tv Hannity FOX News May 28, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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he was all alone except for his friend, a dog, jelly bean. someone thought he misses his little jelly bean. they drove 14 hours to get jelly bean. see you tomorrow. welcome to "hannity". tonight two of the biggest names all of politics are here. america, are you ready? let's roll. tonight -- >> here's my bottom line. >> -- it's a hannity exclusive. former vice president dick cheney responds to the commander and chief's major foreign policy address. >> you think you have the experience to be president? >> i think i do. >> in my case, can one do it
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joyfully? >> we break down the state of the gop. if i see a black kid in a hoodie late at night, i'm stepping on the other side of the street. >> i have positively no problem whatsoever with what mark cuban had to say. >> the latest controversy to hit the world of professional sports. all of that plus the reverend al sharpton takes on his teleprompter in a brand-new video of the day. welcome to "hannity." earlier today, your commander and chief decided it was an appropriate time to apologize yet again for america. here's what he said during his commencement address at west point earlier this morning.
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>> america has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world. those who argue otherwise, who suggest that america is in decline or has seen its global leadership slip away are either misreading history or are engaging in partisan politics. here's my bottom line. america must always lead on the world stage. i believe in american exceptionalism with every fiber of my being. what makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law, it is our willingness to affirm them with our actions. >> this comes one day after the
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president announced he would withdraw forces from afghanistan by the end of 2016. here now with an exclusive reaction to these stories and much more former vice president dick cheney is with us. good to see you, sir. thanks for being back. >> good to see you. >> he's got -- we've outed a cia operative in afghanistan. we have a va scandal that is breathtaking in terms of how inappropriate it is for our vets, and we also have america. is it in decline in terms of its perception around the world? >> i think the perception around the world is increasingly negative. our president is a very, very weak president. maybe the weakest, at least in my lifetime. they are all absolutely convinced that the american
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capacity to lead and influence events in that part of the world has been dramatically reduced by this president. we have a problem with weakness centered right in the white house. >> as you go around the world and you talk to leaders you have known all throughout your career, they're flat out saying they viewed the united states under this president as weak? >> absolutely, sean. we talk about 70 years ago on june 6th. this is a week from friday. we invaded france at normandy, d-day. june 6th, 1944. that was the beginning of the end for the third reich. it was marked the last stage of world war ii and a tremendous victory by the united states leading the free world against nazi germany and japan. the united states has indeed been the leader of the world,
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the preeminent nation. i think there's been a general consensus but our presidents since 1945. i didn't always agree with them obviously, but it was a general consensus that the world was more peaceful and much better organized and more orderly and millions of lives were saved because of u.s. capability. i don't think barack obama shares that consensus view. >> i get the feeling i don't think this president grasps the difference between ending a war and actually winning a war. i think we pulled out of iraq because he thought the good war was in afghanistan too early and seemingly we're doing the same thing in afghanistan. he seems proud of the fact we're
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ending something. did we end those wars? >> we would have won in iraq if he had done what we should have done, which is negotiate a stay behind agreement to provide the training and support that was needed. now the only military presence in iraq is our military attache at the embassy. it's as though he wasn't even around when 9/11 happened. the reason we went into afghanistan is because 19 guys armed with airline tickets and box cutters who trained in afghanistan were supported by al qaeda and bin laden came over here and killed over 300,000
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americans in 9/11. we've been very successful up to this point, but absolutely unwise, terrible from the standpoint of the troops and the respect we need to show those who made the ultimate sacrifice there, for him not to say, we're going to zero and everything is going to be fine. he doesn't read the history books perhaps. i think it's a case that he hates to use military power. he doesn't believe that it's ever justified. i think his speech today is going to put fear once again into the hearts of our allies who don't believe they can count on the u.s. >> isn't that a pretty contemptible record? we're leaving afghanistan to the tender mercies of the taliban. are they going to come back in power? >> there was a time back in the 1980s when the united states was
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supporting -- we ultimately succeeded and everybody turned around and walked away from afghanistan. they had a civil war. the taliban game to power. bin laden found a safe haven there. we should have learned from that. it's very important that we maintain a presence there and we sign a status of forces agreement. we still have forces in korea today and germany and japan for good and sufficient reason, because it's in our interest to be there. because we can help stabilize the area. afghanistan is important to because of the neighborhood it's in. next door is pakistan. they have about 100 nukes. they have a significant element of people who follow radical
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islamist belief there. he's prepared at this point to pull out all of our capability in afghanistan, not negotiate a stay behind agreement, that's stupid. it will reenforce the idea that we are weak. >> mr. vice president, you said stupid and unwise and i agree with your assessment. does it also then mean the president only ended a war and didn't win it when he should have been in it to win it? >> absolutely. >> you agree with that? >> absolutely, i agree with that both places. >> we're now in the sixth year of the obama presidency, but there's still an obsession to blame the bush-cheney administration. in this case, it's about the va scandal. i want you to listen to nancy pelosi through this. 2008, 2009, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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talked about how he was going to help veterans in the va, the hospital, et cetera. >> we seem the ramifications of the seeds that were sown a long time ago when you have two wars over a long period of time and many, many more, millions of more, veterans. it's consequences and ramifications. you would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn't. >> the president campaigned on this starting in 2007. you see how bad the scandal is. what is your reaction to her? >> well, i've always had a difficult time taking nancy pelosi seriously. six years out since we left office and we're still blamed by barack obama and nancy pelosi obviously for their current troubles. they're the ones in power today. as you point out, sean, you have
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done a good job of laying out the obama record of all the times he says he's going to get to the bottom of it. the report finds that the charges and claims that are coming out of phoenix are indeed accurate, that the service there has been so bad that it's threatened the lives of our veterans. that's an outrage. >> we have vets dying. we know the fraud has been institutionalized across many states and is getting bigger every day. it is the equivalent of organized crime so these guys can get their bonuses. maybe i'm naive about the ways of washington. why isn't there more urgency if these guys need health care that we promised them after serving the country? where's the 1-800 number they
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can call and get immediate assistance to more people don't die? where's the group of doctors that would prioritize who gets taken care of first? i think that's what i would do if i were president, which would never happen. that seems to be the common sense answer approxima. the president says he's going to investigate. >> i think part of the problem, sean, there's a huge bureaucracy problem involved, but it says something about the ability of the government to run this kind of massive agency. i think it does raise doubts about some of what the administration has recommended under obamacare. there's no question but what the va -- got serious, serious problems. it's evident from a lot of testimony that's being taken and the whistle-blowers who are
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stepping forward. i think this president, as well as the head of the va, have to bear some of the responsibility for that. >> by the way, how's your health? you look as good as i've seen you. >> sean, it's great. i've been blessed with good health. a heart donor. a great medical system. i am a product of that health care system and it's miraculous. >> the private one? >> exactly. >> our vets need that. good to see you again. thank you for being with us. coming up tonight, a rare appearance, the great one. mark levin out of the bunker here to weigh in on outing a covert via agent and the va scandal. plus tonight -- >> we are all prejudice in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, i'm walking to the other side of the street.
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problem somewhere in the world that needed to be fixed or i was worried about critics who think military intervention is the only way for america to avoid looking weak. >> that was the president earlier today during his commencement address at west point. he told cadets while america must always lead, it must also show restraint. here with reaction to that speech, mark levin. it's been a long time. we have to get you out of that bunker and on this show. good to see you. >> it's a pleasure. how will you? >> good. first, your reaction to the president's speech. three speeches about the military three days in a row, yet he's not really addressing the real problem. we have va -- we have vets dies because of the va scandal. >> for watching a man, you
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listen to that clip that you just played, you do count how many times he's talking about himself again. this is really a problem we have with this president. this isn't about him. putin is watching this. the red chinese communists are watching this. what are they talking away from this? he's not a leader. he's unilaterally disarming the united states. he's saying, don't worry. i'm not sending you overseas. i'm not into reckless interventionism, but i am into the strongest national security defense any nation can have and the next president of the united states is going to have a hell of a job rebuilding the united states military. >> it really stood out to me, mark. there's a difference between ending a war and winning a war.
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i don't think this president has a grasp on the difference. he thinks he's successful for ending the war, but really we're pulling out early. >> well, you know what bothers me is what did he do while he was commander and chief during the last five or six years in afghanistan? he doesn't even end them properly or fight them properly. when you look at past wars including world war ii we send our infantry and men into these mountains and valleys. our air power is used minimally. you win these battles as best you can and you get out of there. i don't know what his objective has been the last four or five years and that's enormously
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tragic for the families that have been involved in this. >> the president actually says he believes in american exceptionalism. we got the apology tour. massive cuts in defense. do his words match his deeds? >> no. no. what does he mean by american exceptionalism? he stands up and talks about having a pen. what does that mean? he's going to override the constitution when he likes. he attacks liberty and successful. somebody that wants to fundamentally transform america doesn't want to transform america at all. >> this is multiple states.
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it is institutionalized. the inspector general now confirming vets wait listed to death. that's his report that came out today. my question is where's the sense of urgency? if i were president, and i'm not, first thing i would do is have a 1-800 number. any vet that needs immediate care, call this number and you'll be treated within 48 hours. something, some sense of urgency. this president says he's going to have another study about this. how should he handle it? >> because it's not a priority for him. he would make sure everybody got their food stamps or if he was talking about some massive
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stimulus program. the veterans are not a top priority. it doesn't matter what he says. look at what he does. let's be clear about this president and the left. the fact of the matter is they're more focused on building monuments to themselves than they are in managing everything. obama wants to be remembered as the monument builder. he doesn't want to be remembered for and he doesn't care about the particulars of actually managing government. we got a combination here that is really troublesome for the country. a radical ideologue who is a complete incompetent and it's a disaster. when we come back, we'll give us his opinions on candidates who are ready to run for the white house. if you were crossing a street,
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and still with us to break down the state of the republican party, mark levin. mark, i'm pretty happy with c conservative governors. you have guys like rick perry. we're going to be in new orleans tomorrow for the republican leadership conference. those conservative governors are doing a great job. deficits are becoming surpluses. unemployment rates are going down. they're making good decisions for their states. i don't see the same thing with republicans in washington. you've been pretty outspoken about it. i want speaker boehner to go. what do you think is needed in d.c. to get them going? >> without getting into it, i'm not a fan of every one of those governors. some of them have exploded their budgets. most people under 50 have never had an opportunity to vote for a conservative nominee for
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president of the united states. ronald reagan was over 25 years ago. what we have now with the republican leadership is essentially a neo statists that are supported by crony capitalists. these guys are stuck in the mud. they're reacting to the left. they're mimicking the left in my respects. they're attacking their conservative base. we need to remember reagan wasn't an insurgent. he was an outsider. he had to fight time and time again to get a landslide. we have the same problem today. it is the rockefeller wing of the republican party represented by rove and the reagan wing of the republican party represented by young guys and gals who are
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trying to breakthrough this wall. >> if i ask anybody what the republicans -- if they win the senate in november, what's their agenda? what's their inspiring agenda to fix the economy and get people back to work, get us energy independent, what's the c consensus plan on obamacare, kwo you're not going to get an answer. >> you're looking at guys who have been in washington for 30, 25 years. they're old and stuck in their ways. they like the exercising of power and handing out the gifts and all the rest of it. this crowd needs to be swept away. thank them for their service and move them along. a lot of the problems we face are due to them. they've been ineffective in fighting obama from day one.
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they can talk about one half of one-third of the government. when the liberal democrats have one-half of one third of the government, they know what to do with it. the second highest debt in american history until we had obama. these are the same people who are fighting like hell against the conservatives who are trying to fix this. >> what about guys like ted cruz and rand paul? what about these guys? are you looking at them for maybe 2016? is there anybody you're looking at? is there anybody that stands out in your mind? >> yeah, those guys are great. what i've decided and said on the radio is, look, at some point -- and we can't wait forever -- we cannot allow the
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neo statist establishment to pick off our candidates one by one by one. we're going to have to get behind one of the solid constitutional conservatives relatively early on, bring our differences together, get behind that candidate, and fight off the people that have brought us loss after loss whether it's romney, whether it's mccain, whether it's dole, whether it's ford. the whole crowd. we need to take back the pa try to save the country. >> i agree with all of that. i want five items. to make it simple, you would think anyone who wants to be a part of the alternative party would agree on balancing the budget, a consensus, free market plan savings accounts, energy, drilling everywhere, ending dependence on saudi arabia,
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controlling the borders. what am i missing? >> you're not missing much. to continue to abandon our principals, we don't make the case to the american people about free market capitalism or anarchy on the border or the crushing debt that's going to destroy everything, including the beloved entitlements. we don't make the case for the country. that's why they're abandoning the republican party. we need to nominate a constitutional conservative or the country is going to be doom, let alone the republican party. >> i don't care what anyone predicts. unless they give an inspiring vision, they're reducing their chances of taking back the senate. we need to see you more often.
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come on this program more often. >> god bless you. will do. coming up next -- >> we're all prejudice in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, i'm walking to the other side of the street. >> mark cuban raised a few eyebrows when he made those remarks and talked about white guys intattoos, but some guys come to his defense. stop what you're doing. set your dvr to "hannity." we'll continue straight ahead.
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>> we're all prejudice in one way or the other. if i see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, i'm walking to the other side of the street. if on that side of the street there's a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere, i'm walking back to the other side of the street and the list goes on of stereotypes that we all live up to and are fearful of. >> you may remember back in 1993 somebody very famous said something very similar. the reverend jesse jackson. there's nothing more painful for me to hear footsteps walking down the street and think robbery and turn around and see somebody that's white and feel relieved. how are you? there's something that's going to come out about me and geraldo
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this fall. >> and then he kissed me. >> he kissed me and i couldn't defend myself. >> i love it. i can't wait to see it. >> oh, man. before we get to your comment, i love stephen a. smith. he's taken fire for saying this. >> i want to emphasize that i have absolutely positively no problem whatsoever with what mark cuban had to say. zero. say. now i understand that e me being a black man, african american people will be rubbed the wrong way by those statements. they will need to get over it. >> geraldo, is it reasonable and rational, imagine bernard with tattoos over his face. >> i'm offended by the way. a bull head remark. >> do you see him on the street with tattoos? would you walk on the other side
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of the street? >> i tend to swagger. i don't walk on the other side of the street, but of the street?ty >> i tend to swagger.r. i don't walk on the other side of the street.of >> i'm did you get out of your bentley? >> if a young person wants to dress like the surveillance video of the 7-eleven stickup, you have the right to do if you want to look like a thug. you'll be treated like a thug.c, you dress for success or regress. >> well said.he a r i couldn't agree more. >> mark cuban is a respectable u businessman. he got lucky in the dot com a days. i'm not picking on mark cuban., >> why are you picking on him? h
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>> he's a nice guy. every time he gets fined by the league, which is often, he will matches it in charity donationst i don't put that much weight nd into what he is saying here.'t - he is acknowledges that we haved stereotypes and prejudices.t >> i'm afraid that political correctness is going to short circuit our own instinct to protect ourselves and get away from danger. geraldo is right. o if you see somebody that dresses in a way that intimidates, go away. >> oned of the biggest fallaci that's out there perpetuated byu many is that black men can't catch a cab in new york city because of racism. i drove a cab in new york city m multiple times. it's not racism. it's fear and economics that drives that.actly. >> it's statistics. >> exactly. >> stereotypes are based on
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statistics. >> when the president perpetuates a fallacy like that, it breeds animosity. >> i think we have an instinctive reaction to danger. if you see a group of hells angels o or people who look lik they belong on lock up, it's dod common sense to walk in the foe other direction.n. >> should donald sterling be a forced to sell the l.a. clippers? >> rat >> what if he has to sell it at below market rates?t's an >> do you want me to cry a tear for a rebillionaire? >> it was an illegally recorded tape. does it bother you? >> yeah, it bothers me. >> there's a little bit of
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hypocrisy. >> now that geraldo has taken over the show. >> what mark cuban did is worse than what donald sterling did. he's openly admitting he's a bigot. >> that's not bigotry. sterling is a racist. how many people say things in their own homef or to their owne imagine if everything was tape recorded. how politically incorrect would we be? spil >> exactly. >> that's terrible stuff.hat. >> that's horrible. >> a man did something almost
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similar to what donald sterling did talking about irish people.t we left him go.eople for example, the new york city l stop and frisk. you can understand while they'll be upset if a cab passes them by or a cop steps them out of leftr field, or if they understand itd is to protect old ladies from getting shot and kids from getting shot, that furthers the conversation. >> you have to follow your gut. follow your instinct.le gan if itg, met hells angels, they' probably some nice guys. >> sports is ca when you're driving around in your black camaro with a hoodie on --
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>> why a black camaro?mero? why didn't you just lend him th, bentley? than >> you lend him your private jet, right? >> good to see you. coming up, this week's edition of ask sean is next.arpn al sharpton in an epic wi battle with the teleprompter. more of that tape when we continue. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex,
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welcome back to "hannity" you've been posting comments and . welcome back to "hannity." ask sean. here with the answers, ms. mcdowell. >> i'm messing with my audio. you have talked so much this show. we're running late. we have a lightening round. these people have put a lot of time and effort in writing these questions to you. number one, if the government can't handle the veterans hospitals, how will obamacare
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work when it is in full swing? will we have the same problems? >> these are death panels. we'll have death panels. we'll have shortages and rationing. we have to get rid of it. >> okay. moving on. you're heading to new orleans. >> i'm going tonight. >> the republican leadership conference. >> yep. >> here are a bunch of questions. why can't the gop get smart for a change and work together to win? do they enjoy losing to the democrats? >> i am so mad at republicans in washington. what do they stand for? five things, balance the budget, consensus plan to replace obamacare, i want energy, drilling, energy independence -- >> when they cut $2 trillion, the balance is going to be balanced in 18 months. >> start standing up and taking
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a position like these conser conservative governors. >> why is the gop blaming democrats for all the problems? epublicans who are watered n versions of liberal democrats. they need to have bold color differences and that is plan. lay it out on paper, five items that would unite the tea party. >> lisa, who do you feel should be the new speaker of the house? go. >> anybody, but boehner. i'm tired of a speaker of the house that can't articulate a vision and cries on national tv all the time. >> when is phil robertson going to take you hunting? >> friday. at least shooting and fishing with phil and willie. >> safe travels. go rangers.
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>> go rangers. >> do not sleep ugly on the plane with your mouth open. there will be pictures of it. >> i sleep with my sunglasses and hat on. >> i bet you drool. >> i do not drool. >> we'll report. >> wow. coming up, the hilarious showdown. al sharpton versus his teleprompter. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke.
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sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. crazy? only if sleeping peacefully with your soulmate is crazy. you can only find sleep number at one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. and right now all beds are on sale starting at just $649.99. hurry in for the final days of the sale, ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. we welcome back to "hannity." if you're one of the few brave souls that goes over to msnbc in the afternoon, you're probably aware of reverend al sharpton and his battle with the teleprompter. take a look. >> there's no real conflict,
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michael drewniak. daniels day lewis. alison londongan grimes. just how absurd these attacks is. my friend for many years iyanla van zant. there's nothing there. >> we all struggle with the teleprompter at some point, but this is pretty funny. maybe obama can help him. that's all the time we have left this evening. tomorrow night we will be live from the republican leadership conference in new orleans. some of my guests include phil
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robertson, bobby jindal and much more. don't forget. we hope you'll set your dvr and record "hannity" the series. thanks for being with us. we'll see you tomorrow night. ti firing his lawyer only hours before heading to court. for day's important hearing and fired lawyer. talking to reporters outside the court. >> we do wish andrew all the best. his family all the best. like i said, is he an innocent man. he shouldn't be here. >> i met with andrew yesterday. he did hint something that might be happening today. he said he would still be talking to his mother about this and i think they talked and made a decision and, like i said, i need to respect whatever they decide. i wish andrew and his mother all the best. like i said, andrew is
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