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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  May 27, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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the word we use opened the program last week, don't be invidious. miss megan warming up. i'm billo'reilly. remember the spin stops here. definitely looking out four. i'm megan kelly live in new york and even tonight critics across the country blaming the weekend spree on guns, white men and hollywood. guess what's being left off that list. also tonight -- >> a blunder by the white house to be putting a top cia agent in jeopardy. brett hume reacts. >> the hypocrisy here is outrageous. >> what does the tv host think about the new controversy?
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sc he's here. >> true words of wisdom on a busy kelly file starting now. breaking tonight new fall out from a deadly killing spree on a california college campus that left six people dead plus the shooter and some lawmakers want a new push for new gun legislation. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone, i'm megan kelly. consistent with our kelly file policy we're not naming this shooter nor will we show you his picture or videos. just the latest i should say in a series of individuals that plot mayhem on people they usually do not know. and this shooting is just the latest in a series of mass killings. we still have not yet caught up to the murder sprees of some years gone by in particular during the 1990s but we're
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starting to. 2012 was a record year for this kind of violence and the question remains why. in the four days since six innocent people were stabbed and shot to death and more than a dozen others injured we've seen a huge amount of finger pointing and accusations. some blame guns and nra. others blaming white men and white privilege. and then there's the suggestion that's getting a lot of attention right now. hollywood is to blame for this killer's action. we'll have much more on that in just a moment when we're joined by our panel. but first i want to get you caught up on this investigation and trace gallagher has the very latest from our west coast newsroom. trace? >> reporter: his primary target appears to be have been the sorority house because he believed it symbolized the world that tortured him and he was crystal clear about his intention saying quote i'll
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sneaking in their house at 9:00 p.m. on the day of retribution just before all the partying starts and slaughter every single one of them. it appears he cased the house stating again, i know exactly where their house is and i sat outside it in my car to stop them many times. after stabbing his three room mates to death the killer drove to the alpha house and pounded on the door. young women inside said they heard the pounding but for some reason none answered. that's when the killer improviced walking around the side of the house, finding another group of students and opening fire killing two wounding one. later driving the streets of isla vista he saw another female student. he rolled down the window smiled at her, she said hey and opened fire but missed her. here she is on the night of the shooting and then walking the crime scene yesterday. listen. >> he lifted up like a little
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black pencil. and i just thought it was an air pop gun or something. i'm positive i felt it. i felt it, you know. >> now we know the killer spoke his father the day before the rampage, the dad says they set up a lunch date and that his son seemed fine. the parents learned about the manifesto hours before the killings. they contacted authorities and raced from los angeles to santa barbara, but they were too late. we should note a memorial service was held to pay tribute to the victims at uc santa barbara just a short time ago. >> trace, thank you. as we mentioned at the top of the show one movie critic asking a frat boy fantasies like the film "neighbors" make this boy feel out of place.
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how many men raised on a steady diet of adjudicate apatow comedies in which the shlubby arrested adolescent always gets the girl, find that those happy endings aren't always true. >> panel thank you all. so, ann hornaday goes on to say this man's delusions, he was a virgin and didn't have the love that so many men had. his delusions were inflated and created by the entertainment industry he grew up in because he was the son of a famous hollywood director. brent, your take on it? >> for the love of god. look, entertainment media, movies, tv shows, music, they do have an influence on the young. there's no question. there's no question if you have the genre that grand slammerizes ultraviolence it has an influence on violent behavior. it's true programming that grand
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slammerizes irresponsible sexual behavior is going to have an impact on people behaving irresponsibly. to suggest programming that focus on irresponsible sexual behavior leads somebody to commit violence is such a anti-male pro feminist whacko belief system. this is a guy who killed. i don't know that he was sick or evil but on this one you can't blame hollywood. >> richard, if it's hollywood movies that's causing this to happen then why doesn't everybody who goes to see these movies go out and start shooting up the joint? >> megan, i don't think it's one thing or another. you have to put them all together. there was mental illness involved on top of the fact that he lived in this sort of warped reality where hollywood movies, it became reality for him and that's what caused him to do these type of things. i'm not a psychiatrist or a
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mental expert but it calls into question here is how, what is the definition of a man. over time pop culture defined masculinity as violent, as hatred towards women and so on and so forth. you see it in every movie -- >> you agree with ann that what this man saw in the movies made him have a different idea of what is a man and led to this rampage, which is really out there. doris you do this for a living. you study these criminals for a living. all of them. what say you. >> look, you know, we know there are issues with gun violence, there are issues with women being, you know, bashed and male chauvinism and everything. it's easy to talk about guns. it's not so easy to talk about
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mental illness and that's why we don't talk about it as much in these episode. >> what of the fact, doris, it's virtually impossible to have somebody like this institutionalized or forcibly put under a psychiatrist's care even though he reportedly was seeing a therapist and had been since and he was child. >> megan we have dismantled the american's mental health system for sick people. we still have a system for people who are well enough to walk in and say hi i don't feel so hot i need some help. but for someone who doesn't think he needs help. for this kind of person we turn often, we turn to involuntary means and authors not real popular. >> and yet, richard, let me go back to you on this the left has taken criticism for undoing the institutions that used to house a lot of the mentally ill because they believed they were an infringement on those
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individuals' civil rights. >> i'll differ on my party. we need more funding and investment in mental health care. individuals like this gentleman just like the people involved in columbine or newtown should have been committed. this is something where democrats, republicans and independents can come together. >> but they don't seem to be coming together. >> i wish they would. >> when you read the papers today not only are folks looking squarely at guns and once again not nearly enough as mental health and how we reform that system. it's all about the guns and the weapons they chose. this guy started off by stabbing three people. they are focused on hollywood. blame everything but the actual problem which is what's going on in these guys' heads. >> it's our cultural victimology. we look for victims every where. this is where people have such a problem with western civilization. across the pond this weekend the
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bbc banned the word "girl" because that somehow is offensive to girls. so you got, you know, left and right you can't breathe. you can't do another "animal house" movie if this is what we're talking about because somebody will go out and commit murder. it's a silly proposition. this is a serious issue. treat it serious. stop playing political games. >> how about it, richard, because this ann hornaday came out and said this whole thing shows how a sexist movie culture can be toxic for women and men alike and talked about for how generations mass entertainment has been overwhelmingly controlled by white men. what does that have to do with anything? >> listen, i wouldn't go as far as she went. but stack all of this on top of each other. stack the fact we don't have good gun safe laws in the country. or good mental health care policy. stack that on top of that pop
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culture, violence. you have situations like we had a couple of days ago or in newtown or aurora. there's one thing in common, young men looking for acceptance. when you stack those things on top of each other that's how you get this problem. >> doris, you're rolling your eyes. >> i don't disagree except that young men are always looking for acceptance. most aren't killing people. there are risk factors. it's important to remember most people with mental illness are never violent. there's a small subset that are. there are some known risk factors. unfortunately being male is one of them. it doesn't have to do with the movies they are watching. it has to do with some other forces that are going on. being male, having been violent before, having a mental illness, having rejected treatment. these are all risk factors that people don't know about and so we're not looking at what s-you know, our eyes aren't open to
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what we should be keeping an eye out for. >> it's distraction to start saying there's this online twitter thing this weekend talking about i'm a victim these women coming out i'm a victim of men too. let's keep our eye on the ball, right. there are six victims in connection with this killing spree out in california. six actual el dorado victims which is not to be equated with women who feel that they have suffered discrimination in the workplace. panel? >> some of those victims were men. >> exactly right. thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >>ing tonight we're told the white house is investigating itself after the damaging and dangerous leak of information identity i should say about a high level cia bureau chief. brit hume is next. new tornado video is captured. when phil robertson was
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slammed, joe scarborough was there to defend. what does he think about him being a guest speaker for republican leadership. he's here. what do you think about that? >> he's the one that
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plame plame. the obama administration is investigating itself after a high level undercover cia operative was identified in a white house press release. huge mistake coming after the president's surprise visit to afghanistan sunday with u.s. troops ahead of memorial day. the top secret name was among the list of 14 who met with the commander-in-chief for a military briefing at bagram air force base. that man's life and his family could be in danger of being targeted by our enemies. bret hume senior political analyst. how bad is this? >> reporter: it's serious because unlike say the valerie plame case in which we were talking about somebody who was doing a classified job, she was sitting at a desk in virginia, this man is in afghanistan on the front lines of a shooting war. so the danger is obvious.
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the mistake was, you know, pretty flagrant. i'm glad to hear you say it was a press release. it's not a leak. it's a routine release by the white house. the military furniture jishd a list of people meeting with the president and they released it to the white house pool which is a subset of the white house press corps which represents on things like trips all of the press corps and that then went out through e-mail to 6,000 journalists. and so this thing happened. obviously it was an oversight. it was a mistake. but one wonders what kind of an operation you have where such an egregious mistake could be made. it feeds into this ongoing sort of running story that has led to suggestions that this is an administration that has a trouble running things. >> does someone need to get fired? >> reporter: well, i would think so. you know, if you make a mistake like this, there needs to be consequences. you can't say well poor old
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so-and-so is a member of the junior varsity and didn't know what he or she was doing and it was an honest mistake, they need to be forgiven. people need to be disciplined and so others will be alert in the future. >> speaking of junior varsity. president obama has been in office for a while. this isn't his first year. shouldn't they know better the press office? >> reporter: this is an issue that's been raised about this administration. the federal government is a vast institution. and no presidency gets by without some mistakes and blunders and troubles emerging in one or the other executive departments. it just is the way things are. it's too big to have perfect supervision. but you're beginning to see here this president's second term a pattern. you have the fiasco roll out of the health care program, with the bad website and total
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shambles which suggest ad level of supervision from the top of the administration which was all but non-existent. then the mess at the va which the president promised over and over again he was on to and he was going to fix it. then you have this mess, a scandal. now you, of course, this is of different order but now you have this blunder which leads, to you know, important classified individual being outed, and, you know, inadvertent or not it's serious. and it's the kind of thing that you think an administration would learn by now. but in second terms you tend to get the second string. this is not the first administration that had trouble in the second term managing things. >> so far they've had no press briefings at the white house since this happened. submitted questions have gone unanswered. is the white house going underground on this? >> reporter: this white house stone walls. this administration stone walls. they stonewall congressional
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requests for information, they stonewall subpoenas, they decline to show up at hearings. there's a level of, i think, a combination of fear and contempt towards the institutions in congress and in the media which would, you know, investigate them and perhaps embarrass them. so their response is, you know, it's not very skillful and pretty crude and pretty obvious but they stonewall. i can't tell you what the deal was the scheduling of a briefing on any particular day but wouldn't surprise me at all if this was another case of stonewalling. >> now they have are having the white house counsel looking at how the administration -- >> reporter: yeah. this is the standard pattern, you know. scandal erupt, the president says nothing. the white house says nearly nothing. then announced that somebody in the administration is looking in to it. and the next thing you're going hear this is being looked into and inappropriate to comment. >> and then it's old news. see you.
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federal court has now ruled in the case of a police officer who was punished for refusing to visit a mosque. his lawyer is here next on the controversial ruling and the story behind why this department ordered his client to the mosque in the first place. imagine bill murray crashes your bachelor party that happened with his epic advice to the groom. that's ahead. >> it's looking at me. >> he's ugly. designee can hear you. >> don't move. it won't some time?
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stunning new video of a tornado bearing down on a trailer park with oil workers
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running for cover. >> i kid you not. going to hit. >> stop. [ bleep ] >> got nowhere to go. >> wow. one can only assume that was nervous factor. a 15-year-old girl was critically injured. eight others hurt. the two men huddled in their truck with the twister feet away. watch. >> look at that, dude. i'm still filming it. >> oh, my lord. i've never seen anything like that video. reports there was no warning siren or local alert system for the trailer park. 15 trailers were destroyed, severe weather is rare in this particular area. a kelly file investigation four. after a federal appeals court ruled against an oklahoma police officer who claimed his civil
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rights were violated when he was ordered to visit a local mosque. to listen to a presentation on human rights and women among other things. robert amuse is lead attorney for captain paul fields. he has suffered a defeat in this case. thank you very much, robert. you know, when i heard the headline i thought what? then i realized they were being inviteed for police appreciation day. what was so objectionable. it wasn't police appreciation day it was a islamic proslytizing. there were tours. meeting islamic religious leaders. watching religious prayer services. and this event was held on friday which is the holy day for islam for that particular purpose and never before in the 30 plus years that the chief of police, for example, has been in the police department has such events held at a religious forum been mandatory. >> they said they were trying to
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establish a relationship between the muslim community and the police so that they could build trust. >> that wasn't true. it was claimed to be an appreciation event. captain fields defended the mosque, but this was a proslytizing event. they made it mandatory. he raised a religious objection. >> is this officer christian? >> he is. and he was punished. >> what religious tenet does it violate for him to observe a muslim mosque? >> well it isn't observing a muslim mosque it's being subjected to islamic proslytizing and the police officers in uniform are prohibited from expressing his religious beliefs. >> they are not trying to convert the cops. >> of course they are.
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>> they are triangle to expose the drops the muslim community. get people to then police. isn't that a good thing for us? >> can you imagine if it was a muslim officer ordered to attend a synagogue on saturday and he objected on religious grounds and was transferred, subjected to an internal affairs investigation, he was suspended without pay for two weeks, and he was assigned to the graveyard shift. if that happened everybody in that chain of command in that police department would have been fired and everybody knows that to be the case. there's a huge double standard because he had concerns they were making this mandatory for the officers and he raised a religious objection. he was punished. >> up lost in the tenth circuit court of appeals but seek to review at the supreme court. we'll watch it. thanks for being here. president obama is tonight accused of scolding a reporter for no apparent clear reason. that's next on a story behind this. and the big plans for the
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leader of duck dynasty this week. up next joe scarborough, yes i say joe scarborough right here on "the kelly file." >> up ever get me in the white house, trust me there's a big change coming. this ain't going to be so small [ male announcer ] we're the names you know in the places you want to be. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
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. i'm a low tech man in a hi-tech world. have you ever seen a macho man sit around a little black box. >> that was phil robertson the controversial patriarch of the hit show "duck dynasty" months after he found himself in the big controversy over remarks on gay marriage. he's just been tapped to speak at the he republican leadership conference this week along with gop big names like senator ted cruz and bobby jindal. joe scarborough is a tv host, former politician, a lawyer and author of the book "the right path" a book that calls it saefl road map for the republican party. he defended phil robertson. what say you about him at this event because you've been critical about some of these republican events and who they select to speak. >> this is fine. you know, anybody that was in iowa in 2008 saw mike huckabee
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with chuck norris. it worked. it got people out. they had a big laugh and moved on. in this case the democrats won't be critical of having phil robertson there. >> no? >> if they do you can look at all the celebrities that said stupid things at democratic events. >> the left doesn't think it counts against their side. >> listen, you have the celebrities at the end of the day to draw a little bit of attention but it's going to be candidates who are there, the issues they talk about that matter the most. it's going much ado about nothing. >> in researching you and your book, i found you said at one point that cpac is for many about deep resentment and pushing talk radio. comments like that are what leads republicans to say you are a conservative that's lecturing them on the way forward. >> that's so 2011.
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they don't say that about me any more. >> they don't? >> what happened we had ten years of big government republicanism and what people found out was after the bush years big government republicanism what's bad is big government liberalism. i was critical of the republican establishment in 2010. a lot of people agreed with me got elected. there were some zany candidates out there. things like i'm not a witch or tried redefine rape. i'm sitting there this is probably not going to help us get the swing voters. he had amateurs on the field. listen i think what's happened in this year's election, great news. you got the establishment, you got the tea party, they fused together. >> you think they are coming together? >> no doubt about it. listen, again, i'm on the side of those candidates that was critical of the republican establishment in d.c., chamber of commerce and a lot of people
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who wanted to be in charge, wanted to be in power. if we're going to be in power you can't be big government republicans. we passed $7 trillion drug benefit land when bush was president and didn't pay for a dime of it. >> what about christine o'donnell. you don't get along with hannity. >> i love hannity. >> how can you be a conservative if you're at war with so many true conservative icons. >> i'm a uniter not a divider. rush and i get along well. and glen beck and i talk a good bit. sean, you have to talk to sean. i can tell you, the most important thing is that we move forward with conservative ideas. there's no doubt identify upset a lot of people because i was against the republican establishment, when i left congress we had a balanced
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budget. eight ears later, nine years later republicans kept their mouths shut. they saluted. they were in power at the white house. wait. i got to finish. the fact of the matter is we doubled the national debt, we took $155 billion surplus. >> i'm talking about perception. you're talk about policy. i have e-mail from our viewers we don't want to here from him. he's a rhino. he's a faux conservative. >> you keep saying that. i don't hear that. i've been to new hampshire, south carolina. >> i'm not saying you are or aren't. >> i'm telling you you look at my record and that's the great thing about being on tv, being in congress, i've been consistent. i've been a small government conservative for a very long time. and the fact is, if people don't like me because i was critical of the republican establishment when there was a republican in the white house that's fine. here's the deal. i'm conservative when republicans are in the white house, i'm conservative when
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democrats are in the white house. >> do you want to be in the white house? >> no. i'm happy where i am right here. this is a great studio. >> isn't this nice >> it's fantastic. >> it's beautiful. >> the thing is, again -- >> still a blonde woman on the set interrupting you. >> i swear to god. whether 6:00 in the morning or 9:00 at night. come on. help me out here. >> only if you snap your fingers at me you would have eight instead of ten. >> you did your research. you take my low point over the past five years. >> you didn't think i would give you a complete pass. >> no. >> that's the fun of having. you >> that's the great thing about being here. boom, boom. i'll be ready for mika tomorrow morning. the most important thing if people are upset they can be. i went after newt gingrich when he stopped being conservative. >> up sound like a politician. >> no. >> you bring it back to policy.
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i'll make my point to the american people. >> you sure did. >> i got to go. this is the book "the right bath" by joe scarborough. he wants everybody to buy it. >> it's amazing. that's why i came here. thank you, roger. i love you roger. thank you phil. >> paying homage to the right men. >> it's over between us. you got your own show. you talk about it tomorrow morning. thanks for being here. you want to see more of joe, see him tomorrow morning. just kidding. >> you sure are having a great time here. you really are. >> make it five. i got to go. >> do that right here. >> you like it. >> come on, come on. come on, over here. >> so, speaking -- we want him
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to be the co-host. you may have willie or you used to. we got luke. okay. speaking of awkward moments we had one today with the president. not we personally but he got frustrated during the white house science fair. you know how stressful those events can be. when a reporter tried to ask president obama about some breaking news on syria. watch. >> i'm sorry. we're at a science fair. come on. come on. thank you. >> a little snippy. why is he so snippy? >> perhaps she's being too bossy. she was the pool reporter. she was assigned to be there. the science fair was wrapping up. the president was exiting. we knew he was going to make remarks about afghanistan. she said what about syria? and he did not like her trying to do that. didn't like it a bit.
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>> what's the problem? i realize they were talking about science but what's the protocol. would the president normally say well here's the deal. >> the right answer for the president, we'll have remarks later, everything you need to know. thanks very much. i suspect the reason he was snappish is because the white house sane terrible pickle right now when it comes to the veterans affairs issue that's eating them alive as they try to pivot around and talk about afghanistan. they are trying to hold two face of the news cycle with basically nonnews about afghanistan by announcing this troop number over a long period of time. they are trying to manufacture two days of news out of it. >> you think these stories that are in the news that's difficult for the administration is getting to him. normally he's no drama obama. >> se. they don't do very well with the press even when the press is kind and i would say this is an instance of this. >> she wasn't rudd. >> no. >> it was a respectful reporter, respectful way to ask. >> he was done. she wasn't interrupting him with
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the kids. he was done. on his way out. hey mr. president what about, and syria they never want to talk about because it's their worst failure. >> science is stressful. i can speak to it personally having done very poorly in high school. he wound up at harvard. good to see you. >> you bet. >> you heard how there were warnings for problems at the va. up next the woman sounding the [announcer] if your dog can dream it, purina pro plan can help him achieve it. ♪ driving rock/metal music stops ♪music resumes music stops ♪music resumes [announcer] purina pro plan's bioavailable formulas deliver optimal nutrient absorption. [whistle] rina pro plan. nutrition that performs.
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we have to find out first of all exactly what happened and i don't want to get ahead of the i.d. report or other investigations that are being done. >> that was president obama last week saying we must wait for an inspector general report about failures at the veterans administration until he can fully respond to this scandal. really? because the president's own
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government accountable office has been detailing this behavior in the va for years. even testifying before congress about it. deborah draper did just that. thank you for being here. when we look into the history of the warnings that your group has raised in addition to other inspector generals we were stunned. 2012, your group told the government, told the administration and congress that they were hiding wait times, fudging the numbers and back dating appointments to meet timeliness goals set by department headquarters. what's new? >> actually gao has been reporting on wait time problems and outpatient appointment cancelling issues since 2000. we issued a report in 2000, 2001 and most recently in 2012. these problems have been in existence for more than a decade.
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gao and the i.g. have reported on similar issues. >> it is just that the patients have been waiting too long or also that your group has -- you go in and look at organizations and do a forensic analysis of whether we're to believe their numbers. did you also find that they were as is alleged in the phoenix case and some of these more recent cases actively, you know, working to hide the truth. >> well we found they were using increase dates and making appointments. looked like veterans were waiting for a shorter amount of time than they were. in the va health care we found a number of common themes. one is weak and ambiguous policies that leads to interpretation at the local level. antiquated software systems that don't lend themselves to good practices the. inadequate training. lack of unclear or unclear
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scheduling needs and allocation of those resources and inadequate oversight that relies largely on the certification without independent verification. >> i want to personal question. as someone who does all this work and i assume you care what is being done with the veterans, does it bother to see you all this work reported to congress, you go, you testify before congress and in 2012 they pass ad bill to try to address some of the issues you raised. the president signed it and then the system doesn't seem to change. >> well, there's evidence that the latent care can be harmful to veterans. when you have worsening conditions it's more complicated to treat those conditions and the youpt comes may not be as good as if you had detected the
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condition earlier. >> no one can blame you or the gao or certain other groups that have been trying to call attention to these dreadful practices for years only to be told yet again we need to wait for another report. thanks fork here, thanks for your service. we've heard of the movie "wedding crasher" how about batch are wedding crasher. bill murray his sage advice to the groom and his health next. >> you know how funerals are not for the dead, but the living? bachelor parties are not for the bachelor parties are not for the groom. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores, higher mortgage rates... ...and not getting the home you really want. it's a problem waiting to happen.
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okay. let's hear your stor okay. let's hear your story. >> chicks dig me because i rarely wear underwear and when i do, it's usually something unusual. >> bill murray, always ready with a line. imagine you're celebrating your bachelor party and all of a sudden bill murray himself walks over and crashes your get together. trace gallagher picks up the story. trace? >> at a steak house in south carolina, one of the groomsmen spotted murray. he offered this assertion. listen. >> you know how funerals are not for the dead, they're for the living? bachelor parties are not for the groom. they're for the unwed. >> well, then bill murray
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acknowledged it was too late for the groom because it is june 14th. >> don't you sort of think in your ordinary mind, okay, let's make a date. let's plan this and make a party and get married. take that person and travel around the world. buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of. when you come back to jfk and you're still in love with that person, get married at the airport. >> amen. >> what you didn't see was that bill murray ended with the sage advice, gunga and told the groom on his death bed, he would have total consciousness. >> on the wedding bed, they
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brothers much, but when it comes to the other side, different story. we'll ask mitt romney what he thinks about that. we're getting lots of comments on twitter about one segment in particular. can you guess which one it was? see you tomorrow night. and this is a fox news alert. tonight we are following three major developing stories. now first the white house is in crisis mode yet again after it exposed the name of the central agency's top officer in afghanistan putting this individual and his family at risk. new developments in the va scandal. there are new allegations of u.s. vets being neglected after reports that as many as 60 bodies have been lying in a southern california morgue for the past year and a half. we have details on that any moment. the third story we'reol


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