tv Huckabee FOX News June 1, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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thanks for watching everyone. huckabee starts right now. >> tonight on huckabee. it is not limited to a few va facilities and totally unacceptable. and with consider regret i accepted. >> are veterans better off now. jeff miller joins the governor tonight. and hillary clinton rips republicans saying they keep harping on benghazi for political gain. mike on the house responds. >> plus, many college campuses it is liberals trying to impress conservative ideas.
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>> the liberals double stance on intollerance. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. thank you, thank you very much. we have a audience here in new york. and welcome to all of you. and welcome to the huckabee in the fox news studios in new york city. i mentioned a couple of years ago my wife and i were celebrating 40 years of marriage and we took a trip to china, great wall and forbidden city and 10in men square and shanghai and the province of shindu. it was there that janet held and fed a baby panda and no, i did not bring a real one home for the grandkids. i know that many americans for
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that china will get too strong. i am worried that america might be getting to weak. other nations having a strong economy is not bad for the united states. it is one less hungry mouthed country wanting us to take care of their people. if they have money maybe they will buy the things we innovate and make. we need to fear not making things. that happens because of taxation. it drives money and jobs away from the working men and women. i was stunned that china is more like americaoused to be and america is becoming more loc china used to be. while america's infrastructure is crumbling. china is busy building airports and roads.
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china is a communist country and they are allowing more free enterprise and personal ownership. and we are watching land rights and religious freedoms in a stunning rate. i don't want what still remains of chinese communism. now, we still have advantages. the chinese exercise strict control over internet and block facebook and youtube and including the new york times because they feel like the new york time system propaganda. and we have members of congress pushing for greater control over the internet as well. and i am not sure but the chinese might have it right on the new york times. they --
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scrubbed their history box of>å moments like the brutal killings of the protestors in 1989. sure good thing we ignore parts of it that are not politically correct. but have you seen an american history book lately. chinese spoi on their citizens and using government to monitor the people and minimize the religious expression. thank god the united states would never do that. oh, yeah, but then our government collects our phone calls and web searches and tracks us. and systematically scrubbing god from the public square. china's government regulates housing and health care and education and personal artistic freedom. and even though one can see personal freedoms in public parks where they sing, dance. if they use personal amplication
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devices in new york central park the strong arm of new york city will stop that. china deals harsh he with enemies. some of them disa pore. we have strict constitutional protections in america guarantee civil rights and not having our home searched or property sewed without a warrant. unless of course, we happen to be where a drone drops a bomb or missile at us. but that saves the cost of a pesky trial and sometimes the people that we killern't even our enemies. sometimes they are our veterans who thought we would give them protection in health care. they gave us our liberties and mistreating them and killing them, we take away theirs. i don't fear the china being like united states used to be. i fear that america is becoming more like china used to be.
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va secretary eric shinseki is out. many democrats called for shinseki to be shown the dor. on friday president obama accepted the resignation and named deputy secretary sloan gibson as the replacement and house speaker boehner said it is not enough. >> general shinseki dedicated his life to our country and we thank him for our service. his resignation does not absolve the president of his responsibility to step in and make things right for our veterans. business as usual cannot continue. >> joining me on as chairman of the house committee is full disclosure is the congressman.
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>> yesterday eric shinseki resigned and that did not come as a big surprise to anybody. the first thing is the replacement and interim sloan gibson. good idea? >> somebody needed to move in. sloan is a good man and he will at least in the interim period start the process that needs to be done. there is a lot of confidence that needs to be restored in the department of veterans affairs and i think he can get that started and i talked to him after the president made the announcement and he would transfer the aggravation and anger as to the way the department acted. he will deputy a long way to getting the things started. >> the president intimated it was a money problem and we can solve it. and i think others suggested it is not a money issue. it is it a man issue. what do you think really has to
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be done? >> it is mismanagement and manipulation and if it was a money issue. it would have been solved a long timing on. amounts ve given reco of money and when i came to congress it was around 60 billion and around 150 billion annually and a lot of that is for health care. and a third of the budget goes to the provision of health care and veterans and i don't believe that president obama would be telling people that he would give record amounts of money if it was not enough. they will carry over half billion in health care dollars in the next fiscal year. it makes it a grejous that veterans had to step in line. >> could we give them a voucher and go to hospitals that are not va hospitals and get the treatment they ne?+%k@épvñ and and do that until the systemic problems are fixed. >> all hands on deck.
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and anybody that is standing in line to get health care in the va should go out on a fee basis process and what is bad, governor and the department had the ability to do this. and they department need anything and only in this administration would may make somebody resign that was retiring in 30-y%@úck days ande fact they are doing something that they should have been doing. allowing veterans to go out that were waiting in line and receive the health care in nonva facilities is an important first step. >> the president really acted like he regretted the resignation. he gave no indication. and couple of hours later he resigned. do you buy he just up and decided tweep the speech and the president's announcement that he needed to go? >> no, i think he saw the
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numbers rising and the calls on capitol hill and both republican and democrat, and some substantial democrats called for his resignation. in the hearing three weeks ago, where the secretary talked about being a very minor problem, within phoenix and now we find it is in 60 percent or more in the facilities out there, that he learned about what was going on from our hearing on apr april 9th. >> you think the people in the top of the organization don't get down and walk the halls and listen to people and say to them. tell me anything you want and no one will get you in trouble. apparently that never happen. >> it is someone with four stars on their shoulder and had honorable service to this country. you would have thought he would have understood that you have to
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get out in the field and see what the line personnel are doing and not just rely on those people in the central office to tell you the truth. unfortunately that is what happened. the bureaucrats in the system chose not to give him bad news and chose to cook the books and the secretary was the one that took the first hit in a process that is a long process and i predict a lot of people will lose their jobs over this. congressman we learned that the white house issued a statement that sergeant bergdahl was released. and we are happy about. that but in order to get that five detainees from gitmo, had to be released. >> i participated in rolling thuner last weekend. and bo bergdahl items were all
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over the folks that are there is aing don't forget. he's still held as a prisoner of war. i am not one that likes to trade for prisoners. but in this instance i think we did the right thing. we are drawing down and leaving and another administration goes through an election process in afghanistan. i don't know the particulars about who was traded for him. but for his family, i know it is a welcome piece of news and one that i think that america can celebrate that we don't have another pow waiting out there to be released. >> i think all of us can agree with that. thank you for joining us. >> great to be with you. >> and justina closer to coming home in her family! >> hillary clinton accuses the
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>> hillary clinton dedicates a chapter in the benghazi attack in the book "hard choices". the former secretary of state addresses the controversy of the anti- islamic video that the administration initially blamed for the attack. and in her book she writes this. there were scores of attackers with differing motives.
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and it was equally inaccurate to say that none of them were. both assertions defy the evidence and lombingic as well. joining me now. is kansas congressman on the benghazi select committee. it is great to have you back. what is wrong with what hillary clinton is saying and the fact that many different sources for the cause of the unrest in benghazi. >> it is great to be on the show and thank you for having me on today. >> i am much less interested in what she said today than what she did in september 11th between the 12. and we know already is that the intelligence from the people on the ground that night, whether that was deputy chief or others, he made chlor that the intelligence had nothing to do with the video. the only piece of evident that anyone had something to do with
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the video, was an e-mail from the mr. rh odeswho was far from the events of the evening. everything that i have sewn so far in my role in the member of the intelligence committee indicates it was a al-qaeda attack and that was known early on. >> congressman, she said she will not let it become "a political slugfest on the backs of dead americans" and seems to indicate that all of the interest in benghazi is purely political. you are on the select committee and she's saying all you guys are interested in is the done. and it should not be a politica4 slugfest. chairman gowdy and myself are not going to let it happen. that is straightforward and it is to collect the data and get the documents and speak to the
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folks who know about the evening and aftermath and how that administration behaved and get those facts and present them to the american people and democrats should want to get the facts for the american people and for those families of four dead americans. >> you talk about the families, one of the reasons that it is intense fee personal for me is interviewed charles woods, father of tyroen woods and looked him in the eye and told him we will not forgive this. this man's son died and he wants to know why. it seems that you have a real strong responsibility to be able to look charles woods and other family members in the eye and say this is what happened to your children. do you feel that permanently as you approach this task? >> i do, yes, sir, i am a west point graduate and i saw the
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president there and he gave a speech and i found it disturbing. i have an enormous doubt to the families and get all of the information and let the facts fall where they may. they are on the tip of the sphere. we have an obligation, when we send folks in dangerous places. and everyone knew libya was a dangerous place. when we send them to it dangerous places. we owe chris stephens and others we owe them resources to keep them safe. >> congressman, you didn't just graduate from west point, you were one number. and you have a queen interest in the president's speech beyond the typical american. and you mentioned that the things he said were disturbing. specifically what disturbs you about the president's speech the west point graduates. >> he was speaking to a thousand
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plus young men and women and dedicated themselves to defend the america. and he gave them a mismatch and talked about climate change and important to national security and talking to soldiers who sacrifice everything in this country if they are asked to do so and he strengthened the resolve with the enemies and foreign policy advanced to no coherent theory of defending america. and return to the theme of al-qaeda being on the run. and in some sense it was defeated and the men and women know that is not the case. and i think our allies watched and enemies watched and each of them took precisely the wrong thing from what barak obama said that it day. >> congressman, thanks for being here. >> thank you very much, governor. have a good day. >> the u.s. economy is shrinking and what does it mean for the
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>> according to the commerce department the u.s. department shank for the first time since 2011. and joining how it affects you, peter, the former chief economist and professor of the smith school of business and the university of maryland. peter, it is it a pleasure to have you with me. >> and there is a shocking new figure that came out this week that one in six men above the age of 35 are unemployed in america. that can't sound like a recovering economy. and that is a real and the
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weight of obama care. and that is reducing employment for many. and these are not people in school and retiring early. and they have dropped out of the labor force altogether. >> and the economic policy and the feed is pumping money and keeping interest rates low. are we creating a bubble that is going to burst. >> we could create another bubble and we are harming the economy. and we have a headache. and three, damage the liver. and the reality it limits monetary policy. and foolish environment and trade policies and so forth. and pumping in the money where
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does it go? it goes in wall street and loaning out? they are gambling. and so all they are doing is financing the casinno on wall street and boosting up the bonus the. and that is creating jobs. i have called wall street a casinno for five it. uled for we have lost the idea of envesting in tangible goods and serves and are we going to see the turn around? is it political question that has to be answered with different people getting in the positions in the house and white house. >> mr. obama articulated an understanding when he was running for president in 2008. and we have talked about drilling for more oil.
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we could produce four more billions. and pushed out the imports and create more jobs that way. and there are so many opportunities for americans that are denied by government policies that are terribly anti- business. peter thanks for joining us and a pleasure to hear from you. and thanks for being a part of it. c to be with you. and graduation speeches are rarely memorable. and they are memorably rare and speakers are canned due to violence and bigotry. and this is what younger americans want? i will ask supplied by.
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log on to fox respiratory michael bloom berg gave harvard something to think about when he graduated this week. and it was starting to be a thing of the past. >> today on many college campuses it was liberals trying to impress conservative ideas even though they are at risk of becoming a endangered species. that is no where more true than here in the ivy league. >> wow, go michael bloomberg.
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>> joining us is the editor of policy mike. elizabeth plank. >> ashley there are swiegs, rutgers university and protested connie rice coming and bowed out and saying i don't need the controversy. f?n campuses less a place for ideas to be expressed. >> governor, it is it easy to say they are more intolerant given the string of recent controversy. condoleezza rice withdrawing her speech at rutgers. it is plaguing them for years. conservative are surpressed and we hear from studentsiioø$.ç ab the free speech rates are restricted and they are
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persecuted for the police and they can't speak up in the classroom and so for michael bloomberg to say this. it really does give credibility to things we are saying. these places are where students have diversity of thought and that is not happening anymore. he got applause from the students in harvard. and elizabeth, your take on this? you come from a different perspective. is it fair that the conservatives are shoved over and told to be silent and out of sight? >> i am not sure it is a left or right issue. we have seen progressives protested and michelle obama, there were officials who called for a protest and people who showed up at his speech james
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franco was supposed to give a speech and people said it was a bad example to set for the students. they are not conservative pushed out. free speech is able to say how you feel about it. >> and it is one thing to have a protest. i think that is good. people yell and scream and didn't want me there. >> did they? >>o yeah. i am fine. and i said thank you for being here. you remind me about what i love about america. no one is going to put you in jail. it is difference between protesting and shutting down the voices. we arecñr#íál saying we don't w in the campus. it is happening in brandice and other campuses; is that a reason to be more concerned, ashley start with you there. >> i think so. we had a pro-life student in santa barbara university where she was attacked by a professor
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and one of the most liberal and tolerant people attacked a pro- right student because she handed out pro- life literature. they are unsafe they feel and students are restricted to a five foot square where they can say what they want. and that is suppression of free speech. and that needs to be looked at and i agree with liz, it is an issue of free speech and students should be allowed to say what they want regardless of their opinions. >> not only for college campuses, but in america it should be more views the better. some i don't like. i will not be injured if i listen to them. and elizabeth, i love your comment on this, and you hold to a pro-life tradition you are held in contempt. they don't want you to even have
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a job. and so isn't that kind of taking america to a level where we are not supposed to be? >> this is a great example. and i bring up what happened to the company and their executive stepping down. and i agree he is believe what he wants to believe and he wants to have free speech in that sense, there is also private property and they don't want it on private property and think they are trespassing. and they know the lgbt community has purchasing power. they have more than christians? >> i don't think they have. but they have a lot. i think they made a decision based on profit and not ideology. >> i would never call. i use apple products and drenching starbucks and shop onammazon. i buy their products.
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why can't liberals accept cops cons have view points different than theirs. i don't want to put people out of work. >> it is a concern when they buy things. chick- fil- a. they went and bought in droves. >> they helped a company and didn't put it out of business. >> i don't see a difference between voting with your money. supporting a company or not supporting a company. i see those as rights americans have. >> obviously we could talk about this for a while. unfortunately we can't. it is great to have you back. look forward to seeing you again. >> coming up, a greenberet fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief.
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>> president obama is cleaning house at the white house. on friday morning, president obama accepted the resignation of secretary eric shinseki and later in the day, dropped a bombshell when he appeared in the briefing room to announce press secretary jay carney is stepping down. jay is one of my closest friends and eight great press secretary and a great advisor and has good judgment and temperament and he's got a good heart.
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and i am going to miss him a lot. >> he proved he had good judgment because he left. but will the changes end there? we have obtained behind the scenes video of the white house double secretary deputy chief of staff in the process of finding new recruits to work in the administration. >> thanks for come anything i hope you were not waiting to long. >> i waited six hours. >> that is nothing. try waiting 146 days to see a doctor. >> i work hard and take responsibility for my actions. >> we don't do that around here. we don't take responsibility for anything. what did your friends say about you. >> i don't know. >> you are not wiretapping them? good news, you are no longer unemployed. >> you got the job. >> no, we manip ruled the numbers. you still don't have the job. >> i checked on your resume no
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one on your last job heard of you. >> i lied on my resume and i lie about everything. >> the boss is going to love you. when can you start. oh, yeah, that's how it plays out. this week actress gwyneth paltrow said reading negative on line comments about herself was demu manizing and compared the experience to go to war. it didn't set well with a lot of people including sergeant psyches. it is really dehumanizing that the fact that you consider your life as an a list celebrity can compare to war and battlefield. remember sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will
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never be close to what war is. we don't have to add a lot. miss paltrow, maybe you should try to be moreñ÷4g;#c careful wt you say. it seems like every time you open your mouth, you just change feet. >> this week we lost a beloved and suspected author and poet maya angelou. she was inspiring in her very last tweet, posted just a now days before her death. listen to your and in that quietude you might hear the voice of god. >> she came from extraordinarily different circumstances and spent her childhood 25 miles from my hometown of hope, arkansas. she made it to theco=céñ podiu several presidential inaugustation and up to the time
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it has a few less than this version will get. also with us, lauren green on keyboard. we have two key boards today. josh patch is on drums and on lead guitar, dan bailey. let's do "love never felt so good." ♪ love never felt so good ♪ and i doubt if it ever could ♪ not like before ♪ hold me ♪ baby ♪ love never felt so fine ♪ as i doubt it could ever find ♪ ♪ not like before ♪ tonight is going to be just
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♪ baby every time i love you in and out my life ♪ ♪ in and out my life ♪ tell me tell me you love me ♪ drive me crazy ♪ baby ♪ love never felt so good [ applause ] >> that's kelly rice and that will be the hit version of it right there. back with my closing thoughts after this. after this. stay with us.
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swimming introduces kids to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy kid is a confident kid ♪ (music playing) at the start of our show you i said that our government is to protect our freedoms. itsy continue to update you on the most egregious examples. the curious case of justina that he will tearful she is the connecticut teenage here was essentially kidnapped by the massachusetts department of children and families then held hostage for over 15 months, denying her own parents to see her except with the government's
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supervision. they denied her medical treatment and prohibited her from participating in religious services. recently she turned 16 and she was able to have a birthday party with some of the friends that she had been denied seeing for over 15 months. the parents have continued to comply with all of the parts of the so-called reunification plan and hope that the court will release justina back to her family soon. it has been too long already. well, on friday liberty counsel, the legal team representing her family filed a motion requesting a juvenile court that justina be returned to her parents. liberty counsel said that massachusetts dcf has indicated it would not object to the motion. so if a judge so rules, justina could be home soon. until then, we ask you to keep the pressure on the commonwealth of massachusetts to free justina now. and we hope she'll be home soon.
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that's it for now. this is mike huckabee. stay tuned for justice with judge jeanine. hello. welcome to justice. before my open, breaking news tonight. after nearly five years as a captive of the taliban, u.s. army sergeant bowe bergdahl is free. jennifer has the details on the release. >> the president appeared alongside his parents. >> while bowe was gone, he was never forgotten. his parents thought about him and prayed for him every single day. as did his sister sky, who prayed for his safe return. he
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