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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 21, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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cutter that hughes for work and delivered the baby. he then drove to a wildlife rehabilitation center in roseville. so far the fawn is doing well. >> we will see you in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." with us today, harris faulkner, sandra smith, stacy dash, and hashtag one lucky guy, brian kill made. did you eat your wheaties in preparation? >> i ate at 4:00 this morning. i am ready to be back. are you ready to handle this? breaking news. >> the ladies are always ready.
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>> we have met before, we don't get along. >> keep it feisty, guys. we will start right off the bat, president obama breaking his weeks long silence on the scandal engulfed in the veterans affair. speaking from white house briefing room a short time ago, the president had this to say about his embattled the a secretary accountable those responsible for possible misconduct. president obama: eric shinseki has been a great soldier, he himself is a disabled veteran and nobody cares more about our veterans. we will work with him to solve the problem. but i'm going to make sure there is accountability after i get the full report. >> those reports coming after he met with secretary eric shinseki today as calls come for him to go.
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there are 26 facilities being investigated in 16 states for allegations of secret waiting lists. in some cases veterans dying as they wait for care. sandra, i thought the president's comments were interesting. he said he would not stand for this. he made comments i would not stand for it, period. he said i will get to the bottom of it. do you think the president struck the right tone on his delivery on this issue? >> he did not say anything about people losing their job, i talked to a doctor in the last hour who now works privately said she was not shocked by this at all. people knew this was going on, people know this is going on yet we still get the sense from the administration they were completely unaware. somebody should have been aware.
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somebody has to go to jail over this. >> he is still standing very strongly behind shinseki. do you think that is a good strategy? or should he be backing away a little bit? >> i didn't think you was standing behind him. he was kind of standing him up. he said it. he will let me know and exit. that is basically it. that gives him an open door. it doesn't do the one thing everybody is watching for, to hold him accountable. two things hit me. one was the timing of this. the whistleblower came to light weeks ago. why now, the week before memorial day perhaps. the president went on record today and said this is not political. but he threw a flame out there.
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what is that going to look like? i actually left the press conference with more questions. >> as many did. i want to get your reaction, said we all share the american people's outrage over the horrors of the va. what about accountability for treating veterans like second and third rate citizens, deceiving them while their lives hang in the balance. >> he didn't answer any of those questions, but the president had to do something, he can't make a series of speeches for every president on memorial day because this is the topic at the forefront of everybody's mind. i suspected friday around noon he would have the press conference at which time they would head out. did general shinseki offer his resignation? he didn't offer it.
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we played it back, he did not answer the question. he walked into the president said this is outrageous, i am responsible, here is my resignation. the president said take it back, we will work this out together. if he said yes, okay. but i think he got his case, obviously not just another person. the question is being a general and being a manager are two different things. it is not working well, and he should have made a change. >> it seems to me barack obama spent a lot of time defending his administration. there were a lot less homeless veterans, lots of self-defense as opposed to answering questions they had. >> i have a couple of things to say. our veterans, our military has to be a priority. he ran on that for his campaign.
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he missed 19 out of 37 of those meetings. he was told in 2008 this was a problem, he did nothing about it. number two, if this government cannot handle taking care of 85 million veterans, how will they handle taking care 300 million americans with obamacare? how? >> this still deals with basically the same issue because it is about health care. >> a group of students who want to form a club is vowing to appeal have it was special recognition by the university of notre dame. the aims are too similar to those that already exist. the group disagrees reedi. on the facebook page it says "we aim to build up a network of
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students around indiana that will unite in favor of child oriented policies especially regarding marriage. we reject the views the young have decided to redefine marriage." local school said notre dame has denied nearly a third of club applications for being too similar to other clubs. i guess there is that, maybe this isn't specific to this club's cause, but it certainly raises suspicion. >> out of all of the universities, you think notre dame would embrace it. you have this pushback maybe for traditional marriage from college kids, and it was not embrace. i am somewhat surprised it is not done. i don't know about others that were rejected. >> they said they have other clubs like that.
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it is an iconic institution, give them the benefit of the doubt. >> there are power in numbers. 69 members, sleaze students have been getting it together. it was founded in january. there is a lot of momentum behind the club. you see those kind of numbers on a campus congregating to send out a message. notre dame wants to stop it? >> if there are that many people who want together, they will gather anyway. i wonder why this school chose a policy that deals with not being inclusive. they look at exclusivity. there was a big battle over putting an atheist club on a high school campus. a six-month struggle. it cost the school district a tremendous amount of legal money to go forward and make sure everybody's rights were protected. at the end of the day they chose to let the club stay because it
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was a policy of inclusion. i wonder why it is written in such a way it excludes you if you are not exclusive enough. >> with my experience, even if there are clubs that mary each other's messages, this could happen with companies as well, they are too similar, they merge. why not let it start, send out the message, realize they are similar to others and it becomes even bigger. >> if they realize that, they would naturally merge and realize collectively they would have more power to influence things on campus then they would individually. maybe there was some protest, some backlash. it sounds odd to me wouldn't just left the club established themselves and let them figure it out. >> i think we should give them
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the benefit of the doubt. it is an iconic institution, maybe all of these clubs will now unite and be one club. we know it is a catholic institution so they are for traditional marriage. >> to have a few months to reevaluate. >> students and parents are fighting back to reinstate honors night after middle school cancelled it. the uproar over rewarding kids were hard work and how your favorite cheeseburger and fries, they could one day get the same treatment as cigarettes. what would you eat? >> i eat good. what do you mean what would i eat? ♪ at's 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich,
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never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good!
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marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. >> you're watching "outnumbered" and we are glad you are here. your favorite indulgences could be slapped with the same government regulations as tobacco products. it is part of an effort to lower
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the surge in obesity rate. they're calling for taxes on fatty and unhealthy foods and subsidies for healthy ones. the group says the food and beverage industry needs to change the way it advertises to ensure companies are not promoting unhealthy foods as good foods. i will start with brian on this. brian, my take on this has to do with this targeting poor people because we know the diet is rich in fat. this takes food off the table by making it more expensive and doesn't replace it with anything. >> there are two things, subsidies and penalties, i am not into that. if you want to push people toward eating healthier, i would be relieved because they can't help disease but you can work at its by eating responsibly. they do not eat responsibly, we are all paying for this and in health care costs. the debilitating illnesses, we
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are all paying for it. >> you trust the government to make the right decisions for what is healthy? >> we know what is unhealthy. >> what is unhealthy is eating it every day at home. >> moderation. if you don't use moderation, what can i do about it? >> two words, personal responsibility. you have the government taking over for parents and personal responsibility. so what are you going to do? what is the next step? >> chris rock said something that was right on point without an expletive. he says a pork chop will save your life. when you talk about regulating fatty foods, what road are we going down? >> big government liberals can legislate morality, now they think they can legislate for
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tele two. but the cupcake down. don't eat the hot dog. how can the government tell me what to do? will that make people less fat? >> if you read on the pack it is more expensive than ever. you smoke this, you will die, here's a picture and a 32nd spot about it. >> so you're kind of in the same camp. walking into a grocery store is like walking into a pharmacy. you want to help people help themselves? >> i would. >> you want it both ways. >> i would like everybody to be more responsible. >> you know a little bit about this story. i saw you talking a little girl affected by it. honors girl back on, officials had cancelled the event and replace it with a team-based
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event instead. only those with high grades would be to explosive. but when they found out about the change, they fought back and win. one is greater describing why on earth that had to stay. >> there are so many students in my school that work so hard to get all a's and get a high honor a word and to the ceremony. it is not special of somebody had a piece of paper with no ceremony and says here you go, you got a high honor award. you have to make it worth it every single year to get those high grades to feel special. >> she was so passionate. she worked so hard, they were trying to strip her of the available to win that award. >> good for her. i was an honor student, it is competitiveness. it makes you competitive, which is good because that is how the world is run.
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i love getting up and hearing my name be called and getting my award for working so hard. >> at one point i thought she would cry. she is so passionate about this. >> she spells her name like i spell my daughter's name. she fought for the fact she said that was my goal, that was my incentive and i don't care i didn't get it, i will try next time to get it and that should be in there. athat is a separation between success and people who get these of house to a's. >> what are they going to get a lower achievers club? that won't be exclusive. >> we don't want to distract from the fact there are people who do struggle in school, they struggle and they fight and they still don't make the honor roll. but the incentive is always there. that is the goal, right?
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>> when i was a teacher, they said you have to give everyone a gold star. i said no, you have to earn that goldstar. it was an increase in better performance for you, you can say i earned this and it teaches kids at a young age to strive for something. it is something to reach for and be proud of. >> don't be u afraid to blame te teacher. >> i have a feeling you were an honor student. >> i was a proud be students. you know how it is. i didn't mind. >> brian was absent. i wasn't a bad kid.
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i was a proud b student. >> they rewarded us during a football game. you know you worked hard for that. >> and you remember that. >> i remember it. new questions it women who run for office face a double standard for how they handle their emotion. and some parents want legal expensextremes to protect their children from bullies. avo: waves don't care what age you are.
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take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health.
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age? who cares.
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." with a big primary day behind us, this is getting our attention. the double standard women candidates seem to suffer with the emotional state. case in point, oregon candidate won her primary but not before enduring a buzz saw of controversy in the final days before the vote. allegatioallegations including e reports and a juicy 911 call reportedly dug up the democrats that seemed to portray she allegedly stalking and harassing a former boyfriend. in her victory speech last night she had this message for those try to take her down. >> i do have a message for those national democrats who are willing to shred my family for their own political gain.
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people are tired of your dirty tricks. we all know the best way is to stand up to them. that is exactly what we are going to do. >> well said. you think it was okay for democrats to go after her like this? the boyfriend that made this call to the police since said i regret it, supporting the campaign, but is it fair game? >> it is a political race, this is what happens. what matters is the democrats are bullies, they do play dirty, she stood up to them and said i don't care, i will fight and that is what we as a party have to do. we have to put on our gloves, go in the ring and fight, stop letting them bully us around. >> this reminded me of the movie "game change."
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as a crazy person i remember the scene where she is lying on the floor and looks crazy, looks deranged. they want to target a female candidate. they try to paint them as crazy whether it is a photo or a past record, it seems to be a pattern. >> you always want to go after whoever is your biggest threat. at this point in time come in from oregon, she has been an early critic of obamacare. they had all the reason in the world today guess deep as they could on her. they did. if this hadn't been the right digging, this would be seen as a sexist, because she was a woman. i do think they go after female candidates a bit differently than they go after male candidates from the right and the left. >> for the record, this is just the way i look.
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by the power vested in you, you say i can talk, right? remember george bush we had a week before the election, that changed the election. they look into the background and find this stalking thing, i will look into it. everybody has this winners mentality. if you are a democrat, i've got something here. she defends herself well. so then it is game on. if it was me and i had that in my background, i would choose to get it out. >> how should female candidates respond? >> she put something out there on everybody's mind. it doesn't matter what party you are in politically. when you are picked on, you fight back. i kind of like it when a political candidate has to come
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forward and fight for themselves and show the world they can put the gloves on because that shows how they want to fight for me. that is part of the game anyway. if you have a game, it is good to see you play it. >> he is one of our biggest fundraisers and contributors to her campaign. >> she did something right. >> this next story could really be influenced by the way she handled it. has it actually come to this? it wisconsin that has filed a restraining order against a five-year-old boy. accusing a little point of bullying and threatening his daughter months of a california took similar action against a nine-year-old child he said attacked his son. both dads say they had turned the record with the school did little or nothing to address the
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problem. you have kids, how do you look upon this? is this something you would do? >> if i had a score that was unresponsive, i am out of that school, you don't have to get the legal profession involved only a five-year-old. talk to your kid in a way. in life and now at some point you have to stand up for yourself. stand up for yourself element. and will you really do not respond to this on the playground? >> the school district decided what they would do is come up with a plan to create safe zones if they decided they were being bullied. about 55,000 people live there. they held a city council meeting and the mayor had this to say about children who might be bullied. watch. >> i am against bullying, but
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i'm getting tired tired of this. most people just have to grow a pair. >> it is hard to stand up and grow a pair when you are may be a 10-year-old little girl. >> maybe other 10-year-olds will stand up for her instead of a safe zone with a bunch of training that goes on. >> i give her a lot of credit should even talk that man because i would have accused him of drinking before the meeting. >> i have to disagree because i am from the south bronx. i came home from school and second grade crying because i had been bullied. a mother said to me to come home again trying and timely somebody beat you up, you're going to have to fight me. that ended the bullying for me.
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i went to school in long island. i had to defend myself, it's taught me how to fight for myself. >> i think you have to be protective of kids face a different kind of bullying. these are real visible threats, saying they're going to slit her throat. >> in the south bronx, i had to fight, physically fight. >> what does this say about porterville and the mayor? you heard virginia, she said on the council how can a 10-year-old girl grow a pair? >> that guys delivery not many people give a worst delivery than him.
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what he was trying to say something i do agree with, people do need to toughen up. kids will run your office for every possible reason. there are tears cried over things and i was a kid tears would not have been cried over because i would have been laughed at. there are cases serious bullying that have to be addressed. but they should not take everything so seriously. >> the mayor did say sensually i didn't say it the right way, i am against bullying. it goes too far and he did want to say maybe we are not preparing kids for rea real-liff we continue. >> should have said that the right way the first time. >> or grow up in the bronx. >> there you go be at controversy over the president's judicial nominee and to kill
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with drones without trial. and trying to make the kids more respectful. stop praising them so much and be more selfish. we will explain one mom's technique. and we will work on brian. get ready, buddy. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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>> don't praise her kids, make them do stuff for you and say no more often to them. just some of the controversial advice from a so-called lifestyle guru who says being a selfish mother is good. she argues in her new book the more you give in, the less your children respect you and the more they will expect to get away with. the earlier you stop being their doormat, the sooner they will
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grow respect for you. the critics say this is too much tough love and they need praise and loving care. what you think? >> i think there is somewhere in between. i have been guilty of over praising my kids sometimes, i think i'm getting better at it focusing more on myself. only kidding. but i do sense it does not get you ready for the first critic in your life. you see the interns, sometimes they are students, they are not used to handling the criticism way they get it early and accurate, it is better for them. >> my parents were very tough critics growing up. i know they're watching and they will say no we weren't. yes, you were. i think the school i went to, and al all-girls school catholic school, i think it worked out to my advantage in the end because it grew me a tough backbone.
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i laugh it off or take what they say do hard and it doesn't hurt my feelings but helps me to do what i do better. it's kind of has a plus side to being a tough mom. >> the best thing you can do is lead by example. i think the best thing you can do is go to work every day, be a good person. to put such thought into it that i will choose to be selfish goes too far the other side. it is too much, you must lead by example. >> you guys just blew me out of the water with out of your parents are with you. i was going to say it is a gender thing. i grew up military. if you want mom's attention, you have to do what is on your plate to do, and there is some praise, they call it bribery.
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i like to call it payback. i am in scented giving. but i praise when praise is warranted. i don't praise for things they should be doing already. >> you are tough. >> what a pretty middle you painted. >> no means no. when you do a good job, you get praise. when you don't, i say you could have done better. >> different for moms versus dads. you often would find mom is tough, dad is a little more soft and not so tough. a pattern i have heard a lot. >> or you flip. i will go the side and say we need a little bit of backbone. >> good cop, bad cop. >> i morphed the situation.
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>> as a single mom i have to do both. >> so you are the into my yang? >> i would do that. if my wife is dug in prison issue, i will support but understand the kid doesn't have to be gained up on. >> she is being ganged up on. >> changes are in the way to know how much the airline ticket really costs. there is always that list of stuff. and how women athletes are portrayed in the media. why they don't often reflect reality and sexism may not be to blame. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
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martha>> more "outnumbered" in a moment. but first, jon scott. >> more reaction to obama's comments a few moments ago on the growing va scandal. the president's is no did not ae the resignation of eric shinseki. nancy pelosi as a for come lament of members to the house committee on benghazi. and new rules that would force airlines to disclose all of the fees they charge when quoting ticket prices including seat selection, checking bags, everything. we will talk about it next hour on "happening now."
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>> we will be watching. >> thanks. >> that was jon scott, now let's go back to "outnumbered" starring us. women playing sports too as you know. women make up 80% of all athletes today, but hardly get any coverage. here is wher why you may not no. kate upton on "sports illustrated"'s swimsuit issue. >> you cannot even say it. you are like distracted by her. >> i didn't interrupt you during your read. one of the world's best female soccer players in nothing but body paint. they seem to keep it fair, the annual body issue shows guys with nothing but underwear on, but espn pictures of female athletes we cannot show here.
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>> oh, stop it. >> i guess i will start with sandra. why is it people aren't watching female sports but the male femae athletes are in these outfits. >> because they lack exciting stories. there was nobody for everybody to tune in and cheer on every day. thank goodness we have this 11-year-old that qualified for the u.s. open. >> they will put too much pressure on her and she will collapse did >> stop it, we wish her the best. this goes back to all the years women did not have the abilities. this is built around men's sports. as long as we have a compelling story, we will watch. look at the olympics, ice skating, speedskating, lolo jones track and field, what a compelling story.
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>> danica patrick. >> do you want to weigh in before i say you are all wrong? >> young, female athletes, if i am not sexy when i am older, will i not get any attention? >> i don't mean to cut you off, what is wrong with capitalizing on what god gave you? >> there are compelling stories. most of the audience is male. they are almost gone out of business. >> i am a huge tennis fan, obviously. i also enjoy nascar. i named my first kid danica.
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>> they don't watch nba, don't watch women's soccer. where are the women's football team? >> i used to be a cheerleader when i was in high school. the female cheerleaders did not want to cheer for the girls basketball team. they wanted to cheer for the boys basketball team. there is a sense among some women the arena of sports is a male zone and prefer it that way. >> why is female hockey not taking off? >> only 4% are female athletes.
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>> yo u.s. any network executiv, they have people watching. female hockey doesn't sell because nobody is watching. the wnba would not exist without the nba propping it up. >> give it a chance. >> if it sells, any network executive will put it on in two seconds. i am outnumbered, but i am also right. have you ever been tempted to go through your partners phone to read the e-mails, text, personal information? don't do it. a warning it could hurt your relationship. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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♪ ♪ i got my eyes on you. i see you checking me. i got my eyes on you. oh, yeah. >> welcome back to outnumbered. picture this your partner leaves the phone out and text and e-mail all readily available to your curious eyes. a recent survey shoes that 40
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percent of you would. but of course, many say it is never okay because it shoes a lack of trust and regardless of what you find you are the bad guy for snooping. >> brian, have you snoped. >> i never looked through anybodiy phone. >> have you had somebody look through yours. >> and not combvenlt why are you looking at me? >> i know a lot of ladies have had someone look through it and didn't find anything salashes. >> it would be on a full screen if i had. >> harris, are you always in the wrong for looking even if you find something out. >> no one is going to like that answer. i upon not that insecure. i don't feel the need to rifle through someone's phone to find out the truth to find out about the life i have with that
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person. i rather the relationship be strong enough to handle anything and build that foundation, i don't have that insecurity, june. >> if you have a suspicion that is that strong, you need to look through somebodiy stuff, probably not the right person for you. there are probably other signs that tell you that is wrong and doesn't want to involve the phone. >> maybe it is a necessity. i have done it multiple occasions and i will tell you why. i set a note to do that. and the mister said he never saw that e-mail. and i will show it to you. wow. >> that is acceptable. >> and a good defense. >> you date guys who have looked through my phone and i don't care at all. if i am with somebody, i have what is mine is yours philosophy. you will not find anything.
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have fun. >> my phone is locked. i have looked through a phone and i wish i felt like harris and i found something i didn't like and since then learned never to do it again. >> see you back here tomorrow. happening now starts right now. and a fox news alert on three developing stories this hours. house minority leader nancy pelosi is leaning toward putting a full compliment of house members to investigate the benghazi terror attack. >> and new details on the marine south of the border. he's been moved to a new facility as secretary of state kerry visits mexico. >> and millions conduct business and the company was hacked. what ebay is tel


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