tv The Five FOX News June 6, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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you don't get it? >> demand it! this it is a fox news alert. fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen has learned that army sergeant bow bergdahl converted to islam and even considered himself a, quote, warrior to islam according to secret documents. we'll have much more in the next hour but let's discuss these shocking new developments here on "the five." eric, these documents showed that he converted to islam, he considered himself a muj ja deed. he also said he was keptd in a cage while he was part of this camp run by the high kahney network. does this significantly change
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the game because it confirms what his fellow soldiers have been saying that the white house has been trying to dispute? >> here's what came out since we were here. new york times reported that bergdahl on two separate occasions walked off from the base that he was at, one time in california, one time in afghanistan. prior to the time that he allegedly walked off and was captured or whatever happened with the taliban. as you point out, he converted to islam. he declared himself a warrior for islam while he was in captivity. add that to the e-mail to the parents, to the journal he left behind and what you end up with, the same facts with one extra fact that the obama administration despite their victory dance in the end zone, way soon. i understand you want him back, he's an american. but before you parade the parents out and do your rose garden thing, you better make sure who the guy you're saving really is. >> dana, according to this report that james rosen has
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filed, bergdahl was the subject of a quote major classified file prepared by the u.s. intelligence community and that they had been monitoring him for years. so it is again impossible to think that somehow the white house didn't know if our intelligence community was preparing this massive file that showed in fact he had tied to this haqqani group. >> again, not illegitimate questions. reasonable questions trying to get answers from the administration. the question about james rosen's report is, that what if he was made to convert by the haqqani network? perhaps he was willing to be converted but perhaps he was under it duress. if he escapes and gets recaptured, they put him in a metal cage for days. that may explain the seemingly -- they had some confidence that there was something yet to come out that would make americans feel more sympathetic towards him.
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i think this also raises yet another question. i've been praising the army for the care and feeding of the family of bergdahl and for his rescue and handoff. but i think that if this is true, was the intel community not communicating directly with the defense department in it telling them they had a problem within their ranks? we know that the platoon members were telling their higherups they thought there was a problem there. so why is bergdahl not removed from the theater earlier and given an honorable or dishonorable discharge? i think that is a reasonable question to ask. >> this doesn't make sense, greg. the state department's spokeswoman came out and said, we're still trying to find out the fact. yesterday she said with certitude, these aren't the facts, when the reporter asked about what his foal low soldiers were saying? doesn't it seem more and more the white house had the facts and were trying to suppress the story. there are reports they were
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trying to suppress the associated president and "new york times" from mentioning bergdahl. is it harder and harder to believe this was a problem? >> this is the consequence of political urgency. they wanted this thing done. i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't read half of this stuff. i don't see how converting to islam is a bad thing. not to do so would be iz laum fo owe phobic. you're there. it could be stockholm syndrome where you become enamored by your captors. it seems like his dad has become similar thet oik as well. this is a mess. you can't condemn this poor guy for what he's gone through, and you can't be sure if he was vulnerable or if sought this out. but like eric says, howpoá!ply rolled out this exchange was, it's like we gave five mercedes for a slinky. president obama could have
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acknowledged all of this stuff, all of this complexity and said, despite the fact this guy could be a criminal, he cob bad, we need him because he has a wealth of information and he could be dangerous. he may be a risk. he's not a hero. but we need him. that's all he had to say. by the way, this guy is still a sergeant. >> here's what i don't understand, wa juan. if they knew there were issues with bergdahl, wouldn't it make more sense for white house to say, as part of this prisoner swap, we need to get him back because we believe he could be collaborating with them, giving him intelligence? we've got to get him back on our side and court-martial him? then the white house wouldn't have to go against the military. they could say, look, this was a national security threat. that's why we got him back. not give us lame excuse bz his health and all this other stuff. mixed facts we've been hearing. >> first of all, i think everybody knew the background on bergdahl. "rollingstone "had written about
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it. i don't think secret about bergdahl not being fully committed and in fact there was information about the fact that the platoon he was in had tremendous discordant issues. people not getting along, poor quality leadership. there was a very unfortunate tweet out of the white house today saying that some of those it guys were going after bergdahl. i thought that was really wrong. listen, they can say what they want to say, but the fact is people knew the issues. but i think andrea the key answer to your point is it's separate from whether or not you go back as commander in chief and get someone of your own country, your military soldier and get him back from the eep mee. >> but if that were interest true, juan, president obama would not leave sergeant taum reesy in it mexico. >> we're fighting a war. >> but the president says we're not it fighting a war against --
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>> you may know more than i do, greg. >> you can't cherry pick when you leave men behind and when you don't. >> we're in a war. that man was sent there to fight an enemy, to risk his life and die. but let me just say one more thing. i think when the president said this so well today, he showed compassion to a family that sent their child overseas to fight a war for the united states. he has not had the opportunity -- when kids come back in wooden boxes, he writes a letter but he doesn't have the opportunity to say to them, listen, we understand the sacrifice your family made. he did for this man. >> juan, so if you're write and the administration, president obama read the 2012 "rolling stone" article and realized this guy may have been a about bad guy, was it advisable for susan rice to go out and say he served honorably and distinction? >> i don't know about with distinction but clearly that's a judgment made by the military. even the military as i understand promoted him to sergeant. >> but there's a reason for
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that. in 2009 and in 2010, the pept gone issued two separate reports saying that -- questioning whether or not he was honorablee then he was, absent -- they didn't describe him as awol or a deserter because they hadn't talked to him. the reason he's promoted to sergeant isn't because he had any particular distinction. it's time served. it's like a clock ticks over. >> my point to you, dana, is if in fact there was a sense this man had behaved dishonorably, et cetera, et cetera, you don't have to do anything. we honor fact that he is being helds a prisoner. >> i don't want to give the impression that he got a promotion based on merits. it was based on time served. >> if they're putting me in a cage for five years -- >> that's not why he was. they didn't know that. >> i know that. but this a horrible situation. >> and i don't think it the cage fact really matters. because if it's true, according to the time that obama had been negotiating to get him out, for
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years, this prisoner release, he wanted to get rid of these prisoners, of course the taliban will keep their golden ticket in a cage, whether he's part of their warrior of islam or not. >> what i saw in this morning's papers was one of the fears the administration has was they were going to kill him. they felt his value was decreasing to the taliban. >> juan, why did that come out today five days later. >> they have to go back to the hill and have the secret briefing that -- >> don't you really think that we're kind of making -- they're kind of making this up as they go along, let's just say taliban threatened to kill him if we leaked this information. they had five days to do this. it this came down on saturday. thursday now, almost six days to say, we had to do this because there was a threat that he was going to be killed. >> hang on. the president doubling down today, not second-guessing riz decision on bergdahl. doubling down at a press
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conference today. take a listen. >> we had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated, and we were deeply concerned about it and we saw an opportunity and we seized it. and i making no apologies for it that. >> greg, no apologies for this it decision. >> he's not going to apologize to us. he only apologizes to our enemies. we'll be right back. they said it was a health issue. in it fact, we kbt tell if he has internal issues, mentally ill. physically he looked better than me. he could -- >> that ain't saying much. >> he could write a book, the taliban's guide to six-packing abs. we don't know. he could be in serious health problems. but remember john mccain was in -- i mean, he was in bad shape and he stayed there when he could have gotten out. i don't know. i don't know what you can say. is he in bad health? i don't know. what is president obama going to say. that's what he's going to say.
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>> what did mccain say today? mccain said today that the poor man was in it isolation. and john mccain who was with other people says i won't even talk about the kind of psychological -- >> what else did john mccain say? he said in the interview that, yes, he would want bergdahl to get back, wanted him to be rescued, would have been willing to do some sort of a swap but he didn't know the details so the details matter to members of congress, including senator john mccain. >> everybody. >> then he said today, if he would have known it was these five taliban being released he would have agreed with clapper, panetta and all the rest of the intelligence community that said, we absolutely do it not have confidence they would not return to the battlefield and kill more americans. for the full picture. it's more complex. >> i don't think you can make a judgment on the guy's health from looking at that. you don't know what's going on in his head and what's happened internally. he could have god know whaz. >> you know what you can do, though. you can change the dialogue,
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debate. it was health issues, we have to hurry up. we compared it a video of two yoirs ago, it looks like his health was failing. that was the debate, why they had to go now. >> it was politically expedient. >> among tables, on tv, he says, well, he p wasn't in such bad shape. couldn't they have waited and all of a sudden it becomes, oh, i forgot to it tell you, taliban said if they don't release him they're going to kill him. >> which is a health problem. you do die. when somebody is going to kill you it's a health problem. >> but president obama has wanted to release these gitmo detainees for years. >> they're some of the hardest ones to get rid of. >> he's been trying to release them and close gitmo even before he was captured. can i play this for you? juan, you mentioned the koids.
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the president used 6 wording at the press conference when he referred to bergdahl as just a kid. >> i am responsible noefor thos kids. and i get letters from parents who say, if you are in fact sending my child into war, make sure that child is being taken care of. i write too many letters to folks who unfortunately don't see their children again after fighting a war. this is somebody's child. and we don't condition whether or not we make the effort to try to get them back. >> i don't like the use of the word "kids" either. i gave bob a hard time about it the other day because at the age of 18 at some point we have to get over this it delayed adolescence. 18, if you decide to find for your country or smoke weed in colorado or whatever you get to do now, vote, those are actions that he was a man of conscious. he made decisions.
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i do think in some ways president obama's team might say, well, we used to say bring our boys home. what's the difference between boys and kids. i think we understand the distinction. but i also think when i hear president obama talking about bergdahl as a kid and all of this compassion for the bergdahl family, i can understand that. but what i do not understand and even though i'm sure he feels it, but they are not expressing it, it's the compassion for the feels of the soldiers who soeved alongside bergdahl and go on patrol and lose 6 possibly 14 member fz that platoon in reconnaissance missions looking for bergdahl. there's compassion that needs to be shown to those families as well. >> there's compassion. >> has president obama addressed them at all? >> i'm going to say a child because one of my boys -- i have children in their 20s and 30s, and if -- >> isn't that what i just sewai?
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i'm not talking about your children and i didn't criticize obama for using the word "kid." i do think, though, when there are other people's children who fought alongside bergdahl and tried to save him and lost their lives or were wounded deserve some compassion as well. >> i wouldn't doubt they would get compassion. in the case of death i know they get compassion and a letter from the president of the united states. >> can i throw this out there. it looks like today greg the white house is considering releasing another terrorist from gitmo, ted cruz is trying to prevent this from happening. >> closing gitmo is part of obama's legacy. he admits there's a risk involved. where do you put those fellas? harry reid is strongly supportive of releasing gitmo. do it in his region. you get beheaded instead of bedded. >> i thought you were going to
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the nuke cloclear dump. directly ahead, a white house official issues stunning remarks about bergdahl's platoon members who have been critical of the circumstances the night he vanished. we have breaking deit tails on that. later, president ronald reagan remembered ten years after his death. that's coming up on "the five."
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from his blindness, they went after soldiers. brandon freeman tweeted this about bergdahl's fellow froops. here's the thing about bergdahl. what if his platoon was long on psychopaths and short on leadership? see, bowe left because his comrades were murderous feepds. it's not him. it's them. bowe would be the hero in a movie. but brandon realized he offended service people. should he have? he just said many in the administration what they it thought. war movies, they always embraigs that recurring cliche the gung ho military head case. i feel for brandon as a loyal guy ohm trying to help a clueless obama from the bone headed move in it the rose
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garden and save some legacy. that was the real mistake, obama's grandstand it in the garden. you can't paint a turd purple and tell america it's eggplant. as always, the lesson twitter. why do you go on twitter? you work for the government. nothing good comes from it. >> right. also, it's very difficult to separate maybe what you said in private or at a bar than what you would say as an official. he works at the department of housing and urban department. i can understand that he he he's a political appointee that wants to support the president but if you want to make sure you don't add to the white house's problems the best thing you can do is probably keep your tweets to yourself. >> this guy is a deck ratted war veteran which i think surprised a lot of people he would tweet this. maybe he has experience in dealing with some unusual people in the battle field. but should he have done this? >> it shows they don't have
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their messaging pretty tight. i don't know many people in the bush administration that -- >> we didn't have twitter. >> would making blanket statements about things they shouldn't weigh in on. they bungled this from the beginning. i'm going to say this again. i gets their calculus is it's okay to go fight against the fellow comrades and question their patriotism and anyone's patriotism on this it decision when from eliminathe get-go, th shouldn't have done the rose garden ceremony or a sunday show. it should have been a brief statement, we got him back because of national security trz. we thought he could be collaborating with the taliban and put a rest to it. even if greg the real motive, which it is, is to grows gitmo and endz-b0ñ the war in afghani be, at least make it look like you're not going against his fellow soldiers. this white house doesn't care if they're going against military members. they have no respect for anyone in the military except for a
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very confirmed deserter, multiple. >> you know, it's just -- i think you'd have a better case if you said to me, juan, thb president has made a big show of loving the military at every turn,done everything -- >> how so? i would never say something like that because it's not true. >> oh, it is true. the president has made -- i think people on this show have questioned whether it's sincere. >> he's cut benefits at the department of defense. he's drawn down the military. there's a sergeant in the marines -- you said we're at war? that jailed marines served two tors in afghanistan. >> he's in mx co- >> does it matter which country they're in? >> we're not in war with mexico. >> are we, juan? >> no, we're not. i couldn't agree more. i think it's out of line for it that man to have tweeted that message and i think it's out of line for the white house to be saying that somehow these soldiers are swift boating derg baderg bergdahl. those soldiers were on the ground. they were there. they have a story to tell.
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i think it's offensive when i see people making and the president said this a political football out of this issue. >> but he asked for it. >> no, he didn't. >> yes, he did. you don't have a rose garden ceremony and not expect press. >> the right winging bloggers were calling for obama to get bergdahl, get our man back. what are they saying today? other soldier, obama didn't know he was this. obama didn't know. they have every other reason to go after obama. it looks like you're playing a political football game. >> what do you think, eric? is he making a point? >> juan? no. he talk as lot, but no point. just let me make this one quick point. we're going to move on to the bergdahl story, but one thing before we go a taliban commander told "time "magazine that they were excited to kidnap more americans because then they can can trade for more gitmo detainees. that's something we said on this show on monday afternoon, that it this would be one of the
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fallouts for this horrible trade. and guess what they're saying it. >> the taliban watches "the five "? >> i hope now. >> maybe they get it at gitmo. maybe the other detainees send it back to the taliban. hear what the five just said? >> straight from the goat's mouth. obama could salvage it by come back and thank the taliban five who were released for all of that great information we got to fight terror. those guys' heads would be on a stick by tomorrow. >> full of good ideas. >> no. i stole that one. from a viewer. thank you. up next on "the five," what do justin bieber, president obama and pump ping iron and soccer have in common? all coming up after the break.
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seven minutes in cable. first up, a few tedays after a video of a 15-year-old justin bieber using a letter "n." another features the biebs dropping "n" bombs all over the place. ♪ one less lonely [ bleep ] ♪ one less lonely [ bleep ] by the way, bieber said he was sorry. >> big misunderstanding. he was saying neighbor. how fitting he is being blackmailed for denigrating black males. he's really stupid. you know what happens when you demonize a word justifiably this word is demonized.
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it its risk creates allure especially among adolescents. because we say cigarettes are bad, a 13-year-old will smoke them. by saying this word is bad, he knew it was bad, that's why he says it over and over again. you know there's more stuff out there. you know it. it will all come out. >> this is when he was 14 years old. there was one when he was 15. greg's probably right, who knows -- there's a lot of time. he ae's 20 now. >> and he's not it getting a pass from the press. the press is beating up on him especially the entertainment press. you know why he will survive this? because his fan base is a bunch of naive little girls who don't care what he does. they'll still support him. >> i am not a naive little girl. >> i say something critical of him i got the nastiest tweets, i thought they were coming from gutfeld. >> that was me. >> but he'll survive. >> i'm bieber forever. >> i really don't know what the rest of -- there's different
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connotations or ways of saying that word, am i correct? in hip-hop at times. >> you go to juan. >> here's my question. is there any slack to cut bieber? >> zero. it's offensive. and it's hurtful. but you know what? the odd part of this is his mentdor is usher i believe. he brought him on -- >> did he? because his career is (zq him slack.t cut i'm thinking to myself, it is such a corrupt culture, that hip-hop thing. >> but blacks do the same thing. >> i'm tell willing you i just get upset personally that the black kids have the same issue that greg was talking about. there's some kind of allure to this word and they're ga going to be defiant and reclaim this. that is nonsense, illegitimate. the word is out there and it's become very much owe ka raunt with the hip crowd. >> you should hear me walking up and down the street.
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>> you are disgusting. you're like a mini donald sterling. any more thought snz. >> i was going to say, na was his demo tape, i'm surprised he ever got a deal. moving on, the united states requires heavy lifting at times. other day in poland wasn't one of those times. >> five pounds max, ang. >> which is what i use. we have a similar workout routine. he also -- he has great form. i think he has better form than i do. i wonder what he's really lipping to. maybe a little "eye of the tiger." i think they may have leaked this themselves. this makes him look pretty -- i don't know. >> what?
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fit? >> i think they think it makes him look fit. >> dana? >> low weights, high reps. he's a picture of health. >> he is. >> i just don't know -- who put the music to that video? >> greg gutfeld? >> i think this is beautiful. i'm more worried when he's not in the gym. i want him to work out constantly, train for ultra marath marathons, i'll treat him at six weeks he'll have abs like an ab i cuss. i don't want him doing anything but working out because that means there's less problems for us. >> juan, if this is your workout tape, would you leak it? >> no, i wouldn't leak it. i'm amused by it. but i saw that "the washington post" asked a professional trainer who said, oh, the only problem is his form, to pick up on your point. >> it's not bad. trainers always said that. >> that lokz like five pounds. >> you're a real athlete. shall we move on to baseball
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is america's pastime, soccer, no strategy, no hitting, almost no scoring. mcdonald's had to go aboard to sfaind fooind a star for their new ad. greg has a strong moral point to make. >> soccer is a metaphor for the world. see, the world is soccer. america is football. we do everything bigger, better, scarier and create sophisticated padding and equipment to preserve its brutality. it's why we win. soccer, it's settled with
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penalty shots. it's kick ball without strategy. >> is america so much better because we have a white house now focused on concussions in football snf? >> i didn't think that much into this. >> i love soccer and i we have to understand in america it's -- this is the biggest thing going around the world. >> so is e. coli. >> you know, dana, the survey we based this thing on, only 2% of americans call soccer their favorite sport. 2%. i think it only beats bowling and -- >> i have a confession. i have to admit it's fun to watch with the volume off. secretly on a saturday i'll put on a game because the men are so gorgeous. i'll just watch them run up an down the field. however, there's a reason they get so drunk and trample each other. it's very boring. >> it reminds me of the basketball ad, the mcdonald's ad with jordan and bird? i find it entertainment.
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i'm not sure what that song was. is the american dream out of reach? according to a new poll, the answer is yes. as they struggle to find jobs, young adults are the most likely to feel hopeless, 63% say a shot of success is unattainable. according to historian victor hansen we're not teaching kids how to succeed in college.
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in the national review he writes quote colleges that were once our most enlightened and tolerant institutions became america's dinosaurs. juan, i wanted to talk to you about this because you're an education expert. there's changing economy, changing demographics. from your observation, do you think our colleges and universities are underserving america's family but overcharging them at the same time? >> definitely overcharging. i'm particularly worried about what's going on with low income kids. a lot of these colleges that -- it community colleges and like, they take a kid that's up prepared and put them in remedial training and the kid thinks, i can become a mechanic or nurse. turns out they can't do that. then they drop ouxt they've got the debt. some of these kids have tremendous and don't get the end result. that was too serious an answer. apologize. >> we can do serious here. we can eric, why do you think -- 63% of people say you can't even
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reach the american dream anymore. i don't think that's true. i think i'm in the minority. >> these are kids coming out of college with massive debt and they see the unemployment rate among new england people approaching 10%. if you're african-american it's approaching 17%. it's grim prospects out there. didn't we just report another number, if you're 18 to 35 years old, 1 in it 4 of you -- >> 33% of them are living at home. >> for all of the numbers they put out saying the economy is getting better, if you ask people looking for jobs, especially at the lower end of the entry level, it's tough pickings right now. >> andrea, what do you think is going to happen? do you think there will be some sort of creative disruption that changes the education model? >> no, not at all. i think republicans would be start smart to hold hearings on the cost of college division and haul some of the university presidents up to ask why they're charging so much for classes
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that aren't even beneficial. are colleges teaching kids how to succeed? no. they're also not being taught how to fail. kids aren't being taught it's okay to fail and you learn more from the failures because they're so guarded and protected. they're also teaching them that success comes without working hard, this entitlement society. i deserve health care, i deserve a car, a house, irrespective if i can afford it. that elizabeth warren anger that, you deserve everything. if you can't get it yourself, the government will give it to you. >> what about the recession? don't you think they got a batd deal? >> i think it's complex and there's a lot of -- >> that didn't help. >> did you ever think of opening your own college? >> i did in my basement, but the police shut it down. a heating issue. cnn is doing a special on the 1960s this week bringing total number of specials on the 1960s to 14 million. if you linked all of the specials on the 1960s together, it would actually be longer than the 1960s.
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so when you obsess over a time that denigrated traditional success, don't be surprised if you create generations that fail. men fought wars, built bridges, so today's men could masturbate to porn, vegetate in front of video games and ban speech on campus. woe didn't deserve their service. coming up, oscar winning actor morgan freeman weighs in. his answer may surprise you, next on "the five."
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i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters
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income equality saying it has nothing to do with race. the oscar winner sicites himsel as living proof. >> do you think race plays a part in wealth distribution. >> today? >> yes. >> no. no, i don't. you and i, we're proof. why would race have anything to do with it? stick your mind to what you dant want to do and go for it. it's kind of like religion to me. it's a good excuse but not getting there. >> andrea? >> degree? disagree? >> oh, i agree. i think he's making a very honest, true statement. it doesn't matter, especially in this country. that's -- that is the greatest thing about this country. you can be from any other country, you don't have to speak the language, you can can overcome the barriers and achieve great success. i'm happy he's being so honest about it. i don't really buy into that whole income inequality argument. >> i happen to agree with you.
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i mean, i think that's why immigrants continue to flock here and i think the idea that you would say to your children, you can't make it in america, that's condemning your own child and i think morgan freeman is to being honored and celebrated for saying that. on the other hand, you look at incam inequality, you say you don't believe it exists. it does exist. there's a huge gap between white and black. >> i don't think it's a huge problem. >> well, it is a problem if you see whites having so much more wealth than blacks and that has -- >> you have one on one side of the street, one on the other side, why is that a problem? why do we have to fix it so everyone is the same like cuba? manufacture not t . >> not the same. >> so everybody is equally miserable. >> so income inequality, it's not racial. it's income level. income inequality in a free market is a great thing. it means the highering of the income spectrum is pulling up
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the bottom end. >> but it ain't pulling. >> it is, juan. >> it's like this. it's getting wider. >> wider on the way up. >> i think in theory it's true but in reality, we have to look at graduation rates, marriage rates which are 25% only, and then you look at the unemployment number. >> gregory. >> what morgan freeman said, i consider what you call these moral vitamins. you need to hear at least once a day or a jaded populist needs to be reminded that it's not wiping but work to get to where you are. he didn't just become morgan freeman the voice of god. he was in electric company, he worked up the ladder. >> morgan freeman, you got it. one more thing coming right at
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time for one more thing. eric bolling. >> every time there's a scandal, look at the line for benghazi. >> the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk who decided to go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> so now we have a bigger scandal in it bergdahl. take a look at harry reid. >> you're the only one who got a heads-up the day before. >> i'm not sure i'm the only one. made a big deal over nothing. the whole deal is, is it friday or saturday? what dinfference does it make? >> bad choice of words. >> it works for us. >> juan? >> so the theme of our show tonight, soccer. and guess what we have a great
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video because peru and england squared off in a match but they weren't the key attraction. it was a paper airplane. watch this. >> most exciting thing ever in soccer. >> it makes it all the way to the field and hits one of the opposing players in the head. is that great? >> and he fell down and cried. >> no. he fell down and died and they were defeated. greg, we they were defeated. >> dana? >> today is the tenth anniversary of former president ronald reagan's death. he was the 40th president. he also gave that wonderful remembrance at d-day. people gathered today in california and there was a rare appearance by former first lady nancy reagan at the event as well. our friend peggy noonan was
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there, howard baker spoke. quite an amazing day. we celebrate his life as well. >> very nice. greg? >> i just want to show this picture that aired earlier on the show. that's my mother. that wasn't what the picturing was. let's talk about my mother. i want to thank everybody who sent me cards regarding my mother's passing. i read every single card. believe that i did. ñone, every message. they meant a lot. so thank you. >> and quickly, cob grat laigss to our makeup artist, one of our very talented one, shawna morgan got married in france earlier today. she's beautiful. we miss you.
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>> it is friday june 6th. a fox news alert. bowe bergdahl declared jihad and converted to islam while in captivity. what else the secret documents reveal that you will only see on fox. >> so strong a big rig is turned in thrown no a house and tossed heading ke toys. next. >> remembering the day america saved the world. a look at normandy, france, where the 70th anniversary of d-day is. "fox & friends first" starts right
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