tv Happening Now FOX News May 21, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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they ask nothing more than this country does ours. that we uphold our sacred trust to all who have served. so when i hear allegations of misconduct, any misconduct, whether is allegations of va staff covering up long wait times, or cooking the books, i will not stand for it. not as commander-in-chief, but also not as an american. none of us should. so, if these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and i will not tolerate it, period. here's what i discussed with secretary shinseki this morning. first, anybody found to have manipulated or falsified records at va facilities has to be held
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accountable. the inspector general at the va has launched investigations into the phoenix va and other facilities and some individuals have already been put on administrative leave. i know the people that are angry and want swift reckoning. i sympathize with that but we have to let the investigators do their job and get to the bottom of what happened. our veterans deserve to know the facts. their families deserve to know the facts. once we know the facts i assure you if there is misconduct it will be punished. second, i want to know the full scope of this problem and that's why i ordered secretary shinseki to investigate. today he updated me on his review which is looking not just at the phoenix facility but also va facilities across the nation and i expect preliminary results from that review next week. third, i have directed rob
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neighbors to conduct a broader review of the veterans health administration, the part of the va that delivers health care to our veterans and rob's going to phoenix today. keep in mind though, even if we had not heard reports out of this phoenix facility or other facilities, we all know that it often takes too long for veterans to get the care that they need. that's not a new development. it has been a problem for decades and it's been compounded by more than a decade of war. that's why when i came into office i said we would systematically work to fix these problems and we have been working really hard to address them. my attitude is, for folks who have been fighting on the battlefield, they should not have to fight a bureaucracy at home to get the care that they have earned. so the presumption has always been we've got to do better and
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rob's review will be a comprehensive look at the veterans health administration's approach currently to access to care. i want to know what's working, i want to know what is not working and i want specific recommendations on how va can up their game and i expect that full report from rob next month. number four, i said that expect everyone involved to work with congress which has an important oversight role to play and i welcome congress as a partner in our efforts, not just to address the current controversies but to make sure we're doing right by our veterans across the board. i served on the veterans affairs committee when i was in the senate and it was one of the proudest pieces of business that i did in the legislature. and i know the folks over there care deeply about our veterans. it is important that our veterans don't become another political football. especially when so many of them are receiving care right now.
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this is an area where democrats and republicans should always be working together. which brings me to my final point. even as we get to the bottom of what happened at phoenix and other facilities all of us, whether here in washington or all across the country, have to stay focused on the larger mission, which is upholding our sacred trust to all of our veterans, bringing the va system into the 21st century, which is not an easy task. we have made progress over the last five years. we've made historic investment in our veterans. we boosted va funding to record levels and we created consistency through advanced appropriations so that veterans organizations knew their money would be there regardless of political wrangling in washington. we made va benefits available to more than 2 million veterans who did not have it before, delivering disability pay to
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more vietnam vets exposed to agent orange. making it easier for veterans with posttraumatic stress and mental health issues and traumatic brain injury to get treatment and improving care for women's veterans. because of these steps and the influx of new veterans requiring services added in many cases to wait times, we launched an all-out war on the disability claims backlog. and in just the past year alone we have slashed that backlog by half. of course we're not going to let up because it is still too high. we're going to keith apit until we eliminate the backlog once and for all. meanwhile we're also reducing homelessness among our veterans. we're helping veterans and their families more than a million so far, pursue their education under the post-9/11 g.i. bill. we're stepping up our efforts to veterans to get skills and training to find jobs when they
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come home and along with michelle and joe biden joining forces we helped hundreds of thousands of veterans find a job. more veterans are finding work and veterans unemployment, although still way too high, is coming down. the point is caring for our veterans so not an issue that popped up in recent weeks. some of the problems with respect to how veterans are able to access the benefits that they have earned, that's not a new issue. that is an issue i was working on when i was running for the united states senate. taking care of our veterans and their families has been one of the causes of my presidency and it is something that all of us have to be involved with and have to be paying attention to. we ended the war in iraq and as our war in afghanistan end, and as our newest veterans are coming home, the demands on the va are going to grow so we're
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going to have to redouble our efforts to get it right as a nation. we have to be honest that there are and will continue to be areas where we have got to do a lot better. so today i want every veteran to know, we are going to fix whatever is wrong and so long as i have the privilege of serving as commander-in-chief i'm going to keep on fighting to deliver the care and the benefits and the opportunities that your families deserve. now, and for decade to come. that is a commitment to which i feel a sacred duty to maintain. so with that, i'm going to take two questions. i'm going to take jim from ap first of all. >> thank you, mr. president. as you said this is a cause of your presidency. you ran on this issue you. you mentioned it. why was it allowed to get to this stage where you actually
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had potentially 40 veterans who died while waiting for treatment? that's, that's extreme circumstance? why did it get to that point? >> well we have to find out first of all what exactly happened. i don't want to get ahead of the ig report or other investigations that are being done. and i think it is important to recognize that the wait times generally, what the ig indicated so far, at least is the wait times were for folks who may have had chronic conditions, were seeking their next appointment but may have already received service. it was not necessarily a situation where they were calling for emergency services. and the ig indicated that he did not see a link between the wait them actually dying. that does not excuse the fact that the wait times in general are too long in some facilities. and so what we have to do is find out what exactly happened.
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we have to find out how can we realistically cut some of these wait times. there has been a large influx of new veterans coming in. we've got a population of veterans that is also aging as part of the baby boom population. we've got to make sure that the scheduling system, the access to the system, that all those things are in singh. -- in sync. there are parts of the va health care system that performed well. what we've seen, for example, satisfaction rates in many facilities with respect to many providers has been high. but, what you, what we're seeing is that in terms of how folks get scheduled, how they get in the system, there is still too many problems. i will get a complete report from him. it is not as a consequence of people not caring about the problem but there are 85 million
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appointments scheduled among veterans during the course of a year. that's a lot of appointments and that means we have to have a system that is built in order to be able to take those folks in a smooth fashion, that they know what to expect, that it's reliable, and it means that the va has to set standards that it can meet. and if it can't meet them right now, then its going to have to set realistic goals about how they improve the system overall. >> responsibility ultimately rests with general shinseki? >> you know the responsibility for things always rests ultimately with me as, as the president and commander-in-chief rick shinseki is, has been a great soldier. he himself is a disabled veteran and nobody cares more about our veterans than rick shinseki. so, you know, if you ask me, you
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know, how do i think rick shinseki has performed overall, i would say that on homelessness, on 9/11 g.i. bill, on working with us to reduce the backlog across the board, he has put his heart and soul into this thing and he has taken it very seriously but i have said to rick and i said it to him today, i want to see, you know, what the results of these reports are and there is going to be accountability and i'm going to expect even before the reports are done that we are seeing significant improvement in terms of how the administrations process takes place in all of our va health care facilities. so, i though he cares about it deeply and, you know, he has been a great public servant and a great warrior on behalf of the united states of america. we're going to work with him to solve the problem. but, i am going to make sure
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that there is accountability throughout the system after i get the full report. steve holland from reuters. >> thank you, sir. as secretary shinseki offered to resign? if he is not to blame who is? were you caught by surprise by these allegations? >> rick shinseki i think serves this country because he cares deeply about veterans and he cares deeply about the mission and i know that rick's attitude is, if he does not think he can do a good job on this, and if he think he has let our veterans down, then i'm sure he is not going to be interested in continuing to serve. at this stage rick is committed to solving the problem and working with us to do it. and i am going to do everything in my power, using the resources of the white house, to help that process of getting to the bottom of what happened, and fixing it.
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but i'm also going to be waiting to see what the results of all this review process yields. i don't yet know how systemic this is. i don't yet know, are there a lot of other facilities that have been cooking the books? or is this just an episodic problem? we know that, you know, essentially, wait times have been a problem for decade in all kind of circumstances with respect to the va. getting benefits, getting health care, et cetera. some facilities do better than others. a couple of years ago the veterans affairs set a goal of 14 days for wait times. what's not yet clear to me is whether enough tools were given to make sure those goals were
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actually met. and i won't know until the full report is put forward as to whether there was enough management follow-up to insure that those folks on the front lines who are doing scheduling, had the capacity to meet those goals. if they were being evaluated for meeting goals that were unrealistic and they couldn't meet because either there weren't enough doctors or systems were not in place or what have you. we need to find out who is responsible for, you know, settings up those guidelines. there will be a lot of questions that we have to answer. in the meantime, what i said to rick today is let's not wait for the report retrospectively to reach out immediately to veterans who are currently waiting for appointments to make sure they are getting better service. that's something that we can initiate right now. we don't have to wait to find out if there was misconduct to dig in and make sure that we're
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upping our game in all of our various facilityies. you know, i do think it is important not just with respect to rick shinseki but with respect to the va generally to say that every single day there are people working in the va who do outstanding work and put everything they have got into making sure that our veterans get the care benefits, and services that they need and so i do want to close by sending a message out there that there are millions of veterans who are getting really good service from the va, who are getting really good treatment from the va i know because i get letters from veterans sometimes asking me to write letters of commendation or praise to a doctor or a nurse or a facility that couldn't have
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given them better treatment and so, this is a big system with a lot of really good people in it who care about our veterans deeply. we have seen the improvements on a whole range of issues like homelessness, like starting to clear the backlog up, like making sure that folks who previously weren't even eligible for disability because it was a mental health issue or because it was an agent orange issue, are finally able to get those services. i don't want us to lose sight of the fact that there are a lot of folks in the va doing a really good job and working really hard at it. that on the other hand, does not excuse the possibility that, number one, we weren't just, we were not doing good enough job in terms of providing access to folks who need an appointment for chronic conditions. number two, it never excuses the possibility that somebody was trying to manipulate the data in
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order to look better, or make their facility look better. it is critical to make sure that we have good information in order to make good decisions. i want people on the front lines, if there's a problem, to tell me or tell rick shinseki or tell whoever their superior, this is a problem. don't cover up a problem. do not pretend the problem doesn't exist. if you can't get wait times down to 14 days right now, i want you to let folks up the chain know so that we can solve the problem. do we need more doctors? do we need a new system in order to make sure that scheduling and coordination is more effective and more smooth? is there more follow-up? and that's, that's the thing that right now most disturbs me about the report, the possibility that folks
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intentionally with held information that would have helped us fix a problem. there is not a problem out that is not fixable. it can't always be fixed as quickly as everybody would like, but typically we can chip away at these problems. we've seen this with the backlog. we've seen it with veterans homelessness. we've seen it with the post-9/11 g.i. bill. initially there were problems with it and now it is operating fairly smoothly. problems can be fixed but folks have to let the people that they're reporting to know that there is a problem in order for to us fix it. all right? >> what about -- mismanagement, mr. president. >> we'll find out. my attitude, if somebody mismanaged or engaged in misconduct, not only do i not want them getting bonus, i want them punished. so that is what we're going to hopefully find out from the, from the ig report as well as audits taking place.
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all right? thank you very much. >> will he be fired from this hopefully? jon: 23 days after our ed henry first asked the president about his response to the allegations that at least 40 veterans at va medical center may have died while waiting for treatment, the president has just addressed it. some thought he would be using this opportunity to announce the resignation of eric shinseki, his secretary of veterans affairs. that did not happen. let's talk about it just a moment with nina easton, senior editor and washington columnist at "fortune" magazine. she is also a fox news contributor. jamie weinstein, with me, senior editor of "the daily caller." nina, you said this is a moment of truth for the president. how did he do? >> well on one hand he did step up to the plate as commander-in-chief and did say if these things happened it is disgraceful and dishonorable but i have to say he kind of passed on this moment. he said that, he said in his own
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words, he said wait times have been a problem for decades. even ran on this issue in 2008. then he says, quote, but we've been working on it. what have we been doing for the past five years? that raises more questions than it answers. jon: i wrote down that quote, jamie of the we work, we would systematically work to fix these problems and we've been working really hard to address them. it was, it has been noted that his administration was told as they were coming into office that there were big problems at the va. >> yeah, way back in 2008. this is what we just heard. a lot of platitudes, a lot of nonsense, a lot of look at shiny object over here what we may have gotten right while people may continue to be in these waiting times right now, possibly dying because of them, there was no sense of urgency, no sense of, we're going to solve this right away, we'll get to this you didn't see that. you saw a lot of defense of his record as opposed to trying to solve this problem in immediate fashion.
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i like the idea, i read yesterday by andrew exim, a foreign policy writer, was also an afghan iraq vet, he says why doesn't the president go seek afghan iraq vets at the top consulting firms like ma kinsey and bain to take a leave of absence to come here to fix this immediate problem? we're in a sense of urgency right now. there is an immediate problem needing to be solved and i saw a president just trying to defend himself. jon: we need to take a break now but i have a couple of questions from what the president had to say about the future of eric shinseki and veterans administration overall. we'll be back with those in just a moment. more "happening now" straight ahead. if i told you that a free ten-second test
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could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you'd take that test, right? well, what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. jon: back again to the president's remarks regarding
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what went on to the administration's. jamie caller, jamie weinstein from "the daily caller." jamie i will get your name right one of these days, i promise. he seemed awfully tentative and tepid in these remarks. there was, you know, i don't want to call it excuse-making but he said taking care of our vets has been one of the causes of my presidency. if that is the case, why six years into the presidency, are we dealing with these issues? >> yeah, there was a lot of padding to this. why not just stick with the issue and be angry about it and take responsibility for it. instead of saying well there is a big place. there are 85 million appointments. we made progress here and here. the other thing that was troubling when he said, i don't want to turned this into political football. by the way, that means, no critics, no republican critics. i'm going to do things on my own terms and in my own way. i thought that was, totally unnecessary.
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jon: also interesting, jamie, when he had a number of critics from his own side of the aisle. a number of democrats are pretty seem steamed about this. >> well the va is bipartisan issue in many ways. no one wants to get on side of being against veterans but what is interesting here, president obama has reputation, no drama obama. maybe sometimes drama is necessary to get things done. you never heard no drama steve jobs. there is a reason for that. steve jobs used drama and fierce action to get things done and build one of the greatest companies in american history. one more point, jon. i think that when this is all said and done and some resolution to this and some problems have been fixed, there has to be deep reimagining of the veterans affairs administration. this has been a problem a long time. every time someone brings it up on the presidential trail, there is trouble. maybe there is element of privatization here, that might make this system work a lot better than it is right now. jon: it is true. you're right.
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there have been problems, there have been problems at the veterans affairs administration for awful long time. whether any of that sticks to this president is the current question and how he deals with all of this yet to be seen i guess. biel continue to keep eye on it and let our viewers know how things to at the va and also about the future of general shinseki. jamie weinstein, got it right that time, nina easton, thank you both. >> thanks, jon. >> a lot more on "happening now." partial results in a key senate primary in georgia. we know michelle nunn will be the democratic candidate but who will face her in the race to win the seat of retiring senator sachs by chambliss. we're live with the story. dogs can track down suspects, sniff out drugs. they're picking up a whole new scent. why they could end up saving your life. that's next. the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals
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jon: right now, a quick look what is still to come this hour of "happening now." now everybody likes dogs but dogs can do something with more accuracy than your doctor that just might save your life. we'll tell you about that. another safety recall for gm bringing the total to nearly 14 million vehicles recalled this year. that is more than gm sold in this country in the last four years. plus dramatic rescue on the water. a new warning from the coast guard. ahead, a memorial day weekend. we're live with that story. >> to politics now and the results of a closely-watched
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primary in georgia. it's a race that could tip the balance of power in the senate for the seat of retiring senator sachs by chambliss. and while things were decided on the democratic side with michelle inurn scoring a victory last night. the top two gop candidates will face a runoff. senior national correspondent john roberts live in atlanta. >> reporter: arthel, this is important race for the republicans. this would be disaster and run the table in all the competitive seats and failure to take control because they lost saxby chambliss's seat. party leaders were able to finally breathe again after establishment two favorite candidates, david perdue and congressman jack kingston made it into the runoff. perdue, former ceo of dollar general ran as outsider in a field of career politicians. his position at top vote-getter that voters are looking for new blood to deal with the nation's problems. >> the results tonight are
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consistent like i said what we've been hearing all year. the crisis of the day, debt, economy, jobs is really on hearts of people around the state of georgia. they're looking for an alternative. >> reporter: on democratic side, political newcomer, you mentioned michelle nunn, daughter of former georgia senator sam nunn. she wan an overwhelming victory last night, got 75% of all the votes. by all measures she will be a formidable candidate heading into the november election, arthel. >> let's look ahead now. how bruising is the runoff expected to be? >> it is expected to be bloody, arthel. kingston and purdue are going at each other. one person tell me that next two months will be a street brawl and purdue looking close record at kingston's 10-year record of congress and kingston putting a microscope on purdue's background and business. >> i think he is somebody who really hasn't been that vetted in the primary process and that we're going to talk about our very positive record and our
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support of growth policies and jobs and, some of his business missteps which is claiming were great victories. >> reporter: what kingston is referring to as perdue's time of the ceo firm, pillowtex. pillowtex closed down. thousands of jobs were lost after perdue left as ceo. perdue said he learned from the experience. with dollar general his next position, he opened 2500 stores and created 20,000 jobs. arthel, this will be an interesting couple months heading into that july 22nd republican runoff. >> no doubt, john. you have a lot to look forward to in this race. john roberts. thanks. >> reporter: thanks. jon: another incredible study that indicates man's best friend can sniff out cancer. new research out of italy finding that dogs can actually detect prostate cancer with an astounding 9% accuracy rate. that is more accurate than some of the more advanced lab procedures. going to talk to us more that
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could mean for future of lab detection. we have dr. marty mack careerry, professor of public health at johns hopkins. dina, and marti, welcome to both all of you. dina, you're not surprised from 98% success from the dogs in this italian study? >> i'm not surprised at all. dogs have been showing throughout time with search-and-rescue, bomb detection, explosives detection, now with cancer the results have been tremendous. there hasn't been enough research produced but the research that's out there is tremendously promising. that is the detection of most canners. jon: there is really dina, a smell to cancer, a smell soothed with it? >> there has to be a smell. if the dogs are finding it there is a smell. smell associated with with disease has been going on since the beginning of time. dated back to chinese medicine. there are certain smells associated with certain disease. you will see it in diabetes.
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you will see it in other diseases even latter stage cancers there is odor detectable by humans in latter stages. jon: dr. makary, the fact there is an odor admit -- emitted by cancer, you say that may give us direction how to attack cancer, how to eliminate cancer? >> jon, the thought of our largest urology physicians meeting in the country talking about this study is remarkable. maybe a signal from those of us in cancer research we need this think about cancer differently and start taking a look at volatile compounds, these vocs. these compounds may be the real south of place we need to go to look at screening tests, for example. there is a lot we can learn from this study. look, i'm for all having dogs in the office. it will make the office more warm and friendly anyway. jon: i'm sure. i happen to have a dog. i would love to see one at my doctor's office. i know not everybody would. prostate cancer, was the subject
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of this particular test in italy, but they have also been shown to detect other forms of cancer too, right, dr. makary? >> lung cancer. there has been tests with breathalyzer tests basically used as screening tests for cancer. breast cancer has been looking ad in conjunction with mammography. current test we screen for cancer are not only not very good but some are even being pulled back a little bit. we need to think creatively. what we're learning from dogs, who buy by the way, have five times number of sensory smells in nose and humans. may give us a signal we should look at airborne particles in urine specimens or breathalyzer tests. jon: dina, you point out too, dogs don't usually give false-positives that some medical tests can give? >> that's right. the tremendous ability of dogs not only to be sensitive but to have a high specificity is incredible. this means, not only can they tell you cancer is there, with a
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high, high percentage of accuracy, but they can also tell you when it is not there. we train our dogs to ignore healthy samples. we train them to ignore disease controls, other diseases that may have common odors with cancer. not only dogs are highly scientifically trained but across the board they're giving low false-positives is. it is completely non-invasive, detect on urine samples, breath samples, simple plasma samples. these are non-invasive, low cost, highly accurate methods for detection of screening with most canners that don't have screening methods. jon: doctor makary i want to change topics slightly. there is new report that pancreatic cancer is on its way to becoming the number two cancer killer in the country. and, that's a very difficult one to treat, is it not first of all? secondly, why the increase? >> well, first of all environmental exposures increased faster than we can study them in public health and this has been a great concern to
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those of us on the back end of treating and operating on patients with pancreatic cancer. it is one of the worse. it progresses faster than any other cancer out there competing with ovarian cancer. i think public health studies just lag the environmental and technological exposures that we have in our new world. jon: and, well, and how do we go about attacking it? how do we go about treating it? >> well, you know there is lot to be said for common sense things. a lot of people avoid a lot of processed food. when you're putting a lot of stuff in your body that hasn't really studied as well, people implicated that. people look at occupational exposures. people that work in coal mine regions for example have higher rates of certain types of cancers. there is a lot of common sense things out there that can be used in the interim but remember other types of cancers are decreasing and other types of disease like heart disease is going down because technological advancement and new medications.
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that puts hard to treat cancers higher on the list like pancreatic cancer. jon: good news, the dogs help find some of these cancers before they can become too serious within an individual. dr. marty makary and dina seviiss, thank you both. >> thank you. jenna: one more reason to love dogs there. is more trouble for general motors. the latest recall and what it means for the auto giant bottom line. memorial day is just around the corner. that means fun in the sun or boating for millions of americans but there are also big safety concerns. mike tobin has a first-hand look. i missed so many workouts,
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and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. amazing! now, i'm a believer. captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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jon: 16 minutes away from the top of the hour, let's check up what is coming up on "outnumbered." harris and jedediah. >> hi, guys, how are you? we'll have much more on the president's comments about the va scandal. plus one of america's top catholic universities sparking controversy by rejecting a student club rejecting traditional marriage. >> allowing uncle sam into your kitchen. why they want lawmakers to regulate chips and ice cream which means i would starve to death, the same way they regulate cigarettes. >> is it okay to snoop on your partner. >> i think it's a requirement.
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oh. all that, plus our #oneluckyguy on "outnumbered" at top of the hour. jon: there is no room for uncle sam in my kitchen. it is cluttered enough. >> we'll be right over. jon: we'll see you in 15 minutes. >> sounds great. arthel: don't snoop. you will be afraid what you find of the that's what i say. my two cents. this just in. more trouble for general motors, adding to recall of growing list. this one covering about 218,000 chevy aveo cars from years 2004 to 2008. bringing "total recalls" to nearly 14 million vehicles. the crisis may be far from over. gm's stock price down 20% for the year, dropping nearly 4% just yesterday. and the automaker expects to take $400 million hit this quarter alone. >> well, with the mom moral day weekend coming up, the coast
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guard is urging americans to say safe on water. our own mike tobin got a first-hand lesson how frigid late spring water temperatures can quickly turn. a pleasant boating trip into a very dangerous situation. joining us live in detroit with more. mike? >> reporter: you know, jon, yesterday two healthy men died in lake michigan. they succumbed to the cold water while rescuers were searching forethey. examples like that why the coast guard is pushing this little beacon as the difference between life and death. when rescuing victims from frigid waters like the great lakes, minutes save lives and searches take hours. so the personal locator beacon, or plb, can make the difference. >> as soon as you activate it, we're notified, if you have a one with a gps enabled, it will give us exact location. >> reporter: to demonstrate the coast guard gave me a a pb and some alone time in the icy water. five miles out on lake huron. 52 seconds after activating
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beacon rescuers onshore were notified. [siren] >> off the boat. frigid water like this you have a 15 minutes until severe hypothermia starts setting in. after that a host of complication and your ability to survive goes down dramatically. even the coast guard helicopter needs specific navigation to arrive on time. >> just seeing from here up, is very difficult to see that person in the water. >> reporter: the plb points them to the spot. coast guard swimmer mike thompson makes easy work of plucking a swimmer from the water. a difference between the rescue and recovery is getting him to the victim on time. it was just about 40 minutes between activating the beacon and the rescue. so without the drysuit i would have been in bad shape but a healthy person could survive that kind of a thing of the beacon, plb, 150 and $400.
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coast guard says one on each boat is good. one on each life vest is better. jon: where do you get bothing supply stores, sporting goods stores? >> reporter: google them up. the boating supply stores, sporting goods supply stores. you can get them anywhere. jon: must have been fun out in the lake for 40 minutes alone. >> reporter: a little chilly and a little loan any. jon: i bet. mike tobin, thank you. arthel: okay, jon, a scuba diver comes face-to-face with a 12-foot great white shark. coming up he will join us live to tell us how he survived this frightening encounter. what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats.
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shark. he caught the whole thing an and under water gopro camera. the guy who captured video, scuba diver jimmy rosen. you're about 90 feet down the you have a spear gun the i assume you're spearfishing, huh. >> yes, that's correct. i was spearfishing. jon: how did you catch sight of the shark? >> well he came up on me first. he came from behind me and he bit my tank at first. that is how i first seen him. jon: oh, he just tapped you on the back, huh? >> yeah he came from behind and hit me on the back and swam off. he was gone for eight minutes before i saw him again. jon: i have been diving with sharks, not seen a great white, although, i mean, they are magnificent animals. hats off for not actual shooting your spear into the creature. i mean there are very rare. was he aggressive? did he seem to be coming after you? or was he mostly just kind of checking you out?
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>> wow, he seemed to be getting more aggressive as it went on. when i first saw him, i was amazed, a magnificent animal and i knew it was a great white. probably my only opportunity in life to see one, in the wild, anyway. then he started circling. he was getting more aggressive. so i did, kept poking with my spear to keep him off of me. he was six to seven feet from me most of the time. then he would come right at me. jon: yeah. the water in this video is a little bit murky. looks like he may be 20 feet away. you said he is only six or seven feet, huh? >> he is only six or seven feet. when i poke him three or four times. my spear gun is only four foot long. so he is pretty close. arthel: really close, jimmy. i'm watching, thinking what jon thought, what made you kind of maintain composure at that point, didn't even by reflex shoot your spear gun? what happened when this little devil came back around there?
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what were you thinking and feeling? >> well, you know, like i said, i was in awe at first. when he started circling, that is when i started to get real worried about how i would get to the surface. i've been diving since '83. the worst thing you can do underwater is panic. and i've learned that over the years. so i just kept my composure and, you know, went into defense mode and just kept my eye on him and was hoping for the best. i'm just glad i made it through to be here to talk to you today. arthel: so are we. so what happened? he just swam away and you swam up to shore, up to the top of the surface? >> yeah. he come around one last time at me pretty fast and i had to hit him real hard with the spear gun that time. so, i actually penetrated the skin with the tip of the spear gun that time. that is when it took off. i swam in the other direction and went to the surface. jon: white sharks are normally not seen a lot around florida, are they? >> no.
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we don't have them very much at all. they have been tracking them for a few years now and there is a couple of them come down the coast every year but, like i said, i've been diving since '83 out there and that is the first one i've seen. jon: yeah. a great story. you've got a great videotape to show everybody. we appreciate you sharing it with us. jimmy rose man. >> thank you. jon: thank you. arthel: jon, do you think he would have been that calm? jon: i don't know. i would like to think so. i do like sharks. sharks have a bad reputation and undeservedly so. arthel: fascinating creatures. jon: they are. arthel: that was a fascinating story. we have brand new stories working on top of next hour of "happening now." court action in a case sparking controversy here as well as overseas as a man who claims he killed a german exchange student in self-defense face as judge today. we're live with that story. plus our legal panel weighs in. confused by all those airline fees or checked bags, special seats, access to the
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>> "happening now." a terrible scene near st. paul minnesota. his school bus in flames. the school bus was coming off the interstate when the driver smelled smoke. he got out safely just before the burning wreck began to roll down the hill toward a fire truck. the cause of a fire under investigation now. luckily there were no children on board at the time. >> baby bandy has a minnesota man to thank for his life. he was driving through prior lake when he saw a driver run into what he thought was a deer. the man got out of the car and what he saw was the dough was pregnant. he took out a retractable locks
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cutter that hughes for work and delivered the baby. he then drove to a wildlife rehabilitation center in roseville. so far the fawn is doing well. >> we will see you in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." with us today, harris faulkner, sandra smith, stacy dash, and hashtag one lucky guy, brian kill made. did you eat your wheaties in preparation? >> i ate at 4:00 this morning. i am ready to be back. are you ready to handle this? breaking news. >> the ladies are always ready.
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