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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 23, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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we have heard from the veterans, but we would like your we have heard from the veterans and from the pundits, but we'd like your reaction. follow me on twitter. thanks for watching. and welcome to the special edit and welcome to this special edition of "hannity." last month we did a week long series on some of crazy things college kids engage in every year on spring break. we ended up in panama city beach in florida. our investigation raised a lot of eyebrows and after it aired residents started packing public meetings telling leaders things have to change. the panama beach city council is considering making changes.
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we're going to hear from the panama city police chief and some of the elected leaders throughout the hour and we'll debate the spring break controversy with a lively studio audience. let's take a look back at the piece. >> this is spring break 2014. panama city beach, florida. one of the many destinations around the country where kids around the country go for spring break. >> what kinds of things are you seeing? >> we're seeing boobs, liquor, weed, everything. >> the wildest thing i've seen is two girls on five guys. >> it gets sexual on the beach here. >> we saw somebody snort cocaine off a girl's [ bleep ] in
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public. >> what's the craziest thing you've seen? when do people start drinking here? >> when they wake up. >> which is when? >> we wake up at 10:00. >> do you see a lot of drugs here? >> yes. >> out in the open, people smoking marijuana. >> yeah. just did it right now on the beach. >> have you gotten arrested for it? >> not yet. >> everybody out here drinking? >> yeah. >> what time do you stop? >> whenever you go home. >> i'm getting crunk than a mug. >> are you drinking right now? >> what does it look like?
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>> did you get arrested? >> i got kicked out. he fought me and i fought him back. >> joining me now for reaction, my studio audience. we have drinking and drugs and sex on the beach. also every year fatalities. >> where are their parents is what i want to know? >> they're not on spring break. >> these kids aren't doing this on their own. a lot of these kids get their parents consent. >> they're paying for it. >> their parents are saying yes. i don't know if that's because parents don't know exactly what's going on. >> in all the years you've been a detective, i've known you for a long time. any parent ever hire you to go spy on their kids on spring break. >> not spring break. my company has been hired. i don't go down there by myself. what i'm looking at here, you go
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to college on a thursday or friday night and you see the same thing. i'll still doing the investigation on that girl that disappeared at indiana university. it's like every weekend. they just prep themselves up all yearlong. then when they hit the spring break, it even gets worse. it's very prevalent in our colleges. i have a son in college up here in binghamton. i drove all the way up there. i knocked on the door and hookah is the new thing. >> thanks, paul. go ahead. >> i went to auburn university in the south. and spring break was huge for all of us. the bottom line is your parents, they can't be there holding your hand every step of the way. what's next?
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it's about education. enforcing new laws like cops in shops. cracking down on fake ids. cracking down on bars in spring break destinations like las vegas and florida. >> you have to do that all over the country because the laws are different. there's no you have to be 21 in order to drink. that's why they are going to these other places in order to have spring break. >> how many have been to spring break? come on, be honest. >> i didn't go. i was a boring, nerdy kid. when you look at parents and say they don't know, spring break has been a thing since girls gone wild. you have to equip the kids with the knowledge, but also social media. we didn't have that back in 1983 when people were going. >> it's interesting you say that.
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ainsley pointed out a girl was totally naked and guys were doing all sorts of things to her. it's posted all over instagram and twitter. is that going to be impactful emotionally when she gets older? >> i have to tell you where my mother sent me. she sent me to century village. do you know what that is in florida? it's 80 year olds and up. >> you know where the highest percentage of std is, right? i don't think that's a rumor. when i was 17 years old, i was tending bar at 17 while i was in high school, closing the bar at 4:00 a.m., and then going to high school. >> this is endemic to america. what about the ammish?
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they'd go crazy. these are democratic voters in training. democrats. eric holder wants felons to vote. this is the future of the democratic party. >> lyn, your reaction to that. go ahead. either one of you. i don't care. >> my reaction is that parents today really need to get a grip on what's going on. it stems from home when the kids are young. what's happening today with the society and these kids, it's out of control. >> well, the thing i would worry about -- and ainsley, this is the serious side of this. we have some of the equipment for spring break. this would be beer pong, obviously. apparently by law, we have to have great american beer. i just started my own brand tonight here on the program.
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we used to take can openers and you would shoot a beer. now that i have got these funnels. here's the dangerous part. what happens to the kids that take drugs and they od or the ones that get alcohol poisoning? joe, do you know kids who have gone to the hospital? i do. i remember kids that did a lot of drugs when i was growing up. there was always the one kid who was in the accident and is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. >> this has been going on for a long time, sean. we're talking about this like it's a new problem. this has been going on since the beginning of college basically. the reason why it looks worse and feels worse, one, we're getting older. >> speak for yourself. >> but also it's because of these. i can record anything at any time. i went to panama city.
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i over served. >> full disclosure. i always went on family spring break vacations in college. with social media, that's permane permanent. it's on the internet. with this economy, it's really hard to get a good job. >> you think these kids are thinking about social media right now? >> they need to be. they have to look for something come graduation. >> how are they going to find the names? they don't have their names next to them. >> there's two words to keep in mind. yolo and fomo. it's you only live once and fear of missing out.
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social media just really brings that to the front. >> now we use social media. we go into facebooks and we actually look at that. if things are on there that ain't quite right, you can lose a job for it. >> what do you think as a doctor? >> the problem is i have patients who come in who have been -- they have actually come in practically dead because the people they're partying with aren't awake enough to know it is a problem. they pass out. >> it's not only ecstasy, it's molly. >> the problem with molly is it sounds innocent. i had a patient who said, i can't believe molly did this to me. >> what is that? >> it put her in a coma. she had to be intubated and had to have a breathing tube put in.
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>> i think we also are doing something really dangerous with generalizations. one in four or binge drinkers. there are one out of four that can be good kids. it may look like a problem that effects all kids, but it still is a minority. >> it's gender specific here. when our children are 18, all we can do is pray that our daughters don't go down there. >> gavin, let me disagree with you. those kids don't have the money to pay to go to cancun or panama city. wait a minute. if you want my money for college, you're going to play my rules. >> my daughter, there's no way she's going there. with my sons, i hope they have a great time. >> here's the thing, sean.
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>> you want to respond? go ahead. >> i write about celebrities all day long and i'm analyzing song lyrics 24/7. we have to get our selects -- celebrities to start realizing they're role models. >> there's a developmental issue here that's going on. it's taking everybody a lot longer to grow up. we have this emerging adulthood. >> we grew up fast. >> you have these kids that really are in an adolescent state of mind. they're impulsive. their judgment is poor. even if you do have good parents who are giving you good values, if you are around your peers who are misbehaving, that is going
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to have a huge influence. that's why they do it. >> how many women in the audience are mad at gavin for saying the boys get to go and the girls stay home? still to come tonight, the mayor and the police chief of panama city beach, florida are going to be here to respond. are they proud of what's going on in their backyard at their beach? ainsley takes us on a ride with the brave men and women tasked with protecting kids there. captain: this is a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money.
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like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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welcome back to
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welcome back to our audience edition of "hannity." ainsley earhardt, she was down in florida and she spent an entire shift riding along with the bay county sheriff's department to see just out of control things are getting. take a look at this. >> the night before last was quiet. it was chilly then all of a sudden all hell broke loose. we had a gun sitting right under the armrest. it seems like everybody this year is more physical this year than year's past. officer safety, stay out of the crowds, make sure you're backing each other up. if we get way too crowded and we need to be more reactive, we'll pull you back out. we're trying to enforce every aspect that we can as far as law enforcement goes, but there are sometimes we are just
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outnumbered on the beach when you have 2,000, 3,000 people partying. some things you just can't get to being an officer safety issue. we can't get to the middle of the crowd dealing with something. if it is a life-threatening nature, we'll get in there and do what we need to do. we pack in probably a year's worth of different crimes and issues and incidences in a six-week period that can be spread out in a whole year. our arrests go sky high. i believe last year's spring break we arrested close to 700 period in that six-week operational period. just last week we were over 500. we'll probably go over that this year. anytime you get a few hundred
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thousand students or tourists that want to come and party and relax and have a good time, outcome is a huge issue. >> how much have you had to drink tonight? >> i couldn't tell you. >> you couldn't tell me? place your hands behind your back. >> the majority is alcohol related. traffic crash, dui, fights, intoxication beyond their capabilities. then you have the folks who will come in and prey on somebody who is inebriated. >> we call them the hundred milers or two hundred milers. college kids get drunk and scream and have fun, but we have all the other factors that come in that bring guns, that rape, rob, pilfer. that's what we have to deal with
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more than anything. >> do you see college students that are out here partying and they've partied too much and they end up dying? >> it is unfortunate, but every year we do work death investigations that can include alcohol poisoning, that include balcony falls, dui accidents. it's very unfortunate, and we try to combat the problems that we see that might cause an injury like that. balcony climbing for instance. >> we had one that fell eight or nine interifloors that lived. he actually hit a tree. >> you have a group of people there from surrounding communities. they go in. they know the spring breakers are there and they're there to prey on them . >> being a parent today is hart.
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my niece was down there. she was kind of scared she was going to be busted. she's a good girl. she was down there with 16 other girls staying in a two bedroom condo. they were good girls. i believe we're generalizing them. parents today, we can't say no. >> i have no problem saying no. >> that doesn't mean your kids aren't going to go behind your back and do it. you have to explain yourself. >> you don't have to explain yourself. >> i went to south beach. i did not do it like that. my clothes stayed on. i didn't drink where i couldn't. >> before social media exploded. >> thank goodness it was before. i think people are drinking and doing things in excess because it's not okay. it's the same thing with overeating and dessert. >> you get caught up in that
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environment. everybody is doing jell-o shots. come on, let's do a shot. >> to her point, it puts resources on police departments and hospitals that they're not expecting. the kids who are being sick or could overdose are taken to the hospitals. it's putting terrible resources -- or a terrible strain on the resources of these areas. >> they do not have the manpower. >> this looked like a scene out of the movie "noah." all the debauchery. there are a lot of young people out there who weren't doing stuff like this. there are hundreds of kids doing good things. there were southern baptist kids
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rebuilding homes that were destroyed by hurricane sandy. >> i'm not worried about them. >> we generalize, but there are kids out there doing good things with their spring breaks. >> republicans are building the homes. democrats are the drunks. men and women are equal, but we're different. we don't get pregnant and we're a little bit bigger. if i had a college son, i'd say, here's 100 bucks. go have some fun. would you give 100 bucks to your daughter and say, go have some fun? >> how many ladies want to respond to gavin and bill? we'll get to that, i promise. >> to the person down there who said spring break began in 1983, it began way longer before 1983.
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trust me. >> he's a liberal for those of you at home who don't know. >> we survived. sadly some kids will not survive. that's a horrible thing. the police know they're coming for spring break. most of these kids survive. some of them don't. come on you guys. they're going to be fine. coming up, ainsley is going to show us exactly what happens when your kids get locked up like a dog cage. later, the mayor, the police chief, the city manager, they're all here for an exclusive interview. they'll respond for the first time on national tv to the controversial week-long series. are they proud of what's going on in their backyard? straight ahead. now earn two times the points on dining out with no annual fee. go to
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audience edition of "hannity." spring break leads to a lot of arrests. instead of the cops hauling them off to jail one by one, in bay county florida, they have started bringing the jail to them. ainsley showed us exactly what they are. you have portable holding cells and booking stations that are set up for spring break just blocks away from the beach. they almost look like dog pins. gavin got this started. billy cunningham came to his defense. >> i don't know why this is so controversial. men and women are different. they have totally different genitalia. men going down there -- >> thank you for sharing. >> the worse case scenario for women -- >> boys can get alcohol poisoning. >> that's youth. sorry. >> hang on. >> the problem with women is
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rape. that's much more common, much more serious. don't send your daughters there. the women there are human garbage whose parents don't love them. >> one at a time. go ahead. >> who is raping the women? it's the men. >> drunk idiots and these hundred milers. these thugs from a hundred miles away who bring in guns. >> arguments like yours are giving men -- >> as a mom of two young boys, kids today at a young age need to know what's going on with social media. they have to be taught at a young age the severity of this. >> what about the double standard? i want to stay focused here. >> i went to syracuse university. it was a party school. parents need to start at a young age teaching their children what's going on. >> i did it all the time. i know this is politically incorrect, but boys are
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different than girls. the behavior and risks are different. we don't get pregnant. >> sean, sean. i'm a father. >> that is true. the end result withere is -- oftentimes the responsibility falls heaviest on women. it's about female empowerment. they don't feel like they're being degraded. they feel liberated when they do this. >> what about what gavin and billy cunningham are saying, that boys can go? >> hi, i'm chloe. if you're telling me that -- girls like me, human trash, that go down to panama city, if you want to go down there with just guys, you think guys will only hang out with their boys on
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spring break? they want girls there too. at the end of the day, it has to do with choice and the values you're given and the ghb that's put in unknowing girl's drinks. i don't think a girl is going to date rape me. a guy is going to date rape me. >> don't send your daughters there. >> there is a double standard. >> should we be more protective of our daughters seeing what's going on? >> i have a son and i have a daughter. i would be equally as worried about my son for various reasons. will he get raped? >> i have two sons, two daughters. i can speak on both behalves here. i worry more about my daughters drinking more than my sons
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because the daughters are out. i worried about the poor guy they were going out with because women are more aggressive than men. >> one at a time. yeah. quiet. go. >> we're not just talking about predatory behavior. we're also thinking about people who are amped up. guys get amped up. they get into bar fights. there's a terrible story about a young kid that went to spring break. he got into an altercation with someone. a brick was thrown at his head and he died. it took five years to bring that guy to justice. everybody is at risk if they don't use their heads. >> know your kid, whether it's a girl or a boy. know if they can handle it. i went on spring break. my parents trusted me. i know how to take care of myself. i'm not going to end up with some random idiot. we know people put things in
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drinks. don't put your drink down. >> don't send your kids, period. you can talk to them about other alternatives like service trips or go on a family vacation or rent a house somewhere with your girlfriends. that's what i would have done. >> you said pregnancy was worst thing that can happen. no, death can happen. the grim reaper is not gender biassed. it's a man that dies. >> every intercourse at spring break is some kind of a rape. women should not be there. >> hold on. you don't think any of it is consensual? >> we got to break. coming up, you see how out of control things can get. coming up next, we'll talk the police chief and the city
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manager and the mayor. they're going to respond to our week-long series. straight ahead. ited soup or sald and warm breadsticks. ited soup or sald signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. -hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. we can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." we could have gone to any number of spring break destinations, but we just happened to pick panama city beach, florida. after our first report ran, some of those leaders agreed to speak to me for the first time on national television. we have the chief of police and the city's mayor and the city manager. madame mayor, we had you on report saying you were shocked by what you saw going on our report. you were really shocked? >> well, good evening, sean. i was just kind of shocked to see it on your show.
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we have been spring break destination for about 60 years. over the years, our culture, our ways of life, our ethics have changed and so have our spring breakers. this is something that we're just facing. it's different. >> it's different, why? because it's gotten a little more out of control? hasn't it been good overall financially for the city? isn't there advertising that goes along with this that you want the kids to go to the beach? >> we don't market the beach at all. we have a tourist development council that actually advertises the beach and they spend very little money advertising spring break. >> okay. >> now the merchants who benefit from it do. >> fair enough. but you were very aware of the things we were showing on our report? none of that should have been
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new to you. you're aware of the drinking and the arrests and the hundred milers, correct? >> yes, we are. those were certain areas of the beach. we're not pleased with it. that's not the kind of activity we like to see our kids do. >> police chief, welcome to the program. it was very obvious that you're undermanned. tell us from your perspective how bad it is for dealing with this large a number of kids. >> thanks, sean. we prepare for this all year round. after every spring break, we start planning for the future spring break. i bring in mutual aide from other various law enforcement agencies from the state of florida. we have extra staff on hand.
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we go to extended shifts and this is something we're prepared for. we deal with 200,000, 300,000 kids, if not more. some of that environment is -- the actions that i saw on your video, that's not something we taught these kids. that's an environment of where they came from, their upbringing. >> i understand. you guys are doing a great job with the resources you have under pretty difficult circumstances. is it true every year there's usually a fatality? there's that one kid that ends up dying? >> yes, sir. usually we have one fatality. we had one this year with a spring breaker that was involved in a dui accident. he was a young man. those things do happen when you have 200, 300,000 kids here. i'm proud of all the men working out in the trenches.
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>> it's obvious you guys are doing a great job. i have no criticism whatsoever of the police department. i think you guys are doing the best you can helping to keep the community safe and the kids who go down there. let me ask you city manager, this question. knowing this is coming every year, is there anything you think the city ought to be doing to help protect them more? maybe giving the police department more resources, maybe warning parents a little bit more what's happening. >> we do like the inform the students who are here to travel in groups. a single person walking alone is always in danger of something going wrong in any situation in any city. so we encourage the students to walk in pairs at minimum or groups. back each other up. you want to travel safely. we have officers -- i've talked
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to spring breakers who have said we don't have to turn around more than twice to find an officer somewhere. we want to make sure there's safety within eyesight. >> then you have to worry about these hundred milers. these guys that are coming in just to prey on those kids. that's a problem, right? >> it is. they follow the party. they know we're going to have large numbers of kids certain times of the day and night. but we put extra officers out there. i'm very proactive. i've been in law enforcement for 27 years. it's something we plan for. we know they're going to be here friday, saturday nights. they come down here to prey on the spring breakers and follow the party. we walk amongst them. they know anywhere they turn around they're going to see a police officer in uniform. >> maybe i'll be down there next year and we'll do a live show
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from the beach. maybe we'll see you then. >> thank you. coming up, we're going to bring back our studio audience to react to what our guests just told us. we're going to explain what all this equipment is over here as we continue on "hannity" tonight. chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new
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all right. welcome back to our studio welcome back to our studio audience edition of "hannity." we've been talking all about panama city. by the way, the kids wear this hat. >> it is now hands-free. wine, soda. hands-free moms. >> who needs mother's little helper when you have two beer cans hanging on your head? you can suck on the beer anytime you want. this is not beer in here. i think this is soda. we used to put a boom hole, hold it up, open it up and that was calling shotgun. that has advanced. this is called -- >> a funnel. i did go to a southern college, auburn. i did not do this at home.
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if we want to reenact it, shall we? >> i won't put in a lot. >> okay. all right. >> that is a lot of water there. >> put your thumb on it. >> and that's just water. >> bend your knees a little bit. that's a trick. >> everyone claps. >> spring break. >> these obviously are -- >> shots. >> tube shots. >> they're handed around so everyone can have one. usually it's a mixed drink of sorts. >> is it like a sweet drink? >> it's usually a sweet drink. >> then beer pong. >> from 20 feet away, you throw it in. if the ball goes in the cup, you
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have to actually shoot that cup. there you go. >> it would go in. there's beer in here. you would shoot it. she just got you. >> she did. it's there's supposed to be ten cups here. there's now tournaments. 64 teams from all around the country. it's serious business. >> there are bars that are advertised as the official beer pong bar of las vegas. >> thank you for -- chloe had the hardest job, but she did good with that. here's the question i have for everybody. you're talk about a shot of beer. >> it depends on who you're playing with. >> or vodka. >> you could within the course of an hour be doing how many shots? >> 20. >> three or four beers per hour. >> in the summer, i like to drink beer ice cold.
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that takes out all the fun of drinking a beer. >> you're drinking it so quickly, so immediately your judgment is impaired. you don't feel like yourself. it's not a smart move. if you're getting behind the wheel of a car, you're going to play beer pong, it's not a smart move. >> never do fireball shots. they seem sweet. >> then you stand up and you can't walk. >> green alcohol is not all natural. >> it might be moon shine. >> it's not just the kids doing this. i got introduced to this as an adult what beer pong was. >> you are doing this still today? >> no. thank you for that one, mother. >> you're worried about your church, your mom. >> kids think it's okay to do
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this because they've seen their parents do this. >> the problem with doing all these things is what we were talking about earlier is everybody has cell phones. somebody with take a picture of you and then this photo on facebook isn't going to help you get a job or help my dress. >> we will buy you a new dress as a result. coming back, our closing thoughts with our studio audience right after the break. ♪
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10:55 pm
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10:57 pm
ooshgs welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." we turn back to our studio audience. we have some final thoughts. i don't want to neglect this side of the table. gavin, do you want to start some trouble? >> the cops are not overwhelmed. there are myths about social media. you just delete those picture. s
10:58 pm
as far as boys go, getting pregnant is much more harmful than having some uncomfortable sex and getting mugged. >> sean, what we've seen here in panama city and across the country is what happens when parents are not parents. for the boys, they're raising sexual predators and these young ladies who are disgracing themselves is outrageous. it's time for parents to start partn parenting. >> it really comes down to parents. >> yjust to end things positively -- >> you knew a lot about beer pong, by the way. >> more fraternities are banning pledging because of dangers going on with hazing.
10:59 pm
>> on behalf of high school seniors everywhere, thanks for that how-to video. >> let's not abandon masculinity here just because some people are getting upset. >> i think the sheriff in your interview had a really good point about a buddy system. men should have a buddy system where they watch each other's behavior. >> they should have a buddy system for crying out loud. >> we're keeping this here in this great country. don't go to cancun. stay here. >> i actually think -- >> sean, let's end it on something intelligent. talk to your kids before they go. let's talk to your kids. let them understand you know what goes on there.
11:00 pm
you tell them, listen to me. i trust you. i'm not going to be there with you. maybe it won't stop them, but maybe you'll have a good kid that'll understand. >> that's all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. and i hope you have a great night. marine spending memorial day in a mexican prison. >> he just needs to stay alive so he can eventually have freedom. >> the tragic story of a marine trapped in mexico. then: >> there is nothing phony about this, the obama administration facing a serious scandal over veterans' healthcare. >> i'm more concerned with my job than i am with the healthcare of these veterans? that's not incompetence, that's criminal, that's criminal neglect. >> colonel oliver north standing by to go "on the record." also, a pregnant woman on death row. >> accused of


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