tv Media Buzz FOX News June 1, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> guys, don't forget your p.s.a. test. >> that will do it for us. >> thank you for watching. >> on the "bud beater," the v.a. demanded eric shinseki being pushed out after it was confirmed of secret waiting lists at veteran's hospitals. >> the secretary of veteran's affairs did not have to wait long to learn his fate. >> the man at the top of the v.a. has paid with his job. there have been tough questions about kumbh mela festival and -- about spin spin for weeks. >> will news organizations move on on the question of veteran medical care? and jay carney calling it quits did the personal battles with
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reporters undermine effectiveness? >> hillary clinton leaks the book chapter on benghazi with "politico" so yes are she and the team so weary of the press that the spokesman seas there is no such thing as straight reporting anymore. >> brian williams with edward snowden in russia for a one-hour conversation with the fugitive from justice. >> are you look for clemency or amnesty? would you like to go home? >> there is no question i would like to go home from day win i said i was doing it to serve my country. >> is this a hard-hitting we interview or prime time infomercil? this is "media buzz." from the moment the veterans
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department came out, the focus was, would president obama dump the v.a. secretary eric shinseki? >> what you heard today was an invitation for resignation and he has done, by the weekend. >> my expectation is general shinseki will voluntary fall on the sword. >> it is a question of, what? what when shake shake -- when will eric shinseki go? >> with considerable regret i accepted eric shinseki resignation. >> will the media interest fade now? we are lauren ashburn and editor at large at "national review," and dana malbank from the "washington post" all here. >> did they leave president
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obama with no choice but to push shinseki out? >> i don't know if it was president obama. i will say that shinseki, a good man, didn't want to be a distraction -- give me a minute -- this is the official line. how long did it take president obama to finally lop off sebelius? >> the president was writing stories about obama's failure to show leadership in the scandal. >> there is a difference. obamacare was seen as partisan scandal and this is affecting everyone. >> i understand the need for the president to show leadership and making the change but why did the media focus obsessively on this one personnel move? >> it was strange.
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by universal consensus everyone understood this was essentially a prewritten kabuki theater, the guy has to fall on his sword and everyone had written the copy in advance and wanted to get to the beach so they kept the drumbeat going. it is unfair to shinseki. great american, great patriot, bad manager. they knew they had the problems. the leak team lied to him according to reports. there was the expectation, this is how the scandals unfold. >> you called for him to be pushed out in the "washington post" column? >> he responded to me personally. >> what has been accomplished other than the political appearances? >> i'm not sure anything. now we will go into the long question of, do we repair something that has been broken for decades and the likely antiis -- answer is no. >> the president made problems
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for himself the he said a week ago, if things are found wrong. this isn't a question of "if." it was clear. they dragged it out and looked like weak leaders. there was needless bloodletting. they could have taken care of it >> dana is right that somehow the white house had the standard if it was isolateed everything -- shinseki had the job but because it was systematic --. >> i think it is embarrass the way the beltway made it all. >> boat eric -- all about eric shinseki. >> without the personification, we have the head of eric shinseki gone and without the political flash point this is a bipartisan issue. it will fade into the back ground. >> narrative is easy, is the
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secretary gone or not? the more complicated issue and "new york times" had a good story about primary care doctor insurance in the v.a. system where 400 need to be hired it is more complicated to get into the hospitals and doctors and waiting lists. >> do we need 10,000 new doctors? what do we do with the we federal pay scale? do we move the pots of money around? that takes real digging even for opinion people to go through all of that information. it isizer to report on the top and what is happening. >> touched on this, i credit the "arizona republic" and cnn for breaking the story. if this problem has been going on for years and g.a.o. reports going back a decade, the press have not been all over it. >> no but if you go back and
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look you find there are a lot of stories in the interior pages of periodicals. this is so politically radioactive in congressional districts, the veterans are incredibly well organized and popular, there is no counter lobby to veterans in the united states which is why we let the v.a. get so bloated there was no one out there who wanted to take on the political task of angering the veterans lobby. usually there a lobby to counterbalance, and in this case there wasn't. because congress wanted more pound of flesh and we have elections coming up, it will stay in the news longer. >> two things are going on: first, the commission. the important business of government and getting it right will be buried late in the broadcast and multiple clicks down the website. some outlets, surely not this, will make this a political
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scandal and you saw a hint of that with speaker saying i don't care about shinseki i want to know about the president. >> you wrote, interestingly, unlike other stories which we could debate this is not a phony republican hype scandal. >> does it become a scandal of who destroyed papers or didn't rely to this subpoena, that is probably what will happen? >> is that boring? now is exciting because it is a political scandal. if we are honest we have to say, this is a long-standing problem. obama said in 2007 and 2008 he would do something. he didn't. that is his problem but it is not a political scandal in that sense, it is a failure of government. >> he shoveled more money into it, with funding up a lot recently and if you think that is the answer to the problems, great. there are more veterans who need to be treated. when you have a bureaucracy that gives away something for free by
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definition you are going to end up having rationing and bureaucratic problems. >> we will move on to hillary clinton. >> she is probably responsible for the v.a. problems when you get try down to it. >> we will move on to the congressional races. this will, by news standards, fade. >> you don't want that to happen? >> of course not. i want to hold the media's feet to the fire. i have an uncle a veteran, a family member serves in world war ii and is dependent on the v.a. and this story is important. >> good thing about coverage is that we are hearing the provides of veterans and their family members and putting a human face on this. this has been a gut wrenching scandal and i hope that doesn't fade. >> now another topic, we did not expect jake carney to announce his resignation and president obama saying the press secretary will be leaving soon. well look a few days ago on the
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v.a. scandal of carney and ed henry mixing it up. >> why do you tolerate it? >> ed, i don't ask how disappoint this but i will --. >> it is not me disappointing but veterans are waiting 115 days --. >> right and that --. >> nothing personal. >> i am sure jake carney was burned out after three years. did he quit because he reached a point where he could no longer be effective? >> the answer is "yes." that came when the benghazi e-mail was released of the white house shaping the talking point and he said it wasn't about benghazi and at that moment he was a dead man walking. >> every spokesman has to deny and deflect bad stories but how much did that and obamacare and v.a. and the battles of the
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president, how much did it erode his credibility? >> some of us did not think he had that much going on. >> why? >> a pet peeve is as you have written this administration has drafted enormous numbers of people from the mainstream media to work in the administration and i think it is interesting how the supposedly objective reporters how do they figure they would be incredibly effective left wing spinners and hacks for a democratic administration. >> they have the same con complaint with tony snow? >> he was an opinion journalist. but jake carney was a news guy and everyone guessed he would be incredibly effective spinner for a democratic administration. at the same time, i think it was a long time for jake carney and a long-term for us. something about his style that was grating the best boy at the front of the class style and i
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think that annoyed a lot people and the way he ended up, the highs and the spin he had to provide were what the administration wanted him to provide. >> he made few mistakes which is significant, but he spent the career time and i seem to remember it was an evolution where he was challenging reporters like ed henry and others' motivation like they were partisan in asking certain questions. >> he managed to piss off a lot of reporters resigning over allegations of extremely long wait times for white house press conferences. it is the case of the reformed smoker who is particularly pious about preaching to other smokers and that happened, no longer as a reporter he looked on the il almosts of his professional.
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i don't think a press secretary has had a lot of credibility, back to mike morning curry. >> and the new fellow is a well liked figure. we will read your tweets as we do each week, your tweets at the end of the 9 program. >> next, why is hillary clinton so distrustful of the press that the spokesman said there is no such thing as straight reporting ? care what age you are. take it on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day women's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. because we believe in building something... something to better someone.
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hillary clinton leaked 34 pages of her new book to "politico" hitting back on critics decrying the regrettable amount of misinformation, speculation and flatout deceit by some in politics and the media. "flatout deseat," who would that be? >> i am sure some of my closest friends. look, hillary clinton has an incredible gift as playing the media. when the last book came out show played the victim talking how hard it was to be married to bill clinton. >> don't think it was hard to be married to bill clinton? >> i am sure it is. but, at the same time, when the "washington post" wanted to ask about the really interesting and controversial things about politics and the role of the supreme court and other things, hillary clinton refused to talk about the political subjects in her own book. she wanted to stay in the
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crosshairs as a victim figure. she is doing something. the strategy through time in public life is to take the weakness and turn it to strength. benghazi is a huge weakness. she is not being honest and is trying to turn it into a strength saying people who do not agree with me, are disrespectful and it is disgusting. >> hillary clinton writes i will not be part of a political slug fest on the backs of dead americans but doesn't linking this chapter and other steps amount to a media counter offensive that is, you could say, a political offensive? >> no, it is a defensive and she essentially put up a shield and said, she is drawing this line in the sand and saying she will not document i don't know if she can condition doing that but it is a good effort. when you get dragged down into the rabbit hole, you never get out of it. i don't see --.
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>> is she justified? >> she is shrewd. it is a matter move. >> you don't find it disgusting? >> we are talking about a media strategy. i am sure we disagree on the merits of benghazi scandal but --. >> and her team are now involved in trying for get other democrat on the page because benghazi will be talk about in the book. lauren, why did show and her side decide to leak? >> to get it out of the way so she can drive the conversation and she isn't on the defensive. i am sure not back she will lay out reasons why she is going to need what she is going to do in the future. look at these magazine scars "spy" and "weekly standard," and "new republic." she needs to embrace that and engage.
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>> one point you are making is by leaking this, it become news and everyone talks about it and when it comes out she can say it is old news. >> she can talk about the points she will make in the book. >> your other point and why we showed the covers, hillary clinton has been talk about and kicked around and praised, and at odds with the press corps for 20 years she has been in public life and the new yorker officer say she has a bunker mentality. is that justified? >> of course. a lot of politicians and we definitely disagree on this, a lot of politicians ahead reporters and bill clinton aside. john mccain likes reporters. it is not supposed to be a good relationship. >> i don't think it marries whether politicians hate reporter those have to learn and i was criticized for this, to deal with negative press and deal with reporters. she has been, yes, tied to
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everything going back to the conspiracy theories of the death her friend foster as first lady. >> and being overweight. >> she get as lot of what people call sexist comments she has to learn how to deal with. i don't think they are sexist so much as they are issues that anyone who runs for president will have to deal w. >> some of this goes back to the tense relations hillary clinton had in the 2008 campaign and there was a lot -- her coverage, she was, her team, felt the press was tilting to president obama during the primaries. does it matter if the two sides get along any run for president? >> it helps. the press corps is like werewolves, they will beat on someone. >> there is a full moon each days right? >> with hillary clinton it goes back and you wrote about this at the "washington post" hillary clinton got her team of lawyers in the white house in the
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1990's to drum up a report to attack the reporting on whitewater. they have had the attitude that resolution is the enemy and i don't think at this point you can ask her to get rid of that. >> in this new yorker piece, hillary clinton's long time spokesman says following and we can put it on the screen there is no such thing as straight reporting it is about views, eyeballs and clicks and the clintons are good for business. with hillary clinton there is a premium on the sensational and colorful and that comes at the expense of accuracy. what do you make of that? >> i don't know if it is hillary clinton more than anyone but it is a fairly accurate diagnosis of the media, interested in what readers want to read about. president obama has disappointed the media because he is bland to cover. >> is that why we talk about hillary clinton? >> we are eager to move on to the next thing. talk about ted cruz or hillary
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clinton. >> chris christie. >> they are more interesting. i don't think it has anything to do with ideology or clinton personally. show is enjoying fairly good --. >> she is not an official candidate. but no such thing as straight reporting? >> come on, i disagree. there are straight stories. the ap there is a fire here this is how many died, these are the firefighters so, yes, there is straight reporting. >> thanks to all of you. ahead, how are the media covering the first lady in the battle over first lunches. what did brian williams get out of edward snowden?
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made quite a splash, an hour in prime time sitting down with brian williams a top-rated network anchor. >> in your mind, are you blameless? have you done, as you look at this, just a good thing? have you performed as you see it a public service? >> a lot people would say you have badly damaged your country. >> times to dot right thing you have to break a law. >> when nbc just aired snippets, john kerry denounced edward snowden on the sunday rounds. >> thank you is a dumb answer for a pretty smart guy, frankly. >> how did williams and nbc handle this? >> i have to say, joe, looking at the entire hour -- do you think it is tough? >> your perspective of edward snowden. if you think he is a hero you felt it was a wide-ranging interview that talked about what he did with nasa but showed his
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human side. if you think he is a a traitor u are begging brian williams not to treat a foul as a foreign concept when he said he was trained to be a c.i.a. operative, a spy, that deserves some follow-up or he said he was not in community with the russian government tax deserved a follow-up and he said most importantly he went to his bosses to complain the way they were doing business, can you show us e-mails that indicate that? the n.s.a. says it does not exist. it was five hours and it is not like there imtime restrains. it depends on your perspective. >> no, no, no, whether you love or hate edward snowden this is a rare opportunity to pin him down and brian williams, asked why was he in russia and was he breaking the law and would he come back, the follow-up is key because he let edward snowden go on and on and does not interrupt and would move on to the next question.
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>> brian williams is not mike wallace. this wasn't a grilling of the kind from "60 minutes." here is more of an entertainer first as we see on other shows. he doesn't do those often. >> that is harsh. he is great on "saturday night live," but he is a top rated network anchor. >> he is more on the human element than doing and grilling hard questions. the bottom line, nbc needed a win, this was a good "get," but as far as rating it was second in the time slop behind a "csi" finishing second to that. i am surprised it didn't rate higher. >> and the angle of nbc having o put this together and was on camera for part of it? greenwald had harsh words when
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he did an hour special on the one year anniversary on the killing of osama bin laden saying it was hate ogrophy and this is the role he plays, especially military actions, with self important voice but brian williams outdid himself. i think the criticism is way over the top but now they teammates. >> greenwald went to now and was part of this interview, as wealth, and it is ironic that greenwald intimidates nbc in general and "meet the press," he came back on attacking david gregory and they handed the interview off. greenwald is not a fan of nbc but he probably recommended to edward snowden to go to brian williams because, possibly, he saw it as being less harsh than mike wallace although he isn't around and numbers does not have an investigative unit anymore
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so, maybe brian williams was the only option. >> you could have an interest of with now at that left you go with the anchor. interesting to me that edward snowden tried to put off some of what he did on on the newspapers with the suggestion they shut vet but not publish anything that would damage national security. switching gears in the remaining minute, we talked about hillary clinton and the book last segment, her first cable news interview after she does the -- is with fox news. what do you make of the choice of fox as msnbc? >> that is the thing, msnbc must be saying what do we have to do to get love? in february president obama sits down with bill o'reilly and president obama chooses greta and bret baier. the only answer i could come up
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she is trying to sell books so if you want to go to a large audience, overall audience, three or four times the audience and maybe she is looking ahead to the general election knowing the msnbc audience is sewn up. >> joe, she is doing more than selling books, she is trying to reach voters. >> michelle obama picks a fight with republicans over school nutrition. megyn kelly has fun with morning joe. name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit... probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood
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from america's headquarters, sergeant bergdahl recuperating in germany. he will head to medical center in san antonio, texas, his parents held an emotional news conference, giving thanks to everyone who helped win their son's freedom saying they cannot wait to see him again. new information on the plane crash in massachusetts which killed all seven people on board. the ntsb says there was no distress call from the cockpit to the tower and the private jet want down last night during take off from an airfield near boston and burst into flames heading to atlantic city. among those kills was the co-owner of the philadelphia
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inquirer newspaper. i will see you at 7:00 p.m. eastern, 4:00 p.m. on the west coast live for fox report weekend. back to "media buzz." >> keep the tweets coming, contributing to jake carney is he was a one dimensional punch line. >> my shoal obama took on the republicans over a house bill to allow school lunch programs to opt out of mel nutrition standards for a year. >> we now are seeing efforts in congress to roll back the new standards and this is unacceptable. it is unacceptable to me not just as first lady but as a mother. >> her effort continues on the "new york times" op-ed page.
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we have a reporter from the "washington post" and post tv. michelle openly taking on the g.o.p. should that get more coverage? >> i thought it got a lot of coverage. michelle bite backs on school lunches, or you saw that it is a highly political issue because michelle obama is involved and in john because of the money that we are talking about when we talk about school lunches, all the companies that have been in charge of feeding our schoolchildren. >> i'm embarrassed to say our banner says michelle obama's food fight. >> the "washington post" put it on the back page and then did a front page quoting industry officials but it said that the press went soft on her must because she is first lady and maybe because childhood oh sweet a motherhood issue? >> when it comes to michelle
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obama the biggest part of the story is she did speak out and took on congress. she hasn't done this -- she does it rarely. that part of it was -- maybe that is why you saw softer coverage. >> but i would draw the opposite conclusion, a first lady who plays it safe and talk about military family and getting exercise. >> she is not alone there. >> if she is going to act more like hillary clinton and i am not comparing this to health care, but doesn't the press have a responsibility, then, not to criticize her and be more aggressive and treating her as an activists in the administration rather than just a popular fashion late first lady? >> two things. there was coverage o the fact that schools were saying they could not afford it and the coverage of the other side was well done i thought in certain outlets particularly the "washington post" but a lot of first ladies have to walk this line and it is difficult because you are either a housewife or a
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policymaker. what are you? you are not elected official but someone who had a job before. was your own individual person. this is something she put her name behind. being a first lady a difficult position to be in because where do you fall? >> a reason she is most popular is because he is not down in the legislative trenches on bills until this which is interesting because you wonder if it has a chance of going anywhere. do you think it could have influenced the coverage because it is not like the senate will adopt this tomorrow? >> i don't think this waiver the republicans have put in the bill will make it into the final bill. it sets up an interesting battle between the house of representatives and the senate because the senate will try to strip it out because if the white house doesn't like the senate will not take it. >> do you agree or disagree if this is the new my shoal obama she is going to be a little bit
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politically active taking on the g.o.p. at times on her issues, of course, and the press needs to no longer just cover her as a feature feed but a player so that means covering the critics? >> as she goes more hillary clinton--esque we will see that but this is the first time she is taking that stand. we will see if it extended more. >> another reason to cover her she is just really interesting. >> exactly. >> thanks, jackie, kucinich. >> and a new york only buds opposite -- ombudsman rips a review. e, and you're talking to your rheumatologist
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legal consequences. someone gets to decide and that person cannot be greenwald. >> government should decide? nature the guardian? kinsley came out about covering government incrimination and deciding when to publish. margaret has come out loudly on in, but news organizations have a good track record of holding back information that would, in fact, harm national security. he says he not claiming if the paper should defer to the government but the lack of faith in downism is pretty troubling. in our press picks, this is way over the line. any journalist can post something dumb on twitter. but look what we heard from the msnbc commentator responding to a tweet that said "my family survived a concentration camp and came to the united states with nothing legally and made it work." his comment?
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the power of whiteness. really? the power of whiteness? you are trying to score a racial point about those who survived a concentration camp? i used a shorthand that was insensitive and wrong and i am very sorry, he says, and will make sure this doesn't happen again. >> hope that is the case. >> next, megyn kelly takes on joe scarborough and a reporter takes on someone who gets physical with her. featuring your all time favorite creamy chicken alfredo and seductive shrimp mezzaluna. it's our most inspired 2 for $25 ever. at olive garden. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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each day a reporters asking a public official for comment but we got an unexpected response. >> the mayor of richland heights ohio was approached, and the mayor didn't like it one bit. >> were you aware --. >> i don't have to answer that. >> excuse me, ma'am. do not attack me. i want to ask you --. >> sarah, it is not there. >> i'm sorry. i am letting you know i do not give you permission to take my picture. >> you don't have to give me permission. >> go, sarah. go sarah. that was fabulous. it didn't just end there. she went after her and continues to ask about her assistant would had attempted forgery charges against her and she did not let up. >> mayor looked arrogant and unfamiliar with the notion of press freedom. >> how does she not know she has the right to take a picture. >> i will tell them you did not schedule this.
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>> an interesting confrontation. >> fabulous, fabulous job. the only thing that is a problem is the photographer didn't get a picture of sarah, that and what i wanted to see. i am giving this is a complete ten. >> i give it a 9 for hanging in there. your turn? >> not of i day an msnbc host ventures on fox news and puts up with hazing. >> megyn kelly was happy to take on the role as co-host. >> do you want to be in the white house? >> negotiation i'm happy where i am right here, this is a great studio. >> isn't this nice? >> beautiful, isn't it? >> is, the thing is, again --. >> there is still a blond woman on the set interrupting you. >> whether it is 6:00 in the morning or 9:00 at night, come on. >> only? only if you snap your fingers you would have eight fingers rather than ten. >> you did your research, didn't
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you? you take my low point over the past five years and, boom, boom. i will be ready for you tomorrow morning. >> now, what do you think? i think you need to watch those fingers and i take the position of the fox feisty female, megyn kelly rocks. >> some say she ripped him. >> she didn't, she was tweeting him. >> megyn got it in early saying he has four viewers and said, well, maybe he has five. he kept filibustering. >> he snows how to stretch out the segment. >> i give a9. >> she didn't get him to confess that he was running so i give it an 8. good segment. >> still to come, your best tweets and a newspaper that sunk to the bottom by running a picture of kate middleton's
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has fired up americans on both sides," rather she thinks it will condition. on jay carney stepping down, they all say a lot without saying anything but humor can cover a multitude of sins and he had neither. >> and another says tough because he was on the other side of the questions but he does a good job under difficult circumstances. thank you job is 24/7. you have to monitor the news at all times. that is tiring. >> you are trying to work for 9 president and keep the we press corps happy. >> an australian newspaper you public accomplished a foe tough the kate middleton's bare bottom >> the "daily telegraph," said why should we stick to old
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fashioned etiquette when she did not do this herself? >> remember the royals said they needed a herm weight. you put a weight as the bottom of the hem so it doesn't happen. fleet street wants to run everything and good for them, what does this do to covering the monarchy? it didn't show you anything about how they operate. >> "bottom line," but i have to say this is pa note -- pathetic and understand why the royals hate the press. >> we hope you like our facebook page. we post videos and comment on your comments and you can check out our home page and read our
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columns and videos. we back here next sunday morning at 11 and again at 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. hillary clinton launch as new book and a possible campaign for president. >> people want a good job. they want a decent living for themselves and their families. they want to live in peace and security. >> focusing on years as secretary of state she talked about president obama and the benghazi scandal and her political future. we will discuss all of this with the republican national committee chair and senator who has endorsed her for 2016. >> embattled veterans affair secretary eric shinseki
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