tv Red Eye FOX News May 24, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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estima -- underestimating her. >> didn't she kiss her or something? thanks for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember that the spin stops right here. we're definitely looking out for you. hi, i'm william devane. this is my show, "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." how bad did sean penn want to get home to watch the "dancing with the stars" finale. w45* it means to be a super fan. and what was joe biden's reaction when the president asked him what his favorite hot pocket is? >> no one ever asked me that question, and it made me sad. what a pro found question. >> and finally what is more adorable, a slow loris eating a grape or a baby sloth drinking milk? our panel settles it once and for all next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> let's welcome our guests. she is spicier than a day old
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caw bob, and like the caw bob gives you diarrhea. i am here with joanne noy saw chin ski. joanne nosuchunsky. and if he was anymore reserved he would be michael moore's booth at the cheesecake factory. it is tv's andy levy. his name sounds like a pretentious way to say charade. it is sherrod small. >> # red dible baby. >> and he writes more books in a year than joanne has read in her lifetime. his latest book "mind war." comes out july 15th. >> a block. the le dis e. -- ledy e. that's the first story. if you were my dad, greg, i would kill you so that you would never leave.
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>> that's disturbing disembodied voice. she went from hero to the opposite of hero. last week a special cat from bakersfield, california came to the aid of a boy in distress. the rescue changed the way we all looked at cats. no longer seen as over sized vermin that sponge off humans, they gave us a soul. i even apologized to andy for all of my cat jokes. here are some -- >> did you know an undesirably sharp appearance by a cat's muzzle is known by snipiness andy is starting a blog for cats who like to write on the go. anyone join kitty twitter? on-line dating service for cats calls paws and click. andy created a powell made of cat hair that cleans the
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toughest messes. how many sham meows have you sold and will it absorb the blood in my basement? >> the goodwill is gone. cats are back to being large, furry dirt bags after what happened in a minor league baseball game in bakersfield. the cat named tara, that's a real name, was invited to throw out the first pitch. >> only in obama's america. can we see that again in slow motion, sherrod?
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>> somebody should have released pittbulls right then. >> sherrod, that is a little too harsh and why do you always have to think of pittbulls. that cat, why would they do that? they basically poisoned the game. >> it is a numbers thing. i think the cat is juicing. >> you don't have to explain the cat as a hero to me. >> at least you are not playing into any other stair row types. >> -- stereo types. >> because black men love pussycats? we all love them. high five. >> that was a great high five. again a white woman. >> they always seem to be next to me, greg. >> anyway because they can't cross the street.
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does this video make us look weak to our enemies? >> absolutely. the cat throws leak a girl for crying out loud. i haven't followed the story as closely as i should because i was reading how the government is stealing our constitutional rights, but i permanently felt -- personally felt it was a fake. there were cinematic cuts of the dog and cats would never help anybody. i just don't buy it. >> apparently they have a lot of surveillance video. that was my first inclination, but these are surveillance shots -- i don't know. how can you get the dog to attack a kid? >> all we saw was the injured kid and we all bought the story. this may just be a case of child abuse. >> you can't video, guys. i don't know what world you
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live in. >> the cat no matter how bad he is is better than the kenyan born interloper. >> there is no doubt about that. do we have the picture of the allstar game? at least tara wasn't wearing mom jeans. you have to blame the owners. they have a true here -- hero, a patriot on their hands. you don't have batman throw out the first pitch. batman has better things to do. the cat supposedly has a twitter account. the tweets are apparently not written by tara. it is fraud. true heros are not looking for fame. you can see her disinterest. it is beneath her. unfortunately you can't say the same about the owners. they are looking for fame they did to the earn. >> we all know the cat's twitter account is fake, but i will re-tweet it. >> this happened during a minor league game and you
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dated minor league players, but only if they were married. it made things clean when they left each city. obviously throwing out the first pitchment something totally different. is this wrong using the cat the way it is being used? >> i feel bad for poor tara. she has the worst publicist. getting her this event? she is not modeling for pet co? there is not like a parade of kitties that she can lead? >> there is no cat fancy cover. that should have been it. the cat fancy should be all over this. >> a lifetime supply of fancy feast or something. >> next week she some dancing with the pussycat dolls in vegas. >> tara's bitter old husband will show up in a bar. i used to be somebody. >> that will be andy. andy, you know what, before we move on i want to ask you a question. you are the cat expert. what should have been the reward for a cat?
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a giant carpet tree that is in your apartment. >> heros don't need rewards. i don't think rewards are necessary. tara did what tara did because it was the right thing to do. >> heros don't get rewards. parents get rewards. heros are usually dead. >> thank you for that. should potheads become pot feds? the fbi may have to okay thc if it hopes to defeat cybercrime. the bureau needs hackers. it has nearly 2,000 open positions, but they are struggling to fill them due to the anti-pot stance. the hiring policy says they must have abstained for three years prior to applying. [laughing]. i am not done yet. >> you are messing up my high, greg. >> could that ever change? speaking at a conference. he said, quote, i have to hire
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a great workforce to compete with the cyber criminals and some of the kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview. this is not fun. . you are a comedian. you don't have to get up. >> i am a newsman. >> later the fbi said he was waxing -- philosophic. i hope this video will make you feel better. >> it's amazing. he is still 10 minutes away from work. >> where have you been?
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>> he has to put his jacket up. >> cyber warfare. everybody says it is the big threat. i have yet to see it. it is invisible. >> the chinese just hacked into these businesses like they were stoned out of their minds. >> is this policy hurting us. >> if you let feds smoke pot pretty soon they will be having 6 and wearing black socks. it may get out of control. of course way have to do it. these kids will be the guys who will be protecting us from taking over our nuclear weapons. a 15-year-old smoking dope. >> it is gotta happen. >> it is as if he died in vein. that's only funny if you know he died and he was in the fbi. >> they act like it is a big problem. you don't have to hire the kids. they are weed heads.
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>> i have a theory that this helps weed out the actual applicants. if they show up smoking weed you know not to hire them. maybe smoking before the interview is a great way to say i would rather know now that they are high. >> why is this so black and white? the thing is -- even if you smoked one time in the last three years you can't do it. >> that's ridiculous. >> that's the thing. there is a difference between a pothead and someone who has tried it. most of these brilliant tech people are young and they were just in college and of course they experimented. i also think some of the smartest people are the ones who do drugs. am i right, sherrod? >> i like how she described them as tech people. >> like they are from planet tech. >> i don't know what to call them either. >> let me tell you about tech
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dudes. they were smoking weed since there was refer. >> that's true. >> put that in job pipe and smoke it. >> that's brilliant. >> andy, fbi is often accused of missing connections. if you started hiring people who smoked pot regularly, they may be finding too many connections. >> and they may get to the bottom of chem trails. for obvious reasons they don't want that. if he was only joking it is a shame. the fact that previous drug use disqualified people it is a complete waste of potential. you can't smoke pot while you are a federal agent. >> what if you are under cuff. >> true story. back in the mid-nineties i applied to join the fbi. i was honest about college drug stuff. this was right after i was out
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of the army. random drug testing. they they turned me down because of drug use. i am not saying certain terrorist things wouldn't have happened, but we'll never know. >> you never would have left your apartment. i think i am going undercover as a cat owner in a studio apartment in an undisclosed location and then you would move from town to town. >> it gave me a new respect for the federal government. >> we learned something new. they are confined and don't nmind. in europe, the continent and not the swedish rock group, escape games are gaining in popularity. they are broke up and the key to break free. they face mental and physical
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challenges. the games are popular in budapest where it is listed as a top attraction on trip advisor. said one lady you get absorbed in the story and forget the rest. being locked in a basement is just a game and that's what i have been saying all along. >> welcome to "red eye" if by nothing you mean the weird odor coming out of my basement. it was filled using nothing but saw ran wrap. i would like to thank everyone who survived. does it matter? like they had a choice. >> it is like "so you think you can dance" if by dance you mean escape from my padded paper. >> he apologized and is tied to a radiator if my basement. >> house byes make quite the mess. >> we all have illegal immigrants. a hybrid of a baby and a dog.
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i tried to make one in my basement. >> there you go. sherrod i was way ahead of the curve on this one. >> you are always down with the basement activity. >> first of all, i think it is great. this will help a lot of brothers in court. i pistol whipped him because he won. >> i say white people and black people. >> i think it is a fun game. >> or watch them die. am i responsible for this new craze? i would like to think i am. >> it sounds fun except i saw the movie qht hostile. i would try this and not in europe. >> there is no way in hunk reor reor -- hunk reor slovakia or whatever i just
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butchered. >> who did the pilot episode and said yeah -- >> how many waivers had to be signed for that. >> i really would do this. >> you have the strange guy saying it is fun. but the pretty girl is looking terrified. >> the only time i fein illness is on a date and i want to get out. >> it would be great if part of the fun is the safe word are there are no safe words after they told you there was one and you have to figure out how to get out. you can't have safe words. safe words are capouts and that's what i tell my lovers. >> you want to be choked or you don't want to be choked. there is no safe word here. >> we disagree. it is like a fun adventure.
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>> remember those days? >> we would find it interesting, but they would want to run through a field. maybe they don't have the parks. >> maybe this is their colonial williamsburg. >> that's where we go to. >> i stay away from there. >> hement brothers. he meant brothers. >> you are supposed to stay in character. >> terrible time in hour history. i decided it was a neat story because basements happen to be an interest of mine. i know i soundproof them if anyone is interested. i have a lot of practice. >> it does sound fun. the only interest i have is
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you are having a good time and then suddenly it would become real. like what happens in the horror movies where people think they are playing games and then they actually get killed. >> i like how you wait until the music starts to start talking about it. >> i like music. i am a mucin fan. >> do you want to add something? >> no. >> i like it when they are scared. guests that is. i continue to be awesome, but first should you be fired for sending an offensive tweet or should you be murdered? that's not in the story, but i thought it was more interesting. if i told you that a free ten-second test
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be discreet when you tweet. that's the message from the kansas board of regents. they have them there. it has adopted a new social media policy prohibiting professors from posting anything that is, quote, contrary to the best interest of the university. end quote. after the shootings of the washington naval yard, a u of k professor tweeted this. the blood is on the hands of the nra. next time let it be your sons and daughters. this angered people like the state representative. did somebody put in a fake name? that would bother me. it says, look, you have freedom of speech, but you can't go this far. the individual -- the foundation for individual rights and foundation or fir and if you punish them for clearly protected speech you send a message to anyone else that you better watch what you say. it is that chilling effect thing we keep hearing about. for more let's go to our
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education correspondent. >> if i had a nickel for every time i did that. andrew, do you think this policy goes too far? it seems like the argument is i am for freedom of speech except when it upsets me. >> anytime i hear mb say -- somebody say freedom of speech but. we have to come to terms with the fact that you can't outlaw being a -- that's it. in a free country people will be be -- to say what he said makes him a schmuck. i would be perfectly fine with him wearing a sign saying "i am a schmuck." >> he is basically saying you don't exist. >> we need me. >> everybody needs shaw -- needs sherrod.
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>> don't have a good job. >> you want to say what you want? sure. >> you never see a press conference where the manager at appleby's is like we had to let the fry cook go for a homophobic tweet. >> i was wondering why that was funny. >> were you mad it was the funniest thing you said all night? >> again with with the stereo types. >> you can't have a good job. >> what you are saying in reverse is if you have a good job you have to get off twitter. that's true. >> or own the company. donald sterling it. >> i think that is the inevitability that if you are working -- sooner or later you
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will have too much wine and post a selfie with a horrible, racist comment and then wake up and not remember it and be fired. >> as soon as you start working for the organizations and you sign the contracts, you are representing them. granted this is not a private institution. it is a public school. i am not sure exactly how that works out in terms of constitutions and rules they can actually enforce. but you are a professor of journalism and you want to spew them everywhere. but you have to be mindful because you washing for the university. you work for the university. >> i am just thinking about wine . >> i don't know the difference. inside you are going -- >> is this the part of the show you take out your pocket constitution and waive it at
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mow mow -- waive it at me. >> when someone says i am all for freedom of speech, but -- it is right up there with saying i am not racist but. >> you know what comes after that is not going to be. the n-word has got to go. >> don't say it won't come back to bite conservatives in the ass. maybe not in kansas, but wait until another state passes similar policies and a professor at a state university tweets something and then they say well you have to go now everyone has to realize when they use a weapon like this. >> what if they say i am all for freedom of speech and it is a time of but. >> that's different. >> that is different. >> maybe it is like a dvd series called freedom of speech. it is a collection of buts. i am all for freedom of speech
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but. people at home are going i get it. >> they have a lot to say. >> well, you know what? it is something i came up with on on the fly. at least it wasn't keith robinson's joke. >> if buts are talking you know they are talking [bleep]. >> you came at me. jay coming up, we debate who the greatest singer is of all time. my vote is that dude from pablo cruz. don't remember his name, but he helped me find my name in the sun. first a word from our sponsor. >> everyone's favorite port is locked for a limb tid dief. get yours before it is too loose. batteries not included and accessories stored separately.
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promoted as the spread of western culture and bad dancing. the police chief who -- whose son was seen here and saying it hurt public chastity. and then they showed the six with their backs turned. we thought what a better way to return the favor on on their behalf. >> ♪ >> the 20 cent somethings have been released, but the director is still being detained. all right. >> you knee you are going to come to me. i hate this song, but i want them to play it. >> i am on the side of the
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police chief. >> i will tell you why. you should have done this a year ago. you are doing it now? you may as well start break dancing. you are behind the times. >> you are behind the times. >> i have to disagree. i think of the koran. i think everybody would say that who doesn't want to be murdered by the bearded gangsters. >> i know when i go and visit there. are you a foreign policy expert. can you walk us through exactly what is going to happen to the director of the video? >> yes. well he actually -- this police chief said that this is a vulgar clip with public chastity. i don't think he is a fan of miley cyrus. apparently the director of the film said or had the actors
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and believed they were filmed as practice or to learn and that this wouldn't go anywhere. kids if there is a camera on you have to be prepared that it is gonna go public. this is a lesson learned jie. he is not a director. he is the leader of the treys organization. of the terrorist organization. western niecessed terror. >> it is pop culture and the way to their hearts is to corrupt our country with the great music. >> there is nothing like watching people dancing and smiling and then cutting to a guy in a military looking police uniform to drive home the point. >> i don't blame the authorities . that's how they will fall. >> where is pherell.
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>> that is a great idea. it is an actual # action. >> this is the eastern version of foot loose. >> except they cutoff their feet . >> that's why we are here. >> to practice until we get it right. >> the real issue is pherell's hat. >> the hat is a tribute to somebody who wore the hat years ago and i can't remember who. >> that hat could feed a thousand kids. >> channing tatum, two of the best words in the english language says he drinks too much beer. i would like to drink too much of him, but the breathtakingly gorgeous star of "magic mike"
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tells" gq" quote, i am a pretty high functioning i guess you would say alcoholic, i guess. probably tendency to escape. i equated to having a good time. a terrible message to send to our nation's children. not really, it makes sense. kids, start drinking. andrew, you e-mailed us before the show asking us if we would do this story. you are very concerned about channing. >> i stumbled over high functioning. >> it is a new phrase. >> nobody wants to say they are a drunk. now they say i am a high functioning alcoholic. i am not just walking to washing x i am lifting 500 pounds of weight. i am so smart i can do anything right.
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right, andy, right? >> he is saying, look, you can get drunk and be a hot millionaire actor. >> people associate their drinking with their creativity. it is a copout. it is an excuse to drink. that's all it is. >> don't i know it m. >> that's why you have written so many books. >> most of the performers don't drink for the stage. they drink for the time between stage. >> especially if you work periodically and if you are doing a movie or book and then doing a book and find yourself walking around going what do you do? what do you do? joanne, you don't have the prog yects. projects. >> we know where his wait gain has come from. he is a drunk eater. he goes on -- he has a quote about cake. confetti cake is his favorite. there are colored candies in the cake and then you get the confetti icing that is hard to
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find sometimes. it is an angel sent from heaven. he is no longer sexy to me after that. >> he is so drunk he thinks it is confetti cake, but it is a rat. >> it is just confetti. >> it was a rat that crawled into a confetti cage and he stuffed it into his mouth. >> i am glad he has problems like the rest of us with his six pack and kissable face. >> i think there is something terrying at his soul and i think it might be me. sometimes people drink a lot and they have something inside that needs to come out. who knows? >> and someone they are trying to forget. >> at his age all alcoholics are functioning. >> at 55 you have your head in the garbage can. >> the more you drink if you can stick to a specific drink
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you can be high functioning until you dye. >> what is high functioning? like not really seeing your kids? see them on the birthdays? i function. >> we have to take a break. my favorite port of the show. when i talk about my folks not cool. order it on even better we get to see joanne and nora the fashion may vines they are. it is my jacket. it is not available. you can store at her head and there is my face. look at that. i think they are reupping jackets and hats. >> are you coping some weight? &
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it would be your choice for the greatest voice. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate 2014 live from the" red eye" debate center. >> we have -- welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate in yuma, arizona. please look under your seats right now. if you have a pink envelope you win a sample of my chest hair. axel rose has been called the
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greatest vocalist by a travel website. good enough for me. concert compared 50 ept from vocalists in terms of highest and lowest notes. each artist hit the vocal range. does it matter? other sengers high on the list include my rye yaw carrie prince -- mariah carey and prince and steven tyler. i go by this and i don't like this. it angers me. who is your choice and remember it has to be white. >> somebody white? >> yes. >> elvis. he is black on the inside. >> he is now. >> that is true. first of all some group of white people put this list together and said let's dash a little bit of white people in there. he hasn't been relevant since
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tommy hilfiger made him. >> those were the days. >> people were surprised by axel being so high. who is your choice? >> i have the musical face of a 150-year-old man. it was like the magic flute for me. i listened to taylor swift and thought what a nice young woman. >> i would like to do something with taylor, but i can't remember what it is. i grew up with -- i grew up listening to middle of the road like frank sinatra stuff, and i think he is the greatest singer who ever lived. >> old blue eyes. now old blue everything. keeps on going and going. >> you have to say kurt cobain. you were saying one of the jonas brothers should have
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gotten more love on the list. why is that? >> deserve a lot of love. here is the thing. we are talking about the range here. frank sinatra doesn't have a huge dream. i don't think that necessarily means great singer. lorde, that little girl who sings the weird things about drugs, she is above whitney houston who did actual drugs. it doesn't seem right. >> give lorde a chance. >> whitney is dead and i just made a joke. oh the dead joke. >> they don't have to guard that body anymore. >> it is getting bad to a place place -- to a bad place. >> facts don't line, but conclusions do.
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the you site never claimed he was the greatest singer, just that he had the greatist vocal range. look at some of the singers on the chart. those are great singers. it doesn't matter they can't hit the high c over c. >> i know girls who should be on this list then and can hit some notes. >> 3c is angry at me. >> the greatest vocalist of all time is mike patton. the worst is the gas bag from maroon 5. his name i can't remember. >> he is it great. >> no he is not and you are off the show. you know what is great. i have a list. dave a individual cassidy cash dash david cassidy. >> only white people.
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john grant. john grant great singer. my favorite is this guy. i absolutely love the cover that's from like 1980 something. who is this guy? >> nobody knows. seriously. >> if you put it back out there. some guy wandered into a recording studio and cut the album and his check bounced and it turned out his name was not who he said and apparently the album is fantastic. >> do you think that is actually mike baker? >> early mike baker. >> ugly mike baker. mike baker is a chiseled man. >> he doesn't look like mike baker. you don't think that do you. >> any other thoughts? >> they should a worst and
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springsteen should be. >> all he does is talks. i like a lot of his songs, but he sings. >> he goes the streets are covered with glass of my face. >> bruce, is that you, bruce? >> thank you for my springsteen impersonation. i have a million of them, people. i was sad byork was on. we are going to talk about jet packs. stick around.
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not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. on thursday. you can see andy and sherrod on lou daabs tonight. >> that's us. >> you look great. >> that's us. i suppose this is up for tomorrow's "red eye." imogen lloyd webber and bonnie franklin will be here. >> bonnie mcfor land. >> one show at a time. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> i am falling apart before
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everybody's eyes. >> you get the better greg. the five greg is not even a real agreeing. that is greg two that appeared to brady in the bay dree bunch. last week in a festival called future is here featured a jet pack demonstration and if only we had tape of it. >> all right. that was loudaabs. it has a maximum flight time of 26 seconds. we have two minutes.
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i will go around the horn here. joe app, -- joanne -- >> terrible idea. it promotes laziness. the obesity epidemic will grow. the max weight is 180 pounds. people will have these jet packs they can't do anything with. i. >> they are so fat because of the jet packs. >> people have to be inspired. and we were waiting on this. what are the nerds doing not giving them a jet pack. >> are you gooding to buy one. >> i am going to get one. >> when i was younger now it seems like a lot of efforts. i want teleportation. >> let me finish. >> quickly. >> for inside my apartment from the bed to the couch and the comp to the kitchen and then other side of the house. >> that means they have to break down your atoms and put them up.
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that means you tried. that's the problem, andrew. what? >> it is murder because you break your brn blee [different. that's my point. every incarnation is a different person. the copy doesn't tell you. the cape lies to your friends. the copy says oh greg, i'm greg. real greg is dead. that's why tele pour station is a fraud. >> andy is on home at his co
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tonight on huckabee... >> they chose to be greater people. >> war hero on helping fellow veterans transition into this civilian work force. >> part of the training and skills. >> and... scandal at the va. >> these allegations prove to be true, it's dishonorable. it's disgraceful. and i will not tolerate it. >> a former veteran's affairs hospital doctor says reports of mistreatment are not isolated cases. >> some cascases, i did see bet
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