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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 29, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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picture in history. she is now 87 years young. meet turner cooke. her identity was kept a secret until the 70s. i can see it. can you see it sty? let me know what you think. and welcome to "hannity." tonight we are broadcasting from new orleans, louisiana. this city is broadcasting the republican leadership conference. hello, everybody. the patriarch of the "duck dynasty" family, he's going to join me for an exclusive interview. can't miss that one-on-one coming up in just a few minutes. kicking off things for us
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tonight is our surprise geuest speaker, sarah palin. welcome the governor. how are you? >> good. >> we have a lot going on right now. i know how much veterans issues matter. the president has given three speeches in three days on the military, and i don't get the sense of urgency. where's the 1-800 number for help? do you feel there's a lack of urgency? >> i think there's a lack of understanding on our commander and chief's part on what the military's mission is and why we owe a debt of gratitude when it comes to what our military is all about. that was really evident in his speech the other day to the cadets at west point. it was illustrated by his words he just doesn't understand why our young troops, especially those who would volunteer to
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sacrifice all for the freedoms in this country. >> then we have the outing of a cia operative in afghanistan and this new obama doctrine emerges where we'll use force, but we won't use force. nato, the u.n. i do believe in american exceptionalism. i was thinking to myself, where is the reagan doctrine? very different philosophy. >> what is the obama doctrine? >> weakness. >> remember that? remember that? it's beyond isolationist. not being a believer in american exceptionalism. what it takes to remain a super power and not for any kind of arrogance in our country, but to be that shining light, that beacon upon a hill that other countries can look at and count
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on. that was the reagan doctrine. >> dick cheney last night said this president projects weakness again and again. as he goes around the world, other leaders do not respect or believe they can count on the united states anymore. >> right. and that was a great interview with the former vice president. he said this is a very, very weak president. it's not that we are weak as a country, but we are so unreliable now under obama. but even more than the effect that it has on other countries, my concern is the effect that his doctrine, his policies, his attitude has on those who are volunteering to serve this country, to those whom we owe a debt of gratitude. >> how could we let them down? if we're going to let our veterans down, we can't get a website up and running in four years and now $700 million, what does that mean for everybody else's health care down the road? somebody i know mentioned death
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panels. >> yeah. >> is the va a death panel for many? >> that's a great point. >> i remember when governor -- how many think it's a death panel for the va? right. >> it's inefficient. it takes away choices. isn't it ironic that those who are willing to sacrifice all to allow the freedom of choices in health care and economic decisions and everything else, our soldiers, our airmen, our marines, they're the ones getting screwed by the va and our commander and chief is in charge of this ultimately. >> our prisoners at gitmo, there is one doctor for every 1.5 prisoners. >> they're receiving better care. >> we have one doctor for every 35 vets. there's something wrong with that. >> illegal aliens in our country today are receiving more benefits than some of our
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troops. >> it's really scary as a time. >> it is. >> you are going around the country. you are endorsing a lot of candidates. this was the first time i supported jack kingston and i know you supported somebody else in georgia and now they're together, by the way. >> yeah. >> which is kind of nice. i am concerned that the republican party in washington is timid. by that i mean, i'm looking at bobby jindal who is coming up next and rick scott and governor perry and kasich and walker. all these guys are doing great jobs as conservative governors. where's the vision that if the republicans get power, they're going to do certain things? i don't hear them articulating what conservativism is. do you feel the same way? >> they need to get out here with the real people who are working hard for this country. they need to stay connected with the people. governors, mayors, just your
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normal average citizen is able to do that. the big wig politicians in washington, d.c. evidently feel they're a bit above the rest of us and they do become isolated from what the wisdom of the people is. >> i think the republicans in washington think they're going to coast into reelection because obamacare is a disaster. we now learned that the first quarter growth is negative 1%. we might be back in a recession. what i would prefer is a more inspiring vision. i have five things on my list. i want to balance the budget, health care savings accounts, drill here now. i want to secure the borders and i want school choice. >> that's common sense, sean. that's your problem, you exercise common sense. >> that's a big problem i've had my whole life. >> it is absent from those who are in this kind of elitist
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group making decisions for us. republican leadership, put these five bullet points down in writing. ask candidates if they will support them and if they will do all they can to ensure they become policy for this nation. it is as simple as that. people understand what the republican platform is all about. >> mark levin was on last night. he doesn't hear the republican party talking about limited government anymore, balanced budgets anymore. i don't hear any inspiring message. guys, if you get power, what are you going to do? >> we're not just going to coast in into leadership positions. you know why? because the mainstream media, supposed to be the referee, is not doing a fair job, obviously. so we have that against us in our message also, so we have to work even harder and really kind of ratchet down some things and talk about limited government. that's the beauty of the tea
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party grass roots movement to. the tea party is all about limited government and allow the people and individualism to grow. >> what do you make of this tea party establishment schism? because it is real. >> tea party candidates are saying, we're taxed enough already. there's nothing radical about that. united we stand. divided we fall. if those who still believe in a place in the republican platform, whether they're ashamed to be associated with the tea party -- i'm not ashamed of it. >> me too. >> that needs to be our foundational mission there, staying united. >> you have a big impact on the
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political process. an endorsement from governor palin means a lot to these candidates. what is your plan between now and november of 2014? >> do whatever i can to help and not hurt. and that is to be out there finding some of those candidates, many who are not on the political map yet, certainly those who are underfunded and not doing well in polls and getting people to hear from them and getting people to understand what it is that they standfor because i'm only going to choose those who stand for constitutionalservatisconservat. >> i was shocked that he was attacked by his on party. >> he threatens the permanent political establishment in d.c. speaking of ted cruz, we have promised him reenforcements.
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that's why we need t.w. shannon. all these guys who are here supporting. [ applause ] and they're working so hard to get these good candidates in there because they understand we promise them reenforcements. >> i have one last question for you personally. how many people -- how many would like to see the governor run again? [ cheering ] would you consider that? >> for dogcatcher? >> whatever. >> there are millions of americans who can do the job in elected office. >> if they write a facebook post have as much impact as you. >> i appreciate that. again, whatever i can do to help and not hurt the cause. >> this is the first time you're ducking my question. governor, great to see you again. thank you so much.
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>> thank you. coming up next, he's the patriarch of one of the most popular shows on television. phil robertson joins me exclusively later in the program. bobby jindal is up next as we continue to broadcast from new orleans. "hannity" continues. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery.
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welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." we're coming to you tonight from beautiful new orleans, the site of this year's republican leadership conference. for months, we've been highlighting how republican governors, they're leading the way in expanding opportunities and creating jobs. right here from the great state of louisiana, governor bobby jindal. >> thank you. >> we were talking about this -- i don't even call you a republican. i say conservative governors. you, rick scott, your friend in texas who you are competing against who is going to be here, john kasich, scott walker. all of you inherited deficits. you turned them into surpluses.
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high unemployment. now low unemployment. what can the republicans learn in washington? >> the d.c. folks can learn from us. it is common sense. it just works. we need to change washington, d.c. they'll tell you in d.c. we can't cut governor spending. we can just slow the growth. we can't do term limits. all of that is ridiculous. we have done that at the state level >> have you put school choice in place here? >> double digit growth every year. 93% of the parents are happy. the dollars follow the kids. you don't force the kids to follow the dollars. unions hate it. they sued us in court. the department of justice, eric holder, sued us in court. we're still here. the parents love it. conservative governors understand. we trust the american people.
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listen to this administration. he doesn't trust us to choose health insurance. >> or to feed our own children. michelle obama has to tell us what to feed our kids. >> this president never ran anything. he wasn't a governor. he doesn't trust local government or state government. i said, why don't you give the states more influence to bring more competition to the ma marketplace? >> what did he say? >> he said, we can't trust states. we can't trust governors to protect their own people. >> i think that the republicans just can't be against obama, obamacare. we may be in a recession again as the evidence came out today. i want them to have a progrowth, proenergy independence, consensus on obamacare.
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in four years, they haven't laid out one. >> i disagree with the president and obamacare. he's the most liberal, incompetent president in my lifetime. let's be for school choice. let's be for scholarships, vouchers, charter schools. energy. >> balancing the budget. >> a super majority before they raise our taxes. let's be not only for energy independence, but the manufacturing jobs. we can make things in america again. companies are investing billions of dollars in factories. let's get these jobs here. >> do you like the idea of five items, programises that they ma and will keep? >> yes. >> i want five.
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good? >> works for me. >> works for you? >> balance the budget and cut spending and taxes. >> i like the penny plan. if everybody here don't have enough money cut their spending, why can't they cut one penny out of every dollar? >> federal government is the only entity that spends more money and they call it a cut. that's not a cut. going back to the states -- >> you happy with your governor? >> yeah. >> thanks for having us. coming up, the republican chairman is going to join us. then later no stranger to controversy, phil robertson will be here in a "hannity" exclusive right after bringing down the house at the republican conference earlier this evening. that's straight ahead from new orleans.
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we need a new republican party. reagan talked about it. these guys are stuck in the mud. they're reacting to the left. they're mimicking the left in many respects. now they're attacking their
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conservative base, call it tea party or whatever. reagan was an insurgent. he was an outsider. we need to take back the republican party and try to use it to save the country. >> that was mark levin on the program last night. he like myself is interested in restoring conservative principals that made this country great. there are reports that a group of republicans at capitol hill wi that are looking to establish a contract with america. balancing the budget, i like the penny plan. you cut one penny out of every dollar that the government spends. energy independence, looking into our own resources. that creates jobs. gets people off public
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dependency. i like health savings accounts as an alternative to obamacare. school choice. we have do secure the border. that's for national security reasons and the rule of law has to be followed. joining us now with the republican national committee chair. [ applause ] >> i think you have a really good plan. >> did you see politico this week that said republicans want to put something down on paper? >> yeah. you can take your swings at obamacare and the performance of this president. we have to have a ground game and a national party that understands that that's where the wars are won and lost. you can make a good year a great year by doing what you're saying. here are four or five things we believe in.
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whether you're lindsey graham, ted cruz, or rand paul, these are the things that unite us. >> there is a divide between establishment tea party. that's going to work itself out through the primary. if the republicans believe -- and this is what i think mark was talking about last night -- that bold color differences that reagan talked about, doesn't that include balancing the budget and stop robbing from our kids? >> eventually we're going to enter a nightmare scenario. the things you talked about prevent that from happening. every parent in every place across this country, we're the party that believes you ought to send your son or daughter to your school of you ought to send your son or
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daughter of your choice. >> i like those five items. to me, i was in north dakota last week. i am getting thousands of people jobs just by partnering with energy companies and it's transforming people's lives. north dakota is only the tip of the iceberg. >> oil in texas and here in louisiana and north dakota. we're talking about making it a little bit easier for people to get the licenses to be able to drill and do it safely. these are the things that our party needs to stand for, which it does. we did put 150 bills in the senate on harry reid's desk that he didn't take up. packaging it up like you did, i think you're on to something. >> i was surprised but pleasantly so the idea that there might be specific promises
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by candidates on balancing the budget, energy independence, a specific plan to counter obamacare, securing the borders, school choice. do you anticipate come september that might be a reality? >> i don't want to get ahead of mig myself -- >> right. >> -- on this issue. you're talking about more in reality than what people realize. having this four or five umbrella plan is something that could really happen. >> would you like to see, everybody here, some type of written solutions, five things that republicans will do if they get elected? >> yes. [ applause ] >> i'm not trying to sell my idea. i think people are so cynical of government right now. >> there has to be some level of accountability. an accountability partner. by doing that, you increase the
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level of accountability. we have to be a party that's good on the ground and gets their act together on data. >> why would the republicans ever give chris matthews a debate? come on. >> people say, you want to have 23 -- nobody hear wants 23 debates in front of chris matthews. that's not an establishment t e takeover. this is using your brain. >> i like a debate format where you actually let people talk and expand on ideas and discuss among each other and sometimes better ideas come out of that discussion. >> and moderators that care about our party too. >> thank you. appreciate it. coming up next, the patriarch of the "duck dynasty" family phil robertson will be here onset.
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no topic off limits, including remarks about his faith that landed him in a little bit of controversy. that and much more as we continue from new orleans, louisiana, the home of the 2014 republican leadership conference. s own. so it's time we do something about it. and there's help. premarin vaginal cream. a prescription that does what no over-the-counter product was designed to do. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use premarin vaginal cream if you've had unusual bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache,
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welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." we are down in new orleans, louisiana. we're at the republican leadership conference tonight. phil robertson did stir up some controversy after speaking his mind on his religion and his faith. he addressed the conference earlier this evening and he's with us now. everyone want to welcome phil to the program. how are you? [ applause ] i see you brought your best
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dining ware. >> i have in my best thermos bottle coffee. he pours a coffee. life is good, see? >> that's not uncle sized tea. >> no. >> i could smell the coffee from here. >> there are thousands of women, sean, who want to mary sigh. it's a dangerous world out there. >> this rarely happens in politics and it's this. you became a controversial figure and then you were invited to speak at the republican leadership conference. what was your first thought at the invitation? >> my first thought was that maybe i'm sensing a little bit of desperation on the part of
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the gop. [ laughter ] >> all right. i get it. >> i don't a suit, a ring, a watch, a cell phone. you boys must be hard up these days. but if you want me to come, i'll come down there and say a few words. >> you, i've gotten to know you a little bit. i've watched every episode. my read on you -- and this was part of what you talk about tonight -- is -- i deal with politics. just throw that down. don't worry about it. >> some of them girls will pick it up. >> there's our headline for the liberal media. >> i'm kidding. [ laughter ] >> i'm dealing with political
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wars. you think america. i think you're a preacher at heart and believe america has a spiritual battle it needs to fight. >> you delve into and are part of the political wars, the, as i would call it, the arguing ad infinitum. it never ends. very few people, i've noticed, ever change their mind. they have their side. you have your side. you give your best shot. they come back. with me, it's all spiritual warfa warfare. i'm wanting them to give their life to god almighty, jesus son and be saved from their sin and the grave one day. jesus died for the sins of the world. we're counting time by him. he must have been here or we wouldn't be saying it's 2,014 years since he got here.
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>> jesus did throw out the money changers. what sean hannity is saying government takes too much of our hard earned money. >> no doubt about it. >> government is too intrusive in our lives. >> no doubt about it. >> we have to win those political battles too. i think they're just as important. >> i just feel a little more comfortable dealing in the spiritual realm, even with the persecution of whatever comes with it. i have a task to do and i go forth across america. i've been doing this -- most people don't realize i've been doing this for 35 years. i've been all over the united states backwards and forwards and my message is always the same. god loves and sent jesus to die for you. >> when the controversy arose, were you surprised? >> surprised? not at all.
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men hate you when they exclude you, when they insult you, and reject your name as evil, jesus said, because of the son of man. leap for joy because great is your lord in heaven. it goes with the territory. spiritual warfare. there is a satan out there. an evil one. if anyone that looks at our culture doesn't believe it i would say, what are you blind? >> i wrote a whole book "deliver us from evil." how do you explain adolf hitler and fascism and murder and rape? evil. some people get, oh, you can't say that. >> we took the ten commandments and we're removing them from our
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courthouses and took god out of our schools. if you started with young people and taught them and rebuke them and train them and instruct them to obey their father and mother, don't murder, don't lie, don't steal from a young age, is anyone trying to tell me we wouldn't have a better society? it's nuts. >> when we come back, you have to explain the beard and how the beard came about. is that okay? >> yeah. >> and you're going to teach me how to duck call when we get back. >> it'll be a chore. later tonight, the congressman who is running neck and neck with mary landrieu. as we continue from new orleans, that and much more straight ahead. uncer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology
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founders and framers, washington, madison. you know a lot about our founders. they have influenced you. >> most people, they don't think i have too much sense because i would rather be fairly intelligent and act dumb. i have a couple degrees. i researched our founding fathers, sean. any way you want to slice it, they were godly men, the vast majority of them. i just read about them and i'm thinking, they're no different than i am. i'm like them. secular society people don't understand people of faith, for example, christians are often bashed in society today. >> yeah. >> do you think people don't
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understand where you're coming from? >> possible. you know, if you had no biblical training, had no idea about the spiritual realm and raised up in an environment where there was no god, no jesus, you know what do you expect? our god needs to tell them we love them and get on down the road. a judge can condemn anyone. the all mighty, that's his job. give him the good news. some of them kick and skracream about it but we give it to them. >> you personally had a pretty wildlife at one point. >> i lived with the wick id for 28 years. i've been with the godly for 40. trust me, this trust me, this last 40, the contrast has been astounding between the two. i needed to repent, sean. >> they have all fallen short. i'm trying to test you with my
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biblical knowledge but it's not working. explain the beards. >> i'm a male and you're a male. >> yeah. >> right now you have gone basically the route -- god gave you your whiskers to be scraped off every day. i figure he gave them to us to grow out. when you got 14, 15, momma hair is on my face. what do i do? shave it off. it's not logical. >> god also created doctors and gave them talent. if something grows on my face, they cut that off too, correct? >> women don't want any peach fuzz. they're down to the last hair. >> have you looked at the women in your own family? they're gorgeous.
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>> i would rather the ladies not have whiskers. i would prefer them without whiskers. you're going up a river at 4:30 in the morning. it's sleeting and raining and it's cold. ms. katy likes this because it tickles her neck. >> maybe i'll get a fake beard and try it on mrs. hannity. >> look at our beards and look at our women. >> do you consider yourself -- for example, i live in new york. i'm a registered conservative. are you a republican? are you a conservative? >> i read the platforms when i repented back 40 years ago. i said, ms. kay, i never voted before because i've been too busy getting drunk and acting
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like a heathen. if i need to be a productive citizen of society, i need to vote. one thing is for sure, i ain't no democrat. who is next? i read the republican platform. they don't rip human babies from a woman's womb. i think i'm a republican. >> are you surprised if you endorse somebody, it has a big impact? does that surprise you? >> i've never thought about it like that. you have to remember, sean -- >> you're speaking at the republican leadership conference. bobby jindal loves you. sarah palin loves you. >> somebody asked me one time, do you feel rich and famous yet? not yet. when does it come, ms. kay? when do you start feeling like your rich and famous? she said phil, you're the type
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that you were so content with being poor -- >> it doesn't matter. you're happy. >> she said, phil, i've been full with you and rich with you. rich is way better. >> you're making fun of me -- there's no a lot of duck hunting in new york. >> upstate new york though. >> it's like a six hour drive. did you bring me a duck call? >> here's the training. this is all in tongue control. >> tongue control. >> look. a call. watch. >> i'm in trouble. >> you got about five notes. >> i'm there, right?
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>> look. >> i'll go back to mine. look. phil robertson, good to see you my friend. give it up for phil. coming up, stay with us we'll find out his game plan as we continue to broadcast live from new orleans and the republican leadership conference straight ahead. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." mary landrieu is up for reelection this year. back in 2009, she was a vocal supporter for obamacare.
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that could very soon come back and haunt her. senator landrieu and her potential gop opponent, that's congressman bill cassidy, they're running neck and neck in this great state. joining me now, future senator bill cassidy. how are you? >> i'm great. thank you for having me. >> it's good to see ewe. apparently, you have a few fans here. let's talk about how important in the state of louisiana she supports and she said recently she supports harry reid and obama. how will that play in this race? >> it will play in a tremendous way. they don't like she was the deciding vote for obamacare. families are struggling and they're struggling because of that agenda. our good policy is going to help us win this political victory. >> let me ask you this.
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earlier today senator landrieu actually said that she supports keystone opponent harry reid for senate majority leader. >> washington has their own, you know, gridlock and problems, but even with republicans, democrats, mitch mcconnell, harry reid, i'm able to move serious pieces of legislation through for the benefit of our state and region. >> but you won't say one way or the other if you'll back harry reid? >> if he runs, i will. i don't agree with him on everything. i don't agree with mitch mcconnell on everything. >> it seems in that statement she's trying to run away a little bit from harry reid. what percent has she voted for barack obama? >> 97% of the time. >> that's a lot. >> when she supports harry reid,
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she supports a man against the oil and gas jobs that bring prosperity to louisiana. her support for reid trumps anything else that she might say. >> last question, the name landrieu in the state of louisiana seems to have a lot of pull. how do you overcome that? >> with good policy. she uses her name to represent barack obama. i'm not from a big political family, but i am representing the people of louisiana. last time i looked, we're elected to be representatives of the people from the state from which we come, not the president that represents policies that the people in our state don't like. we win because we're for the state of louisiana. she loses because she's for
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barack obama. >> thank you for being with us. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here on monday. thanks for being with us. iew wie u.s. marine jailed in mexico only right here. only on the record. >> i made one turn out of the parking lot but it looped around and took me back south of mexico. the mexican check point, i told them i said i have all my stuff back here plus i have three guns. i told them i said hey, take everything youle3ml want, please let me go back to america. i was punked in the stomach a few times. to the point where i couldn't breathe. i was gasping for air. i was struck in the face a bunch of times with open palm. >> who was hitting you you? >> it was done by guards. i didn't mean to be in mexico


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