not going to take it anymore. anyone who is witnessing it needs to do the same. is this something that can be trained into someone? >> sure. listen, i think that kids should be told, you should stand up for yourself. that can be its own form of abuse. if a child simply doesn't have the wherewithal to confront somebody bigger and more aggressive, the people who
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should be standing up with the parents, going to these schools with lawyers in tow and saying you will enforce a policy that protects my child or you and the district will pay. and i'd be happy to debate the mayor in a fair and balanced way on "fox & friends" should he choose to because this isn't a question of telling kids to defend themselves. how about you defend them, mr. mayor? how about you get your schools in line and protect kids from bullying? >> interesting point there. be interesting to see what he has to say against that. dr. keith, you mentioned parents. so here is what happens when a mom grows a pair. she confronted her daughter's alleged bully and it turned out she attacked the wrong person. what do you think about that? >> look, the error can't be defended. i understand her sentiment. listen, i have two kids myself. if they were being besieged by bullies, part of me would want to go right to the bullies, but you can't. and targeting the wrong person is adding even more ill to the problem. so here is the thing, it's very
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clear who the target should be. again, it's the school system. so these parents are rightfully enraged that their kids aren't protected. but in this case, she's misdirected it. let's not forget, most bullies who are kids are themselves suffering. cruelty isn't something these kids are born with. they're learning it somewhere. they need help, too. the school system, they are the ones who should be held responsible and they may need to be seen in court enough times to see gee, we're going to bankrupt our town if we don't get a handle on this thing. >> most parents, what if you've got a school who doesn't handle it while you've asked them to? we've seen these cases before. kids end up saying their own lives because they don't feel like they have anyone who can step up and defend them. >> i dealt with this in my office a i tell parents, if you have to switch schools, as much trouble as that is, don't feel like it's a defeat because you can't leave your child in harm's way. if an entire system won't change for the good, it's okay. move your son or daughter to a
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different school system. then retrospectively go back and try to get your expenses covered with an attorney. but in the meantime, get them out of harm's way if the harm can't be stopped. >> always great to have you here. >> take care. coming up, while you were sleeping, there were huge developments that will definitely impact midterm elections. we have all the late breaking details from the primaries coming up. and iranians arrested for being happy? the story that will leave you both outraged and at the same time, you will feel quite proud to be an american where we can be happy here. ♪ ♪ nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios!
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good morning. today is wednesday, may 21, i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert. the results are in after one of the busiest days of this year's primary calendar, super tuesday. a live report op who won and the races that remain undecided this morning. and remember howard the scream dean? >> and then we're going to washington, d.c. to take back the white house! ahhh! >> yeah! well, we've got screen two -- scream two, another howard dean speech for the ages. he's name calling again. >> and young iranians arrested for being happy.
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♪ ♪ >> yeah. this story will leave you outraged and glad that you're an american this morning. by the way, ask your friends, ask your neighbors, it's true. mornings are better with friends >> this is boon pickens. i'm watching "fox & friends." great show. watch it every morning. >> thank you very much. >> he's all about natural gas. >> sure. and making money. >> right. >> and very successful. texas businessman. >> yes,yes, sir. >> thanks for being with us here. a fox news alert, it was super tuesday last night. it could change the balance of power in washington. six states holding votes last night. molly henneberg joins us live to highlight a few of the key races. good morning, molly. >> reporter: good morning. july 22, that's when the senate
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republican runoff will be inç georgia between the sitting conman and a business -- congressman and a businessman already taking jabs at each other. >> i've been a consistent fighter for the conservative cause for many years. my opponent never even voted in a republican primary until now. the real issue in this race that georgians want to talk about and he doesn't really want to do that is his record of spending in the u.s. house of representatives. >> reporter: one of those two will face off against democratic nominee michelle nunn who says the gop is in a, quote, race to the extreme. >> they're more interesting in scoring political points than in actually making progress. >> reporter: in the oregon senate race, dr. monica wehbe won the primary and indicated she's ready for democratic attacks. >> the best way to defeat a bully is to stand up to him and that's exactly what we are going
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to do. >> reporter: her opponent, democratic senator jeff merkley said national republicans got their hand picked candidates in the oregon senate race. monica wehbe, a typical republican who cannot name one part of the national republican agenda, she would disagree with in washington. in arkansas, both senate candidates were unopposed in their primaries. as democratic senator mark pryor tries to keep his seat. and republican representative tom cotton tries to get him out. in kentucky, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell may face a tough general election race against kentucky secretary of state allison grimes. both sides are likely to be very well funded. elisabeth? >> thanks for being with us this morning. we've been hearing a lot of this sort of in fighting talk while generally speaking with six seats up for grab and a change of balance in power when it comes to the senate here, those seats are quite important, so strategy is even more important moving into them. so you have moving into
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election, they would an a candidate with some endurance. >> absolutely. that have passed the test. to me, i look at the tea party or the conservative party, moderate republicans, it's an interesting battle between candidates, many of which are equally financed and how to present their case. in turn, i don't think it's a good move for conservatives to have most of the tea candidates were defeated. i think it's an interesting tension in that the tea party, even if they don't get a candidate forward, taxed enough already. does anyone say i'm not paying enough taxes? they're for fiscal disflip in the country and looking at the constitution. how could that be bad for any party to adhere to? >> the tea party is part of the republican party. they could have fractured off and become their own third party, but they didn't. they wanted to incorporate themselves. but the mainstream media over the last couple of years, they've been trying o portray the tea party as these extremists and that's why you've heard some democrats talking about the extremists in the republican party.
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i'm looking over at cnn's web site t. says, is tea time over? six states held primaries and tea party candidates came up short. that's what they're trying to pit this as. the establishment candidate versus the tea party. and thank goodness the establishment candidate won. george will, who has got a great sweep of history, he looks at what has been portrayed in the media and says look, it's not about that. this is just about politics. >> when howard dean ran in 2004, i don't recall people saying, gosh, there is a civil war in the democratic party because howard dean says i represent the democratic wing of the democratic party. the standards are a little different with the republicans, but the republicans are really good at fighting with each other. it's one of the older traditions. in 1912, teddy roosevelt challenges as an independent candidate the incumbent republican president who winds up carrying two states, vermont and utah. william howard taft in 1964, goldwater against rockefeller,
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didn't work out well in 1964, but the republicans won five of the next six and seven of the next nine presidential elections. so fighting is not fatal. indeed, it shows a certain vigor in the party. >> debbie wasserman schultz says the tea party and rips have fought it out and the tea party has won. then you have the talking points seem to be that there is this civil war on the right. howard dean not only thinks there is a civil war on the right, he believes the right is just flat out wrong. here is how i know. >> this country has been sold down the river by the right wing for their own purposes! this is a republican party that has decided they like power so much, that they think it's okay to win by taking away the right to vote! they are not american! they are more comfortable in the ukraine or russia! stay away from our country! this is based on a right to vote! >> that rant is so crazy, it's
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hard to tell what he's talking about. >> sure. if you're going to rate that r for ridiculous, let us know today. if you have another rating in a letter, let us know that as well. >> maybe you think he's making a lot of sense. maybe you can help us. maybe there are subtitles in your world and you can help us with his definitions. hey, heather nauert. >> hi. i have another piece of outrageous news. we have just now learned that the number of v.a. hospitals being investigated for putting our veterans on so-called secret waiting lists has now grown to 26. the latest facility is in gainesville, florida. the white house sending its deputy chief of staff to the phoenix hospital where the scandal first erupted. there is mounting outrage over president obama's silence. former navy seal and author of the best selling book "lone survivor," marcus luttrell was here earlier and he says that he has an idea for fixing the problem. listen. >> if you had to put the people,
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senators -- if they had to go to the v.a. for their care, it would probably get fixed. >> in the meantime a new bill heads to the house today. it would give eric shinseki, the head of the v.a., more authority to get rid of underperforming executives. we'll watch this story throughout the day. new information coming in overnight. the operator of japan's destroyed nuclear power plant is now dumping radioactive water into the pacific ocean. the operator at fukushima says the radioactive ground water that he is now releasing is within legal safety limits. he says he has to do this in order to manage the huge amounts of radioactive water that has built up inside that site since it was wrecked by massive earthquake and tsunami back in 2011. secretary of state john kerry in mexico today to talk about trade, education and security. but he's also being urged to do everything he can to get mexico to release the u.s. marine who has been locked up for more than a month after he accidentsally crossed the border with three
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legal weapons inside his car. many of you probably seen that movie "ironman" and the suit he wears. of course, that suit protects him from a whole lot of bad things. listen to this, american sp getr just like that. there is a suit that's being developed right now at mcdill air force base in tampa. it could manitou sounds and give vital information to special ops like real time information on the bale field, bullet proof from head to toe. the idea is to deliver these suits to high-risk units by the year 2018. the prototype could be available this summer. so start to show to military officials. >> i wonder how much that's going to cost. >> a lot of money. what's interesting, they're getting information and ideas
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from regular joes, like guys who tinker in the garage. they want all that information. >> they're not getting the ideas from the movies? that's what it looks like. >> this looks pretty good to take notes on. >> thanks, heather. coming up straight ahead, 60 homeland security experts are doing something they have not done before and it's happening today. the former head of the d.h.s. and the first head of the dhs, governor tom ridge, is here with details next. attention, if you smoke weed, you can't work for the f.b.i. all potted up. well, that could actually change. really? listen to this music and we'll tell you more later. ♪ ♪ captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments,
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60 homeland security experts are doing something they have not done before and it's happening today. tom ridge was the first homeland security secretary under george w. bush, as you know. he's also the former governor of pennsylvania. so how do we reform oversight on homeland security, which some people is almost impossible to oversee, governor. >> well, it's not impossible to oversee, but you have absolutely no oversight when you have the secretary and his team responding to inquiries from subcommittees. that's precisely why, brian, that the three previous homeland security secretaries, the entire 9-11 commission, the former heads of the c.i.a., f.b.i., and nsa is saying to congress, get your act together. consolidate jurisdiction. you need one core group of individuals in the house and the senate overlooking department of homeland security just as you do with the department of defense. it's very simple.
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>> there is a homeland security committee. so do you want that and just toss out the subcommittees and tell others you don't have the jurisdiction to haul people like you in front of them? >> this is still a leadership issue, but i think at the end of the day, and maybe could happen in the lame duck session, you got to bring the committee chairman together and subcommittee chairmen together and say it's ridiculous. it's dysfunctional. and i'm all for oversight. remember, i served in congress for 12 years, so i understand the checks and balances. but when the secretary of homeland security, yours truly, spend more time on the hill when we're trying to build the organization than the secretary of defense did when we were prosecuting two wars or something fundamentally flawed with the something. you need oversight, but you need to concentrate that. maybe somebody can explain why we went from 140 people to 200,000 people. >> i think it's harder to create the homeland security department than it woulden to oversee the homeland security department. you did the hard part already.
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correct? >> it was -- all the agencies that belong there in a border sent rick agency exist and they're there. when they reform the department of defense right after world war ii, they also changed the committee structure on the hill so you had a more concentrated oversight from a smaller group of men and women on the hill to oversee the activities of the defense department. that's precisely what all these national security experts are begging, pleading, asking the congress of the united states to do. forget your committee of jurisdiction. it's a turf battle up there. everybody complains about being on too many committees and sub committees. they go in for 15 minutes, half hour, cnn turns the lights on, c-span, they say and they move. they need a concentrated effort to work with the secretary, to work with the department, to better enhance our safety and secure. >> before that, who are you going to see get this done? it's great to talk to me about it, but who has the power there? >> we're going to talk to -- there has been a lot of effort
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undertaken by a group there and we're hoping to get in action with leaders on the hill from now and the end of the year to convince them, and bipartisan consensus, including national security experts who served in republican and democratic administrations say please, please, reform it. if you want to make this nation safer and more secure, you have to make these changes. >> they should listen to the first secretary on that, who doesn't have a horse in this race. thousands of convicted illegals are going to be let out. many have served their time, but they're going to let out into the country. as former homeland security of the country, are you concerned? >> i read that report and since i -- i have not read the report, but let me tell you what i know and what i think. what i know is that the men and women in ice, they just as soon keep some of those people in there forever, particularly if they're convicted. i know those men and women. there is this visual that suddenly we're going to open the key and say go.
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i would suspect that we will find out when they release the report that most of those are being released because of court orders. it's not unilateral action on behalf of the secretary, but i suspect when they dig down deep in that 36,000, they're doing it in response to court orders and you can't hold the secretary and the department accountable for applying with -- complying with the law. >> i would like to send them back to the country they snuck in from. and there is a report that homeland security headquarters is 2.5 billion overbudget and may never be finished. your reaction? >> they need a headquarters. call me when the federal government does anything that doesn't go over budget. but i think the consolidation of the department in one area, saint elizabeth hospital is very important. it goes to the kind of oversight that we begin the conversation about. the jurisdiction to oversee that is probably across multiple agencies, so nobody is really
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focused in on it. exhibit a is why you need more and better and closer oversight from the congress of the united states. >> all right. governor, you're ready to go, as you make your case around the country. thank you for joining us this morning. >> always a pleasure. thank you. >> 19 minutes after the hour. we move ahead. he fought for freedom in vietnam and worked in federal prisons guarding bad guys like timothy mcveigh. how in the world can he be in this country illegally? that story will stun you. then, normally he reunites families. now he's trying to save them. tv star and office troy dunn has four simple ways to strengthen your relationship and soon he's about to touch steve and then elisabeth, touch him he is it, and now hug elisabeth. we're going to go to break. ♪ ♪
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we have got some breaking news about general motors. moments ago, gm added 218,000 sub compacts to its growing list of recalls for fire hazards. this recall covers chevrolet avio cars from 2004 to 2008. that brings gm's total recalls for this year to 13.8 million vehicles. and petco no longer selling beef jerky treats made in china. this after a new report from the f.d.a. revealed more than 1,000 dogs died after eating the treats. we told but that yesterday. home depot getting into the times. the retailer has finally stopped faxing orders to vendors. who still has a fax machine? apparently home depot did. now they're going to start e-mailing. all right. elisabeth, over to you. just the facts, ma'am.
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>> that's right. in his new tv series, troy dunn uses his expertise to locate hundreds of lost loved ones. take a look. >> i found your sister. >> really? >> i remember when we spoke you said that you just have this vision of a fairy tale ending. >> does she want to meet me? >> you want to have a happy ever after? just turn around. >> the man doing some good work. now he wants to do more than reunite families, if you can imagine that. he wants to help save them, too. so whether your marriage is headed in the wrong direction or your family is on the edge of a breakup, he has strategies. he reveals them in his new book.
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thanks for being here. >> good to see you again. >> we talked before. over 40,000 families that you've reunited and brought together. i'm sure -- >> and i'm 29. >> you've done a lot of this. married 26 years, eight kids of your own. of all the experiences that you've seen, they're unique, but they all share some qualities that you're bringing into this book and i find to be so useful. really breaking down myth in relationships and marriage. we're going to go through some of them. how can we be helped? >> i have learned over those 25 years of reuniting those families that letter certain things we all do that cause our relationships and our families to dissolve. but i've also learned in reuniting them there things you can do to bring them back together. i'm a huge fan, to try to help people have what i have. >> you sure are. otherwise you won be doing what you do for so long and so well. i will note that. but these are some myths that make marriage miserable that you want to debunk. one is never go to bed angry.
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what do you say? >> it's that cute little phrase that people say when they go to somebody's wedding. any advice for the bride and groom? sure, it's a cute line, it's terrible advice because asking the officer when they go out to domestic dispute calls it's at night because at the end of the day, you are so worn out. you're so exhausted that to try to take on a marital conversation at that point, you're going to say things you're going to regret. you're going to go to bed angry and wake up tomorrow exhausted and deal with it again far better to say to your partner, you know what, sweetheart? let's just sleep on this. let's talk tomorrow. >> nothing seems as bad in the morning perhaps. don't believe everything you think. >> we tend to look for things that aren't really there when we're nervous or insecure and we seek out evidence to verify it, even if it's false evidence. so yes, just because you think something about your partner, don't lock on to it as the truth. allow there to be some truth versus blaming them for something that happened in the past or something you're afraid
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is going to happen in the future. a lot of people get punished in their relationships for things that haven't even happened yet. >> or that someone else did. >> yeah. my sister had this happen to her, so i know it will happen to you. >> you say there are relationship road blocks, like misdirected healing. >> elisabeth, when a lot of people have an argument with their spouse, they will run to their best friend or sister or their mother and they'll vent it all out. it's like when you're really hungry and you grab a snack, usually grab the first thing you see -- the good news is when you grab a snack, you are satisfied from your appetite's perspective, but done nothing for nutritional value. same thing goes when you reach out and gossip to your friends about the problems you're having. you feel better about it. but the wrong two people are talking. you're not talking to the perso. so not only have you not fulfilled the need to heal the relationship, but you now have permanently poisoned the mind of somebody else about the way you temporarily feel about your partner. >> not really solving the problem. >> not even a little bit. you're making it worse. >> if you're going to be direct,
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do it not through the night. >> correct. wait 'tilç the sun is up. >> the book is great. you brought so many families back together and this book, going to keep families together. thanks for being here. >> thanks. coming up, an insane fight. a cop forced to jump over a bridge and plummet to 30 feet below. look at this. all to save his own life. what was he trying to escape from? we're going to tell you. then iranians arrested for being happy? this story is going to leave you both outraged and then proud to be an american where we can dance happy right here on our own streets. ♪ ♪ ching!
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even in the country of iran. >> what were they thinking? >> six people, according to the police chief there, have been detained in connection with an obnoxious video released on social networking web site. >> this is the iranian version of "happy." >> this version here has six arrested in iran and they are not maybe happy now. but should be able to be happy dancing to this song. >> no wonder they were rye i don't -- rioting in the streets. when you get arrested and are forced to condemn yourself for dance to go a video produced by an american artist that actually induces the word -- or the emotion of happiness, what kind of society is this that makes these people confess on television? >> so that video was posted on line and then on state television, they actually got those six people to confess, yeah, i don't know what i was thinking. i shouldn't have done that. i didn't know it was going to be posted on line.
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so be happy you live in the united states because here we can post anything we want to pretty much. >> right. >> freedom of speech. >> makes people sad to hear that and pharrell williams who wanted to make everyone happy tweeted it's sad these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness. >> with all the riots in the street against americans and global warming, why wouldn't people look at this and say, let's just go for human rights in a country like iran and the repression that exists all around. not just the beverly hills hotel, who all of a sudden they discover is run bay guy who runs a country that subscribes to sharia law. >> by the way, they don't call it global warming anymore because it hasn't warmed for 17 years. so now it's climate change. >> climate change. every time it's windy, told you. >> right. a breeze is blowing through. >> never would have happened if we didn't have those gas cards. >> headline time. >> good morning. i've got a story for you about a u.s. veteran and this one is getting a lot of attention this morning. a vietnam veteran who spent
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years nome fighting on behalf of our country, but also working for the federal government, learns he's not actually a u.s. citizen. and he may have to wait years and years to become one. we're talking about mario hernandez. he came to the united states with his family from cuba back in 1965 when he was just nine years old. eventually he went on to work for the state of florida and the u.s. bureau of prisons. but last year when he tried to get a passport to take his wife on a cruise, he found out that he was in the united states illegally. immigration authorities denied him citizenship and now he is appealing. his lawyer joined us earlier on the show. listen to this. >> when you serve in the military during the designated period of hostility, you can jump straight from, in his case, cuban parolee status straight to nationalization. he's also eligible to jump straight to naturalization because he's made significant contributions to national security. >> hernandez has a citizenship hearing later this morning.
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we'll let you know how that turns out. the f.b.i., easing its ban on hiring pot smokers. right now the agency doesn't hire anyone who smoked marijuana in the past three years. listen to this, the director of the f.b.i. says he may have to loosen those rules in order to attract new talented agents, especially those who are equipped to go after hackers and cyber criminals. brand-new details this morning about the star of the tv show "the shield" charged with murdering his wife while his two young boys were in the house. we're now learning more about a possible motive. the couple apparently having an argument about money sometime before the gun shots were fired. court records show that he filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and we also learned that a friend of his first wife claimed he assaulted his ex multiple times. jace is being held on $1 million bail. and take a look at this dash cam video coming in from texas.
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a cop forced to jump off a bridge to avoid being crushed by a suspected drunk driver. boy, that cop putting one leg over, then the other and jumping, plunging 30 feet to a highway in texas, landing in a rocky ditch. he fractured his pelvis, but he's expected to make a full recovery. thank goodness for that. quick thinking on his part. those are your headlines. i'll see you back here in a bit. >> thank you very much. on sunday, 43 nascar drivers will hit the pavement at the charlotte motor speedway for the coca-cola 600 at 600 miles. it's the longest race in the nascar sprint cup series. >> but like every race, there will be one vehicle on the track, the pace car. >> so heather childers headed to her hometown to find out what it takes to set the pace. good morning. >> yeah. it was lots of fun. but i got to say, it wasn't the speed that scared me the most.
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it was the wall. take a look. oh, wow. that is sprint cup series rookie alex bowman showing me what it feels like to go over 100 miles an hour around the track at charlotte motor speedway. while nascar's drivers get all the glory, they're not the only ones on the track with gust. every race has a pace car driver. they're sort of like the sheriff of the track. >> i try to help keep things under control. the main thing is whatever the speed is, which charlotte is 45, we've got to run that exactly at 45. if they're not doing 45 miles an hour, they'll get a penalty. >> he has been hitting the track and teaching people how it drive pace cars for almost 40 years and now he's teaching me. >> just kind of gradually pick
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your speed up a little bit at a time. when we go, just kind of go towards that white line right there. >> it didn't take me too long to realize this is nothing like your commute to work. >> stay down here. this is the groove. >> wow. >> pick up the speed a little more. i feel like we're going to tip over. >> no, we're all right. we're not going to tip over. >> oh, my goodness. >> calm down. >> hit the brakes? >> just like your doing. this is where they race. we're trying to watch thisç to make sure there is nothing out here that's going to cause a wreck. now we're going to go down to pit row. >> in addition to the challenges presented by the track itself, the pace car driver also has 43 cars capable of going over 200 miles per hour close behind. those drivers really want to put the pedal to the metal. >> it's pretty tense. the main thing is don't get nervous. >> restarts in the cup series are pretty crazy.
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so you're just trying to figure out what you're going to do and how to stay out of trouble. >> something i cannot even imagine. >> come on down, come on down. >> but after a few laps around the 1.5-mile track, buster may have changed my mind. how did i do? >> you done great. >> you ready to sign me up? >> that's right. we could go any time. >> i'll be here sunday. >> all right. >> i think sunday might be a little crowded. >> right. maybe just a little too intense for me. you can watch the entire race on your local fox starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern sunday and in a few hours in charlotte, nascar will actually announce its 2014 class of hall of fame inductees. that's exciting. the group is led by racetrack magnet bruton smith and dale jarrett. bruton smith and his family own charlotte motor speedway. >> did you a great job. >> thank you. i survived. >> at 45. coming up, he we know to the
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v.a. for help, but no doctor would see him. three hours later, this veteran was dead. his wife e-mailed us for help yesterday. she will join us live with peter johnson, jr. next. and while you were sleeping, the primary results came in. they are coming in at this hour, too. the democratic congressman who was facing a tough reelection. john barrow here next
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what's your policy? welcome back. fleet week returning to new york city today. here is a live look at the parade of ships happening on the hudson river. >> let's go out on the hudson to leah gabriel on the uss oak hill right now. good morning to you. welcome to "fox & friends". >> reporter: good morning. we are haze, gray and underway as we say, getting ready to kick off fleet week here. this is an exciting time on uss oak hill. everyone has been up since 5:00 o'clock this morning. that's when they had what's called revelie to wake everyone up. in the past half hour, you can see sailors and marines manned the rails here. we've been lining up in our order for the parade. we're going to be third in line in that p much the two navy ships that we're with
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are two early bird class destroyers. the uss cole is leading the way. i don't know if you can see it, but right in front of us hyped me here is the uss cole. hyped us will be another class ship. we're also joined by a number of new york police department ships, coast guard -- i'm sorry, new york police department boats, coast guard boats, a number of patrol boats. we're headed towards coney island right now. then towards the verazano bridge. fleet week getting underway here. we're very excited about it. >> that is the place to be. you are on a great location. thanks so much. we look forward to you coming into port soon. welcome to "fox & friends." we look forward to having you on again. >> absolutely. >> now over to peter johnson, jr. >> steve, we have a fox news alert this morning. president obama is now telling eric shinseki to -- summoning shinseki to the white house this morning. we're following a story steve and i brought to you yesterday. according to his wife, staff sergeant kevin heartburger took his own life.
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there he is just hours after he went to the v.a. for help where doctors reportedly turned him away, even after he repeatedly, three times, told them of his suicidal thoughts. yesterday his wife, barbara, e-mailed us. here with her family's heart breaking story and today she's joining us courageously to help shed light on the v.a. scandal. good morning, barbara. how are you? >> good morning. i'm fine, thank you. >> thank you for being here with us. am i right in saying that your husband sought help three different times in the less than 24 hours before he hung himself at your business? tell us about that, please. >> the night before we did go to the emergency room at the veterans hospital. he was having a lot of anxiety and they asked if he had any suicidal thoughts and he did tell them yes.
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and they gave him adavan, told him to come back in the morning to the walk-in patient arrangement. we went there at 8:00 o'clock in the morning and we waited to be seen. we saw a doctor at about 11:00 o'clock. i went in to the appointment with my husband, talked about the stressors that he was having. the doctor asked if he had suicidal thoughts. he said he did. she asked him did he have a plan? he answered no. she handed him a card that was for suicide hot line and said if you do have a plan to call the number. he took the card. and we proceeded -- she was going to get him an appointment in the afternoon to see a psychiatrist. >> that afternoon he was supposed to see a psychiatrist
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and so that's the third person. and then that evening, august 1, 2012, he killed himself. your husband had been treated since 2004 up until the date of his death for depression. >> yes. >> you say the v.a. was nothing but a pill dispensery for your husband and that they didn't see the pain and they didn't see the real problem that resulted in his ultimate suicide. barbara, tell us about that. >> well, there were multiple dorks. no one doctor ever really followed him completely. he would change psychiatrists pretty much on a regular basis. it would not be unusual to see two or three different psychiatrists each year. so every time he went in, he would need to retell his story of what he was experiencing with that new doctor. they would just change medications randomly.
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so there was no continuity in his care with other doctors because they all just changed. he would continually have to repeat and go over what he was experiencing. >> barbara, we're so sorry for your loss and your family's loss. we're going to stay in touch with you. you let us know what we can do for you and we'll be speaking more about this in the future. our condolences and we thank you for your husband's service and for your service as the new war widow. thank you. we reached out to the central texas v.a. but did not receive response. friends, i'll send it back to you. >> nice job. about telling her story, that's the best thing possible you could do. hoping it will change. >> yeah. thank you, peter. straight ahead, overnight there were huge developments. john barrow, facing a tough reelection, he's going to join us live next in the nation, it's not always pretty.
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>> the president meeting with the head of the va this morning. why has he not addressed this publicly? that might change today. his son was captured and killed in iraq ten years ago. now the father testifies against the alleged killer. we will talk to him today. karl rove analyzes primary results and the first time you will see the hornet's nest, a new film about a father and son who lived the afghan war together. we'll see new a couple minutes on "america's newsroom". a fox news alert. late last night, georgia businessman rick allen unexpectedly won the gop primary in georgia's 12th district. he will take on a blue dog democrat, john barrow. and the incumbent congressman john barrow joins us from washington, d.c good morning to you.
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>> good morning. good to be with you. >> tell us a little bit about your district. georgia's 12 district is unique, you say, because unlike a lot of places where it's really blue or really red, yours is pretty purple. >> we've got a lot of common sense moderate voters in all the districts in the country, but most of them have been drawn in the districts where their voice has been suppressed by the rather large number of partisan voters who have been drawn into their districts. mine is one of the few districts left that has a large number of moderate centrist voters who really are the majority make increase their district. i think that makes us kind of special because folks all over the country want to be able to vote for candidates like that, but most of the folks live in districts where the candidates they're forced to choose are so partisan on both sides, they haven't got much of a choice left. >> your district says, despite what's going on in washington, we want you to go there. we want you to compromise. we want you to get stuff done. >> i know is that even folks self-identified voters on both side of the political spectrum are fed up with the partisanship here, fed up with the lip here that has a partisan answer for
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everything. a large number of voters on both sides who want members of congress to work together. that was the framers' intent. they didn't want parties or party discipline. that's what i think we're supposed to do. >> now you've got your opponent, rick allen. congressman, we thank you very much for joining us from washington, d.c good luck to you. >> glad to be with you. >> we're going to step aside. more "fox & friends" coming your way in two minutes new car! hey! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. the versatile, 2015 subaru forester.
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brian just asked the producer if he could end with a song. so ladies and gentlemen, brian kilmeade. >> no, my song is like nine minutes. >> that's okay. start. >> you guys have g flat. >> a keyboard? no keyboard player. >> see you tomorrow. >> right. this might be a make-or-break moment on the va scandal. breaking moments ago, president obama will meet this morning with the secretary of veterans affairsshipship in the oval -- shinseki that will happen this hour. good morning, everybody, a lot of questions on this. welcome here to "america's newsroom." good morning, martha. martha: bill, welcome back. good to have you here. i'm martha maccallum. good to have you here, everybody. this comes after you have calls for action on the part of this president that just keep growing. you have 26 facilities across six teen states. not just phoenix anymore that are under investigation by the feds yet the president has been
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