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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  May 27, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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up next the o'reilly factor. just reminder if you are getting home late tune in before bill o'reilly. pick up remote and set a series recording each night. good night from washington. see you from new york tomorrow. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> whether it's allegations of v.a. staff covering up long wait times or cooking the books, i will not stand for it it i not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the irs. we will work with the libyan government to bring justice to killers who attack our people. >> things closing in on president obama. there are now five controversies in play. we will run down the status of every one and charles krauthammer will analyze. >> keep your ho on a leash. >> hey, hey. >> can't be talking to my woman like that,. >> you are running wild, manual. >> a column in the "the washington post" says that hollywood comedy movies may be partially responsible for
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the horrendous killings in santa barbara. two of the men named sabato and seth rogan are not happy. we will have the the latest with bernie goldberg. >> he is not a criminal. he made a mistake and made a wrong turn and said right at the border i've got guns. i don't want to be here. let me turn around and go home. >> but the mexicans did not lead marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi go home. now is he in prison. why does mexico continue to do this? is it legal on the case. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. as we begin another factor summer. now, i know some of you were not watching the past couple of weeks. caught up in all that dancing, singing and surviving on the networks.
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we forgive you. but you missed a lot. and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. president obama currently involved in five intense controversies. and his administration is under siege, no matter what the democratic party and the media, which protects him, tells you. mr. obama's job approval rating may fall below 40% this week primarily because of the v.a. scandal. as you may know, there are allegations that sick veterans died because they could not get treatment quickly enough. in phoenix, there are serious charges that there was a secret waiting list and that the v.a. tried to cover up the chaos. president obama looked weak in responding. it took him weeks to even formulate an opinion. finally, he said he was outraged. but the president always says is he outraged. and it seems his administration was caught by surprise after the phoenix story broke. now, the house committee on veterans affairs will conduct a hearing.
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another hearing on. among the allegations three v.a. officials have been summoned to appear. they might not show up, if they do they might take the fifth. the v.a.'s inspector general is investigating 26 situations to determine whether employees of the v.a. covered up long waits for medical appointments, all across the country. no matter what your ideological bent, this is awful. and since president obama pledged to clean up the v.a. six years ago, falls on him. so, we can expect a bunch of embarrassing hearings but little else. the v.a. secretary general shinseki still on the job. although it's just a matter of time before he resigns. that is controversy number one. number two: the irs. this one is simple. house of representatives voted to hold former irs official lois lerner in criminal contempt because she will not testify about her role in targeting
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conservative political groups. it's up to the justice department run by the president's close friend, eric holder to prosecute lerner. but it may not. it has discretion. and talking points believes ms. lerner will not be indicted. and without her testimony it, the story goes nowhere. unless an irs whistle blower steps forward. controversy number three: benghazi, libya. there is now a select committee in the house which will hold, wait for it hearings. but those hearings will not get underway until late summer. a lot of this stuff will be done in closed session. the key questions are, where was the president on the night of the attack? why did the obama administration tell the world that murders were inspired by a video?
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and why did the u.s. military not not respond june 129. what does carrie know. ambassador christopher stevens and three others americans were murdered by the terrorists. so, will we ever get to the bottom of benghazi? doubtful. number four, fast and furious. 2,000 american guns allowed to flow into mexico by the bureau of alcohol, toe tobacco and firearms. a few employeesees were disciplined. nobody fired, but one border patrol agent, brian it terry apparently murdered by a thug using one of those guns. talking points does not believe anything else will come out of fast and furious. and finally, obamacare. now, this one could be big unions and employers arguing
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over who will pick up the tab for the affordable healthcare mandate. costs are going up all over the place. nobody is happy except those getting free healthcare insurance which was the goal from the beginning giving americans who cannot afford health insurance premiums a freebie. throughout the summer and fall anger over the healthcare law likely to grow over a furious pace as americans see their healthcare grow. this is president obama's biggest problem. the v.a. is second. it right now the white house strategy seems to be ride it out. only two and a half years in office. investigators don't work quickly and the public's attention span is short. in fact, if you go out to the mall tomorrow and ask people about any of these scandals that i have just listed, you will likely get a blank stare. the media has emotion vested in president obama, we all know that and is not likely
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to be aggressive in pursuing these stories although cnn did did break the v.a. situation. we here at the factor promise that we'll stay on the case. all americans deserve efficient, honest government. all we want are answers to simple questions. and accountability. until president obama leaves the oval office. we will continue to demand those things and hope that mr. obama will understand that his legacy is on the line. and that's the memo. next, charles krauthammer will give us his view of what is likely to happen and all of the controversy. charles moments away. hey. i'm ted and this is rudy.
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continuing now with lead stories. plaguing. please assess my talking points. did i miss anything? >>. no i think you got it right and i think you got the one that's going to hurt the president most absolutely right there. is no question that obamacare is going to hurt the democrats in noe and also in 2016. because it's not so much the scandalous part of it. it's the fact that it represents. it's the embodiment and sort of the symbol of this kind of obama hyper liberalism and intrusiveness and because it effects people where they live. people don't end up in the voting booth reacting so much to scandal.
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as they are to stuff that happens in there own lives. losing their health insurance. some of them losing full-time employment. so their hours are cut. some of them are going to lose their employer provided health insurance. of course, others with high policeman yums and high deductibles. there are going to be millions of americans directly affected. >> yes. >> and it's going to effect them negatively. >> here is why it is a scandal though. >> i was about to tell. >> you oh, all right. bell i with probably do it more succinctly than you. >> well let's give if it a shot. >> go down and then everybody will have the same healthcare that they had before. so the promise was hollow thation that's going to tee people off as well as the wallet-impacting. >> i would put it slightly more succinctly. the president said if you like your plan you can keep it and it turned out to be a deliberate lie. a lie that he knew wasn't true at the time. >> how that it was
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deliberate? why do you say that? maybe it it was the hyperbole that all politicians use to sell their program? >> i don't often use the word, but if you go back to a meeting the president held with a bunch of congressman in blair house at the beginning of the obamacare debate, i believe this happened in late 2009 or perhaps in 2010, and he had paul ryan and all the others at the table. and you look at the transcript, it is very clear the president was made aware in that meeting openly and in public that there were people who would lose their plans. large numbers of people. the president acknowledges that in that meeting and that long predates the many, many times that the president made the promise if you like your plan you can keep it. >> okay. and that's why we love you because you back up your
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succinct is the word i would use. >> well, not many people know about a transcript from the blair house. i didn't know about it but you did. and that's why we pay you the big dollars here. let me ask you this because this is now troubling. so you have got a president of the united states who acknowledges in your description that a lot of people would be thrown off the insurance roles and that the costs are going to be higher than he himself has portrayed. yet, he goes on after that and still mouths the stuff that he knows isn't true. that is a very troubling situation because then you have a dishonest man as commander and chief. am i wrong? >> well, presidents shade the truth all the time. >> this is more than shading though. >> this one is more troubling than most. remember, there was other
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reporting, apart from this meeting at the blair house. there was reporting of major arguments within the president's inner circle about whether to promise you could keep your plan or not. some saying it's not true so we shouldn't say it others ing in that is going to be very hard to get through the congress and it passed by a whisker and you know with no support from the single republicans that they said well we are going to go for it and we will worry about it later. the other thing that factors into this is that this administration knows how much the press wants to protect it. that's why on benghazi, you say how could they have told this ridiculous fable on the five networks. have susan rice go out there and say it's a result of a video when it was known within the administration that it was not. and the reason they would err on the side of telling a
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fable is that they would figure that the press would not be very interested in this, very inquisitive about this. >> right. they wouldn't hold them accountable. >> until election day. and in fact that's how it happened there was no interest up until election day and it did not hurt the president in the elections. >> all right. but you are and i have to ask this one more time. i'm going to run a little bit over charles' segment time. you are indicting the president of the united states as essentially being a dishonest person. that's what you are doing here. and that is fairly significant, charles. i call them like i see them. i know what the president was doing it was obvious that he knew he didn't only say you can keep your plan if you like your plan. that means absolute certainty. no contingencies. this is a truth that i am now enunciating.
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i think the evidence shows that he knew there was at least major doubt about that. and to me that's not honest. >> all right, charles. directly ahead a provocative column in the "the washington post" points the finger at the entertainment industry for the horrible mass murder in santa barbara, california. later, is it legal on that marine thrown into prison by the mexicans because he made a wrong turn. the factor returns in a moment.
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weekdays with persony segment. last friday six innocent people were killed by 22-year-old elliott rodger who apparently healed grudge against women because they were not friendly to him. 13 other americans were wounded by this maniac.
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whenever that happens knee jerk reactions almost instantly appear. ann hornaday say quote for generations mass entertainment has been overwhelmingly controlled by white men whose escape fantasy so often revolve around vigilantism and sexual fulfillment. his rampage may be his own profound obsess but also shows how a sexist movie mono culture can be toxic for women and men alike. neighbors stars seth rogan. she named judd as a white man offensive directing his films. in response rogan said to horn aday, i find your article terribly insulting and misinformed. >> how dare you imply that movies caused this lunatic to go on a rampage.
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joining us now is mr. goldberg. this is pretty intense. >> yeah. this is an example, bill, of shallow, unserious thinking masquerading as thoughtful journalism. people out there should really read the whole column and make a decision for themselves. i posted it on my web site so it's easy to get. but, if this film critic who wants to write a column about mental illness and guns, be my guest. if she wants to write a column about the thing that's really bothering her, the feminist issue that's really getting to her, that white men as she puts it controls hollywood, then write that column. but if she is going to link movies and murder, if she is going to write as important as it is to understand rodgers' actions within the context of the mental illness he clearly suffered. it's just as clear, her words, it's just as clear that his delusions were inflated, if not created by
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the entertainment industry he grew up in. well, you know what? she has no clue as to whether that's true or not. she just made it up. i'm not suggesting, bill, i'm not suggesting at all that the popular culture doesn't affect the greater american culture. what i'm saying is, in this case, she doesn't offer a shred of evidence, not a single quotation that would indicate that those movies should -- should be linked at all to those terrible murders. >> all right. since you have studied the column, i read it but i have two questions that maybe you can answer. the first one is, as you rightly pointed out, the woman is angry that white men have dominated the film industry. that's true. they have. all right. but she doesn't like it. and then. >> right. >> she kind of says that the whole movie culture is village i -- vig
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vigilantism. there are those kind of films. it's not like every other movie is that. >> no. that's a fair point. this is. this reminds me of 1970's angry feminist rhetoric. it isn't thoughtful. it isn't intelligent. let me ask her this. millions of people watch these movies that you, the film critic don't like. millions of young men watch those very same films. how come we don't have hundreds of cases where they go out and kill people? >> that's a very very good point. because it's a myth, that's why. >> forget hundreds. >> she is per pettediating a myth. >> we have two examples. >> i'm sure you can find some people who are crazed and do things because they are stimulated. remember are the movie taxi driver? a bunch of people said oh i did it because of that. and all of that.
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but, the other thing. >> and what do they have in common? what do they have in common? mental illness. that's the key. >> sure. hinckley, who shot reagan, they all come back to it. i made a mini campaign about beyonce's videos affecting young unsupervised girls in a negative opinion. i didn't do what hornaday did. i didn't say beyonce caused. i said it's deleterious effect on these children and they perhaps may act out. this is a cause and effect. i mean, this is yearous when a "the washington post" film writer says that judd and seth rogan just by appearing in the film, they are somewhat responsible for this guy i don't blame niece
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guys for being teed off. >> she is saying i never said that they were responsible. >> yes she singled them off. >> i'm telling it you what this woman is now saying oh, i didn't blame them. i'm just raising questions. is what she says. well, you know what? read that column. >> that's right. it's on my web site. it's easy to get. you cannot escape the conclusion that these films, that portray women in certain roles and men to don't get the girl as feeling that the world is against them and life is unfair. and guess what? one of them went out and killed a whole bunch of people. you can't help but conclude that she is linking at absolutely linking if not gleam. >> cause and effect. >> the film on the murders. >> stossel angry at the food police including first lady michelle obama. he will be here is it legal for that marine in mexico for making a wrong turn.
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okinawa life! be a sound sleeper, or...l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. here you go. good catch! alright, now for the best part. ooh, let's get those in the bowl. these are way too good to waste, right? share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes® they're g-r-r-reat!tm stossel matter segment tonight. food fight. >> if i'm going to help my brain come to fruition, i'm going to have to feed it quality nutrition. >> the food police are here. eager to force us to eat better. >> the epidemic here is worse than previously estimated.
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>> over 5% of all americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. >> over 95% of us? >> say no to gmo. >> do you know what's in our food? >> poison. classified as poison. >> you better not eat meat. >> i haven't made a steak either. >> some say don't eat anything with a fake. >> so many different types of vegan alternatives to cheese, to milk, to ice cream. >> after all, sat temperature rated fat is evil. >> it clogs up the arteries. >> what if it doesn't. >> here now is stossel. so there is a lot of stuff in there. what's the headline? fixing our obese city problem. it doesn't work. subsidizing and banning things. we ought to have food freedom. >> food freedom. okay. let's take -- now, do you eat meat?
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>> yeah. >> i don't ate eat meat. i don't eat a lot of red meat. i ration it out. but good morning it's hurting me but i could be wrong. how about dairy? is there anything wrong with that? >> no. but i avoided it for years because there was this big heart association thing don't eat saturated fat. don't eat bacon. several studies saying we really don't know that was a garbage study we followed for years. some meats. >> katie couric was here a couple weeks ago with her movie and you mocked that movie in the special, right? >> i mean, it's ridiculous. >> wait, wait, she is saying that a lot of sugar is bad. that's true. you don't want to be eating lot of sugar, particularly white sugar. >> that's true. government is subsidizing food that make us fat is bad. they get those things right. she says 95% of americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. how does anybody know that? 95%? it's absurd. >> crime to blame will
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power. helpless addicts. our brains light up with sugar like cocaine and heroin. >> for some that's true they can't stay away. >> here is where i disagree. michelle obama is on the kick to have schools that are subsidized with federal taxpayer dollars purchase healthy foods for the you urchins, okay? i support that because if you are buying garbage food and you are giving them every day, you know, friday stuff this, and sugar laden stuff that with our tax dollars. i think they should try to go for the better stuff automatic i wrong? >> strangly i would agree with you. >> thank you. so stossel and i simpatico. >> however. >> i knew it. what? >> they just do it badly. she is spending 4 hundred million dollars changing school menus and kids are throwing the food out. >> i know that but the urchins shouldn't rule. did you ever read lord of
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the flies? come on. i don't want to be -- >> -- it's not working, pull back. >> i don't want to be food police but i think there is withe particularly when you taxpayer dollars. >> you are paying for it. >> to buy the best quality food you can get rather than. >> and the trash cans appreciate it they are much healthier now. >> sometimes you have to like wean then them off the twinkies. get them away from the potato chips. >> a million kids, lots of schools have dropped out of the program. >> i understand. they are going to go for the sugar. they always do. >> he they will anyway. there is a black market on chocolate syrup. >> kids out in the parking lot come here. >> 50 cents a squirt. >> i have a wing ding for you. here is stossel. stossel is one of those people. when we come right back. is it legal how the american marine in mexican prison under dubious circumstances is farrowing. why do liberals want to let bad people out of prison? why? upcoming. we're moving our company to new york state.
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thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the is it legal segment tonight. authorities grabbed him because he had an antique gun in his motor home. a piece that was essentially
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harmless. unfortunately we had to threaten mexico with a boycott to get corporal john hammer released. now there is another controversy. 25-year-old marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi of western florida crossed into mexico with three guns in his truck. he says he simply misread the signs. >> sources who work the border here say it's not uncommon for travelers to miss that u-turn. here's why. the sign used to be big but during construction it was replaced with this tiny sign. now drivers see this. a bright orange flashing sign. but only after tahmooressi's story became international news. >> here now to analyze attorneys and fox news analyst kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl how do you see. this see a 25-year-old marine headed down 10:30 at night. vision impaired. lot of construction going on. a lot of signs on office skated. obfuscated. >> we can't find anyone else
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who got into trouble doing it this way. i tend to agree, guilfoyle with wiehl because he called 911 and he said listen, i'm in trouble here. this was when he was approaching and i have got guns in my car and they are looking around and this and that. it doesn't look like this guy was smuggle ling guns. >> no, it doesn't look like anything nefarious. had up to $100,000 in his bank account from previous jobs. what he clearly states to authorities later is that he actually misread the sign situation. >> do we know where he was going? >> he was in mexico during the the day by foot. he comes back to get into his car. then he clearly just got, maybe he had. >> so he had been in mexico on foot. >> exactly. came back over the border where he had parked his ford truck. he gets confused. >> he wanted to go home -- >> -- the other point i want to make here is that he has only been in san diego for two months. he didn't know the area that
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well. >> greta has been doing this story aggressively and doing a good job on it we haven't hopped on the story. i i want to be clear about two things. number one, that the guy wasn't drunk or something like that. he didn't know what he was doing. we had to check that out o. number two, that, you know, mexico has very very strong gun laws. and if you go in there with guns. they are going to grab you. >> they are in trouble. >> i wouldn't be opposed to this guy paying a fine, you know, he made a mistake, but you don't put him in jail. >> two months. >> do you understand. >> two months without a hearing. >> this was a poorly lit area. that he simply missed the last u-turn sign. >> we believe him, right? >> on the ground, on the right-hand side instead of the right. >> who is going to change that now. >> sure, they don't want it to happen again. would believe the sergeant and we believe he made an honest mistake and we believe the mexicans are once again overreacting and punishing america when they
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don't have to. all they should have said you broke the laws, we are taking your guns and we will see you later. >> what will likely happen at the hearing tomorrow he will be able to post bail and allowed to then return to the united states never to reenter mexico. that's a way for mexico to save face. the mexican attorney general should do what you called on them to do in the john hammer case which is dismiss the charges. >> if he is not let out tomorrow, we have a -- we have something that mexico is not going to like. >> uh-oh. tomorrow's factor we will tell you what the story is. university of wisconsin there is a professor sally bauer, she is suing one of her graduate students anthony lieu ellen. we have one minute. why is she suing? >> she is suing on the basis of defamation. he didn't simply post comments about her as a professor on a teacher review site. he went out of the way to go on youtube and to other agred accommodation services. >> to say what? >> that she said something
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about him. saying that he was a poor student. that he was terrible after the what he was trying to do and very demeaning to him. that she abused him. >> this guy doesn't have freedom of speech. >> he does. >> majorrist. when -- play -- i spoke to her laguardia today. he says categorically these things are not true. >> the graduate student went wide on the internet and attacked this professor with charges that aren't true. >> defamed her. >> defamed. so she is going to sue him. >> punitive damages. if he just had kept it lousy teacher, that's a freedom of speech. but once you get into something something not true. >> when you went out of his way on the public forum. if he just takes the post down i think it will go. >> all right, ladies. on deck, two more ladies, colmes and crowley. why does the left want to release terrible people from
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prison? why? we will discuss it in just a few moments.
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true business-grade internet comes with secure wifi for your business. it also comes with public wifi for your customers. not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers.
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but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. back of the book segment tonight. another liberal cause being readied for rollout. with victories in the gay marriage arena and legalized pot. the left is turning its attention to changing the criminal justice system. sunday's lead editorial in the "new york times" demands that mass incarceration be ended now. the opinion piece says the u.s.a. is putting too many people in prison but not once did this editorial mention the victims of crime. not once. times believes that people who sell hard drugs are nonviolent criminals. some of them should be given rehab instead of prison time. the justice system is biased against people of color.
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and finally the "times" says it's spending $80 billion a year in correction expenses. is a scandal. what the uber liberal newspaper does not tell its readers is over the past 20 years violent crime in america has dropped a whopping 49%. that has saved the country far more than $80 billion a year and the human suffering caused by crime has been vastly diminished as well. if you take very bad people folks who sell heroine, meth and cocaine. ask them what they think about the pushers. with with us now to respond, monica crowley and kirsten powers who joins us from washington. what say you, kirsten? >> well, first of all, it's not just liberals who are concerned about this. there are conservatives who will concerned about it newt gingrich in particular is somebody who has spoken with the problems with mass incarceration in the
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country. i don't think we have to say this is just a liberal issue. >> would you cide it's being driven by the george soroses. >> no. he doesn't own the "new york times." >> they have nothing to do with each other. the point is we do have a problem in this country with mass incarceration. >> what's the problem that you see it? how do you define the problem. >> for you to quote the fact that the violent crime rate has dropped. >> right. >> somehow evidence that we don't have a problem doesn't make any sense to me. because, first of all, they weren't just talking about violent crime. talking about people thrown in jail 15 to 25 years for selling two ounces of marijuana. that is a problem. it happens under the three strikes law and it does happen under the rock rockefeller. >> i will put you back on tomorrow. >> rockefeller drug laws. are you kidding me? you don't think under the rockefeller drug laws people put in jail that long.
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>> selling two -- >> under the rockefeller drug laws that's the law. >> three -- it never happens. >> you don't think there is a problem in new york with drug laws seriously? you don't think in the last 10 years, last 20 problem. >> last 20 years no problem with drug laws. >> it's impossible to be incarcerated here. you have to be four or five times caught before you get to court. >> the objective is to reduce crime, right. cutback the recidivism rate. there are some groups of conservatives out there trying to talk about smart reforms. what the "new york times" is talking about at least part in third editorial was reducing these long sentences. i think aggressive policing and aggressive sentencing is what led to this dramatic plummeting of the violent crime rate.
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what i do like in terms of reform what texas and mississippi have done in terms of education and training of nonviolent offenders and also trying to -- >> i don't object to those services being offered. >> better treatment for victims. a lot has to do with the drugs. >> a lot. you have to want to get off the drugs and many people don't. we have a difference of opinion between crowley and powers on what led to this dramatic violent crime drop. i come down on monica's side and say there are only selected very bad people who hurt other people. 10% of the population. you isolate them. take them off the streets and the crime rate comes down. you don't buy that? >> i don't think you can back that up, bill. >> you say i can't back it up and i try to back it up. you said i couldn't back it up. i can back it up but you don't
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want to hear it. >> i would like to finish and then you can back it up. >> okay. >> what i want to say when they look at california, when they compared different county, some had the very, very tough sentencing, some didn't have the very tough sentencing, and the high incarceration and there was no difference in the level of violent crime because it's a national trend. for you to try pretend that it's just because you're putting people, all these people in jail is not correct. if you can get the very violent people and only get them that's good. that's not what's happening. >> i'm going to take the last word. look at george telling and all the other criminologyists across the country that subscribe to the broken windows theory, the more people you take off the street the less crime there is. that's irrefutable, word of the day. ladies thank very much. wild mail segment.
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i'm sure we'll have one tomorrow. tip of the day, the cost of speaking the truth next. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? ♪ get ready, get ready ♪ 'cause here i come [ male announcer ] take osteo bi-flex®. osteo bi-flex® is specially formulated with joint shield™ to nurture and help defend your joints°. so now you can keep doing... and doing... and doing what you love. hi mom, dad. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! ♪ get ready, 'cause here i come ♪ [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your indendence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big.
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that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. >> tip of the day. speaking the truth. "new york times" on sunday profiled jeb bush told the world he's reading my book "killing jesus." i hope the governor is enjoying it. if you have not read" killing jesus," shame on you. very entertaining and provide a
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perspective that you have never heard about the most famous man who ever learned, that'sies. doug wells, california, your comments on president obama's low pressure skills have been spot on. for me his style can be summed up in two words. delegate and abdicate. >> don't you think itd about time you acknowledge that our president is completely incompetent. >> mr. obama has failed to live to his stated expectations. economy is still soft. transparency he promised non-existent. not made the usa respected throughout the world and his vision of social justice has created monsters like obamacare. my job here is to provide perspective and to hold all the powerful people accountable. i believe that we do that effectively. mike, new york city, kelly and o'reilly don't get it. obama is a fraud. and it does not help that you
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refer to him as president. >> he is the president, bill. >> suzie, i hate to say it, but if four black americans were killed in benghazi do you think it would matter? >> hundreds of black men are killed in chicago and few in the media care. >> washington, missouri, with aldo respect to referring to howard dean as dizzy dean is an insult to the hall of fame pitcher. >> i keep hearing hillary clinton is the most powerful woman of the country but she hasn't accomplished anything meaningful. >> it doesn't matter. power is bestowed by the media. mrs. clinton may be the next president. >> peoria, illinois, how can the bolder -- fresher show be any bolder than what i see on the
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factor every night? >> visit the badlands. almost everyone who sees the bolder and fresher show is surprised. next night july 26th saturday wild be in fargo, north dakota. tickets make great father's day gifts. miller will be here tomorrow night. finally factor tip of the day. had enough of folks being branded racist. so has espn sportscaster steven smith. he spoke from the heart after dallas mask owner mark cuban was vilified for remarks he made about his own personal fears. >> i don't care who in the black community disagrees with me, i do understand that to some degree there's a level of racism we have to overcome. i get all of that. that doesn't mean every single issue is race related. sometimes it is about you represent yourself. when we talk about the american dream, you know what i think about? myself.
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grew up poor. the little education i had in the public school system. i ultimately graduate from high school. i go to a historically black university. i graduate with honors and i'm on national tv every day. this is the road you got climb. >> mr. smith is correct. america does provide opportunities to those willing to get educated and work hard like he did. that is the truth. and steven smith told it. here's the tip of the day. even if you get hammered and i'm sure mr. smith got some mail, speak the truth as you know it. better to be respected than liked. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website which is different from bill o' spot off about the factor. o'reilly name a town if you wish to opine. word of the day, don't be
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invidious. the word we use opened the program last week, don't be invidious. miss megan warming up. i'm bill o'reilly. remember the spin stops here. definitely looking out four. i'm megan kelly live in new york and even tonight critics across the country blaming the weekend spree on guns, white men and hollywood. guess what's being left off that list. also tonight -- >> a blunder by the white house to be putting a top cia agent in jeopardy. brett hume reacts. >> the hypocrisy here is outrageous. >> what does the tv host think about the