tv Happening Now FOX News May 22, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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away for me. >> no matter whatdom said, it sounds sweet with the accent. >> you want to choke him. nscott, mark, and matt and we'll see you back here tomorrow. happening now. we begin on a fox news alert. law makers accuse veteran affairs apartment. and they investigate the growing scandal in treatment of va hospitals. and we are waiting to hear from minority nancy pelosi a day after appointing five democrats to the committee on benghazi. are the democrats ready to pitch in with that investigation? >> the u.s. taking to the skies and using a drone as the search expands for a number of school girls in algerria. we'll have the latest on the
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hunt. >> but first, this fox news alert. new developments in the wide eping scandal over the handling of the veteran's medical care. top white house official and calling for new accountability. im jon scott. >> and i am patty ann brown in for jenna lee. they are meeting with senate democrats on capitol hill today. it is to coordinate agendas and the va controversy could come up. this as we get new reaction from house speaker john bone pone. >> i have not called for the general shinseki to resign. but i have to admit i am getting closer. this is the point, this is not one person or about the secretary. it is the entire system underneath him. and the reports that continue to come are appalling. and these are men and women, who served our country and we can't
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just let them dourngs we have let them die. this is awful stuff and somebody ought to be held accountable for it. >> chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. washington is ablaze with this va thing right now. and politicians on both sides of the aisle are taking shots at the president and administration over its handling of all of this, chris? >> good afternoon, john. you are exactly right. this is a nonpartisan issue that could be hilo partisan. whether you are republican or democrat or liberal or conservative, everybody owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the veterans and the idea they are mistreated or nontreated by the veteran's administration when they come home, and oftentimes seeking medical help because of injuries that they suffered overseas defending our
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country, it is repulsive to everybody. i have not seen that clip before of speaker boehner, but that speaks to how on a gut level people feel about this. i say it is nonpartisan and could become very partisan, republicans are going to use this as part of their bill of particulars if you will and their indictment of this president and democrats and big government solutions and saying whether it's the irs or just obama care or the va, that the party of government isn't managing very well. and managing poorly and they are going to be held responsible. and you know they are going to take this message to voters come november. >> it ties into obama care because of the way the va health system is government run and government follow-uppeded health care in its entirity. and if the government can't
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manage to get that small piece of it done well, a lot of folks are wondering how obama care could possibly work. >> there is a difference in the obama care is a health and insurance plan and the care people are getting are from the private doctors. you can be sure that republicans and conservatives are going to make that logical leap or illogical leap. and the government system and a lot of democrats favor a single payer run system. this shoes the dangers of that. and when you are deciding things like what care people get. it brings up the rationing question. and forget about all of that on its own level. the fact that the administration had been warned before they took office and the transition team and all of the problems with long wait list and lack of adequate care for veterans and there are a series of reports
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over the years and the failure of the obama administration to fix them. there was frustration with the president's rather thanning and passionate rhetoric and a lot of people say wait a minute. there is a half dozen independent reports by inspector's general and ga o that show problems with health care in the va system. why do you need another report. start to fix the system now. >> the president said i will not tolerate it period. >> a lost fiery rhetoric and no firing of individuals. >> there will be a lot more with chris on fox news sunday and he will sit down with derek bennett. and the va whistle blower. watching two major votes now on capitol hill. the house passing a bill that
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prohibits the nsa on the bulk collection of american records. the data is used to search for listenings to terror plots overseas. but the bill doesn't go far enough in protecting the american privacy. and the senate holding a vote on the controercy. molly has more on this. >> reporter: that nsa bill had overwhelming bipartisan support in the house passing 303 to 121. and prohibits the nsa from storing american phone records and requires them to keep the records for 15 months. and the nsa would need a court order to search the records for connecks to terrorist plots. one of the democrats calls it a great move forward. this is the first time since the foreign intelligence surveillance act was passed in
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1978, that we have taken steps to rollback some of the aspects of government surveillance. >> and civil liberty's advocate said it doesn't protect americans from government entrugz and collection of their private information. the legislation goes to the september and has support of the white house. >> we also in this bill, make sure there is no access to the data without a court decision and the standards for that decision are higher than what they were. >> reporter: we are keeping an eye on another vote in the senate. it is a vote on one of president obama's controversial judicial nominee. davidberren. he used to work in president obama's justice department and wrote a memo outlining the legal
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authority for the u.s. to use drone strikes to kill americans overseas. all republicans will vote againstberren's nomination and democrats initially opposed him as well. but the white house won them over by agreeing to release buyeron's memo on drone strikes. >> happening right now on capitol hill. house law makers holding classified briefings on the nigeria terrorist organization boko haran. this comes as 80 u.s. troops for chad part of a team flying a predator drone to search for hundreds of missing school girls kidnapped by boko haran last month. >> the decision to free a u.s.
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marine in mexico is taking on new controversy. the marine sergeant was arrested on weapon's charges after he crossed the border in mexico by mistake. hi, adam. >> reporter: he was called for duty and he could be discharged if he didn't show up for that appointment. and they said they will not hold that against him as his case moves forward. he was moved from a regional jail in ti juna and a jail that is better. a mexican federal facility in ta quata. and we expect to have a statement from the state department and contacted the mexican government and they will get back with a statement in an hour. in the meantime, the attorneys said the conditions he lived
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under in the last six weeks are brutal. >> he was kept in a segregated area. he had a tough few days personally. he was dealing with stress. >> reporter: was he chained in the cell. >> that ended up happening. >> reporter: he's held on the jail. and first hearing on may 28th. and will not be in front of a jury. secretary kerry talked. and we don't know what it has been. the secretary has not been asked a question surprisingly by the press in the last two days. and he returns back tonight and we have our producer in the state department briefing today. we expect to get a comment from them and that question will be asked by us here at fox. still in the jail and first hearing may 28th and it will be in front of a judge that will hear the evidence.
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>> every day must seem endless. thanks. a wild fire ramging in arizona threatens to force thousands of people to evacuate and head to safer ground. the latest on the efforts to fight the fire. americans heading to syria and joining the civil war is posing a threat to our national security. >> the growing danger. and we' andy want to hear your thoughts. get in on the conversation. sfx: car unlock beep.
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>> hundreds of firefighters are battling a growing inferno. there is 5,000 acre that burned so far and putting 300 homes and businesses in danger. authorities are warning them to be ready to evacuate if the fire advances. it was caused by machine and not sure if it was an accident or arson. >> u.s. official confirming to fox news. and that is fighting on both sides of the raging civil war there. and most danger weapons could be the u.s. passports. intelligence agency bracing for the return of the americans and worry that they could pose
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a terror threat here at home. tom roggan wrote extensively about the looming danger of terrorist tourism. he is a on the national review and daily telegraph. you are concerned about a group called isis. what do they do? >> shally the islamic states of iraq and greater syria and they are a successor to al-qaeda in iraq and a group of american ands people across the world and certainly the iraqis will know the atrocities that are committed in the iraq war. and now because of the lack of governance in syria and vacum of security. isis rose to the foreand welcomed with open arms hundreds of europeans and americans as we are finding out increasingly.
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they are specifically dedicated to a global, a global struggle and the reach is beyond syria they have a certain intention to commit acts of violence in europe and in the united states. >> and some of the things that these guys are known to have done are appalling. off of the charts in terms of their brutality. >> they are. i mean, they are really off of the charts. you see, it is so bad it is hard to research, because the videos you have to watch of horror and boiling heads in pots and crucifying people. it is violence for violence's sake. and the notion they are trying to deploy by that use of force you cannot stand against us and our resolve out weighs yours and we'll do whatever it takes. terrorism using violence and intimidation to kraekt a political affect of fear. >> the fear is the terrorist
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tourism where people go over and fight these battles and learn how to handle weapon row and organizational skills and so forth, they could be coming back to europe or the united states with the requisite passports and lie low for a while, correct? >> exactly and that is the big concern. certainly with u.s. intelience and british intelligence, it will be concerned by the prospect of people returning from syria and having been told by issis, that the nsa and joined special operations put pressure on them. they have learned from that. stay off of the internet, you know, keep it quiet and then conduct an attack. you have people with european passports. and perhaps not attracting the same amount of scrutiny.
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and one final other point. it is a battleground and hard for intelligence offices to get access there and identify a lot of these people. there is a lot of concern. >> so president obama's promise that al-qaeda is on the run is not proving to be true? >> no. it is absurd. i don't want, you know, it is a very serious issue, but the terrorism threat at the moment in terms of differential spread affiliate groups and nottives is perhaps unparalleled and that is not bluster. that is simple reality. nfrightening stuch nfrightening, thank you. >> nancy pelosi addressing the full compliment of five democrats on the committee investigating the benghazi terror attack. >> it is hard to see what the
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purpose is of dragging this on and what the time table is of dragging this on. as i mentioned because of the concern we had about how the republicans would treat witnesses and their availability and documents, we thought it was necessary to have some watch dogs in the room. we considered this sacred ground with ambassador stefebs and woods and dautery. and their memories and families are in our hearts and prayers. two of those family wrote to us and said don't go down this path and don't do it again. and the american people, we shouldn't put the american people through this to place doubts in their mind about the security of our country and on both sides of the aisle interest in keeping americans safe.
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our diplomats and intelligence committee folks. >> we'll continue to monitor nancy pelosi's new's conference. and give you more if she said anything else. >> cell phones are a target for thieves and pass words and access to phone conversations. one company thinks they have a way to safe guard your smart phone. and a hidden danger injuring kids as they swim, frantic parents and rushing to pull their kids out. >> i was in the pool and the metal railing and i felt the shock. did they fix the poll. would you go back in? >> no.
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>> dram atec video in south florida. children going in for a swim and getting shock when a girl touches the hand rail. they were unable to escape when the poll was charged and a man reached for his grand daughter and shocked himself. three children were hospitalized and released. the poll has been drained and now surrounded by skroim scene ta -- crime scene tape. >> a new smart phone and the best feature of protecting you where you are most vulnerability. >> reporter: i know you are on your cell phone call of the time and most of us use cell phones every day and that makes them so attractive to hackers.
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matthew riley spent his life hacking computers in order to expose cyber vulnerabilities for fortune 500 companies. unfortunately, the biggest vulnerability is our cell phone. >> you could listen to my cell phone calls and read my text messages and steal my pass words? >> with these phones there are vulnerabilities that are found. >> the statistics back him up. in 2012 third of smart phone users were victims of cyber crime. and one cell company said over 750 million phones are without any security what so ever. >> cell phones are vulnerability. and that's why toby jones is putting out the black phone. >> it provides private phone calls and text messaging and
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send and receive pictures and movies. >> all text and e-mail are pier to pier and no middle men or servers. he said guarantees total protection from hackers. malware and cyber terrorist. one you can't protect them. >> if you are on the nsa watch list or surveillance institute, we can't help you. >> he is going to recommend the black phone to his clients. but warns what is safe today may not be safe tomorrow. in the security industry these days tis a back and forth game where the companies try to develop it secure and hackers she it is not. he said the black phone should be secower in the short term, patty ann.
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>> interesting stuff. thank you so much. i will wait until they block the government for my black phone. >> thank you, john. no more door-to-door service. the proposal that changes the way millions of americans get their mail. >> and a drug to reverse the overdose and save lives when seconds count. why it should be widely available. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™.
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>> we are keeping an eye on a midterm race in upstate new york. it pits a decorated war vet against the husband of a facebook co-founder. they are in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: hello, jon. it is a congressional race with a contrast. the republican in the naepth district is chris gibeson. he is a home grown wounded war veteran born and raised and least wealthy members of congress and challenged by a newly arrived ivy league decorated democrat. eddrij happens to be the husband of chris hughes there on the right. and what is so unusual about the race, is that eldrij is tapping part of the 700 million fortune for hudson river venteurs.
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and that is creating jobs before he is elected. gibeson accuses eldrij of trying to buy the election. >> after the last election he picked up and moved in our district to run for congress and for many americans regards of party by the way, that is not their view of how representative government should work. >> president obama happens to be in the district in coopers town. mr. obama won that district in 2012 by six poips and happens to be the same percentage point that gibeson won the district. robert turner told us eldrij's fund can benefit if it is not a way to spread money around to get elected. >> something that appears as fodder in campaign commercials but there is enough media
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coverage locally that voters will be able to see it and judge for themselves if it is a serious long- term investment in the region or if it is it a political propaganda. >> we wanted to interview eldrij about this but his campaign said he is only speaking to local reporters and not national media like the fox news channel. >> i wonder why? eric shaun, thanks. >> many americans continue to struggle with drug addiction and the number of overdoses is rising over the past two decades and there is a push to widely distribute one drug that prevents deaths from overdwoess. it should be carried by all first responders and vaebl in your local drug store. joe frank, an addiction expert that runs rebound brooklyn. >> someone could be unconscious
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and blue and if they are overdosing and within a minute everything is great. >> a minute or twochlt opiate last longer, and so people have to monitor. that it does reverse the overdose, absolutely. >> are their risks and what if you were begin that? >> if it was something else. they should try to ark session the situation. it could be a stroke or heart attack. it is not a risk. generally if they are overdosing drugs, they know what is happening. >> and so there is no harm and side affects. >> no harm or side affects. it is a safe thing and the conflict is that america's having a difficult time getting its mind around harm reduction. we have tried to arrest and incarcerate ourselves out of the intoxication problem. it is costly and this is a capped cand and european model
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and i believe all first responders should be carrying it and vaebl in the drug stores and college rorks as and a lot of places that they are overdosing and dying. nhelps and ambulances have it and cops are often the first on the scone. >> here in new york. some nypd departments do carry it and fire fighters in quincy, massachusetts one was quoted we are worried about lawsuits andy woo are not covered in liability protection. is there a danger of a liability issue? >> in a society, anybody can sue for anything. and there is also a liability issue. and no harm or foul and if you have a nasaal spray, it is not likely there will be a lot of lawsuits from using that. >> and there is also an argument that this might take away
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a deterient. and like a overdose and i will come right back if i get t theantdote. >> it absurd. don't learn cpr because it will help people and not deter people from chose burgers if they are having a heart attack. don't learn cpr. it is a measure of crisis intervention and management. and if we introduce the number of overdoses. recovery works and they can get back to normal courses of development and be productive members of society but not if they are dead. >> there is a push as we mentioned for it to be available to first responders and also people, and you are one of them as we say that over the counter and in the drug store. do you see that happening? >> i see it happening state by state. and in places where they are
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responding to a huge crisis. new england at this point they are willing to reduce the rates of overdose and other places where it is not prevalent and people are grappling with what is addiction. as a treatment provider and we run a program that is the only medically supervised program in new york city. writing laws and incarcerating people. it is difficult for the cops to understand. we are asking them to do two different things. they are law enforcement and they have technically broke the law. and then sort of say no, it is not a cream. that is the issue that needs to be reconciled and adduction and addictive behaviors. >> and heroin on the rise and deaths from related opiods up
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three- fouled from 2010. what is that? >> that is a good question. i don't know if we know. we know that it is rising exponentially and at an alarming rate and killing more people in car accidents and that particular comparison and helps people to get their meaned around how prevulent it is. it is no longer a political issue. it is a policy reform issue. and an issue of people of all political affiliation felt the pain of losing somebody. and the idea of why it is rising, it is anybody's guess. but when there is a fire. you put the fire out and figure out what started the fire. at this point, when they are just dropping bodies and many of these people are young people making mistakes in life and having a difficult time getting going in life, we really need to address the overdose issue in the immediate sense.
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>> and save them. thank you so much. jon? >> new research and shedding light on fertility problems. a common condition could hurt a couple's chance of having chance. we prepare to honor the service and sacrifice of the veterans on memorial day, one vet is recognized for the heroism decades ago. >> they figured i had been killed. >> reporter: but you were still alive? >> i was still very much alive. avo: waves don't care what age you are. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health.
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today. >> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carelesson. a new vet ans crisis on the role story. and the president of a nursing home because of president obama's order to raise minimum wage for workers. some vets will be kicked out of the places they call home. your tax dollars at work? why are obama contractors coming in this holiday weekend and getting paid over time even with nothing to do. and do you fight or flee conflict? well, happening now. a world war ii veteran getting the medals. he was captured by german troops
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and mistake knowly listed as killed in combat. the american government didn't realize the mistake until now. >> i thought am i entitled to these? i wasn't a hero. i was just a member of a group that was captured. nobviously george bikele is humble as heroic and saying that the sacrifice was simply his duty. >> if you are trying to conceive, you may want to get cholesteral checked. that goes for men, too high cholesteral can delay pregnancy. researchers said it took the longest for which both partners had high cholesteral. we have the senior manager and member of the medical a team.
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can you give us the reasons? >> hi cholesteral has immiications for vasular disease. and in the pelvic organs it is important to have a good flow of blood to conceive and good horr mopes. and cholesteral you are thinking of vas cullar damage and perhaps, elevations in weight or sugar insensitivity that could create a ovary to have a pearly substance around the ovary that makes ovulation difficult. high cholesteral is important when it comes to getting pregnant. >> and the study said poor cholesteral levels lead to poor quality? >> if women had high cholesteral and infertility rates are high.
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that infertility rates are much higher. it affects both male and female. >> and meanwhile, a new study that talks about the importance of the placenta in a baby's development and they found it contains bacteria and exposure can be good and protective but if there is the wrong mix it causes problems. >> the mystery of life lies in all of the mra centa and that has the answers. millions of dollars are funded to get more work done. it is one pound in weight and the filter and that organ that creates life and well-being for the baby. we don't know a lot about the placenta, by the time we study it is not living and after birth and it is just pieces of information we get.
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but the filtering mechanism we know ten percent bacteria and some of that you are supposed to have. we have bacteria in our mouth and pelvic regions. but if there is bad bacteria that leads to preterm deliveries. and so it is important to take this message that we upon there is bacteria there which is needed and babies are born with certain bacterias in the gi system and important to think out loud and how is my state of health? if i have recurring vaginal problems is that a problem? sometimes it can be. oral i joan. go get your teeth cleaned before you get pregnant or especially in pregnancy. it can be embedded in the placenta and lead to complications. >> prior to this, people focused
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on c- section versus regular birth in terms of exposure to bacteria and now they are saying really the bacteria in the birth caninal. it is more the placenta. >> it is not to do with the mode of delivery. there are certainly vaginal infections that could, a new born should not be exposed to, but it is becomely bacteria that gets embedded from the maternal and direct contact because of the location of the placenta in the pelvic caninal. >> we have to shift the focus. >> you got. it >> dr. manny alvarez. thank you. ncould getting letters to your door be a part of our past? wait until you hear what congress is thinking of doing now with the postal service? >> and protestors turning up the
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right now, a proposal to end door-to-door mail delivery for 15 million people. the house oversight committee approving a bill pushing communal or curbside mailboxes. democrats argue the plan is doomed to fail, especially in urban areas where there's little room for clustered mailboxes on the street. but reducing door-to-door mail delivery is aimed to save the postal service $2 billion a year. protesters taking their battle over the minimum wage to mcdonald's headquarters. hundreds of workers and union activists rallying outside the fast-food giant's corporate headquarters to ask for higher pay. while mcdonald's holds its annual shareholders meeting. some demonstrators getting
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arrested yesterday after refusing to leave. garrett tenney is live outside chicago with more now. garrett? >> hello, jon. $15 an hour is how much protesters believe they should be paid for their work in the fast-food industry. between 600 and 700 protesters came to the headquarters of the golden arches today to push for that as well as for the right to unionize without retaliation. not just at mcdonald's but at other restaurants as well in the fast-food business. mcdonald's is the largest chain in the world, though. despite its drop in u.s. sales and increased costs due to increased beef prices, protesters say if they can get mcdonald's to pay its workers more, other restaurants will follow. >> mcdonald's is a billion-dollar franchise. they can afford it. my store alone brings in at least $2,000 a day. we can absorb to get a raise.
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maybe not $15 but at least $10 the minimum. >> $10.10 is what president obama's pushing congress for as the federal minimum wage. $15 an hour would be more than twice what the current minimum wage is. jon? >> sounds like a lot of dough. garrett tenney, thank you. in just ates on "the real story," federal prosecutors now say these two had help. why they think the tsarnaev brothers could not have pulled off the boston marathon bombings alone.
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we leave you with a heart-warming story out of wisconsin. a police dashcam video showing a frantic scene, two officers showing up to help a mom in labor. her husband on the phone with emergency dispatchers walking them through it. but the baby begins to crown. one officer realizes his umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck. she immediately unwraps it. and today the little guy is just fine and resting in the hospital with his family. he is the couple's seventh child and their sixth boy. six boys! >> that's a great story. >> adorable. >> good for them. thanks for joining us. "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts right now. fox news alert for you, frustration and outrage mounting today over the growing v.a. scandal and the president's reaction to it. hi, everyone. hope you're having a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story." new calls today that president
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obama did not go far enough when he finally broke his silence about the shocking allegations of neglect and mismanagement at veterans hospitals all across our country. he vowed to take action yesterday. but what did he do today? he made comments about tourism before heading off to the baseball hall of fame. >> i explained to them, go back to your countries and say, anytime you come visit the united states, the president greets you personally. >> dana milbank blasting the president's reaction to the v.a. scandal writing, this would be a good time for obama to knock heads and to get in front of the story. but frustratingly he's playing president passes, insisting on waiting for the v.a.'s inspector general to complete yet another investigation. wendell goler is on top of the story for us. >> passive is a tou
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